Yet another bestiality story - Because I ran out of titles

Story by TheLionWriter on SoFurry

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A human man have sex with a feral lioness.

In brief you can find here:Main story:

  • Bestiality (vaginal and oral sex with a feral lioness... mostly oral.)Alternate Ending 1

  • Penectomy (biting of genitals from a human)Alternate Ending 2

  • Death (of a human man)

  • Devouring body parts /organs (of a human)

Bud you don't have to read of the alternate endings so I will keep this story as a Bestiality Story. Have a nice fapping!

I was with my cousin Frank in Africa. He invited me because he knew how much I loved big cats and he kept a few one just for fun. He was rich and he also loved lions. So he bought some land (big as a small country) build shelters and a little castle in the middle of nowhere.

"Amazing! When will I see the lionesses?" I was super-excited because I was able to see lions only in the Zoo or TV not up-close. Of course I was a little afraid too but my excitement overruled the fear.

"Soon Tim. Don't be so inpatient." He reassured me but it was useless.

First I unpacked my bag in a room big enough for twenty family at least, then I changed my cloths. Frank told me I could be a little dirty. I didn't understand but I pulled up a shabby short and a white t-shirt. I kept my boots, they were tall trekking boots. I grabbed my camera just in case I have to make pictures then went out. There I found a butler who asked me to follow.

The strange butler led me outside where I spotted cages everywhere. First I saw only zebras, gnus a few hyena then finally we arrived to the lion's den. There was Frank with another two men. One of them had a long stick with a loop, the other had a bucked filled with meat.

"Ok Tim, this is the moment when I introduce you to Anna." He waved his hand to the only lioness in the cage. She was young and healthy, with a long, straight scar on her face.

"She is beautiful." I went to the fence and pushed my face to it just be a little closer.

"And what is the most important: she is tame enough to meet with you."


"You can touch her if she let you. Probably she will, but in case of any problem the guys will help us." He explained. My heart started to beat faster and faster. The thought of me and a lioness without the face was exciting.

Frank opened the door and stepped inside. Anna the lioness quickly jumped to him and rubbed his chest with her face, she even licked his arm. It was like they knew each other for a long time.

"I saved her from hunters a few years ago. She got that scar from a brush cutter when she bit her attackers. I healed her and cared her till she fully recovered. Now she likes me a lot." He told me the little background story while he caressed her body everywhere.

"Will she let me close to her?" I hesitated in front of the opened door.

"I hope. She used to attack strangers but if I lead you maybe she will understand, you are a friend." He shrugged what was everything but reassuring. I loved lions but I wasn't ready to be eaten alive by one. It was too extreme for me.

"You hope?" I expressed my doubts about the idea.

"Don't worry!" He said but he was a friend of the lioness already. "If she accepts you I will go out with you for a little safari." He smiled and pushed away Anna gently.

"And if she don't?" I asked but only got a shrug again.

As we approached the laying Anna I thought I will become a lion food, she will tear me apart and eat me without remorse. Fortunately she seemed calm and curious. Frank was with me and he was one step ahead just in case. But Anna didn't attack, just stood up, shook herself then went straight to Frank for a rub. Then Frank grab my hand and show it to her. She sniffed, went to me.

"Don't do any sudden move." Frank warned me but I was shaking. She sniffed my shirt and my boots then rubbed her head to my hips. I looked at Frank for interpretation.

"Good, she accepted you as the new member of the pack."

"Can I touch her?" I asked

"Yes just be careful." He waved towards her so I slowly touched her back and started to caress. The feeling was amazing, the coarse fur, the scent of musk and the heat of her body intoxicated me. She kept rubbing her head to me or Frank while we smiled.

The night had come quicker than I thought and Frank ordered me back to my room. But I was not tired, I was till under the influence of the events. We played for hours, Frank showed me how to play football with Anna, and then we went to swim in the lake he made for the animals. It was funny because she enjoyed the water more than I imagined. Meanwhile we talked with each other about many things. The strangest was when he mentioned, it was just a dropped indication, she slept with him and he was naked. When I asked if she was good in the bed or just like any women he laughed, but didn't say anything to disprove. So I thought maybe he had sex with her. Anna was kind with me and this encouraged me to test her. When Frank turned away for a moment I touched her back there. She didn't mind so I put my index finger inside a little. Just with the first section but she didn't drive me away just raised her tail and waited for more. Frank turned to us and I pretended I just caressed her tail.

So I was alone in my bed but I didn't undressed. I was about to sneak out and had a short visit to Anna. I was sure she will let experimenting a little more and if I was lucky I will have sex with her. Strange but till the moment I touched her I didn't even know I had these feelings and urges. Of course I was an adult and had sex with women but not with animals. It was new and exciting.

I was lucky with the security and nobody stopped me or noticed my presence so I was able to reach her cage without any problem. It was night but full moon so the lighting conditions was fair for some late night adventure. I opened her door (they didn't use locks just gate valve) and I was inside. I was hoping she will remember me.

"Hello Anna, it's me." I said like she was understand. She picked up her head then went to me. She welcomed me and I gave her a copious back rubbing. When I became convinced she was in good mood I touch her buttocks again and rubbed her pussy. Just like before she let me, so I fingered her a little.

"Good girl." I said but my voice was blunt because my heart almost jumped out from my chest. I was about to have sex with a carnivorous beast, with a predator. If she change her mind I will be eaten alive. But I would die knowing I was there and didn't tried at least once.

I slowly pulled off my pants and shirt and I don't have to say I was rock hard by then. Anna did notice my rigid part between my legs and she sniffed around. I thought she knew what that was and what my intentions was. I slowly got behind her with my throbbing member and I caressed her opening just to make her ready. She swiftly got her belly on the ground and pushed her hindquarters up to the air. She was into! I couldn't believe but she was ready to have sex with me!

"Are you in heat Anna?" I whispered and positioned myself to her pussy. My glans were resting on her small black spot under her tail and as I applied a little pressure I started to penetrate. It was hard because she was tight.

After a few minutes it turned out she was too tight so I was not able to have sex with her. I was only able to push my glans inside. The heat was extremely stimulating but wasn't enough to enjoy or reach the orgasm. I tried to make her wider, I applied some saliva to make her slippery but it was useless. I was sad.

"I'm sorry but I can't make you happy." I sat down and I was disappointed. As I grabbed my penis I thought if I wasn't that thick or big I would have been able to have sex with her. But unfortunately I was blessed with above the average male parts.

She turned around after she licked her pussy and sniffed my still hard but sorrowful member. Then she lick it and I jumped.

"Carefully!" I cried in a low voice. Her tongue wasn't compatible with my maleness because it was like a sandpaper. But I got a thought! I made myself ready for her next lick as I was on my knees and when she opened her mouth, rolled out her tongue I pushed myself inside. For a brief moment she froze. I was an idiot I knew but my head was full with the hormones and the lust so I wasn't able to think with something else than my penis... with the organ I put inside of her mouth fully. Her nose touched my pelvis.

She didn't spit out but started to move her tongue under my shaft. I didn't know why but I felt only a little pain. Where my glans were there wasn't spikes just soft flesh, warmth and wetness. In the next moment she started to suck it like it was a teat or something. Slurping sounds hit my ears and intensive pleasure hit my body. I was over with fear so I sat back and laid down. I let her lay on me with her front paws and she engulfed my member again.

She was like she would like to suck my internals out through my penis. Her eyes were closed like she was just sleeping but the force of the suction was stronger than at the beginning. I lost in the feeling and the view. She put my cock between her legs which kneed me like dough and she sucked with her mouth. The saliva flowed in rivers, my stomach and hips was soaking in it. Soon I felt I got close to the edge. I didn't know how she would react if I release my semen inside of her mouth so I prepared myself to pull out. But the problem was she was on top of me and she held me down with her strong paws.

**There is an alternate ending from this very point. If you would like to read a not too happy ending then skip the following section and jump to the "Alternate Ending" part of the story. If you would like to read the happy ending, just keep continue**

While I trembled in pleasure I sat up and grabbed her left paw. She didn't even opened her eye so I took it as a green light. I was just a few slurping away so I quickly drop off her other paw too, and when I was about to pull off her head she did something with her tongue and as she pushed my cock to her palate I was done. I spurted my semen inside of the still suckling mouth and I felt I will never stop.

She kept sucking me and I yelled for mercy. I couldn't pull off her head because it was heavy and she didn't let me. The pleasure was too much, my member was too sensitive after the orgasm, so I was shaking in my whole body after every another slurping sound. I thought I will die because of the pleasure just right here while she will suck off my penis from my dead body.

"Anna, back!" I cried as I suddenly remembered the order from Frank. She stopped sucking and opened her eyes. "Anna, back!" I repeated and she released me, stood up. I collapsed back because I was exhausted. I came here to have sex with her and she sucked out my life from my bones through my penis. I was tired and when she laid next to me I hugged her and fall asleep almost instantly.

I woke up to laughing and first I didn't know where was I and why. Then I saw Anna next to me fast asleep then I saw the sky. I sat up within a blink as I noticed Frank in the opened door and the fact I was still naked.

"What the..." I started but he interrupted

"Fuck? This is what happened here? Did you fuck her?" He wasn't angry, in fact he almost died from the suppressed laughter.

"No! I didn't.... I just... I was... when she... then I..." I didn't know what I should say. He found me naked and Anna was next by me. It was a hard to explain situation.

"Shush! Dress up and come with me. I think you are hungry after the... eventful night." He waved with his hand.

During the breakfast we didn't speak but I knew this is the silence before the storm. I couldn't deny the fact that I had sex with Anna, she was his lioness not mine... for God's sake! She was an animal!

"You know you don't have to say anything. I know you tried to have sex with her but you couldn't. Then she sucked you dry." He said like he knew everything.

"But how do you know this?" I asked and was surprised.

"I have cameras everywhere. Even in Anna's den." He smiled then start to laugh when he saw my face. I was the statue of pure dismay. "I won't judge you. You survived, Anna had a good time, and despite you was too big for her. My only question is:" He stopped for a second. "Have you lost your mind?!" He shouted and stood up within a blink. The table almost turned over and I backed up to the wall.


"No buts! She is a dangerous predator! She could have mutilate you or even kill you! Have you considered this just for a minute?"

"But I..."

"Ah... you were lucky... luckier than you would deserve after the insanity you made. But if I see you again I will put you on the first plane to home."

"I understood." I hung my head then I got the thought. "But you had sex with her don't you?" He was surprised. "Don't lie to me!"

"Yes I had." He admitted and I was proud of myself. "Damn it Tim! I don't want you to get hurt!"

"I won't if you let me keep continue this night visits." I tried to persuade him.

"Not without me! I know her more than you. I can check her mood if she is ready for some... party... or not. And if I say no, it means no!" He listed the conditions and I accepted every single one of them.

We had sex with Anna during the summer. Al right, he had sex with her I just let her suck me off. It was strange to share a woman with my cousin not to mention an animal. But he knew her and when he said she wasn't in the mood then he was right. I kept receiving blowjobs from her and Frank let me watch him had sex with her. He was smaller than me, small enough to penetrate her. It was a fantastic view and I could only imagine the feeling.

Then he introduced me to a lioness called Johanna. She was old and had cubs in every season so she was big enough for me. Though we had to use some drugs to calm her down but it worked.

That was the best summer of my life.

The End

**Alternate Ending**

Warning : Gruesome scenes, not for everyone,

As I tried to put away her paws from my hips she start to growl. It caused me a strange mixture of fear and pleasure. The vibrations made the event more pleasant than it was but the fact that she growled up made me shivering in fear. I grabbed her paws once again but she released her caws into my flesh. She pierced my hips and I cried in pain. Though she kept sucking me off. I was not able to decide if the pain pushed me over the edge or her sudden and wild tongue movement but she did her job. I cried up again but in pleasure as the barrier had broken through and my semen spurted inside of her deadly maw.

I spurted in steams and she lapped up every single drop. It was amazing though she didn't retrieved her claws from my skin or her mouth from my penis. She kept sucking with more and more force till I felt the back of her mouth with my tip. She was like a vacuum cleaner but with teeth. It was an unfortunate situation that I was not able to produce more delicious goo because she got angry and growled up as she almost tore off my penis with the most intensive suck she ever made.

I hit her head instinctively to get free, which was a big mistake. Maybe if I wouldn't have hit she would have released me but I did and she avenged it.

The claws tear eight deep holes into my penis while she got a hold on the base of my cock with her incisors. I yet felt as her tongue curved around my cock again but then she closed her jaws shout and I felt the penetrating pain, the blood tainted her cheeks as she pulled away my severed penis. One swift swallow and my organ had vanished forever in her stomach. I couldn't cry because of the shock, I was only able to grab between my legs and protect my balls.

But it was useless because she grabbed my sack with my protective hands and bite down hard. Cracking bones, tearing tendons, my fingers and my balls disappeared inside of her gullet. Then she stood up, went to my face. Licked it and...

**If you want to read the alternate ending of this alternate ending, then this is the time to skip this section and jump to the "Alternate-Alternate Ending"**

...she went away. I collapsed back but my whole body was shaking in shock. The next events were just flashes nothing more. I felt hands grabbing my shoulder, shouting men, sudden lights then nothing.

I woke for beeps. I opened my eyes, I had to discover; I was in a hospital. A nurse came to me and gave me drink so I could ask her what happened.

"A lion attacked you. I'm sorry to say that, but you lost your genitals and nine fingers." She patted my shoulder.

"Kill me please." I begged in low voice. Without penis and hands I won't have much fun in life. It's better to die now.

"Don't worry. Your wealthy friend brought here the best doctors. You will have a penis transplantation and you will get the best robotic prosthetics." She reassured me but I had doubts about that all. I don't want to become some experimentation, I wanted to die or travel back in time to prevent me doing the dumbest act of my life.

She gave me some medicine and I felt asleep. I had a dream about Anna and how she ruin my life. Still... I felt love... I loved her.

The End

**Alternate-Alternate Ending**

Warning: If you read the Alternate Ending despite the warning, but it was more than you asked for, then you shouldn't read this! I warning you! Stop reading! Now!

...she took a paw onto my chest and pierced with her claws while she grabbed my throat with her teeth. I knew this is the end. She will kill me and eat me. I will be nothing but fresh meat. Will Frank tell my parents how I died? Will he even notice what happened? I didn't know but I didn't care anymore. As she applied some pressure on my arteries I felt her claws cut open my chest and stomach. I was laying on my back so my internals didn't conducted out to the ground. It was strange but I didn't feel pain just some numbness over my entire body.

When she released my neck I wasn't dead, I was still alive but I hadn't enough strength to do anything but staring the side of the cage. Then Anna appeared in front of me with my hand in her mouth. I felt the tensing muscles as she twisted my arm, but she didn't separate it. Not yet. She laid down and started to munch on it inch by inch. I felt the crushing teeth as she torn away small portions but it wasn't pain it was just a blunt pressure.

I was at the end of my stamina and my eyes slowly became blind. Maybe the blood loss maybe because after a few minutes of arm-eating she went to my stomach and started to eat my internal organs. I didn't know but as the last breath left my lungs I didn't even cared. I was eaten by a lioness.

The End

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