Trial of Adoption

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#1 of Starwind

Author's note:

Encouraged by the kind comments and pms from my first two stories (don't worry I'm still working on the next installments!) I decided to take a stab at developing an idea for a story series I have had for a while, and ended up with this 5.5K word 'introduction'. This first chapter really only sets the scene for what I have planned, and there is plenty of smut to keep a bit of interest ;)

Brief warning:

This story contains explicit sex between a youngster and and older male, castration, implied incest, implied abuse of females, and a strongly male dominated society bound together by male intercourse. If you do not like these things, do not read :)

Hope everyone else enjoys! Thanks and love :x

I stood sweating in the glare of the burning sun, panting in the dry stale air. The village shimmered around me through the haze as I waited outside the pack leader's hut. Heavily muscled guards stood watch, paw tattoos displayed proudly on their chests marking them amongst the ranks of the warrior brothers.

Beads of sweat trickled across my bare chest, forming rivulets as they ran over my body and soaked my fur. I was thankful I was wearing only a lioncloth on this oppressive summer day, and longed for a gentle breeze of fresh air from the eastern lowlands. In any case part of me was growing impatient, and I hoped I would not have to stand too much longer out of the shade. Yet I was mainly apprehensive at what soon awaited me, for this past month I had reached ten years of age and today faced my trial of adoption into the pack tribe.

The pack was based around tests and rites, older boys displaying the marks of the various rituals they underwent as they discovered their place and purpose on their voyage to manhood. Just as the nearby guards displayed the warrior's badge, so each trade and position had its own symbols denoting the tests and experience an individual had achieved along their chosen path.

Today was the first step toward my future life within the pack, yet I dared not think of the consequences should I fail. The nature of this first trial a young cub had to face was a closely guarded secret, and not all succeeded in their attempts to secure their futures. I stood now waiting, the second of the two boys facing this trial today for my childhood friend Jay had been the first to enter the leader's hut, bounding with eagerness and enthusiasm. He had told me endlessly how soon he planned to become one of the proud warrior brothers, or perhaps one of the mysterious arcanists, revered for their wisdom, learning and renowned martial skills. He never had a moment's doubt that failure existed as a possibility.

The thick leather drapes at the hut's entrance were now pulled back as a pair of pack brothers emerged. Between them I saw they dragged Jay, my friend looking small and helpless as his paws trailed across the dry earth, carried between the strong pair with an arm held firmly by each. My heart sank as I saw Jay's face sodden with tears, and that he was naked as he was taken toward the central altar.

Jay had failed, and I knew I would not be summoned until I'd had a chance to watch the public ruination of my friend. I had seen this many times before of course, and become desensitised to the horrific screams over the years. Yet as I stood now, with my dear friend about to pay the price for his failure to prove his worth and become a part of the pack, the same fate potentially awaiting me very soon, I could not so easily shut my emotions away.

I watched as the two pack brothers easily pinned Jay down onto the circular stone altar which formed the centrepiece of many of the pack tribe's rituals. It was well crafted and polished smooth, with a series of large holes around its circumference. Jay was spread now, facing upwards, as loops of thick rope were pulled through the altar's holes and bound around his knees, holding his legs spread apart. The process was repeated to hold his ankles, and then again to tie his hands above his head.

I watched as my friend was spread out helplessly, and whined in pity as I saw a third pack brother approach, laying out a small pouch containing brightly polished and well sharpened knives and other such tools. A pitcher of wine was placed upon a nearby fire and allowed to boil as I heard Jay begging, crying to be given another chance. He knew just as well as I what he must endure, what he would become, as he had seen this before many times just as I had with other unfortunate cubs.

I saw one of the pack brothers standing over Jay, grabbing his little balls and pulling. I knew he was stretching the skin holding my friend's little orbs, pulling them as far away from his body as he could as he selected a curved bronze knife from the pouch. I turned away, not daring to watch as he began slicing my friend's scrotum, removing his manhood which he was now deemed no longer to deserve. I could not close my ears to Jays screams as he was cut, shivering despite the heat as he cried himself raw as so many others had before him.

Once his little balls had been removed and thrown on the fire the pack brother grabbed Jay's diminutive penis and, holding it up and pulling it taught, sliced the little finger of flesh from the base of his scrotum. Jay howled once more, but we could all hear his strength now failing him. Some cubs had lost consciousness by now, and I pitied my friend that he was stronger than most. He wailed as the boiling wine was poured over him, sterilising his wounds, and I heard his sobbing as he was now bandaged up.

He would be taken to the pens where the pack kept its geldings and other slaves, there looked after by those pack brothers who had chosen to be their custodians. It was held that the pack could survive only if the strongest were admitted to its ranks, as determined by the trial of adoption at age ten. Those who failed had their manhood removed and were sold as slave boys, fetching a high price from the traders that visited our village and bringing valuable goods and prosperity to the pack.

"Come little one" I heard behind me, and turned to see that a pack brother had emerged from the leader's hut. It was Arrin, the youngest member of the pack tribe's council, whom I knew and loved like an older brother. Arrin had always been my friend and cared for me, teaching me many things when his other duties amongst the warrior brothers and arcanists allowed. His fur was slightly paler than most other wolves of the pack, and he had faint white stripes zigzagging across his cheeks and down his back. Of course these were only noticeable in the right light, or if you were looking for them, since no member of the pack tribe shared my own distinctive pale blue fur and ivory white striping. Sometimes he would jokingly call me "little tiger", especially in the moonlight when my markings twinkled brightly with an ethereal glow.

Under Arrin's watch my schooling was far ahead of that other cubs, and I was both glad and completely unsurprised that he would be here with me ahead of this important moment. He placed his paw on my shoulder and gave a reassuring squeeze that strengthened my resolve and made all the difference in the world to me.

"Don't worry Taymon, I know you'll do fine" he smiled at me, and I wished I felt as confident inside as I was trying to look. "Come on, it's time" he said, taking my paw in his and leading me through into the gloom of the hut.

As one of the central buildings in the village the hut was large and spacious inside, with a high roof supported by thick wooden columns. There were small rooms and waiting areas on all sides, with burly looking guards much in evidence throughout. Arrin led me through into the inner chamber, a large circular room where the main business of the tribe was conducted. He squeezed my paw to give me a little extra courage, but kept his gaze fixed forward as we walked into a ring of the tribe's council members. In front of us sat Scar, the tribe's Alpha, astride his ornate throne. He was bare apart from a simple covering of the finest cloth around his waist, his body lean and muscled despite the first hints of grey within his dark grey fur betraying his many years. He looked down at me, a warm expression sitting uneasily on his hard features, the wound that was his namesake an unmistakeable deep slash that ran across his muzzle up to his eye, stopping just short of blinding him and continuing a little farther across his upper brow.

Arrin had withdrawn to stand amongst the circle, and I gathered my courage to say the words we were all taught in readiness for this occasion.

"I come before you, pack father, of age to join your tribe of brothers and swear myself to your service." My voice trembled only slightly, and I felt a flush of pride that I had not become mute in the face of the intimidating scrutiny from all sides.

"Who comes before us to ask our love and protection?" Scar replied methodically, a look of amusement on his face as we exchanged these fixed formalities.

"I am Taymon" I replied, "and demand my right as seed of Raynar Starwind".

I heard several hushed murmurs from the council circle, but there was no real surprise here. None could deny the evident heritage of my father, the fabled glowing wolf of whom stories were told to transfixed young cubs. In my case however Arrin had taught me far more than any other young cub would ever know, and more, I was sure, than any amongst the council or even Scar himself would have suspected.

"Very well Taymon" Scar continued, and I thought I detected an undercurrent of annoyance in his tone. I did not know what was to come next, since we were only taught how to present ourselves and begin our trials. I simply knew that I must be unflinching in my obedience to whatever I was commanded to do, and had to endure whatever tests were presented. "Remove your clothing" Scar commanded, and without hesitation I let my loincloth fall to the floor, revealing the entirety of my slender body. I was unphased by this, since I had seen so many cubs leave their trials naked and suspected such embarrassment would form some part of the ceremony. I stood before Scar unmoving as his eyes slowly roamed over me, and I heard some grunts of approval from the circle around me.

"On your knees, hands behind your head" he barked, and again I did as he asked. "You say the words you have been taught young Taymon, and you seemingly have learned obedience. But what do you know of the family you say you wish to enter? What do you know of the ways of our pack and what keeps us strong?"

My mind raced, trying to quickly frame the best response and how to cover such a wide ranging topic. Reasoning that even the brightest cubs would only understand the organisation of the pack tribe in the most basic of terms without the benefit which I'd had of Arrin's schooling, I decided to stick to generalities and expand in further detail if required.

"Pack father, I have worked hard to learn the ways of the tribe and understand the wisdom by which you keep us strong. I know that the pack consists only of males who have proven their worth and devotion to you, and their loyalty to the whole tribe each of whom is as a brother to them. I know that pack brothers take their places within the tribe by hard work and learning, passing through honoured rituals and earning badges of achievement as they work toward maintaining the strength of the tribe. I know that males found to be unworthy of the pack have their manhood removed and are sold as the lowest form of slave. I know that we cubs are born in the breeding pens from the seed only of those pack brothers who have proven themselves most loyal and worthy."

I was unsure what more to say, what more I should know or what Scar may have been expecting me to say. I knelt in front of him, expecting to be prompted for more and trying to push all worries of the mistakes I might be making to the back of my mind. The silence stretched uncomfortably, but eventually he spoke.

"Very well Taymon, you have evidently paid more attention than some of your little friends. Enough words, it is time to see if you really believe all that you say."

Scar motioned with his hand, but I knew even to turn and look without being told could have been enough to fail my trial. I simply waited and listened as I heard footsteps behind me.

"Bring her" Scar said, and my mouth fell open as I saw the first female since I had still been a suckling pup. She was naked, and pulled in front of Scar by a pair of swarthy pack brothers who held her by each arm. She was young, a few years older than me perhaps, and I examined her as closely as I could with her back turned to me. To me her rear seemed strange, her hips bulging out differently to that of the straight proportions of my male friends and older pack brothers. Scar seemed to be examining her rather clinically, but soon nodded to the two brothers who had obviously done this many times before and knew what was required. They turned her round to face me and pushed her forwards, holding her just in front of where I knelt. Her smooth slit was level with my muzzle, the two pack brothers pulling her legs apart so that she was spread in front of me. I looked up to see small the little mounds of her developing womanhood, an empty expression on her face as she was one of the facile pack females, her spirit broken long ago as she learned to serve the tribe.

"Touch her Taymon" Scar told me, and I did as he asked, placing my paws on those curved hips of hers. "Between her legs Taymon" Scar clarified, and I moved my small paws onto her thighs, feeling the soft tender flesh that was so different from the firm lean muscles of the pack males. "A finger in her slit Taymon... slide it inside her" and again I did so, totally bewildered at this turn of events. She felt warm and moist inside, and I saw Scar watching me intently as I poked inside her.

"Enough" Scar barked, and before I could even withdraw my paw the pack brothers were dragging the girl from the chamber. "Stand up Taymon" Scar ordered, and I rose, now totally lost as to the direction of this trial. Scar rose from his throne and strode toward me, and it took all my willpower not to retreat as he approached. Had I done something wrong? Had I been supposed to do something else with the girl? My mind raced, but then suddenly all my attention became focused on Scar's paw as he slid it between my legs and cupped my little balls, squeezing me gently.

"Females are weak" he spat, his distaste blatant. "They are a resource to be used, to be bred. The best of us are chosen to seed their front holes that we may produce cubs for the future of the tribe." I knew a little of what he spoke, females being shut away in a hidden part of the village and never seen by most of the tribe. "Some males seek to seed them for pleasure" he snarled, his lip curling as he covered this unpleasant subject, gripping my balls for emphasis. "These males are weak and succumb to the female's evil thrall. They are cut, so that they become like the females they so desire" and I immediately thought of my friend Jay who would now forever be denied his masculinity.

"I am pleased to see you did not show any desire for the foul siren little one", said Scar as he moved his paw to fondle my flaccid cock, leaning close to whisper in my ear. "Your little friend was hard as rock for the bitch Taymon. He would have betrayed you for her in a second, beguiled by her evil form. Learn this lesson Taymon, and stay true to your pack brothers."

Scar straightened and looked around at the circle of council members as I tried to digest his words. I knew the pack tribe was a male hierarchy, but was only now coming to realise the importance of this brotherly bond and the lengths to which the pack must go to protect itself, including the trial I was currently undergoing.

"Let it be remembered by all that young Taymon has passed the first stage of his trial and showed no hint of attraction to the female evil."

"It is seen" everyone echoed around the chamber as Scar released me, and I felt the warm flush of pride at my success. Scar took a few steps back from me, once more motioning to the attending pack brothers to continue with the next stage of the ceremony. A brother came forward and, to my astonishment, removed the cloth from around Scar's waist, folding it and placing it carefully next to the throne as Scar's huge member hung glistening in front of me. He was obviously aroused, his length protruding from his sheath, his large heavy balls swinging between his thighs as his semi-hard cock twitched hungrily. The pack brother quickly returned and knelt in front of Scar, to my astonishment taking Scar's length into his muzzle and appearing to suckle like a young cub.

"Our pack is bound by the purity of the love between brothers young Taymon" Scar intoned as I watched the muscled pack brother, so intimidating to me and the other cubs, kneeling in submission and taking his Alpha's cock. Scar raised his paw to the pack brother's head, gripping his fur gently and beginning to slowly thrust himself back and forth into the brother's welcoming mouth. I could see his cock hardening with each thrust, growing until the pack brother began to choke with each of Scar's deep thrusts, unable to accommodate his vast length and girth. "Each pack brother knows the love of every other" he continued, his thrusts now slowing as his length had reached the full extent of its swelling. "You are welcome into our family young one" he grinned at me, "if you open yourself to the love of your brothers."

With that, Scar waved the kneeling pack brother away dismissively and returned to his throne, sitting with his thick towering length displayed proudly to all. "Approach Taymon" he commanded, and I came forward until he motioned me to stop right in front of him. "Place your paws on my shoulders Taymon", and I bent to reach over as he guided me against him. It felt so odd to be standing over him now, and I felt in awe of the powerful masculinity radiating from him and his throbbing length. I felt his firm paws sliding down my slim flanks, around behind me and down to my smoothly rounded little cub cheeks. He briefly continued downwards, pulling at my thighs and coaxing my legs apart before returning to my little ass, pulling my cheeks apart to display my tailhole to all in the room.

Once more the attending pack brothers had performed each stage of this trial many times before and now, unbidden, I felt one of their intrusive paws sliding up between my spread cheeks and fingering my young crack. A warm trickle oozed down over my smooth rear, and I felt the brother's paw gently rubbing it into my crack.

"A little oil to ease your passage" Scar grinned up at me, amused by the double meaning as I felt a pressure against my tailhole. I saw Scar's eyes fall to my lower parts, evidently pleased at my reaction as I felt my boy cock hardening, my small tip bursting from my sheath as I squirmed a little against the gentle massaging of my virgin ring. "Truly I can see your heart is that of a true brother little one" Scar told me, and I could hear the watching council behind me concurring with his statement as my shaft dangled between my spread legs, my reaction visible to all as the pack brother completed his violations and withdrew. Scar released my little ass cheeks, letting them audibly slap back together to the amusement of our watchers. He moved his paws down behind my legs, reaching the backs of my knees and pulling them toward him, raising my legs up and pulling me forward onto him.

"Come on up little Taymon, it is time to show your devotion" he said as he guided my legs either side of him so that I was kneeling above him, his vast protruding cock between my legs. His paws gripped my hips and positioned me astride his shaft, his tip pressing lightly against my oiled hole, and he held me in position as he spoke. "You must open yourself willingly to the love of your brothers Taymon. You will not be forced, but must give yourself willingly to succeed your trial today. You have been prepared and we are ready to receive you. Now is your time Taymon."

I was filled with trepidation, never imagining anything like this even existed amongst the pack tribe. Yet I had always enjoyed snatching glimpses of my cub friends when I could, and knew now that my feelings were only natural and right. My heart was racing at the thrill of my intimate exposure and the touching of my parts by Scar and the pack brothers. Most of all I could feel the heat and throbbing power of Scar's manhood beneath me, and was excited at such closeness with none other than the pack leader.

I let myself settle against his tip, and it felt impossibly large against my little oiled ring. Scar ran his paws along my sides, fondling my slender body and somehow only adding to the hotness I felt between my legs. I made my first move, pushing myself against him, adjusting my position to keep his tip spearing toward my entrance. I lowered myself a little more, feeling the now intense force of his hardness against me as I pressed down, and I let out a short squeal as I suddenly felt the stretching of my virgin ring as it succumbed to his entry, penetrating my innocence and his swollen tip filling my tight sphincter.

I felt his cock flexing, the head gripped tightly in my hole as he invaded me. A low growl of pleasure accompanied his eager expression as he drank in the sight of this little cub spreading and impaling himself upon him.

"Don't stop Taymon" he spoke gently, "you must take all of me." I gulped as I looked down below us, seeing how his engorged cock widened dramatically and how far I would have to plunge to do as I was told. I began to lower myself slowly, feeling the throb of his shaft inside my hole as I slid myself onto him. His paws tightened around my body and I heard him stifle several gasps as I wriggled my little ass around his pole, feeling myself stretching to accommodate him as I descended. There was a little ache, a tightness as I was broken in, yet it felt so incredibly wonderful to be filled with his sex. My knees bent until I was sitting across him, buried inside me up to his hilt, both unmoving as we simply looked into each other's eyes and shared the sweet feel of one another. I could feel him twitching his cock inside me, my hole wide and open to him and buried deep inside my belly.

"Ride me" he eventually spoke, spurring me on to complete my show of devotion to his cock. I rose up, and whimpered at the unexpected feeling of my little hole contracting as I slid back toward his tip. He grinned at my body's intimate response to his penetration, his paws gripping my thighs and guiding me back downward before I had time to readjust to my position. I felt my ring stretching around him once again, the incredible hardness of his warm shaft sliding in to fill me. As I reached the base of his length again he pushed against my thighs, this time moving me back up toward his tip.

This sudden constant invasion seemed too much to take. My entire body quivered and shook as my little hole was repeatedly violated, my ass filled and emptied by his powerful manhood. Were it not for his firm grip guiding me back and forth against him I fear I may have completely lost all control as I took his love deep inside me.

Scar continued to fuck me for some while, and he was soon grunting almost as much as me as I gyrated on his shaft. Eventually I felt his body tensing and he held me still as I lay panting against him, his cock buried deep inside me. He seemed to be holding himself back, and held me unmoving for an odd few minutes as I felt his length softening slightly inside me.

"You're doing very well little one" he whispered to me, his arms holding my sweating body against his, his breathing shallow and quick as he now ground himself against my hole. I could feel a huge bulge against my ass as he pressed against me, murmuring softly in my ear. "Now you must make one final effort, one more strong push and bind yourself to me." His paws held me down firmly as he pushed upwards into me, and I did not imagine I could take him any deeper. "Push Tymon, I know you can do it" he murmured, and I realised the mass filling my little crack was his bulging knot. He had stopped ploughing my ass while he softened so that I would be able to take him, but my hole seemed already to be stretched as wide as it could by the thick base of his shaft.

I grimaced as he pushed at me, willing me down onto him, and knew that I must do whatever it took to pass my trial. I began to push as he directed, in time with him grinding upwards into me. After a couple of hard pushes and quick breathers I was becoming accustomed to the feel of his mass below me, and was sure I could wriggle myself just a little farther down onto him. I pushed down once more, and he thrust himself up in response, his paws helping me to push down onto him. It was no easy task as hard as he was, and for a moment I thought this task must surely be impossible. I then felt my hole widening once again and felt something slipping into me, his dick pushing even deeper into my body. I howled at the pain as he opened my hole, his knot popping inside me in an excruciating but thankfully quick final effort by both of us.

I whimpered as I tried to accommodate him, yet was distinctly uncomfortable at his presence inside me. He smiled and murred as I squirmed around him, feeling him fully hardening once more at the young cub now trapped on his cock.

"Well done Taymon" he congratulated me, his paw caressing my cheek, wiping away a tear from my exertions. "You have demonstrated your obedience and opened yourself to the love of the pack. Do you now accept our love and wish to become a true pack brother?" He flexed his cock inside my little body, enjoying my grimaces as he spoke.

"I... I do. I want your love and to be a pack brother." Scar grinned widely at my words, and nodded to a couple of attending pack brothers behind me. Their strong arms grabbed me as they pulled me back and lifted me between them. My legs were pulled backwards and up over my head, and I squealed as my hole was pulled against Scar's knot. He stood up as I was lifted up, still knotted to me, and stood towering over me as I was held, spread and helpless with him inside me.

Scar began to fuck me, and it was clear that with my supplication any control I had had was now surrendered to him. He no longer held himself back as before, ploughing me with his raw power, confirming his ownership and domination of me. I had given myself to him, and he was now using me as he pleased. Despite my pitiful cries and wails I was overjoyed inside, knowing how right and wonderful it felt for me to be spread and taking my Alpha's cock.

Scar's forceful thrusting soon caused my abused hole to relinquish its grip on his knot, and his length slid back and forth into me as my fucking was witnessed by all in the room. I howled as Scar took his pleasure, and it seemed forever before he rammed up into me one final time and pulled me tight against him, his cock exploding deep inside me. I felt his throbbing shaft as it pulsed, pumping the contents of his massive balls into me. He stood there panting for several minutes, the room silent and Scar in no hurry to withdraw as he emptied himself inside me.

"Let all bear witness, a new pack brother has been seeded this day" Scar eventually broke the silence.

"It is seen" the surrounding council members echoed as before, Scar now sliding his softening shaft back and forth inside me, his power and control over me fully confirmed. After another moment he withdrew, and I had never felt so empty, never so longed to be filled once more as I did as my pack brothers lowered me down.

"Kneel and take your place as true pack brother, Taymon Starwind." Finally I could proudly bear my full name, having proven myself worthy of the pack tribe and earning the right to bear my father's heritage. I knelt as Scar commanded, my tailhole leaking his seed between my thighs. Scar placed his paw on my head, and I knew from watching the pack brother earlier what he now expected of me. I opened my mouth and took his cock, glistening from the fluids he had pumped inside me. He waited while I cleaned him, sucking and licking all evidence of my penetration from his shaft as he receded into his sheath. When he was satisfied he simply turned back to his throne, dismissing me without another word. I stood as I looked up to see Arrin taking my paw, leading me into the waiting chamber outside where I was able to cover my nakedness with a fresh loincloth.

"You did very well Taymon, I'm so proud of you" Arrin said as I dressed. I knew it would take me some time to digest everything which had happened, but was thankful for my friend's praise and knew we now had much to talk about.

"I have been assigned as your mentor brother" Arrin continued as we left the hut and returned to the oppressive heat outside. I nodded, fully expecting Arrin's assignment since all new pack brothers were assigned an older pack brother to watch over them in their formative years, to protect and guide them, to educate them in the ways of the pack. Arrin had been performing this role for me since I was a cub, and I knew he would continue as the role became official.

"We must now begin working toward what we have planned" I replied as we walked, careful that no one was in earshot.

"Yes, but not just yet Taymon. We must behave as expected for the next few weeks at least, as there is much you need to do as new pack member." I frowned in annoyance and Arrin caught my expression, continuing before I could voice any protest. "To do otherwise would only bring suspicion â€" do not think you are not being watched young Starwind." I was troubled, but had more immediate concerns as I waddled along beside my friend, my aching ass oozing Scar's seed with every step.

"Starwind will be known again" I muttered sotto voce as we headed toward the pack brother dorms and my future. The unique striping across my flanks seemed to glow with purpose as I marched through the shimmering haze.


Thanks for the kind comments on part 1 - hope you enjoy this second part of the story too! "I... I'm your little cunt sir" I wailed as sir's paw dug into my chest, his strong arms wrapped around my slender frame as I felt him grinding himself...

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This is my first ever attempt at writing, so please be gentle :x I hope you enjoy my story, and am grateful for any constructive feedback that might help me to improve. I would like to continue and finish this story if people enjoy it, so please...

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