Kasumi's Toy

Story by Fated Snowfox on SoFurry

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A late-night visit from a geeky rodent ends up with a sleepy fox getting a little more than he bargained for...

My phone buzzed like an irritated wasp against the nightstand in my pitch black bedroom, the ceiling bathed in the ethereal glow of the high definition screen. I woke with a start and before I could reach across to see what the message was, the phone began to ring. "The fuck..." I muttered, ears folding flat in protest at the noise. I fumbled the device into my hand, 0200. Who the hell would call me at... I flicked the answer button irritatedly.

"RAWR, Foxie!" A familiar voice, hyper and loud above a serious commotion.

"Fucksake, ratty, it's 2am" I growled, pinching the bridge of my nose, trying to clear my mind a little.

"Yeah, I know! I've been at the game store all night, I just got Somnolent Tor, the new zombie game and it's awesome and I want to play it, can I come over?!"

"And you felt the need to call me in the middle of the night to tell me this? Couldn't it wait until, oh, I dunno. SUNRISE?"

"Oh.. Did I wake you?" She sounded crestfallen "I just got carried away, I've been waiting so long for this and... You know I don't like playing by myself; I get scared. Can I come over?"

"Couldn't it wait until the morning? And anyway, I don't have the new Playbox Nexus to run that game..." I tried my best not to sound annoyed, taking a deep breath.

Silence for a moment and a sheepish giggle "Um... I brought mine with me just in case. I'll totally make it worth your while... Please foxy, I've been waiting for months for this..."

I sighed, "Fine. Give me half an hour to get my shit together and make myself a coffee." Flicking my finger over the red disconnect button. I threw the covers off and staggered to the shower, cursing every notion of friendship I could think of.

I'd only just thrown on a long teeshirt when the doorbell chimed, and chimed and chimed; she leaned on the buzzer the whole time it took me to get to the door, fumble with my keys and open it to the cold, night air. A whirlwind of hoodie, horns and dreadlocks flew into my arms, hugging me tight and pressing nose to nose, feeling her more than voluptuous frame beneath the deceptive, tomboyish clothing squashed tight against my front; I staggered backward, unable to help myself smiling a little as I hugged back, lifting her a little against me as I backed toward the lounge "Hey, steady on. I've not had my coffee yet!" A pink tongue darted out between her lips "Your problem, not mine!" She beamed "Mine's white, two sugars and a shot of.."

"Syrup, yes, I know." I said to thin air, she had already disappeared into the tangle of cables that made up my media centre, tail in the air as she hooked up her gaming console. I couldn't help but admire the view.

"Stop checking my butt out and make the damned coffee!"

So, I guess I'd better explain. That dervish currently ripping cables out of my aging console setup is Kasumi. We've been friends for longer than I care to remember and I wish occurrences like this were rare, but this particular horned rat has always been given to... Outbursts of the unexpected. I'd learned to go along with it, and for the most part it was fun, if not a little frustrating.

I shook some instant into a couple of mugs, not wanting to wait for the beans to grind and filter as I normally would, it was too damned early. I almost sent sugar cascading across the work surface, jumping out of my skin as a loud boom from the room behind me heralded the boot sequence of the Nexus, the cutting edge gaming console from Umbrella Corp.

"Turn it down!" I yelled "I've got neighbours!"

"Sorry... Not Sorry!" She called back, but the volume did go down a little as the ominous, exquisitely orchestrated theme to Somnolent Tor began to lightly shake the walls.

Depositing a mug of coffee in front of her, I sprawled on the sofa, holding my mug in both hands under my muzzle, breathing the aroma as I watched the screen through a vale of steam, the anticipation of caffeinating my fuzzy head making my whiskers twitch. She waved a controller at me "Co-op?"

"Not right now. I'm nowhere near awake enough, I'll just watch you."

"Fiiiiiiiiiiiiiine!" She sighed "Budge up a bit, you look comfortable."

"Comfortable?" I muttered "I was..."

"Good! Foxpillow!" She grinned at me, pushing me back as she lay against me, head on my chest as she hit the start button and slipped into the dystopian, apocalyptic world of Somnolence, New England. I draped an arm comfortingly over her shoulder & she nestled against me, murring softly as I drank my coffee. I watched over her shoulder as she wrenched & twisted the controller; buttons, sticks and triggers clicking softly as the warm, squishy rat turned into hardened zombie slayer, dispatching rotten re-animated corpses with the precision of a T-series terminator. I don't know if it was the warmth of the body pressed against me, the rhythmic sounds of gunfire and controller clicking or something else entirely, but in a matter of minutes my eyes slipped closed and I fell fast asleep.

Gunfire blazed to the left and right, and all around was the relentless drone of the undead. A solid wall of unthinking, unfeeling, rotting flesh ripped to ribbons by the high velocity rounds in our guns. There were no vantage points, no nooks to hunker down and catch our breath, we had to push on. The uniforms, masks and weapons we'd raided from the overrun outpost were holding up well, but we were tired, emotionally and physically wrung out. "FOX, YOUR SIX!" A shout from behind me; I turned and fired point blank into the vacant, snarling face of a month-or-so old animated corpse, he dropped like a sack of wet shit but there were more behind, so many more. We needed off this street or we were going to be overrun. Fingers curled around my arm and pulled, I recoiled in horror expecting a bite, my gun raised instinctively. A harsh whisper "Put it down, come with me!" and I was pulled into through a steel door into darkness, slam, scrape of bolts being drawn and then silence, horrific, deafening quiet. "Disarm, soldier." a voice instructed, softly.

"I'm no soldier, don't be mistaken by the costume..." I laughed shakily, looking around as my eyes became accustomed to the gloom. "We looted the uniforms, guns, we..."

"I don't really care. You say you looted? You must have supplies in that pack of yours. I figure I just about saved your life, so how about you buy a girl lunch?"

I made toward the door "I can't just abandon the others, there's barely any of us left!" A hand on my shoulder "They're dead already. You were running into a dead end, an alley with only one way in and out. I couldn't save them, but I could save you; they were too many of them... I'm sorry." Her fingers pressed against the top of my armour and I made to pull away, but my shoulders sagged and my rifle clattered to the floor. "We knew that route was our last chance, we'd heard there was a way up onto the rooftops; fire escapes. We were told it was clear..."

"Clear? Where did you hear that? I've been pinned down in here for days. I haven't eaten, but at least I've been safe. This is the city archive. All the exterior doors are electric, failed secure save for this emergency door. I was the only one working, I'm the only one here. I'm unarmed and I'm starving. Help me."

I turned to look at my saviour, a petite, pure white pine martin; thick black glasses framed her face, a ripped Ramones teeshirt and heavy, stacked boots completed the look "I'm the digital archivist. I was catching up on work. I work best nights... I was here alone." Her lip quivered, instinctively I reached out, pulling her close. She tensed, then relented, collapsing into my arms, convulsing through sobs "I've been so scared. I've not opened that door since this began and I'm starving and I don't know what to do, fox.."

"My name's Piotr, not fox. What's yours?"

"Allie. Allie Seasmith." She said, her sobs subsiding "You can let.. Go now if you want... I think I'm done crying, but... I'd rather you didn't."

I smiled, I couldn't help it. After weeks of relentless death, I'd almost forgotten what tenderness was. "If I don't let go, I can't take my pack off. I do have some rations in here, I think we could stretch them to two..." The marten's eyes practically lit up "Then let's get out of this store room and back to my office. It's not much, but it's secure and warm and there's a table we can eat at!" She grabbed at my paws, pulling me along behind along a barren, featureless corridor, around bends and deep into the core of the building.

Allie wasn't wrong, her office was snug. The windowless box housed several large workstations and monitors along one wall, a desk and a sofa were crammed in along the opposite side, A number of tealights glimmered, taking the edge off of the gloom. The door was solid, metal and locked along multiple points. We were as safe as we could be. I shrugged off my pack onto the arm of the sofa and rolled my shoulders, I'd been hefting that 50kg monstrosity for days. My companion barely noticed, falling on the pack & with nimble fingers releasing strap after strap, zip after buckle, turfing out my life's possessions until she emerged, waving some foil packets around "Success! Who said I couldn't hunt?! We eat tonight!" She looked at me and we both laughed, a strained but genuine joke shared. "I don't have any plates though.."

"There are mess tins in there somewhere, they'll do." I said, unzipping a side compartment "I don't have any water though."

"There's bottles in a fridge under the workstations. I work late, so I keep stocks here" She gestured toward the computers "and I've been hunting through the offices on this floor. I found wine!"

Not a word was spoken while we ate, my companion focused solely on the task of packing away as much of the chemically-heated MRE rations as she possibly could, stopping only for sips of wine and the occasional shy glance. When the food was done, we split the rest of the wine & collapsed onto the sofa. "So what now?" I enquired, looking around the room "We can't stay here forever, we should make a plan..." Her ears folded flat & she reached out to me, slinking back into my arms "Can't we just feel safe for tonight? We can work out everything tomorrow, I just want to feel..." Her words cut off as her tongue slipped over my lips, the sweetness of the wine on her lips as she kissed me deep and hard, moulding her frame against my front, pushing me back against the worn and lumpy sofa padding as her fingers clawed at my clothes, and through a haze I was responding, arching under her as my fingers caressed along her spine and into the waistband of her jeans, kneading her behind over

A sharp elbow to the ribs made me jump "You were snoring. Dreaming too, I think." Kasumi's face grinned up at me, amused by my disorientation "Bored of playing alone. It's time for some one-on-one!"

I rubbed my eyes & shook my head a little "Unh.. Hrf. Do I have to? I really don't wanna play zombies." Giving her a gentle shove so I could move.

"Uhuh, you have to! I'll tell you what. One game and we'll play for stakes! C'mon, you know you want to!" She laughed, poking at my side with nimble little fingers. I groaned "Fine, fine, anything, but no tickling. So what did you have in mind for these stakes then?"

She grinned wickedly "One level, Versus. You win and you can take me upstairs and... Use whatever was nudging me in the back while you were asleep..." I blushed deeply, the dream must have had more of an effect than I realised. I acted innocent "And if I lose?"

She leaned over, licked my nose and smiled sweetly "When you lose. I'll give you one hell of a surprise...

We played for three solid hours; best two out of three, best three out of five, best eight out of ten and I'm proud to say I held my own, we were almost level pegging, the gib count was high and the screen was awash in high-resolution digitised body parts. By the tenth game she was two up, but I was closing the gap, I almost had her and well, I was close to having her. I was struggling not to think with my dick as I took aim for the final onslaught

"I didn't tell you about my new job, did I? she asked, fixated on reloading her weapon, not even casting an upward glance

"No, I don't believe you did. You said it was a science and engineering," I reloaded, span and took a corpse out on my flank "R&D, I think you said."

"Yeah. I develop cybernetic sex toys..."

I just stared at her, agape, game forgotten. "Oh, and fox.." She giggled, span and neatly ripped off my head, taking advantage of my astounded shock "I win..."

There was no denying it, the score flashed on the screen, mocking me

"Unfairly, I might add." I grumped "What do you mean you make cybernetic... Sex toys?"

She shrugged nonchalantly, picking up her phone & fiddling with the touch screen "Just that, really. I'll tell you all about it while you suck my dick."

This was something new; we'd kinda been "friends with benefits" off and on for years - well, we'd get horned up and fuck after gaming sessions - this wasn't new, but the dick was. I looked over and she grinned, arching her back and pulling her button fly open, revealing the vivid pink of her lace panties, clearly tented & straining for release.

"It's not going to suck itself, loverboy" She giggled. I know you know how, Matt told me about the party a couple of weeks ago. Apparently you swallowed all he had to give, and then his boyfriend had a shot too."

I blushed, I couldn't deny it. I was drunk and I damned well enjoyed it. I hesitated, still trying to take in what she was saying

"I'll ask you nicely once more" A note of steel creeping into her voice "Suck. My. Dick, or I'm going to grab you by those whiskers and make you."

My ears flattened submissively as she sprawled out in front of me, fly ahoy. I could smell her arousal; the sweet, earthy feminine muskiness wrapped around her like a shroud. Whimpering just a little, I slipped off of the sofa and between her legs, nuzzling at the soft material covering my "reward".

"Mmmh, you like that, huh?" She grinned, reaching into the gap & easing herself free, nearly eight inches of perfectly sculpted rodent cock tapping me lightly on the nose, leaving a glistening bead of pre right on the pad. It was her nectar, there was no doubt; I'd tasted it many times and it drove me wild. Now was no different. My tongue darted up, lapping it away. She tapped me between the ears, her sharp claw registering against flesh "Lick me, not your nose." She commanded. I obeyed. I wanted to. Casting my eyes upward, trying to look my coyest, I curled my tongue around the prehensile tip and slowly drew her into my salivating maw.

"I can see why you enjoy this so much!" gasping through clenched teeth as my nose pushed past the denim and down, taking as much as I could into my mouth. The weight of her paw on the back of my head getting heavier as she pushed me down, her back arching a little as she invaded my throat, her length throbbing, the taste of her nectar getting stronger as her "pre" coated my tongue.

"It's an osmotic polymer" She explained, slowly grinding herself against my lips. "Double ended.. It takes my juices and channels them to where they're... Needed!.." She bucked her hips, thrusting against my maw as I slowly pulled back and bobbed my head over her tip. "Haptic feedback. I can feel every movement, direct nerve stimulation..." gasping as I flicked my tongue right over the tip and took her deep into my muzzle again. I mumbled some vague noise of understanding as I picked up pace, my paw circling the base of her cock, working it as I concentrated my muzzle higher up "I should punish you for talking with your mouth full" chiding me with a gentle tweak of an ear "But it feels so damned good. Matt wasn't lying about your talents!" My tail wagged. I was being complimented for being a slut, and I kinda loved it. She bared her teeth, pulling my head hard down against the shaft as an orgasm ripped through her "Fuuuuck! Fox! Don't you dare fucking stop!" She commanded, bucking harder into my throat, spurting gobs of that sweet nectar hard down my throat. My eyes must have opened wider or something, because she registered my surprise "Re... Reservoir function... Triggered by muscle spasm... Works well I guess.." the explanation coming between ragged breaths. I nodded, she tasted better than any guy ever had.

Lifting my head slowly, dragging my tongue along the underside of her shaft from root to tip, I pounced on her, pushing her back against the sofa, straddling her as I kissed her furiously, letting her taste her own sweetness, my cock throbbing hard against her front, betraying in every way how much I'd enjoyed it

"Someone's frisky! Good!" She grinned at me impishly, her paws sliding over my waist and circling my tail, pulling the back of my tee up to find nothing but fur "And I don't even have to tell you to get undressed! Such a good foxy!"

I blushed, totally forgetting I'd not fully dressed "Well, you were leaning so hard on the doorbell..." She silenced me with a finger against my nose.

"Hush. I told you I approved, didn't I?" handing me a game controller and patting the sofa "Get that cute ass of yours up here."

I looked at her, nonplussed and shuffled a little closer to her "Like this?"

"Nope, rump up , foxy."

I blushed "Um... What did you have in mind?"

"Remember six months ago when you wanted to see how well I played Halo Duty when I was distracted? Made me play the whole game online with your knot buried in me? Well, consider this payback! Now, don't make me ask again..."

"I.. I.. Um." I stammered, my ears folding flat against my head "I've never um.."

"Foxy is still a virgin back there?!" She beamed, delighted "I never realised I'd be the one to pop your cherry!"

All I could do was nod nervously; I didn't trust myself to speak as I rolled onto my front, fidgeting into a position where I could see the screen. Halo Duty 6 had already started loading, I felt her paw brushing over my tail "Up, foxy." She said softly "Don't worry, I'll be gentle... At first."

I flitted my tail up obediently, holding my thick brush off to the side as slick, slender fingers probed me. I hissed, wincing, my tail muscles clamping against the intrusion. I felt her straddling my thighs, leaning down to whisper into my ear "Relax, fox, or this'll hurt..."

With a slick, firm thrust, her tip was inside me; the prehensile rodent member squirming as it opened me up, her slick cock against my lubed behind offering scant resistance, no matter how hard I clamped down, inching her way deeper into me as she brought her hips to bear

"Damn, fox, you weren't kidding!" She gasped "I think I've found the only virgin fox in the city. Could you /be/ any tighter?

I opened my mouth, wanting to give some witty, sardonic response but all I could muster was a soft yelp as she nudged over my prostate. My cock throbbed hard against the sofa as she rocked slowly back and forth right against it "Oh, you like that, do you foxy?" She cooed "Then you'll love this!" And with a violent shove brought her full 8 inches to hilt inside me. My eyes rolled back in bliss, my head slumping against the sofa cushion as my back arched, pushing back against her. "I knew there was a cock slut in there just dying to get out. Now, my pretty little vixen, let's see how good a shot you are now!" She settled against my back, rocking her hips gently against my stretched rump as she started the game.

I groaned and picked up the controller, I could barely see straight as we charged into simulated undergrowth, one on one, pitted against each other. Every time I tried to aim, she thrust a little harder, throwing me off balance, every time I came close to hitting her; she ground against my prostate, making me light-headed with pent-up frustration.

"What's the matter? Can't beat a poor, defenceless girl?" She teased, taking me down with a precise headshot & rewarding me with a firm thrust back to the hilt. I yelped loudly, she seemed thicker this time around, my virgin ring protesting as she dragged herself back out "Oh, you noticed that, huh? I made a little modification to this prototype..." Thrusting firmly back up to the hilt, again thicker, stretching me wider "You know how much I love your knot? Well, I've got one of my own..." The game snapped off and her paws were on my shoulders, holding me down as her pace increased, taking me easily as the toy slickened my entrance. I pushed back against her, feeling the wetness of my own pre soaking into my teeshirt, matching her thrust for thrust, wanting her deep inside me. Her claws dug into my neck "Careful fox, if you keep that up I'm not going to last much... Longer..." She panted.

"I want you to cum in me." I whispered, muffled by the soft cushion pressed into my face. I felt her twitching, tensing.

"Louder, fox. I can't hear you.." Her knot kissing my pucker with each slap of her hips against me, her rhythm becoming erratic; I knew she was fighting her orgasm - I'd been there myself. I lifted my head and whimpered "I want you to cum in m..." My words cut short as she pulled back, almost to the tip and slammed her hips home, her swollen knot locking into me with a slap. I buried my head into the cushion and screamed as she came torrentially, feeling the toy pulsing hard, the knot throbbing against my prostate, pushing me right to the brink, but I held on, feeling her laying against my back, trembling as she came, feeling her warmth flooding my insides.

I held still as I listened to her panting against me, feeling her tits heaving against my back as she caught her breath, hot breath panting against my ear "Damn, fox. I knew this would work well, but I didn't realise it'd work that well." I nodded my assent, not trusting myself to speak. "You liked that, huh?" I nodded again, a little harder this time. "Good..." A pause "You cum?" I shook my head, panting, "Nearly..."

"How nearly?"

My ears flatted against my head & shook gently, knowing if I answered her I'd blow my load over the sofa. I felt her moving against me, tugging gently, the toy deflating inside me as she pulled free, her nectar spilling from me in rivulets, I was full to the brim.

"On your back, foxy. I want you to finish in me." She commanded. I obeyed, paws circling her waist as I pulled her to me, leaning up to kiss her deeply I whispered against her lips "Promise this won't be a one night stand..."