Trouble with Teacher: Day 3.5

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Usual disclaimer: Wolf girl gets violated by an older male. This may be trigger material, so those sensitive to this sort of content do -not- read. I don't want to hear it if you dislike the content, but choose to read the story anyway regardless. If it is not legal for you to read this story, don't read it. It's not quite as 'squick' as some of the others as her resolve is starting to get worn down, but I hope everyone will enjoy it just the same.

For a few days now, Sasha thought she had known the meaning of pain. Her teacher had used her. In his lessons he 'taught' her things a little girl shouldn't know. She felt fear on a daily basis over what might become of her. It was well within his power to extend her torment. Still, some remainder of hope floated inside of her that she could get through this. Seven days remained until her punishment ended. By the end of next week she would be free and perhaps could put the entire episode behind her. No one knew of her torment and she would keep it that way to prevent Mr. Riley's wrath.

The panther was done with her today and she could go home. That had been on her mind like nothing else as she walked down the hall, heading toward the school exit. It was the only thought she had left that she could draw strength from at this point. She scarcely made it two dozen steps before all the hope in her died.

"You look like you need a ride, m'dear. 'Specially after he rode you like that, " the male voice spoke behind her. It was just low enough to not be heard back in the closed off classroom.

Sasha felt her body seize up and her cheeks turn red. It couldn't be happening. That definitely wasn't Mr. Riley's voice, and in any case Mr. Riley wouldn't have spoken to her like that. As the realization set in that someone -knew- what had been going on, her mind fumbled. There was too much at stake for her to be caught now. Fear and humiliation reached new levels and she struggled not to just collapse. Physically, she was exhausted. Now the mental aspect took over and made even the pain between her legs seem as nothing.

It was all over now. Someone had seen, would tell Mr. Riley, or her parents. They'd all be mad at her and she'd never have another happy day again.

Tears welled in her eyes as they had so frequently as of late. She felt a heavy hand clamp down on her shoulder, squeezing it to keep her from running. The male didn't realize she couldn't have run in her condition even if she thought it would have done her any good. Trembles flowed through her body as she tried to think up some lie or some excuse. She had to deny it. Sadly, Sasha was a good girl and had never really practiced lying. Words flew out in a jumble that not even she followed. Her limit, mentally, had been reached and now she was going over the edge.

"No, it was... study! Nothing. I mean... I was there... It wasn't what... I was sitting there! It wasn't like it seemed. I... I... I... He... We... We were... It was... " she choked, hunting for any word to fill the horrible void of silence.

The male behind her chuckled slightly. His free paw reached around to clamp down on her muzzle, silencing her before she could expose either of them. Last thing he wanted was for Riley to realize -he- knew the panther's dirty little secret. He squeezed tighter on her shoulder and pulled her back. Her entire body was tensed to the point he realized she was probably pondering screaming. The only thing keeping her from such an action was the fact she wasn't sure if Riley would save her or be more angry his secret was out. Sasha cringed, knowing the next response would hold her doom.

The voice lowered and nearly whispered, "Nothin' to be ashamed about, but I'd keep it down if I were you. Don't think he'd be too happy with you right now."

Sasha merely managed a slight nod, being unable to speak with him holding her muzzle closed like that.

"A pretty li'l thing like you is near irresistible, y'know, " the male purred, leaning down so his breath flowed over her ear, "I saw how he worked you over. It wasn't the first time, I'd wager. You've been screwing him for awhile?"

Both eyes widened as she processed what he said. Pink flushed over her cheeks and she couldn't help but feel shy. If only she could ooze down into the cracks in the floor and just flow away from this horrible mess. There was no escape for her, though, so she responded the only way she could. She shook her head heavily and prayed he wouldn't put any more pressure on her shoulder. Her legs were barely keeping her off the ground anyway.

He chuckled some and gave a nuzzle to the back of her neck, "Yeah, in other words. Pretty hot having your teacher drill you like that. You've done it with anyone else?"

Again, this was met with a rapid shake of her head. She started to think his voice sounded familiar, but she couldn't quite place it. If the situation had been different she might have even been annoyed that he thought she was 'that' kind of girl.

"Heh, I don't think that's gonna be true for long, if you get my drift. If I take my hand off your mouth, you promise not to scream?"

Sasha pondered it a moment, but gave a nod. Screaming wouldn't do her any good.

"Great, " he whispered, slipping his paw from her muzzle, "You know who I am, right?"

"N-no, sir. You sound... kinda familiar, " she whispered, shaking her head.

"I'm Mr. Ward, " he stated, very seriously, "That's right... Think about it."

Panic flowed through her veins and every part of her body. No way. That was the name of her Principal! Mr. Ward wasn't a strict soul, but he'd definitely want to notify her parents. She spun around frantically to look him over to verify his claim, actually managing to tug free of his grip on her shoulder.

Sasha found herself staring face to face with a grinning lion. While he was the same species as her Principal, there was a good age difference of at least twenty or thirty years. This lion couldn't have been out of his teens. He had the same crystal blue eyes as Mr. Ward, though, and there was definitely some resemblance . His red hair was cut at around chin length and was tucked back a bit. While he looked like a jock to some degree, he carried himself with less swagger. She noticed his grin in particular, seeming so confident and amused. Here she was about to have a heart attack and he was on the edge of laughter.

Before doing anything else, Loren leaned in and gave the terrified girl a peck on the lips now that she faced him.

"Oh god, I love doing that. Yeah, your Principal is my pop, " he purred, seeming proud of how he caught her off guard, "I'm Loren... Ward. Still Mr. Ward to you, just not the one you were hoping for. Pop would probably find it pretty funny that a li'l thing like you got fucked by tall, dark, and scary in there."

While she didn't really feel a reaction from the brief kiss, she did freak out slightly over this. He couldn't punish her, but if he told his daddy she'd be in trouble anyway! She rapidly pawed at his chest as if pleading with him. Whimpers left her lips earnestly.

"You can't... If your daddy finds out, he'll tell my daddy! My daddy will kill me!" she growled, through clenched teeth.

Loren chuckled and nodded, finding this situation both amusing and arousing. All his cards were in hand, but the measure of fun he'd take from her depended on how he played them. He knew she was probably pretty naive and decided to press things.

"Heh. Looks like you're in a spot.... what'd you say your name was, again?"

She whined some, but looked into his eyes in a pleading way. She hoped to see some kindness there or softness there more than the looks Riley gave her. There was a certain amount of intent there in the way he looked her over, but he lacked the same cold hunger her teacher had for her. One was a hunter, the other was in it for sport. This lion wanted her, surely, but he wasn't hellbent on taking her like Mr. Riley. An inkling of an idea entered her mind that she might be able to use this to her advantage.

"S-sasha, sir, " she replied, obediently, "Please... don't tell anyone. I need to keep it a secret. Mr. Riley would be angry at me. Angry at both of us..."

He smirked, "Not really my problem, is it? I mean, my pop is your Principal. Riley tries anything with me, he's done for. You're not so lucky, are ya? If anyone tells that -you- told Riley's secret, he'll be only mad at you."

The girl shook her head so rapidly that she thought her neck would break, "N-no! Please... Why do you've gotta tell him?"

Loren trailed his eyes over her, seeing she was on the verge of tears. He slipped one arm over her shoulder, letting it curl around her neck.

"Well, I don't guess I -have- to tell him. I mean, I was supposed to just drop a message off from pop to Riley. Could pretend I didn't see anything."

Her hazel eyes practically lit up, "R-really? You... You could forget you saw it?"

"Easy enough to do, " he chuckled, pressing his nose to her nose, "There is another matter I need to take care of first, before I can forget about you and him."

Sasha's cheeks flushed at the closer contact. She didn't mind it too much since he wasn't scary as her teacher. Her ears perked some and her tail started to lift from between her legs.

"What is it you've gotta do?" she asked, nervously glancing over Loren's shoulder back to the classroom door. She hoped Riley didn't plan on leaving for awhile.

"I've got a big problem. See, watching him fuck you like that gave me a hell of a hard-on. I need go beat off, though that probably won't be enough to give me relief."

Being somewhat innocent still, Sasha didn't quite get where he was going with this. She gave him a funny look.

"Beat off? What's that?" she asked, ignorant of the term.

"Heh, I've gotta go make myself cum. It's like what he did to you, only I use my hand to squeeze it out of my cock. Takes awhile, too. I mean, we could definitely be here in this hall awhile, " he whispered, giving a brief lick over her lips, "Never know when Riley will come out. Not a problem for me, but yeah, I feel sorry for you if he catches us."

Her ears and tail flattened as she realized she might still get caught. She let out a low whine, hating herself for what she was about to say.

"If I helped, would it go faster?" she asked, unaware she had just figuratively stepped into a steel bear trap.

Loren grinned at her and tilted his head. He winked at her in a teasing way, "What's a girl like you have that could help a guy like me get off fast?"

She fidgeted somewhat under his gaze, "I... I could suck your cock."

"Just a blowjob, huh? I need more than a blow job to make me get off and forget, I think. 'Course a good fucking always helps me get off pretty fast. I mean, I'd definitely be forgetting it a lot easier if I didn't have a hard cock to remind me."

The girl shook her head, feeling a strange quiver run through her legs and up through her insides. Her poor, abused little cunny could not take another cock. There was no way, no how. She didn't even realize how deep she was digging herself, being such a helpless little bitch. He sounded so serious with her now, so stern.

"Not... in my cunny. It's too sore."

"Mm. I'd imagine so after he pounded you like that. Too bad, guess we'll be here awhile, " he replied, reaching one hand down as if to undo his pants. She went wide eyed, thinking he intended to pull it out right there in the hall.

"N-no! It's... I have a tailhole... Why don't you... fuck my tailhole?" she asked, hopefully in the sense that it might get her out of a worse situation. As much as she hated using that language, he seemed to enjoy it.

One by one the cards were laid down and Loren had her where he wanted her. Riley dominated her by force, but the lion much preferred trickery. She was unclear exactly on -how- she got into this mess with him, but she asked for it nonetheless . His attitude and demeanor changed from serious to more playful in an instant, something that should have been a dead giveaway he was just acting.

"Heh! That's a can-do attitude if I've ever seen one. You like it up the ass, huh? he asked, sliding a hand around her and back down over her skirt. He gave her little rump cheek a squeeze, causing her to flinch immediately under his touch. It wasn't that she liked it there, after all, it was just the lesser of two evils.

"N-no. It's just... better than the other spot, " she whined.

"Well, babe, here's not the best place to carry out a fucking. Panther-nuts in there might be dense as a brick sometimes, but even he wouldn't miss the sound of us having a romp. You and I need to go for our ride, " he stated, grabbing her shoulder to turn her back around. He nudged her toward the door to get her walking, not wanting to be there any longer than required.

Sasha didn't quite catch the implied undertones of a ride, as that position hadn't really been explained to her yet. She knew he wanted to have his way with her, definitely something more than just driving her around. He'd fuck her, make her sticky, and with any luck they'd be done with it. She moved along toward the door, complying and thinking that she had at least some say in the matter--after all, didn't she offer this to him?

The pair exited the building with a bit of haste. Loren glanced around outside, keeping an eye out to make sure no one caught sight of them together. He'd been with a few girls before and had somewhat of a reputation for playing around, but he'd never went for one that young. He was seventeen and she had to be closer to ten or eleven. It was a sizable difference and she was a hell of a lot smaller than him. Being in the hall and in risk of being caught had given him a rush, but this experience had him wanting to tear out of his jeans.

He wasted no time in getting her scooted over to a black sedan, opening the passenger's side door to nudge her in. She whined slightly at this shepherding and poking, all before sliding into the seat. She reached to fasten herself in with her seatbelt, knowing on at least some level taking a ride with a stranger wouldn't lead to good things. Loren checked back over her to make sure she was secured, then moved to get in himself.

"Well, I don't want to take you too far from home, babe, so don't worry over it. We're just going to make a little stop before we go there, " he purred, starting the car and checking the parking lot for any traffic, "Where do ya live, anyway?"

Being a smart girl, she knew better than to give her address to strangers, but mused she also knew better than to get into a car with one. In for a penny, in for a pound, she guessed. She'd never make it home on time at this rate unless he drove her and knew that she'd only make it by the skin of her teeth anyway.

"Tournebout circle, but I don't wanna tell you which house, " she whispered, begrudgingly.

Her attitude made him chuckle as he considered the location. It was in one of the newer subdivisions, back a ways from the city limit. He thought he knew the general area well enough to find it. A few parks were around as well as a few undeveloped wooded areas. She practically lived as far out as one could go without actually being in the country, though it wasn't too far from the school. It'd be risky as fuck taking her in an open space, but wouldn't be too bad if they could pull off somewhere behind a tree line. Still, the excitement of taking her in such a way only served to fuel his arousal. Loren shifted the car into gear and pulled out onto the road.

It struck him that he was fairly 'kidnapping' her even if he intended to return her. A similar thought had struck her along the way, but she'd go through with it regardless in order to keep her secret secure. That didn't mean she'd have to talk to him about it, though. She barely made eye contact with him and kept her eyes turned outside. Houses went by and no one realized how badly she needed their help. So many people, yet no one cared she'd be used by another male.

Still, Loren was her choice. She'd agreed to it and offered herself to him. From that she drew some comfort, never realizing he'd sorta tricked her. It'd be different than when she was with Riley.

The drive was all too short for the little wolf girl's taste. Loren ended up pulling into a shady lane off the main road. He drove far enough in that they'd be out of sight for anyone turning in, not that anyone would actually bother coming out this far. The lane only led to some old farms and was barely more than an extended dirt driveway. Still, to be safe, he pulled into a pasture and kept the car hidden behind a small cluster of overgrowth.

Sasha's ears flattened as the lion parked the car. He slipped a paw over to rub her shoulder, before turning to her to grin at her. It struck him how afraid she looked.

"Damn. He's got you this afraid of fooling around, huh? What all has he done to you, anyway?" he asked, hoping to hear some kinky tidbit. Her eyes flitted over his crotch, seeing the already noticeable bulge there.

She fidgeted a few times, not really wanting to say, but figuring he'd not leave her alone about it, "Everywhere. Mouth, cunny, and tailhole... He's had them all and made me sore."

"Heh, figures there'd be nothing left for me to pop. I'll make do, somehow," he responded, playfully. His eyes sparkled with mirth as he leaned in to sniff along her neck. Earlier scents of involuntary arousal had mixed with her fear sweat. It almost smelled like she was in heat, but had different undertones. It was a spicy scent and did much for his arousal. His jeans felt like a prison and his cock would burst out. Even pushing it down his pants leg was just a temporary measure.

As her neck was nuzzled, Sasha tilted her head away. While this was intended to get her face away from him, it only ended up exposing more of her neck to him. Sharp teeth nipped along her thin, delicate throat. He kissed his way over the nipped spots, an action that made her feel very peculiar inside. It was a warm feeling, one that seemed to flow over the soreness inside and ease it. He licked up her throat and over her chin, finally reaching her lips. Loren kissed her and pressed his tongue forward, daring to explore her muzzle.

She could do little other than take his advances, whimpering though as his tongue ran over hers. It didn't hurt her and so far felt pretty good. He knew his way around girls and in a different situation she might have even been happy to have an older boy interested in her. Both paws instinctively crossed over her lap, almost as if to protect herself. He slid his hand down to unfasten their seatbelts. With the restraints free, Loren leaned in and tilted his head to get himself in closer. His lips made a sloppy sound against hers, one that made her feel somewhat dirty. After a moment, he pulled his lips back from the little girl's mouth a fraction of an inch.

"You've definitely been fucked before, but he's probably not concerned about making a nice li'l girl like you feel like the hot li'l thing she is, " he whispered, letting his lips brush over hers as he spoke, "I'm gonna fuck you in a way he's not fucked you. I'm gonna make you cream. We're gonna play that game where the bitch gets taken, and you're going down on me one way or another."

Being called a bitch, even through implication, brought a loud whine from her? What could she say? Mr. Riley dominated her so easily and now this lion was taking control over her as well. She looked into his eyes, finding them mesmerizing even if they were full of lust. Her attention was divided to the point she didn't notice his hand snaking lower. She heard thetale-tell sound of a pants button being popped free, followed by the sound of a zipper. What drew her attention down there was the scent of his arousal. He had a very masculine, powerful scent that was almost a musk. Even if she couldn't identify it, her body could. Her heart beat a little faster in her chest as nature took effect.

Loren's cock stood up from his pants, freed from the horrible confines of his jeans. He was fully erect, already being at the point of throbbing. When her eyes looked away from his, she realized how exposed he was. Blush flooded her cheeks as she looked over what was only the second penis she'd ever seen. Mr. Riley's cock had taught her the basic idea, and from that she'd gathered the basic shape, but until that moment she assumed all males were identical. It struck her how wrong she'd been. There were several differences between her teacher and this lion, however minor in nature. Riley's shaft was a bit longer, she realized, and had that slight curve to it. This cock was shorter, though, and had less of a curve. On the other hand, the head of it seemed to be larger on Loren. It definitely had a larger 'flare' to it. Natural curiosity overrode her fear long enough for her to take every detail in.

He chuckled to himself at seeing her study it so intently. One hand slid down her back and rubbed her. His massaging edged her closer, putting just enough pressure to catch her off guard. Before she got a hold of her senses it was practically against her nose. She had never seen such a sight. That thick, flared tip threatened to enter her mouth at any moment. Her body shivered before she could control it. His hand moved to press against the back of her head in a methodical way.

"I like the way you're looking at it. You're young, but there's a bit of cock hunger in you I'll bet. We've got a deal, so open that pretty little mouth of yours and take a taste of it. You don't want it going up your rump dry, " he stated, taking a somewhat ordering tone.

First instinct told her to resist, to back away, but being in a car she couldn't really go far. The pressure he put on the back of her head was enough to push her nose against it. There were subtle differences between the scent of her teacher's shaft and this one. Riley was well past puberty and the age where his hormones were raging. This lion was just a teenager and had a much larger sexual charge inside of him. Both small paws reached out to brace herself, resting on his lap awkwardly before moving to curl around his base. She had to hold up her end of the bargain.

Sasha's muzzle opened and her small pink tongue flitted out over the tip of Loren's shaft. The flavor and texture that met her surprised her, as she never imagined that two males could be so different. Loren's taste was almost overpowering and pent up, but she kept licking around the head of it. Both eyes closed and she hoped she would do a good enough job to keep him quiet. Her tiny tongue flitted over the piss slit in his cock and swirled back down under the underside of the tip.

As she explored him with her tongue, the lion slid his free hand around her and stuck it under the edge of her shirt. He played his fingers up her stomach, feeling over her small form. He finally felt what he sought. A tiny, hard nub brushed against his finger pads. He pinched this tenderly and rolled it around. Every now and then he'd give a little tug that made her jump against him. It sent sparks through her body to be played with like that, and before she knew it she was letting out a whimpering moan.

His hand pressed down on her head once more, guiding her lips down around the tip. She knew what he wanted and fastened her muzzle closed around it, sliding her tongue back and forth over his cock head in an unfocused way. Eventually she rubbed her tongue more along the underside, just under the flared head of it. This brought a surprised sounded growl from him, though one of pleasure.

"Mm, keep hitting it there, babe. Tongue the opening in my cock, " he ordered, his shaft flexing instinctively under her touch.

She held tighter to the base of it and did as instructed. Her tongue tip slipped against and across the slit in his cock in a way that made his toes curl. From her chest his paw slipped down, stroking over her belly for a bit before slipping under her skirt and panties. Young fingers pressed against an even younger opening. He felt a shudder run through her body as he delicately stroked her sore slit. Purrs freely left his lips as he rubbed her, loving getting head from such a hot young girl.

Her delicate folds easily spread for him as he made his advances. After Riley fucked her, she'd practically been left gaping open. It was really minor, but he could feel how stretched she was getting. Two fingers spread her folds wider, exposing her inner ring to his touch. He rubbed the tip of his finger around her there in circles, noting just how fragile she felt. He kept the pad of his finger rubbing there and brought his thumb up to feel for something else. He pushed the very edge of it against the button of her young clit, massaging back and forth. This made her whimper again, but Loren chuckled and pushed her head down harder to muffle her. She ended up with her muzzle stuffed with lion cock.

"He's got you gaping down there. I bet you'd love getting fucked like that again if that slit of yours would just stretch more, " he whispered, pinching at her clit delicately. She made a peculiar sound, since having such a mouthful left her unable to reply to him.

Sasha's poor muzzle felt like it'd break, having him so deep in her mouth. She tried to curl her tongue around the thick lion cock to perhaps push it out, but she couldn't stop it from slipping into her throat. Her mouth was open at its limits and her jaw felt so very tired. Despite not wanting his cock there, she found it stretching her and pressing against her little gag reflexes. She audibly choked and spasmed around his tip, fairly milking it. He let out a low growl, pulling her up for a few seconds for her to get some air, then pushed her back down on it. His paw made her bob on his shaft, practically making him face fuck her.

There wasn't any question that she was was at his mercy, just like she'd been with her teacher. This lion seemed more bent on using her than controlling her, though. She gagged every time his shaft slipped into her throat. Spit flowed freely and ran down his cock, puddling against his crotch. Her poor nose ended up shoved against it, against his lap every time he brought her head down. Loren wouldn't settle for anything less than all the way.

Sasha angled her head, trying to line her throat up with her muzzle a bit more so she wouldn't choke to death on his invading member. It was definitely less uncomfortable once she got her head turned right. He let out a hiss, feeling himself practically fucking her throat. His fingers danced across her open cunny lips, teasing her as she pleasured him. He kept his thumb on her clit and delved into her occasionally with his index finger. She could do little more than whimper as he used her, so sloppily even she could have been nothing more than a toy.

Pleasure built in his balls and he knew he had to make his choice. He could give her his load in her mouth, but that'd be messy for them both and he didn't exactly have any replacement clothes for her there. Loren panted and pulled her mouth off his cock. Her poor tongue drooped and hung out of her muzzle, being caught against his shaft until he had her all the way off.

"Getting way too close for comfort. Yeah, that should be enough, " he purred, looking at his cock coated so heavily with her spit, "We can't do this up here, so we need to get in the back."

His paw slipped from her panties and he moved to open his door. One hand gripped his pants as he got out of the car. Every movement sent his throbbing cock swaying, being a bit of a site to behold. She nodded shakily and gasped for air for a few seconds, all before exiting the car to join him. Sasha looked at the older male for guidance, not knowing what exactly he wanted to do. He opened one of the back doors and motioned for her to get in.

"Crawl in, but get on your knees. Keep your butt in the air, " he ordered, wanting to screw her so bad the thought of it was almost enough to get him off right there.

Sasha obeyed in a submissive way, being unsure of what to think at this point. It felt good when he had been rubbing her like that. It didn't hurt her like having a cock in there and taught her more than a few things about what her poor li'l cunny could feel if not pushed to its limit. She lowered herself on her arms and kept her rump in the air, her panties being fully visible under her skirt as it rode up. Instinct had guided her to shift her tail to the side and allow the male to do as he pleased.

After adjusting her for a moment, Loren bent over and leaned himself into the car. Positioning was difficult, since there was very limited space. He had only a small amount of room to maneuver. His head bumped the roof of the car more than one time as he worked himself in over her. Strong paws tugged her panties down, exposing her sex and her tight anal ring. The lion took his cock in paw and braced himself against the inside of the door on the other side.

Tension filled her as she felt the lion's powerful cock tip press to her tailhole. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea after all. He was gonna stretch her, she knew. Being as thick as he was she'd be lucky if she could walk right after this. The limited space in the back seat left her with barely enough room to breath. Him being pressed so close to her, forcing her against the seat, didn't really help matters any. The thick, spit slickened tip prodded against her, causing her tight little ring to instinctively clench. He pressed forward, but her body wouldn't relax. Sasha yelped and screamed as it started stretching her in a painful way. Loren quickly clamped his paw around her muzzle to keep it closed.

"No, babe, relax it back there. Push instead of trying to squeeze, " he ordered, growling slightly to keep her in mind of who was in control, "Damnit, how'd he get his cock up there anyway?"

His question, being more rhetorical than direct, went unanswered due to her muzzle being clamped shut as it was. Try as he might, Loren could scarcely get a fraction of an inch into her. Every effort he made was countered by her tailhole spasming and keeping itself clenched. He could feel her trying to relax, though, and knew if he could time it right he might be able to get in. The angle of their bodies made lining it up difficult.

Pre oozed from his tip, coating her abused ring. He lowered his hips slightly to point his cock more directly into her rump. The lion timed it just right, pushing just as her spasms relaxed. He grinned as he felt himself going in, sinking in a few inches at least. Wasting no time, he redoubled his efforts and pushed forward into her ass. She felt herself stretching horribly, almost to the point of tearing. Every time she thought she couldn't take more, Loren would pull out an inch or two and push it back in with more pressure. It only worked another faction of an inch out of her each time, but it was adding up.

Back and forth he rocked with his thrusts, feeling delicious friction gripping his barely lubed shaft. His cock constantly leaked in her, coating her insides with his pre. Each thrust brought him that much closer to getting buried in her. Sasha whimpered loudly into her closed muzzle, struggling slightly against his hand in order to free herself. Here she was being treated like a dog, with his thumb and index finger being curled around her muzzle to keep it shut. Both ears lowered and she did her best to take it, her poor body being pushed so far.

Loren propped himself more on his elbow so he could free a hand. The lion kept his thrusts steady as he moved it down her body, reaching around in front to tease back over her nipples. He rubbed these through her sweater, making her shudder against him. Every little shudder tugged on his cock more, turning him on that much more. He flexed inside of her, causing her to scream into his hand once more and jump up against him. Tears flowed down her cheeks as the experience grew more painful.

Not wanting to make this totally horrible for her, he ran his hand down her body and back against her slit. He rubbed her softly as he fucked her ass, feeling her being pushed by his thrusts. One finger slipped inside her cunny, pressing far enough that he could feel the pressure put on her by his own shaft in her other hole. His finger pushed in and out in time with his short thrusts, rubbing her in a rapid way.

Sasha wanted to scream more, but couldn't get her mouth open. She wanted to tell him how he was splitting her open. Every thrust felt like he was impaling her. It wasn't even all that deep yet, but brought her no end of pain. The girl panted and growled in her throat, trying to wriggle back against him to let him know to stop, but it only served to drive his excitement further. Worse yet, she knew her slit was starting to get wet again just from him stimulating her.

She could barely take it. Tight muscles spasmed and clenched reflexively around him, trying to force him out. More of his cock made its way into her, leaving her feeling incredibly awkward. She kept herself as relaxed as she could, but this wasn't just a simple screwing. He was drilling her, pounding her, whatever word she could think of to describe how relentless he was. She finally tugged her muzzle away from his hand and cried out, burying it against her paws.

Bitch was the right name for her, and she whimpered out loud like the pathetic one she was. Loren's hips slapped against her rump cheeks, causing them to shake with every thrust. He couldn't help but grin, knowing it was usually hard for girls when they weren't too used to a fucking.

"Mm.. I love stuffing you like this, babe, " he whispered, leaning in to lick along her ear. The lion kissed his way down over the back of her neck and softly bit down into her scruff. Her body betrayed her in the worst possible way, going limp under him. This relaxed her tight hole enough that it was no longer a barrier. Every inch of the lion's cock went pounding into her, stretching her to her limit. Both eyes opened wide and she frantically tried to find words to express her discomfort.

His thrusts went on full throttle, pulling out until only the tip was inside only to cram the whole thing back into her. He had her ass sopping wet with his pre and her spit, and each thrust only served to shove her little slit down on his waiting fingers. He kept two fingers together, effectively serving as a juicer for that delicate little cunny of hers. She whimpered loudly, still being too distracted by the fact she had a cock in her ass to really enjoy it.

Each and every relentless thrust slapped his body against hers, his sweat and musk dripping on her. She bit down against the seat the best she could, trying to muffle herself. His balls slapped against her li'l slit from behind. Not even he could hold forever, though. They didn't have all day and he really wanted to get his load out before his balls could explode in a bad way. Loren pounded into her, working himself closer to the edge. He knew it was gonna cum, but he couldn't leave a 'deposit' in her just like that. His balls tightened in their sac as his cock flexed in her one last time. He kept it in her until the last possible second.

"Yeah, here it cums, babe!" he growled, so very tempted to leave his cock in her and finish there. He yanked himself out and his hands back a fraction of a second before he came. The lion gripped himself frantically, holding onto it as it throbbed and flexed in the cool air. Thick spurts of cum shot from the tip, firing in jets to the seat between her legs. His hips instinctively bucked as each and every jet made him moan out. With the majority of it out, he quickly buried himself back into her rump, letting himself finish his orgasm inside of her. His hypersensitive shaft throbbed in her, her heat and rear milking it.

Being positioned as she was, she wasn't too clear on what happened. She knew he pulled out for a brief time to finish himself, but wasn't about to find out what happened. Sasha got a hold of her senses long enough to pull herself off his cock and dart to the other side of the car. Her shaky legs barely held her as she turned to watch him, pressing herself back up against the door. There was quite a mess there, now, puddled on the seat. He still had a grip on his cock, though, and rubbed it some in front of her.

"Damn, I blew a big load. Couldn't leave you sticky, though, " he panted reaching a paw down to trail his fingers through his own jizz. He could see how nervous she was now and felt a little guilty, "And... don't worry. It's normal for the first few times to feel uncomfortable. You did great, babe."

Loren lifted his cum coated fingers up and played with it between his finger pads, letting her see the sticky strands. He reached over and trailed his fingers over her muzzle lips, drawing a heavy whimper of protest from her. He merely grinned at her and slipped his fingertip in to push it against her tongue.

"Taste it. Lick those beautiful lips clean, " he ordered, finding more amusement in this, "If you want me to forget what I saw, you've gotta do it."

It struck her that he was changing the nature of their agreement and that it wasn't quite fair, but what could she do about it? Her tongue trailed out over her lips and cleaned them, but also around his finger to clean it. His salty cum had a weird taste, being somewhat similar to her teacher in that. It felt thicker on her lips, though.

"Good, now lick it off the seat. I can't have it sinking in there or my pop will be wondering just what went on."

She whimpered and shook her head, instead reaching a paw over as if she intended to wipe it up with her hands. Loren grabbed her wrist and pulled her off balance, bending her over in the process. He pushed her head down between his legs, leaving her nose an inch between the sticky mess. As if another thought struck him, the teen reached into his pocket and pulled out a phone. Sasha wondered seriously if he was going to call someone, but a telltale blinking red light told her what he was up to.

"Lap it off the seat of my car. Clean it, " he ordered once more.

She whimpered and tried to pull herself back, "No, it's nasty... I don't wanna lick the seat."

"Lick my seat, " he ordered again, patiently, "You worked it out, now clean it up so we can go."

She shook her head, sniffling a little, "I don't wanna... please..."

Loren chuckled, "Well, I guess we can wait here for it to dry. You'll have to explain to your daddy why you were home so late. Riley might even find out somehow."

She looked at him, then at the cell phone recording her. Was he going to use it to blackmail her? Or was he going to use it just for his own pleasure? His cock rested against her little nose, dripping slightly onto her muzzle. The puddle of cum was very clearly visible below her lips, between his legs. He let go of her and took his shaft in hand, rubbing the still-pulsing flesh across her cheek. She frantically rubbed the stickiness off her head fur to keep it from setting in.

"Don't mind this. It's a li'l something for later when I want to get my rocks off. Now clean it up. I won't saying it again."

Sasha finally nodded, whining lowly to herself since she saw this was getting her nowhere. Loren filmed her as her tongue ran through the white streaks and puddles on the seat. She lapped the splatters up like a dog, drawing her tongue rapidly across them to scoop them into her mouth. His cock twitched in the air, dripping a few last drops down onto her and her tongue.

"Great job, babe. We're done here. Pull your panties up so we can get going, " he purred, seeming pleased with himself. Loren hit the button to save the video file. It'd come in handy later for more than one reason, "I'm gonna take ya home now."

Sasha whimpered again, not quite liking the idea of him having a video of her. At least she could go back home, though. There she'd find a few precious hours of respite, all before the cycle was due to begin again. The little wolf girl pulled her panties up and did her best to make herself look neat, though she was sure she had at least some of his scent on her from their rough play.

With any luck she'd be able to sneak in her house, but she knew it was too close to time for her parents to be home. Maybe they wouldn't notice and maybe they wouldn't punish her. She could always say that the air conditioning went out at school. They wouldn't know any better one way or another. As much as she hated lying, it was becoming a necessity for her. Sasha shot one last glance at the lion and exited the car, returning to the passenger seat.

Loren stuffed himself back into his pants and headed back up front as well. Not even he, liking risk as he did, wanted to draw the wrath of her parents. He started the car and pulled out, heading back toward the subdivision where she lived. Sasha's ears stayed flat for the entire short ride, but the lion either didn't notice or didn't care. She didn't speak to him, he didn't speak to her. There was nothing more to be said between them.

The car stopped about a block from her home, very much out of sight. Sasha shakily pulled herself together and got out of the car, thinking about the day's experience. She'd been used, humiliated, caught, and used again by two people who were practically strangers to her in terms of what she knew of their personal lives. It depressed her as she about how she was digging herself in deeper each and every day. Maybe she was just out of control.