
Story by Graeth on SoFurry

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#5 of After the Rain

_A/N: Oh God, I don't know where to start. The title itself was inspired by the last episode of SG-1, indicating just how long this has been in the making. But life just happened so fast and mucked everything up. On top of that, I don't know how many times I rewrote this, trying to get it perfect from whats in my mind. I tried to get it back to how good I thought I did in the first chapter...felt myself slip after that. This is the fourth version, even still considered a beta so there will be more errors than previous chapters. Other than that....42 pages. Enjoy

A/N +1: What I do extremely highly majorly strongly-almost-to-the point-of-insisting-recommend is having the song "Wherever You Will Go" by The Calling, cued up and ready to go. Just scroll it up on youtube.......you'll know when to play it._






It was a beautiful, sunny day in Vyeslae. The sun shown down brightly through the wide, open skylights that illuminated the gigantic dome. Puffy albino clouds dotted the skyline; refracting blindingly albino but they were spaced adequately so as to not impede the glorious rays of sunlight as they were gently pushed along the landscape. Birds chirped and sang in the spring atmosphere; the wind rustled through the leaves of the surrounding forest and echoed down into the emerald valley below.

Dozens, if not hundreds, were gathered inside the ceremonial dome, dressed in their highest quality garments for this solemn occasion. Specks of light glinted off the myriad pieces of finery and shimmering silken materials. Silence reigned, but small sounds permeated the void; some coughs, but mostly sniffles and restrained sobs. All eyes, blurry and clear, were focused to the front of the room.

An'karra stood immobile; bathed in the warm light. The events of the past several weeks unfolded in her mind; the events beyond her control that had led up to her being here for a second time in her life. Tears streamed down her cheeks uncontrollably as the emotional maelstrom raged inside her; she kept the reigns on her sobbing with all her might. A single phrase repeating itself in her mind: How did this happen?






Thirteen Days Earlier



           Jason was running; running down a long hallway. It was ablaze and the structure was failing; flaming debris narrowly missing his hide. It seemed to go on forever, he couldn't see an end; but he just kept on running. He heard screams of pain, cries of suffering and shrieks of agony echoing to him from indeterminate sources; intermingling with warping metal and roaring flames. Fiery cinder filled his lungs every time he inhaled, his choking reflex trying desperately to clear his airways.

           He passed a doorway glowing eerily orange and loud sobbing hit his finely tuned ears. He saw a small huddled mass in the far corner of the room, choking in the smoke like him. He ran to the corner and picked up the child, still unsure on how he was going to exit the building; but figuring she stood a better chance with him than in the corner.

He hefted up the child and she clung to him as he started to leave the room. No sooner had he about faced when loud popping soundsâ€"rivets failing and being forced out of placeâ€"came alive all around him. The floor suddenly gave away and he roared out in surprise as he fell into the blackness below.

Jason bolted upright in his bed, a muted cry barely escaping him before he caught himself. He took a moment to catch his bearings. Sweat dripped off his face as if he'd been in a fire for real. It was still dark, the dawning sun barely rising and the curtains dispersing the light. He was in Ankarra's bed; she was on his right, Rhi'hilan beyond her. Was that his last memory coming back to haunt him? Was this a side affect of coming back from the afterlife? Would these nightmares plague him forever? His orientation came back. It had only been less than half a day since he'd reclaimed his old body. He blinked his eyes, attempting to banish the weariness from them when he heard some shuffling from the hallway outside the room. He saw Livianna's visage appear in the doorframe, a worried look on her face. He slid out of the bed and shuffled quietly into the hallway, closing the door behind him.

"Are you okay?" She whispered, using her hand to wipe away the sweat and feel the temperature on his forehead.

"I'm fine. It was just a bad dream, that's all." He replied, her eye brows remaining perked to show her disbelief. "I'm fine, really." He insisted as she tenderly wiped the sweat from his face. "And what are you up so early?" He asked, changing the subject.

"This is my normal wake up time, I just don't usually work on the weekends; but my body still wakes me up." She led him to the kitchen where she already had a pot of coffee brewing. "Are you going back to bed?" She asked as she opened the cupboard, wondering how many mugs to fetch.

"Uh, I don't think so." She set down two mugs and began filling them up. "So, did Delkanth talk to you last night or escape through the window?" He chuckled softly. She smiled as she continued to pour.

"We talked...briefly." She winked at him and smiled before taking a sip from her mug. She pulled a dish over to her and started spooning copious amounts of sugar into her mug. "It's such a relief, finally getting that off my chest. There's no more of that awkwardness that used to hang between us. And there's this feeling that I can't describe; this elatedness that I've never realized that I've been without until now." Jason smiled at her as he dumped some sugar into his own mug. "Now I know how you and Anne feel about one another." He saw her smile to herself and couldn't help but smile himself. "I've been kicking myself for being without it. Especially knowing that Delkanth felt the same way all this time.

"Yeah, the three of us had to threaten him last night in order for him to do it." Jason chuckled.


"Really." They shared a chuckle and some silence; reflecting on the occurrences of the past eight or so hours.

"So," she broke the pause, "have you thought about when you're going to have the wedding?" She fingered the ring on his hand. He leaned back against the wall in thought.

"No, really, really haven't had time to talk about it." She humphed in agreement and turned around, apparently looking for something to eat.

"Well, I know it would be impossible to arrange it in two days for Anne's birthday, but it would be a nice belated present." She said as she stuck her head in the fridge. "A week is a nice solid date; should be more than enough time to get things lined up." He was about to announce his astonishment at the short time interval, but, like him, she was still nude from the previous night and the sun had started to fill the room, illuminating her silvery coat. Jason's eyes couldn't help but wander over her furry body, looking so soft and inviting him to touch it, caress it. "Being the freak-that-returned-from-the-dead that you are, I really don't think we have to worry about paying for much of anything; not that it'd be much of a problem anyways." She continued to chuckle and dig through the fridge as he gave an absent minded agreement; arousal rising. "Although a planner wouldn't go amiss; especially if you want it to go right."

He didn't notice his shaft hardening to full length, but kept right on gazing at Livianna's smoothness; the pinkness of her lips barely visible, showing her to still be visibly tight. His eyes glazed over as part of his mind was telling him that he was still his old faithful self that he'd always been while the new part just kept repeating the conversation with An'karra from the previous day. He started to run through their previous encounters; her fur had been so soft...

"Eh huh," Livianna cleared her throat to bring Jason back to the present; she'd set some items on the counter and was now fully facing him. "And what are you thinking about?" She mused seductively, eyes running over his long member which was showing itself at nearly its full strength; jutting proudly into the air as he leaned against the wall. Her interruption brought him out of his stupor; quickly unfolding his arms and shuffling up behind the counter for cover.

"Oh! I, uh..." He blushed deeply, so much that his cheeks hurt. "I, uh, didn't mean to stare."

"Ah, but you did." She murmured as she walked around the counter to him. He backed nervously against the wall as she slowly trapped him; a hand caressing his member as the other grabbed his hand. Slowly, but too fast to avoid, she leaned up and pried his mouth open with her beak, playing tongue tag for a moment before getting his response. "Let's not wake the others; I just want it to be you and me." She grinned at him, taking him by the hand and leading him out onto the patio as he continued to sputter half formed objections.

Light was still filtering into the dawning sky as they entered the brisk mountain air, but there was plenty enough to be able to see. She sat him down on one of the recliners and flung her hair out of the way as she knelt and took his shaft into her throat.

"Liv..." He moaned as she took most of his length into her slick throat. "I, guh, I don't think this is a good idea." He managed between pants. She sat up and fixed him with a somewhat sad, calculating stare, still stroking him slowly.

"Why is it wrong for us to indulge in one another?" She winked at him. "To show that we care for one another? I have feelings for you too; you were close to me as well. Like we've been telling you, it's quite open around here. I have my mateâ€"nowâ€"and you have yours; but that doesn't mean we can't have our own time together." She caressed his cheek. "Why can't we all just...well, be together? Anne, Rhi, Del, you and I?"

"Was that how it was before?"

"Well, as you can guess from last night, not exactly...it was just you, Anne and myself. But things have come together rather nicely and now we've got a full house. Think about how much fun we can have...especially with three males." She straightened up briefly and gave a shiver of exaggerated anticipation before grinning. Sighing, she cocked her head back at him with that soft smile on the edges of her beak. "But if you still don't want to, that's okay, I understand." She stood up and offered him a hand up off the chair. He stared at it for a moment before taking it and gently pulling her on top of him. He didn't say anything, just kissed her on the beak and nuzzled her cheek. She responded with a throaty warble and kneaded his chest as she threw one leg over him; rubbing her soft stomach against his shaft and smearing precum on her fur. She aligned his cock to her slit with her other hand and slowly squatted down; inhaling ecstasy as she took him in.

"Oh, I've missed you so much." She moaned as he wrapped his lips around one her nipples and caressed her rear; his moans of pleasure joining hers. His hands transferred to her hips and helped her start a smooth rhythm; his cock glistening with her juices in the morning light. They repeatedly nuzzled one another as Jason heightened their arousal with his actions as more light spilled onto the land. Their hands continued to work over one another as their passion began to warm up the morning faster than the sun was able to do.

Her moans soon grew louder and she leaned her head against his. He wrapped his neck over her shoulder, behind her head and held fast onto her, immobilizing her above him and slammed up into her at lightning speed. "Oh, Era!" Livianna crowed in ecstasy; her legs locking up as her orgasm swept through her body. Her fluids coursed down upon his waist, flowing out as their bodies continued to slap together.

"Gggoâ€"ahh!" Jason roared as he rammed up into Livianna's pussy as far as he could go. He labored for breath as he released his load into her; large amounts of the mix flowing back out onto him and smearing between them. Euphoria overtook him and his muscles gave out; Livianna falling onto him and panting just as heavily. He kissed her and she nuzzled him as he wrapped his arms about her; her pelvis still grinding between them for sparks of pleasure. Their quick action enough to sate them, they stayed in one another's embrace for several minutes, letting their faculties come back under control as they enjoyed one another.

"I've missed you...we all have," Livianna whispered in earnest to Jason who nuzzled her in response; hands still caressing her sensitive body and prolonging the glow. They cuddled in one another's warmth and Livianna leaned onto him to rest her head; time slowed as the afterglow dissipated. Jason hadn't realized he'd fallen asleep until Livianna's voice woke him. "Hey, Era, er, uh, Jason." She poked him a bit and he started. She giggled as he took a moment to get his bearings. "Tired?"

"Yeah, I guess I will be going back to bed. Sorry, I don't know what's come over me." He rubbed the sleepiness from his face, feeling a little awkward with the muzzle. "Guess the coffee isn't enough."

"It's a side affect of the transformation. Your body may be out of sync for a few days." She smiled and nudged him reassuringly with her beak before sliding off of him and starting to clean him up. He watched her with a gaze of contentment as her agile tongue made quick work of their fluids. She wiped her beak clean and then licked her fingers before offering him a hand up again. "You should go back to sleep. Hopefully I chased away the nightmares." She gave him a gentle nudge towards the door and took his place on the recliner; a happy aura settling on her.

Jason sighed, stopping briefly as it turned into a yawn. He stealthily reentered the bedroom, padding to the opposite side under the cover of Rhi'hilan's slight snoring. Gently putting his weight down on the bed, he sidled up behind his mate and laid his head over her wings and on her hair so he could smell it as he went back to sleep; his brief morning exercise making it ever so easier.



"Come on Rhi, just try it." An'karra whispered insistently to Rhi'hilan as they both sat in bed, staring at the sleeping Jason; the morning well under way. "Remember what you said last night about ‘you don't know unless you ask?"

"I don't think that that's such a good idea, Anne. What if he gets angry?" He replied, fret tainting his barely audible voice.

"Oh, don't tell me a big, burley male like yourself is afraid of-" She stopped when he fixed her with a stare of intense anger meant to vaporize her jest. "Come on, for centuries you've been pining for a second chance; now it's here. Are you just gonna clam up again?" Rhi'hilan gazed down at the sleeping bronze dragon, battle raging inside his mind. "Come on, I'm the one whose urging you on; that should give you enough security to commit. Don't worry about getting between us." She smiled and caressed his shoulder. "Do you really want to go another couple of centuries guessing? This is a second chance for you as much as it is for me."



Jason was awoken by the most pleasurable sense coming from his crotch; his faculties telling him that he was already rearing to go. A hand continued to tantalizingly stroke his length as a pair of lips came to his and made ardent contact. He returned the action earnestly, really leaning into it as his head lifted up off the bed. Then he felt the weight in the bed shift; something stiff and warm rub against his shaft. He opened his eyes and came face to face with Rhi'hilan locked onto his lips. He was holding Jason's shaft and grinding his own against it for the pleasure they both felt. Jason gave a startled ‘wark' and jolted backwards against the headboard. Rhi'hilan's face saddened noticeably and he retreated back onto his haunches, An'karra giving his shoulder a pat in consolation.

"Well, we know how you feel about that." Rhi'hilan murmured dejectedly. "I should get going; do you mind if I use your shower?" He asked Anne, not giving Jason any room for explanation.

"Sure," she nodded to the bathroom and he left the bed and closed the door behind him. She looked at her mate with a bland look on her face.

"I'm sorry, it's just my natural reaction. I didn'tâ€"." He started but she put a finger to his lips to shush him.

"I know, dear. But try to see it from his point of view. He was your best friend your entire life." He nodded "He'd fallen in love with you and was afraid to tell you." She took his hands in hers are she started to explain more about his past life. Jason did a double take; eyes opening. "He wanted to be more than just lifelong friends, but he never wanted to tell you; fearing what it would do to the relationship between you two as well as our own. So he kept his feelings bottled up; for decades, centuries. When you died, he went into a terrible spiral; trying to drink his pain away and trying to forget the ‘what if' of you and him. It almost destroyed him; we almost lost him as well. Next to me, he was the person who was hurt the most by your death. That's why we came to one another; to share the pain." She lightly touched his arm in remembrance. "We were talking while you were still asleep; he's as overjoyed as I am with your return, but he's still hesitant with expressing his love. It took forever to convince him to wake you the way he did; just to test. I know," she put up her hand as he started to apologize. "That it startled you and given your upbringing; you aren't comfortableâ€"yetâ€"with the same sex; let alone sex for fun. But if you look at it like that; he loved you, still loves you, so its not entirely loveless sex. Maybe, if you give it some time and look deep, you'll find something there that may grow; regardless of gender. I know you don't remember anything of him from your previous life; just don't be so quick to shut him out. He does love you." She put her hand against his cheek.

"But it's not me that he loves, it's Era'kanath." Jason began to protest.

"But you are him. Whether or not you remember everything from your previous life is moot. Your personality is the same as it was, and he fell in love with that back then and will feel the same about it now. You act exactly the same way you did and he will fall in love with you again; just as I did." She paused for a second, recalling an example. "You remember several nights ago, on the terrace in your home?" He sighed and nodded his head. Had it really only been a couple of nights? It seemed like an eternity ago now; several eternities. It had been the straining point in theirâ€"what he realized now was a very short relationship; almost the breaking point, but it had lead to something wonderful beyond imagination. "You love my soul the way he loves yours. Look, I'm not telling you to declare your love for him; but just don't shun his too quickly. Can you imagine if I had left that night? Foolishly cemented in my own conclusion; not waiting for your explanation?"

"I don't want to." He replied, pulling her into an embrace. He realized now why it had affected him so deeply; much more than he'd thought possible that night. His soul had known the importance between them and had not let the opportunity pass. "You aren't jealous that he's moving in on your turf?"

"Hah!" She chuckled as they leaned against one another. "As you may have noticed, it's quite different here. I love all my friends, some more than others; and those few I know will never part me and you. It's how we grow up. Groups of people often come together and form whole new families." She leaned her head against his. "You are the love of my life," She caressed his head in emphasis. "Nothing can change that. But there are others who I love as well; more than simple friendship. Like Livianna; Rhi'hilan being one as well. He's been alone as I have been these past centuries. He was the only one that I would sleep with to get me through my heat; because we shared a common link: you. We shared our pain with one another...and I would love to be able to share our joy." Jason took a deep breath and made up his mind, got out of the bed; heading for the bathroom.





Rhi'hilan leaned against the wall under the shower, eyes closed; letting the hot water run over his well muscled body and ease the joints. He sighed, going over the revelations of the previous night as he tried to soothe the pain in his chest. Era was back in the flesh; he'd been given a second chance. But this morning had proven that their friendship had been and would be nothing more than that. He felt pangs in his heart; there had been joy last night, but they now faded into their shadows, deeper than when Era'kanath had been dead. For now, he was back in the living world; tangible, yet intangible. But he still had last night; that brief moment when Era'kanath had been where Rhi'hilan fantasized him many times beforeâ€"in his arms, next to him, nude and body glistening in sweat. His member, still semi-hard, rehardened at the image engrained into his mind. Then he felt his length engulfed in a warm mouth that started to pleasure him with an agile tongue.

"Oh, that's nice." He moaned and stroked the head between the horns. He kept the image of Era'kanath in his mind; believing that it was An'karra on her knees. He felt two fingers work their way into his tailhole and he spread his legs to give them better access. Being dangerously aroused for the past fifteen minutes as he'd played with Jason, he was already near his max. The pressure increased on his cock and the ferocity of the fingers action as well. He imagined climaxing and Era swallowing down his load and that made him climax for real; head pointing skyward and releasing a strangled growl in ecstasy. Despite the rigorous use the previous nightâ€"and thanks to his dragon heritageâ€"his load was massive and several globs of the cream came splashing out of the partnering muzzle, unable to be licked up in time. The fingers withdrew from his tailhole and the mouth detached from his member.

"Thank you," he managed in a slightly hushed voice after his climax had ebbed. "That was lovely."

"You're welcomeâ€"I'm glad that I've gotten so much better at it since last night." Jason chuckled and Rhi'hilan's eyes shot open in surprise, body launching back a bit and slipping on the tile as Jason rose and licked the few points of cum off his muzzle. Rhi'hilan was dumbstruck. It hadn't just happened in his head; it was real. And damn it, his eyes had been closed! Jason advanced on him and kissed him deeply, planning on throwing aside his inhibitions and going all out; though his lips ended up still hesitant. It took Rhi'hilan a moment to react; returning the kiss and tasting his own emission off of Jason's hide. They broke the kiss and closed the embrace; holding and nuzzling one another under the shower. "An'karra told me about you..." Jason started in Rhi'hilan's ear, Rhi'hilan leaning back to look at him. "And I." Rhi'hilan looked down briefly before back up with hope.

"So, does that mean?" Rhi'hilan left the question hanging hopefully; Jason looked away this time before confronting him again.

"While I can't say that I love you," he grabbed the dragon's chin as his head dropped in heartbreak and focused it back on him. "I'm not saying that I'm incapable of loving you." Rhi'hilan's eyes opened a bit as he tried to comprehend the answer. "Just give me some time to get back on my feet; I don't remember much of anything so it's hard to say ‘I love you' and truly feel it. I mean, I barely even knew you existed before yesterday." Rhi'hilan sighed in contented hope. It was something; at least the door was there. "But that doesn't mean we can't go through some of the actions." Jason whispered and kissed him; though still slightly hesitant, but finding himself more and more aroused by the situation. Jason rubbed his hard shaft against Rhi'hilan's cock and their lips broke apart, moaning in pleasure. Rhi'hilan backed him up under the shower and stopped. They looked at one another.

"This isn't going to be a ‘one time offer' sort of thing, is it? I mean, what happens if it turns out that you don't want to love me?" The fear of rejection seeped into Rhi'hilan's voice.

"Don't worry about the ‘what if'," Jason managed to remove any sting the words might have for Rhi'hilan's past. "It never does anyone any good; just go with it and see what happensâ€"that's what love is." They kissed again and Rhi'hilan watched and purred as Jason hitched his butt up onto a soap shelf and took the slickened member and aimed it at his still slightly stretched tailhole. "And with out you, none of this would have happened. I owe you everything; just as I do Delkanth. So what ever you want from me, I will give to you anytime youâ€"."

"No." Rhi'hilan interrupted so vehemently that Jason was uneasy being so close to the stocky crimson; Rhi'hilan's grip tightening to get Jason's attention. "There is nothing to be thought about in that area. I know that I speak for Delkanth as well. There is nothing, nothing to be had there. Please don't ever let that influence your decision." Jason managed a sorry smile and Rhi'hilan abolished his menacing stare; replacing it with an encouraging smile to which Jason mirrored. Jason then grabbed Rhi'hilan's member and tug on him. "Are you sure you want to? I mean, we don't have to; if you just want to wait that is."

"I liked it last night," Jason mused. "And I would think that I would be able enjoy it even more now; with someone who has deep feelings for me."

"Aww, Anne said you were a romantic." Rhi'hilan replied with a grin and slowly started to push his shaft up into Jason. Jason moaned as he was filled by a dragon once again; Rhi'hilan moaning as his thick meat disappeared into his fantasy; the strong muscles squeezing the slickened piece and almost causing him to climax right there. Jason steadied himself on the shower's walls as Rhi'hilan started to thrust into him; going flush against him every time. He felt his own arousal rise greatly; his new body definitely had enhanced senses and he welcomed it.

Rhi'hilan leaned his flexible neck down and took Jason's cock into his mouth as he continued to pound his tailhole. Jason growled in ecstasy as he easily came; senses from his rear and cock overloading him. Rhi'hilan released the cock from his mouth and pumped it furiously with a strong gripped hand. Jason roared as he continued to climax; his cum flying into the air and splattering on both of them. Rhi'hilan quickly came as well, roaring and grabbing Jason's hips to slam himself hard and deep into Jason's hole to release his load.

"Oh, Era!!" He cried in ecstasy, as he had many times by himself. They panted and Rhi'hilan pulled them into a kiss as they waited for their orgasms to subside. Jason threw himself fully into the kiss, caressing Rhi'hilan's hide and exploring his flesh as he would his mate. Breaking, Rhi'hilan looked at Jason, cheeks going a deeper red before looking away. "I'm sorry, Jason, I didn't mean to-"

"It's okay, Jason interrupted with a labored breath. "I'll have to get used to it eventually. It is my name." Jason was intrigued by the level of pleasure he'd achieved; for him it was thoroughly enjoyable alone with a male. He smiled at the ruby dragon affectionately. I think I've accomplished my goal An'karra chided in his pleasure clouded mind. She opened the door and entered the bathroom. Rhi'hilan, embarrassed to be caught balls deep in her mate, looked down ashamedly. She smiled at him to let him know it was alright; simultaneously confessing that she had planned it with a quirk in her eye ridges. She crossed her arms and gazed at them for a moment.

"You boys having fun in here?" She giggled. She watched with longing eyes as Rhi'hilan withdrew from her love's tailhole with a slurp audible over the shower; leaving a wet, gaping, slightly reddened orifice leaking a white trail of cream which made her all the more impatient. "Mind if I join you?" Jason smiled and waved her into the shower with a finger. She closed the door behind her and proceeded to lick Jason's cum off his chest as Rhi'hilan knelt behind her; lifting up her tail and putting his tongue to good use.

She moaned as she felt a finger inserted in her, then another and one more after that. She took Jason's cock into her maw and began to bring him back to full strength. She felt Rhi'hilan rise and push his dragonhood against her moist lips. Wrapping her tail around his legs she pulled him into her; moaning through Jason's meat as she was filled. Rhi'hilan began to hump into her with long thrusts; grinding her clit with his hand. Jason stroked her head lovingly as she took his rod in one hand and pumped him manually. She rubbed her head against his palm affectionately, purring in earnest. Try as he might, Jason could barely command any movement of his tail. It saddened him that he couldn't return the pleasure his mate had given him with hers; it truly was the way he rolled. But his mind was soon turned elsewhere as An'karra gave into her urges.

An'karra's jaw dropped as she gave a cry and climaxed; squeezing Jason's penis hard as her body went rigid from her orgasm. She took several breathes as Rhi'hilan withdrew from her pussy; her barely visible fluids leaking from the widened slit and dribbling down her legs to flow out the drain. Still panting heavily, she stood up on the balls of her feet and mounted Jason; sliding his stiff spike into her with one fluid motion. Jason had the perfect seat, hitched up on the soap shelf with his legs spread for balance. He put his hands on the back of her hips, caressing her buttocks as she ground her hips on his crotch. She proceeded to rock back and forth on him, kissing deeply as their breaths quickly became synced in shortness.

Rhi'hilan just stood behind the lovers; fully content with stroking his slick, messy shaft as he watched. He wound his tail around and inserted the tip into his own tailhole, grabbing onto the shower rail for support as his arousal peaked; having been sustained by An'karra's lovely slit. An'karra threw her head upward and arched her back, roaring at the ceiling as another climax ripped through her highly aroused body; the shower splashing on her breasts as Jason pinched her nipples. She continued to bounce on his shaft as she splashed her juices on him. Jason grabbed her rear again and slammed her down on him as he thrust upwards; his seed deploying deep within her core. They kissed and nuzzled one another, looking into one another's eyes; love flying between them, through the passion in the air.

Rhi'hilan grunted as he sprayed his load over An'karra's back; thick ropes flying through the shower and covering her buttocks. She craned her head to look at him; licking her lips seductively as he rubbed his cock on her back. She dropped back onto her heels and pulled Jason out of her pussy at a near perpendicular angle to her canal; rubbing hard against her clit; eliciting a deep gasp. She spun around and Jason started to clean up Rhi'hilan's mess before she raised her tail. Jason licked his sweet lips and watched with lust as she landed her tailhole on his shaft and he put his hands back on her hips to guide her down. It was definitely an odd feeling, giving several climaxes and still being aroused; but he was thoroughly enjoying it.

Once she was fully lanced, he pushed her back up and began to thrust her onto him; quickly picking up a rhythm as her anal juices mixed with his lubed up member. Before either could get far along on their arousal, she paused and lay back on her mate; craning her head around to rub with him affectionately. She looked at Rhi'hilan coquettishly and he obeyed, coming over to her and pinning her between the two males. He slid his massive rod into her and all three of them shared a ecstasy laden moaned as Rhi'hilan's cock rubbed against Jason's through the thin membrane that separated the two canals and spread An'karra.

They all took a minute to revel in their combined pleasure; Jason and Rhi'hilan wrapped their necks around Anne's; all three sharing kisses and purrs for several moments while allowing An'karra time to cope. On an unspoken key, they pulled back and lifted An'karra into the air. They began to hump into her in alternating thrusts; completely supporting her and letting her concentrate on her body's pleasure. She put her arms on the shower walls to stabilize herself; moans escaping uncontrollably through her muzzle as her tongue started to loll out into the air. For several minutes the shower ran and all that could be heard were moans of lust and slapping of flesh as the three dragons indulged in one another; but this was more than enough.

"Oh, guys..." An'karra started to moan, gasping every time one of them hit the limit in one of her passages. "I can't take much moreâ€"I'm câ€"gahhhh!" She screamed deafeningly as her body went rigid; muscles spasming around the two cocks spreading her orifices wide. Rhi'hilan fell next and slammed deep into Anne's fountaining pussy and let loose another load of dragon cream to paint her insides; several globs being forced out of her convulsing slit. The cries of lust hit Jason in force and he thrust hard up into An'karra's bowels and roared out his mate's name and came in her rear. She gave a second cry as another wave of pleasure rushed through her being, brought on by the hot seed filling her backdoor.

They wrapped their necks around one another as they shared their orgasms; tongues mingling with one another and running over each other's face as they groped one another's flesh in the sensuous aftermath. Gasping heavily, they shared their bodies with one another for a while; just letting the hot water tantalize their flesh as they basked in the communal afterglow.

"I'm going to love this life..." Jason murred to his two companions and they responded with kisses and purring.

"It's good to have you back." Anne replied ardently, giving him a deeply passionate kiss as Rhi'hilan agreed with a long nuzzle accompanied by a purr. She released an uncontrollable moan as the two males systematically withdrew from her; leaving long, white trails of sweetness leaking from her stretched orifices. Rhi'hilan gave her a brief lick on the nose before turning around. Placing his hands above his head, leaning against the wall and raising his tail; he looked over his shoulder at Jason and eagerly awaited his turn.

An'karra sidestepped against the wall to get in front of Rhi'hilan and got on her knees to take his cock into her muzzle. Jason waddled up behind the crimson dragon, rubbing his tail base tenderly; dipping a finger into his hole repeatedly. Rhi'hilan growled with need and wiggled his hips in an attempt to get Jason to hurry up. With a grin, Jason acquiesced and lined his shaft up with the slightly more used tailhole; pushing in slow enough to draw out a long moan from both of them. A loud, unhindered groan escaped Rhi'hilan's muzzle as his fantasy came true; eyes looking behind him to watch every inch of Jason's meat disappear into his rear. As much as he didn't want to, Rhi'hilan had to shut his eyes and try to think of something else just to stop from achieving his orgasm right there.

Jason made himself flush with Rhi'hilan's rear; ending his advance by leaning forward to nuzzle Rhi'hilan from behind before pulling back. Rhi'hilan's tongue fell out of his mouth as Jason proceeded to increase his thrusts; bottoming out and pushing Rhi'hilan's cock further into An'karra's vibrant muzzle. His back began to arch as the pleasure started to overtake him. Jason was nearing his climax as well, grunting heavily as Rhi'hilan's powerful muscles kept coaxing him to cum.

Rhi'hilan began to claw at the tiles on the wall, roaring in jubilation as he came; releasing one more load into An'karra's accepting mouth as Jason continued to pile drive his tailhole. He enjoyed the raw pleasure he received as Jason continued to thrust heavily into his stretched rear before slamming in as far as he could go to release his seed. Rhi'hilan gasped in the additional delight as he felt the hot liquid coat his bowels; the feeling magnified all the more by the identity of his partners.

Jason leaned forward and wrapped his head around Rhi'hilan's and they rubbed against one another, sharing purrs. Jason's member began to soften and he pulled it out with a loud slurp and equally loud moan from both of them. Jason was a little astonished to see a huge blob of his cream fall free of the gaping tailhole; followed by a smaller trail of white cream. Rhi'hilan gave another moan and shudder as An'karra released his flaccid member from her powerful suction and leaned down to lick up the trail of her mate's essence. Her tongue trailed up his thigh and began to probe around Rhi'hilan's gaping tailhole, devouring all the seed she could find.

"I'm sorry, Anne," Rhi'hilan heaved, still trying to get his breath back and moaning while she teased his used hole. "I think Jason and I are done for the morning."

"That's fine...we have plenty of time to catch up." She murred as she rose, ardently kissing Jason once more. "I think I can wait a few more hours..." She reached for a bar of soap and playfully began to lather up her lovers.







"So what exactly did we do?" Jason asked before taking a mouthful of sandwich that Livianna had placed before him. It was well past noon by the time he, An'karra and Rhi'hilan had finally gotten cleaned up and entered the living room. Livianna and Delkanth were up at the late as well; busy preparing sandwiches since no one really had had time to cook a meal; with the return of Era'kanath and declarations of love in the air. Not that any minded the cold cuts.

"We built warships." Rhi'hilan replied, leaning into the couch as he took a chunk out of his meal. "You loved the work; seeing something you thought up in your head come to lifeâ€"and having a whole department of people to do it for you." He added with a chuckle. "You were a kind boss, but when something needed to get done, you knew when to throw the hammer down; and your greatest achievement was getting everyone to follow you. You were one of those fabled bosses: the one everyone could get along with. Your memory was incredible; you knew how to work with everyone's quirks in mind, to get the most from them. And that went for those above you as well! We always got the newest technologies to play with because we were such a well oiled machine. Now," He cleared his throat. "I don't mean to rag on Admiral Teraskin; Gods know he tries his damnedest and it's not at all his fault, but our department has seen better days since he took command. Some of our best thinkers have left, retired or died..." He tapered off to a pause and fixed Jason with a calculating stare.

Jason looked to his sides in feigned ignorance.

" Hey..." Rhi'hilan started after a moment as a brick hit his mind. "Now that you're back among the living...you could come back." His voice full of encouragement and tinged with hope. He caught Jason in mid swallow and Jason started to sputter as he tried to clear his throat.

"Well, I don't think that I could...design spaceships. I don't have the necessary background." Jason replied nervously.

"Well, we can teach you all that again; if you're willing?" Rhi'hilan continued encouragingly.

"I don't know..." Jason replied, the apprehension in his voice not masked in the least.

"Well, I don't have to go back until Monday, take some time to decide." Rhi'hilan's tail twitched in eagerness and Jason watched its monotonous motion with longing.

"You'll be able to soon enough." An'karra chimed in reassuringly as she sat down next to him; her eye's following his gaze to the swishing tail. "Your brain needs to get used to the new muscles and nerves."

"But I want to fly now." He whined in reply with a smile. Putting her hand on his chin, she kissed him and stroked his cheek while the other hand caressed one of his wings.

"Soon, luv. You'll get your entire life back; but take it in steps. We can try in a couple more days, I promise."









"I still don't know about this, guys..." Jason fidgeted apprehensively in the reception area; dressed in his old military BDU. He, An'karra and Rhi'hilan had spent the past several days in seemingly endless mating bouts; enjoying one another's bodies in renewed bonding. When the thought of Jason's old job came up, he was hesitant; but with Rhi'hilan there, the notion of assuming his old job became a reality. Rhi'hilan and An'karra were all for it, but Jason feared that he didn't have the knowledge to design space ships of all things. When one designed airplanes, the possibility of damage was contained to small areas; roads, buildings and the state level. Would this open up the destruction of whole worlds?

"You'll be fine, dear." An'karra reassured him with a pat on his left thigh. She and Rhi'hilan had been constantly reassuring him that the knowledge could be relearned with ease.

"Trust me, love." Rhi'hilan sat on his right side and patted him on the shoulder. Jason was starting to get used to the terms of endearment from Rhi'hilan, and he was definitely warming up to him as well; but he still wasn't ready to declare ‘love' yet; and Rhi'hilan wasn't ready to give up. "You'll do fine; I'll look after you."

"Admiral Teraskin will see you now." The secretary announced. The group rose and headed for the door, paying dues to the receptionist as they passed. She smiled as she recognized Rhi'hilan and then An'karra; giving Jason one as well. Jason decided to wait outside the door until he was called; best for the introduction.

"Anne!" The white and grey wolf's face came alight as a well recognize personage entered the room. They embraced and then he returned a salute to Rhi'hilan; gesturing for them to sit down. "What a welcomed visit; I heard that you were back in town."

"It's good to see you too, Era. I'd love to catch up later; when you're off duty. But there's something else I want to talk to you about."

"Sure, anything." He stated amiably.

"I'd like you to meet someone very special to me and your mother," His ears perked up at the mention of his mother. "Era, I'd like you to meet Eraâ€"Kanath." Her face beamed as she heard the door open behind her and her mate enter. She saw the wolf's jaw drop open as he recognized the personage entering the room.

"Hi." Jason smiled and put on the charm.




"So you..." Era tried to wrap his head around An'karra's story; taking a sip of scotch in an attempt to smooth things over. "You...are him." He pulled a laminated paper from his desk drawer; the same article Jason had seen on the wall in An'karra's room. "Wow..." He shook his head in disbelief; rising from his chair and walking to a liquor cabinet and pouring another glass; offering to the others before consuming.

"I can't believe it either." An'karra beamed at her mate affectionately, patting his hand. "A gift from the gods."

"There's still quite a few people alive who'd like to see you again." Teraskin murmured, taking another sip.

"We were wondering, Era," An'karra continued. "Would it be possible for him to get his old job back?"

"What?" Era gave a sputter; quite like the one Jason had given on the same topic. "Oh, that's what you're here for." He managed a shaky chuckle. "You want my chair!" He said mock accusingly.

"Well, not head of the department, just a place back on the team." Jason blurted, on the edge of hysteria; afraid of the insult just transmitted. Era made another chuckle and cleared his throat as he waved his hand in the air to let Jason know that he was just being dramatic.

"Of course you can, how could I refuse?" His hands rose up as he smiled in concession.

"It will take some time to teach him everything he's forgotten, sir." Rhi'hilan chimed in; just to make sure that that point was known.

"That'll be fine, just fine. It'll be more than worth it. Wow..." He swallowed the rest of his drink and was about to pour another one when the comm. on his desk buzzed and he fingered the button. "Yes, Jessica."

"The representatives from the senate sub committee are awaiting you in the conference hall."

"Thank you, I'm on the way." He turned to his guests as they rose to leave. "I have to be going."

"Of course, duty calls." An'karra smiled and gave him a hug. "We'll get together some other time." Era picked up a folder from his desk and jacket from the rack and faced Jason; extending his hand.

 "It has been an honor meeting you, sir. I quite seriously owe you my life; and I look forward to having you in our midst once more."

"As do I, Admiral." Jason shook his hand and followed the canid out the door with the other two dragons behind him. "Well, that wasn't so bad."

"See? I told you so." An'karra leaned onto him affectionately.

"Hey, Jason, you want the tour?" Rhi'hilan came up on Jason's left.

"Is that allowed?" Jason asked apprehensively.

"Sure, you just gotta stick with me for now. But given a couple weeks time, you'll own this place again." He continued his reassurance.

"Well, you boys have fun." An'karra said as she released Jason's arm. "I'll see you tonight." She leaned in and whispered into his ear seductively. "Don't keep the birthday girl waiting." She kissed Jason and hugged Rhi'hilan and left; leaping into the air and taking flight as soon as she was clear. Jason's yearning to fly was the greatest it had ever been before; he was so close now. She planned to teach him this coming weekend and he was having a hard time waiting a whole six days. He was advancing quickly and could already manage large hops without effort, and could probably achieve lift right now; but An'karra didn't want to chance that his body had not yet fully adapted to its new physiology.

"Come on Jason; let's have a look around." Rhi'hilan slid his keycard and opened a secured door. "You're going to love it here; I guarantee it!" He started to lead Jason through a myriad of machine shops; some small research chambers and other enormous full scale hangers and dry docks; even through a corridor where a picture of Era'kanath hung.






"I'll meet you back home; Anne's already expecting you." Rhi'hilan said as he walked Jason to the exit of the main wing of the base. He gave Jason a kiss and dropped his head in embarrassment. "Sorry, instinct." Jason smiled wholeheartedly and after a brief second of contemplation, he gave Rhi'hilan a peck on the nose. They smiled at one another then wordlessly bade farewell to each other and went opposite directions.

Jason smiled to himself, topped off with bliss at what his life had become over the past few weeks. This was truly paradise; in every way imaginable. He walked through the immaculately clean city streets as he retraced his steps toward An'karra's home. Damn, it didn't get any better than this; this was the life he'd always wanted. His tour of the base had filled him with purpose; he'd even been able to guess at certain things as flashbacks resurfaced in his mind. He now felt he could achieve the status of his old life given enough time. He looked forward to taking up the old mantle from his previous life and spending the rest of his life with his friends; but most especially: the other half of his soul.

He walked briskly down the street, a skip forming in his step. He was turning a corner when he noticed several people running past him to a building down the block. What's all that about? He wondered, picking up speed and going to join the forming group.






"Are you sure their on their way?" Livianna asked as she set the dining table for five.

"Well, Rhi'hilan will be a little late; he's got some things to take care of. But he said Jason's already on his way home." An'karra replied, checking on a roast in the oven.

"He's walking? Hope he knows what he's doing; felt like a record breaker today. Do you know how hot it got?"

"No, turn on the news, I'm sure they'll have the report. Anyways, he grew up in a desert; way hotter than it is here." An'karra stirred a pot on the range as Livianna switched on a view screen on the wall.

"And today was a near record temperature in the inner city." A news caster reported.

"Ha! I was right." Livianna crowed with delight as the details came out.

"Good timing!" An'karra laughed as she proceeded in the preparations while absentmindedly hearing the details of the report.

"In business news, the Andali Construction Yards announcedâ€"hold on." The newscaster continued before pausing; drawing attention from both girls. "We have reports of a massive apartment building on fire near the crossroad of Estrid and Ludlow. Fire crews have been notified but construction has closed several streets and they can't get through the massive buildup ‘going home' traffic." She held her hand up to the ear bud that she was receiving the information from. "We have reports of several occupants still trapped in the building on several floors."

"Oh, my," Livianna gasped as An'karra turned to the screen, mixing a bowl of salad. They listened intently as the newscaster continued.

"We're now getting reports that something amazing is going onâ€"yes, we have our news skiff arriving on scene now. We go now, live, to Dale Markson in news scout three; Dale?" The traffic reporter took over the audio and the video feed went to inside the scout craft.

"Thanks Sarah. As you can see, the apartment complex is completely engulfed in flames." The view switched to the craft's nose camera to show the building ablaze. "Fire crews have yet to arrive on scene, we have reports that their stuck on the I-80. We also have reports of someone actually running into the building and rescuing occupants from apartmentsâ€"wait! There he is!" The camera focused down on the street and focused. "There! What looks to be a military officer has just run out of the lobby with a child. This is just incredibleâ€"look at the heroics! and now he's going back IN!" An'karra dropped the salad bowl as her eyes focused on the bright orange hide of the dragon running back into the lobby of the burning building.

"NO!!!" She let loose a blood curdling scream and bolted to the patio door, bowling over Livianna in the process as she took flight; Assisted Flight launching her into the sky and ripping the apron from her body as she pointed herself towards the huge column of smoke in the distance.




Tears poured from An'karra's eyes and were whisked away by the rushing wind; her heart racingâ€"she had to get there in time! Things were happening just as they had before...She had to get there beforeâ€"before anything happened. She pulled an Immelman and lined up with the street; legs folding down to take the brunt of her landing. Her talons caused a shower from sparks from the flagstones; her unprotected feet were not used to such force and were run raw by the friction. She came to a skidding halt near the flaming building, to the side of the huge crowd that had formed; emergency crews having just set upon scene.

"JASON!!" She screamed at the top of her lungs, running towards the burning building as firemen ran to the street for safety; shouting for everyone to stay back. A pair ran into her and grabbed her arms; starting to drag her back; a ways from the buildings. "Let me go!" Her voice cracked in hysteria. "JASON!"

"Ma'am! Stay back! It's gonna fall!" They both shouted into her ears, picking her up and carrying her back; ignoring her protests and flying fists. "There it goes!" There was a loud rumbling and that caused an uproar from the crowd as they went for shelter.

"NO!!!" An'karra screamed and watched in horror as the apartment building collapsed in on itself; showering the neighborhood in dust and debris. She continued to scream defiantly as the wave of dust swept over her. Burning ash invaded her lungs, but she didn't care. She continued to cry at the top of her cinder coated lungs as her core went cold, soul cringing and dieing; grief flooding through her and pouring down her face in tears that turned to mud streams as the dust adhered to them.

"JASON!" She fell to her knees, out of the firefighters armsâ€"soul wrenching cry emanating from her gasping maw. She involuntarily choked in the dust; grief and desperation straining her voice to the breaking point as she clutched feebly towards the remains of building; as if she could reassemble it by sheer force of will. "Jason!" Her voice faded in wracking sobs as she leaned forward and started to pound the street in anger and denial. Her head fell forward onto the asphalt as she continued her unrelenting sobbing.

Why! Why? Why did this happen! What had she done to deserve such torture? She felt herself collapse inside as her soul shriveled up and crumbled; gasping sobs wracking her body as she cried loud enough to shake the heavens. "Whyâ€"" Her voice cracked and faded into weeping and coughing.

"Anne?" The first shout flowed through the dust in an attempt to locate herâ€"her ears barely twitching and registering the voice. "Anne!" The second cry was directed at her and succeeded in getting her attention. Her head shot up off the pavement and whipped around behind her to that angelic voice calling her name; eyes darting around frantically.

The afternoon sun shone down on the fine dust in the air; refracting and illuminating everything in an eerie luminescent orange. The dust mixed with her tears and obscured her vision. She wiped muddy eyes and it took her a moment to locate the shape camouflaged in the orange mist that was slowly materializing in front of her. The amber hide came to shape out of the dustâ€"the scarred patch on the muzzle became visible and her feet scrambled on the pebble laden street; trying to get her to the apparition, lest it disappear into heaven and leave her alone once more.

"Jason!" She cried, her voice shrieking at its top as she lunged at him, fearing he would disappear into the afterlife again before she reached him. Thankfully for her shattered psyche, she made contact and wrapped an iron grip around him; claws digging into his flesh. She let out a cry of unrestrained joy as that knot in her midriff snapped and dissipated; soul alive once more. He returned the steel like embrace, stroking the back of her neck and attempting to reassure her that all was going to be alright; that he would never leave her, as he had pledged. They squeezed the breath out of one another for several moments, oblivious to the chaos around them.

She took a step back, hands caressing his faceâ€"fingers somewhat focusing on the scarâ€"still needing to be reassured that he was real; as he looked deep into her eyes, trying to emanate comfort. He was so intent on the expression in her teary eyes that he didn't register her body twisting and thus, was completely taken by surprise when her fist landed square on his jaw; knocking him back several feet and flat onto his ass.

"Hey!" The firefighters shouted and attempted to restrain her; but she lunged out of their grasp and landed on Jason. She wrapped her arms around his neck and cried out in a mixture of anger, relief and joy. She resumed kissing and nuzzling him then the firefighters hefted her up off him, under the impression that she was wailing on him. "Just what in the hell do you think you're doing?" One shouted as the other helped Jason to his feet.

"No, no, it's okay." Jason interrupted, lightly pushing his would-be-savior off his mate. "I deserved that." They all looked at him, An'karra included. "She's my wife." He chuckled as he rubbed the impact area on his chin.

"Oh." Came the simultaneous reply. Then another one chimed in with a chuckle:

"Are you sure you don't need our help?"

"I'll be fine, thank you." Jason replied as he put his jaw through some test motions.

"No; thank you, sir." They saluted before jogging away to handle the remaining fire. An'karra surged forward again and landed in his waiting steel like embrace. They continued to hold one another in the aftermath; Jason murmuring comfort. It was several minutes before either one spoke any other words.

"I'm so sorry, Anne." Jason whispered in her ear, just loud enough to make it over the surrounding chaos. "I wasn't really thinking, just acting on instinct. I know that you'll probably never forgive me for putting you through thatâ€"and you shouldn't; but please, at least hear my apology, and know that I mean it." She gave a loud sniffle that gave way into a cough to clear her airways.

"Oh, I'll forgive you. On one condition," With a bit of hysteria, she almost started to laugh through her sobs. Still clinging to him, she pulled her head back a ways from his and stared stoically in his eye for an instance before putting on a sheepish smile. "That you'll stop giving me this insecure bullshit about you not being who you were last time you were alive." They shared a laugh and pulled back into one another.

"Deal." He chuckled as he rubbed the back of her neck in comfort; the chaos around them fading to nothingness. "Deal."







"Anne!" Livianna called through the dust as they heard her wings swoop down, followed by the scraping of her feet on the ground.

"Over here." An'karra called to her from the ambulance where Jason was getting his injuries treated. They heard the frantic scrabbling of shoes on the pavement.

"Oh, thank God!" Livianna cried in relief as the couple came into her sight. This time Jason saw the arm cock back as Livianna closed in on them.

"No hitting!" Jason flinched, throwing up an arm.

"Don't tell me what to do, you big oaf." Livianna cried, slapping his arm with both hands several times before embracing him. "Just what the hell did you think you were doing?" She almost screamed into his ear. An'karra pulled their friend off her mate so the paramedic could continue putting in stitches on the laceration on Jason's right bicep. "Just what was going through your head, boy?" Livianna cocked her hands on her hips a moment before she pointed to the open container by An'karra that contained some thread, scissors and bandages.

"Probably that this was his chance to get everything right." An'karra chided as she passed the thread and scissors to Livianna. The paramedic watched as she began to unravel some thread for the gash on Jason's leg.

"I'm a Senior Attending a V-gen." Livianna stated. "And if I'm not misreading the ‘Vyeslae General' branding on the side here, we belong to the same team." She smiled at the paramedic as he tied the line on Jason's bicep.

"Oh, in that case, would you mind finishing up here? There are more people still needing attention." She nodded and the canid picked up his bag and jogged out and around to the front of the ambulance.

"Ow, hey watch it!" Jason protested as Livianna yanked the thread to break it. Livianna smirked at him.

"Oh take it like a man." She retorted as she rethreaded the needle for another gash, looking him over to see where it was needed. Anne remained silent, still anchored to his unharmed arm as she laid her head against him. Livianna quickly finished checking Jason over; poking and prodding for internal injuries. "We should get going; unless you want to meet the press." She looked over her shoulder at the gathering cameras forming behind the police barricade that had been erected.

"Yeah..." Jason mused sarcastically as he glanced over his shoulder at the lights. "You guys take off; I'll go through the alley." He gestured to an unpopulated interstice between some buildings.

"The hell we will!" An'karra shrieked. "Like I trust you going off by yourself again!" She proceeded to drag him by his good arm through the back alley.

"You know, this wouldn't be as much of a problem if you'd teach me to fly already." Jason had the nerve to chastise with a chuckle.

"You could fly before and ended up dying!" Livianna retaliated. An'karra was about to say something when their attention was sidetracked. They had just crossed over onto the back street when Rhi'hilan's roar caught up with them from down the street, with him right behind it.

"Jason!" He bellowed as he came barreling down the street, metal heels from his boots sparking as they scraped the sidewalk. Jason turned just in time for Rhi'hilan to leap into his arms and secure him in an iron tight vice; very nearly tackling him if the wall behind him hadn't been there. "Oh gods! Why the hell would you do that! What the hell would possess you to put us through that again?"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" Jason wheezed with great effort as the heavily muscled dragon literally crushed the breath from him. It took a minute, and a lot of prying from An'karra, to get Rhi'hilan to release Jason and join the escort to keep Jason on the track home.






"I'm sorry that I put you through that...again. And that I didn't even get you anything for your birthday." Jason whispered as he and his beloved cuddled on the couch; night having fallen and peace having been more or less restored. They had all made it home without further incident; Delkanth had arrived at their door, breathless; frantic to check on Jason. After confirming his identity as the person on the news and berating him as much as the others had, things began to quiet down again. After cleaning up the mess that had been made by An'karra's rushed departure; dinner was finished and served. Later, An'karra's birthday cakeâ€"well, more of a pastry like dessert Jason surmised while eating itâ€"had been enjoyed, Livianna and Rhi'hilan insisted on cleaning upâ€"as well as having Delkanth join themâ€"to let An'karra and Jason relax.

"I know it sounds corny; but," she paused, tilting her head up to center him in her vision. "You got me you." She put her head back down, hand roaming across his chest and encircling him, sighing as she released her pent up emotional tension. "You didn't dieâ€"this time...you got me you. I don't need anything more; You are my everything." With great pleasure in his growing dexterity, Jason wrapped a wing around both of them; An'karra purring and nuzzling him. "You know," she said while caressing his wing, playing with the joints. "We could step up the training a few days."

"Really?" Jason's head perked up and regarded her with a steady eye, looking for any trace of deception; which he knew he deserved.

"Maybe the day after tomorrow? I think you're ready." She asked, nuzzling into him; pleased with his smile on her. He hugged her closed and tried to show his elation with a purr. It came out as a strangled growl.

"Nice try, dear." She giggled as she purred in turn; snuggling closer and Jason nuzzled her again. She leaned into with a contented sigh and her hand began to retrace its path over his chest; moving into a caressing motion. She nuzzled his neck, moving contact to her snout; beginning to plant kisses on his neck and working the way up. "I think that its time for bed..." she whispered seductively. He smiled and leaned in for a long kiss. Her hands gingerly stroked his chin as he rose; sliding his hands around her back and under her legs. She was about to protest when he preempted her.

"I love you." Jason declared in an ardent whisper after lifting her up to him.

"I love you." She replied in turn, stroking his face before turning her head to the kitchen area. "See you guys in an hour? Maybe two?" Head cocking at the last part of her invitation.

"This night's all yours." Livianna said with a heart warming smile; her fellow workers echoing her sentiment. Rhi'hilan was smiling as he prepared some coffee; nodding at them to indulge themselves. Jason wordlessly carried them to An'karra's bed room; stopping just inside as he closed the doorâ€"with his tail. An'karra smiled broadly at him, teeth visible in the darkness as he padded softly to the bed. Setting her gently down on the bed, he gave a lingering kiss on her snout; smiling lovingly before he walked over to the curtains and drew them aside to let in the moonlight and stars.

"Oh, Jason..." An'karra cooed at his endearment in remembering her love for the night's light; extending her hand to him. Taking it gently in his, he leaned down and planted a kiss on the back before she rotated it to caress his cheek again. Leaning into the caress, he let his hands begin to roam her skin, teasing with light contact. She pulled him into a tight hug and let loose a long, slow sigh that released the last of whatever pent up emotions from the day remained. He pulled her tight briefly before his hands started to worm their way up her shirt. An'karra leaned back and pulled her shirt off; flinging it to the side. Jason's hands began unbuttoning her shorts and she wiggled her hips free to let him slide them off. Jason leaned in for another ardent kiss and gently guided his mate back onto the bed, stretching over her as she went supine.

An'karra made Jason pause and for a moment, time came to a halt as their eyes locked; seemingly gazing deep into one another's soul. An'karra reached up to caress Jason's face; hands focusing on the scarred flesh behind his left nostril. Jason leaned lower and nuzzled her; a purr unexpectedly escaping his throat. An'karra's smile deepened and she responded with a purr of her own. Jason began to work his way down her body, tongue lashing out and flicking over her nipples; their response almost immediate. He began suck them into his mouth, alternating between sides as his hand began to rub her slit.

When her moans warranted it, he got down on his knees so his face was right in her treasure. Blowing gently across the erect little nub that showed, he watched with pleasure as she inhaled sharply and smiled as her moan entered his ears. Giving her a slow, deep lick from bottom to top he began to tease her. Not to the point of rudeness but slow enough for him to be sure her arousal was maximized. He then began his normal routine; albeit with much more in store. Lubing up two fingers in her slit before moving them to her tail hole and replacing with his other hand, he started to focus all his effort into making this time the first thing she would remember in their history. With the knowledge of the past couple of days on his side, he now knew the exact spots and movements that drove his mate insane; and found them.

An'karra's head began to thrash after only several minutes under Jason's seemingly expert ministrations; her hands grasping wildly at the sheets. With a sudden burst of speed in his actions, he gave An'karra her first of many orgasms of the night. She cried out his name as her legs clamped down on his shoulders, thrusting her snatch into his active snout; trying to get as much of his pleasurable tongue into herself as possible.

After her peak passed, she collapsed back onto the bed, needing a little respite until her faculties came back under control. Jason took the time to clean her nether regions of her tasty mess, probing her crevices with tongue and fingers to let her body know that there was more to come. With a light, loving touch to the top of his snout, she beckoned him up to eye level. Cleaning his face slowly and ardently, she started to work the belt and button on his pants. Jason put a hand on hers and guided them away; attempting to turn the focus back on her. He gently started to push her back onto the bed when she leaned her head against his in a slow nuzzle.

"I want to taste you." She whispered into his ear when he resisted her advances; she realized that he was trying to keep the action on her, one of his many forms of repentance. He paused for a moment before conceding; getting up on his knees in bed to bring the front of his pants within reach. She finished undoing the buckle and unzipped them off her love; his member quickly coming to attention out of the pant's confines. Taking the whole thing in her maw, An'karra started to return the affectionate actions Jason had bestowed upon her. Jason scooted up and leaned back on his haunches, his hand tenderly scratching his mate's eye ridges and behind her ears where she preferred it, as she spent several long moments bringing him to his edge repeatedly. Reaching into the nightstand, An'karra produced the dragon styled vibrator and started to lube it up between her legs.

Angling Jason's cock upwards and licking the under side in the same slow, teasing way he'd done for her, she brought the toy between Jason's legs and proceeded to make it disappear inside of him. Jason gave an unhindered moan as the toy disappeared into his depths; only pleasure coming from that portion of him now. Switching on the vibrator in concert with her ministrations, she quickly brought her mate to climax. He gave a roar that he tried to strangleâ€"oddly, he was afraid the other occupants of the house would be able to hear him too easilyâ€"and grabbed tightly onto fistfuls of An'karra's amber hair. She greedily sucked down his emission faster than it would come to her; continuously pumping with both her hands until his load waned.

Jason inhaled deeply for several moments, giving a glazed, love struck stare down at his fiancée. He tilted her head up and their lips met, exchanging pleasantries and fluids as their tongues danced. Jason then proceeded with his original mission of focusing all on An'karra and guided her once more onto her back. They kissed deeply; the length of the contact grew to accommodate the kiss going fervently passionate before winding down into an ardent nuzzle. Breaking, they came to stare at one another again; the only sound was their hearts: practically beating in unison; the view of each other leaving the other breathless as the moonlight played over their features.

"No matter what happens," An'karra whispered; voicing her innermost thoughts as they tenderly stroked one another's features. "We'll always have this night; this perfect, perfect night."

"We will have each other. Always." Jason proclaimed to banish her worries. Leaning down, they partook in an excruciatingly amorous kiss. Several eternities passed before they advanced. Jason leaned down to nuzzle his beloved as she nipped playfully at one of his ears with a purr. They kissed again and began to make the night the most memorable for either of them.








Jason awoke to a frozen moment, everything locked in timeless perfection. Sunlight refracted into the room showing to be about mid morning, moderate cloud cover showed that a front was approaching. He looked down at his mate, the subtle differences that this time presented made it all the more memorable. This time, she was under him, curled up into the curve by his body; with him wrapped around her protectively. The night flashed back to him with a clarity he was not used to; it excited him to no end to be able to remember everything so vividly now.

It had definitely been a night to remember; maybe even more so than their first night in his house with the candles strewn about the place. He gazed warmly down upon her; her gorgeous nude body atop the covers where they'd both succumbed to the blandishments of their lovemaking in the pale moonlight. He marveled at his golden beauty; her indescribably unique hair: a mixture of auburn, amber and straw blonde that took on a crimson tint when it glinted in the sunlight. Her beautiful suede-like hide of a burnt gold hue, completely smooth an unmarred as it blended into the cream colored underbelly. Her dazzling emerald eyes, so hypnotic, were concealed behind her peaceful features while she slept; eye ridges relaxed as they blended into the spot where her horns emergedâ€"one still shorter than the other. As if she were aware of his scrutinizing stare, there was a change in the rhythm of her breathing as she came out of her slumber. He saw her head lift and take stock of the beautiful day outside the window.

"Good morning." He whispered into her ear as he stretched an arm over her, pulling her close and continuing his amorous attentions; nuzzling her neck, nibbling on her ear with his lips.

"A very good morning." Her voice almost sang in its beautifully accented way as she spun in bed to face him, throwing her leg over his body. They kissed; ‘love' to weak a word to describe the emotion they shared. An'karra pressed into her mate, rolling him over as she tapped her advantage and straddled him. Pausing, they just sat there, happily smiling at one another for several minutes. Jason's smile turned into a yawn. "You should rest more, dear." An'karra admonished. "Your stamina last night was incredible, but you need more time toâ€"," she was cut off by series of beeps coming from the nightstand. She picked up the small little candy bar sized receiver and put it to her head. "Hello? Yes? Oh, hi Nami." Jason took the opportunity to perform a little mischief. One of his hands reached up to play with her exposed breasts as the other started to probe its fingers into her slit. A smile uncontrollably took over her lips while she still tried to hold a conversation as she feebly batted at his actions with her free hand. "Yeah, I'm here. No, its okay; go ahead and tell me." Jason wound his tail around and slipped it several inches into her tailhole without warning; a gasp unexpectedly escaped her lips. "No, its nothing; go on." She spat the words out with a mock angry stare and pursed lips at her beloved, a smile visible on the very edges of her mouth. Jason was about to continue undeterred, but then An'karra's eye ridges furrowed for real as unpleasant news hit her ears. Jason's hand immediately stopped and all his appendages retracted from their targets; it set him on edge to see his precious so distressed. He remained quiet as she closed her eyes and shook her head in irritation; releasing an unmasked sigh of her brewing frustration that tinged into a growl. "Fine, I'll be there as soon as I can." She disengaged the receiver and her hands dropped to the bed, a slump forming in her stature.

"What's wrong?" Jason asked as his hands began to rub her arms in an attempt to comfort.

"I'm sorry dear heart." She stroked his head as he drained the resentment from her with his soothing ministrations. "But I need to go to the lab. Apparently, there's a visit from the Board of Directors scheduled for today. And since I didn't go in yesterday nor have I been in for the past several weeks, I never knew about it. And," she stressed at the next thought. "Apparently, I'm the only one who knows enough of what's going on to be able to explain our progress well enough to warrant more funding." She let out another exasperated sigh as her shoulders sagged. "I'm so sorry to have to break away." She genuinely whined.

"You've got nothing to apologize for." Jason calmed as he pulled her down to him in a loving embrace. "Although, I feel sorry for you; having to deal with all those suits." He felt An'karra give a spasm that turned into a chuckle.

"Gods, I love you." She whispered into his ear. He wasn't the kind to turn everything into a joke; but he knew when such a jib would do the most good and she welcomed it.

"And I love you." Their hands started to caress one another's flesh once more; An'karra squeezing him evermore. With all the willpower he could muster, Jason released his mate from his embrace and grabbed her wrists. "Go." He stressed, "Before I can't stop myself." He smiled at her, she smiled back.

"But I don't want you to stop yourself." She whimpered piteously with a sad smile.

"Go!" He mock ordered her with a loving grin and an uncharacteristic slap to her rump that sent her trotting to the bathroom with a grin from ear to ear on her muzzle. He heard the water start to splash as she commenced her morning rituals and let out a sigh. He retraced his new life up to now; starting with finding An'karra in the forest. The last two weeks had been euphoric to say the least; but now, reality was butting its way back in; with careers, jobs and money being on the forefront. Sure, he was vying with his own doubts to get his old position back; but being in the military? Obviously there was still the need, but were there any wars on at the moment? Would he be called to serve? Did he even get paid? Was it enough to live on? He didn't know how the economy here even worked. Livianna had told him that paying for the wedding shouldn't be a problem, but what did she mean by that? Calling in favors or paying for everything using their friends? What if something did need to be paid for? He knew An'karra was far from helpless, but he wanted so desperately to be her providerâ€"to provide for her all that she had been deprived in his death. He had so much learning to do. Doubts still welled in him whether or not he had the ability to learn what was needed of him to reclaim his old career; to say nothing of his stature. What ifâ€"

"Stop," An'karra ordered as she came bustling back into the room, interrupting his thoughts.

"Hmm?" he cocked his head at her.

"I don't care what it is, just stop thinking about it." She lowered her head, staring menacingly at him. "You promised." Of course she could sense his distress he chided himself. He lowered his head shamefully.

           "Yes, ma'am." He replied stoically. She sighed and sat down on the edge of the bed close to him, pulling him into her loving arms.

"Everything is great, everything is as it should be." She reassured him. "I hide no secrets from you." She leaned their foreheads together. "There is nothing, nothing that you need to be worrying about. It's a beautiful day, and I should be back in the early afternoon. So we can talk then about whatever is on your mindâ€"and then I can smash it with a hammer." She released him and began to dress herself. "By the way," she paused as she slipped a shirt on; threading the straps through the piercing in her wings and buttoning them on her back. "I need you to promise me something else."

"Anything." He responded automatically. She cocked her head at him, slight smile on her lips.

"Please don't leave the house," she whimpered. A bark of laughter escaped Jason and he just nodded, feebly waving a hand in acceptance; An'karra continuing her actions.

"You know," Jason mused. "It's funny watching you, putting your clothes...on." An'karra's teeth appeared as a smile dawned on her face. "It's like the opposite of good." She walked over to him as she stepped into some shoes, kissing him as his head tilted up.

"I'll be back soon enough, my love." He leaned towards her as her lingering caress tingled his chin. "Get some rest...you'll need it." She ordered seductively before she headed out the door. He heard the terrace door close and settled back into bed; snuggling into his mate's warm spot; hugging her pillow close to him so he could smell her scent.






A decent catnap later, Jason roused; rewetting his lips and yawning. Stretching, he rolled onto his back and up the head board as he brought his body back to activity. He was greeted with the sight of his member pointing proudly back at him. He laughed to himself. It's nice to know that some things are the same between all male bodies. He was about to ignore it and go on with his day when he stopped; a grin appearing on his muzzle. Leaning forward, he found that his new body gave him little restriction where it once had. He smiled as he engulfed his own member and was still able to breath with no discomfort.

He slowly began to work his shaft over, finding what gave him the best feeling in his new position. It was by no means an upgrade for a partner, but he would just have to make the most of the opportunity. Coating his shaft, he began to work up a good rhythm as his arousal climbed. Though it was truly an exciting position; with no hands being needed at all. But they did feel kind of dead just laying there. Pausing his motions, he located the An'karra's toy, prepped it a little and went back to his experimentation. With legs folded out to his sides, he began to pump the vibrator into him as he fondled and sucked himself off.

It only took a couple minutes until he decided to go for broke. Pistoning the toy at a lightning pace as he kept the seal around his member; he easily came, giving a loud series of moans as he drank his own seed. He sucked himself clean and laid back, gaining his breath back; the vibrations from his tailhole helping him enjoy the afterglow.

"Enjoying your new abilities?" Rhi'hilan's voice stated from the doorway, startling Jason who attempted to cover his actions with his right wing. Rhi'hilan regarded Jason's gesture of modesty with a quizzical raise of an eye ridge and a dip of the head; to which Jason responded with a sheepish smile as he lowered his wing. "Have we really left you alone too long?"Â He walked over and sat on the bed and gave Jason a seductive smirk.

"Well, it was just there when I woke up..." Jason chuckled. Rhi'hilan smiled and leaned in for a kiss, running his fingers caressingly along Jason's snout as the other hand brushed Jason's still rigid member and went for the toy still lodged inside of him; Jason instinctively flinched at the contact. The look of hurt on Rhi'hilan's was not masked in the least; the look of penitence on Jason's was equally as visible.

"I'm sorry," Jason started.

"It's because Anne's not here." He stated more than asked, gaze dropping. "You don't want to be alone with me; and you never will..."

"No, it'sâ€"well, yes. I'm sorry, it's just. It's just that I still feel like I'm being unfaithful, like it's behind her back; it's hard to overwrite that. I really am trying to accept it, I really do want to. I'm just still trying to get used to the way things are around here; it still takes a conscious effort. These last few days that I've gotten to know you better, I've really enjoyed them; it's easy to see why we were best friends. I just can't get used to the fact of loving more than one personâ€"in that way, that much."

"I don't mind being second to her." Rhi'hilan replied; then his gaze came back onto Jason's face. "In fact, I could never forgive myself if anything did happen between you two. Not that anything ever will. I'm not trying to push her out; it's just, I'm trying to push in." There was a moment of silence before they simultaneously smothered smirks at the unintended pun; both just shaking their heads as Rhi'hilan continued. "I want to be a part of your new life. I love you; I've never stopped loving you. I can't see myself ever living without you again. Anne knows this; knows all about us and she approves."

"I know; the blame is all on me." Jason cursed himself. Rhi'hilan caressed his chin to sooth.

"There is no blame."

"There is, there is. I can't even begin to imagine what you've been through with all this." He put his hand on the crimson's that rested on his chin. "I know what you said before but try as I might, I feel indebted to you. For this as well as for what you've had to endure all these centuries; being robbed as much as An'karra has." He moved his hand over parting lips to stifle the red's objections when he saw Rhi'hilan's mouth start to move. "You were pivotal in keeping her alive, keeping her sane all these years until we were reunited." His hand went back, caressing Rhi'hilan's cheek as he cradled the red's wedge shaped head. "You are and always will be a part of our lives. We will always try to repay, we will always be thankful." The crimson's eyes closed as his head leaned into the caress with full vigor.

"There is nothing to repay..." Eyes still closed, Rhi'hilan was reveling in the caress. "That is what friendship is; the will to act on someone's behalf, not looking for repayment. And I am grateful to be your friend again, given this chance to be a part of your lives." He leaned in further and they touched foreheads.

"You are more than just a friend. It just takes some effort on my part to show you." Jason replied with a whisper, giving him a quick kiss on the nose. "I've always been aware of this bi streak in me. It's been dormant for the last decade; but now..." Rhi'hilan responded with a mirrored kiss. They closed in again and shared a longer kiss; and then added several more as Jason's hand began to work off Rhi'hilan's clothes. Rhi'hilan gave a throaty purr as Jason smiled at him. Standing up, he undressed before turning back as Jason made room on the bed.

Crawling onto the bed, he took Jason's softening member into his mouth and started to suckle. Jason guided Rhi'hilan to rotate his bottom half over Jason's head and he spread his legs for his lover. Still hidden, Jason began to coax Rhi'hilan's shaft out his slit with gentle caresses to the area surrounding his slit, teasing it into response as Rhi'hilan worked its counterpart. Jason pushed his head up and began to use his tongue to probe Rhi'hilan's tailhole as his member began to emerge from its confines. Caressing the elongating piece briefly, Jason sucked the whole thing into his mouth, eliciting a shiver from Rhi'hilan. He pulled and massaged it with only his mouth, hands probing the needy tailhole.

It wasn't long before it had reached the majority of its length and Jason moved his attention to Rhi'hilan's tailhole; where he knew his lover liked tongue attention. Rhi'hilan moaned as Jason's tongue penetrated him and began to work him over the way he liked; hitting the right spots in the right way as he'd learned from the past couple of days. It made him melt to see how Jason treated his partners in bed; with the love and attention that no one had ever asked for. Always making the other a priority rather than servicing his own gratification. It was something Rhi'hilan delighted in receiving; his arousal increasing exponentially the more his emotions got involved. Jason probed deeper into his target and felt Rhi'hilan's member begin to smear a large amount of precum on his chest; could even feel Rhi'hilan's heartbeat through it. It was only a moment later that Rhi'hilan began to involuntarily hump his cock against Jason's chest as pleasure started to pervade his senses.

"My, aren't we eager." Jason mused as he gave a couple long strokes to the dangling member. Rhi'hilan released Jason from his grasp and rotated to face him as Jason scooted up against the headboard.

"For you, always and forever." He whispered, eyes locking onto Jason; his expression entreating a declaration of love from Jason.

"Whenever you want." Rhi'hilan's head dropped, obviously not pleased with Jason's response. He dropped back onto his haunches and started to get off the bed when Jason grabbed his arm; other hand making the crimson's muzzle point at him. "Which does not mean that I won't be a willing participant." He slowly pulled Rhi'hilan into a kiss; a full blooded kiss, no reservations or resistance on any level. Rhi'hilan pushed into it and was ecstatic to find no hesitancy whatsoever. They nuzzled one another before pulling apart, joyful purrs escaping them both. Rhi'hilan rose and scooted up, spreading his legs and aiming Jason's rigid member into his needy tailhole. They shared a sigh of pleasure as the length disappeared into Rhi'hilan. Fully seated, Rhi'hilan leaned down to Jason and they rubbed nose tips before leaning heads together again. Leaning forward, Rhi'hilan set the rhythm and began to live his fantasy once more while Jason massaged his well muscled body.

Soon their moans had quickened and were joined with quick breaths; the bed rumbling rhythmically under then. Jason angled his head in front of Rhi'hilan's member so Rhi'hilan experience Jason's improving skill every time he thrust forward. In almost no time, Rhi'hilan began to growl with the need to be released and proceeded to speed up his motions; eager to attain his peak. Leaning back, Jason grabbed Rhi'hilan's bobbing member and began to stroke him at a furious pace. Gritting his teeth, jaw clenched and growling in massive exertion, Rhi'hilan held on as long as he could.

He slammed himself back onto Jason's cock and peaked; letting out a series of roars as Jason dragged out his orgasm with zeal. Globs of dragon essence were propelled violently through the air by the power of Rhi'hilan's climax; trailing long streamers as they splashed onto Jason's face and inside his open mouth. When he started to come down, Rhi'hilan leaned further back, placing weight on his arms and enjoyed felling as Jason continued to stoke him slowly; enhancing the afterglow. Jason squeezed all the cum he could from Rhi'hilan's member, smearing it back along the shaft sensuously as Rhi'hilan regarded him with pleasure laden eyes.

"You took me over before you were ready." He accused softly.

"You know this about me: it's not about me." Jason replied modestly as he started to lick his hand clean.

"Peaking at the same time can be the best experience..."

"Yes, but I didn't want to make you wait for me." Rhi'hilan smiled at his love and got off him. Walking around to the bottom of the bed, he pulled Jason to edge by his tail, catching him off guard; a short squawk of surprise escaping Jason. Pushing Jason's legs up to open his access, Rhi'hilan rubbed his slickened member against Jason's tailhole briefly before pushing in. Jason moaned and his cock bobbed with twitches of pleasure as the crimson embedded himself. Rhi'hilan quickly started his thrusts, eager to please Jason. Holding his legs up, Rhi'hilan allowed Jason to use his hands on himself for once as he watched with longing to make Jason roar with joy. He did this for a while; then, having recovered enough strength using slow thrusts, Rhi'hilan quickened his pace and gave Jason deep, quick thrusts intent to give him the most pleasure

With Rhi'hilan's fluids lubing up his shaft, Jason grabbed his shaft and started to pound off his arousal that had been growing from being inside Rhi'hilan. Rhi'hilan felt his edge building rapidly; sweat dripping off his brow as he held on as long as he could while maintaining his pace. Jason's body was in a similar state, glistening brightly as he absorbed the thrusts from the crimson; hand pumping feverishly fast as he neared his fold. Jason threw his head back with a roar and started to cum on himself; thick spurts making it all the way up his chest to his face as he continued to jack himself and receive pleasureful thrusts from his partner.

Seeing Jason writhe in ecstasy was enough for the big red. Giving a roar that mirrored Jason's, he deposited his load into Jason and smeared it inside Jason with several followup strokes before bottoming out. Jason just went limp and lay there, still feeling Rhi'hilan pulsing within him. Rhi'hilan looked loving at Jason, grabbing his member and stroking him a bit; tenderly. Rhi'hilan waited for his climax to pass before he leaned down on Jason. They kissed and Rhi'hilan began to clean Jason up; tongue lightly teasing Jason's flesh as he was licked clean.

"This is what you call ‘getting some rest'?" An'karra asked from where she'd been leaning against the closet just inside the door. Both the males were completely surprised, unaware that they'd had a spectator; eyes whipping over to An'karra and a smile on her face that went from ear to ear. Jason forced himself to relax when An'karra gazed calmly at him, still smiling purposefully.

"Just warming up." Rhi'hilan said playfully; pulling out of Jason and sitting up as she walked over to the bed. "Been here long?" He gestured to the front of her pants; generously soaked with her arousal.

"You two looked like you were bonding so well, I didn't want to intrude." She sat next to Jason and kissed him slowly. "Feeling a little more at ease with others now?" Her smile widened when he nodded. "Excellent." She kissed him again and moaned as he brushed the front of her pants. He could sense her arousal in the air and wasted no time in assisting her strip and join him on the bed. She wanted her mate bad. She'd been thinking of nothing else all during the tour and presentation she'd given. About getting home and spending the entire day and night with him. She mounted her husband's softening shaft, bypassing any foreplay, and began to massage him back to attention with her internals. She kissed and nuzzled him as he massaged her flesh, their combining heat arousing them even further.

When she had him hard as well as good and wet as she was; she leaned forward and pulled off of him. Nuzzling her love again and playfully nipping at his hair, she looked back coquettishly at Rhi'hilan who'd just been admiring the show, and lifted her tail for him. He waddled over with a smile on his maw and pressed into her; gaining lubrication for what he knew she had planned. She and Jason continued to caress each other as Rhi'hilan brought An'karra's arousal up with steady thrusting. Leaning back, she looked Jason squarely in the eyes; the unspoken bond in plain sight. Licking him on the nose, she folded her tail over her head and leaned down onto her mate, propping her rear in the air.

Rhi'hilan took his cue. Pulling out from her elicited a moan from both; it was shortly joined by another as he pushed his meat into her backdoor. Rhi'hilan and Jason then helped An'karra position herself on Jason's cock and he slipped into his mate once more. The triad shared a pleasureful moan as they reveled in the combined feeling; An'karra and Jason sharing a joyful kiss. Jason took the opportunity to caress his mate's face and she purred at his touch. With her arms above his shoulders for support, all she could do was lean into his expressive fingers and continue purring for him.

When she'd had enough time to grow accustom, Jason and Rhi'hilan started their motions; alternating their thrusts for the most pleasure. With An'karra's fluid coating all three of their nether regions; the loud, squishy sounds of flesh slapping and sliding were as plentiful as the moans.

He grabbed her hips again and thrust himself up into her while keeping his gaze locked onto her pleasure gripped expressions. She reached down and jammed two fingers in her dripping pussy; rubbing her clit furiously as her orgasm began to overtake her. Their gazes remained locked; watching the pleasure on the other's face in mirror of their own. He was close to his limit; desperately trying to hold on until she gave him that scream of ecstasy that made it known that she'd claimed him as her mate once more. Her moans had been growing in intensity and it was very close now. He'd even started to hear Rhi'hilan straining to keep himself together.

"Oh Jason, yes! YES!" She screamed bringing his attention back to her as she arched her head skywards and roared loud enough to shake the mountain. Rhi'hilan pulled her back up to him and took over grinding her clit through her orgasm. Her pussy opened up; spraying juices in every direction as she climaxed hard; the hand running over it causing fluid to fly every direction. The spray reached all the way to Jason's face, soaking his chest in the process as she continued to pour out her love; tailhole clenching Rhi'hilan tightly and begging him for his contribution.

"Gaahhh!" Was all Rhi'hilan was able to voice before it turned into a roar and he slammed up into An'karra hard to deposit his load. Jason followed suit, thrusting himself up hard into his mate and just holding himself there as he went over the edge.

"Ohâ€"Kara!" He yelled as his balls tightened up and he slammed into her bowels as far as he could go; seed pouring in her in several gouts that coated her insides with warm pleasure. She continued to bounce up and down on him slightly; massaging with her muscles to milk as much pleasure from both of them as she could. Panting heavily, she leaned down and they kissed; hands still roaming one another's flesh as An'karra started to lick Jason clean.

Rhi'hilan wasted no time in starting up again, determined to make the most of their heightened state. He proceeded to pound An'karra's creamed tailhole as she flashed a libidinous smile. Jason kissed his mate to bring her attention back to him as he started a slower rhythm; ignoring all the fluids that his cock pistoned out into the space between their bodies. She leaned further down onto him; heads touching as their breaths quickened once more. Quicker than before, her moans started to escalate as she neared another crest of pleasure.

Without warning, Rhi'hilan withdrew from An'karra's tailhole and pushed himself into her pussy, still occupied by Jason. An'karra's head shot up and her mouth opened to protest, but only a loud moan was uttered as Rhi'hilan began to thrust into her. Jason had been about to protest as well, but seeing his mate's eye's roll back and her body quiver as pleasure took control of all her body, combined with his own intense sensation from the double stuffing, was enough to silence him. Gritting his teeth and holding on as hard as he could, Jason began to thrust fervently into his love, alternating positions with Rhi'hilan.

Very quickly, An'karra started to scream again as ecstasy rippled through her veins. Jason and Rhi'hilan stretched out her orgasm as long as they could; fueled by her clarion roar of rapture. The tightness of An'karra's pussy, the feeling of their cocks grinding against one another and the joyful cries in their ears was too much for the two males. Before Jason could pull out again, Rhi'hilan slammed deep into An'karra and started to release another load. The feeling of his actions sent Jason over the edge and he roared again as he thrust up and into his mate. The combination of their fluids coated all three of the lovers in a sticky mess that worked its way between them; enhancing the feeling.

All too soon, the rush left An'karra. Her muscles were shaky for a brief second before she collapsed onto Jason; completely lost in her afterglow. Jason just kissed the side of her head once more and wrapped his arms about her. Rhi'hilan came down on the side of them; pulling both as close as possible. Their hands roamed one another sensuously and they shared their dwindling euphoria; purrs and moans still escaping them.

Clenching tightly, An'karra pulled herself off her lovers and rolled onto her side; still panting heavily. Rhi'hilan curled up and proceeded to clean the mess that had pooled on Jason's crotch. Jason rolled over and started to lick his mate clean; enjoying the taste of the mixed cocktail with their juices.

They sidled up to one another after finishing their tasks and began to kiss one another once more; hands becoming busy again.

"What's this?" Livianna said from the hallway as she entered the room, face taking on the same libidinous expression An'karra had on hers. "Got room for one more?" She asked and started to unbutton her blouse when she got mischievous smiles for answers. Jason grabbed her hand as she finished the last button and pulled her on top of him; kissing her tenderly before staring directly into her eyes.

"Del, you might as well just come in now." Jason said out loud, directed at the door.

"Can I?" With a smile on his face, the dark dragon's head appeared in the doorway and elicited a laugh from everyone.















"So," Jason chimed happily; a spring in his step causing him to skip and bounce as he made his way to the counter from their bedroom. "Today's the day!" The previous day had been entirely spent in saturnalia on renewing the bond between all the occupants of the house. It wasn't surprising to anyone that the exertions over the latter half of the day and well into the night had left them all moribund well into the next morning.

"Yes it is dear heart!" An'karra replied; she couldn't help but beam a smile across the room that matched his own. Jason waltzed up to the counter and spread his wings out behind him, performing a wave motion with all the digits to show how articulate he'd become. She leaned over the counter and gave him a tender kiss, lips lingering in contact as her body turned around and rummaged through the fridge to look for breakfast.

"God, how I've waited for this day." Jason mused as he leaned onto his arms, smile still going from ear to ear.

"Yup, must be exciting; dreaming of this day for decades and now here it is: the day where you'll learn to fly on your own again." She continued to preach as he listened to her enchanting voice. "I've fantasized about this day as well, having you back in my life. And after today, we'll be able to share the skies again for centuries. You can explore the world. Explore all the cities, surf the different thermals and streams that exist all year long. Find new people that need your help; which you seem so free to give." Her voice started to grate and Jason straightened up, confused.

"Uh, Anne?" Jason cautiously interjected, but she paid him no heed and he voice continued to intensify.

"You can find another way to throw your life away and leave me all alone againâ€"and for what? Just to hurt me? Money? Fame? Just because you want to be remembered in death? Why must you be in such a hurry to die?" She was almost screaming into the fridge at this time; voice completely hysterical. "Do you realize how much you're loved? How many lives you affect? DO YOU!" She screamed as she whirled around, hurling a bowl of food at Jason. Jason had barely enough time to jerk his head back out of the way as the bowl went sailing past his head and into the wall of the column beside him; puncturing the drywall and exploding into dozens of pieces. A large fragment flew arrow point at Jason's face and lacerated his snout; right side, midway behind the nostril; falling short of his eye. Jason stood in shock, hands frozen midair in front of him in a half gesture of defense; blood beginning to pool down his snout.

An'karra's face was livid; her many sharp teeth bared in primal fury. Eyes narrowed and brow furled with a feral hate boiling behind them as she stared at Jason. Then, just as soon as it had come, the fury submerged again. An'karra's face relaxed and took on a look the rivaled Jason's own shocked gaze. She clasped both hands over her mouth in astonishment; her breathing stopped with a sharp gasp. Reaching to him, she took a step towards him to aid, but stopped when he cringed, jerking slightly back at her advance; fear evident in his eyes.

"What the hell was that?" Livianna blurted out as she entered from her room. She took one look at the two lovers separated by the counter, the impact crater in the wall that oozed some sort of leftover and the fragments of bowl strewn about the place; the frightened look on their faces, lending to the question. "What happened?" She asked again as she walked over to Jason, slowly guiding his hands down so she could see the laceration on his muzzle.

"Iâ€"I," An'karra started to stammer nonstop; babbling incoherently.

"Alright, alright." Livianna soothed, quick thinking making he try to get things under control. "This doesn't look so bad, Jason. Go in my room and get a bandage from my sack; just slap it on there; I'll clean this up." Jason silently obliged, to shocked to think of anything else. He found Livianna's pack and a bandage proper to staunch the bleeding. He slowly sat down on Livianna's bed; still trying to comprehend what had just occurred.




Lost in his own mind, he wasn't sure how much time had passed before Livianna came into her room; but when she did she didn't look like she was ready to answer any questions. He just followed her as she sat herself down next to him. His eyes screamed to her for some sort of explanation.

"It's nothing to worry about." Came her simple reply. He was about to protest but she went on. "It's just a bit of a wobbler. I mean, that stunt you pulled Monday did a real number on her. It's not surprising that there was a delay in it effects. I mean, I don't think that it's going to change into PTSD, but she'll need some time to calm down and come to grips with what happened, and what didn't happen. Subconsciously, I think she's still extremely pissed with you. I don't think any of us can blame her. After the initial shock, it wasn't surprising that her first reaction was to live a little, to enjoy you. That explains all the...fun yesterday. But now her mind is start to organize everything and adapt a response."

"A psychologist as well?" Jason managed a weak chuckle.

"I know something about everything and everything of nothing." She replied enigmatically. "General practitioners motto from my educational days." She said when he gave her a glance the showed his brain was hurting. "Well, I sent her off to her room for a little and I think it's best if you disappear for a couple hours." He only managed a nod before looking down at a speck of nothing on the carpet. "On that note, Del and I will be teaching you the finer points of flight today." She managed cheerfully. "Oh stop kicking yourself." She said, taking stock of the look on his muzzle.

"It's my fault."

"Yes...it is." She replied, taking the sting from his words. Wrapping an arm around his shoulder, she tried her best to console him. "But if you hadn't done anything, it's safe to say that at least five people, if not more, would not be alive today. You did what you did because it's who you are. It's who we all love; An'karra the most. I'm afraid...I'm afraid all you can do is weather it. For better or for worse." She quoted, knowing full well his conviction. She pulled him close to her, laying his head on her.







Jason shuffled up to the edge of the mountain. Its side having been worn down to a ledge that jutted several meters out over the canyon below; it was the perfect scenario for a first flightâ€"or so Delkanth had told him. Apparently this place was ideal for couples to teach young ones about flight because of the gentle currents all year around, serenity for the nervous mind andâ€"most important of allâ€"the several kilometers drop that gave enough time to rescue a failed attempt. Well, at least I'm in good hands. He thought to himself as he looked into the valley below.

"You'll be fine." Livianna said reassuringly from her perch above him. "We've been through gliding, landing and diving acceleration. This is just to see if you can manage take off on your own power. You've done amazingly well so far and there's no reason this should be different." She continued amiably before fixing him with an encouraging smile. "We're not going to let anything happen to you." Jason gazed out at Delkanth who was flying a holding pattern some distance out of Jason's flight path.

With one preparatory flex of his wings to full extension then a solid moment of consideration, he was off. Gaining altitude was no exertion but his heart was still racing. This was everything he had dreamed of. All those years day dreaming of this, and now it was here, despite all odds.

Mission complete. He said to himself with a chuckle. He was thrilled he began to push the limits of what he knew. He pulled several barrel rolls as well as some diving. It was in the middle of a bank that something familiar tickled in the back of his mind. It was like a resurfacing memory; tangible but unidentifiable. He pushed it a little further in hopes to uncover it.

A quick tingling in his wings was the only warning he had before his velocity sky rocketed. He was propelled through his bank, G-forces pulling hard as he whizzed past Delkanth. A whoop of joy escaped his lungs, loud enough for anyone down below to hear, as he made evasive maneuvers; banking and weaving to avoid imaginary objects.

You can turn it off now. Delkanth said in his head, a chuckle echoing his sentiments. With a little focus Jason slowed back to his original speed. Feeling a little drained, he made a lazy circle and made a few more aerobatic displays, just for the thrill. He could have done it all day long, but a wave from Delkanth bade him come in to land. Though the feeling was strong, he chose not to disobey and headed in to land. Back winging strongly, he pulled off a graceful landing under the scrutinizing stare of his mentors.

"And I think we're done for the day." He looked over to Livianna for reinforcement. Getting a brisk nod, he turned back to Jason and extended a hand. "Congratulations, Jason." Jason took it and returned the shake heartily before pulling Delkanth into a jubilant hug. "The sky is yours." A jab in the ribs from Livianna elicited a chuckle. "Okay, okay, no more of that."

"Thank you. Thank you both." Jason said as genuinely as he could.

"I think your Mrs. Is going to want to see you now." Delkanth said cheerfully, smile full of encouragement. "I'm going to stay up here with mine," he wrapped an arm over Livianna's shoulder. "But I'm sure that you know the way home." Jason smiled as he backed up to the edge of the mountain. Saluting, he fell backwards and spread his wings to fly home; Livianna and Delkanth making sure his antics still allowed him to achieve stability. A sigh escaped the couple as they watched Jason disappear into a small speck.

"He has no idea what he's in for..."

"Not a clue." Livianna chuckled deviously before she leaned onto the balls of her feet and kissed her love.









Jason shivered slightly, not because he was cold, but because of the feeling of the wind rushing over his skin once more. In a matter of only a couple of hours, flight had returned to him and become second nature no less. He'd even been able to do a short assisted flight, which surprised Delkanth, so everything was coming together nicely. A heady euphoria ensconced his mind, he couldn't quite place it. Sure, he was living his lifelong dream but this was something more than being ecstatic. He felt aloof in his body, almost as if he was watching himself from a third person view; like a dream about to end.

He came in to land on the deck of the pool and a new smell struck his sensitive nose. It made a tingling sensation run down his spine and set his nerves afire, much like when he'd been transformed. The aloofness suddenly disappeared and he felt fully in contact with his body; even more so than normal. Flaring his wings and extending his legs to take the force of impact, he gave one last down stroke and landed gracefully. Identifying him, the terrace door unlocked itself and Jason slid it open. There was definitely a new odor in the air of the house. It registered in his mind that it reminded him of cinnamon, nutmeg and a fragrant rose all rolled into one, He began to search for the source; his pulse increasing rapidly without reason. It would have scared Jason otherwise, but something else was on his mind; he wasn't sure what it was, but it didn't frighten him. His conscious mind seemed to be losing control of his actions, giving way for the more primal nature. His eyes darted around the living room; his eyes growing accustomed to the darkness, as the lights were off. There were however, candles strewn about; laying serenity about the place. His legs carried in the direction of An'karra's room; his breathing now bordering on grunting and feral gasping.

Turning the corner and pushing the door open he saw more candles alight on the desk and the aroma hit him in force. His gaze came to rest opposite of the desk, to An'karra who was sprawled out on the bed. She was nude and, currently, deeply involved in herself. Her moans came out in a similar feral attitude as one hand massaged her breasts, the other had two fingers buried inside her slit with loud, sloppy noises indicating that they were anything but idle; and the tip of her tail was buried inside her tailhole. Her head was whipping about with fervor in her pleasure until she realized that she was no longer alone. Her gaze came to rest on Jason in the door. She gave him a bestial grin, most of her teeth showing in a triumphant expression at having survived her madness until his return.

"Finally," Came the sultry greeting in her now husky voice. She rose from the bed; wet sounds clearly audible as she retracted her tail and fingers. She descended upon him and pressed him up against the door jamb, lips pressing painfully against him as she latched onto him. He reciprocated with the fervor she showed, hands grasping her flesh as their lips locked. With four hands helping, he was quickly disrobed and soon, there flesh was in full contact. She brought her hand up, rubbing it along his muzzle and smearing her juices over his nostrils. The pheromones hit him hard. His blood seem to come to a boil now; ancient lust welling up inside of him in a flash. She eased up for a moment, backing away enough that they could look into each other's face directly. Her eyes had lost their calm, beautiful serenity and were now completely animal. She grinned at him with an open muzzle and bared teeth as she gruffly extended her challenge.

"Catch me." Was all she said and she was off; out the terrace door before Jason had even twitched a muscle. Scrambling out of the bedroom, he saw An'karra take to the sky in a powerful eruption; she was probably on the border of twenty meters in the air before she needed to make her first down stroke. But the thought didn't stick in his mind for more than a fraction of a moment. The only thing he cared about was her; his only goal was getting to her; he wanted nothing more than to catch her; he had to catch her. He leapt out the door in a similar fashion, the absurdity of his strength lost to him as his wings snapped open to claw through the air. Their primal heritage unleashed.



He came out of the first cloud layer, the sun almost blinding himâ€"a flash to his left. His sharp vision refocused; the sun glinted of his love's hide, dazzling him with sparkles of gold. Banking sharply, he went to retrieve his prize. She saw him and started to evade, ducking in and out of clouds. Every time she disappeared, he had to rely on intuition to guide him until she reemerged; a brilliant flash of golden light giving her away and allowing him to easily track her. Seeing him still in the race, An'karra headed towards a stormy cumulonimbus that reached to the border of space, and penetrated the side. There was a strong thermal inside that drove the cloud and she rode it well, taking straight to the top and emerging into the bright sky with a contrail. A bank around the cloud; a look around and below her showed no contenders. Suddenly, a second pillar erupted from the cloud from the same area she'd just left. The cloud smeared away and Jason emerged, spinning magnificently in a pure indulgence of aerobatics. After realizing that this strategy had failed, An'karra made a barrel roll and pulled her wings close to her body; plummeting from the open sky into the first cloud layer, aiming for the thickest patch she could see. He did likewise, folding his wings to pursue her.

Turbulence buffeted him and his vision went hazy as he passed through the cloud's outer wisps, permeating the heart. He ignored the rushing, deafening wind and let his smell guide him further down. The clouds faded and cleared and he found her again. She had pulled out of her dive into a ravine at a breakneck speed. He dove to match her reckless velocity before tracing the narrow canyon. Pumping his wings faster, he planned to close the distance and catch her before she couldâ€"then he saw the obstacles ahead, rapidly growing larger. Stone pillars; carved through the ages by rivers, wind and rain. Arches, ledges and tall spires emerged form the canyon's wall; growing ominously larger.

An'karra began to duck and weave through the protrusions from the canyon wall; speed still dangerously the same. Jason followed her path wing beat per beat. She rolled onto her back, going over the top of an arch before dropping to go under the successive one and rolling again. He followed, horns barely missing the first stone arch that could've ended him so easily. His heart was pounding with excitement in the danger. Did she realize what she was doing? Oh she did, she was quite the expert flier. A true challenge, and a worthy reward. She engaged in another barrel roll, clockwise, managing to fly on her left wing tip for several moments as she passed between a pillar and the canyon's right wall. She reversed the barrel roll and on the loop upward, closed her wings and let the momentum throw her over the top of the ridge that opened up to the valley that was Vyeslae.

The sun was entering its afternoon phase, setting the sky and clouds alight in brilliant, and fitting, gold and orange. He ascended out of the rift and reacquired her trying to increase the gap between them; ducking in and among more pillars that made the outer wall of a crater lake situated on the top of a massive mountain. The side she was on now had the waterfall while the opposite side was cupped by tall walls that pierced the second cloud layer. Without diving into the same path of pillars after her, he shadowed her progress from just beyond their reach; through an easier path. His breath left him as she passed through the waterfall; droplets clinging to her hide and adding to her brilliance in the sunlight. He marveled at her beauty as she spun again, this time ascending and banking into the crater. He gave his wings a series of massive strokes and dove to match her speed as he fell in behind her; angling sharply and tracing just above the crater's walls. The speed at their wingtips created a pressure wave that cut the serene surface of the lake as they soared dangerously close to it; Jason no more than a single length behind.

An'karra finished running the bowl and she pulled straight up directly above the waterfall and let her momentum throw her as high as it could. Jason angled up to follow and was dazzled by her beauty again as the sun fell behind her, illuminating her outstretched wings; time seemed to stop. He drank in the picture as she just hung there motionless. By God, she was a prize; and she would be hisâ€"but she wasn't frozen for long. Arching her head back, she pulled a seemingly impossible turn that curved all the way down her spine, out her tail and then she was reversed on herself; nose pointed straight down towards the lagoon below. She began to accelerate, retaining her grace as she fell from the clouds right past his tail; close enough to tug it playfully in defiance as she passed.

Jason pulled an Immelman looping up and over to line up with An'karra's trajectory. Collapsing his wings tightly and pulling his extremities in, almost to the point of dislocating them, he reduced his profile and he began to overtake her. The waterfall began to travel backwards as his velocity increased. She saw him out of the corner of her eye and gave a feral smile of delight, knowing that he had followed her thus far. If he didn't succumb to this trick, then he was almost worthy of her. She flared her wings out, preparing to break and make him overshoot herâ€"but his reaction time was amazing, far superior of her estimation and he caught her off guard. As soon as she had begun to slow, he angled in and collided with her; arms immediately wrapping about her, neck and tail entwining with hers as he attained his goal, and never planned to let it go. The force of the collision made them spin several times before intuition stabilized their plummet; wings dragging at half extension. She clasped onto him, letting out a jubilant roar in congratulation of his worthiness. She wrapped her legs about his waist; opening herself up to give him his reward.

Everything else was forgotten as they connected, bodies becoming one. Hearts and breaths pulsing together, time ceased to exist for the two. An'karra's body was an inferno, screaming at her its ancient need to be filled. Jason eagerly obliged, bellowing in ecstasy as he hilted his member deep inside her hotness. The feeling of Jason ravaging her, the height of her cycle and the freefall was too much for An'karra to withstand and she began to climax. Jason did not ease his attack; pheromone induced primal compulsion taking control of his mind. She continued her ceaseless climax, reveling in the joy as she clung to her mate.

With a roar to wake the dead clear on the other side of the planet, Jason announced his claim to all as he let loose, deep in his beloved. Several timeless moments went by, then they fell into the afterglow; arms, legs and necks still entwined. With wings wrapped around both of them like a cocoon, they stayed in one another's embrace; plummeting for several more eternities before instinct came back for at least one of them. Jason unfurled his wings and began to pull them out of the dive, together; as they would be forever.



"So where do you think they went?" Delkanth asked Livianna as they opened the patio door; coming home after deciding enough time had passed since Jason had departed their company.

"Oh, I don't know; just someplace where they can be alone for a while. Are you okay?" She asked after she saw him twitch unexpectedly.

"Yeah, I'm fine. It's just An'karra's scent. Whew, it's stronger in here." He shook his head, trying to clear the air around his nostrils. Entering the room, the candles seemed to go hazy as his mating instinct became charged. It had the same primal compulsion on him as any other male of the species; even it if wasn't meant for him. His heart started to beat faster and he felt desire growing inside. "I should get out of here before I go proddyâ€"" He started to back up but Livianna had shut the door and now stood between it and him. Her grin telling him that the idea had occurred to her, and she welcomed it.











Jason awoke to a warm, salty breeze caressing his face; flashes of the previous day bursting into his mind's eye. The bright afternoon, the thrilling chase, the glorious sunset capture and making love with a feral lust as the moon rose to illuminate the whitecaps on the wavesâ€"and well into the morning as it set. Slowly opening his eyes, he found himself on a breathtakingly beautiful beach at midday; cerulean and emerald water serenely lapping at the bleached sand just a few scant meters away as he slumbered in the shade of some trees and a waterfall roared a distance down the beach.

"Sleep well, love?" An'karra stirred and greeted him from her customary position on his chest, curled up under his embracing arm. He just turned a wordlessly ardent smile upon her and she leaned up to nuzzle his chin; giving him a purr as he leaned into it. He stroked her chin gently before bringing her lips up to meet his in a tender kiss.

"That was one hell of an adventure." He stated before an oddity caught his eye. "Hey, dear, what's with the new coat?" He fingered four dark orange, brownish stripes that lay across the top of her snout. Further inspection showed similar striping in a tiger-like pattern on her shoulders, outer arms and thighs as well as down her back. He brought her arm into view for clarification. A warm, astonished smile came alight on her face and she fixed it on him a moment before grabbing his hand in hers and bringing his arm into view. To his surprise, an identical but not exact pattern now adorned his hide. Though his honor marks were of An'karra's golden skin's beautiful hue.

"We're...bonded." She almost choked on the last word, breath leaving her and voice failing; but smile plainly visible. Having no idea what she was talking about, all Jason could do was match her smile.

"Is that a good thing?" He chuckled.

"It is a wondrous thing." She replied, spacing her words for emphasis and took him in a much longer, ardent kiss. She caressed him with her free hand as he wrapped his arms around her back and neck and pulled her in close. Their lips parted and they leaned foreheads together. "It's extremely rare." An'karra whispered. "In the ancient days it was thought to be a sign that a union was blessed by the gods themselves."

"Well, given our...unique...situation, I would think that you'd have come to expect this type of thing." He chuckled as he caressed her temples. "Who knows; maybe I charmed God into taking pity on me and he sent me back to you?"

"God, gods, or just odds; I don't care. I'm just grateful." She whispered and nuzzled him again.

"I've been meaning to ask you about that." He mused carefully. "Does it bother you that our, uh... ‘views' aren't the same?"

"Not at all dear heart. I know you're the same way?" She declared boldly; at the same time raising an eye ridge to let it be known that she was asking a question as well as declaring.Â

"Of course."

"That's how we were before, by the way."

"Speaking of "before", what was all that yesterday? I don't remember reading about that in the brochure when I signed up for this job." He chuckled. "Was all that normal?" She looked down ashamedly.

"I'm sorry. I wish that I'd had more time to prepare you for that." He took great pride in being able to nuzzle and purr to her properly now, and did so with a great amount of affection to convince her that she need not apologize for anything. He felt yearning rise in him; very much wanting to take her again; this time with love and not lust. "I didn't realize that my cycle was so close. Although it has been known to be triggered by extreme emotional distress." She accused, looking at him mock sternly.

"Well, what about all the sex we've been having recently? I'm sure that's got to be a factor."

"Not at all. We're still within a normal amount; not to mention the urge that I've had pent up for the last 247 years." She continued to nuzzle him.

Jason was about to say something else when another item caught his eye.

"Oh my God, Anne, what happened?" He cried in genuine distress. On her left shoulder, along the base of her neck and extending front and back, were gashes. They weren't terribly deep, though enough to have drawn blood; which now adhered to her skin in dried clumps. An'karra didn't seem to worry though, but that did little to comfort him.

"Oh these?" She replied amiably, smiling and snuggling up to him before she hit him with what she knew would be a bombshell. "You made these."

"What? I? Howâ€"," was all he could manage before a flashback hit him. They had been on the rocks at the base of the waterfall about to reach their respective peaksâ€"Jason taking his love from behindâ€"when Jason leaned down and clamped his jaws down intensely on the base of An'karra's neck as they reveled in the throws of their orgasms. "Oh my Gâ€"," He started and shushed him with a nuzzle.

"It's alright, dear heart. It's quite commonâ€"and oh boy, did it feel good." She smirked at him and stoked his face. She waited a few moments to make sure he was calm again. "It's called ‘nature' and it's in every one of us; and has been for a long time."

"But you, Iâ€"but we're back to normal now, right?" He gulped nervously, still trying to absorb that he had harmed his beloved.

"Well," she nuzzled him again in an effort to start something. "We might still be a little ‘excited' for the next day or two, be we can control it until it passes; just takes some time."

"Day or two? Oh gee, how will we ever spend the time..." he exaggerated as he kissed her and pulled her close; on hand working its way over her rump.

"Oh, bite me."

"Well," he began uneasily in an apologetic tone, releasing her from his grip. "I just thoughtâ€","

"I mean it." She smirked tone changing after she'd succeeding in toying with him, straddling him and rubbing her flesh sensuously against his; eyes locking onto his. "Bite me." They shared a laugh as she pulled their faces close together; licking up his snout teasingly.









Jason landed on the terrace of their home, An'karra a few seconds later. She walked over to him and leaned up to nuzzle him as he wrapped his arms about her. They stood for several breaths, just enjoying the moment.

"Welcome home." An'karra whispered lovingly, purring warmly. Her phrase signifying that she felt he'd claimed all that had been his in a past life.

"It's good to be back." He replied as they swayed in one another's arms. "Just got one thing left to do." She cocked her head up at him. "There's just one last thing that's been bugging me and I need to get it out of the way."







Nathan finished shaking dry and collapsing his umbrella as he got off the elevator, sighing as a long day finally started to draw to a close. He hefted his umbrella under the arm carrying his groceries and fumbled for his keys with the opposite hand. Waddling into the doorway, his flipped on the light switch and gave a muddled curse when nothing happened. Locking the door, he tossed his keys on the nearby table and went to the counter and dropped off his load.

"Hi, Nathan," A deep, unfamiliar voice cut through the darkness, making Nathan jump around and draw the umbrella as a weapon; opposite hand raised up and behind his head in challenge; looking quite the fool. "It's okay, I'm not going to hurt you old friend," Chuckled reply from the darkness.

"Who are you? What do you want?" Nathan stammered, still nervous and not lowering his weapon.

"It's me, Jason." Jason let that statement sink in for a bit, but Nathan seemed to recover quickly.

"Well, Jason, then you should know the correct usage is: it is I, or it's I. I'm so tired of people getting that wrong. It's bringing about the death of the English language as..." He stopped in mid sentence as he realized the other voice was finishing his repeatedly used rant; word for word.

"-as we know it. As is the same with text messaging and the like. Yes, I know it by heart now." The voice said with a chuckle.

"Okay, it is you." Nathan acquiesced and lowered the umbrella, leaning it against the counter. "Why is your voice different, you been smoking? Where have you been for the last month?"

"You might want to sit down for this, boy." Came the reply. Nathan could see a tall, large shadow move in the minimal moonlight, going from window to window and drawing the curtain. Nathan gave a slight gulp and plopped himself down into the nearest chair. "I'm going to turn the light back on now...try not to faint."

Nathan turned towards the lamp table where he heard the voice shift to and saw an arm reach to screw in the light bulb. Electricity flowed through the filament, blinding him for a brief moment. When his eyesight recovered, his jaw dropped. The brilliantly colored orange dragon that stood before him was nothing like the friend he once knew; nor like anything else he'd ever seen. The dragon raised a hand and gave him a slight wave accompanied by his customary greeting. "Sup, dude."

"Woah, wâ€"WOAH!! Iâ€"uhâ€"whaâ€"howâ€"whoâ€"" He stammered before calming himself with a series of overly dramatic, exaggerated deep breaths and bouncing of his arms. "Explanation?" He said, with a wide eyed calculating stare.

"Well, about a month ago, the day before my sister's wedding, just after I got off the line to you; you know how I said I was going for a hike? Because of the serious storms the days before, and I always like to go out right after? Well, while out, I came across this gash in the tree line; there was blood everywhere. I found a wounded creature there.

"Me." An'karra stated as she came out from behind the wall, causing Nathan to jump in his chair; a girlish cry escaping his lips. She smiled reassuringly at him as she took a place on the sofa next to Jason. Jason was about to continue when he was interrupted.

"Before you go on, Jason; are you hiding anyone else behind there?" Nathan pointed to the wall and the two dragons shared a chuckle.



"This is just bleeding incredible." Nathan said as he took a swig of his coffee as lightning flash outside the drawn curtains.

"Yeah, tell me about it." Jason replied and sipped from his own. An'karra just smiled as she cradled hers with both hands for the warmth.

"So...you...you've lived before. Those dreams you told me about...aren't dreams at all; but memories from that life."

"Yes." Jason replied with a heartwarming smile and An'karra leaned into him, nuzzling under his chin with a purr; to which he patted her thigh as he lowered his head onto hers.

"And just what the hell were you thinking? You were about to throw that all away again, just last week!" He exclaimed. "You dolt!"

"I know, I know." Jason put up a hand in acknowledgment with a smile. "I've been slugged, slapped and yelled at enough to last me a lifetime."

"You deserve far more than enough for this lifetime, you have a whole other one you have to make up for!" His gaze switched to An'karra who was leaning against Jason and they shared a laugh and drained their mugs.

"Well, now I know why you were online so soon after the wedding but logged off as soon as I said something. So, what brings you back here to this dump of a planet?" Nathan asked as he retrieved the pot from the kitchen to give refills.

"I felt that I needed to let you know what happened to me; and to tie up some other loose ends." Jason reached into the bag he'd brought with him and pulled out a folder that he dropped onto the coffee table. "Everything that I once had; is now yours." He gestured to the folder. "Except my laptop, I'm taking that with me." Nathan picked up the folder and thumbed through it, giving an appreciative whistle.

"I don't know what to say." He said with a chuckle, still perusing the packet. "Other than asking why are you dumping all your shit on me?"

"Well, you know who I'd like it to go toâ€"the WWF and the Monterey Bay Aquarium and like thatâ€"and I can trust you to get it there."

"No problem, my friend...God, I envy you so much. I wish I could go to your wedding; this place sounds spectacular." Nathan replied in a low voice as he placed the folder back on the table; looking up at Jason with solemn eyes and folded hands. "So...you're never coming back?"

"I may; I may not. It's tough to say. It was difficult enough getting arrangements to come back this time. At least we got a wedding planner so pretty much everything is on autopilot." He drained his cup and he and An'karra rose off the sofa. "But in the meantime," He reached into his pocket and retrieved a square diamond on a necklace. "This is for you. It should allow you to talk to me."

"Oh, cool! Wait, should?" Nathan picked the trinket out of Jason's hand.

"So I've been told; I'm still a little iffy; but you know me: whole hearted skeptic."

"Well, it was nice of you to let me know what happened...I'll try not to tell anyone." He shook hands with Jason. "But do come back and visit; you and your beautiful mate...or maybe just her." He took An'karra's hand and kissed it, giving her a smile.

"Hey," Jason stressed. "One: you're totally gay; two: that's my mate you're talking to; and three: you're so totally gay." He scowled at his friend and An'karra gave him a playful nudge.

"Ease up, luv." She said, looping an arm over his shoulder. "It's nice to still be hit on every now and then. Makes a girl feel attractive."

"And you guys said you're open about such things." Nathan added with a mischievous grin.

"They are, I'm not." Jason stated.

"Aww, too bad. Anyways, best of luck to you both in your new life together...I'm really jealous." He followed his guests to the balcony, ignoring the chilling rains.

"Thanks, I'll try not to screw it up." Jason laughed as he hugged Nathan.

"See that you don't, or I'll have to kill ya. Even if you're dead-"

"You'll still kill me." Jason smiled and Nathan turned to give An'karra a hug.

"He needs a lot of looking after. I swear it's a miracle he can tie his own shoes." He hugged An'karra and took a step back. "Take lots of pictures!"

"I will; do keep in touch." Jason said as Nathan saluted him and nodded. "Farewell." Jason saluted and leapt off the balcony into the rainy, moonless sky. Nathan sighed and went back inside; happy for his friend.









It was a beautiful, sunny day in the mountains outside Vyeslae. The sun shown down brightly through the wide, open skylights that illuminated the gigantic dome. Puffy clouds dotted the skyline, but they were spaced adequately so as to not impede the glorious rays of sunlight as they were gently pushed along the landscape. Birds chirped and sang in the spring atmosphere; the wind rustled through the leaves of the surrounding forest and echoed down into the emerald valley below.

Hundreds were gathered inside the ceremonial dome, dressed in their highest quality garments for this solemn occasion. Specks of light glinted off the myriad pieces of jewelry and shimmering silken materials. Silence reigned, but small sounds permeated the void; some coughs, but mostly sniffles and restrained sobs. All eyes, blurry and clear, were focused to the front of the room.

An'karra stood immobile; bathed in the warm light. The events of the past several weeks unfolded in her mind; the events beyond her control that had led up to her being here for a second time in her life. Tears streamed down her cheeks uncontrollably as she kept the reigns on her sobbing with all her might. Jason stood across from her, giving her a reassuring smile.

"I do." She replied with all her passion.









Thirteen Days Later






Jason awoke to an empty bed; the light coming through the window indicated that it was dawn; a look at the wall clock confirmed. Anne's spot in the bed was still warm and he sat up, getting ready to look for her. His ears picked up some moaning coming from the bathroom so he went to investigate. Padding over to the door and opening it slowly he saw Anne kneeled down in front of the head, just finishing being sick.

"Hey, hey," He cooed as he knelt beside her. "What's wrong?" He put an arm around her, rubbing her soothingly. She gave a sickening moan and leaned against him for support.

"Must've been something I ate." She murmured and closed her eyes, leaning into the comforting embrace of her mate. "Uhg...I feel like the room is spinning." He folded her into both his arms and switched his legs to a more comfortable position. An'karra spent several minutes just trying to orient herself to her surroundings, drawing on the strength from her love. Jason just sat and held her until she forced herself to rise. Being her support while she rinsed her mouth out, he guided her back to their bed and helped her get settled.

"Well, I don't think you have a temperature." He said, feeling her forehead. "But I'm no expert; I'll go get Liv." He rose and was leaving her side when her hand latched to his arm.

"It's okay, it's her day off; let her sleep." Anne murmured; her eyes still closed.

"She's probably up already; being the early bird that she is." He cooed in reply. She paused to consider this before nodding slightly.

"But only if she's already up." She acquiesced and released her grip.

"Of course, dear." He patted her hand softly and left the room.

He entered the living room and saw the kettle already set in the kitchen, steam slowly escaping its top. Looking to his right out onto the terrace, squinting in the dawn sun, he saw Livianna in a recliner reading a Flexi of the news; wearing a tank top and some running shorts. Rapping gently on the balcony door as he slid it open, he stepped out into the morning chill in nothing but his skin; Livianna turning to smile at him and glancing over his entire glowing form briefly.

"Good morning, Jason." She chimed, extending her mug towards him in greeting.

"Morning," he waved it off as he stepped over to her side. "Liv, I need a favor." She took another sip, still smiling pleasantly at him. "I know you're off, but I think An'karra has come down with something and I don't know anything about what it could be." Livianna's eyes widened at the news and flung the Flexi away and nearly dropped the coffee mug as she launched herself from the chair. "Sorryâ€"."

"It's okay Jason." She spat out, more harshly than she meant, when he continued to stammer an apology. "The dragon immune system is pretty good at its job, there aren't many things that get by itâ€"but I'm sure this is just a small lapse." She added hastily when she saw him tense. "I'd just hate to let anything go with someone so close to me. Especially when it affects others around me and I have to power to stop it." She shoved her way into her room and scooped up one her many supply bags that she seemed to have everywhere. She strode across the room and slowed as she got to An'karra's door, tapping gently on the jamb as she entered. "What seems to be the problem?" She cooed as she sidled up to the bed.

"Must've been something I ate." An'karra repeated and closed her eyes, though not all the way. "Uhg...I feel like the room is spinning." Jason grabbed his mate's hand and stroked it gently as Livianna reached into her bag and retrieved a gadget.

"Well, it could just be that you need to eat something; you could be lacking something." Livianna mused as she scanned An'karra. "Just incase I'm right, and partly because I'm hungry," She chuckled under her breath, "Jason, could you go whip up something?" An'karra squeezed Jason's hand and nodded towards the door before she released him. He resisted briefly, but conceded and was on his way. Putting the scanner away, Livianna rose and shut the door silently a frown beginning on her face. "Okay, this is new..."



Jason was rummaging through the fridge, his mind racing, when he heard the door softly click shut. So she didn't want him to be part of the discussion...to not worry him? Well, that sure as hell didn't work. He growled to himself, the door doing little to assuage his frustration and anxiety. All he could do was grit his teeth as he continued his task, gathering some supplies from the pantry.



He'd just finished combining the wet and dry ingredients and was about to look for some fruit to put into his pancakes when Livianna came back into the living from.

"She'll be fine." Was the first thing she said, to allay his fears, before she dropped her bag off in her room. Walking over to him, she gave him a genuine smile meant to further soothe his fears as she passed him and opened the freezer. "It's just a nutrient deficiency, as I thought." She pulled out a bag of blueberry like morsels and tossed it on the counter in front of him. "These have what she needs, and should do the trick." Jason opened the bag and dumped a cup into the batter before folding them in. He didn't want to say anything to Livianna, because he was genuinely grateful for the assistance, but the way she smiled at him fueled his fear for some reason. Almost as if she was hiding something more serious.

"Thank you." He said almost tersely. She noticed his silence, and the look still ingrained in his furrowed eye ridges. Stepping the distance, she wrapped her arms about his shoulders in a tight embrace; leaning her head onto his shoulders.

"She'll be fine." She said firmly, reinforcing her declaration. She heard him sigh before he leaned his head onto hers in acknowledgement. She gave him another squeeze before releasing him to pick up a banana and move to the other side of the counter. "I have to say that it's an after affect of the mating flight, the wedding and the honeymoon. It's just been a little busy for her." She continued in explanation as Jason began to cook the first stack. "Look at it this way: while you guys were gone, how often did you eat actual food?. Not to mention your exertions..." She trailed off, grinning when she succeeded in making him blush. She smiled warmly when she saw his mind wander off in recollection; mood lightening.





This was bad.

An'karra slowly rolled over in bed, away from the sunlight; moaning more in anguish of her situation rather than her condition. Things had been going so well; her mate had returned to her, had reclaimed his old life...and her. He'd survived his, literal, trial by fire and they'd been remarriedâ€"more so than that, they were now bonded! This was supposed to be something that was smiled upon by the gods themselves! This would destroy everything!



Her logical half interjected into her mind, cutting through all her doubts and fretting like a well honed knife. Jason wasn't the type to suddenly abandon a soul when things got rough. Hell, that's how they met before, well actually, how they met both times: rescuing her and walking her through her convalescence. Step by step, by her side all the way; all the support she ever neededâ€"and always more than she ever asked for. But a part of her felt that she might be trapping him into watching over her; and that upset her greatly. More than anything in the universe, she wanted him to be happy and couples in this situation before, had been tossed into turmoil, dissolved and fractured. She couldn't keep this hidden forever. Livianna, of course, knew; and with much work had been persuaded to hold her tongue. But her parting words had been: "Tell him; he needs to know." with a petulant huff in her voice; like she knew how Jason would react. Maybe Livianna was right, and it was only because her own body was in upheaval, internal systems all out of whack, that her mind was apprehensive and a concrete answer eluded her. Butâ€"

An incredibly appetizing aroma of Calden fruit wafted to her nose and her stomach gave a loud grumble in response. Her vision suddenly oriented itself and her nausea vanished; derailing her train of thought. She cursed to herself at her body's single mindedness as she found the strength to push herself out of the comforting embrace of the bed, simultaneously finding the strength to confront Jason.

You can still turn back. It's not too late. Another part of her simultaneously kept bombarding her with doubt as she cautiously walked to the door and opened it. The noise of the knob and bolt locking her into her course of action as it alerted the other occupants to her arrival. She took the few steps to the living room and its sight made her heart wrench to a stop. Jason had just left the kitchen and had stopped when he saw her standing in the room; a few mere strides the only distance between them. The vision of the half open jaw with an intense smile at her visage, a heavily laden tray in one hand, a pitcher and some mugs in the other one; made all of her freeze, breath locking up in her chest.

He'd been coming to serve her in bed, like he had before; as she knew he would again and againâ€"anytime he needed to and then some. The smile on his face letting her know that he would be there to help her up when she was down, always and forever; without hesitation. Her throat seized up as her psyche crashed with the intense emotional surge of love she experienced.

"You sure you feel well enough to be out of bed? You know that I have no problem feeding you by hand." He teased as he recovered and closed the distance between them; kissing her tenderly on the end of her snout when he was in range. All she could do was give a slight nod and a little squeak as her voice failed to break the barricade of her throat. Pausing, he smiled lovingly and gave her a small, slow nuzzleâ€"more of caress than anything elseâ€"and turned to set his load on the coffee table. She took the spare moment by the horns and with all the courage she could muster; she made her voice obey her command.

"Jason," she said clarion and stoic, despite the whisper that it had been inside her mind. She picked up one of his hands in both of hers as he turned to face her. She waited a moment to make sure she had his attention, and last quick check on the courage.













"I'm pregnant."





















A/N: AND THAT'S IT!! It's over! Done! Finished! Fin! No more! Boy that's a load of my shoulders....hope you peoples enjoyed it and can find some way to forgive me and my time delays. Life happens you know.






Just kidding, there's an Epilogue to wrap things all up. Just a short page or so to wrap things up. I don't want you people to hate me any more than you already do.

IT IS DONE, FULLY WRITTEN and will be posted in four days time, just to make sure everyone has read this before hand. Then you can stone me.