Orcas don't have big boobs...

Story by DragonMasterX on SoFurry

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This is a small gift to your big 'un blue dragon known as Ereth, A.K.A. Angewomon's_Lover. Enjoy!

Orcas don't have big boobs... - By DragonMasterX

Note: I know about the blowhole, lol. She's an anthro, not a bona-fide orca. XP

Lia was your typical 17 year old geeky girl. Slender, but nothing really extravagant, rather plain and lacking curve-wise, but with long, blonde hair and big round glasses. Her main hobby was researching sea life at her local two favorite spots: The library and the Aquarium where she worked for her part-time job; looking after the main attraction's water tank, it was her ideal job, taking care of the sea creatures and occasionally taking a swim with them: specially with her favorite kind of water creatures; the orca. She found them really beautiful, and cute, but above all, undoubtfully interesting. They weren't that large, compared to the giant whales, but they weren't small like tunas. They were huge, but hugely adorable. Lia would devote hours studying about habitats and their physiology. She loved orcas to the point she sometimes wondered what it would be to be able to be like them, being large, beautiful, able to attract so much attention effortlessly, be able to breathe underwater and dive in for as long as she would like... and get all the food she wanted, for free! It was like a dream. One day though, the main attraction of the aquarium would be replaced, and this would permanently change her life...

That day, Lia was coming out of the library at her college, she was dressed rather abruptly: A lean t-shirt and a rather plain skirt. It was a really hot day, she didn't know why though, it was just shifting from winter to spring, so the temperature was not supposed to change that much, but she didn't mind; her outfit was loose enough for her not to sweat like crazy. Only after coming out though, Lia was able to see two of her classmates, dressed in their two-piece swimsuits as they headed for the college's pool in the recreation area only a few spaces away from the library.

Another blonde girl, Clarissa; who probably had the biggest rack in the whole school. She had won many beauty contests even at modest age of 14, but with her puberty hitting her with such inflatable effects, the boys swooned over her, and Lia wasn't the only jealous girl. Clarissa's large globes were like two melons squeezing at each other; Lia could swear the teen's bra appeared to be about to snap with each step she gave and the heaving chest bounced. Lia stared at her own chest in shame: She only sported a meager B cup. She had never really paid a lot of attention to her figure, she had to admit she was a glutton, but she had never really moved to any dangerous level of weight problems, however, big breasts were only a dream for her.

"Hey Shorty!" Clarissa said as she walked past Lia, giggling almost arrogantly with a rather flaunting smirk; the girl besides her being her friend, Lia assumed, giggled along as Clarissa gave Lia a light push with her hand. "Eating books won't make you prettier, why don't you come for a swim with us?" Lia flushed a bright red color on her cheeks, the most popular girl in the entire college, inviting her?

"Uh... uhm... eh... I..." Lia babbled, her legs shaking at the imposing form of the taller, bustier girl. Her vision dropped down, and god, Clarissa's hips even made something as simple as a bikini panty such a sexy display of female anatomy... She imagined herself with Clarissa's endowments and measurements, it was such an impossible view, she would look slutty in everything, but she did not care, she craved that body. It would only be in her mind though; she knew Clarissa was nearly gifted. Letting her frontal locks of hair cloud her shameful face, Lia clutched her books as she hugged herself, ignored her beautiful class mate, and decided to walk away silently. She was so lost in her thinking she never heard anything else Clarissa had tried to tell her, many questions flying in her jealousy-filled mind: "Why her? Why not me? Is it impossible for me to have such a body? Should I try self-indulged vomiting to get fit? Should I buy pills to foment my breast growth? Argh! I need a break from this...!"

Deciding to cut her self-beating moment short, Lia quickly went to her locker in one of the college's aisles, stored her books in and turned around, letting herself lay back onto the now closed locker with a deep sigh. "Maybe I'll just go work early today... orcas don't have big boobs or sexy butts... they are cute and they won't make me feel bad..." she told herself, unable to hide her resentment towards Clarissa. She slowly turned around, only to find herself in the way of a moving blur.

"MOVE IT GEEK!" the voice belonging to the blur said, but Lia could not react accordingly. After a thud, the blonde nerd was on the floor, a cracked-open suitcase next to her on the ground and she was covered in some weird, almost translucent-blue ooze that had come from a broken test tube that had been carelessly placed within the suitcase. "Darn it!" A man in a black suit with sunglasses cursed, rubbing his head in pain; apparently he had crashed with poor Lia by accident. It was then that a scruffy-looking boy, who appeared to have received quite a beating, came out rushing from the laboratory's doors a couple lockers away from Lia's.

"Thief! He's a thief!" The young boy yelled. Lia instinctively stood up and started inching away, forgetting about her being coated in the disgusting slime. Cursing again, the man in black stood up as fast as Lia and ran away towards the northern exit as he was chased by the boy and some of his friends, one of them staying behind to call the police from his cell phone.

"Tim! What's up? Who's that guy?" one of the bystanders asked as the boy known as Tim finished his call to the cops. Tim shook his head in disappointment.

"Rob's experiment on cell modification... Somebody leaked the info on his project and he got offered a lame sum of money for the patent once it was finished. Rob refused, and these guys started following him everywhere all of a sudden. That dude was trying to snatch one of his vials. Good thing he tripped," but before finishing his observation, Tim found Lia was still standing there next to the suitcase, covered on the vial's contents no less. "Lia! You okay?" he suddenly asked with a gasp. Lia felt embarrassed, she had not heard the conversation about Rob's project, but she had enough time to process her being coated in ooze was nothing pretty. Hiding tears of shame she ran away from the college, taking the opposite exit where the others had gone to give chase to the thief. "W-wait! Hey, Lia!"

Fifteen minutes later, Lia was at her favorite spot... the Aquarium. She had managed to get most of the ooze off, but somehow most of it had impregnated itself on her skin, not that she had noticed, but it would soon mean something else than just a bad-looking add-on to her skin.

Deciding it was a good time to just immerse herself into her favored activity, Lia decided to head to her work locker and get out her ‘work clothes', which basically were a one-piece swimsuit and a swimming hat for her long hair. She had to put her glasses off, of course.

Once out the locker room, Lia headed over to the large water tank where the main attraction of the aquarium was. A twenty-feet-big male orca, which was swimming around pleasantly stopped upon it had noticed its tamer arrive. Lia smiled upon the greeting the orca gave her by splashing some water near her and immediately grabbed a bucket of fishes on the tank's ladder's side. She climbed up onto the small stage and took out a large bass, "Here's your lunch, cutie!" Lia giggled, breathing deeply as the large cetacean jumped to grab the fish with its gapping mouth when Lia released it. As usually, Lia got splashed by an incoming wave of water thanks to the orca's diving. "Tee-hee... sometimes I wish boys would just be that easy to please..." she said as the sea creature leaned on the tank to apparently nuzzle Lia, who giggled and stroked the orca's face softly in appreciation.

The truth was, the orca was being a bit too friendly. The male's snout kept nuzzling Lia's front as if coaxing her to come over the water. Lia blinked her eyes in surprise, "Aww," she immediately reacted, "Will you give me a ride?" she giggled, jumping over the orca's large head and sat onto his back. She was used to doing this if she needed to replace the main actress of the show with this friendly cetacean, so she wasn't unconfident about suddenly getting on top of the orca's back. "Let's go then!" she said, but immediately meeped as the orca flipped over. "EEK!"

After a big splash, Lia tried coming out of the water, but she felt a bit heavier, a bit too heavy. She tried swimming up, against the mysterious weight that was keeping her. With a gasp for air, she managed to put an arm on one of the edges to support herself, before she leaned forwards, having some sort of impediment since she nearly bounced back as she attempted to jump forwards. "Whoa!" she said, trying to process what just had happened as she leaned onto the edge again. "What's wrong with..." but before she could finish her question, she looked down, noticing something was different with her swimming suit's chest area. There were two large lumps the size of volleyballs each stretching the fabric of the one-piece's front. Lia was speechless.

"Wh-wh- how... this... me?" she babbled to herself in her mind, holding onto the edge a bit more firmly as she waved one of her arms towards her now enormous chest, instinctively and experimentally groping one of the mounds of flesh within the stretched swimsuit. "Ah!" she moaned, the light squeeze sending a shiver of bliss down her spine. It was incredible! "Oh... oh god... what has happened to me?" she asked no one, suddenly remembering someone as the shading increased around her. "EEP!" she meeped, the orca was just behind her, maw open, and ready to lunge. "H-hey!" Lia giggled nervously, waving her hands defensively, "You don't eat humans! Remember? Orca?" she tried, wondering why she was trying to reason with an animal, but as the orca moved forwards once more, Lia found it within reason to attempt an escape, which worked at first.

The orca dumbly crashed onto the glass, cracking it slightly from the impact, but Lia was very open to any other lunge. Trying to swim away in a desperate attempt, the teenager made her best effort to escape towards the other side, where a possible escape route would be found since the ladder was still there, thankfully! She found she could swim faster now, so she took the chance, and made sure to make it really quick! But the orca was faster, and being so big, it only took him a quarter of the time Lia had used to get away at any effective distance to catch up with her.

Lia turned around at her best, bracing herself before the large cetacean fell onto her from his body slam, and she somehow ‘rolled' over in the water as the orca's under side dove down. Lia checked herself for any bruise; her body felt a great aching pain all of a sudden. She tried to move, but to no avail. She felt numb and tired; however, she widened her eyes at what she saw upon looking at her hands: There was a thick membrane in-between each of her fingers; the membrane was a pale, transparent color which blended with her skin.

Lia tried to swerve, unable to understand why the large cetacean wasn't moving; he seemed to be idly chasing her, and stopping at random intervals, as if he was playing. She wanted to use this chance to escape, but the pain was too great, and in the end, Lia found herself hugging herself, clutching her stomach in the sheer pain, nearly digging her face onto the cleavage of her new rack. "Wh-why am I hurting so much?!" she thought to herself, realizing she somehow hadn't drowned yet, even after being longer than ten minutes underwater! The pain wasn't going away though, she felt her jaw hurt, she closed her eyes hard, feeling the pain spreading all over within her body.

The teenager was changing. Her skin had begun to darken, Lia could feel much lighter all of a sudden, her cheeks puffed up involuntarily, but they remained big and chubby even if she tried to breathe out. Her face was forming into something different, her nose melting into a round snout. Her back stung, she didn't know why, but suddenly her swimsuit would sport a hole behind, from where a long, black, finned tail forcefully made its way out, making her scream underwater as she stopped hugging herself to arch her back in pain. One would be able to see her swimsuit tearing off as Lia's changing body would rapidly increase in size and mass at a fast pace, Lia started adding inches at first, but then feet after feet of height. The morphing girl had abandoned her old, average height of five feet and seven inches to a promiscuous, outstanding twenty-two feet in only two minutes of process!

Obviously, the swimsuit had burst, unable to hold such a body size. Lia had transformed. A human no more, the female resembled the animal that had been giving her chase for a good half hour. Lia's skin was now a smooth chocolate black combined with a few select spots being cream white; namely her jaw, neck, chest, belly and underbelly. Her tail swished involuntarily as Lia submerged as well, her humongous chest acting like a gigantic cushion for her body, although her ass, now a large and sensually heart-shaped one at that, was almost poking out of the water since she was basically standing while bending forwards. Her eyes remained shut though; she was still bearing pain and, nonetheless, nothing could have prepared the giant she-orca for what was to come.

As Lia squirmed and gasped, realizing that somehow she was able to breathe underwater now, she was shaded by something, rather, a certain someone who had been waiting for her to stop squirming. The orca from before, almost feeling forsaken was waiting behind Lia's large body, sporting what seemed to be a huge boner. In one swift lunge, the male mounted Lia, piercing her whitey folds with its meaty member. "AAAGGGHHH!" Lia screamed underwater, lots of bubbles coming out as she felt her sex being pierced by the animal's cock. She had just lost her virginity to an orca! This was both so embarrassing! Yet... it felt so good! No pain, nothing as she had expected from hearing about a few of her classmates' gossip about the hymen's destruction's pain! It was rather... such a pleasurable feeling! Nothing in the world, not even the horniest masturbation she had ever indulged with would have been able to compare to it. She felt a bit slutty at what she was about to do, but she rocked her hips back, causing her huge butt to push the large orca back, his cock stretching her vaginal walls as they vice-gripped him hard, making the orca squeak in bliss, presumably. Lia was somehow able to hear it too! She felt wonderful... she had to MAKE him hump her; she now needed it badly. All signs of pain had completely disappeared. She didn't care about her being more than twice her height or looking like a cross-breed, she now wanted pleasure, and she would get it!

Energetically rocking her wide hips back and forth, the orca male did not have to do much, as Lia was doing all the work for him. While still in that suggestive position, Lia supported herself with one arm, wanting to use more force and strength in her humps, but she just could not resist to using her other hand to grab at her large right tit, squeezing it hard, yet tenderly. She was famished of bliss thanks to her chest's sensivity! She loved it! She was so plump, so sexy, and so big! She felt as if she would come any moment! And as a matter of facts, she did, and this caused the male to start humping her as well in some sort of response. Their harmony within their thrusts and humps brought the male into orgasm, his seed being launched deep into Lia's womb, somehow being able to calm Lia's lust momentarily.

They were done, Lia's tongue was out, brushing against some of her hair, which had remained golden yellow, but had grown in length to almost her new, slimmer waist. After some pants and gasps to recover from their afterglow, Lia was able to push the male off, who squirmed and rolled around happily, satisfied for the moment. Lia however harbored a pain in her stomach, but this wasn't the stinging pain she had to bear whilst her transformation had taken place, it was rather... a bothering hunger; she was empty, she needed filling again, but this time, she needed food, and she needed it quick! "I'm... so... hungry!" Lia said, doubling over in the water tank as she held by her stomach again, when suddenly the male who had just been humping her passed by, still deliriously rolling around in the water. Lia thought about it, she was really hungry... she loved fish; would an orca taste the same? But it would be too cruel! "Ngh... Raar!" she widened her maw as she opened it, enveloping the large orca's tail with her large mouth; the orca apparently too busy with his afterglow to notice, but Lia did not care anymore. "Mrrr! Ohh, it's so tasty..." she thought, somehow her sympathetic thoughts being pushed off by her ravenous hunger as she literally started to suck to the large cetacean into her mouth feet by feet, helping the pushing with her hands as she put them around the orca's vanishing body. As it advanced and she rolled him down her throat with her powerful tongue, she gripped the orca tightly, swallowing strongly, pushing the large sea creature down her esophagus, the squirming tail tickling her and making her giggle a bit, her own tail slapping the sides of the water tank as she sat down; enjoying her lunch happily as she calmed and swallowed at a much slower pace.

Lia was feeling so weird, and partly guilty: She was devouring who had just taken her virginity, a pretty spontaneous move, but still meant something to her. Yet this felt so natural, she did not want to stop, the squirming male's head was almost inside by now, Lia's maw had opened to almost insanely large proportions to allow such a big body through her mouth as if it was just a really thick noodle. In only a few more seconds, a slurp could be heard, Lia had swallowed for the last time, and somehow, even without the lack of continuous breathing, she had pushed all that orca into her body, her stomach. Lia's cream-white belly had bloated immensely, she could feel the large male orca squirming inside, tickling her insides. She grabbed at her belly, caressing it while churring softly and rolling idly around in the water. Time had passed soon, and she felt the tiredness take a toll on her, knocking her out into a deep slumber.

"Wow, look!" A male's voice made Lia's eyes twitch.

"It's... I mean SHE is ENORMOUS!"

"This is incredible!"

All the adulation was kind of bothering Lia, what could be so important they had to wake her up? She opened her eyes fully; Lia found herself in the pool where she had transformed, everything looked normal, except for the fact there was a large crowd in front of her chest which was pushed against the tank's glass, looking up at her cute face and beautiful golden hair. That was when she realized they were talking about her.

"Sh-she woke up!"

"She? How do you know it's a she?"

"Ahem." One of the observers patted the glass around Lia's left tit, which was almost like a huge igloo in size.

"Don't be dumb! Orcas don't have big boobs..."

"But she does have quite the fat ass!" Ouch, that offended her.

"Hey!" Lia scolded loudly. "I'm no fatty! I'm," she was about to say something and stand up, yet she found that wasn't able to move. "Stuck?" she said, suddenly realizing her body was much MUCH larger than before she had gone to sleep. How had this happened?! Was it maybe... because she had eaten something so big? But it was certainly true: She was stuck now. Her tremendously sexy and voluptuously endowed body was squishing around the glass, somehow containing her over 50 feet tall body.

"She can talk?!" They continued, utterly amazed at this ‘wonder', "We're gonna be rich! Filthy, stinkin' rich people!" This was starting to get uncomfortable, she didn't like how that man with sunglasses was talking about her. Lia could stand them adoring her and all the nice stuff, but wait, she wanted to be no exhibition! Although she had to admit the narcissist image of herself posing for a public of virtually thousands of worshippers made her feel horny... No! She had to take that image out of her mind, she had to find a way to escape but! Something growled deep down... it rumbled so much that even the little humans next to her face could hear it. Was she hungry again? Wow! She knew she was a glutton, but even after eating tons of fat, yes, pure fat... hungry, again?

"Ohhh... I'm so hungry!" She moaned, blushing as she felt embarrassed, but she needed something to eat.

"We need to bring her food! We don't want our new main attraction to die, right?" Lia was again offended; she looked down at them with pity, and some anger. Had she been out and free she would have stomped them flat already. Fighting her anger out of her system though, she managed to see a few of them wheeling in a good number of buckets full of fish, usually basses and salmons used to feed the ‘ex'-main attraction. Lia's tail had begun to wag, she liked eating fish a lot, and heck, even after eating such a feast of meat and grease she was craving more, she wanted all of that! "Hrrr..." she churred softly, her eyes mid-closing as she bowed her head down as if pleading for the food. She didn't care about her situation now, she wanted to be fed!

And fed she was, since only after opening her maw slightly the buckets of fish were emptied onto her large tongue. Lia swallowed, and asked for more, even though apparently they had given all of it to her. "She's still hungry?" The man who had first found her asked, "Bring more! She needs to be healthy. It doesn't matter if it costs me thousands of dollars, I don't want her to be weak while we're taking good care of her!" he said. Lia's mind was a mess: She felt like a pet; but why? She probably was ten times their size, if only she could squirm out of the tank, she could teach them a lesson. Now she understood the need of mating the other orca had felt, being confined to such a space-reduced location; though she was in a much worse position, not being able to move at all. Wait, she had grown nearly twice her original orca size by eating the large mammal from before... If she endured this treatment and continued eating, then...

Twenty or so minutes later, came the other two people, wheeling two large carts hauling incredible amounts of fresh fish "Here's all the fish we could gather in such a short time!" one of them said. Lia found herself drooling, and immediately indulged in the banquet. She didn't even munch, she simply swallowed the tons and tons of fish being thrown into her mouth, sporting a satisfied smile as apparently the food supply now was much more generous than the first. She wondered why she wasn't increasing in size again, but paid no mind, her stomach was her mind's current priority. It was when the buffet ended that she regretted not paying more consideration to the idea; almost an hour had flown by while she had been fed, and even though the man with sunglasses was still there along with the other two helpers, another person had been summed to the observation, this one someone she could recognize.

Dr. Moore, a complex, exotic-looking old man wearing a lab coat and intellectual glasses, was an authority in animal physiology, and many of the books Lia had read to learn about sea life had important contributions by this scientist. This had started to feel odd; the trio who had suddenly taken her in as a pet were her co-workers, who she had somehow neglected to reveal her true identity to (they wouldn't have believed her either), but she had never expected them to have ties with such a brilliant person! The question that remained was, why had he been called there? Moore seemed to be investigating Lia's body, stopping at three different angles to examine her curves, she guessed, before he told the other three.

"And you say she speaks?" The doctor asked, getting a positive, which made him look at Lia straight in the eyes, "Dear, what is your name?" he asked softly, to what Lia replied: "Tina", the name of Dr. Moore's pet orca, written in his auto-biography. Moore seemed quite astonished at first, but he then gave a silent laugh, followed by a stern look, "I see. You are quite intelligent Tina, without mentioning beautiful." He complimented, holding a smoking pipe next to his lips as he gently smiled. She felt offended at the remark on her intelligence, she was, or at least had been human, and intelligence-wise she had not suffered any sort of transformation, though his compliment on her looks made her blush for some reason; normally she would never blush to an old fart, but this person was one of the most respected scientists in the animal world. Lia grunted a bit, "Could you let me out?" she asked, "I feel cramped in here."

"Of course, dear, I'll have you moved to my house in short. I'd like to study you more; you truly are a wonder of nature." Dr. Moore ascertained, smiling again as he turned around to discuss some monetary honoraries to the three men. Lia felt relieved for a small moment, breathing calmly as she knew she would be released now, she even had been called a Wonder of nature, that made her giggle when Moore called her that, but it was all erased from her mind as she played back to the part when he mentioned studying her, the word creeped her out.

"Study? What do you mean by that?" Lia asked, but apparently her sweet tone didn't make it to the four greedy adults in front of her. Stress began accumulating in Lia as her mind raced to whatever Dr. Moore had meant with studying her, pointy and sharp objects started appearing in her mind; she had just acquired this wonderful body! Science Authority or not, she didn't want to be a guinea pig! She whined and rattled on the tank, trying to escape, but her cute cries for help didn't come out. The laughter she could hear from the group of males in front of her wasn't letting her focus either, she felt the rattle continue, but this time inside her body. A soft moan escaped from Lia's mouth as the glass around her started to crack, her body was growing again, expanding more and more, gaining a lot of weight which eventually caused the ground to vibrate along with the tank. This alerted the men.

Dr. Moore turned around, realizing ‘Tina's body was expanding and the tank would give out soon, "Something's not right, get away from here!" he ordered the other guys, and they made a run for it just before the tank exploded with Lia growing out of it, water and glass being scattered everywhere, but fortunately they had escaped in time, and Lia apparently was unscathed by the glass burst.

"Ahh! Free at last!" Lia told herself, smiling widely as she stretched, feeling the air against her smooth skin as she tried quietly standing up, finding it challenging due to the new perspective of her size and the weight of her increased genitalia. She wowed at herself, her chest probably was an F cup, and when looking back at her hips, she now knew why they were so focused on her ass. She giggled, and like an innocent little girl exploring her recently discovered womanhood she enjoyed herself, always returning to her chest to play with her large mounds. All this fun continued for some ten minutes, and Lia somehow had began to enjoy her tail as well, but as she bumped her head on the ceiling, she realized something crucial: She had still been growing, a bit slowly paced compared to her first growth spurt, but still gaining size. "Mnngh!" she grunted as she started leaning downwards, her back pressed against the ceiling, "This place is too small...! I'm growing too big!" she whined, but then a thought came to her mind. "What's the deal if I come out anyway? More people to see how great I look!" she observed, looking towards the door where the others had escaped through; everything was getting so small, she grinned: Nobody would be able to confine her again.

The Aquarium rattled wildly from the outside, people stopped to see what was going on as they saw a number of attendants and exit in a panic. It wasn't long before the roof gave out and Lia popped out from it, her hands grabbing at the sides of the dome she had been in to pull herself out. When she had finished growing, she was over a hundred feet tall and she was standing upon the ruins of her ex-working place, cameras and cell phones clicked as the bystanders snapped pictures of the giant curvy orca woman, mostly men, while others just escaped and ran in fear for being stomped. Lia looked down at her audience, flashing a small, cocky grin to them that only accented her cuteness, but was turned into pure sensuality as she bended forwards, her hands on both her hips. "You guys like what you see?" she teased, apparently enjoying being the center of attention, and indeed she was loving every second of it, and even flamboyantly tried to strike different sexy poses for her admires, often even going as far as giving her back to them, before she would bring a hand down to her ass and give it soft spanks. This was all a big turn on for her, somehow she seemed to lustfully crave their false adulation, knowing all those guys cared about were her unnaturally large proportions, but she liked the power over them it gave her.

Lia's mind was full of naughty thoughts by then, she smirked to herself at what she was about to do, but carried it out: She leaned forwards towards the crowd once again, scooping a handful of the drooling guys in front of her, before she decided to hold them in front of her face, smiling cutely to them, "Do you like big boobs?" she teasingly said, and before they all had a chance to reply, she dropped them, letting them fall into her cleavage. While some of them bounced on her soft skin and enjoyed the mounds, some of them simply craved being squished by the two sexy, creamy-white mammaries, Lia let them of course, and sat down onto a clear part of the street, and scooped up more guys, "While your friends enjoy me, why don't you help me..." she trailed off with a sensual tone, she giggled in her mind, not believing how wild this was feeing, and continued: "...Relieve some of my stress?" she said, and as with the others, she let them no time to decide, before she pushed all of them onto her crotch, her soft, tender labia was awfully wet due to her excitement, and while some of them were hesitant to get any closer, some of them were trying to literally jump into Lia's vagina, attempting to pleasure her in any conceivable way. Lia felt their efforts, and she lied down on her back and started playing with her large bosom again, as she felt the pleasure of the treatment to her nether regions. She had hoped they would notice her clitoris and start rubbing it or something, to at least pleasure her more, but it seemed as if they were too busy enjoying her juice to give her what she wanted. She didn't mind though, even the slight touch to her breasts seemed to send jolts of pure orgasmic bliss through her spine, and it wasn't long before she let out a scream: "Aahhh! I'm! AHHHH!!" she couldn't finish, and the streets were flooded by sweet orcaess cum.

Lia panted in excitement, this experience had been so wild, and apparently she had gained enough confidence to do it regardless of being out in the open! She felt wonderful, realized, but wait- had this been a dream? Depression struck her as she sat up and looked down in disappointment; all she had enjoyed, this was so realistic! Had she merely been imagining or dreaming? She thought, before the sound of sirens and cars alerted her. She gasped and stood up again, forgetting about her ‘worshippers' as the police and apparently the military had reached her. She started thinking why, she hadn't destroyed anything... at least not on purpose! Then it struck her: Dr. Moore and the other three... It wasn't the time to ponder about dream and reality, if this was reality, she wasn't going to let them catch her, and if it was a dream, she would do everything in her power not to let it turn into a nightmare! Lia turned around and ran towards the coast area, if she escaped into the ocean, maybe they would let her be for the time being.

At the beach, Clarissa was sitting on a mattress, enjoying the sun tan as two boy friends helped her with the lotion. She sighed in bliss, "This day has been so perfect so far... And the sun is so warm!" she giggled, focusing on relaxing before she felt the ground beneath her rumble, the two guys stopping. "Hey! Who told you to stop?" she said, the two guys looking up, "What? Some sort of advertisement or,"

"Wow." Ken, the red headed boy let his jaw drop, "They filming... bay watch or something...?" he blinked. Ernest, the other guy, stared as dumbfounded, and added: "But... that's... an orca? Look at that large rack! Even bigger than Clarissa's!!" both started drooling.

Clarissa huffed at the comment, and stood up, folding her arms over her voluptuous chest, "What are you guys saying?! Bay watch? Busty orcas? Don't be ridiculous! Orca's don't have big bo," but before she could finish, she was shaded by something that passed at great speed. She was left speechless as what seemed to be a black-skinned, blonde long-haired giantess with a tail passed by, and took a dip in the water. "EEEP!" she meeped as a mini-tidal wave washed her over.

Lia swam into the sea, submerging when she was out of the shallows, and let out a sigh of relief as she was sure she had missed them. She was now away from her hometown, friends or family, but she felt happy she now was practically living a dream. She didn't know what she had done to deserve it or how all this had taken place exactly, but she knew one thing: It was time to explore the ocean!