My Personal Star Part 4

Story by Solerodis on SoFurry

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#5 of My Personal Star

Part 4. Warning: this section contains vulgar and abusive language that is almost certainly offensive to most. Apologies in advance.

Valin was seated uncomfortably in the bleachers, staring at the empty pool...or rather, at the nearly naked otter lining up on the starting block for the last race of the night. The speedo hugged his curves in such a way as to send the wolf's imagination into overdrive. And, from the moment that the starting gun was fired, Valin got to see his boyfriend in his true element. As soon at the otter hit the water, he was a picture of grace and serenity, flowing smoothly through the waves as he sped ahead of the rest of the swimmers. He was born for this, and Valin was glad he had decided to show up to watch this.

Far too soon, the race was over. Martin had come mere milliseconds short of setting a new record, but was decently ahead of the other racers. Martin's teammates rushed to greet him as he got out of the pool, and Valin wasn't far behind. As soon as he could, he had the otter in a tight hug, grinning. "That was amazing. I was thinking...dinner? Once you're more properly dressed, of course. But I do like this."

Valin leaned in to plant a kiss on Martin's lips, but the otter shook his head, looking behind Valin and backing out of his embrace. "Yes to dinner, and I'll explain then, but..." Valin turned around to find a large male jackal and a small, timid looking female otter staring at the two. Martin stepped around Valin and walked up to them, draping his towel around his shoulders. "Hi mom. Sir." He nodded at the jackal and hugged his mother.

"Who the fuck is that? Is he some queerbo? Is that who you've been hanging around with here?" Martin visibly cringed, trying to open his mouth to say something, but his step-father pushed past him and loomed over Valin. "I don't know what the fuck you're thinking, queer, but you better stay away from my boy. I can't have some pussy ass faggot living in my house." The man looked like he was about to push or punch Valin, but was holding it back.

Valin started growling as he took a step forward, drawing a confused look from the jackal. "Sir, I don't know who you are, or what you're on, but you're making some wild conjectures that I don't much care for. Assuming I'm gay because I hugged Martin? Assuming you have...ANY say in his life choices? You're making an awful lot of assumptions, and I recommend you think long and hard about who you try to bully before you pull this shit with me." Valin waved at Martin before walking away, tail whipping madly.

Valin sat in the café on campus, sipping a cup of coffee and staring at his phone, willing it to ring. When it finally did, he jumped, tail going bushy for a moment before he opened the text. 'Omw. Sorry about earlier.' Typing out a quick reply, Valin waited until Martin dropped into the chair across from him with a weary sigh.

Valin reached over and gripped Martin's hand tight, trying to reassure him. "So, your dad seems nice." Martin glared at the wolf before breaking out into a smile. "So, how much trouble am I in? Will I end up in boot camp with him as my drill sergeant?" Martin kept shaking his head, chuckling slightly as his mood lightened.

"No, nothing like that. I just...had to lie and say we were just friends...that I was helping you through some stuff. He called it pussy emotional crap. Though he was quiet about you standing up to him. I don't think he's used to smaller guys facing him down. Not're small...I mean..." Martin stood up, dragging Valin to his feet. "I was hoping this was dinner. I need some food after that race today."

Valin wrapped his arm around Martin's waist and pulled him close as they ordered food and more coffee. After they collected the sandwiches and cups and sat back down, Valin leaned in close to Martin, staring into his eyes. "Um...about your other ticket..." Martin froze, a look of worry crossing his face. "Well...I've never been invited to a dance before and...don't tell anyone, or I'll hunt you down, but...I don't know how to dance..." Valin blushed, then punched Martin's arm when the otter started to laugh. "Hey. Stop it. I'm not saying no, just...don't expect much from me."

Martin grinned and ran a hand through the wolf's hair. "Then you will be the best looking bystander...unless I can tempt you onto the floor for a slow dance." Martin leaned back and took a bite of his sandwich. "But we need to set a date to get tuxes. If we're going to stand around, we're at least going to look good doing it."

Valin opened his mouth to answer, but his phone buzzed and interrupted him. Smiling apologetically, he flipped it over and viewed the message, chuckling. "Well, guess news travels fast. My parents will be in town next week. They're looking forward to seeing you. Perhaps...heh, my father's good with clothing. He could probably find something good for both of us."

Martin giggled. "And your other father?" When Valin started choking on his coffee, Martin laughed. "I saw the picture on your desk when I borrowed your room on Halloween. You looked happy. It was...nice. And I'd love to meet them. They look like great guys. And I trust your judgement...and theirs. If they raised you, they have to be good."

Valin grinned, wiping up the coffee mess. "They're gonna eat you up...and I can't blame them. Seeing you in that speedo today...mmmf." Martin blushed, making Valin grin wider. "You should have known better than to invite your boyfriend to such a race and not expect approval." Ripping off a chunk of his sandwich, Valin started devouring the food as Martin joined him.

Caleb was in the weight room, pumping a large weight set, sweating profusely until he managed to get it high enough one last time, dropping it back on the rack. He sat up, wiping at his face with his towel and panting heavily. With his free hand, he started searching for his water bottle, groping around until a hand tapped his shoulder.

Caleb tugged his towel down to see a large, muscled panther standing over him and holding out his bottle. "You're looking pretty good, there. Nice weight level. Football, right? I think I've seen you at the games." Caleb just looked at the cat in confusion until he sat down on the next bench. "Heh, deer in the headlights. I'm Travis. I've seen you around the gym and just thought you might like to do this right and have a spotter, or at least a workout partner."

Caleb shook his head, then took the earbuds out of his ears. "Sorry, man. Got in the zone, and the music was playing and...I forgot that I had them in. Now, what was that?" Caleb finally took the offered bottle and took a swig. "You said something about deer and working out? I haven't seen any deer around here. Sorry 'bout your luck."

Travis chuckled and leaned on his knees. "No no, I was asking if you'd like a workout partner. We could push each other. Little competition and such. Help with our weak points. Certainly makes it safer so that we don't go dropping weights on ourselves." Travis slapped Caleb's knee playfully before standing up. "Just something to think about. Here's my number. If you decide to take me up on the offer, just send me a message."

Travis went to stand up and nearly fell as Caleb rose at the same time, making them collide. "Y'know, that does sound like a good idea, but...I'll keep the number just to let you know when I'll be here. Can't work out without my partner now, can I?" A faint blush filled Caleb's cheeks as he untangled himself from the panther. "But for now, I need to shower. I'm kind of a mess."

Travis grinned, grabbing Caleb's hand, shaking it. "No problem. I should probably be hitting the shower too. Don't get too many ideas in that pretty little head of yours." Wrapping his arm around the bear's shoulder, the two headed for the locker room, chuckling.