My Personal Star Part 2

Story by Solerodis on SoFurry

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#3 of My Personal Star

Part 2. Don't be afraid to leave comments. I'd love to hear from you guys

Finally making it through class and avoiding his friends, Valin started slowly making his way towards the campus café, running over and over in his head what he wanted to say, what he hoped to hear. His mind flashed back to that night at the party, making Martin's involvement in the kiss worse, more flaunting and passionate than it really was. Valin started getting angrier, but forced himself to calm down. Sighing deeply to compose himself, the wolf pushed open the door and stepped into the mostly empty café.

Martin glanced up at the door like he had every time it opened for the past hour. Seeing Valin, his eyes lit up before he turned to the fox girl sitting next to him, whispering something and getting a hug in return. Valin growled under his breath, but approached the table anyways as the vixen left. Throwing himself down into the chair across from Martin, Valin grunted and looked at the otter. "Let's hear it, then."

Martin coughed gently, then looked over at Valin, taking a deep breath before speaking. "Listen...about the party the other night...I didn't even know that girl. I walked out to the living room and she just came running up and kissed me hard. When I shoved her away, she said she was dared to kiss me. I tried looking for you, but you were gone. I swear." Martin looked down, blushing. "I didn't want you to get the wrong idea about me. I'm just glad you gave me this chance to explain things."

Valin's face softened slightly. "And the other girl just now? What's the deal with her?" Valin glanced around the café before leaning in closer to be unheard. "Seems like every time you want to be alone with me, a girl just happens to find you." As he spoke, he glanced over at the windows and saw Caleb making faces at the pair of them. "Damn, better hurry this up, or my idiot dorm mate will come in and act like the moron he is."

Martin chuckled softly at the bear's antics. "That was my cousin. She's getting married in a couple of months and asked if I would be the best man. It really is funny how often girls interfere when I want to ask you out..." Martin froze, glancing up at Valin as he realized what he had said. "I mean...if you wanted to. Not saying you have to or anything..." The otter groaned, shaking his head. "Let me start over. Valin of soccer, would you like to go see a movie sometime? No girls, I promise."

Valin smiled, chuckling at Martin's flustered words. "I'd love to. And no bears on my end either. Shall we say...this Friday? I have no plans for the weekend." At Martin's look of delight, Valin smiled wider and grabbed the otter's hand. "I certainly hope that nothing interrupts these plans this time."

Martin blushes gently when Valin grabbed his hand, and his eyes widened just a second before Caleb landed in a chair with a thud. "Dude, you owe me ten bucks. I told you. Well, hello mister otter. Valin's been tight-lipped about you. Hasn't said a word, not even to his old buddy. I'm Caleb, and it's a pleasure to finally get to meet you properly." Caleb stuck out his hand for Martin to shake.

As Martin reached out, Valin shook his head and playfully growled at the bear. "Dude, mood killer much? If you don't get out of here, you won't be playing football for a while. We're trying to have a PRIVATE conversation." Valin stressed the word private, hoping that the bear would take the hint. Caleb just laughed and pulled the two into a tight hug.

"Oh, come on you two. You knew you couldn't keep this quiet. Don't worry, though. I'll keep it hush hush. But don't go sneaking around on me like this again." Laughing, Caleb started pushing Valin towards Martin. "Now kiss..." Valin blushed before punching Caleb in the stomach to get free. Coughing, Caleb released the two of them and stood up. "Take care, lovebirds. Don't get too sappy now." Leaving the two to blush at his words, Caleb walked out of the café.

Valin sat at his desk, pushing around the paper that had Martin's number written on it. The clean handwriting, so neat and formal compared to his own messy scrawl, fascinated him. He let a finger trace the numbers until the loud noise of a door slamming shut made him jump and stuff the paper into his pocket. The sound of stumbling preceded the door getting fumbled open and admitting a slightly drunk Caleb.

"Dude. You missed the most awesome party because you decided to sit at home, staring at the pool boy's scrap of notebook paper. Totally had like..." Caleb paused to count on his fingers, staring at them in confusion for a moment. "Six hot babes hitting on me, though one admitted she just wanted your number. She offered to blow me for it, though." At the look of anger on Valin's face, Caleb grinned and let out a hearty laugh, interrupted by a burp. "Didn't give it out though. Man, the look on her face..."

Valin's anger faded and he joined Caleb in laughing. "Man, you are a slut. Seriously. Do you even have standards? I mean, surely there's some low you won't stoop to." Caleb took a step forward to defend himself, but stumbled and fell against Valin, face pushed into the wolf's chest. "Okay, big boy. Let's get you into bed. You're drunk off your ass." Adjusting his stance, Valin hefted the bear up into a better grip, guiding him towards the soft embrace of the bed.

Caleb grinned drunkenly as he landed on the bed, growling at Valin. "Call me boy again and I'll kick your ass. Drunk or not..." He let his words trail off as Valin threw a blanket over him and walked out of the room, shutting the door behind himself. "I love you...if only I could tell you..." Moments later, his snores erupted from the room, forcing Valin to turn up the volume on the movie he was watching.

Valin pulled into the cinema parking lot, nervously wiping his hands on his jeans as he got out of the car. Before he had taken more than a few steps, he felt a hand slide into his as the otter joined him. "Well hi there, cutie. Seemed a shame for such a good-looking wolf to be walking alone on a day like this." After the initial look of shock, Valin relaxed and squeezed Martin's hand gently.

"I'm glad you're here. For a moment, I thought I would be stood up for the way I treated you so far..." Valin smiled nervously, looking away and rubbing the back of his head before feeling Martin squeeze his hand back. At that reassuring signal, he turned and smiled at the otter, getting a warm grin in return as they walked through the doors. "So...I get the popcorn if you get the tickets? At these prices, that should break even." Martin's laughter helped calm Valin down more.

"Sounds great. But, since I get the tickets, I get to pick the movie. And I'm thinking...'A Week in Paris.'" The look of mixed shock and disgust on Valin's face caused Martin to break down in laughter, tears streaming down his face. "Man, that was...oh lord that look. Too perfect. Nah, I was thinking 'Fists of Furry.' A little action, some kung-fu butt-kicking, and some overly-priced popcorn." Valin playfully slugged the otter's shoulder, joining him in his laughter. As they got the tickets, popcorn, and drinks, they continued playfully joking along and acting overly romantic to make fun of the movie, regularly breaking down into fits of laughter. As they walked away, holding hands once more, the older fur behind the counter scowled slightly but remained silent.

Throughout the movie, the two's hands met regularly as they both reached for the popcorn at the same time. At first, it was nervous contact, with plenty of blushing, but it soon became more of playful jostling as they 'fought' over who'd get the next piece of popcorn. Towards the end of the movie, Martin had leaned over and wrapped his arms around Valin's, resting his head on the wolf's shoulder with a look of contentment. As the film ended and the lights came back on, Martin sighed and untangled himself from his date, standing up and stretching enough to show a touch of midriff under his shirt. In the parking lot, the two lingered, hesitant to separate until Valin leaned in and placed a slow, deep kiss on the otter's mouth. Leaving the swimmer happily dazed, Valin climbed into his vehicle and drove off with a huge grin and a happy wave.