Passion Found

Story by Eclipse on SoFurry

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#1 of The Adventures of Faolin

**Passion Found

By: Eclipse**

Obligatory Background : This is a tale of adventure, suspense, drama, comedy and erotica set during the Golden Age of Piracy in the West Indies/Caribbean Sea, and which involves a very lovely and renowned pirate, [Captain Faolin Rudah, master of the 'Wolfshead'](%5C). Captain Faolin has a rather colored history, though for the past few years the intrepid Commodore Bastian has been coloring her life by vowing to capture the renowned pirate, and at all costs. Many in the Queen's Navy feel that the Commodore's fascination with capturing the pirate Faolin borders on obsession, but Commodore Bastian's skills are equally famous, and revered. (Captain Faolin and Commodore Bastian are characters belonging to the equally wonderful [Ravyn](%5C). The story is of my own creation.) - 7,860 words

Sometimes we mistake that which impassions our lives as little more than a hobby, and never admit what we know the truth to be. I am not a man who is afraid to admit the truth - one does not become a Commodore of the Queen's fleet without being fearless in some manner. I am not so enraptured in my station to realize that I am but a mere mortal, however, bound to this earth by certain doubts and weaknesses. As are we all, I suppose. My men, they see me as motivated, courageous, and they follow that strength of character they see in me, without ever truly knowing what it is which motivates me. Again, that is the way with all men, and it is especially true serving in Her Majesty's Navy. We find the brightest star that we can and we follow that star until a brighter one catches our eye.

And what of my own star? There are many I look to, but only one I have been following for years on end... tracking, more like it. By enrapturing my own attention she has inadvertently become the guiding light of my entire crew, though they will never realize it, and I doubt that she would ever think in such a manner. In truth the admiralty has become aware of my actions in these seas, though only partially, I suspect. They do not know of the drive I have to finally see that pirate behind bars. It is my duty to see the Queen's seas are kept clean of such riff-raff, no matter how beautiful they may be

The jaguar dropped his pen into the vial of ink with a sigh and began to rub the bridge of his nose. He had let the thoughts creep up again. Every blasted time! That damned woman would not leave him alone, not even in his personal thoughts! Of course she was the reason his crew remained underway the longest out of the entire fleet, but only he really knew that. He was a feared man to serve under, but also admired and sought out for those same reasons.

The candle atop of the desk served just enough light for the jaguar to open up a desk drawer and retrieve an already poured glass of brandy. He swilled the strong stuff back in one gulp and winced for a moment as if he had been shot, then returned the glass and shut the desk. He eyed his journal for a long moment, thinking of nothing in particular, then slowly closed the thick book and placed it in another drawer of the desk, only this one he locked shut. Now the only items remaining on the Commodore's writing desk were the vial of ink with the quill sticking out, the slowly burning candle, and the ship's log, open to today's date, previously hidden beneath the personal one.

Another sigh and the Commodore picked up the quill pen, tapped off the excess ink, and continued on with his duties.

St. Kitts will be a better harbor for the impending storm, and I'm sure the crew will enjoy a few extra days of pubbing on the island, despite the weather. We should pass south of Nevis within the hour, and be moored in St. Kitts just after sunrise.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Rains and wind pelted the small island of St. Kitts for hours after the Resolute moored, though the heavy weather did little to discourage the crew from descending upon the town and enjoying themselves. That's one thing that sailors learn right after being pressed - you take your leave when you can, because you never know when you'll get it again. As things were, with their last port call just a week ago, Commodore Bastian had only planned on stopping at St. Kitts for some quick provisions, but he made sure to pass the word to the crew that they would weather out the storm in port before setting off again. Bastian was loved just a little more than he was feared, and he made good use of both of those facts.

The rains let up in the afternoon and the sun did its best to try and shine through the clouds remaining in the sky. The jaguar decided it was time for him to partake some of St. Kitts sights as well, and pay a visit to his friend up in the fortress on Brimstone Hill, the 'Gibraltar of the West Indies'. He inspected his uniform and cover for cleanliness, and was sure to groom back his tawny spotted fur and whiskers. The Commodore was generally not regarded as one who cared about his appearance, but rather cared about respecting his rank and title. Yet another part of the man's duality that the admiralty both admired and detested - just the way Bastian liked it.

Commodore Bastian walked by his lonesome through the muddy streets of St. Kitts, stopping every so often to say hello to a crewmember, or to view the wares of a small time merchant. He made his way to the Governor's mansion and spent a fair amount of time making light talk with the Governor and his wife and daughter. Again this was merely out of respect for his rank and title, to put on the correct show that his superiors always ask of him. The Governor's daughter, a plump and impossibly proper white tigress in her mid twenties, talked Bastian's ears nearly right off, and it was only with the impression of important duties back on his ship that he made quick his leave, else he find himself in another attempt of engagement.

That was a fact that amused Bastian, and he thought of it while making his way back into town towards the fortress. All of the men of station that he knew insisted that their daughters marry into another family of station, as if title really mattered that much. Bastian was polite and political enough to play hard to get each time the subject came up, though the act became increasingly difficult to keep up as the years went on. It wasn't that Bastian did not desire a wife, far from it. He just hadn't met the right woman - at least that's what he continues to tell himself. The truth of the matter was he had too much salt in his veins - none of these land-locked ladies could ever share in his excitement of the sea, nor continue to give him that excitement after he became too old to sail. Bastian's tail flicked in anguished thought. There was one woman who had caught his eye, and more, but she was simply a dream for his many nights at sea.

Then from his dream, her voice spoke; but not to him. He turned his head towards the dipping sun and caught the silhouettes of two people conversing lowly in an alley next to the town stable. He couldn't see who the two were, but he was sure he recognized her voice. She spoke to him often in his dreams, though outside of them the words between them were far and few between, screams more often than not, and overshadowed by cannon fire. But that was her, he knew it.

"Faolin!" he cried out at the two shadows.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

She heard his voice and froze for the longest of breaths. If you don't look he will think he had the wrong person and then walk away. Just give the man his coin, take your horses, and go, nothing wrong to see here.

But I haven't heard his voice in so long...

Captain Faolin Rudah looked up, her emerald eyes catching the astonished gaze of the stately jaguar commodore at the entrance to the alley, his paw instinctively upon his saber. They looked at each other for a second, a few seconds, a minute - it was impossible to tell. It couldn't last, however, and once that painful resolution flashed through her mind, her paw darted towards to the ferret stable boy and snatched her purse of coins from his startled paws. "Another time!" she called back to him as she darted down the alley and out of sight.

Only when the wolf's fluffy auburn tail disappeared behind the stable did Commodore Bastian regain his senses enough to react, unsheathing his saber and calling out, "It's the Red Wolf!" His fellow officers and crewmembers slowly swarmed into the streets at the raise of his alarm, but he did not notice them as he swiftly gave chase to the fleeing pirate, his long, blue coat billowing behind him.

Faolin mentally kicked herself in the tail as she fled down the alleys of St. Kitts. How could you have been so stupid!

I didn't know! He shouldn't be here right now, anyways!

You're lying, again. You always have!

There was no time to think about that at present, though - she had to lead Bastian and his inevitable pack of Navy mongrels away from town and away from her ship! She chanced a look down a short street as she fled and noticed the distinctive garments of the Queen's Navy. A sharp cry rang out and she knew that they were still in pursuit. There was no sign of Bastian, though, which was probably for the better.

She was too deep in town to get out without being seen, she finally surmised, making another turn away from a group of marines. The fort garrison upon Brimstone Hill had most likely also been roused... And she could think of no better place to hide until she could make good her escape and warn her crew. A smile crossed her wolven muzzle and made her way to the hilltop fortress.

Her guess was right - three garrison patrols had already passed by her making their way towards town even as she stealthily made her way up to the fort. It was difficult work, to be sure; she had to make very slow progress due to the swag around her neck. She would have to be in more of a pickle than this to let her loot go for just a little bit of an edge on her enemies.

The red wolf carefully poked her head over a small section of the fortress wall, and seeing no one, clambered over. Now inside the fortress she paused to gain her bearings, and clutched her swag, pistols and sword tight against her body to keep them from making any more noise than they already had been. Perhaps one day she would think of traveling lighter. Faolin was determined that day would come, however, and all she needed to do was wait for nightfall, slip out of the fortress and make her way back to her ship.

Cautiously she looked around a stone corner, only to find herself looking down the blade of a saber. "Hello at long last, Captain Faolin," the regal jaguar holding the blade purred.

A smile crossed over the wolf's muzzle once more as she slowly stepped back and unsheathed her own cutlass, touching the tip against Bastian's outstretched sword. Never had the two been so close as to actually cross blades, though they had been at each other's throats for years. She noted that the jaguar was significantly taller than her, though she was of a good height herself. "I'm impressed, Commodore," she replied, circling around the man slowly, sizing him up, and finding herself enjoying doing so more than she should. "That your politeness would extend to a pirate such as myself."

"I should think by now that you would know me better than that, Captain." Bastian matched the pirates steps, keeping his stern yet searching gaze upon her. The sun was almost down now, and was not such a strain upon his eyes, though he did note that Faolin cast quite a figure standing before the setting sun. "Just as I know you well enough to know that the most exciting place for you to hide would be right under your enemy's nose."

"And so you whip out your sword when I'm under your nose?" Faolin teased playfully and flicked her tail, hoping to let the banter last a little bit longer before making good her escape yet again. "Why Commodore, I didn't know you thought that way about me."

As expected, the jaguar's normally straight and calculated defense crumbled at the teasing. He opened his mouth to try and reply in kind, but found that he could say nothing, nor think of anything aside from that stimulating image. With a laugh and a flourish of her frocked red coat, Faolin turned and took a few fleeing steps back to the wall, when the sound of rifles being cocked halted her in her steps. She mentally kicked herself in the tail once again. When she turned around this time she found herself looking down the barrels of a half a dozen rifles being held by the red-coated garrison standing next to a surprisingly saddened looking Commodore.

Faolin wasn't about to let this turn of events shake her, though things were looking worse than she had previously thought. Bastian lowered and sheathed his saber and looked pleadingly at the wolf. "So that's how it's going to be?" she asked of no one in particular. In one swift, trained movement she sheathed her own cutlass and both of her pistols suddenly appeared in her paws, her auburn tail flicking excitedly behind her.

"No Faolin!" Bastian cried out and made a movement towards the pirate, an action which seemed to startle them both. The riflemen quickly readjusted their aim and put their fingers on their triggers. Faolin looked at the startled jaguar for a moment before recomposing her smile and turned, firing one of her pistols into the darkening dusk sky. An explosion of red and yellow light burst above the fortress for a few seconds, and the pirate turned back to the surprised garrison and Commodore, holstering her pistols.

Commodore Bastian visibly sighed and motioned with his paw. "Take her," he ordered. The two riflemen closest to him stepped forward and clutched the pirate's shoulders, though she put up no fight, and simply continued to smile her pompous smile. Bastian fixed his ruffled uniform and straightened his hat before stepping forward to the prisoner. "Where is your ship? Where is the Wolfshead?"

"I guess you should have asked me that sooner, Commodore," she replied and cocked her head. Out of the corner of her right eye she saw the rifleman's paw raise towards her face, and resigned herself not to flinch. But flinch she did when the strike did not come, and noticed the jaguar's thick furred paw clasping the wrist of the rifleman just an inch from Faolin's face.

It was the wolf's turn to look on in surprise when Commodore Bastian growled angrily at his subordinate. "If your paw ever flies towards this lady again, you will fly from the top of this rampart." He slowly let the man's wrist go, who pulled it back with surprise.

"But sir, she's just a pirate and..."

"...and you had better have a better reason than that for talking back to me," the Commodore finished. "Do you understand?" The startled young rifleman nodded and begrudgingly went back to attention while restraining Faolin. Bastian turned his head to another of the garrison behind him. "She fired her fireworks to the north, so begin your search for the Wolfshead on the shores there. Get the word out." The rifleman nodded obediently and departed with the rest of the men to set about the task of finding the pirate ship.

"They're already gone, Commodore," Faolin protested in a haughty voice, which now did not seem to faze the officer.

"We'll see about that," was his stern response. "Let's go."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Captain Faolin Rudah sat tiredly upon the stone bench in her cold cell. Bright moonlight shone in through the barred window above her. She adjusted the hay upon the bench for a pillow, though it was a difficult task thanks to her shackled wrists - the chain attaching them to the floor barely allowed her to even lay down fully. She sighed heavily and relaxed as best she could upon her makeshift bed.

How could you have been so damned stupid? All you wanted was one more look at him, just hear one more word from his mouth. Then another, and another and another... until here you are now. Stupid wolf! Why did you let him manipulate you so? You know it was all just a ruse to get you after all of these years. You're a pirate to him, nothing more than an extra ribbon on his pompous-ass petticoat!

Then why the surprise? Why the sadness in his eyes when the shackles were put on? Why did he look out for your safety?

It's just the years and the sea have gotten to him. He's been chasing you for years, of course he'd be sad that his favorite hobby is gone! And he's an officer, he has an obligation to treat prisoners a certain way.

Then why did he look at you the same way you looked at him?

...Shut up, bitch.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The creaking of an iron door slowly roused Faolin from her slumber. She thought she was still dreaming when she opened her eyes and saw the strong, kind face of Commodore Bastian looking down upon her. Slightly startled, she shook the sleep from her head and looked curiously at a Bastian who was very real.

"How long have I been sleeping?"

"Not long," Bastian admitted, and took a seat next to the wolf, eying her shackled wrists resting upon her lap. "The entire garrison is out looking for your ship now. It shouldn't be too long until we have your crew."

Faolin chortled in amusement. "They were gone the minute I fired. You'll never find them."

"We found you, didn't we?"

"No, you found me." She looked away for a moment in thought and then did her best to keep up her strong outside demeanor. "And even then because I let you."

"You didn't let me catch you almost a year ago back near Martinique."

Faolin smiled in remembrance of that particular battle. "I guess I got a little sloppy today. Nothing I can't handle, though."

The jaguar took off his cover and shook his head. "Why must you continue to act like that? You have nothing to prove to me, Faolin."

God, why does he have to say your name like that! So nice...

The wolf's head turned towards the jaguar's. "What makes you think you are ever on my mind to begin with?"

That was harsh, you know.

I said shut up.

Bastian had practiced and prepared himself for such banter, but he still flinched visibly when it was said. He looked up solemnly at the cell door and spoke softly. "Because you've been on mine, I suppose." The Commodore stood up, clutching his hat in one paw, his other upon his saber.

Faolin looked upon the jaguar in surprise.

Nice going, bitch.

But I...

The Captain and Commodore's thoughts were interrupted by the sound of footsteps approaching the fort's jail. Bastian swiftly replaced his hat just before a Lieutenant came into view after descending the stairs and walked towards the open cell door.

"Commodore, we've searched the entire north part of island, before the mountain, and we think we've found the remains of an old berth dock, but no sign of the Wolfshead, sir."

Commodore Bastian chanced a glance at the wolf, who merely shot him a smug smirk in response, then rested herself back upon the stone bed. "Aye, l'tenant. Take your men and search all of the pubs, stables, and inns on this island. They couldn't have left with full crew." The junior officer saluted smartly and then departed, his quick footsteps echoing off into the night.

"Goodnight, Captain Faolin. It has been a good chase." The wolf opened her eyes and saw the Commodore walking to the door of her cell, his long feline tail flowing stately behind him.

"Wait," she said on reflex, and sat up. The jaguar paused and looked languidly over his shoulder, but said nothing. "What do you mean when you say that I've been on your mind?"

"Apparently nothing," was his sad response, with no attempt at disguise this time. He looked forward and began walking once more.

Now what to say to keep him here? Think, come on, you're smarter than this!

"I... Thank you." Bastian stopped and turned around fully, looking quizzically into Faolin's emerald green eyes. "For earlier. With the guard." She looked down, undecided. "I didn't get a chance to thank you before, so... Thank you."

"It was my pleasure, to be sure." His eyes were still searching; his face still looked defeated, even though he had succeeded in capturing his enemy. "Do you... know why I did that?"

Faolin wasn't really prepared to answer and ended up reacting in a simple reflexive shrug. "Probably because it was your duty. Gotta protect your prisoners and all."

You dig your own grave this time. Why don't you ever just say what you feel?

The jaguar shook his head and sighed, turning towards the door once more. Faolin quickly caught her mistake, however, and instead of simply chastising herself and letting him walk away, she stood up, the rattling of her shackles getting his attention. "Please tell me why, if that was not the case." Bastian turned to look at her yet again. "Please?"

He took a few resigned steps towards the wolf. "It was because I respect you. You, of all people, should know that. You who protect your crew, protect your ship, protect your friends, even in the face of adversity and my continual presence, you who have honor where others have none... You should have seen that."

Faolin just stood there, her lower jaw trembling somewhat. No one had ever talked to you like that. No one except... before. "I... I..."

Just keep on fighting him, you don't need this confusion!

"I guess you don't know me as well as you thought, then."

He's just going to see right through you? Why are you even fighting?

Because you still have strength to do so!

But from where do you draw your strength...?

Instead of turning around this time, the jaguar took a step forward, his face now bathed in the full moonlight from the bared window, and presented his own soft, meaningful question. "Why did you have to ask me about that? I know you saw it."

The wolf's entire body began to tremble, her defenses broken down. She clenched her paws at her white frilled shirt, her black claws digging into the fabric. "Dammit, stop this, Bastian." She turned her head away, without even realizing what she had called him.

Empowered by the mention of his name, the jaguar stepped forward once more and placed his powerful paws upon her shoulders, looking straight at her. "Tell me why you had to ask that!"

Don't do it, it's a trap!

Just tell him the truth...

She whipped her head around and looked at the Commodore in shock, then raised her clenched shackled paws until they were restrained by the chain and then struck him hard across the face, sending the jaguar reeling backwards in pain. "I said stop it, Bastian! What the hell do you think I'm going to say? That I asked you because I didn't want to admit it to myself, or some poetic bilge like that? That I respect and honor you for catching me, where no other man or woman has been able to?" She furiously picked up a handful of hay and threw it at the surprised jaguar. "That I've been thinking of you every night, dreaming about you in my dreams... of when you would catch me..." she trailed off, but only for a moment. "...Just so you can ask me stupid questions and rub your damn pride in my face!? Get out of here!" The wolf collapsed upon the stone bed and began breathing heavily, choking in her tears and clenching her fists tightly.

Bastian's paw remained upon his furred cheek where Faolin had struck him. It was not that hard a blow - more surprise than pain filled him. He looked fondly upon the pirate and stepped forward, removing his hat once more. "I've dreamed of you, too."

The red wolf did not bother to move. "Don't talk to me like that," she nearly hissed. "Don't you dare talk to me like that," she whispered again.

"Believe it or not, it's true," the jaguar continued, taking another cautious step forward.

"I'm done, you've caught me, I'll most likely hang in the morning. What need have you to say these things to me, to treat me like this?"

This sort of reaction Bastian had not prepared for, though he tried his level best to respond as though he had. Another step forward and he was at the foot of the stone bed, upon which he placed his cover and looked to the back of the distressed wolf captain, now looking not so grandiose and fierce, but just another soul on the waves. He was determined to show himself as the same, as a man, not as a Commodore. "The need is for you to know the truth." His words did not seem to have an effect on the wolf, but she did not stop him from speaking further, so he continued on. "The truth being... That... I... forgot what to say."

Faolin ceased her trembling, though she still held herself and looked up to the jaguar with an annoyed expression. "You forgot what to say? What the Hell do you mean you forgot what to say? Dammit, man, just say what you want and be gone!"

Bastian fists clenched reflexively and he took a deep breath and looked his enemy straight into her beautiful eyes. "What I want to say? What I want to say is that not only do I respect you, but that I think I love you, and you aren't giving me the time of day to say it!"

They both looked at each other in surprise, each trying to continuously gauge the other. It was Faolin who broke the silence first with a soft chuckle to herself, and then a full fledged guffaw, with Bastian following her example, though unsure of himself. Faolin wiped at her eyes with the back of her red furred paws after calming down a bit and looked at the jaguar with a wry smile. "Not exactly how you were planning to say that, was it.?"

Bastian chuckled softly to himself and shook his head, smiling for the first time in her presence... and she noticed that. "No, not exactly." He looked upon the red wolf again, the laughter having degraded both of their barriers. "Look, it's like this." He paused for a brief moment to gather his thoughts, his ears twitching. "I may not enjoy your choice of career, but that is the only thing about you I do not admire. You have a passion for the sea, and an honor to your crew. That touches me in many ways. And whenever we were able to get close enough to speak over the cannon-fire, I always admired your pride and determination to continue. I have always found you beautiful, and seeing you today, so close, confirmed those thoughts and dreams. I just find you wholly remarkable, Faolin, and that is the truth of it."

The wolf was smiling during Bastian's speech, even flicking her fluffy auburn tail reflexively. When he mentioned the part about her beauty, however, her eyes closed and she clutched at her shirt once again. This was not something which went unnoticed by the Commodore, though he did not seem to press the matter afterwards. He simply looked upon her, admiring her in ways he had never been able to before. After a while she looked back up at the jaguar, and chuckled a bit incredulously. "You sure picked a fine time to say such things." She continued on before Bastian could respond. "But then again, you didn't really have a chance to do so, before."

"Faolin," Bastian said soothingly, and placed a caring paw upon her shoulder, causing the pirate to look there. "I can't release you from your fate. We have sailed with different winds, though we both knew where they would lead us."

Captain Faolin nodded slowly, looking back to her shackled wrists. When she felt Bastian's paw leaving her shoulder, she moved her paws up to clutch his wrist and hold it there upon her. "You know... that's something I've always admired about you, too."

They both looked at their touching paws, and then each other's eyes. "I don't have any planned speech or anything," she said, dismissing her feelings with a bit of light laughter. "But... I think I know how you feel." She clenched her paws about the jaguar's wrist. "I think you know how I feel, too."

"Oh, Faolin, I'm so sorry it had to be this way..."

The wolf stood up, her paws dropping from Bastian's wrist, restricted by the shackles. "Don't talk like that. You already said we knew what we were getting into, and you're right." She looked at the large jaguar as they both seemed to slowly gravitate closer towards each other. "Just as we know now."

The kiss was deep and full of life, invigorating their souls and sparking off the fire which had been flickering within them both for years. Faolin held her calloused paws to the jaguar's chest as he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into his kiss, their tongues exploring the depths of each other's mouth.

They pulled away suddenly and looked at each other in shock, then fell into another passionate embrace, the jaguar sending tingles through the wolf's spine by caressing her back with those powerful paws. Still locked in their kiss, Faolin began to undo the buttons of the Commodore's blue overcoat, then tried to push the garment off of him.

Bastian reluctantly backed away from his embrace with Faolin and undid the rest of the buttons on his jacket, placing it next to the door of the cell with a smile. "Can't have you getting at the keys in there."

Faolin laughed and flicked her tail. "Are you always a Commodore?"

"As long as you're still a pirate," he retorted and went back to embracing his lover.

She pulled up on his white shirt, freeing the billowy fabric from his pants. Bastian wasted no time in removing that shirt as well, exposing his creamy spotted chest to the exploring paws of his wolf. Faolin's attention was quickly caught by the large tell-tale bulge at the crotch of the jaguar's service pants, which she began to fondle as she rubbed her body against his scruffy chest fur.

Sighing heavily in pleasure, Bastian reluctantly pulled Faolin away when she started to undo his pants. He looked down upon her in admiration and playfully said, "Hold on, we need to see some more of you first, as well."

Faolin's passionate momentum skipped a beat and she began to look a bit unsteady at the half naked jaguar, as if she hadn't even contemplated this step. "I... Uh..."

"It's okay, Faolin," Bastian said, cupping her comfortingly in his arms. "I want to see you. Please trust me."

She gazed up deep into his eyes and slowly closed her own, resting against the jaguar's creamy chest. Holding her close to him, Bastian slowly ran his paws up and down the wolf's sides, getting her used to his touch there. Then he added a bit more pressure and Faolin's flowing white shirt became untucked from her pants. She gasped softly with her eyes still trustingly closed as Bastian raised up that shirt, exposing her midriff, and then she bent herself forward so that he could pull it higher and over her head. Her paws still shackled to the floor, Bastian could do no more than peel the garment over Faolin's head and down her arms, adorning the shackles chain with her shirt. Faolin looked up to Bastian with a timidness he had never seen in her before, though for the love of him he did not know why it was there. She was truly a thing of beauty, the creamy white of her throat continuing down her belly and into her pants. There was a large, furless scar across her heart, which is where he ventured her timidness

came from, but he did not press the issue. He simply gazed upon her lovingly then stepped forward, an arm cupping just beneath her beautiful breasts as he hugged her close to him.

"My God you are lovely, Faolin," he whispered into her ear, which pleasured her in ways that no touch ever could have. She melted into his arms, but only for a moment. She pressed her shackled paws upon his chest and pushed back a bit, smirking at him. "So can I finally get your pants off, or what?"

Bastian chuckled and flicked his tail in anticipation, then kicked off his boots. "What are you waiting for?"

The wolf growled playfully at her jaguar and without hesitation pulled down the Commodore's dress pants, who stepped gracefully out of them and then kicked them over to his jacket and shirt. Faolin nearly panted when she saw Bastian's erection finally freed, and dipped her paws down to finally caress his hard maleness. The jaguar's tailtip flicked at the touch of the wolf's calloused paws, but it was exciting and erotic to him all the same. He massaged her shoulders even as she dipped down and breathed her warm breath across the head of his penis, causing both of them to gasp in time, Bastian from the sensation, and Faolin from the jaguar's delicious masculine scent. Faolin's hips wriggled and her own tail flicked with desire.

"I want to taste you," she whispered, and without waiting for a response, licked the underside of Bastian's penis, causing the jaguar to tremble and gasp, his paws clutching her shoulders a bit tighter. Now on her knees, the red wolf's paws caressed the jaguar's scrotum and directed his throbbing member towards her salivating muzzle. Bastian moaned in pleasure and restrained himself from thrusting too much into Faolin's muzzle as she sucked on his cock, her canine tongue twining around his member in ways he had never felt before. It was all so right, so wonderful... and almost too much for him.

"Not yet, Faolin, don't make me come yet," he pleaded with his lover, who slowly, though obligingly, ceased her oral ministrations. They looked at each other with a proud smile as the wolf returned to her feet and Bastian dropped to his knees. "Now it's your turn again," he purred wantonly and reached for the top of Faolin's pants.

He was met with a playful smack to his paw, and he looked up. "This one's on me," the wolf said, kicking off her thigh-high boots in the same way that Bastian had done, then turned herself around, her back to her lover. Bastian sat back upon his haunches and watched as Faolin seductively bent over the stone bed and teasingly raised her tail, giving the jaguar a blatant view of the moisture stain already forming at the crotch of the wolf's pants, and causing his heart to pound ever faster. Faolin then hooked her thumbs to the front of her pants and underwear and slowly drew them down, arcing her body seductively as she did so. Bastian's erection grew almost painful as he watched the beautiful red furred wolf in front of him slip out of her leather pants, her fluffy auburn tail flicked high once it was fully freed. The explosion of Faolin's delicious, erotic scent only added to the jaguar's desire for his lover's body.

Faolin looked coquettishly over her shoulder and was pleased to see that her little show was properly appreciated. She turned slowly back around, her tail swishing slowly behind her, and took a seat upon the cold stone of the bed. She was going to speak of her own admiration, but Bastian was upon her and kissing her before she could get a word out. His paws caressed over the erect nipples of her breasts, causing her to gasp into his kiss. His paw wrapped around her lower waist and the jaguar slipped lower down the wolf's body, his tongue lapping tenderly at Faolin's breasts as his paw began to toy with the base of her tail. All of these wonderful sensations caused Faolin to squirm in her seat and gasp with pleasure, but Bastian held her close and tight, which seemed to excite her even more.

The jaguar was now kneeling before the red wolf once more, and his pleasing tongue continued to travel down her body, from her breasts to her belly. She eagerly spread her legs open to help guide Bastian's way, and he took the point. The first lick to her white furred cunt made her feel like lightening had struck her. She raised her shackled paws just enough to rest them across Bastian's shoulders, practically pulling him between her legs. Bastian paused briefly to breathe in deep of the wolf's scent, and then breathed across her heavily moistened vagina, which drove Faolin wild, causing her to thrust her hips towards her lover's pleasing tongue, to which he happily obliged.

The sensations were becoming to much for her, just as they had for Bastian, and she pleaded for him to stop. "Please not yet. I want to come with you inside me." Bastian paused for a moment and looked up at the wolf's pleasure hazed eyes, his own heart beating like a drum. "Don't worry, you will," he promised. "Just remember to keep it down, so no one else hears us." He then returned his attention to licking as deep and long inside of Faolin as possible. Faolin would have laughed at the jaguar's exuberance if it weren't for the fact that she was on the verge of orgasm. She slumped and bit down on one of her paws to keep from moaning too loudly and then let out a few restrained yips of pleasure and arced her whole back backwards in orgasmic bliss as she grinded her hips into Bastian's willing tongue.

Her whole body was shaking afterwards, and her breasts heaved up and down as she panted. Very slowly Bastian emerged from between the wolf's legs, looking up to her with impassioned eyes even as he licked the last of her juices from his face. Faolin threw herself forward, pouncing upon the jaguar as best she could and kissed him deeply, pulling his head towards her own and tasting herself as she did so. She pulled back with wild lust in her eyes, and they both knew it was time.

Faolin wanted to be certain, however, and without restraint she kicked the heavier and larger jaguar away from her, causing him to fall upon his rump, and quite surprised at that. Now the wolf had the room she needed to maneuver, and still shackled, she kneeled in front of the stone bed and rested her arms upon it, her tail flagging high to one side, exposing all of her dripping desire to Bastian. "Take me now," she breathed heavily, an order it was, and braced herself.

Bastian did not need any more invitation than that, and he quickly scrambled to kneel in his place behind the wanton wolf. Faolin turned to look at her lover as she felt his paws upon her furred back, and adjusted herself so he could take her better. She whimpered and turned her head back when she felt the head of Bastian's maleness nestled against her entrance. When she felt the jaguar was taking too long to readjust himself, she rocked her hips back against her lover, and he suddenly fell forward and clasped at her shoulders, burying himself inside of his wolf up to the hilt!

Both lovers were attempting to control the other's thrusts, grinding against each other, letting loose years of bottled up passion. Their moans of desire echoed throughout the cold cell along with the lewd squelching of their love-making, the moonlight playing upon the jaguar's back as he covered the piratical wolf in the throes of passion. They moaned and whimpered their lover's name in their ears, clawing and pushing and pulling all the while, vying for control of pleasure. It was a battle not to be won, however - the two were no longer officer and pirate, enemy or foe. They were simply together, and determined to remain so.

Despite his earlier strength, it was Bastian who cried out his impending orgasm first. His thrusts into his wolven lover became more erratic and passionate; more needful. He pushed himself upon Faolin's back and grabbed at her hips with one paw and her shoulder with the other, pulling him back onto him as far as she could take him, causing a whole new set of whimpering moans to come from the wolf. Bastian's climax was fast and sudden, as he was barely able to steady himself as his hips jerked forward wildly and his penis throbbed inside of Faolin, releasing his warm seed into her waiting and wanting body.

The sensations from the jaguar's orgasm was enough to set off Faolin, and for the second time in the evening she came, her body squeezing around Bastian's cock and her hips pounding against his own. She panted heavily and moaned loudly as she collapsed upon the stone bed, exhausted, but feeling very desired.

Bastian remained panting and weakened across Faolin's back, his paws petting and caressing his lover's sides. They remained there, as one, and in silence, simply enjoying the feel of each other as they both wound down from their passionate love-making. And there they remained for a long while afterwards, officer and pirate, jaguar and wolf, lover and lover.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Are you sure you want to do this? He did open up to you.

No, he just told you the truth, as you did to him. And now you know. It is a wonderful feeling... And it is good to finally know. He'll understand.

You know, I think I finally agree with you.

The moment did not last for long, and certainly not for as long as either of them would have liked. Bastian held his lover close to him and they listened to each other's heart beating with excitement. They were both tired and exhausted, but they were both together. The jaguar began licking at the side of the wolf's cheek and kissing her lightly, kisses which she returned in kind; which is why the sudden clinking and feel of iron upon his wrists took him by surprise.

It took Bastian a few moments to shake the pleasure-induced cobwebs from his mind, but when Faolin stood above him with a knowing smile, unshackled paws upon her still naked and curvaceous hips, he knew that something was wrong.

"Faolin, what's going on?" he queried, and tried to stand up, though the shackles kept him from going too far.

The naked red wolf sauntered up carefully to the shackled and naked jaguar, and tenderly stroked his spotted cheeks. "You claim to know me so well, Bastian. So if that is true, you knew that this was coming." She looked deeply into his eyes and then planted a soft kiss upon the lips of the still stunned jaguar, then pulled away and spoke softly, almost sorrowfully. "And you should also know that despite this, I do love you."

Bastian snapped back to his senses and strained again at his shackles, but to no avail. He watched helplessly as Faolin began to put back on her clothing, and he remained by the stone bed, completely naked. "You love me and this is how you repay me!?" he exclaimed in astonishment. Had he expected this? Should he have?

"As you made mention of many times before, Commodore, I am still a pirate." She tucked in her shirt into her leather pants and made some adjustments before looking back up to the jaguar. "And as such, you are still a Commodore."

Bastian just stood there, stunned, gaping his mouth though no words were coming out. "But... how...?"

"Oh I didn't need any keys for the shackles, I've gotten out of those things plenty of times. The cell door would have been a problem, however." Faolin smiled sweetly and walked as close as she dared up to the still shocked jaguar. "And also like you said... If you stop being a Commodore, or I a pirate, perhaps we could do this again some time. Goodbye, lover. And thank you. I mean that." With those words The Red Wolf turned, and walked out of the cell, her tail still flowing seductively.

The cell doors closed and then the key was turned. "Wait, Faolin! You can't do this to me!"

Faolin ignored the plea for the moment and went to retrieve her personal effects from a hook on the wall just at the bottom of the stairs to the jail. Comfortable in her full regalia once more, she walked to the Commodore's cell door. "You know, Bastian, you're right. I do owe you one... since you gave me two." With that she dropped the cell key just outside the cell door and then threw the keys to the shackles at the Commodore, who caught them in mid-air, with surprise. "I'll see you around." Then with a flourish of her coat and a laugh, Captain Faolin Rudah was gone, leaving a very confused, and very naked, Commodore Bastian alone in his cell.

The End