Buddy Takes Time Out

Story by Jamboree on SoFurry

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#1 of Buddy & Luther

An early attempt at writing furry smut, and my first submission to Yiffstar. I need all the help I can get, so critcism is super welcome! Characters are all original.

Poor Buddy walked away from school, sighing. With only a few weeks to the final exams, his practice tests hadn't gone well. After all the effort he had put into revision, he was still struggling to hit the grade boundaries. At least he got to go home early, and his parents were out so he'd have the house to himself...

The little husky was lost in his thoughts, so he missed the figure waiting for him at the school gate. This was a mistake. The figure counted to 10, watching Buddy move away. 3 seconds later, Buddy was knocked to the ground by a huge mass of tiger, knocking the wind out of him completely.

Buddy swore under his breath. He had always thought of Luther - the tiger - as a bit of a jock, a pretty popular guy but also a bit of an eccentric. This year they had been brought together in their biology class, where it turned out they made a good team. At the beginning of the year, Buddy was the one who was helping Luther out, but as the months progressed Luther had overtaken him and now, to his frustration, he had started relying on the bulky tiger for help. Not that their relationship didn't go beyond the classroom; Luther was openly gay (the only such person in the school Buddy knew of) and had been Buddy's crush for a long time before they were introduced. In fact, he had lost his virginity to the striped menace, although he hadn't mentioned that. They were good friends, but Buddy was still in the closet which made a deeper relationship difficult.

The tiger licked the ear of the smaller fur with surprising gentleness as he crushed the husky into the pavement under his muscles. "I heard you got out early. So I waited to see you. You can thank me now."

Buddy could barely breathe, let alone talk. "Th... thank..."

Luther grinned and eased up a bit. "That's more like it." He helped his friend up, grinning wickedly, and they started to walk together. Buddy teased Luther about his uniform, which looked ridiculous stretched out over his frame. The two of them had both filled out a lot this year, Buddy having been introduced to the world of fitness by his new friend, but they hadn't bothered to buy new uniforms since they were almost at the end of school. The tiger was now undoubtedly a force to be reckoned with, with large bulky arms and pecs, and a washboard stomach which was the envy of his companion. Buddy wasn't doing too badly himself though, and had built up a lot over the year, to the amazement of friends and family. He was now actually bigger than most of his year, a fact he was quietly proud of, even though the two of them got a lot of sniggers behind their backs. It turned out Luther wasn't as popular as Buddy might have thought, but he wasn't bothered; he had been happier with himself than every before. Until today anyway...

The pair arrived at Buddy's house and let themselves in. Luther was surprised to find it empty.

"Hey Budd, why didn't you tell me your parents were out? We could've... y'know..."

Buddy sighed and collapsed onto his sofa. "I dunno. Not sure I'm in the mood. Got my practice results today, but they were... well... shitty." He was shoved to the edge of the sofa by an invading tiger, who had thrown off his jacket and tie and undone the first three buttons of his shirt.

"Huh. What happened? You've always been good at this stuff."

"Yeah... I don't wanna talk about it..." The husky was being kept from falling by secure feline arms. He searched the floor for the remote, but no luck. He felt like he needed a distraction. "Scary to think that in a few weeks you'll be leaving the country and I'm off to college."

"You could still join me, you know."

Buddy didn't respond. The big tiger seemed concerned, pulling him closer and beginning to embrace him while purring into his ear. Buddy sighed, "Luth...", but the tiger was already unbuttoning the top of the husky's shirt and playing with his chest. "You're such a fag," Buddy whined. The tiger growled loudly in mock anger and tweaked the husky's nipple a little, resulting in a yelp. Grinning, Luther rolled his friend around in his arms until he could kiss him. Buddy kissed back, letting go a little, and working out some stress with his tongue.

He pulled himself up onto the tiger, leaning back so he could pull his shirt free. Luther undid the remaining buttons on his shirt in one swift motion, opening his shirt by pulling it sideways in opposite directions (Buddy was pretty sure he saw buttons flying across the room). Finally the tiger's broad muscled chest was exposed, and Buddy nuzzled himself into it, kissing the muscles tenderly. Buddy could hear deep growling as he continued down to the furry belly, unbuttoning his own shirt (the conventional way) as he went. As he licked the tiger's navel, Luther lifted the shirt off the husky and threw it onto the floor. Buddy undid the tiger's belt buckle and unzipped his pants, pulling them down and burying his face into Luther's jockstrap.

The tiger was getting quite excited now, emitting feral growls and pulling his friend's face around his crotch. The scent was arousing for the husky who had taken off his own pants and was now pawing himself off, boxers around his ankles. Grinning, he used his free hand to pull down the bulging jockstrap to reveal Luther's hard 9 inch cock. He licked over the broad head and noticed it was slightly sweaty from a day in confinement. He used a hand to grasp and pleasure the base of the cock and swallowed a good 7 inches down in one go, to the tiger's delight. He worshipped the monster cock in his mouth while Luther played with his own nipples and mumbled encouragingly at Buddy to keep going.

Suddenly Buddy found himself lifted up by the tiger until he was face to face with his wicked grin. Luther kissed the husky once on the lips and then gave him the bottle of lube he had kept hidden. Buddy took the hint and turned around, dribbling the viscous fluid over the tiger's cock. Luther pushed him into a position where his ass was easily available and rimmed him while he worked. Not wanting to disappoint his friend, Buddy pulled himself away once he had finished his work, and after dabbing his own ass with a little lube, sank himself slowly onto the tiger's upright dick.

"Fuck", Luther moaned loudly as Buddy quickly got to work on moving up and down the tiger's long cock, jacking himself off as he went. All his frustrations seemed to melt away as he focused on pleasuring the huge tiger beneath him. Buddy knew his friend was pretty close by the way he had started to thrust his hips, and began to move with the rhythm. The moaning had changed back to deep growling and the tiger began to cry out. Buddy felt his friend thrust deeply as shot after shot of tiger cum erupted into his body. The tiger collapsed and panted heavily, his huge chest rising and falling, as Buddy finished jacking himself to his own climax, crying out himself as he covered his stomach and chest in husky cum. He fell backwards onto Luther's chest and snuggled against his body.

For a while they just lay there in each others' arms. Buddy noted that he felt a lot better after all. He liked just being with a friend and not having to think about the future. Then Luther spoke. "Dude. We're a total mess."

Buddy grinned but didn't want to pull himself up just yet. He looked around the room. There were clothes everywhere and the lube bottle was lying open on the floor, contents still dribbling out. "I need a shower. You can clean up in here." Luther groaned at the sound of this plan. "Come on, help me out here." Begrudgingly, Luther got up from the sofa and looked around, searching for his pants. Buddy rolled off the sofa too and headed upstairs. He'd get to work soon. But right now, he needed time to relax, and get his head sorted out...