Just Try It

Story by guardian-hawk on SoFurry

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Durtan groaned and reached with his tail for the touch-sensitive pad on his alarm clock, hitting it on the third try. He'd woken up three seconds before his alarm had started going off, as usual, but still glanced at the clock--7:00--to make sure he wasn't running late. He yawned and stretched a bit, then groped about with his tail again until he found the drawstring for the blinds on the window and tugged them open. The pupils of his blue eyes contracted to slits at the sudden light. The sunlight that made it past the other buildings was already obscured by the shimmer of heat off the streets and buildings of the city outside; it was going to be another scorcher of a day, and nothing disagreed with Durtan more. His jet-black scales took in heat just as fast as a human roadway and even the short flight to work would be exhausting. At least his desk wasn't next to a window... Though it beats sitting in traffic or having to walk, he thought, and shuffled his wings, getting off the thick round cushion that served as his bed and stretching more thoroughly this time. Being a dragon had its advantages when it came to the daily commute. He went from there to the shower, turning on the water and rubbing his snout and tail all up and down his body, shifting every scale back and forth so the water could run between them. He'd never much liked the idea of bathing every day, but didn't have much choice in the summer, when the city air was so dirty. Poor hygiene wasn't something he wanted to hear about from his boss. Durtan shook himself dry, then returned to his room and turned on his computer, dragging his claws carefully over the extra-large keyboard. He checked his work email, looked over a sheet of loan-interest figures, and finally checked his favorite porn site, a dragon BDSM website, for the week's update. It was another femdom shoot, his favorite type, so he logged in and started downloading the video while he looked over the description and preview pictures. He watched the progress bar for a moment, then flicked his eyes over towards the clock again--8:00 already!--and pushed through his door to the apartment's living room. His roommate, Lance, was awake and watching a sports program. "Someone's up early," Durtan laughed. "Work actually need you at a reasonable hour today?" The human shook his head. "I missed last night's game and I wanted to make sure to catch the analysis." He looked over and saw Durtan's half-hard erection. "Were you up before your alarm to jerk off again? I'm tired of having to listen to the Morrissons complain about weird groaning noises." He started preheating the oven and got a small strip steak out of the fridge. "First of all, you try to just stop completely after having regular sex with a girlfriend for a year and tell me how that goes, and second of all, no, I just started downloading a new shoot and thought the preview thumbs looked good." "More bondage?" "What else?" Lance shook his head. "I'm never going to understand how you like that stuff, 'tan. I mean, sex is pretty much always going to be entertaining, but the whole eroticism of pain thing must go over my head or something." The oven beeped, and Durtan put the steak in to warm it up some. "I do like the whipping, but I'm more interested in the psychology of it. This probably doesn't come across to you quite as well because humans interpret respect differently, but to see someone as physically powerful as an adult dragon have that power taken away from it, to see it forced to endure pain, or obey, or have sex, is just... I don't know, I think it's sexy, interesting, so on. And challenging bondage positions are always fun to see." "Interesting enough to fill up your whole hard drive?" Lance raised an eyebrow. "Well come on, I can't watch the same shoots over and over again; that would get old so fast." He took the steak out of the oven, put it on a plate and walked carefully on his hind legs over to the table, plate clutched in his forepaws. "And besides, why would I pay to subscribe to that site if I'm not going to keep up with what they produce?" "And yet with all this interest you haven't even tried getting involved yourself." "I asked Tserana if she was interested in trying it out and she broke up with me the next day," he growled. "Obviously I won't be bringing it up in my next relationship." "Tserana broke up with you because you basically told her your job was more important to you than she was," Lance rolled his eyes. "What else could you have possibly expected?" He took a bite of his steak, chewed and swallowed before answering. "That was her own fault for spending too much time around you humans. She had some weird idea that we were going to be permanently mated soon even though neither of us was ready to have eggs and was trying to get me to move in with her out in Victoria; of course I told her I was going to stay in the city." "My point is that you're spending way too much time thinking about something that you've never experienced yourself, and I find it weird that you aren't making more effort to change that." "I'm not really ready for another relationship yet." "I didn't say that. Do you have any idea how many dragons are in this city? A significant percentage of them are probably single and there must be at least some of them who share your sexual interests, otherwise that website you're subscribed to wouldn't be profitable enough to stay up. Look around online, find some local club, make sure it has a decent reputation and then see about joining so you can explore this interest of yours. It's not like your species is more conservative about sex than mine, and we have tons of organizations like that." Durtan leered at him. "I don't know..." "Do your future girlfriends a favor and give a it try, so you can at least figure out if you really like it or not," he laughed. "It's not like you have a packed social schedule in the evenings." "How about no? I'm sure membership costs money, which I'm a little short on right now, and I'm just not sure I'd be comfortable doing something like that. I mean, I'm not as human-minded as Tserana, but I like to at least know a dragoness before mounting her." "That makes sense, I guess." The two of them were quiet for a few minutes while Durtan ate and Lance watched his show, then he asked, "what's your schedule like for the rest of the week?" "Work, eat, sleep, repeat," he groaned, and put his plate in the sink. "Maybe I'll see about getting some serious exercise in later in the week, but I don't like going anywhere in this weather. What about you?" "Sounds about right, except less work and more sleep. And Sean might have tickets to Friday's game, but we aren't sure yet." "Hm." Durtan checked the clock again, then returned to his room and stepped into his "pants," a typically human requirement to make sure their children didn't see anything that humans had decided was inappropriate for no easily defendable reason, but then, human technology and numbers had made them the stronger species so dragons hadn't been inclined to argue all that much. The clothing had elastic bands at the ankles, then loose sleeves on each leg that led to a thick, stiff pad covering all of his underbelly. There was a large section cut out of each side for his wings to fit through, then the sides met at a zipper that went up his spine to make sure the clothing stayed in place. He hooked one fang through the hole in the zipper and tugged it up his back until it was fully closed, then took his briefcase, made sure he had everything he needed for work that day, and went back into the living room. "Black, on a day like today? You'll die of heat stroke," Lance said. "Considering my wings are giant black sails anyway I doubt wearing white would make much difference. And besides, I think I look better when I'm one solid color." "Your orange-and-yellow ex might disagree. See you later, assuming you survive the heat." Durtan stepped out onto the balcony, looked in all directions to make sure he wouldn't be getting into another flying dragon's way, then took off and flapped away towards the business district. Lance waited until he was sure his roommate was gone, then got his laptop and a phone book and started searching. "Even if you're too shy to look into it yourself, I'll make sure you explore this fetish of yours," he muttered. He smiled as his search results came up; if there was one thing he loved about the city, it was that everything you could ever possibly need was just a short cab ride away. * * *

Durtan slammed the balcony door shut with a snarl and tossed his briefcase in the general direction of his bedroom door. Lance shifted slightly to put more of his laptop between himself and his roommate's fangs. "That bad, huh?" "You have no idea. They hiked their interest rates worldwide last night without telling anyone and every single person trying to open a loan was seeing the figures and demanding to talk to my manager, thinking I was lying and trying to take advantage of them. And then of course since Nathan was already being called by every other loan officer in the building I'd have to wait half a complaint-filled hour just for him to say that I wasn't lying, and the waiting area got overcrowded so all those people started complaining too, and half the people who talked to me decided not to buy because of the new rates... I swear, I'm five seconds away from putting my claws through the wall." "At least it was cooler today." "The clients didn't seem to notice," he growled, and shouldered through the door to his bedroom. He glanced at his computer tiredly, but only paused to take off his pants before collapsing on his bed with a groan. What a terrible day, he thought. He laid there for twenty minutes or so, but eventually hunger forced him to get up--the crowding at the bank had forced him to work through his lunch hour and he hadn't eaten since morning. He prepared and ate a side of mutton, though due to his earlier anger he accidentally cracked his plate when he took an especially rough bite out of the meat. "Tell me there's something violent on," he said once he had finished and put the plate in the trash, and curled up next to the couch. "'The Rock' is on, about a third of the way through. Good enough?" "Never heard of it." "Oh. Well it's really old, from before we discovered your species, so there aren't any dragons, but it's got gunfights and a car chase and a bunch of great one-liners. It'll help." The two of them watched the movie in silence for a while, then once it was over Lance checked his watch and said, "we're going out tonight; I've got something lined up for you." Durtan raised the ridge above one eye. "What do you mean?" "I got you a 9:00 appointment at a dungeon across town." Silence, then a low growl. "You did what?" "I signed you up to have a dominatrix do a BDSM session with you. The appointment's in an hour, so if you want to prepare..." "I'm not going." "Why not?" "Because," he snarled. "I've already paid." He looked away, tail lashing. "Just no." "You're going. You'll be working with a professional dominatrix, this place has a great reputation, they're IDPC certified and everything, so you have nothing to worry about. If you really don't want to try out bondage free of charge, with a professional, then you must not like it." "I'm not going!" he roared, standing, baring his teeth and flaring his wings out aggressively. Lance gulped; sometimes it was a little too easy to forget his roommate was a twenty-foot carnivore who outweighed him more than six to one. But at least having such a large body made other parts of him easy to see, as well... "Even if you're not sure your mind wants to go, at least part of your body does," he said, and glanced meaningfully at the black dragon's hindquarters. "Damn it," he muttered, and subsided, sitting back on his haunches. "You know what, fine. I'll go. But if I don't like this then you'll owe me, big time. In fact I think you'll owe me either way." "Whatever. Be ready to go in half an hour so we can catch a cab." He paused, confused. "You want to go with me?" "Would you rather go alone? I just assumed you'd prefer to have someone there with you when you get there and when you leave, and the lady I talked to said that wasn't unusual for first-timers, but I can give you the address if you'd prefer to fly there on your own." "Suit yourself." Durtan growled and went back to his room. A few hours' more warning would have been nice, he thought. I'm not in that frame of mind at all, after today. He wasn't sure whether to be excited or terrified, but he sat in front of his computer and brought up a recent femdom shoot, to try to see something of what to expect and how exactly he should follow any instructions, but who could tell what style dom he'd be put with... At least Lance told them it was my first time, so maybe they'll have someone used to working with inexperienced dragons paired with me... But what if she tries to do something I'm not comfortable with, or Lance accidentally put me in the wrong situation since he isn't familiar with BDSM? Those and a hundred other worries sprang up instantly in his mind and he started grooming himself out of reflex, trying to mask his concern as if he could somehow fool himself. But it did draw his attention to his scales. The cooler weather had meant less smog to fly through on the way to and from work, so at least he would look decent, but... Well, he'd have to spend time outside to get there anyway, so it wouldn't make much difference. It wasn't like he'd had a serious workout earlier in the day. He checked the clock, then watched a little more of the shoot, coaxing out an erection and stroking it idly with his tail, to see if he could relax and get into the right mood. His cock seemed eager enough, at least... but with certain doms that could be a bad thing. He sighed, closed the video and put on his pants, then returned to the living room. "About ready?" Lance said, standing and grabbing a book from the coffee table. "We should get going." He shuffled his wings. "Ready as I can get at this point. See you at the curb." Durtan went out to the balcony and glided down to the street entrance of the apartment building while Lance headed for the elevator; Lance was too heavy for him to carry, even such a short distance, and there weren't very many elevators in the world meant to be used by a dragon. Lance met him outside and they looked for a cab, but didn't have to wait long: Durtan unfolded and raised one wing, and almost immediately a yellow-and-black van pulled up to the curb. Lance got into the bucket seat, then Durtan curled up in the empty space where the other bucket seat and the rear seat had been removed. "Where to?" the driver asked. "Sixteenth and Lakeside," Lance said, and the driver closed the window separating him from the passenger compartment. "I should get you to call a cab for me every time I need one." "Luck. Is this place really in the market triangle? I thought the upscale designer stores had every square foot of available space in that part of town." "I guess dragon fetish-prostitution makes enough money for them to set up shop there. Kind of surprised the city let them move in considering how many tourists with families visit that area, but I guess since your kind is that free-thinking about sex and this city has the largest dragon population in the country they decided to let it through." They were both quiet for a little while, then Durtan asked, "so did whoever you talked to say what I should be expecting when we get there? And what exactly did you sign me up for?" "You're signed up for a one-hour, one-on-one femdom session that will include sex. As for what to expect, she assured me that they'd ask a whole list of questions about what you would and would not be okay with doing, that they'd give you wing protectors, that you'd have a dominatrix used to working with beginners, and so on. Seems to me like they really want to make sure you're comfortable." "Somehow I doubt--" "It's a good move from a business standpoint, too. If they make you feel comfortable throughout the experience and make sure you have a good time, then there's a good chance of making you a repeat customer, which will make them more money." "I guess that makes sense." They rode the rest of the way in silence. Lance watched the pedestrians on the sidewalks as they drove by, occasionally glancing at his roommate, while Durtan fidgeted nervously, both anticipating and trying not to think about what he was about to do. Then they arrived at the corner, Lance paid the driver, and they got out. "Where now?" Durtan looked around at the people and dragons swarming on the sidewalks between the street and the buildings, pausing at storefronts, waiting to cross, waiting for cabs... He pointed. "1642 Lakeside, ground floor. Come on, just a few minutes until your appointment." Durtan moved through the crowds with Lance following just behind him, finding it easier to walk in the path his significantly larger friend cleared than to try and keep up at his side. The dragon stopped at the building, which read "DCDI" on the automatic doors. "Is this the place?" Lance rolled his eyes. "Yes, now walk in already." They entered, walked down a long hallway and through another set of doors to find themselves in a waiting room that reminded Durtan more of a doctor's office than a dungeon. Most of the room's occupants were dragons, but there were a few humans there as well, including the receptionist. "Name and appointment time, please," the receptionist said. Durtan glanced at Lance, who pointed back at him. He growled a little, then said, "Durtan Valnir, nine PM." The receptionist tapped a few buttons on her keyboard, glanced at the screen, then said, "all right. Have a seat and someone will be out to get you shortly." They went and sat down in one of the room's corners. Lance opened his book and Durtan glanced over his shoulder at it: a sci-fi novel. He put his head down, as if reading over Lance's shoulder, but kept his eyes on the door leading further into the building. After a couple of minutes a green-and-white male dragon walked out, and two other dragons went back with him. Then came a female human, who took a male human, then a violet-scaled dragoness walked out and held a muttered conversation with the receptionist, sorting through folders on the desk. Then she looked up, turned her head to examine the whole room, and said, "Durtan Valnir?" He stood, as did Lance, and walked over to her. She looked him up and down, eyes widening a little bit, then grinned and said, "Sarah? Forget I ever complained," and moved her gaze to Lance. "You're with him?" "Yes, I convinced him to come here." She nodded. "Right. Both of you, follow me." She led them down another hallway, then through a door on the left side, which she locked behind them. The room was mostly bare, aside from a dragon-desk against one wall and a number of chairs and cushions by the other, and there was another door opposite the one they'd entered through. Lance took one of the chairs and started reading again, while Durtan and the dragoness sat on either side of the desk. "I'm Runda," she said, sorting through the papers on the desk, "and obviously I'll be your dom for this session. Since this is your first time here we have a few things to do before going to our room to work. There are a few forms for you to sign, we'll go over your interests, what you're comfortable doing, then the rigging assistant will take some measurements and see how flexible you are." He nodded and picked up a pen in his foreclaws. "First we have a medical release; sign at the blue lines." He read the form and signed it, then moved on to a waiver, an insurance form, then... "Video copyright release?" He bared his teeth reflexively, peering at the fine print. "Is this..." "Sorry, I forgot to mention that," Lance said. "They're going to record the session and give you the video, which is an option I also paid for." "Oh," he looked back at Runda, who nodded. "But the recording is just for me?" "It says on the form we won't distribute the video to anyone but you," she pointed at the lines in question, and he read them carefully before signing it. "Right. Now, how much experience do you have with BDSM?" "I've never done it myself, but I've watched some." "A full external hard drive is a little more than 'some,'" Lance said. "Fine, so I watch a fair amount," he growled. "But the important part is that I have no personal experience." "Okay. I'm going to name a number of BDSM activities that I could choose to involve in the session. If you're comfortable with that activity, say yes, and if you're not, say no." She went down the list, marking his answers, then asked, "and is there anything you're specifically interested in?" He thought a moment, trying to keep down his arousal at the scenarios that appeared in his mind. "Predicament bondage, difficult positions... Those are the biggest, and anything I said yes to is below that, I guess." She noted his response on the form, then stood and opened the second door. "Brian? Brian, we need measurements." A human about Lance's age walked through the door, measuring tape in one hand and a clipboard in the other. "Hi, my name's Brian, obviously," he said. "I'll be helping Runda with the rigging." "I'm Durtan," he stood and walked over to the center of the room, moving as directed for each of the man's measurements. "There," he said. "And what's your condom size?" "Medium." Runda, who had disappeared through the door while Brian was working, returned and said, "all right, I think I know what we're going to do during our session. Take your pants off so I can see how flexible you are." He hesitated and twitched his tail in Lance's direction. "Shouldn't we go..." His roommate interrupted him. "Don't be ridiculous, 'tan, I see you naked pretty much every morning." Durtan swung his head around and snarled. "Have you read a single word since we got here?" "Not really," he didn't look up, "but I feel less guilty about eavesdropping if I pretend to be doing something else." Runda laughed and added, "and the two of us will getting more personal with you than he probably ever will in a few minutes, too. You aren't that humanlike when it comes to physical privacy, are you?" "I don't know, I guess I'm a little nervous," he shuffled his wings. "It is my first time doing this, after all, and if Lance hadn't signed me up I wouldn't even be here. Anyway, my parents raised me here in the city, but I don't think I'm that human..." "Hm. Maybe it's just because I grew up in a traditional clan, but I just found it a little surprising is all." His eyes widened. "You were raised out in the mountains? What made you come here, then?" "A number of things," she looked away. "After living here for a few years, though, I am a little jealous of certain aspects of the human method... I would have liked to know who my father was, for one, but I'm not about to go back to the clan and ask all the older guys for samples for a paternity test, and of course my mother has no way of knowing who it was who sired me. But on the other wing, the impregnation-orgy ritual will be an incredible experience, if I ever decide to go back." He nodded, then unzipped his pants and pulled them off, arching his neck and back to show off a little. Runda looked him up and down, and after a little consideration she approached him and told him how to pose himself to test the positions she had in mind; they went through eight or nine positions before she growled and stepped away. "Good enough," she said, and took her own pants off. "Brian, could you give us wing protectors, please?" Her assistant left the room through the door he'd come from and returned a minute later with two elaborate black devices that he strapped over their wings, both pinning them firmly against his back and providing a thick, tough layer of leather to protect his sensitive wings from anything that might happen during their session. Durtan took the opportunity to look over the dragoness who'd be working with him. Her scales were violet all around her head and neck, but as they ran down her body they faded to a dark blue, then finally to black at the tip of her tail. In contrast her eyes and wing membranes were a vivid orange, though her wings also darkened to black at the tips. Overall she was slender, but with a lot of muscle in her legs and back, and she actually looked somewhat familiar... "I feel like I've seen you somewhere before," he said. She paused, then said, "you watch a lot of bondage online?" "I'm a member of Bad Dragons." "Ah. I did a couple shoots for them a few years back, one as a dom, the other as a sub. I prefer being on top, but they claimed to get better response when I subbed and only wanted me back in that role, so I lost interest in working with them." She looked around. "Brian, we ready to go?" "Just about," he said, tightening a few straps on her wing protectors. "...and there we are. You two all set?" Durtan tried to fight down the hollow tingling of nervousness in his underbelly, wings twitching restlessly against his back. "Sure." "Right, then. Lance, is it? Nobody will disturb you in here, and there's a bathroom by the waiting room if you need it. Let's go." She led him through the door and down a short hallway, then through another door labeled "4B." It led into a large square room of plain cinderblock, the walls lined with rows and rows of bondage equipment. "You two get set, and when you're ready I'll start the timer and give the camera operators the green light," Brian said, pausing to put on a mask. Runda led him to the center of the room, picking several pieces of equipment from their hooks on the walls and setting them on a bench next to the door. She took one, a thick leather-and-steel collar, and locked it shut around his throat, whispered the safety indicators in his earhole, then stepped back and nodded to Brian. He took a remote from his pocket and pressed a button, and three cameras on booms swung out from corners of the ceiling. He glanced at each of them, touched a finger to his ear, then gave a thumbs-up. "Look at this," Runda said, raising her head high and baring her teeth at him. "A new slave has been brought to serve me. But apparently you have never been used before... I guess it's up to me to break you in," she struck him around the base of his neck with her tail, and he winced, then she slid her tail up his neck and tugged his head towards her. "Are you going to be a good slave for me?" "Yes, Mistress," he said carefully, lowering his head as much as she had raised hers. "Any slave would say that," she snorted, and took a piece of equipment from the bench; Durtan noticed the cameras pivot and move around the room to get different angles of what the two of them were doing. "But who would trust an unfamiliar slave?" She wrapped her tail around one of his hind paws and pulled, and he shifted his weight, lifting the paw she had pulled to give her access to his underbelly. Durtan turned his head to watch her and she kicked his side with a hind paw. "Face forward, and do not move unless instructed to." He looked straight ahead obediently but felt for even the slightest contact against the scales of his belly, jerking a little when something pinched against both sides of the slit hiding his penis. He knew what it was without having to look: a slit-clamp, which would hold his slit closed and keep him from getting an erection. "I don't want to see your pitiful little dick yet. Now can you stand still for a beating, or will I have to make sure you don't move on my own?" He felt his arousal start to grow, running almost immediately into the clamp. "I can keep still, Mistress." "Let's see, then." She snatched a leather crop from the bench with her tail and slapped his flank with it; that wasn't so bad, but then she struck again, much harder, on the inside of his thigh. He cried out and his hindquarters hunched down instinctively, to protect his underbelly, and even though he managed to stand up straight again after a moment Runda shook her head disapprovingly. "You can't follow orders at all. I told you not to move, and see what you did? Pathetic, almost as pathetic as that scream. I can't stand to see or hear that reaction again." She took a bridle from her bench, jammed the thick metal bit into the back of his mouth and tightened the straps, clamping his jaws shut around it. Then she bound his hind paws to either end of a spreader bar, locked that to the floor so it wouldn't move, and shackled his front paws together uncomfortably on top of the base of his neck. She pulled on his front paws, guiding them and his head beneath him until he was standing in an uncomfortable "D" shape, back curled so his front paws were between his hind paws, head and tail pointing in the same direction. Brian came to help here, tying the shackles on his forepaws to the center of the spreader bar and tying his collar to an anchor-ring in the floor, forcing his head to stay upside-down against the ground. "Since you've already shown me you're incapable of keeping your whole body still, let's try something simpler," Runda said. "Hold your tail in the air." He lifted it. "Higher." He raised it more, and she struck his flank with the crop; he moaned through his gag at the pain and bucked against his restraints out of reflex, but managed to keep his tail raised. She waited a moment, then struck him again, and a third time, varying her timing enough to keep him guessing when each stroke would come. His moans progressed to growls, then to muffled bellows at the sting of the crop against his scales, and after one especially tough stroke he forgot to hold up his tail. "Tail up, slave!" she roared, whipping hard at his underbelly instead. He screamed at the pain and clenched his jaw against the bit, throwing himself reflexively against the chains, desperate to escape for a moment before he remembered what he was expected to do and raised his tail once again. "That's it," she said more softly, and went back to whipping his flanks. "Present yourself to me like a proper slave." She kept it up for another couple of minutes, then gave a few strokes to his back, and after one last, soft strike at his underbelly she stepped away and put the crop down. "You've pleased your mistress, slave. You deserve a reward for that, so here's what I'll do: I will give you a chance to further prove yourself to me. I will remove your clamp and allow you to prove to me that you can keep your unworthy cock out of my sight, but if you can't do that then I'm going to have to punish you for disobeying me. And do you want to disobey me?" He shook his head the little that he could. "Then let's see what you're capable of." She removed the slit-clamp and watched him carefully, but he was relieved to feel no reaction in his loins aside from a brief tingle as blood flow returned to the places that had been gripped by the clamp. This was something he wasn't sure he could do; there had been some occasions when he'd tried to control himself, of course, but he'd never tried very seriously and had never been under so much pressure to do so, either. "Good, for now, and if you can keep control of yourself for a while then you will be rewarded. I have something I must do and will be back in a few minutes, but I will know if you don't follow my orders. You may lower your tail, but don't let the slightest bit poke itself out of you or you will be punished for it." She turned and left the dungeon, the door slamming shut behind her. Durtan tried to look around, but with his head tied so firmly and so close to the ground he could only see about a third of the room without choking himself against his collar. Brian, wherever he was, was also out of view, though two of the cameras were swiveling slowly in and out of his line of sight--he made sure not to look straight at them. He did his best not to struggle and not to think about what might come next; he was sure any thoughts of his current predicament or what was to come would give him an erection, and didn't want to face whatever punishment she might come up with for that. But his back was really starting to hurt, along with his shoulders, with the position he was in putting so much of his weight against them, and the base of his neck was aching where he had to duck under his bound forepaws... He tugged at his collar and his shackles almost unconsciously, thinking about work whenever he felt pressure building in his underbelly and managing to control himself, at least for now. The door was flung open a few minutes later and he saw Runda enter out of the corner of his eye, growling loudly and stomping hard against the floor. "I am in a terrible mood now, slave, and I need to relax with myself for a little while... But I suppose I should at least give you a chance to stretch out before you're permanently deformed." Brian untied his collar and shackles and she helped him pull his neck out from under his forepaws and get his paws back under him, then disconnected the spreader bar from the floor. "Here, this should help you straighten your back out." Brian attached a chain to the center of the manacles on his front paws, then climbed a ladder and attached the other end to the ceiling while Runda lifted his forepaws higher and higher until Brian secured the chain in place, forcing him to stand reared back on his hind legs. Brian then tied a short rope leading from his collar to his forepaws, to make sure Durtan held his head up, and put the ladder away. "You can just stay there for a few minutes while I relax, but my previous orders still stand." She walked over towards her bench and he was tempted to watch her, to see what would happen next, but had already been reprimanded once for that and if he did it again the consequences would be worse. So he looked straight ahead, listening for some noise that would tell him what she was doing. After a few moments he heard a low, near-constant hum: she was using a vibrator on herself. No! he thought, twitching a little, tail curling and uncurling restlessly; even if he didn't watch, he knew the sound and the mere knowledge that she was pleasuring herself would definitely arouse him. But then, he decided, the fact that she was doing something so sexual probably meant that he wasn't supposed to succeed, especially considering the circumstances of her decision to masturbate: her apparent anger, when she could have only possibly left to give him a little time to struggle on his own. Of course he still thought it would be fun to try and resist it, and when she started moaning he let out a quiet groan, struggling a little against his restraints and looking away from her, feeling the swelling begin in his hindquarters and trying to find a way to mentally fight the reaction. Runda gasped, then growled, and he also heard some kind of rapid scraping--her tail against the ground? It went on for a little while longer and he failed not long after that, feeling the head of his penis emerge, still swelling, from its slit. At least she was behind him, so she wouldn't notice right away, and now that he knew he was going to be punished anyway he couldn't help but turn his head to see her sprawled on her back, eyes closed, tail clenched around a vibrator that was pressed against the top edge of her vent. As he watched she went still for a moment, then arched her back and roared, every inch of her spine spasming during her orgasm. She finally subsided, purring, then opened her eyes and saw him watching her. "Bad slave!" she roared, scrambling to her feet and bounding over to him, then circling around to see his full erection. "Oh, you're in trouble now," she growled, beckoning Brian over with her tail. "You had such an incredible chance to impress me and you blew it. You are going to pay for this." Brian took some thin rope and tied one tight loop around the base of his cock, knotted it--too tight for him to lose his erection anytime soon--then pulled down until he bent his hind legs about halfway. She stopped him there, and he could only watch as Brian tied the other end of the rope to a metal loop sticking out of the floor. He struggled for a moment, but stopped with a grunt of pain: the chain holding up his front paws wasn't long enough to let him sit, and the rope around the base of his penis was too short to let him stand up all the way. He tried to let all his weight rest on the shackles around his forepaws, but not only did that hurt his forelegs and shoulders but the angle also made his body swing forward, a sharp, tearing pain flaring up around his penis as he reached the limit of the rope and he had to put his hind paws back down and return to his original position. Brian returned to the corner and Runda took a single-tail in her paw. "Ten for watching me, ten more for enjoying it," she snarled. "And then I'll punish you for your real disobedience." She lashed out with her tail and the whip struck his underbelly just above his slit. He screamed through his gag at the pain and bucked in his chains--until his efforts pushed him up from the ground and the rope around his cock went taut, tugging down hard and bringing even more pain to his belly, drawing another scream. It was all he could do to fight down the instinct to thrash again, and subsided with a whimper. This was too much, so much harder than what he'd expected... I can't do this! he thought, whining out of the back of his throat, tail lashing back and forth at his distress. Runda noticed, and reared up to look him in the eye. "That was a little hard for a beginner," she said softly. "Are you okay?" He whimpered again. "Durtan, can you keep going, or are we going to have to stop?" He twisted a little in his restraints, but didn't say yes or no. If he said yes then she'd hurt him again, but if he said no they wouldn't be able to finish, and-- "This is the last I'm going to whip you, and if you can just make it a little farther you'll be rewarded for it," she stroked his chin with a claw. "Come on, don't you want to show me how tough a dragon you are?" He groaned, regained control of himself, then mumbled what he hoped would sound like "yes, Mistress," past his gag. "Very good," she purred. "I'll take a little off until you have time to adjust. Just count the strokes in your head and you'll get through this. You know you can do it." She took aim at his flanks and whipped him. Durtan growled, but the pain was less and he managed to keep himself relatively still. So she struck again, then got into a rhythm, placing four on his flanks, where the thicker muscle and scale helped dull the sting of the whip, then put two on his inner thighs and two more against his underbelly. He managed to hold himself reasonably still and didn't strain against the rope on his cock again, but couldn't keep from crying out with pain at each stroke and clamping down on the bit between his teeth. By the last few strokes he was growling with each breath and his hind legs were beginning to tremble from the strain of holding himself so carefully in the half-crouch. Runda saw him struggling again and took a little off the last couple of lashes, and once she had finished the twenty strokes she put the whip aside and nuzzled at his chin, purring softly. "That was not an easy punishment," she said. "You should be proud of how well you handled it. Now you stay here for just a moment," she went over and opened a little window in the wall that he hadn't noticed before. He growled, hind legs shaking a little more; he couldn't sit or stand in his current position, and having to stay carefully in between was really starting to tire him out--especially after being whipped. He settled for standing a little taller and just taking the dull pain at the base of his cock that came with it. Then Runda returned, the wall with the little window in it sliding slowly open to reveal another dungeon on the other side. There was a dragoness in bondage there, chained to display herself in his direction, hunched over and ready to be mounted. "If you had just behaved I would have rewarded you by letting you fuck this other slave, but you had to go and disobey me," she whispered in his earhole. "Of course we can't punish her for that, so now she gets her master's glorious cock inside her instead. As for you... Well, you and I can watch for a little while," she sat down next to him, curling her tail around the rope running from his penis to the floor and occasionally tugging at it to make sure he didn't try to zone out of the situation, drawing muted grunts of pain each time she did so. He groaned, hind legs trembling at the strain and cock throbbing, both from his level of arousal and from the tightness of the rope around its base. The dominant dragon in the other cell didn't look at them at all, he just walked up behind the securely bound dragoness and mounted her, taking her hard and fast, occasionally slapping her flanks and belly with his tail. Durtan couldn't help but start rocking his hips back and forth while he watched, erection bobbing up and down as the rope went taut, relaxed a bit, then went taut again, bringing with it little flares of pain that only aroused him more. But Runda didn't seem to want him to enjoy it that much and tugged hard on the rope after a little while, forcing him to stop and making him growl loudly at the pain. "I told you to watch, not to think you could take that master's place." She motioned with her tail and the wall slid shut again. "Your pathetic little dick is nothing compared to a master's," she growled, "and you're going to have to prove that it's worthy of me if you want a chance to use it." She pulled hard on the rope one last time, his hind legs shaking as he struggled to keep the pain out of his shoulders and underbelly, but then Brian put the ladder next to him again and unhooked the chain that forced him to stand on his hind legs. He moaned with relief and sat back on his haunches while Brian took the chain off his shackles and untied the rope from the shackles--though he left the other end tied to his collar--but then he returned with something else from Runda's bench: a dildo with an attachment on the blunt end, which let him tie the phallus onto the front of Durtan's bridle. "If you want to use your real cock, show me you know what to do with this fake one." She laid down on her back with her vent exposed to him and took the rope leading from his collar in her paw as a sort of leash. But to reach her he had to crawl forward, which was no easy task in his chains, and his penis was still tied to the floor, providing additional--and painful--resistance as he got close to her. He whined as the pain started to flare up and put his head forward as far as he could reach, but the tip of the dildo was still a few inches short of her vent. "Do you want to fuck me or not? Try harder!" she snarled, and pulled on his leash. He whined again and strained forward another couple inches, trying to ignore the burning all around his penis, but the pain was too much and he sagged back, moaning unhappily. Runda bared her teeth at him, but after a moment she subsided and squirmed over the floor until she was in his reach, and he pressed his neck forward, thrusting the toy into her. He waited a moment, pulled back, pushed forward, and settled into a steady rhythm. She growled her approval and reached back with her tail to tickle his underbelly with it, then after he'd been working for about a minute she found the head of his cock and started to tease him, tickling lightly and making him moan with the first pleasure she'd given him during their session. They both went on like that for a little while, then she moved her tail away from him again and he whined, trying to hump against the floor only once before the rope pulled hard against his penis and forced him to stop again. He growled unhappily but kept his neck going even though the effort was making him pant, occasionally twisting his neck to one side or the other and hoping it would please her more. She made him work a minute or two longer, then purred and stopped the motion of his head with a hind paw. "It seems this slave is better than I thought he was," she said. "Now let's give you a little more room to move and see what you can do with the real thing." Runda and Brian removed all his restraints except for the collar, leash and bridle, and he growled happily as the painful tension on the base of his penis was removed. That acute strain was replaced by a more general and much less painful tightness when Brian put a condom on for him, then the human hurried out from between them and Runda tugged on his leash again, lying on her back again and drawing him towards her. "You will not come until tell you to, and you will not ask for it, either; you must make me orgasm, and after that I will give you permission. If you disobey you will be punished again," she growled. "Now get over here and take your Mistress before she loses her patience." He was so eager he nearly tripped in his effort to get to her as quickly as possible, so aroused at this point that every moment he went without mounting her seemed painful. After a terrible few seconds he managed to line up properly and thrust down hard with his hindquarters, driving into her and gasping at the sudden pleasure. It was then he remembered her warning and it took every ounce of control he had to keep his pace slow, to make sure he gave her time to get as close as he already was. But then, he realized, he had been teasing her while she had teased him, and judging by the way she squirmed and moaned beneath him already she had to be fairly close as well. He sped up a little bit, then a little more, rocking side-to-side as well as back and forth to give her as much sensation as he could. He wished he could use his tail to help her along, but she'd twined hers tightly in his and he had no chance of moving it. Just when he felt the pressure of his own impending orgasm building in his underbelly Runda gasped, clutched him close to her and came, pulling hard on his leash and clenching her claws against his sides, roaring her pleasure until it echoed off the walls of the dungeon. But the extra stimulation only brought him closer and he slowed his pace as much as he could, grunting at the effort it took to control himself and hoping somehow she would sense his need through her haze of roaring and pleasure. Her climax went on for nearly half a minute and he whined desperately, biting down on his gag and doing all he could to distract himself from the sensation, the urge to thrust as hard as he could and release himself inside her. He was sure he could only last another moment and bellowed his frustration, digging his claws into her almost out of reflex, and that got her attention. "On three," Runda panted, her throes finally subsiding. He whined again, pressing hard against her, muscles in his cock and underbelly clenched tight and begging for him to give himself just a moment's more sensation. There was no way he'd make it that long... "One... Two..." The count seemed agonizingly slow and he dug his claws still harder into the scales of her chest, urging her to just let him go before he lost control. "Three!" He bellowed again and thrust as hard and fast as he could, and only a moment later he howled at the intense pleasure of his long-withheld orgasm, pressing against her over and over again until finally he had emptied himself into the condom. He humped her a few more times after the feeling had ended, then collapsed on top of her, breaths gusting through his nostrils as he tried to recover. "Maybe you're not such a bad slave after all," she murmured, and took off his bridle. "But you'd better get off me before I start wanting you to take me again." "Yes, Mistress," he panted, stepping back to give her room to stand. She rolled to her feet, then turned and nuzzled behind his jaw. "And I hope you'll let me use you again sometime." "Right, we'll stop there," Brian said. "You two actually ran over by a couple minutes but something tells me you won't be charged extra for that," he grinned. Runda took off his collar. "That was actually pretty good considering it was your first time. You had a little trouble during the predicament section, but I had hit you pretty hard." Durtan held still while Brian, wearing gloves, peeled off his condom. "You really think I did well?" "I'd think whatever you told me to think after that ride you gave me," she laughed. "I never did like dragons calling me 'mistress' but I had a kind of planned-lines thing going on when you first said it and didn't feel like stopping to correct you, and since I kept you gagged most of the time I didn't have to listen to it very much anyway." Brian removed their wing protectors, then she led Durtan to an adjacent room, a shower, and turned a couple of knobs. Hot water blasted onto the two of them from all sides and they helped to scrub each other down, then she massaged the places she'd whipped him, kneading at the scales with her claws and drawing a few satisfied growls as the tight, bruised muscles slowly unwound themselves. Then they dried off and returned to the room Lance was waiting in. "How was it?" he asked. "Pretty good," Durtan said, "but next time you pay someone to tie me up and abuse me give me a little more advance warning." "I hope you enjoyed it enough to come back," Runda said. "You certainly seemed to be having a good time." "I enjoyed it." He started putting his pants back on, then said, "if I did come back, is there any way... I mean, if I wanted to request--" She growled. "If you liked me enough to want to see me again, you don't ask to work with me a second time, you ask for my number." "Unless I'm not looking for a relationship right now. After this session I feel like I'd be more willing to come back if someone I know and think I can trust in this kind of situation, meaning you, was in charge of tying me up." She lowered her head. "I misunderstood; I'm sorry... And yes, you can request a dom, but it obviously makes it more difficult to get an appointment." She put her pants on and unlocked the door leading back to the waiting room. "You can make your follow-up payment to the receptionist, and your video will be mailed to you in about a week." Durtan sat back on his haunches and took his wallet from his pocket. "And I guess for you--" "Dungeon policy is not to accept tips, but thanks for offering. I hope you'll come back to us soon," she said, and opened the door. Durtan and Lance went to the waiting room and Lance paid, then they went back outside and caught a cab back to their apartment building. "I can't believe I just did that," Durtan groaned, putting his head on Lance's armrest. "...I mean, I can't believe you just made me do that." "Oh, shut up. You know you had fun." He didn't have to say anything; they both knew Lance was right. "How much did that cost, by the way? Without the video option." "One-thirty, I think. Don't think you have to pay me back just because you enjoyed it..." "No, I just want to know how much it's going to cost when I make my next appointment. At least I'm supposed to have a raise coming next month." "Another one? The bank must really like you." "Either that or they like having someone who looks really intimidating at the desk closest to the stairs going down to the vault. I'm still convinced they put me there on purpose." Then they arrived, and after a moment Lance said, "hey, can you cover this? I'm a little short on cash." "As long as you pay me back," he growled, and passed the money to the cab driver. Lance waited for Durtan to get back onto the sidewalk, then rolled his eyes and stepped out. "'tan, it's a cab fare. You can afford it." "Hey," he cocked his head to one side, "remember that time you paid someone to tie me up and torture me?" "Oh, fine. But that excuse isn't going to last you forever." "This trip was your idea, so you just have to pay for the whole thing, that's all I'm saying. See you upstairs." He spread his wings and jumped skyward, disappearing into the night air on his way back to his home.

Wonderful, but Evil

"Still?" Aunara uncurled herself and got to her feet. "Yes, still... Trell, you need to stop worrying about this. Making eggs takes time; we're not like humans, who can pop out offspring every year. My mother said when she was raising me that it...

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Worth the Trouble

Trell growled and twitched the ankle of his left hind leg as the human Marcus attempted to wrap a string around it, knocking the little creature onto his backside. "You know I don't like humans," he grumbled in dragonspeak to his mate, Aunara. "Why do...

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