Journey to another world ch34

Story by Tootall on SoFurry

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#31 of Pokemon Journey to another world

Journey to Another World 3

Ch. 4

I stopped in the breeders upper home, as I placed my hands on my knees, and bent over. I felt like I was going to be sick after running that fast. Only to end up lost in the guys home. After looking around for a while I noticed that I had lost myself in his bedroom. Only to have tears quickly start to flow as I sat down and held my head in my lap.

‘I had just abandoned her to this person.' As I looked around the room I was mentally slapping myself. ‘But this is for the best.' Though I would repeat that to myself time and again I couldn't convince myself of it. So to try and distract myself from Rena's predicament I began to look around the room.

The whole room resembled the living room from the first time I'd been to this persons place. Newspapers and other articles of paper seemed to litter his room. This man must really like to read...

Just then the sun finally came into view of the plastic blinds of the window and bathed the room with light. So as I felt the sun start to warm the room up I looked up and saw the room in a new light. But then I noticed that the room was not only covered in news papers but clothing as well. Then something that I'd hoped that I'd never see again showed itself under a pile of cloths on top of the bed...

A silver latex sleeve.


"RENA!" I shouted. My mind switch over to automatic as I jumped to my feet and quickly returned the way it'd come.

An evil laugh filled the darkening corridor as the breeder walked over to the enclosure and knelt down to get a better look at the crying Lucario. He tapped on the glass to get her attention. "Your mine now you pathetic Lucario." He said as he continued to laugh evilly at the suffering Lucario.

"Why? Why did he leave me here?" She said mostly to herself.

The man kept his evil smile as he looked evilly now at the Lucario. "Because he believes that I'm going to help you with your heat." He stood up. "He actually believes that I'm going to help you. What a foolish master you have."

She looked up to the man with tears matting her muzzle. "Why wont you help me?" She asked him as he quickly stopped laughing and looked menacingly at her.

"Because that son of a hor stole something from me." He said while clenching his fist. Then quickly punched the glass, causing Rena to jump back and fall onto her backside. "And I think it's only fitting that I take something of his in turn." Taking a few steps back he pointed into the enclosure. "Now my male Lucario. It's time to see what my money's purchased. RAPE THIS PATHIC EXCUSE OF A POKEMON BITCH."

"With pleasure."

Slowly she turned her head around to see the Lucario that the man had spoken to. Rena saw that the Lucario that had remained motionless throughout the conversation was now looking directly at her. His eyes seemed to be lost in a thick cloud of a haze as he seemed to be breathing heavily in and out through his nose. As if to add to the uncomfortable look, when ever he breathed out it looked like the fog one breaths out on a cold winters night.

"It has been so long since I have had the pleasure of a female bitch in heat." He slowly licked his lips. "Allow me to forewarn you. This will not be pleasant, this will not be fun, and I have no intention of taking it easy on you." To which Rena followed his rest of the way down his well toned body, to see that his small cock was now unsheathed and dripping with anticipation. "Thanks for the wonderful fuck." Was the last thing he said as he leapt towards her.



Everything seemed to stop or go into slow motion as everyone turn towards the entryway to the enclosures. There I stood like a regal old film hero, with the light shinning magnificently behind me, bathing me in a warm light like that the wishes of god had sent me down to earth, and my sword unsheathed in my right hand.

"I thought something was wrong down here. And hearing what you were planning on doing with Rena. I'd say my hunch was right." I said to the breeder. Looking over to Rena I asked, "You alright there Rena?"

"Yes. Now that you are here." (I know, a little cliché. But what can I say, I'm a sucker for a girl in distress =P ) "He was planning on stealing me away from you and sent this Lucario after me." I could see fresh tears start to build in her eyes. "He told him to rape me."

I looked towards the man with daggers in my eyes. "YOU SICK BASTERD! HOW DARE YOU TREAT MY BELOVID RENA IN SUCH A WAY! I'LL MAKE YOU PAY!" So with that I switched my grip so that I was grabbing the hilt up side down, and began to run at him.

The breeder turned and ran down the remainder of the hall and was stopped at the end of it, which like all good fight scenes, was a dead end at his actual work area. As I continued to watch him rummage around a desk with his back turned towards me, I quickly closed the gap between us. "I WILL TAKE YOU HEAD!" I shouted.

Just as I was about to close the gap entirely I saw him look over his right shoulder at me and saw a glint in his eye. ‘Oh crap', I thought as I knew what was going to happen and quickly hit the dirt. Sliding like I was in a major league baseball game, sliding into home plate. Though I wasn't fast enough, as a swishing sound was heard and I lost about two inches of hair.

I slid right in between his legs and ended up under the table that he was facing. "I don't think so. You may have gotten me the last time with your sword antics, but this time I came prepared." I turned and looked out from under the table on my back and saw that he had turned towards the table. After hearing him take in a big breath, I knew that he was planning on doing something big and quickly rolled over to one side of the table.

I couldn't have planned that roll any better, because just as I had rolled a scimitar (Think of a sword that is very long, widens out vertically as you get closer towards the tip, and is curved slightly backwards from the front edge) came piercing through the table and stabbed into the floor where my chest used to be. ‘An amateur move', I thought. Remembering when a friend of mine had used the same move and had gotten his sword stuck at least a good foot or two in the dirt.

Taking advantage of the situation, I quickly jumped out from under the table and quickly moved into my fighters stance. (Left foot pointing forward at him, while my right foot shoulder length from the left. Weight shifted towards the back foot with the foot turned slightly horizontal to the other vertical. Body turned at an angle so that most of my body was protected.) The sword gripped with both hands at my right hip, with the tip of the sword facing him.

"Damn it! It's stuck!" Then in a fit of rage he kicked the table over and was finally able to full the sword free. He turned towards me with the sword held in his left hand, then brought it towards his stomach, and then gripped the hilt with both hands. (Just like he was going to use both hands to push the sword away from his gut.) "Now you're going to pay for stealing my Pokemon!" He shouted at me, as he quickly started running towards me.

I had seen this move done many different times, by many different people who visited the Renaissance Fairs back home. So once he'd gotten within three feet of me he thrust the sword towards my gut this time, only to have me deflect it by using a simple rounding strike. (Think of all those movies where two men locks swords together, then start rolling their swords around and around. Only to have one end up loosing their grip on their sword and have it fly out of their hands.)

Obviously not expecting this, he quickly stumbled past me. And to add insult to injury, I decided to trip him. The result had him land on his face in a superman flying position. And thankfully the sword not landed upon, fortunately.

"I don't know who you are, or care for that matter, but I've never stolen a Pokemon in my life." I said to the man while he pushed himself up off the floor. Then got a leg underneath himself then jumped up, only to spin around and face me.

"You're a fucking liar!" He shouted at me. "Have you forgotten the day that you threatened to stab me in the back, and kicked my Mightena?" And in a flash it all came together. This was the kid that had attacked Jenavee when I'd first arrived in this world With that he pulled off his disguise, and sure enough it was him. "Once I came to I realized that my Pokemon and their balls were gone and so were you."

This time he raised the sword over his right shoulder, still gripping the hilt with both hands and came at me screaming. "Now I'm going to take all your Pokemon, just like you did mine." So, once he was within two feet of me he brought the sword down. Only to have me counter it by bringing mine up over my left shoulder and the blade facing diagonally from left upper to right lower position.

His blade collided with mine, only to have his blade slide down mine and slam itself into the ground, where the tip broke off and skidded off somewhere. Then he turned around with the blade in hand, trying to take a swipe at my legs. I had experienced this type of attack many times as well, and it usually ended up in a killing strike to the back of my opponent when they were reaching like he was. As I simply just stepped back and prepared to bring my sword down on his back. Only, I didn't want to take the kill as it were.

For in my fighting, we never used actual swords. It was usually a wooden practice sword. Something that you would only get a bruise or a broken bone at the most. But this, this was real. Real swords, and real sword fighting. Which meant, a fight to the death. But for some reason this fight didn't seem to be that. He seemed to be angry at me for some reason.

Then looking at the hatred in his eyes, I finally recognized him. It was the same young man that I'd saved Jenavee from all that time ago. Tears seemed to be building up in his eyes at most likely the loss of his companions. So when he brought the sword around for the second time I stepped back again, but brought my sword to bear and lay it facing his head.

"As a great actor once said, ‘Twice I've held your life within my hands. Next time...your mine." (Second hand lions if your wondering) I said to him as he lowered his head, and I could almost hear him start to sob.

"Go ahead. Kill me. I know that I deserve it." He looked up at me with hate in his tear filled eyes. "At least I know that I'll be able to go and see my Pokemon that you killed with that sword of yours." To which he sobbed some more.

"You really want to see your Pokemon that badly?" To which he nodded, and I smirked as I slid my blade back into it's sheath. Then started to laugh quite a bit.

"What's so funny. Do you find it funny that your going to take my life? You sick basterd!" To which I stopped laughing and looked him square in the eye.

"Of course not. Ever since I came here, I've never taken a life with this blade. And that goes double for any Pokemon." I sighed. "Where did you hear such a story?" To which he didn't answer for a while.

"From team Galactic."