Chapter 3: Revalation or Denial?

Story by XenorosthXMD on SoFurry

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#4 of Pursed Series

Xenorosth stood at the top of a mountain. He was on the border of the barren, rocky hills of the black dragons' territory and the luxurious, green forests of the midnight dragons' turf. He was looking out into the sky. It looked so welcoming. An escape from worries. But he might be seen by some dragon that would question him and try to send him home.

He may be a hatchling, but he's seen enough to know what he would be up against if another black dragon came for him.

Xenorosth's thoughts turned to that black dragon that had attacked him. Yamizephyr. It had been about 2 weeks since that beast had tried to kidnap him. Why did that dragon what at him so badly? It made no sense right now. There were not enough clues. It was too bad that he couldn't confront him about it. Xenorosth sighed. This was one enigma that would have to wait. There was nothing he could do for now. He bashed a claw into the ground in anger. To his surprise, he left a small crater in the earth; the rock underneath him shattered into miniscule parts.

Xenorosth looked back at the sky again. The moon looked nice. It seemed to lift some of his anger away. He wondered what it was like on the moon. According to Ariel, it was full of craters and mountainous ridges. It sounded a lot like the black dragon's realms from what he was seeing of it now.

"Maybe one day I'll try to get up there." Xenorosth chuckled to himself. Xenorosth yawned. He didn't want to go home. He feared that Yamizephyr was there, searching for him. Or was he? Xenorosth shook his head. That damn dragon. He was getting to him badly. Xenorosth curled up right there lost in his own thoughts. What was he to do?

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Yamizephyr chuckled. He was at the top of his mountain thinking of his pet-to-be. His mission was a partial success. And the fact that the little hatchling, Xenorosth, could use magic already was all the more incentive to claim his pet. Yamizephyr pictured the hatchling paralyzed under his claw once more. He wanted to put more of his soul in him so he would have easy access his prey's thoughts. There he could alter, influence, and perhaps even place new thoughts into Xenorosth head. But with the job half complete, he could only influence them, and not in any way that would get him closer to his prize.

Yamizephyr pondered lazily at the possibilities of what he could do. He could go search for the hatchling some more, or he could relax a while before he went back to the midnight dragons' territory. He could look for more gems to hoard as well. In face, Yamizephyr could think of a lot of things he could do. So many choices for one like himself. Though if he had Xenorosth he would have even more choices. The more that Yamizephyr thought about it the more he wanted to go see Xenorosth again.

He was soon decided. He stood there for a while. Then he teleported back in to the area that he had found Xenorosth the first time. It looked the same as when he left it. The spot was still tore up from where he had knocked Xenorosth into the stone barrier that he had created, then attempted to put some of his soul into Xenorosth's heart.

Yamizephyr stood there for a while, pondering what trouble he could cause. Perhaps he could get Ariel involved as well. He had a few things he wanted to point out. He was curious whether Xenorosth had yet been told a few pieces of information that Xenorosth wouldn't like to hear. He grinned greedily knowing exactly what note to hit with Ariel. He started his way toward her lair. He hoped Xenorosth wasn't home at the moment. He hoped to talk with her in private.

It took about an hour for him to reach his destination. He found Ariel's den a in a nice, cozy spot hidden well by the trees branches. It wasn't too far from a large lake and a trail that led to the mountainside. He cautiously peaked into the cavern. He found Ariel curled up with a precious topaz, about a foot tall, wide and long, in her claw. She didn't seem to notice the black dragon peering at her. She was polishing it with what appeared to be a greenish blue spark. It was burning all the dirt and smoothing it into a sphere.

"Greetings, Ariel. Where is the hatchling?" Yamizephyr finally said after a few minutes of watching Ariel polish her stone. He entered into the cave. Ariel let out a loud growl, quickly taking an offensive stance, ready for battle. She quickly hissed

"Why? So you can have at him again? He is gone from here! Now unless you are looking for a fight,

leave!" Yamizephyr was very amused at this.

"Ariel, I am not here to pick a fight. If I were, I would have attacked a while ago. I only wish to see if you are giving Xenorosth all the information he should have." Ariel was confused. What was Yamizephyr talking about? She voiced this thought.

"What are you talking about?"

"You should know. You have denied him information on his future, your past, and even who he is today. He knows not of his true heritage." Ariel's eyes widened.

"And you want to be there to see how he reacts! You do have a point though. He should know."

Yamizephyr nodded.

"You shall tell him tonight." Ariel snarled.

"I shall do nothing by your request." Ariel shook her head.

"Oh? You think that? Might I remind you of the time where you were my servant? Unless you want to take Xenorosth's place as a pet, I recommend that you tell him tonight."

Ariel growled. She backed up a little. She didn't want a fight right now. She was cornered already. And if she lost the fight Xenorosth would be defenseless to any other black dragon after him. She was sure that Yamizephyr would get some of his friends to take in Xenorosth.

"Fine..." Ariel snapped.

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Xenorosth was in lake taking a swim. The water was refreshingly cool. It was the same place that Xenorosth had first seen his mother. It was a weird feeling being here. Was the emotions flowing in him fear? Regret? Satisfaction? It was most likely a mix of all three. He really didn't know what to think. So many thoughts were running in his head.

"Xenorosth! Where are you?"

It must have came from somewhere near by. It was probably Ariel. But why was she looking for him? Normally she just waits for him until he got to the lair. It must be really important. What if she spotted Yamizephyr? Xenorosth started to panic. He shot out of the water, spreading his sapphire wings. He broke into a dash in mid air. He saw her on the edge of the lake. Xenorosth flew towards her as fast as he could. He wished he mastered teleportation. He could only do small distances occasionally. Xenorosth found mother on the side of the lake. He landed right in front of his mother. She had an edge of distress in her eyes.

"What is wrong?" Xenorosth asked. Ariel refused to look Xenorosth in the eye. "It is nothing." Ariel said, she sounded resigned. There was a moment of silence "There is something I wanted to say. I haven't explained to you a lot about my past. Nor have I told you who you father is." Ariel sighed. She seemed to struggle with every word. "I think this may be early, but I have no choice. You will find that this will seem nonsensical at first, but it will answer many of your questions."

Xenorosth looked at his mother curiously. Why would her past be such a big deal? And his heritage! "Why would I care about some other midnight dragon? I don't care about not knowing of my father. A mother is good enough!" Xenorosth knew this was a lie. He was always curious about who his father was. However he never asked. He was content with what he had. Ariel shook her head. "Not a midnight dragon. A..." Xenorosth cut her off. "That's impossible! I would have a different scale color or something then you!"

"Your eyes" Ariel stated, "Your eyes are proof of your true nature."

"My eyes? What about them?"

"They're red. Mine are blue."

"So then who would be my father? Ariel laughed. She still seemed nervous, though.

"Please, let me explain myself"

A deep menacing voice came from behind Xenorosth.

"Or you can let me explain." It was Yamizephyr. Xenorosth hissed and backed up.

"You!" was all he could say. He became filled with hate, fear, and most of all confusion. What did Yamizephyr know about him that he didn't know about himself?

"Me." Yamizephyr said. Ariel growled quietly at Yamizephyr. She was obviously displeased, but she didn't say a word.

"Mother? Is something wrong? Besides the monster here anyway." Xenorosth added with a growl.

"Monster? No. I have my own heart. And the reason I am here is to help Ariel explain who you are. You see, I am your father. I am the reason your eyes are red." Yamizephyr hissed. Xenorosth gasped. He looked at Ariel for confirmation. She nodded. But it couldn't be! How could someone who was trying to capture him be his own father? Was the world so cruel? Xenorosth let out a roar, turned tail. Ariel saw this and shouted,

"Don't go!" but it was too late. He dived back into the lake that was behind him. He couldn't bear to face the facts. Or lies. But why would Ariel lie about that. It wasn't like her. Could it really be?

Xenorosth hid from his father. Hid from reality. Xenorosth went into his deepest thoughts. It was the only place he was safe. He closed his eyes in the water, curling up into a ball. Xenorosth wasn't sure what to do next. He narrowed down his choices to three options. Either he could, try to get the two enemies to get along, continue living with his mother, fleeing from his father, or flee for the rest of his life. Well, He could try to get the two to stop fighting, but he would also risk himself. His black-scaled father wanted him as a pet. That option was out. He thought about continuing with his mother. He wasn't sure, though, that he could see his mother fight with his father. They were too much of a broken family.

Now the last one seemed most tempting. It was most certainly the easiest on him. He didn't have to deal with his father. But where would he go? If he were in the midnight dragons' territory he would eventually be taken to his mother. If he were to live in the black dragons' he would eventually be enslaved by one of its inhabitants. And beyond that? A world he knew nothing of. He knew that the dragons above the black dragon's turf were masters of fire. Maybe they could educate him, but he also heard that very protective. He could be killed for trespassing.

Xenorosth opened his eyes once more. He swam back to the edge of the lake, hopped out and landed on the grassy bank. He saw his father a good distance in front of him. He growled. He didn't want to deal with him right now. His rage was peaking to a new high.

"Why don't you just give into your heritage? See how it is on my side of family. I'll let you run for now. But just think about it. I promise to be gentle handling you. I wouldn't hurt my own pet." Hearing this furthered Xenorosth's rage. He started to feel overwhelmed in heat from the fire of his rage. He saw Yamizephyr beckon. He would not tolerate him. The fire inside Xenorosth grew and grew.

"Don't even! I've had enough!" Xenorosth said, his teeth cleched. Yamizephyr laughed. "You can't do anything to escape. You're just a hatchling!"

Just a hatchling? Just a hatchling!? He's gone too far. Xenorosth roared loudly.

"I'll show you what a hatchling can do!" He held up a claw, releasing the fire that was inside of him. A black fireball leapt from his hand and hit Yamizephyr directly in the chest. Yamizephyr grunted in pain. His eyes were wide. He stood there in amazement. He must not have expected that. Xenorosth didn't either to be honest Yamizephyr backed away.

"So you can fight a bit. I'll be back for you. I have to revise my plans now." Yamizephyr observed. Yamizephyr teleported away. Xenorosth was shaken.

Xenorosth stood there in the woods, unsure of what to do. He was tired of these meaningless fights. He would be torn apart mentally and physically in a real fight. If he stayed he would be enslaved. He made up his mind. It was time to go. Xenorosth had no choice. Xenorosth walked away and headed for the border of the midnight dragons' and black dragons' turf. It was time to go. He knew exactly where he would like to go as well. It was a risk, but he was sure it would be worth it. Or at least he hoped it would.

Chapter 4: A new journey

Don't forget to check the previous chapters to get character description! Please comment as well. Thank you! \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* Right...

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Chapter 2: Red Eye

Xenorosth woke up in the middle of his room. He stretched out his scaly, blue claws. He yawned lazily. Xenorosth's life had become very easy ever since he found his mother, found him a few months ago. She was the only reason Xenorosth had such a...

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Chapter 1:Pursued

Xenorosth grumbled as he entered a new neck of the woods. Xenorosth, only a small, blue, non-anthro hatchling, was feeling misplaced. He wanted to be in his lair, his mother and father at his side. At only five feet high, he was easy prey for any other...

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