A Night at the Zoo 4: Earning Their Stripes

Story by WomanWhoRunsWithTheWolves on SoFurry

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More after-hours fun at the zoo

WARNING! This story contains sexual scenes involving humans and zebras. If you don't like the sound of that, stop reading now.

Story and characters (c) to ME. No touchy-touchy.


by WomanWhoRunsWithTheWolves

"Lu? Lu!" Paul prodded his girlfriend, who was lying fast asleep beside him. "Lu, wake up!"

"Hmm ... what?" Lu murmured sleepily. "What is it, Paul?"

"How about we take a little trip to the zoo?" said Paul.

Lu sat up and rubbed her eyes. "You're really getting in to this animal thing, aren't you?" she grinned. She worked at the local zoo, and three times now she and Paul had gone there, after hours, and indulged in some sexual fantasies with the animals. "What time is it?"

"Half past two," Paul replied, glancing at the clock on the bedside table.

"Well ... there is something I've been wanting to try, as it happens ..."

"So let's go! Come on, whatever it is I'm sure I'll be up for it. Which animals did you have in mind?"

"The zebras," said Lu.

"Zebras?" Paul was a little surprised. So far all their encounters had been with predators, but there was no reason, he decided as he thought it over, that they shouldn't try something new. "Okay. I'm in."


There were five zebras at the zoo - a stallion, three mares and, born only a week ago, a new little foal. They were kept in a big outdoor paddock during the day, but at night were shut in a sort of barn, rather like one big stable. As Lu led Paul inside this, there was a snort from the stallion as he pushed in front of his herd, ready to defend them from a possible threat. Then he recognized Lu and gave a nicker of welcome, echoed by the mares.

"Hello, boy," said Lu, going up and patting his neck. She turned to Paul and added: "He'll be alright now. He accepts strangers as long as they're with someone he knows."

As she spoke, she changed her pats to strokes, and began to work her way down the stallion's back. The zebra half-closed his eyes in what appeared to be content, and made no attempt to move away. When her hands reached his rump, Lu started to stroke down his side and along his flank, slowly going lower and lower until she was stroking his belly. Paul could see where this was leading, but it wasn't until Lu kneeled beside the zebra and began rubbing his sheath that he realized he had an erection. He immediately removed his clothes, figuring they were going to come off sooner or later anyway.

The stallion raised his head and whinnied softly as Lu's skilful fingers fondled his sheath, but he obviously did not find the sensation unpleasant. Several inches of zebra cock had already emerged, and Lu now transferred her attentions to it, rubbing it gently and taking the tip in her mouth and suckling on it. More and more cock emerged from the stallion's sheath, until Lu had both hands wrapped round the huge dangling organ. Paul, who was by no means small in the penis department, was beginning to feel quite inadequate.

"You're not going to try and get all that inside you, are you?" he asked in some alarm.

Lu stopped sucking on the zebra's cock and grinned at him. "Of course not," she said. "Now, you come here and keep him happy while I get undressed."

"What?" exclaimed Paul. "Touch his cock?"

"Yes, Paul, it won't hurt you!"

"But isn't that a bit ... gay?"

"Paul, we are having sex with animals here. I think we've already thrown caution to the wind as far as sexual preferences go, don't you? And I didn't hear you complaining when it was me getting licked out by a female jaguar."

"Well ... okay ..."

Somewhat reluctantly, Paul kneeled down next to Lu and, as she let go of the zebra's cock, curled the fingers of both hands around it. Lu got up and undressed quickly, then crawled under the stallion's belly and lay down on her back. She spread her legs and ran her fingers over her already moist sex, saying to Paul: "Now, make him cum on me."

Paul, who was finding touching the zebra's cock much less unpleasant than he had imagined, felt his own cock grow even harder at these words. Watching Lu lightly play with herself, he started to slide both hands in unison up and down the zebra's impressive length, beginning at the sheath and going all the way to the tip, running his fingers over the end. He did this slowly at first, gradually picking up speed, figuring that what felt good to him when he masturbated, or Lu gave him a hand-job, would also feel good to the zebra.

This reasoning seemed to be sound, for as he worked the stallion began tossing his head and making little whickering sounds of pleasure. A quivering started in his haunches, and he made bucking movements with his hips. Suddenly the great, thick shaft in Paul's hands seemed to stiffen further, and before he realized what was happening a huge jet of cum spurted from it, splashing across Lu's stomach and breasts. Paul quickly aimed the tip of the spasming cock between her thighs so that the next gush of zebra spunk sprayed all over her sex.

Lu gasped with pleasure as the hot seed spattered her engorged clit, and spread herself open so that the next blast squirted between her vaginal lips, hitting the tight, moist ring of her entrance. Paul continued to pump the twitching zebra cock until the flow eased to a trickle, milking out the last few drops onto Lu's throbbing clit. At last he released the stallion's cock, which began to retreat back into its sheath.

Now Lu started to masturbate in earnest. Using the zebra cum that soaked her slit as a lubricant, she rubbed her clit with the tip of one finger, two fingers of her other hand sliding between her lips, hovering there for a moment before plunging inside. Paul watched, one cum-covered hand moving to his cock. Then, suddenly, he felt something soft touch the head of his penis.

Looking down in surprise, he saw the zebra foal nuzzling him with his velvety nose. He had approached unnoticed during the proceedings, curious to see what was going on, and was now close enough to investigate. Paul pulled away when the foal first started to lip his cock, but the foal followed and tried again. Paul looked back at Lu masturbating, then down at his cock, aching for release. The foal was a male, but he could not deny that those soft lips felt good moving over his erection.

Coming to a decision, Paul guided the head of his cock to the foal's lips. The foal lipped at it for a moment, then opened his mouth, allowing Paul to press himself gently inside. He was relieved - though he had expected as much - to find that the foal had no teeth as yet, and wallowed in the sensation of the warm, wet mouth taking him in. Then the foal's instinct to suckle took over, and he began to suck on the hard shaft filling his mouth. Paul moaned, and heard an answering moan from Lu, who was watching him, her fingers moving faster in and out of her slit as she saw her boyfriend getting sucked off by the young, male zebra. She was close to her peak, and as Paul started to thrust his cock deeper into the foal's mouth, she came, crying out with ecstasy as she lay shuddering in the straw. She withdrew her fingers, dripping with a mixture of zebra cum and her own juices, from her sex, and settled back to watch Paul.

His hands clutched either side of the foal's head, holding him in place as he pumped urgently in and out of his mouth. He could feel his orgasm building as the soft lips moved up and down his length, suckling on him. And then, suddenly, he was there, burying himself to the hilt in the foal's muzzle and pushing his head into his groin as he fired shot after shot of cum down the little zebra's throat. The foal swallowed it all, making no attempt to pull away until no more was forthcoming, and Paul released him. With a final lick over the head of his cock, which made him groan, the foal let the softening organ drop from his mouth and went trotting back to his mother.

Another night at the zoo had reached its climax.