Naughty Fourth of July Celebrations

Story by WereGWolf on SoFurry

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Just a little story to celebrate the holiday today, 4th of July!

G-Wolf lightly chuckled as he leaned back in his beach chair and watched his friends, Tarik, Spark, Glema, and Riyo, run toward the waters of Lake Michigan. The best part of the whole picture was that all four of them were naked. It made it more amusing to watch.

The cheering and yelling as they entered the water slowed to nothing and turned into curses and whelps as they all get their groin area under the water.

"Holy fuck! This is fucking cold!" Glema shouted out.

Outright laughing now, G-Wolf struggled to form words in his bursts of laughter. "Haha! I told you guys I was going to be fucking cold! It's Lake Michigan for crying out loud. It's not freezing cold but it's cold still, especially when it gets to your goods there." G-Wolf got out between hics of laughter.

Their cursing finally stopped and they manned up and went deep and dove under the water to be refreshed from the clear, sunny sky above. Shortly, all four were back and dried their fur off then either sat on a chair under an umbrella or laying out on the towel and getting some fun.

Next to G-Wolf sat his mate and slave, Tarik. He sat in his chair then pulled G-Wolf into a kiss. "Love you, stud. Glad we came out here, never swam in a Great Lake before."

Smiling, G-Wolf replied. "Love you too, my wolf. Though your poor cock and balls got a little shrunk from the water. I warned you if was going to be cold."

"You did and I dont regret it, I can say I was in Lake Michigan now. And as for my cock and balls, they are warming up in the sun, it's such a beautiful day and it only just started."

"It is and we beat the crowd, it will be a little packed later and of course we are in a nudist county, you can be nude almost anywhere here, expect some place but you get go wrong with this."

"No you can't." Tarik replied and kissed his mate and master once more. "So, anything else planned?"

G-Wolf shrugged. "No really. Hang out here, enjoy the company of our friends, go walk on the pier, fuck. Anything. We have all day. Then there's dinner and fireworks later tonight."

"Mm... That sounds good. Anything is good as long as I am with you, babe, sir." Tarik said, sneaking a hand to G-Wolf groin.

The hand didn't faze G-Wolf, he just looked at his mate in the eyes then took the hand on his groin and stood from his seat. "Hehe. I see we need to have our own personal playtime before anything else today. Care to walk to the lighthouse with me?"

"Yes, sir." Tarik said, all sex and submissive now.

"That's what I thought." G-Wolf said, turning and walked on, Tarik following as they still held hands. Calling back to his friends. "We'll be back in a bit, I need to knock the horniness out of my mate." Cheers and shouts of approval came from the other three as they watch the dou walk to the pier.

"You gotta love friends like that." Tarik said as they got to the concrete walk of the pier that lead to a lighthouse out in the lake.

"Yeah, they are the gayest, bestest friends you can have, for sure." G-Wolf agreed.

The duo ideally chatted about random things as they walked to the lighthouse, behind it G-Wolf leaned back against it and looked at his pup then pushed him to his knees. "If my babe wants a bone, I'll give him one. Suck your master boyfriend nice and good, its the only lube we have right now."

Tarik looked up to his master boyfriend and smiled. "Yes, sir. Will be a pleasure to." Tarik said then put a paw to the furry groin before him and teased the peaking canine cock to come out of his hiding hole.

It didn't take much before a six inch, throbbing canine cock was before Tarik who didn't waste a second and quickly put the meat into his maw and sucked. Moans came from G-Wolf above as Tarik sucked and sucked good, having done it many times and love each second of it. Soon a hand was on Tarik's head, rubbing and edging him one.

The motion of the hand started to turn from rubbing and cheering to guiding and forcing. That made Tarik moan, he loved being man-handled. Sure he was a subby bitch, but he still love being used like a bitch.

"Fuck, yes. I love your maw, bitch babe. And I know you love me making you do it too." G-Wolf said as he maw-fucked his pup/mate. Ben as quickly as it started, it stopped. G-Wolf gave one last hard thrust into the warm maw then pulled out. Lifting Tarik by the chin, he gave a kiss then spoke. "Can't suck all day, we both know that we want my load in your ass."

Tarik didn't give a reply but just nodded and waited.

Being the alpha dom, G-Wolf grabbed Tarik and pushed him against the wall where he was then knelt behind him and spread Tarik's cheeks to see how tight his little wolf was and to do one thing.

G-Wolf licked at the taut hole and pushed his tongue inside to give some prep and ease the entrance of his cock. Above him, Tarik moaned and groaned as he is rimmed and prepped a little. But prep couldn't last forever, they both needed what was next and G-Wolf gave it.

Pulling away from the now slightly loosened hole, G-Wolf stood then lined up his cock with the tight hole, teasing with his head at the hole. Before doing anything, he leaned forward and said. "Ready? Want my cock deep in your ass?"

"Oh, fuck yes! Fuck me, babe. Fuck me like the alpha boyfriend, I know and love." Tarik said, begging was heard in his voice.

"With pleasure, my little wolf. Ask and you shall receive." G-Wolf said then pushed into the tight and warm hole. Both moaned and groaned as G-Wolf's throbbing meat was pushed inside, just hitting Tarik's spot, G-Wolf was the perfect size to tease and please, but not over stuff. "Fuck, yes. Now, let's get this started, you want an alpha boyfriend, I'll give you an alpha boyfriend."

With that, G-Wolf pulled back and roughly went back in and repeated. Tarik wanted to be dominated, he would get dominated. Who was G-Wolf to deny that to his mate? And G-Wolf loved it himself, knowing that it was a mutual, loving, roughness.

It got them both going though, G-Wolf leaned onto Tarik so his hips go in and out faster and at a better angle. Moaning and groaning growing loader. Moving a hand, G-Wolf grabbed Tarik's bouncing, throbbing cock and jerked it almost to the pace as he fucked, while he whispered into Tarik's hear. "You may be my mate, you are my bitch wolf too. Reminding you to always ask for permission to release your nectar. Got it, boy?"

"Yes, sir. I do. And the master always cums first before I even think about releasing my load and asking." Tarik replied.

"That's right, you are trained well. Now, let me hear you beg for me to fill your bitch hole."

"Please, sir. Fill me. Fill me up with your alpha cum. Make me remember you care and love me."

"Damn right, boy. Here's your reward." G-Wolf said, then leaned back and thrusted, pushing his knot in then cum released from his cock and filled Tarik's tight hole. Tarik moaned as he was filled up like requested and grunted when he was knotted, he wasn't going anywhere for a little bit now.

Panting, G-Wolf comes down from his climax high and jerks Tarik faster, whimpers and whines were given in response. And soon came words. "Urgh, fuck. Please. Can I please cum, sir!?"

Smiling, G-Wolf leaned forward and said. "Yes, just when I do this..." he said then bite Tarik's neck slightly and finished his sentence with a muffled voice. "...Cum now boy!"

As if a switch was flipped once G-Wolf spoke, Tarik thrusted his hips forward, into G-Wolf's paw and howled out his release! "Master! Babe! Thank you!" Tarik shouted out with his release, as it was painted on the side of the lighthouse.

Finishing, Tarik panted and leaned onto the lighthouse before him and waited for G-Wolf to do something. "I'd say it's time to go back to our friends, don't you think?" G-Wolf asked.

"Sure." Tarik replied, softly.

"Hehe. First though, clean up your mess, boy." G-Wolf ordered.

"Yes, sir." Tarik said then knelt down, pulling G-Wolf with him who was still knotted inside, then started to lick where he panted the lighthouse with his cum.

Quickly, Tarik finished and stood again. "Good boy. Now, I think I will keep my knot your your hole until we're at least back for two reasons. One, so we don't lose cum on the walk back and get a toy in you when back. And two, even though it's not shameful, it's still slightly humiliation to be in that position in public."

"I agree, sir." Tarik said, slightly moaning.

G-Wolf then grabbed behind Tarik's knees and lifted him and started to walk back to the beach, luckily his mate/pup wasn't too heavy and that they've done this several time before so he had practice.

A walk back to the beach later...

Cheers and shouts were heard once again as the duo returned to their part of the beach, but as they got closer there were more sounds than just their shouts and cheers. The sounds were well known to the duo and their friends too, the sound of sex, specifically anal sex.

What G-Wolf and Tarik saw as they returned was a train fuck in the sand with Spark pushed into the sand and ass high in the air while Glema fucked said high ass at the same time he bent over and had his ass presented and rammed by his mate, Riyo.

Chuckling, G-Wolf sat down in his chair, Tarik still on him. "I am not surprised at this sight. I would be more surprised if you weren't doing anything. How long did it take to start?"

The trio looked at each other then replied in unison. "Just after you left."

Laughing now, G-Wolf replied. "That's my boys! Now why don't you three finish so we can get dinner started."

They nodded and went back to work while G-Wolf focused back to his own playmate. "Let me get you a toy then pop you off me." G-Wolf said, winking when Tarik looked at him.

Tarik whined slightly in reply. "I like your cock in me."

G-Wolf leaned up and kissed Tarik then spoke. "I know. But I can't be in you all day like this, but that is why we get my cock molded, remember?"

That brought Tarik's spirits back up and he quickly leaned forward to get ready to be de-knotted for a moment.

"That a boy, let me grab it." G-Wolf said, then reached for the sex toy bag they brought and fished for the toy molded to the exact same as his own. After a moment of search he finally found it and pulled it from the several other things in the bag and put it in front Tarik's face. "Open up, just like at the lighthouse. Get it nice and wet while I work getting out of you."

Nodding, Tarik took the toy from G-Wolf then put it in his maw, moaning quickly while sucking it. With Tarik working the fake cock, G-Wolf leaned back into his chair and work to get his knot from Tarik, it has shrunk back to normal hardness but still needed a small effort to get it pass that anal ring, it doesn't like releasing thing, only keeping them in.

Grunting, G-Wolf slowly got the knot past the ring and pulled out with a pop. Tarik, feeling the emptiness and loss of the real cock, pulled the fake one from his maw and handed it to G-Wolf. Who took it from the based and pushed it in all the way, until there was no more to give and only can see the base from the back.

"There. My mate all plugged up like a true subby pup." G-Wolf said, feeling accomplished.

Tarik, newly plugged, turn and kissed his mate. "That babe, you know how to treat and please me."

"You're welcome, love. You know you to push my buttons and please me too." G-Wolf said, kissing Tarik again.

Little while later...

"Alright, the hot dogs are done!" Glema called out as he returned from the grill they brought, setting a pile of hot dogs on the big blanket that is their table tonight, while wearing a "Fuck the Cook" apron that he says Riyo bought him a while ago.

Sitting around the planet, the small group chatted and laughs as they talked and shared different stories. But the most notable conversation between them was when Tarik walked off then returned, calling his mate's name to get his attention.

G-Wolf turn to his mate's voice and found he was standing next to him, holding a hot dog bun around his hard cock with it covered in ketchup. If G-Wolf didn't know better it was actually a hot dog, but he can see the tip of the cock and the knot and it was noticeable that's what Tarik was doing. "Want another hot dog, babe?" Tarik asked.

Calming himself from laughing, G-Wolf replied. "I'm full but I think I can do one more." G-Wolf winked then took ahold of the bun and tossed it aside then licked the ketchup from Tarik's cock from tip to base and swallowed. Giving it a more thorough cleaning, G-Wolf sucked his mate into his cock to the knot then pulled back, licked the knot once more. "One taste met there. I was tempted to bite it a little."

"You wouldn't dare." Tarik said, shocked.

"Try me." G-Wolf said, then pulled Tarik into his lap and kissed him.

Several conversation, swims, activities, and sex later...

G-Wolf and Tarik sat in their chair next to each other, holding hands and sharing a blanket, it being a little cold at night and near the water. Glema and Riyo cuddled on a blanket in the sand. While Spark sat next to G-Wolf with his own blanket.

All had their eyes to the night sky as fireworks boomed and banged into bright colors and sometime images. Closing the night's events while they celebrate the holiday with friends and those close to them.


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