Destinys Kill 2: The Beggining

Story by Cloud4275 on SoFurry

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Thirteen Years before Destiny's Kill. Nick and Schuyler are still friends. Nick is not yet a vampire, Schuyler not yet a hunter. Vex, Vicky, And Aldor are Wolves, Megan a Human,, Schuyler Human, Nick Human. The story takes place in a cold dark street, it is raining, it is dark out side, amd Nick is in a soldiers uniform. The floor on the road is brick, and all the houses are dark inside.


Nick walked down the cold, lonely road. The cold rain pelted his black over coat, which concealed his black soldiers uniform. His sword was on his back, its weight would crush most, but he barely noticed it, despite the fact he was only 6' ft 4' in. His black wavy hair moved with the wind, his green eyes gazing around the street for his beloved. The war with Vampires was halfway over, and Nick wanted to spend all the time he could with Vicky, his fiance. They were to be married the following week, and he was looking forward to his glorious wedding day. It did not matter to him that she was a werewolf, only that he loved her and they were meant to be. He walked into the Inn, where he and his soon to be wife were staying. He walked into their room, and found her naked on the bed.

Her muzzle was formed into a devilish smile, her eyes wild with lust for his body. He smiled and shed of his clothing, as he walked toward the bed which held his Vicky. He felt his hard on beginning, his erection rising, and finally he was no longer a man, but a beast of lust.

"Well, well, well, Vicky, I see you look as astonishingly beautiful as ever," Nick said with a smile.

"Well, Lt. Nick O'Bailey, it seems you body is as hot as ever," She said as her tongue slipped out of her muzzle and began licking his cock.

He sighed and fell into the bed. She got on top of his erection and slid his cock slowly into as she started bouncing up and down on him. Her boobs bounced up and down until he grabbed them and held them firm. He arched his back with pleasure of her riding when it suddenly ceased. She fell down next to him, and he immediately shot on top of her, thrusting his cock into her vagina over and over. They gasped and moaned in unison, and she began screaming his name over and over. The bed shook with the force of his thrusts, and he grabbed the sheets to help thrust as she wrapped her legs around his ass to help his strength.

He turned her over and his large, erect penis entered her ass. She screamed in pleasure, and began to lose her mind in the sex.

" Oh yes, fuck me in the ass good, oh yeah , Daddy, I am your little bitch, fuck my ass OH DADDY YES YES FUCK ME," She screamed repeatedly.

His thrusts increased in speed and strength. With every pump of his cock, she screamed louder and he panted harder. Her fur began to stick to her body with sweat, and he was already drenched in it.

"Cum in me, please Nick, please cum all over me let me lick it off myself, please Nick iI am begging for your cum, PLEASE CUM IN ME NICK!"

He began to pant and gasp harder as she pushed him over and swung over him with one leg. He muzzle was in its most evil and sexy smile it could manage, her brown eyes shone with pleasure. She got on her knees and began sucking his cock, up and down, and he ran his fingers through her fur. Her pace quickened until finally, he came inside her mouth. She smiled s she swallowed his fluids and got onto bed next to him. She took his hand an placed it on her stomach.

"Nick, I have been pregnant with your child for two months.," She whispered in his ear.

A tear formed in his eye. He was going to be a Father. He was having a family.

Suddenly, there was a crash outside the door. Aldor and Vex, both werewolves, were laying on the ground unconscious. Nick jumped up and reached for his sword. A being in a black cloak jumped on Nick and bit into his neck. Nick dropped his sword and writhed in pain. He felt his blood being drained out of him.

He fell to the ground, and could hear distant screaming, as if from a poorly tuned radio. His world was black, and he fell into a deep sleep.


Nick awoke the next morning to chaos and a headache. He looked around in horror and saw Vickys ruined, dead body, and roared in heart break, denial, and and anger. Schuyler walked over to him. He put his arm around Nick as he began to sob bitterly. He hated everything at that moment.

"Nick, you were bitten by a Vampire, my friend. You are no longer human. You are on of them. What are we going to do with you?" Schuyler whispered.

Nick got up.

"What are you going to do to me? You are going to kill me. He put on his black shirt and black pants as Schuyler gaped at him.


"Kill you? Why? You are not the enemy, Nick,: Schuyler asked confused.

"I do not care about enemies. I have no will. Kill me, or I kill you." Nick picked up his sword as Vex and Aldor walked into the room. Their armor was weak, and Nick knew it.

"Nick, put down your sword. No ones getting hurt," said Aldor as he pulled out his sword.

Nick jumped at Aldor, slicing off the hand that held his sword. Aldor fell to the ground screaming, and Nick decapitated him. HE turned around as Schuyler ran at him and punched him right in the face. Schuyler fell as well, unconscious from the blow. Vex whipped out his battle axe and charged at Nick. Nick sliced Vexs stomach open with a swing of his sword.

Nick gazed at the kills he had made. These men used to be his brothers. Now, they were nothing to him. He walked over to Megans body, and picked her up, cradling her like a baby. He ran out of the Inn and into the woods. When he got into the heart of the woods, the trees covered the setting sun. It was dark all around. Not even animals dared approach this killing machine. He set his beloved onto the ground gently, and began digging with his bare hands. After hours of labor and silence, he set her into the ground. His black hair fell over his eyes as he put the dirt over her. When thee grave was complete, he feel to his knees and picked up a handful of the dirt he just put over his love.

"I live for you as well, my one and only love." He sobbed as he dropped the dirt. He arose and began walking away. At her grave he left his soul and conscience. Now he was only good for one thing. Killing all who fell into his path. He knew only one thing. Blood lust.