Rainy Days

Story by FallenArchangel on SoFurry

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#1 of Leon and Mani

Leon and his long time mate Mani are reuntied after several months apart and continue their relationship where it left off, starting with a fun night.

Rain beat a steady drum against the windowpane setting the grey mood of the day. Leon sat on his bed absentmindedly flipping through a book, the small apartment was dark from the clouds obscuring the afternoon sun. Leon perked a leaf shaped ear at the sound of a car pulling in, shaking off his brief flutter of excitement he reminded himself.

"She'll land at two..." Looking over at the clock it still read 1:30. The leafeon flopped back on his bed with a sigh. Three months seemed like such a long time to go without seeing her. Leon thought back, remembering the day she left, and the fun they had.

The taste of her lips that he missed, the feel of her by his side. The noises she made when they were together. But most of all the shine in her emerald green eyes when he looked at her. He could remember the way she called out his name as they both reached their peaks together. Basking in the warm glow of each other, enjoying the last night they would see each other.

Leon's phone snapped him back to reality as it buzzed before her ringtone came on.

"Hey, how was your flight?" He asked

"It was okay... I can't wait to see you though. How's my leafy been doing without me?" She replied with a laugh. Her laugh caused Leon to melt, to smile in memory.

"I've missed you but I've been fine... I don't know what i'd do if you were gone too much longer."

"You'd probably bore yourself to death, ya big houseplant." She said

"Hey, if it isn't princess Mani all over again! You and that fluffy butt of yours!" Leon replied with a laugh. Mani hated being called princess. And he intended to cause her grief over the houseplant comment.

"That's it! Ill be there in fifteen minutes to show you how much of a princess I am!" Mani yelled as Leon laughed.

"Alright... I'll see you soon... I can't wait." With promises of being reunited so soon made, Leon locked his phone and raced to make the apartment look a little cleaner. One leaflike ear twitched at the sound of a car pulling in, and again at the sound of footsteps. His heart raced as they drew closer. He all but ran to the door and threw it open with a smile. Mrs. Henderson nearly screamed st the sudden outburst and she hastily walked away

"Shit... Well scaring an old woman was not on my to-do list..." Leon mumbled as he watched the elderly rabbit shuffle away.

"Who knew a houseplant could scare old ladies?" I voice said from behind, causing Leon to spin around. There she was, the girl he loved, no sunlight and movie cheese. She was soaked from the rain, her fur matted. But her smile and her eyes made Leon melt just the same:

"You know... Eevees aren't the best in water... Haha maybe you should evolve someday..." Leon said as a jab as he quickly drew the much shorter girl into a tight hug.

"I don't want to evolve, it shows my choice to remain a toss-up. I have options and decisions." Mani replied with a smile. "Plus... Who the hell wants to become a houseplant?" She laughed and slipped out of Leon's arms and into the apartment. Leon shut the door and looked at the Eevee girl.

"You should get changed, you're soaked" he said "come on, i got some stuff you'll end up stealing from me anyway" he finished, smiling. The Eevee girl followed him to the bedroom, and started to strip out of her soaked clothes. She shamelessly tossed her shirt in the hamper followed by her shorts leaving her in her underwear. Leon blushed as he looked at her, she only smiled and continued. She deftly unhooked her bra, while staring Leon in the eyes and watched as he struggled to keep his eyes up as she tossed her bra to the side. Leon faltered and glanced down at Mani's breasts. They were just as perfect as he remembered them. Next came her panties which she shimmied out of, leaving her completely nude, her soft brown fur matted from the rain.

"See something you like leafy? You changed color faster than a kecleon walking past a brick wall." Mani joked

"It...its just been a while since i've seen you. That's all. Im enjoying the view." Leon replied with a smirk.

"Well in that case..." Mani said turning around "enjoy the view."she said, bending over and putting herself on display. From the angle he was at Leon could see her pink slit before she hid it with her tail. Leon blushed harder as his shorts began to tighten.

"Maybe i want to shower... Planes are pretty nasty after all... Maybe you should join me." Mani said walking towards the bathroom. Not one to turn down an offer like that, Leon quickly stripped and followed her. By the time he reached the bathroom Mani had already started the shower and gotten in. Leon opened the curtain and hopped in behind her watching the water run through her fur turning it dark brown. He watched her as she let the water run over her with her eyes closed. When she opened them Leon pulled her into a kiss. Sparks flew all over his body as their lips met. Finally getting to hold his girl in his arms after what felt like so long. It seemed like eternity that he just stood with her in his arms, warm water cascading down on them. He finally pulled away and reached for the soap. Leon squirted a dollop of soap in his hand and began on Mani's shoulders, lathering the soap into her fur. He massaged her shoulders and neck before moving down her back and around to her stomach. Then he brought his hands up, running them through her silky fur until he cupped her breasts and massaged them in either hand. He pressed his palms against her nipples eliciting a soft gasp as he rubbed and played with them. He gently began to work his way back down her body, crouching as he went, lathering her thighs, before his hands edged ever closer to her core. Leon brushed his fingers against Mani's slit ever so slightly teasing her. Careful to avoid getting soap inside, he lathered soap into her crotch and pressed his palm into her slit massaging it gently. He finally finished and she stepped into the spray to rinse off. Mani looked back at him with a hungry twinkle in her eyes and she grabbed the soap. Her height made it somewhat awkward to wash his head, so she started at his chest rubbing his shoulders and moving down. Jabbing him in the side for good measure, and just to watch the ticklish Eon squirm. She ran her hands down his front, playing with his sheath until the tip of his pink member stuck out. She gently teased and played with his sheath before cupping the two orbs beneath. She watched and giggled as more of his member slipped free of his sheath until finally all of him was free, including the knot at his base. Mani grabbed Leon's member tightly and felt it twitch in her hand. She began to stroke it, squeezing his knot when she got to the bottom. Before running her hand back up to his tapered tip.

"Poor leafy. You've only had yourself for three months." Mani said with a grin that melted Leon's heart. She quit her teasing and let Leon step into the spray. The two both simply stood in each others arms, recounting the past three months until the water ran cold. They hopped out and dried off before putting on pajamas and slipping into bed. Leon tried hard to stay awake, but the feeling of his mate in his arms lulled him to sleep. Leon awoke at the end of the movie with Mani asleep in his arms. He glanced at the clock.

"11:15...'well its as good a time as any for dinner." Leon slipped out from under his mate and into the kitchen. Mani was awoken by the smell of food and walked in to the kitchen to investigate. Leon's heart caught in his throat as he saw the picture perfect image of his mate standing in the doorway in one of his t shirts and nothing else. The two ate, stealing loving glances at each other. After the small meal they returned to the bedroom.

"You know... It has been three whole months..." Mani quipped with a smile. Leon blushed but immediately leaned in for a kiss. He could hear the desire on his lover's voice, and he felt it too. With their lips pressed tight together Leon slipped his tongue into Mani's mouth exploring the familiar place, as her tongue did the same in return. Leon slipped his hands down to the hem of the shirt Mani was wearing and pulled it over her head, leaving her naked. Leon took a second to admire Mani before he kissed her again and she all but ripped his shirt off. The two stopped to allow Leon to undress as the steady patter of rain grew louder. The occasional claps of thunder permeating the air. Leon fell into his lovers arms as they kissed passionately. Their hands roaming each others bodies. Leon found his mark first, his fingers gently slipping inside Mani's entrance, causing her to gasp. He pressed his finger forwards and drew it back rubbing against her walls as he did. He continued this, watching her expressions. A small moan caught his ear and he smiled. He continued to thrust his finger in and out as his thumb rubbed gentle circles around her button. Leon felt Mani's walls begin to constrict around his finger and he slowly withdrew it, positioning himself low enough to run his tongue across her entrance. Mani gasped and jolted as Leon's tongue spread her and slipped inside. Her fingers ran through his hair as he rubbed his tongue against her walls, and circled it around her button. Her moans drove him to work harder, and Mani began to feverishly grind herself against the tongue between her legs. Vines seemed to slither into the bed like snakes, gently coiling around Mani's wrists and ankles as Leon sucked on her button. The bulbed tip of a vine slipped into her deep, and rubbed against her g-spot. Leon looked up at his mate, Violet eyes meeting Emerald and he watched as she hit her peak, tugging at the vines holding her still she moaned out Leon's name as her passage spasmed around the single vine. Leon waited until her orgasm had passed before he sat up, a drop of her fluid dropping from his chin. He smirked at the panting eevee girl below him, the girl he loved. And she leaned up to kiss him, slipping her tongue into his mouth, tasting herself on him. She broke the kiss and pushed Leon back onto the bed with a hungry look in her eyes. She took his tip into her mouth and ran her tongue across the small drop of pre that was there. She smiled as the familiar warmth and minty flavor spread throughout her mouth. Mani suckled his tip gently as she stroked his member with her hand, squeezing his knot and rubbing the sensitive underside of it. Then, very suddenly Mani bobbed her head, taking as much of him as she could. She stopped almost three quarters of his member in her mouth and she looked up at the Leafeon smiling down at her. He was already panting lightly. Mani started bobbing her head, running her tongue across his tip whenever she came up, squeezing his knot with her hand when she went down. She listened to the pants of her mate grow louder, as he drew closer to his peak. More and more spurts of his mint flavored pre dribbled into her mouth. She felt him begin to tense up and she squeezed hard, feeling his heartbeat through his shaft. He began to pant loudly as she sucked just his tip and squeezed his sensitive knot. Mani could feel him tip over the edge, as his member pulsed and jerked in her hand. Spurts of hot minty Leafeon cum splashed into her mouth. Mani swallowed all of it without a second thought. Loving the way Leon shook and panted, she let go of his twitching shaft and pulled him sideways onto the bed. She knew he wouldn't take long to recover, so she straddled his hips, looking down at the panting Leafy boy below her.

"You know... I really do love you..." He said between pants.

"Yeah. I know." She replied as they both laughed. "I really do love you... Even if you're nothing but a houseplant." Mani said looking down at her mate. She ground her hips against his stomach, leaving a trail of her fluids as his member hardened again. She leaned down to kiss him as she reached back and grabbed him, she rose her hips up until his tip was pressed against her, then she dropped. Both lovers cried out at the feeling of being united once again. Moaning as Mani bounced up and down along his length. Her walls squeezing tight. Leon slipped into her all the way to his knot with every thrust. He thrust his hips up as she came down, grinding his knot against her clit. Their pace increased feverishly until their panting, and the wet sound of Leon's knot hitting Mani's entrance drowned out the sound of the rain. The two lovers were in a world of their own, nothing but each other and their pleasure. Leon grabbed Mani's hips and rolled her over before he took over the thrusting. Leon was practically a blur pounding into the eevee girl below him panting hard. He opened his eyes and saw her face, it was a pleased smile, her eyes screwed tightly shut as she panted and moaned. The thunder outside seemed to be on top of them as the lightning made the sky bright as day, illuminating the two lovers for brief flashes. Leon felt the familiar twinge deep inside himself and he began to press hard, grinding himself and his knot against his lover. A clap of thunder shook the apartment as Leon's knot popped in, tying the two together. Leon began to thrust feverishly in the short rutting humps that his knot would allow as they both approached their peak with leaps and bounds. Leon caved first. Groaning as he pressed his knot as far in as he could go releasing spurt after spurt of his hot cum against her walls, filling her completely, his tip pressed to her cervix and his knot snugly inside her. The feeling of his hot seed filling her sent Mani over the edge and she moaned and called out Leon's name as her walls seemed to milk his shaft. Her orgasm coaxed even more out of Leon as he shuddered on top of his lover. The two stayed that way, Leon unable to pull out since they were tied together. He held his mate in his arms and watched as slowly, her emerald eyes fluttered closer and she fell asleep. Leon kissed her forehead and leaned in to whisper

"I love you Mani. I always will. " Before sleep claimed him as well. The two slept soundly in the bed, tied together and satisfied as rain drummed against the roof, and the thunder slowly faded into the distance, the lightning not daring to disturb the lovers, because after all... Rainy days arent always supposed to be sad.

--The End--

Authors word:

This is the first adult story i have written, and will be the first work i've published here at Sofurry. I hope you enjoy it, and I welcome any and all Feedback. Also, just a fun tidbit. Every time I write music tends to be a big influence. This story was written while I had the song "Thank You" by DIDO. Its much better known as the female vocalist part of the song "Stan" by Eminem. So overall, enjoy the story, and here's to many more.

Sincerely FallenArchangel