Brood House: I

Story by Crashley on SoFurry

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Crash is sent an employment offer with mysterious mega corporation Brood House. She goes in for an interview and comes out of it with far more than she bargained for.

First installation of what I hope to make into a series. This chapter contains impregnation, forcey funtime, and a job interview, the latter of which triggers me very much, so you know... There's your content warning.

Crash flipped the invitation over and over in her talons, clicking her beak nervously as she looked at the expensive, heavy paper. She had received it rather mysteriously several weeks ago mere hours after she lost her job. It was an invitation to an employment offer beyond her wildest dreams. A luxurious relocation package, an outrageous salary, all for mere hours of work. It seemed too good to be true... yet she couldn't bring herself to trash the envelope. Now it looked like this was her last chance.

She looked up at the building looming above her ominously, piercing the heavens like Babylon's legendary tower. The mirrored windows reflected back the endless blue sky, making her feel all that much smaller in its shadow. Nervously she sucked in a breath and stepped towards the door.

The door swung open automatically, welcoming her into a very professional looking reception area. Everything was very minimalist. An empty desk in front of a gray wall and unfriendly white tiled floors greeted her along with the smell of stale air. Her gut rolled nervously as she drew near the desk, standing on her tippy toes to peer over at the receptionist.

The rabbit woman at the desk was busily typing away at her computer, her fingers moving like a machine across the keyboard. She had a very refined, businesslike air to her; plain, cool, professional. She sat perfectly straight, dressed in a tailored gray suit. She was so shockingly perfect looking Crash almost didn't notice the massive bulge about her belly. Upon second glance she was obviously heavily pregnant.

"Do you have an appointment?" the receptionist asked suddenly, her eyes not leaving the computer screen before her.

Crash leapt, startled, as she was still staring mesmerized by the other woman's belly. "I-I uh... I got this... in... in the mail," she said, setting the letter on the desk and sliding it over.

The receptionist broke eye contact with the monitor rather reluctantly, her eyes lighting up however when she saw the envelope. "Ah, yes, we are expecting you Ms. ...Crash," she said slowly, tucking the letter away somewhere unseen. "Floor three, someone will be with you shortly," she motioned to an elevator to her left. Before Crash could ask a question she turned back to the computer, completely consumed with her task once more.

Crash withdrew from the desk and padded over to the elevator which too swung open automatically. Her ears rolled back against her head as she looked around for a camera. How exactly did they know she was coming anyway? Even she hadn't known she was coming until her last interview had fallen through for some reason. She stepped into the elevator reluctantly, her mind racing with all sorts of nonsensical fantasies.

In the blink of an eye the elevator opened into an impressive meeting hall. It looked as though it could seat several dozen. At one seat was a sign with Ms Crashley written on it neatly, along with a cup of steamy coffee and some doughnuts. Creepy. She stepped out of the elevator which closed immediately behind her, whirring off to some other unknown floor. She took her apportioned seat, growing increasingly tense as she glared at the coffee.

"Miss... Crash, was it?" She looked up to see a wolf in a business suit had materialized before her. He held out a hand towards her which she shook somewhat warily. He then took the seat across from her and set a briefcase upon the table. "Please, help yourself to the refreshments, I assure you, they're not poisonous," he said, chuckling.

Well, she was hungry... Crah grabbed a doughnut and stuffed it into her beak rather unceremoniously, her eyes never leaving the wolf as he opened his briefcase and pulled out a stack of papers.

"Excuse me, how rude, I am Nicholas Blackwood, I represent the owner of Brood House," he said, trying his best to offer a friendly smile, yet with his sharp, wolfish features it was impossible for him to not look menacing.

"You're... not the owner? Am I going to meet him?" Crash blurted out through her breakfast.

Blackwood laughed heartily, shaking his head. "Heavens no, he has an empire to run. He leaves the gruntwork to people like me." He shuffled the papers and slid them across the table towards Crash, clicking a pen and setting it on top, smiling once again. "Here is your employee contract. I just need you to sign this front page at the bottom and the top of the last page."

Crash picked up the stack of papers, letting the pen roll off to the side as she flipped through it. She swallowed her beak full of pastry and shot a displeased look across the table. "This is like 15 pages. What exactly am I going to be doing here?"

Blackwood's smile took on a decidedly deviant smirk as he produced an extra page and paid it neatly on top, producing another pen from god knows where. "To put it simply, Ms Crash, you will be selling your body's services to my employer. Much of this contract is complex legal jargon to protect my client's interests and it won't make sense to you anyway. Now you can take this contract, walk out of this room, and hire another laywer to look it over, but we both know you don't have the money for that sort of thing. I am willing to offer you an 'on faith' signing bonus effective immediately if you sign the contract within the ten minutes. You will receive your annual salary upfront, in addition to another fifty-thousand for assisting us in expediting this boring paper work."

She was offended at the insinuation she wouldn't understand... even though it was true. He was right... and she did need the money. But what exactly did he mean by body's services? It was weird phrasing for simple service work. The letter had promised nearly five-thousand a week in exchange for being available for no more than seven hours a week... was she... going to be a prostitute?

"Tick-tock, Ms. Crash," Blackwood said, looking smug and sure of himself as he waggled the pen back and forth.

What was her dignity worth? A couple thousand bucks? ...

She snatched the pen from the wolf's hand, scrawling her signature across the top page and the contract beneath.

"You've made a wise choice, Miss Crash," Blackwood said, his voice taking on a sensuous tone as he stood and walked around the table to her side. He patted her on the shoulder as he picked up the papers and leafed through to double-check her signatures. "Good, good, your employment begins immediately then."

Crash stood up, brushing the breakfast crumbs off herself idly and smiled, expecting to be led to the mysterious owner of this insane place. Instead she was unceremoniously shoved down on the table, he clothes being shredded off by the wolves claws in one vicious swipe.

"What are you-" she started indignantly, only to have her beak clamped shut by one of his paws while the other unfastened his suit pants in record speed. A throbbing hard on was already poking out of his sheath, eagerly leaking all over himself.

"You should have read the fine print," he sneered, steering her face towards the stack of papers as he lined up his twitching member with he opening, teasing her with the burning hot tip.

I, Crashley, forego negotiations for my employment with Brood House as a professional breeder. I sign away my right to contest the terms of the employment contract and accept all stipulations as is. I will accept these terms as binding and agree that by signing this 'On Faith' contract I cannot redact my consent to any and all of the conditions in the full employment contract. For expediting the contract process I will be paid my annual salary in it entirety for exactly one year effective the moment services are first rendered. In exchange for my immediate insemination I will be compensated an additional bonus equal to half that of my annual salary.

She didn't even have time to curse her shortsightedness as she felt Blackwood thrust inside her, his knot pressing against her tight hole. She ground her beak as he pushed harder and harder, the flesh bulb stretching her wider and wider to accommodate his size.

"You sure are tight sugar, never taken a knot before?" Blackwood teased, letting go of her beak so that he could brace himself against the table as he began thrusting increasingly violently.

"Th-this can't be legal," she groaned as she felt his knot pop inside her. She resisted the urge to gasp and moan as he pulled back, popping the knot back out then sliding it back in in rapid succession.

"It's iron clad sweetie. You signed the contract saying you're gonna get knocked up right now. I'm just following MY contract by seeing to it you keep yours." The wolf laughed deeply, the sound reverberating through his whole body as he gave one final, deep thrust. His knot slid inside her once more, this time swelling inside of her and preventing it from slipping out any more. His paws gripped the gryphon girl's hips tightly, pumping himself rapidly inside of her as he flooded her insides with his hot canine spunk.

Crash thrashed around under the wolf, her eyes watering as she tried to pull herself off his knot to no avail. She was stuck, and she could feel her womb being saturated with Blackwood's seed. "No... I... don't want this," she whimpered, knowing it was too late now. She could all but feel the little swimmers swarming her poor, unprotected eggs. With that knot sealing every drop inside of her she had no choice but to accept his pups.

With a low satisfied moan Blackwood's thrusts finally stopped and the blasts of puppy batter slowed to a dribble. She could feel him panting against her neck and shuddered. She wanted this horrible, despicable man out of her now. She pulled against the knot again futilely and whined.

"Where do you think you're going birdy?" he growled, his hands tightening on her hips once again. "You and I are both under contract. You don't leave this room until we know you're stuffed full of pups. Gotta make sure you'll have a nice big litter for the boss," he cooed, squeezing her hip with one hand, the other sliding around to ruffle the soft fur on her currently flat belly.

And with that he resumed pumping again, starting a second round of stuffing her full with his hot doggy prick. He saturated every open inch of her insides, painting every last bit of her insides white. He filled so much of her with his cum her soft flat little tummy began to round out ever so slightly. He smirked confidently, pressing his fingers into that tiny tummy bump, making sure she could feel it too.

"Can you feel it? Those are my pups doing this to you," he growled, dragging his nails along the tightening skin. "Soon your whole stomach is gonna be huge and heavy with my offspring. How does that make you feel Crash?"

She couldn't respond. Her voice had been torn from her as she could feel her tummy pushing out bit by bit as he forcibly inflated her belly with his essence. The idea that soon it would be expanding even more as his young squirmed around inside of her made her nauseous... or maybe that was the pregnancy itself making her sick. No... she was just imagining it.

His thrusts slowed again as he relaxed against her, patting her tummy playfully. "I think that'll do," he teased. "As fun as this is, I have other clients to sign today... besides, you'll get the real thing soon enough," he gave her stomach another pat, then clamped his hands around her hips and began to yank his knot against her already sore and battered entrance. He popped free, his slick member trailed by a veritable torrent of semen. He pulled a kerchief from the pocked of his suit, drying himself off and then stuffing himself back into his pants. He straightened up his outfit and spritzed a bit of cologne on himself, and it was as if the 'negotiation' had never happened at all.

"Miss Rachel will be along shortly to take you to the quarters. Someone will recover your things from your former residence within the next day or so. It was a pleasure meeting you miss Crash. I look forward to seeing you again soon." The wolf closed his briefcase and departed through the elevator with a nonchalant wave of the hand.

Crash stayed there, leaning against the table, cum and blood still dripping from her battered cunt as she rubbed her belly. Despite the fact there was a small lake of cum pooling around her feet her stomach didn't feel as if it was deflating any. A couple tears rolled down her cheek as she lay there, reflecting on herself. This was her future now?

A few moments later the elevator opened again and the receptionist from before stepped through. Crash looked up weakly, her eyes fixed on the massive, bloated belly of the rabbit girl with new awe. Her too?

"Oh dear, another Blackwood mess," she said neutrally, walking over to the she-gryph's side and helping her to her feet.

"H-how d-"

"It gets easier by about the seventeenth litter," the rabbit cut her off, steering Crash towards the elevator patiently.

Seven... teen? Crash touched her stomach softly as the elevator doors swished open and she was herded inside. She looked over her escort with awe and fear. She'd never laid a single egg, not even an unfertilized one. Now suddenly she had a job.... having puppies with some jerk wolf?

"I'm sure Blackwood told you someone would be bringing your things shortly," Miss Rachel spoke as the doors opened once more, revealing a modest suite. "These will be your quarters, you'll be sharing them with two other new employees for the time being. Your room will be the second one, over there. You will be sent for first thing in the morning to confirm you have conceived." The rabbit paused, seeing the look of disbelief and hopelessness on the gryphon's face. She exhaled patiently and touched the gryphon girl's back lightly. "The shock wears off in about a week. ...Best of luck," she said, clearly uneasy as she nudged Crash from the elevator.

Before the gryphon could ask another question the elevator swung closed and whirred off again, leaving her alone once more. Her hands went straight to her stomach as she stood there, ruffling the soft cream fur on her belly. She could almost swear it was bigger than it had been moments ago... no, must be all in her head. It was shock, like the receptionist lady has said.

Crash shook her head, padding across the living room to the three doors on the far side, each equally spaced apart and neatly numbered. She opened door number two, showing the small and plainly furnished bedroom. Still, after all she had been through so far this day, it would be nice to just get her off her feet. Crash flopped down on the bed without searching the closet for any replacement clothes or even bothering to close the door.

She rubbed her belly gingerly, closing her eyes and letting herself drift off for a moment.