Chapter 7
#7 of Tales of Woe
This is an interesting chapter... Lots of interestings going on here...
Chapter 7 of Tales of Woe
Valen Ivarstead, September 27th, 8:34 pm
You know how there are just times when you hate your parents because they seem to not give a damn about what happens to you? Well I don't have those anymore, now it's the opposite, I love that about them. They couldn't care less that I'm a gay atheist. In fact, they couldn't care less that I'm alive. They just give me a twenty every morning, except the first of the month, when I get a fifty, and tell me to not waste it. That's my money for every day. Food, snacks, games, everything.
It's nice, I managed to figure out where I can cut back on my spending, I really only eat at McDonalds and Taco Bell, but at least I get a drink with my two meals a day, and then I save up the few bucks of left over money and spend it on something like a bag of chips. It got better when school started, school lunches cost a buck a piece, and I got used to less eating, so I stopped having breakfast, and now I have extra money on hand.
And with extra money comes realization that I don't have to sit in my room trying to sleep every night. I had a laptop, but it barely run any of my games, and I'd come to that point where I finally understood the stereotype of teenagers doing nothing but sleeping. Now I had money. Now I knew where a tech store was. Now I was able to slowly accumulate the parts for a good, quality, gaming computer.
So I was at home, making a design on how I wanted the circuit board to look, when- for the first time in nearly a week- I heard my dad call my name. I came hurrying downstairs, silently hoping he'd have extra money to give or something, both my parents went behind each other's backs to sneak me some of their change now or then, but instead of finding him opening his wallet, I found Marko standing in the doorway, and dad giving him suspicious looks.
The tiger shifted his feet as he walked in, and I edged a step closer to the stairs, not wanting to confront the pervert. I'd caught him staring at me in the past, and I wasn't okay with it. Now he was here, and it scared me. If he was willing to stare at me in school, around Tanner, what would he do if Tanner wouldn't find out?
"Uhh... So, Marko... Um..." Dad seemed completely unsure of what to do. I'd told them last year about how there was this tiger and wolf at school who'd hooked up, so he knew full well that Marko was gay.
"Sorry, I-... It... It is okay if I talk to him, right?"
"Yeah, as long as you're not substituting 'bang him' with 'talk to him'."
What. I could barely think beyond my worries. Why would he show up!? What does he want from me?! "Uh..."
Marko got a look of being offended by what my dad had said, "Of course not, I have no intentions of hurting Valen."
"In that case, go right ahead." My dad nodded and went back to reading the book in his hand as Marko crossed the room and headed up the stairs. I followed him and gestured to one of the doors along the hallway, the one that led into my room.
He sat down on my bed and sighed, which removed any amount of masculinity that had been present. His shoulders and ears drooped, he hunched over a little and his eyebrows angled themselves in a downwards arc. I knew the face of sadness too well to not ignore my primal instincts. I sat down next to him after closing the door and put my arm around him.
"What's wrong?" I can't believe I'm doing this, especially for this creep.
He sniffled a little before saying, "Tanner broke up with me."
"Oh my god, are-... what... When? What happened?"
"It... It was today. I didn't think it'd hurt when it happened, but it does..."
Huh? "... You said he dumped you."
"He did, or Kyle did, or... Well we split up, and he's the one who forced it. I saw Titus checking him out, and just... I knew it was the perfect chance to..."
"To make him dump you?"
He sighed again, "... Yeah."
"You're sick."
"That came out wrong!"
"No, I think it came out just right. Leave."
"Valen, you don't understand-"
"Yes I do. You sabotaged your own relationship-"
"But I did it because-"
"Because what? You think you're so great that-"
"Because I want to be with you!"
I was shocked. Okay, sure, him sabotaging his own relationship, staring at me, all the clues were there, but still, it's not every day someone ends a gay relationship to be with someone else. "... What?"
"Oh, well... I don't... I don't know what to tell you."
"Right... You're not into me."
"N-no! I... Okay, no, but... Someone who actually likes me..."
"What? What are you talking about? Of course I like you."
"No... You wouldn't understand. Everyone likes you. Everyone looks up to you and Tanner because, you guys were adorable together, and you guys inspired the whole wave of homosexuality to kick off, and everyone loves you guys because you're just loveable. I'm not." I stopped for a second to regain my voice, which had started to get a little quivery.
"... I love you."
I scoffed at the idea, "You barely even know me."
"... I know you're gay. I know you're adorable. I know you're kind and sweet, and that Alex was stupid for dumping you."
"How did you-"
"I have him in a class, he explained why he dumped you. Personally, I would've just waited until we were safe, then kiss you until your lips were sore."
"Trying to bribe me into loving you?"
"No, that's to prepare you for this." He suddenly leaned forward and pressed his mouth against mine. A part of me hated him for that, and the rest of me indulged in it. I let him grab my body and pull it closer to his as he played with my mane. He'd already forced his tongue into my mouth, but now he was getting physical about it. I didn't know what to do with mine, so it lay flat while he licked the inside of my mouth, dragging his feline tongue along the roof of my mouth and coating it in slobber. I felt my mouth begin to water as he started to lift my shirt off.
We broke apart only for him to remove our shirts, and afterwards he used his feet to pull our pants down, leaving us in only our underwear, mine noticeably a size smaller than his. I felt myself harden and yearn for him to go farther, and he finally pulled my legs closer to his; so close that I had to wrap my legs around him as we kissed, and I could literally feel our mixed saliva beginning to pool in my mouth, almost as if I was drinking it.
He lifted me up off my feet and half-flung himself to my bed, holding me close to his body. He backed his head out of the kiss and I felt myself beginning to cry. I pulled my head to his shoulder and let the tears stream from my eyes, soaking his fur. He wrapped his arms around my back and squeezed me tighter.
I heard his voice for the first time in four minutes, softly telling me, "It's okay... it's okay..."
It clicked in my head, then and there. Him saying he'd kiss me was the lure, him kissing me was the bait, him telling me it's okay was the catch. I didn't care if I'd fallen for it- or him, I felt like I had some amount of value, for the first time since my parents stop caring about me...