Unicorn's Destiny Ch. 10

Story by Kalan on SoFurry

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#10 of Unicorn's Destiny

About time i uploaded it, and happily with a steamy little story attached. ;) Can't wait to see about viewing the second chapter? Come stop by and see my Patreon where the next chapter is already up!https://www.patreon.com/KalansPhantom?ty=h

<Now you'll want to make sure that you take the seven and five to get anywhere, otherwise you may be stuck.> The older stallion walked in front of Ben and Lance with a confidence that both of them lacked. <The east and southern doors are the most friendly to new hoofers, but if you really need to any of the doors will let you in, you'll just need to use some creative working for the doors.>

The campus guide seemed to be taking the tone as if he had done this a thousand times and was barely thinking as he held the group along towards the main portion of the university. Lance could only imagine how boring it must be to say the same thing over and over again, but then again, it was a relatively easy job and he would end up doing something similar. Ulysses had called it community outreach, but he suspected Ben's side comment of it being free work was more accurate. Well, not entirely free, after all, they were getting quite a bit of money to subsidize their housing situation, so it was only fitting that they would be working on the side.

They continued to follow the older stallion and Lance did his best to listen to what was being said, but his mind wasn't truly on it. It was on the fact that he was still trying to understand his own feelings and emotions that had been looming just beneath the surface as of late. He had thought he was getting a handle on himself, but there was no doubt that there were some emotions that were still there that he hadn't had before. Most of those emotions were warring between Emily and Ben, both of them rousing the oddest urges and sensations that were nearly always on his mind, even in his dreams he was being chased by instinctual emotions that he was struggling with.

He wanted Ben out of the house. He wanted to have Ben beneath him. Depending on the time of day his emotions towards his best friend changed and shifted strangely. Whenever Emily was around he wanted nothing more than to snap at Ben, the anger almost violent when the two of them spoke. He managed to throttle it down, but it was not easy to do, especially since his girlfriend was doing her best to come around more often. He wanted nothing more than to force her away from the other stallion, sometimes he was nearly shaking with anger and forced himself to walk into the bathroom to calm down, but those were things he could handle. He supposed it was mostly because he was still getting used to more primitive instincts, he had been told all about them, the other thought was far more complicated.

I'm not gay. _ He thought as they followed the guide, struggling not to glance over at the stallion beside him. _I wasn't even bisexual!

_ _

Ben now slept with him. Just thinking it made him wince and feel unfaithful to his girlfriend, but the simple fact was that both of them felt calmer and slept easier together. He didn't know if it was some twisted herd mentality or something else, but at night they would go to different bedrooms and sometime during the night Ben ended up beside him. At first he had written it off to being in a new place and having grown used to the fact that they had slept close together at the compound, but that wasn't it. The need didn't taper off, it grew even more irresistible and was coupled with the fact the thoughts he had about his best friend were certainly not thoughts that he needed to entertain himself with.

He let his eyes slide towards the other young stallion, trying not to feel with all to familiar roil of interest and heat at the sight of the glossy white coated form. He didn't know why he was worked up into knots about it, though Ben seemed more comfortable than anything else. He wanted something from the other male, something that both fascinated and frightened him. He had thought his body's needs were under control, but it was all he could do to keep his mind firmly on track on what the other stallion was saying as they continued on their way. He just couldn't shake the feeling that he was perched on a precarious edge, one he would have to fall off of eventually. He just didn't know which side he would tumble from, or even which one to hope for..

_Things will get better, they will have to get better, I just need more time. _ He thought furiously to himself and pricked his ears forward, deliberately setting his pace so he walked away from the other young stallion.

~ ~ * ~ ~

The sound of the TV was quite loud, it was loud enough that Lance was able to ward off the questions that Emily had while she relaxed against him. Her hand was gentle on the line of his back, a weight that made him relax even though he wanted to glare across at Ben. The other young stallion was sitting in a modified bean bag chair that allowed him to recline at ease without being sprawled on his side or sitting like a dog. He was studiously ignoring Lance while the movie played. The tension could easily be cut like a knife as the men on the TV fought one another, tumbling down a muddy embankment, wrestling and kicking at

each other, trying to struggle free. Emily had to have felt it, certainly she seemed ill at ease during what she would normally enjoy as time spent together.

It's a third wheel. _ He thought furiously and tensed up slightly. _Why won't he just leave already?!

_ _

He had to stop himself from lunging up to chase Ben away, the urge was almost irresistible, held in check only by the fingers stroking along his back. He hated that he was starting to feel this way towards his companion and best friend, but whenever Emily was around their tension levels shot through the roof and neither one of them could quite maintain themselves well enough to be civil. This was the worst part of living together, that sensation of tension ready to break. Sometimes Ben left, sometimes he left, it just depended on the day and which one of them would be left in the living room and who had to retreat. Whenever Ben retreated he felt victorious and calmer, as if he had won some grand prize, when in fact he had won nothing.

"Do you want to go take a walk?" Emily murmured softly, her hand sliding up to his mane, dragging his attention from the screen and his roommate.

<Don't you like the movie?> He asked and tilted his head, trying not to see the way the corners of her eyes were crinkled with her tension.

Ever since she had retreated he had felt angry and upset for many reasons, but nearly losing her had been a splash of cold water to his face. His uncontrolled emotions could be stilled for her sake, he made his muscles relax as she stroked along his silken mane, caressing him so lightly as to call a sense of peace over him. He tipped his ears backwards a little bit and extended his nose back to brush against the line of her wrist, caressing with the line of his lips just to see her suck in a breath before her fingers moved along the line of his jaw. When she was close to him, focused on him, he felt as if he could almost think clearly no matter what happened.

She had returned several times, each time she had come for short visits, always careful to leave well before things got awkward, but she did so frequently. She was trying, truly she was, even though having her near him was nearly a torment from the warmth of the scent that lingered behind her, the teasing hint of what he could have if only she let him. Even now he was trying to keep himself inside of his sheath, something he prided himself on managing far better than his roommate. She returned for him, she continued returning for him.

"I like the movie, but I would like a walk with you even more." She smiled to herself, a small secret smile that made a thrill run down his back as he nodded his head.

<Of course, I'd love to take a walk. I know that you'll have to leave soon, I don't like it when you stay here later.> He stood up with a bit of a noise, it was always odd getting up on all fours, no matter how long it had been.

<I'll just stay here and finish he movie.> Ben's mind voice was bland, but it made Lance's ears snap back flat to his head for a brief second.

I need to control myself better.. He thought ruefully and extended his nose to lightly brush along the line of his lover's arm as she stood up beside him. I'm acting like an animal, and I'm not. I'm just reacting to instincts that I really shouldn't be listening too.

_ _

He kept those thoughts as he left through the front door, not looking back to see if his roommate remained sitting on the special cushion. Most likely Ben would go to his bedroom and start to study, once the pair of them were apart things tended to return to normal swiftly, he certainly felt himself relaxing as he stepped out into the chilled air and tipped his muzzle back to draw in a deep breath. His chest stretched out, he felt alive and energized, all of it just because of the way the moon fell down on him.

It smelled wonderfully crisp and clear, even with his girlfriend's scent on the air, he could still enjoy it. He held onto that little victory as he made his way down to the sidewalk and felt her hand caressing back and forth against the length of his spine, her fingers oh so delicate. She had begun to touch him more frequently and with greater ease. They were still more neutral touches, but they lingered so sweetly that sometimes he would retreat to his room and imagine the feel of her fingers all over again, basking in how they made his heart flutter and leap in his chest.

The half moon was rising, glistening in the darkness, casting shadows beneath them as they stepped along with no hurry in the world. He was glad she was working to accept him, she could have simply turned her back on him and let him go, but she was struggling to be alright with him and all that it meant. She seemed relaxed, his eyes slid towards the distant park and perked up slightly. It would be a lovely little place to walk, he knew it was normally open late, though people rarely went there. He began to guide her to it one step at a time, listening to the sharp clip of his hooves against the concrete.

"You are almost too beautiful to be real." Emily murmured after a few moments, her fingers reaching up to touch the curve of one of his ears. "Like an illustration in a children's book."

<Is that what you think of me?> He put some humor into his mind voice. <I thought I was far more interesting than a simple child's character.>

"You are, but... you're different." They turned towards the two stone pillars that marked the entrance to the park. "I sometimes think this is all a dream, that you aren't really..."

<Changed.> He sent the word, unable to stop the slightly bitter tone in his mind voice.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Emily wanted to say so much more and much more eloquently, she had even practiced on her way over to their house, but she had been unable to do more than struggle to understand what she was trying to say. The moment she saw him she was affected that way. It was hard to remember what she had muttered under her breath when the liquid metallic eyes met her own, when she touched him, when she saw him moving beside her.

He was beautiful and ethereal, he was beautiful in a way that made her question everything she had and been told. She wanted to believe that this would work, but her mind was all too often ensnared in what had happened before. When she had met Ben.

She knew what a young human man looked like, she knew the shape, she had even known what a horse looked like, but in her mind she had equated the stallion with being something else. She had somehow still imagined Lance being more human than equine in that area, even though she knew that he had a sheath. She had been told by Father Blanchard that she was being silly, that she should have known that he would be changed all over. It was expected for her to be fearful, it was daunting to consider what it meant for them, but she had to consider the fact that he was not going to be Changed back, he would always be this way.

<Will you simply force yourself to accept it out of love and pity for him? Or can you learn to enjoy his body?> The priest had asked with an uncharacteristic bluntness when pertaining to that aspect. <If you can only force yourself, then you must walk away, it will only damage you both in the end. You must be honest with yourself and with him.>

_It's hard to be honest. Even harder to try and get the words out without making him feel as if I am turning him away.. _ She drew in a deep breath, steadying it and closing her eyes to help brace herself.

"I love you." She said simply. "I know that you know that, I know you love me, but we are... different now. So different that it frightens me."

Lance kept walking beside her, but she could feel the tension she had felt when she had been in the living room blossom as he walked along the path. He was ready to run or to try and change the subject, both had happened before. She tightened her fingers in his mane and squeezed it, not hard enough to yank and hurt him, but firmly enough to make sure that he wasn't going to try and outstrip her by simple virtue of having four hooves.

<You think we need to reconsider our relationship.> It was so strange tasting the hurt in her mind, the fear, and even the anger.

"No." She answered flatly, her chest feeling suddenly tight. "I think that we need to.. consider that we won't be able to be traditional. It's impossible, Lance, I can't.. I can't marry you and then see.."

The stallion stopped and tilted his head up to regard her with some confusion that made a flush rise up to her cheeks as he stared at her. She could almost feel his mind working, trying to figure out what she was saying and what it meant for him. Did he understand? Or was he simply trying to be polite and not be the first to say it. She closed her eyes and braced herself, continuing on as if there was nothing wrong.

"I need to know if we are going to be alright in more than just that we love each other. It wouldn't be fair to either of us to just leap together and hope that I will be alright with all of you. " She kept her eyes away from him as she spoke. "I know.. I know we both thought it would be better to wait, we wanted to wait..."

<You don't want to wait any longer.> His mind voice was bland, reserved, as if he were carefully trying to draw out what he was saying so that there would be no misunderstanding. <You want us to make love.. now?>

That last word held a surge of hope and excitement, fear and dismay, she felt it as keenly as her own. The very fact he asked it made her gulp down a laugh, she had to swallow it down before it could embarrass both of them. She was barely paying attention to the park and the pathway, she was only paying attention to him as he stopped and swung around to

face her, his eyes still intent on her.

"No, I'm not about to have you in the park." She giggled after a moment and then crouched down. "What I mean is, I think it's time we tried... some things. Maybe not all the way, I don't know if c-can really go that far, but some things.. Oh yes. I want to see if we.. I mean, I want to know if we're alright together."

<Oh.> He sounded almost disappointed, but Lance's ears were still pricked high up in the air. They were so expressive those ears, she was coming to love them, she could judge his mood just by the position of them. <But.. for now perhaps a kiss?>

A smile curled her lips as he offered the suggestion, his own thick soft lips were pulled back in his own version of a smile as he leaned forward towards her. She wasn't sure how far she could go, if she could go the whole way, she had never seen him hard and stiff. She couldn't' imagine what it would feel like in her hands, her body, but she would try. She would try anything for him, she was going to try everything for him, she couldn't imagine

him out of her life.

Emily slid her fingers right along the line of his cheeks and stroked them, sliding in a gentle caress that smoothed down towards the line of his jaw. The gentle touch ended up just under his chin as she leaned in closer, letting out a soft breath as he sighed out. The brush of his lips was like velvet, offset with the faint prickle of the whiskers that dotted along the underside of his chin, playfully tickling her when their lips met together. There was no earthly reason to expect an equine muzzle to fit a human one, but the feel of them pressed against her made her feel as if he had been designed for her and her alone. His lips parted open and she cupped his cheeks, drawing him in closer before flicking her own tongue out.

He tasted of peppermint and Lance, both things combined together to melt on her tongue as she relaxed into him. He was still Lance. He was still hers. She wasn't going to lose him, she refused to lose him, no matter what body he was in, he was still the man she had loved.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Lance was shaking as he stepped into the living room, his body on fire with need that was beating and throbbing right in his ears. He had never felt so aroused, at least not since he had left the compound. He had kept himself locked away for his kisses with Emily, but each one had been a delight and torment both, he could barely think as he closed the door behind him and stepped further into the living room. Inside of the apartment he could let his cock droop down further towards the ground, swinging low and heavy as his breath was puffing out rapidly.

I can't believe she's okay with more.. The thought made him giddy as he passed through the living room and towards his room. Does she mean it? Or is she just going to try?

_ _

His mind was flushed with the possibilities of what it could mean for both of them. It was beyond delightful to imagine what would happen between them, how could he lie when his mind was already flooded with the ideas that brought his shaft drooping further down along the underside of his stomach. He wasn't thinking about Ben ash e went into the narrow hall, he wasn't thinking about anything but the sweet smell of Emily that lingered in his muzzle and on his coat. He wouldn't get a shower tonight, he was going to savor that scent, he was going to draw it in and savor it. He felt a pang of embarrassment as he considered just how much he was going to enjoy it, but the pang of faint shame was stopped as another scent hit his muzzle.

The way that Ben's scent hit him was crossed with the sharp and alluring scent of his girlfriend, mingling together so that he froze in place. His ears snapped back and he snorted out a breath of that mixture, his muscles going tense and outraged as he swung his head towards his roommates door. He had never been a violent person, but seeing the door partially open hit him with the urge to slam a hoof into it and confront his best friend. There was nothing friendly in his thoughts, the moment they had overlaid with the object of his affection, lust and anger rolled over one another as he glared at the door, listening to the sound of the TV through the door.

It wasn't his best friend in the next room. It wasn't Ben who had gone through Ulysses camp with him. It was a rival, a stallion, who did not acknowledge that he was the lesser of the pair, that was challenging him for his females. No stallion could be in his territory without acknowledging him as superior, without submitting himself. He stepped back, the movement a shudder as he kept watching the door, his muscles quivering slightly as he drew in a shaking breath and blew it out again. He shuddered all over, his ears shaking slightly as he backed his way into his bedroom. What was wrong with him? It was Ben, not a rival stallion, Ben. Ben was his friend..wasn't he?

~ ~ * ~ ~

Ben stood in the hallway, not sure how to stop himself as he looked at the partially opened door. He had lasted longer tonight, he had remained in his own room until nearly 3 in the morning, but that didn't mean he had slept. He had spent it feeling the emptiness of his room, the strange quiet surrounding him, he had tossed and shifted, he had tried to sleep on his side, and on his stomach, he had even tried his back, though that had been ludicrously awkward. He couldn't fall asleep, he felt alone and vulnerable, neither emotion one that he enjoyed in the least bit. At least alone and vulnerable were easier to deal with than the anger he felt all too often directed at the other stallion.

It wasn't Lance's fault, but sometimes, just sometimes, when they were awake and going through their day he felt outrages and uncomfortable at having his best friend near him. The other night he had wanted to snap at the other boy when Lance had taken the remote to find a show. The sheer over reaction he had had was something that he felt horrible about, but it had nearly gotten him into a royal fight for no other reason than the other unicorn had taken the remote from his side. They were both on edge, he could feel it, like a storm over head that was only soothed when he pushed his way into Lance's room and settled beside him at night.

With a sigh, Ben pushed his nose on the door and opened it, seeing the faint light of the bedside lamp still lit as he poked his nose into the room. The moment he did so his unhappiness and confusion bubbled into something else, something that confused and warmed him all at once. He liked being near the other boy, more importantly, he liked to touch and be touched by him. Their occasional arguments and bursts of anger were offset with the evenings when he grew entirely too close to the other boy and wanted to try and nestle in until his head was tucked right under Lance's.

<We made it longer tonight.> Lance greeted him as he stepped through the door, Ben's ears immediately went back as he saw the other unicorn's ears set flat to his head and the tail lashing back and forth.

<I'm sorry.> He managed, trying to subdue a strange anger at seeing the other stallion's pose. Why was he acting this way? <I just.. it's too quiet in my room.>

<Is it?> Lance snapped, the angry tone making Ben take a step back. It wasn't the first time he'd noticed the anger in his friend's reaction to him, but this time it was far more visible, there was no attempt to hide it.

His instincts since he had been changed had all been twisted and turned around, he had understood that the moment he had started to change, but this was the first time that he was being faced with the fact that he could barely separate reality from fantasy. He was left standing with his ears held far back to his head and a rising sense of anger. It was pointless anger, he had never been able to separate why he felt it and what the source was, but being in close proximity to Lance made him alternate between need to be near him and the almost violent urge to stomp him right into the ground. He tried to throttle it, but it was rising to a peak as his best friend stood up gracefully, but with the anger contained beneath the shivering hide. The normally relaxed silver eyes were bright and strange as Ben snorted out and scuffed a cloven hoof against the ground. What was going on?

There was tension in the air, he could almost feel the pressure as he locked his legs in place, he wasn't going to leave the doorway. He didn't want to give ground, his ears remained tight to his head as he let out another hot snort and felt his muscles bunching up. He fixed his eyes on his best friend and didn't see anything except an intruder. Just the thought should have washed the emotions from him, let him see clearly, but in the dark early morning he didn't feel silly or outrageous. It felt right and real. This was an intruder, in his territory, challenging him. He tossed his head and took a step forward, the movements jerky as his best friend advanced, contained violence in every step.

~ ~ * ~ ~

_It's Ben! It's Ben! STOP IT! IT'S BEN! _ Lance was screaming in his own mind, but his body and emotions wouldn't listen to rational reason.

Normally he felt relaxed when Ben came into the room, it meant it was time to sleep, but not tonight. Tonight he just felt anger and outrage that the other young stallion had come into his room without permission. How dare he come here?! The thoughts lurched under the surface and left him shaking as he kept walking forward and saw Ben freeze in the doorway and his entire body language changed. He was normally relaxed and even a bit submissive, but he went tense and started to advance, it was a challenge. His new body knew what a challenge was. He didn't see the advancing form as the friend he had talked with so often, he simply fixated on the small light male as someone who was trying to take what was rightfully his. Even thinking it made him feel silly, but he didn't feel silly, not in the least bit.

Ben snorted and let out a little squeal as Lance lunged forward without warning, plunging towards the smaller form with a speed that allowed him to snap out against one white shoulder. The smaller unicorn reared and pawed out, clapping him on the haunch with a cloven hoof. It didn't hurt more than his pride, but his pride had never been so easy to harm as it was since he had been changed. Lance swung around and reared up, trying to crash into his best friend, stretching his neck out and snapping towards the neck as Ben backed up towards the back wall. The cloven hooves scrabbled loudly against the ground, the blue eyes showed a ring of bright white before the other lad reared up and they crashed chest to chest with each other.

He wasn't thinking when he shrieked out a challenge, he just knew that he had to defeat the intruder. It was a visceral response, one that went far above anything he had felt outside of sex and Ben struck back against him with a desperate air. Lance was bigger, he felt nothing but pleasure at his larger weight forcing the other stallion backwards step back step, the scrabbling movements between them being drawn out as Ben ducked his head and bit roughly against his neck. The teeth scraped him, so he lunged back to grab at the shoulder, his own teeth snapping down and feeling the warm muscle as he clenched down hard enough to make his friend shriek out in outrage as well as pain from the assault.

Their hooves clattered on the ground roughly, circling in his bedroom while tails snapped and crashed. This was his room, his territory, he lived here, he wouldn't tolerate another male here, not where his females were. His thoughts crashed wildly as he forced Ben backwards, sometimes dropping on four hooves to kick out, other times going onto two legs to strike out with forehooves against each other's chests. He was faster, bigger, more aggressive as he drove Ben backwards, cornering him one step at a time, his body quivering with a mingling of anger and triumph as the smaller stallion backed down, growing more frantic to evade instead of trying to strike back at his friend.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Ben felt his haunches push against the corner as Lance drove him back, the flurry of bites and kicks making his skin ache and bruise in half a dozen places as he was forced down. No matter how he tried to break through, Lance was bigger, the extra weight on it made it impossible to get past him without risking getting hit square in the chest. He was shaking, a slight sheen of sweat on his coat as he tucked his head down and lowered it, unable to do more than jerk and duck when Lance bit at his neck and shoulder. He couldn't do much pushed against the corner, he couldn't do anything except hope that Lance would take his lack of fighting back as a sign that he had won.

Lance's breath was hot and fast as his best friend finally stopped striking out and the nose pushed against his neck slightly. He felt the heat pressing right beneath his mane as the dominant stallion rumbled a sound low in his throat. There were no words, just that deep throaty sound that vibrated along the line of his neck. It was strange to feel it thrumming against him so intimately, the heat of it teasing and running down the line of his shoulder. The nose pushed against his own, their lips almost touching, velvety and warm as the nostrils rested against his own and blasted out a hot rush of scent that had him tense up.

There were no words he could understand to describe what he felt as he drew Lance's scent, defeat and relief were combined together. He had lost, he knew he had lost, but that only let him feel the relief of having the larger stallion back him up and corner him. He drew in a deep breath of his own before letting it out and the horn suddenly slipped along his own with a scrape that took his breath away. He shuddered, his entire body tensing up while the muzzle pushed up along his cheek and Lance's eyes were close enough to see. They looked panicked, wide and fearful, but his best friend didn't allow that fear to stop him from nipping in the oddest way right along the crest of Ben's neck.

The moment he felt the bite he relaxed and dropped his head down, working his lips lightly, chewing the air for a reason he didn't understand, it just felt right to keep his head lower than that of the winning stallion. He didn't move as the muzzle nosed against the line of his back, the head slipped over his spine, breath tickling him while his eyes remained wide open, looking over to see that his best friend wasn't exactly thinking of him as a friend.

The long length of shaft was drooping from the weighty sheath, it was spilling down towards the ground, the inches of it fat and swollen looking as they swayed back and forth.

The sight of it made his breath catch in his throat as another inch slithered free into view, pale pink and broad, the tip was falling downwards as the teeth snapped right against the curve of his haunch. He tensed up, muscles bunching together, but he didn't try to get away as he closed his eyes. This was so wrong, it was terribly wrong, but he couldn't get away as he felt locked in place, submitted to the attention.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Lance was breathing faster, he could see the slender body in front of him without even a hint of trying to escape, the tail was even partially hiked as he nipped roughly against one of the hind legs. He felt a visceral pleasure at seeing the pink spot blossom beneath the pale fur, the mark of his teeth showing plainly against Ben, he wanted to mark the smaller stallion, he needed to mark him. He could feel himself growing aroused, it was a part of life that he mostly tried to ignore, but now he wasn't thinking about ignoring it, he was thinking about making sure that Ben knew his place. He pushed his nose out and shoved roughly against the curved hips, forcing them from the corner so he could get a better view of them.

_He's your best friend! You don't think of him like that! _ He tried to argue as his cock slipped further down at the sight of the ropey tail twisting and lashing back and forth.

The scent was so familiar now, but it was being touched on with lust as Ben looked back at him with wide fearful eyes. He wasn't trying to get away, instead, he moved away from the wall and hiked his tail up to one side, the leonine length of it lashing and twitching, but baring the silky pink pucker to Lance. He swallowed, his body responding even as he wrestled to keep himself from walking forward. His cheeks burned in hot humiliation as his drooping cock filled out rapidly, the rush nearly making him dizzy as the weight of it slapped up against his chest with a loud noise. He had no hope of keeping it from Ben, the other lad was swallowing and trembling in place.

Lance was fixated by that pucker and haunch, he thought of the mounting mare in Ulysses' compound, but the thought was soon fluttered away as he took a step forward. This was no fake mare, this was a stallion, this was his stallion, he had won. This was his territory, any male within it was his by rights, would submit to him by rights, they had to. The thoughts weren't quite words, they were feelings that surged to the foreground as his cock flexed up again, the pale pink length slapping roughly up against his chest while his gaze slid down to the pink-white orbs that were nestled between the hind legs. He felt a queer surge of pride that they wouldn't be used in his territory, no lesser stallion could breed here besides him.

_Don't do it! DAMN IT! _He tried to scream in his mind as he extended his slender neck towards that haunch and gave it a rough bit that was rewarded with a high pitched squeal from his best friend.

It sounded like a mares squeal, a delightful mare squealing all for him, he let out a rumble of heat and desire as he prance stepped forward, almost floating over the ground. Ben tucked his head down with a shallow noise, but didn't move as his chest crashed against the haunches, his head sliding up along the back. This was his now, he had defeated the other stallion, it was his by rights!

~ ~ * ~ ~

Ben was shaking, he couldn't move, couldn't think beyond showing the other stallion that he wasn't a threat, wasn't competition. His tail hiked up behind him so that he was flashing his pucker at his best friend. He had never wanted to have this happen this way, he was trembling so hard his bones felt as if they were about to rattle free, but there was something else there. It was an eager excitement that he had never experienced before fluttering beneath the surface, a relief from the tension that had been drawn out between them since they had first moved in. The question had loomed unasked between them, it had grown and flooded them both, crowding them out with confusion and emotions that they hadn't been able to speak about. That was answered now, Lance was in control here, not him.

If it hadn't been for the heat of the breath against his haunches, the trembling excitement and fear, he would have fallen down in absolute relief. The endless questions and arguments in his mind were stilled entirely. There was no room for them, not when he felt the muzzle sliding up along the base of his tail and the sudden warmth of the larger body behind him. He squared his haunches, his eyes widening as the chest pushed against him and something slapped along the other stallion's belly. Not something, he knew what it was and what was going to happen, his own body was flared hot as the tip of his cock began to push out of his sheath, the confusing arousal soon drooling it down towards the ground, the weight of it dragging it further inch by inch.

Pale pink and swollen, he was pulling his tail up higher when the head pushed right along the line of his spine and back, the weight of it causing him to give a little buck of shock before the teeth grazed against him. He liked the feel of the teeth there, humiliated he felt his cock surge forward, almost painfully pleasurable to have it out in the open air and hanging down between his haunches as his best friend snorted out and pranced behind him. He could feel the movements and jostles, his body tensed up for it, legs locking in place as he dropped his head down, ears tipping back while shuddering in place. He didn't want to escape, he didn't even want to run, that was the worst part of it.

_I don't like him like that. _ He thought, but it had the substance of a feather as suddenly Lance reared up and the forelegs suddenly grabbed at either side of his hips, the weight pushing over him.

The hot breath slid along his neck, the soft velvety lips reached out to brush against him before the teeth ran in a line. They didn't do it to injure, it was a possessive hold as the legs gripped firmly along his barrel and something pushed right under his tail. He knew the feel of the heavy pink cock as it slipped upwards, the slow caress of the blunt tip bumped right under the tail base with a firm press that had his breath catching in his throat. Lance shuddered and grunted out, the grip tightening as the shaft probed and shoved against him, jabbing blindly, leaving wet syrupy spills of precum running down against him. His hind legs tensed up in anticipation, his eyes squeezing shut while his friend tried to find the mark. Ben wanted him to find the mark...

~ ~ * ~ ~

Lance felt the silky opening of the pink pucker shoved up against the tip of his cock, he felt nothing but victory and triumph at the touch of it, his legs tightened before he hunched his back just as he had on the mounting mare. His cock tip jabbed right against the tight anal ring with a wild plunge forward, feeling it suddenly spreading open around him as his friend let out a short squeal and tensed up under him. The thick precum smeared through the opening as the stallion squeezed his eyes shut and lowered his head, resting his muzzle along the silky white shoulder while the warm living walls closed down around him for the

first time in his life.

It was beyond what he'd imagined when masturbating, there were muscles twitching and quivering all along the inner walls, pulling and plucking along him while he splayed his hind legs and gave another buck forward. His heavy pink girth bowed with the force he used to feed it into the narrow passage, feeling how the tightness grew as his best friend shuddered under him and gave a hunching little buck. He nearly came as he sank in a third of the way, his entire body tensing up before he scrabbled to get a grip on himself, making himself relax before dragging backwards through the slick feeling walls.

This was his. That was the sensation he felt when gripping on the stallion and squeezing tightly, this was his. This stallion belonged to him. He had never felt such visceral pride or such outdated thoughts, but that's all that came to mind as he plunged forward again and fed inch after heavy inch, turning the silky pucker into a lewd wide O around him. His blunt tip pushed right up and over a spot just inside of the passage as he curled his forelegs tightly to either side and used the hold to pull him forward further. The thick ridge of his medial ring began to push its way against the opening before he dragged backwards, pulling the stretched anal ring into a taut circle as he slipped backwards with a rough grunt.

He barely let himself pull out more than an inch or two before plunging forward again, he wanted inside the warm squirming stallion, all of him. He needed to sit all the way into the balls, the need overwhelmed all doubts and guilt as Ben squealed out again when his thick medial ring plunged up and began to force it's way inwards. The walls were spreading so amazingly around his cock tip, he could barely contain himself as every time he shifted they contracted and squeezed, the movements almost torture to his eager body before he pushed himself forward hard enough his medial ring sank into the shuddering stallion. He reached out to grab the neck with his teeth, right at the midpoint and pulled the other stallion's head up, their horn's brushing against each other as the next thrust sank him in all the way to the thick base.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Ben was squealing out, not thinking of the neighbors, his body was impaled on the hot thick flesh that was only driving in deeper. He had pictured his first time many times since he had become a unicorn, spinning fantasies of a virgin that was amazed at him, loved him, desired him, her body cast out under him, but instead he was bucking and arching beneath his victorious best friend. His cock was hanging down and dribbling beneath him, flexing up and slapping his chest every time the thick flesh rubbed over a particular part of his body, making him react. It was a burst of pleasure as the thick ring sank into him, the ache of being violated tempered by the way that he was being worked through.

He didn't know what the cock was pushing over, but every time it ran over a particular spot he nearly bucked in pleasure as his cock slapped up and turned rigid beneath him.

His forelegs were splayed wide to brace himself as teeth grabbed at his neck and yanked his head up, his eyes snapped open to stare at the wall as another few inches drove into him, growing wider. His virgin flesh was struggling to hold the sheer size that was being driven into him, the weight of the balls suddenly slapped upwards between his hind legs, bouncing against his own orbs while Lance panted above him, the forelegs shaking. He intimately felt ever ridge, every bump, every vain on the shaft clutching over him. He shuddered and let out a cry when the hips dragged back and the inches spilled free, his passage feeling slick and empty where it passed over.

The cock tip dragged over the spot inside of him, a brief tug and pressure that had him humping forward, bucking raggedly before forced to hold still as Lance drove forward again with a rough grunt, the teeth yanking against his neck to try and fuel the wild thrust. It was like nothing he had ever expected to feel, pleasure and shame warred together, but it was pleasure that won the battle, pleasure that made him feel half wild as the stallion began to work his hips against him with powerful driving strokes. Each movement force fed him the length, plunging it in through his walls and bottoming out only when the orbs plunged up against him. Wet precum was oozing out around the tip, he felt it spilling and smearing, the only lubricant he was given, the faint pains eased over while he heard the rough bestial grunts on his back.

He wanted it, he wanted more, his shaft was soon jutting out beneath him and constantly stiff and heavy as he jabbed against nothing. He was humping the air as the stallion drove harder, ramming against him, the forelegs curled against the front of his haunches and yanked backwards to rock him into the thrusts as he heard the slick wet sounds of arousal being pushed out of him. He couldn't think beyond the need that was building wildly, the throbbing heat making him tip his ears backwards. The passion and lust he had tried to dismiss and push away were surging to the forefront of his mind, he couldn't think past the wave of it as he let out a shrill high pitched call when the next thrust drove the thickening tip deeper inside of him.

His shaft was growing heavier, coating his forelegs with a messy spill of precum, running down towards the ground as he jerked at the hold on his neck and shuddered. His balls were tensing up, pulling closer to his body, tightening nearly painfully as the tip of his cock began to blossom open wider and wider, splaying to the point that he was nearly shuddering with a mixture of pain and pleasure both. He couldn't see, his sweat sheened coat shuddered as his balls heaved and churned, his tip swelled to a point that felt it nearly painful to rub against his own chest. And then it happened, a blinding rush that surged up and over him, swallowing him down greedily as the first hot rush of his seed erupted from

the tip of his cock.

He felt the teeth yanking his head up, the hold wild as the hips suddenly worked in a ragged lurch, the powerful strokes dragging out the moment of pleasure as he painted his chest and forelegs in heavy ropes of his seed, streamers of it falling down to splatter on the ground beneath him. His walls kept working and squeezing, suckling and massaging, trying to draw more and more into his body, his entire form shuddering in place while his eyes closed. He just held that moment as the stallion began to tense up on his back, the thickness of the tip starting to pry him open wider by the moment, wide enough it should have hurt, but pain was the last thing on his mind.

~ ~ * ~ ~


Lance cried out and his tail jerked up high in the air, starting to quiver and twitch, flagging in the air as he felt a moment of absolute pleasure building as the walls began to spasm around him. They were clutching, milking and working around him as his balls tightened up and he couldn't help himself by hammer into the smaller stallion with a brutal powerful stroke. He clutched the neck harder, he knew he was going to leave a mark, it gave him a sense of pleasure and rightness that he was going to leave a mark on the neck, he wanted to make sure that the other stallion knew his place beneath him.

With a final thrust he muffled a trumpeting cry of pleasure as his cock began to throb and fill out, he was locked inside of the tight passage as the first creamy rush erupted out of his tip and was flung hard into the line of the passage. He felt nearly dizzy as it poured out of him, rope after rope of it, running deeper as he was caressed and squeezed, the interior walls pulling gently along him, teasing him as he gave a little hunch and thrust forward. The next push forward and drag backwards slipped some of his cock backwards, a few inches flashing into view before the next thrust squelched some of the cum out of the passage, oozing down along the back of the weighty orbs as his sides rose and fell rapidly.

They remained that way, not speaking, their bodies shaking and trembling as both of them were panting heavily, trying to catch their breath. The entire room reeked of musk and sex, it was filling his nose and making him arch his neck slightly as his pink cock slowly began to soften inside of his friends tight passage. Ben's head was all the way down, his ears back, his eyes shut as if he weren't even aware of what was happening above him. He didn't feel guilty, he didn't even feel ashamed of himself, he felt victorious as he pulled backwards and inch after thick inch of his spent cock slithered free from the violated pucker. Eventually it slipped out with a popping noise, cum dribbling down from the spread pale opening as Lance tossed his head slightly.

He didn't know why he felt so proud of himself, deep in his mind he was horrified and almost frightened by what he had done, but that part of him was buried deep beneath the satisfaction as he moved up beside the other stallion. His tail twitched back and forth lightly behind him as he slipped along the warm side and saw the mess beneath the smaller stallions form. He snuffled the marked neck, feeling obscene pleasure at the way the pink marks stood out against the white hide. Ben's eye slid open, his head not even lifting up an inch as he regarded his friend.

<I take it I can sleep here tonight, then?> His friend's mind voice had weak humor in it, and beneath the humor was relaxed pleasure. Later they could be horrified or embarrassed for now, Lance simply snorted in amusement and draped his head over his friend's shoulders.

When was the last time he had felt this relaxed?

Ben could only try to recover himself, his entire body relaxing under the bliss of finally having relieved himself, but it was offset with the beginning ache that was starting righta long the line of his haunches. The ache that was starting to grow where the shaft had slipped free, a sting that was making his muscles twitch and contract in reaction. It was making his entire body tense up as it pushed past the pleasure and made him limp slightly when Lance went towards the bed. Why hadn't it hurt while it had been happening? He winced and slowly dropped down beside his friend, confused and feeling the sting under his tail, but even through that ache... Some part of him felt relaxed and relieved, even pleased as there was a firm nip on the curve of his neck by his best friend. If only the pain in his rump would have eased he might have even enjoyed it.