Running through my mind 2

Story by Lon3Wulf on SoFurry

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#2 of Running through my mind

Now sulking and brooding over his stupid mistake, Chris had reached the front of FHS and stood there before it only to admire it for a split second. "Not bad... kind of like the one back home..." noted the gothic otter. He walked through the front doors, passing huddled groups of furs and scales, even feathers, naming all the cliques as he passed by them. Very few people noticed the otter walking in, some making comments in either high enough volume for a majority of people to hear or low enough to shrug off and some looked at certain aspects of the sea weasel. Enough thought Chris, making his way to what seemed to be the Office, unless the sign outside the room itself lied. Upon entering, a question was posed in the otter's direction.

"Can I help you?" a middle-aged, red-fox woman asked amongst the others.

"Yes... I'm new here and was wondering...where do I collect my ID and schedule?"

"What are you, a junior, senior?" said the fox, flipping through folders.

"Senior." Chris answered.


"Chris Lutra."

The woman paused, thinking to herself before giving yet another question."In any relation to the Lutra family, the one that owns that big law firm on the coast?"

The otter only nodded and replied "Yeah..."

She gave a puzzled look before whipping out a blue paper with thirty-five boxes, five days along the top and the classes descending from first period to seventh, almost blowing off the surprise. The blue paper was Chris's schedule, gym locker combination, locker number, etc and the fox handed to him.

"What about the ID?" asked the otter after saying his ‘thank you' for the blue sheet.

"Printing one out right now..." as she stated with her back turned to Chris, facing what seemed to be a pretty big and loud printer. Constant repetition of screeches and sliding mechanisms whirling about made some of the personnel hold their paws over their ears.

"... Here you go. Don't lose it. Five bucks to replace it." She said with ID and lanyard in one paw, stretched out over the front desk.

Chris thanked her, taking the ID and lanyard, fastening them quickly and putting it around his neck. Afterwards, the otter waved good bye and read the paper, scanning it for where he should be going first. A grunt and a disgusted look, that's all what was needed to show Chris's feelings for his first period class, Math.

It's not like Chris is terrible at math, it is quite the contrary. Math is one of his best subjects but, provided no entertainment or intellectual stimulation. "Necessary, but painfully boring" muttered Chris as his first period class was going through greetings, like name, favorite this and that and other side facts to possibly ignite friendships and future partners for projects. The otter stayed in the seat in the back of the room, but in the second closest row to the door. This was for multiple reasons: to see the clock, hide behind a sea of furs and lastly, stay close to the door for quick exit but without disturbing reasons one and two. When it was the otter's turn to give his name and random favorites, he did but only because it was obligatory and void of any emotion. This continued on with the rest of Chris's classes except his English class, his favorite subject.

It's was now sixth period and the otter just ingested what appeared to be or was claimed to be spaghetti and meatballs for lunch. For Chris and most seniors, this was the last period of the day, given that you have enough enlisted credits. The sea weasel's last period of the day was Gym, which made the mess inside of his stomach turn over. "Great, I get to sweat and exhaust myself, shower with a bunch of other guys whilst hiding my orientation before I go home to do nothing but play video games..." grumbled Chris as he walked through the locker room, trying not to look at the others. The otter's gym clothes were already provided by the school along with his own locker in case he needed to store his backpack or books, which weren't needed today for only introductions and syllabuses. Locker 198A, a locker in the corner where no furs seemed to share lockers, seemed to be work of his father no doubt. Please keep my son away from the other boys, he might start an orgy mocked Chris, poking fun at the situation that occurred. "Maybe it was dumb luck and I'm paranoid" joked the otter, now smiling and giggling only to return to a nonchalant state. After retrieving the uniform, the sea weasel had yet another comment to crack out to himself or so he thought. "That is the ugliest shade of shit I have ever seen."

"Never particularly liked ‘em either." A mysterious voice said from behind.

The otter froze like a deer staring back at the head lights as a car quickly approaches it down a country road. An awkward silence held the room before Chris turned to see who was there, only to be frightened at how close the stranger had gotten.

"Sorry if I disturbed ya, but I couldn't help but notice..." the green dragon said, leaning on the

wall of lockers next to Chris and barely a foot in distance.

"Notice what exactly?" questioned Chris, slowly relaxing.

"The new, cute guy who just so happens to have his locker above mine. By the way, my name is Joey" the emerald draconian flirted as he offered his hand.

"Chris, and yeah, I'm new here." Blushed and retorted the otter as he took Joey's clawed hand and shook it.

"Well, we only have two minutes left to change... and I wanna see whatcha got under all those clothes. Maybe even a little ‘Show-me-yours-and-I'll-show-you-mine'... ‘Scuse me" said Joey, bending over in front of Chris to unlock his locker and retrieve his clothes.

The otter was bright red now, a little embarrassed but a little relieved at the same time. Another gay guy and this one came on to ME. I'll play along and maybe cop a feel of this little slutty draggy ... I'm too much of a horn dog to pass this up! thought Chris. Their shirts were the first things to come off of them, watching each other as every action progressed. They unfolded their belts slowly, giving them more time to think about what will happen next. Oh my god! I can't believe this is happening!

This little cutie has a rocking body, can't wait to see more of it Joey said inside of his head as his eyes scanned Chris. Joey, in an attempt to speed things up, increased his speed and removed his bottoms before the sea weasel even had his belt off. Chris was a little shocked to find out that the green dragon was wearing no skivvies underneath, and half way to a hard-on, but his hormones blinded him and he just grinned, unfastening his pants to even things out. The draconian giggled with a smirk and pointed out the otter's Speedo which left out no detail if the expanding contents inside of it. Looking down at his bulging swimwear, Chris just made a face and slid the front underneath his sheath to surprise Joey and speed things along before their time extinguishes. With both of them in the nude and semi-hard, they approached each other, embracing with open arms and lips. With a hard impact, their bodies collided, each one pressing with great force as they kissed lightly before exchanging tongues. The sea weasel could not believe what was happening, but he just relaxed and enjoyed this, not passing the opportunity. Chris pinned Joey to the wall, still kissing him but now on the neck with one hand on the dragon's rump and the leg, holding it as wrapped around his own.

This is getting hot and heavy fast... How lucky am I to get a guy like this to find me? When they had both reached a full erection, the greed dragon reached down and slowly jacked the two lengths together before ending it. Wait, why'd he stop? Is he being a tease or?...

"Sorry to stop the fun but we still have class to attend" cooed the draconian. "I can see why you are driving him wild."

A pause and a confused look came from the otter before asking "Wait, what? Who now?"

Eli was about to scream to the Old Gods if he could not cleanse his mind of that otter he saw glancing at him earlier. Why do I care where he is? I mean, sure, he was cute and was interested in me but GAH... I just don't get it. Class had not even started yet and Eli was on the track, looking like his was just practicing, being an overachiever or enjoying himself, all being great disguises. The blurple raptor continued to run around the track in an attempt to purge his ramblings. I wonder where he is the Utahraptor thought, followed by a sigh and another question. Where is Joey too?

Chris and Joey finally got dressed and gave an excuse to the teacher for the late exit out of the locker room. The coach, Coach Tigro, bought the bogus story and collected attendance quickly before leading the relatively small band of boys outside to the track and field. Coach Tigro gave a quick overview of the outdoor conveniences and synopses on what the young males were expected to do. Eli came to a slow stop as he came close to the group, panting slightly and waving to Joey as he stood trying to regain his breath.

"There's Eli" the emerald ‘scalie' whispered carefully to the sea weasel standing next to him.

"Yeah... that's the guy who caught me glancing at him this morning..." Chris admitted with a blush and a chuckle. "Oh boy."

The coach disbanded the group, telling them to just do something athletic for the participation grade. After the other guys vanished to either lift weights or walk around the track, Joey, Eli and Chris remained before merging onto the track themselves.

"Look... about this morn," the otter began before Eli interrupted.

"Don't worry about it. I actually found it cute."

Chris just blushed and scratched the back of his head with crimson cheeks. Joey left the two alone so that they could get to know each other better and so he could actually practice as he was falling behind in that department for track. The otter and the raptor discussed various topics such as movies, music, television and video games and found their favorites and least favorites, making a few jokes and references along the way.

"So... are you free after school today or any part of the weekend?" Eli toyed.

"My parents aren't ‘round half the time, so yeah."

"Then your place it is!" chuckled Eli.

"Alright. You wanna go there directly after school or..."

"I have track, ugh." The dino grunted, lowering his head. "I'll go after practice ends, ‘round 4:30pm. That sound alright?"

"Sure. I am at 16 Lipton Street." Chris stated.

"So your family bought that house!" Eli pointed out. "Okay, class is just about over and I got to get ready for track."

Eli and Chris exchanged their goodbyes and a couple winks before parting ways. Neither of them could stop thinking about how the day would later unfold. Only time will tell both thought.