Coffee & Cream •Chapter 1•

Story by Daydreaming Pup on SoFurry

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#1 of Coffee & Cream

Matt, the hard-working Sylveon has always had feelings for Joel, a lazy Houndoom of a childhood friend. After both getting into the same college, a winter snowstorm forces the two to share a dorm and their feelings like they have 12 years ago... but can they take the frostbite of Matt's parent's denial? Enjoy a sip of life's bitter expresso.

The fresh fallen snow glittered in the brightness of the morning sun, in choruses of twinkles, they flashed, shimmered and gleamed. They shone and they sang out the raindrops of sun and flurries of the cold winter breath, crystallizing in the sky, forming forms that would never be formed again, falling softly like fallen dove feathers. The now calm and usually bustling college campus was completely empty for winter break except for...

"Ah... Isn't the snow romantic, Joel?" Matt sighs as he reaches out for a snowflake that glides onto his paw. Matt had dressed up in a nice fluffy winter jacket that complimented his slender Sylveon physique and pink & cream covered fur a he shivered when a snowflake bit at his nose which he swiped off as Joel gave him a lackadaisical stare that screamed, "Really?" His eyes were a baby blue, shimmering with the light of new life as if they had caught a few stars from the night time to savor with every blink.

"I wouldn't use that exact word, no." Joel replied, holding his usual Staryubucks coffee in his paw, sipping some as Matt continued without considering Joel's unenthusiastic attitude. Joel was a completely black Houndoom, whose wardrobe today consisted of his never changing obsession with his black hoodie, and some cerulean jeans. He was usually oppressing and cocky, and his eyes galred like burning holes of nothingness, but its those moments he gives care that mean the most.

"I mean... It's just so pretty out. The snow is so beautiful. I don't know about you but this weather makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside, even if it's cold out." Matt said, spreading his free arm out at the serene scene of the soft white fields of snow" and basically... Nothing else but dorm room buildings in the distance also stuffed in the snowy blanket.

"I'm cold. I'm wet. _ And I'm talking to you. _ I see few things cheerful about this point in time." Joel answer back, flicking some snow off his hoodie as he gave the answer, almost in a crescendo of annoyance as he finished.

"C'mon Joel..." Matt pouted with a cute grimace as he hugged his books. "Can't you look at things more CHEERFULLY?~" With a little grin, he smiled at Joel, his head looking dow shyly, unknowing of the huge pile of snow that had piled above him in the dead brambles and branches of an oak. With much cliché, the branches were unable to withstand the building weight of the snowball and fell right down on...

"MEW!" Matt cried out as he felt the first touch of melted snow on his sensitive fur, completely covering him.

"Still have that warm fuzzy feeling?" Joel said, still unamused at the sight.


"Thats the hypothermia kicking in. See you in the Spring." He said with a sip of his coffee and turned to leave.

'Insensitive, stupid, careless, ass, JERK!' Matt thought to himself as he shuddered off all the snow, his clothes all wet and freezing, unable to to move much any more, whimpering as he searched through the snow for his books. 'He's always so mean...'

"Hey." A black paw laid itself softly on Matt's shoulder, as he was about to break down in frozen tears. "I was waiting by that bench for you." A familiar voice caused Matt to turn and tackle a little black wolf into the into the snow with him.

"Whoa! H-Hey! Its COLD! AUGH! IT BURNS! IT BURNS!" Joel protested from the nuzzling kitten-like Pokemon as it rolled itself up in his lap. "M-M-Matt... Sometimes I regret... t-t-things I do for yy-y-you..." Joel shuddered, his clothes now wet and frigid like Matt's. "U-Ugh, c-c'mon... Lets go to my dorm and warm up..."

"I-I'm so sorry Joel! I didn't know what over me to make me pounce like that, hehe." Matt said nervously twirling his fingers as he looked down in embarrassment, the snow landing on his delicate, fluffy ears as they twitched cutely, his ribbons swaying with the winter breeze as truly hypothermia had took its toll. "I-I..-I-I-I..." Matt repeated the mess of words, his teeth shattering like a bracket filtering every word that came after "I", as he felt the cold over take him, falling back into the even colder frost below.

"H-Hey! Matt!" Joel said worriedly as the weak nearly frozen feline swayed a bit before surrendering to the pull of gravity to be stopped by two strong-willed paws as the small winter flurry grew into a full force blizzard. Joel quickly swung the Eevee-evolution into his arms, rushing through the blinding blizzard as he said to the unconscious Matt as he rushed as fast as he could into building, "I'll warm you up, don't worry, you aren't gonna die. I promise. I promise." However, the storm grew even stronger and he couldn't see the building in sight any longer, he thought to himself, 'Shit... Shit. Shit. Shit. This was all my fault.' He had barely made it into the building before almost suffering of hypothermia himself, walking to his dorm room Matt still in his arms as the rest of the furries there simply stared in awe or whispered to their friends about it. Inadvertently, Joel didn't notice that he had been carrying Matt bridal style to his dorm where he laid him down on his bed, and flipped on the heat.

"Mmmph...grphurglenej mew..." Matt muttered a jumble of indecipherable gibberish, squirming a bit uncomfortably in his frozen clothes.

"Phew... You're alive..." Joel sighed in relief as he noticed Matt's clothes melting and soaking his bed with water. "Oh shoot." He scurried away to find a towel of some sort in the restroom and placed it under Matt. 'I...I have to take his clothes off...' He thought as his paws moved to unzip the orange winter jacket.

'I swear if he wakes up while I do this, it won't look right...' A blatant blush burning red into his muzzle as he slowly undid the sweater's zipper to reveal Matt's sweater that flashed with little kittens playing with a ball of yarn. 'Oh that is SO you Matt.' Joel thought as he tossed the wet jacket into the laundry basket nearby and took to the soaking shirt that dripped icy water where ever pressure was applied or simply where gravity pulled.

'Gulp... Here goes...' Joel's paws shakingly removed the last article of clothing on Matt's upper body, except for a little collar with a bell hanging from it, to reveal a slender, furry chest, scarttered with pink hearts as Matt grunted a bit in protest as his dreams were being a bit disturbed. Joel took a moment to admire his perfectly shaped back that led down to an area he refused to look at. Matt wasn't skinny, fat or buff, just a normal slender, built feline with, if anything, a two pack.

'Now for the bes- I mean bottom part...' Joel said prying his eyes off Matt's chest and moved to his tight black jeans that emphasized his figure a bit. Undoing the jeans after tossing the shirt in to the basket, to find that Matt was wearing a tight jockstrap that was also covered in ice, and melting snow.

'Dang he wears this?! And how did the ice get in here?' With his eyes avoiding the bulge in the underwear he took off the jeans and tossed them to the basket as well, preparing for the last piece of clothing Matt had left. He carefully took of the jockstrap and tossed it into the basket with much consideration at not looking, snatched a blanket nearby and covered Matt in it which made him snuggle a bit when he found the new source of heat.

Joel smiled a bit as he watched and shivered a bit, just in time to notice that he too was soaking wet, making him strip off all his clothes and with much consideration, his boxers as well as he took to Matt and tucked him in well before grabbing a extra pillow and some blankets to sleep on the floor, which was soaked from him standing in the melting icy clothes.

'Ugh, I can't sleep like this, he blushed as he turned to his last option, his cheeks flaring up as if he had plopped a handful of jalapeños into his mouth and took the longest time to chew, and looked redder than the ripest crisp apple.

'Okay, just don't let him touch you and you'll be fine..." He thought to himself as he slipped into the covers with Matt, who unconsciously found the foreign furry body enter and snatched it in his paws, pulling Joel tight to his chest warmly as he purred. "Eep..." Joel whimpered as the feline pulled him into its embrace.

'Shoot... I guess it's not that bad...' Joel smiled for the first time that day as he closed his eyes, his own paw holding onto Matt's as they both enjoyed sleep's loving embrace as it called to them warmly away from the cold blizzard outside.

'I guess you aren't that bad of a cat heheh. even though you are quite the pussy sometimes.' He chuckled at that thought flipping around to face Matt's sleeping face, calm and embedded with the gentleness of a dream, squeezing Matt's paw, and closed his eyes grinning. He did this just to make sure Matt's face was the last one he saw before he finally surrendered to the alluring call of sleep...

Haha, so this was just a cute little story I typed up, sorry it was really quick but I don't know if I will continue it. So I planned for this story as a thanks, last year has been so wonderful with all your support. Thank you for being amazing readers and sticking with me unpredictable and insane little mind haha, so just stay furry and cute guys! Matt says :3!

Pup OUT!

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