Companions Chapter 19: Honeymoon

Story by Evoquus on SoFurry

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#19 of Companions

[Companions Chapter 19]


WARNING! The following text contains explicit adult subject matter. It is not intended for anyone under the age of 18. If you are under the age of 18, then you must stop reading now. The author has taken steps to ensure that this story does not appear in any subject-inappropriate or age-inapropriate forum. This version has been posted with the author's permission to





* by Evoquus



* (c) Copyright 2002, 2003, Evoquus, All rights reserved.


* Feedback is appreciated: [email protected]



Rating: NC-17 for explicit sex: M/M, Human-Stallion-Mare, Anal, Oral

Chapter 19: Honeymoon

It was a tight squeeze for two full grown Hipponaurs, but Rovaun and I managed to successfully navigate the tunnel side-by-side. The lights directed us by swirling against an alternating orange, magenta and purple background, which was an appropriate prelude to Wonderland, I thought. When we reached the white boundary of our destination, I turned to my mate.

"This is it, Husband, we jump through together, and no hesitating this time, got it?"

"Got it," he said, nervously.

We both crouched in preparation for our leap into the unknown.

"On the count of three... Ready?... One... Two... THREE!"

We jumped through the Sentinel's barrier together, and I applauded my mate's courage for having complete faith in me this time. However, to my chagrin, we did not land in the warm Hawaiian lagoon as I had expected. Instead, we collided with hot unyielding asphalt, entangled in a large billowing robe that had previously adorned our host.

"Hey!! What is the matter with you morons!" scolded the Sentinel. "That was my best cloak!"

"Please accept our sincerest apologies," said Rovaun, getting to his feet. Then he gave me a silent "what were you thinking" glare and a kick in the shin.

"Where are we? This is supposed to be Hanauma Bay in Oahu."

"You're in Las Vegas," said the Sentinel, still miffed. "You must be the newlyweds."

"Yeah, that's right. How did you know?"

"Mourne informed me in advance of your arrival. You have reservations at Casino Pegasus."

"But we're supposed to be in Hawaii!"

The Sentinel silently stared at me, but wasn't silent for long. "The longer you look me in the mouth, the shorter your reservations will be."

"Which way to Casino Pegasus?" asked Rovaun politely.

"Down the main strip four blocks on the right."

"Thank you, Sentinel," said Rovaun, "and please send our sincere regards and appreciation to Mourne."

"Yes, thank you very much and to Mourne, too, and again we apologize for our rude entrance. It won't happen again. If you like, I can scratch you below your withers."

The Sentinel snorted furiously.

"Companion, let's go!"

We headed down the strip, which from a distance looked very similar to the Las Vegas I was familiar with, but up close looked nothing like it at all, the most notable difference being the lifeforms on the street. Nearly everyone was some sort of Anthraun, but it was difficult to define exactly what an Anthraun was. The genetic spectrum ranged from nearly one hundred percent Human to one hundred percent Hipponaur, with every possible percentage mix in between. There was no question that Humans and Hipponaurs had been cross breeding on this world for at least ten generations.

Most looked like Tantau's breed, being close to fifty-fifty Human-Hipponaur mix, which I personally found to be the most attractive. The strangest looking ones were closer to eighty-twenty mix, which made them look like genetic lab mistakes. A human just starting to morph into a horse was not a pretty sight.

Our presence did not go unnoticed, but rather than staring at us, most people tended to intentionally look away while giving us a wide berth as we passed by.

"Any idea why we seem to be making the locals so uncomfortable?" I asked.

"Perhaps we look like newcomers."

"Oh crap, Rovaun, we're naked!"

We were the only ones on the strip without a stitch of clothing. The bipeds wore shirts and shorts, while the quadrupeds wore light-weight, knee-length cloaks that occasionally billowed revealingly, but were sufficient to satisfy the local dress code.

"Why didn't the Sentinel say anything to us?"

"Perhaps he would have had you not been so hell-bent on making a grand entrance."

"We were supposed to have landed in Hanauma Bay! How was I to know that Mourne changed our travel itinerary?"

"Perhaps we should continue this argument inside the hotel."

We trotted quickly to our destination while pedestrians scrambled to get out of the path of the mad equine streakers. Once safely inside Casino Pegasus, as with all hotel casinos, we had to navigate through crowded gaming tables and slot machines to get to the registration desk. Several Anthraun security guards had us in their sights and on their comms, but none got in our way. At the front desk, the concierge snapped a finger at an idle bellhop who then promptly cloaked us with cheap hotel robes.

"Thank you," I said to the concierge. "The airline lost our luggage."

"I am sorry to hear that, Madam. Will you be staying with us long?"

"Uh... I don't really know. I'm not sure what our travel agent booked for us..."

The Anthraun looked to Rovaun and then back to me, wondering how mentally stable these equines were.

"It was a surprise wedding gift," said Rovaun. "We are on our honeymoon."

"How delightful!" he said, his demeanor suddenly brightening. "I will be happy to take care of you personally. What is the name, sir?"

"Rovaun," he said.

The Anthraun looked down, then fumbled through some papers, but ultimately shook his head.

"I am sorry, but I have no reservation for Rovaun."

He glanced at my husband and then to me, as if the ball were now in my court. I stared back at him blankly, realizing I had never told Mourne my name, nor had he even known I was the Wraith until I introduced myself as such.

"It must be under Mourne," I said.

"I'm afraid not," he replied without even checking.

"This is going to sound stupid, but I don't know the name. Do you have anything reserved under Wraith?"

The Anthraun frowned at his computer display then bit his lip, glancing to Rovaun and then to me again.

"Mourne's Wraith?" I said, trying to be more specific, but with no luck. "Doesn't your computer show a reservation made by Mourne today?"

"Perhaps it is under your maiden name, Madam."

"Zhorelle?" I blurted out, eliciting a snort from my mate.

The Anthraun pursed his lips and sighed, as that, too, was the wrong answer.

"Varyl? Varyl's Domain?"

"I am sorry," he said. "The hotel is full tonight."

He picked up the phone to alert security of a possible impending incident.

"Daniel Racher," said Rovaun.

The concierge regarded my husband in motionless tableau, then put down the phone and became our best friend again.

"Huh," I said, suddenly feeling stupid. "God is all-knowing."

"Kindly forgive that bit of awkwardness just now," he said. "Evidently the reservation was made in haste since it indicates that one of you is human."

"Then again, maybe not. I can explain..."

Rovaun whickered as if to clear his throat in order to get me to shut up.

"Your reservation, Mr. Racher," he addressed to Rovaun, "is for an Econoroom for six nights."

"Econoroom... I don't like the sound of that," I groused.

"Oh, it is quite reasonable. Sixty-nine dollars per night, two full beds, and free HBO."

I scowled at my mate wondering if we were about to honeymoon in Hell, then asked the concierge, "Is it at least paid for?"

"Not as of yet. Oh dear, you've lost all of your belongings, haven't you."

Turning to my disappointed mate, I muttered the painfully obvious. "We don't have any money, Rovaun."

"You do have a generous line of credit in the casino. You are welcome to use it for other hotel expenses, but there is a fifteen percent service charge."

"What is our credit line?"

"Two hundred thousand dollars."


"Woo-HOO! Thank you, Mourne!"

"Before you get too excited, Companion, what exactly is our obligation with regard to this credit line?"

"Oh, there is no obligation," said the concierge. "You are fully expected to lose it all in the casino. It is worthless off-world, so you might as well spend it here."

"But what if we win?" I said, noting the headline of today's newspaper, "Local Nevadan Hits Megaslots Jackpot"

The Anthraun smiled politely at my naivete. "Anything you win beyond your credit line may be graciously donated to the charity of your choice. I'm afraid you cannot take it with you. Mourne's orders."

"Mourne's orders!? Mourne orders you around?"

"He owns the casino. Didn't you know?"

"That explains why we are not snorkeling in Hawaii," said Rovaun.

"Well, Husband, I say we make the best of what we've got." I turned to the Anthraun. "Do you have any honeymoon suites available?"

"I am sorry, Madam, that suite is reserved."

"Just out of curiosity, about how much does the suite go for?"

"It is three thousand dollars per night."

"Three thousand dollars! What do we look like, trailer trash? We are full-blooded Hipponaurs! Nothing less than a ten thousand dollar suite will do."

The concierge raised his eyebrows then smiled. "Let me see... Ah yes, we do have something available. The deluxe honeymoon suite, eleven thousand five hundred per night, which includes service charge. That room also comes with complimentary HBO."

"It sounds perfect."

The Anthraun cheerfully set up a joint account, fitting us both with ID necklaces in which to access our credit and our room. The "deluxe" package included a free upgrade to gold plated necklaces, which I agreed were more attractive than the stainless steel. They could only be removed by cutting them off, which permanently deactivated an embedded chip, making them useless to thieves. They also required a PIN to withdraw funds, which made this place appear to be very well thought out, security-wise.

The first thing we did was head to one of the hotel apparel stores to buy an overpriced wardrobe for the week. Rovaun surprised me with what remarkably good taste he had, not only for his own outfits but also for mine which he preferred to pick out himself. That suited me because I always hated to go clothes shopping. For me he avoided the loud gaudy flowery prints and instead selected subdued, yet tastefully feminine patterns that went well with my color. For himself he chose equally elegant masculine designs, some with a daring stripe or such flair to tell the world he was classy but fun. And of course, everything had to be imported silk.

The clothing was little more than a horse-tailored poncho with a drawstring in front, much like those worn by thoroughbreds before a race. As a human, I wouldn't be caught dead in a dress, but as a mare, I thought I looked rather stunning, and as a couple, we looked absolutely fabulous. Within an hour of arriving in Las Vegas, we had already spent nearly half of Mourne's stipend on rent and clothing. Fortunately, there were no more significant expenses anticipated for the week.

Inside our room after the door clicked shut behind us, Rovaun's beautiful eyes gazed warmly into mine, and I felt a new emotion from him - pure wonder. We nuzzled each other tenderly, neither of us needing to express in words how we obviously felt about each other. In this place, a planet no other Hipponaur from our dimension had ever visited, we felt like two virgins meeting for the first time.

We continued to nuzzle with mouths open, tenderly brushing nose against neck and cheek. Whenever one mouth came dangerously within kissing range, the other's head turned to hold it off for a few seconds more, for we knew that once the kiss began, it would never end. Rovaun nuzzled my mane when I dropped my lips down to his drawstring, then slowly pulled it open. The silken cloak slid off of his smooth back and delicately billowed to the floor. My husband whickered and did the same to me, pulling my cloak off and blazing at me as if seeing me naked for the first time. The kiss began, and it never ended.

We made love face-to-face on the monstrous bed, which was large enough to accommodate three Hipponaurs comfortably. The only sounds we made were the unmistakable soft moans of sexual passion. Even the bed springs hushed to experience the sensual soundtrack of the lovers' performance above. There could be no question whatsoever of what both of us were thinking during the hour that it lasted. It was not about clothes, it was not about cake, it was not about Anthrauns, and it was not about quantum mechanics. It was about three simple heartfelt words.

We remained connected and in each other's arms after both had been thoroughly satisfied, some of us more than others, thank you very much, Ms. Clitoris.

"Companion," said my dear husband tenderly, "I am afraid I may have misspoken earlier. I said our destiny only gets better. I do not see how that can be."

"That was the best one by far, wasn't it," I agreed. "It'll be pretty tough to beat. It's a good thing we have a whole week to try."

"Perhaps we should check back into the Econoroom. Then we can have seven years to try."

"Don't tempt me."

Though most of me was deliciously full and satiated, my stupid stomach reminded me that the last non-virtual thing I ate, other than my husband, was breakfast, which seemed like a year ago. That also meant that poor hubby was probably much hungrier than I was, but the dear was too polite to say anything.

"How about we go get a little something to eat," I cooed, "but make sure you save room for dessert."

"Dessert is the best part."

"I mean save room for dessert after you have dessert."

"I need no more convincing," he said kissing me and then pulling out.

The bed was a wet mess, but that was no problem. A special call button by the phone specifically summoned housekeeping to take care of it. Rovaun and I put on our dashing evening attire and strolled downstairs to the restaurant.

We attracted attention again as a couple, only this time it was to turn heads rather than avert eye contact. I never felt so comfortable being in public, even when I was human.

The restaurant had an all-you-can-eat buffet which really appealed to Rovaun when he saw the wall of desserts to choose from.

"How much is the buffet?" I asked the nearly-human maitre d'.

"It is ten cents per pound, Madame," he said in a faux French accent.

"Wow, that's really reasonable, but I thought 'all-you-can-eat' meant one price for all you can eat?"

"It is not the weight of the food," he said uncomfortably, as if now anticipating an awkward moment from an uninitiated guest.

"You mean it's based on OUR weight?"

"Oui, Madame."

"But that's blatant weight discrimination!"

"Companion," said Rovaun hastily, "it is a fair price. Not everyone eats like a horse."

"Exactly, Monsieur," said Frenchy, beads forming on his elongated forehead. He waved Rovaun to the scale. My husband stepped up without hesitating, and my jaw dropped when I saw that he weighed two thousand one hundred and fifty pounds.

"Oh my God! I knew you were big, but I had no idea you weighed so much."

"Does this scale make me look fat?" he joked while stepping off.

"Rovaun, you weigh over a ton!"

"Why does that surprise you? By stature, I am a large Hipponaur. I thought you liked the fact that I was so large," he winked.

"I know, but... it's just such a shock. You don't look that heavy."

"Why thank you. As you can see, it is all muscle," he grimaced, flexing like Mr. Universe.

"Two hundred and fifteen dollars for the gentleman... And Madame, if you please?"

"Don't look," I scolded to my mate, "and keep your mouth shut, Buster."

I stepped onto the scale and couldn't believe that I also weighed over a ton, but thank God, not more than Rovaun. Suddenly I felt so very sorry for my poor van.

"Ehm, so the total will be..."

"Quiet! Just charge it to our room," I said, allowing him to scan my necklace.

"Very good, Madame, and I feel I must tell you that your concern for your weight, in my opinion, is entirely unfounded. I hope I am not out of line when I say that you are the most beautiful and perfectly proportioned Hipponaur I have ever seen. I would have expected a mare of your exquisite breed and stature to have weighed a little more."

"Are you expecting a big tip now?" I snapped, utterly appalled at the gall of this Gaul. I looked to Rovaun to back me up, but he took Francois' side.

"He is correct, Companion. We are both large equines and you are perfect, beautiful and exquisite. There is nothing wrong with that, and everything right about it."

"You don't think I look fat?"

"No!" emphasized the both of them.

That was actually pretty funny, and I giggled and then laughed at how completely ridiculous I was being. Neither Rovaun nor the maitre d' knew quite how to respond, so I made it perfectly clear.

"Let's go eat like horses. Make that starving horses. In fact, it's about time I started eating for two, don't you think?"

"Yes, Companion," sighed my relieved husband.

The maitre d' sighed as well, grateful that the crisis was finally over. He led us to a large prominent table in front of the buffet that was in plain sight of both the restaurant's entrance and a large picture window for sidewalk traffic. I had to admit that Nearly-Human put his money where his mouth was when he said we were an attractive couple, using us as window dressing to attract clientele.

The buffet was superbly stocked with lobster, hand-carved ham and roast beef among the anchors at the end. It also had more pedestrian fare such as fried chicken, spaghetti, pizza, and macaroni and cheese. Patrons with hands were content to serve themselves. Those with only hooves could request one of several attendants standing by for assistance. I volunteered to be my husband's human attendant, but he thought it best that I keep a low virtual profile for now. I led Rovaun over to the salad bar, but he walked right past it, intending to start the first course with dessert. He summoned an attendant and made the simplest of requests.

"One of everything, please."

"Yes, sir," said the young Anthraun without so much as a blink, who then proceeded to pile onto a very large tray slice after slice of cheese cake, carrot cake, chocolate cake, apple pie, pecan pie, raspberry pie, etcetera pie, Jell-O, custard, sugar cookies, chocolate chip cookies, Rice Krispy squares, gummy worms, and so on.

"Take it easy, Husband, or you're going to end up looking just like Bou..."

I would have given anything at that moment to turn back time five seconds and knock myself out cold to prevent my idiotic brain from saying what I had just said. Not only had I sworn to my husband that I would not think about that particular topic, but the comment itself was terribly hurtful. Rovaun looked completely crushed and instructed the attendant to put everything back. Then he moped over to the salad bar to eat grass instead.

"Husband, I'm so sorry..."

"No, Companion, you are right. I should control myself."

"No! I was NOT right! It was an awful thing to say and I wish Varyl were here so I could unsay it. I was still in shock about discovering I weighed over a ton, but I'm okay with that now. We're bone, sinew and muscle. We don't have an ounce of fat to share between us, so let's live a little."

He ignored me and requested a large bowl of shredded lettuce from the attendant.

"How many times are we going to get married?"

Still ignoring me, he pointed to the carrots.

"How many times, Rovaun?"

"I should hope only once," he snorted.

"And that's why we're here, Husband. This day will happen only once in our lifetime. We're SUPPOSED to indulge our appetites!"

The attendant grabbed a handful of attractively arranged vegetable produce and placed it on Rovaun's tray.

"Put that back!" I snorted, startling him and mobilizing the attending crew into Emergency Irate Patron drill.

"Do you see our table over there? I want to see TWO of every kind of dessert in this establishment on that table RIGHT NOW!"

"Yes Ma'am," he said nervously, then waved his cohorts to the dessert wall.

Rovaun was furious with me. He was two seconds from walking out of the restaurant.

"Please...," I said softly. "It's our honeymoon."

He saw our table piling up with sweet exotica, then considered his options: the door, the table, me, then for some reason, the carpet. The other patrons murmured to themselves, trying not to stare at the table being bombarded with empty calories. To make matters worse, the attendants brought in another portable table to comply with the crazy mare's demand, for it was easier to do that than to risk escalating an already volatile situation. Even I was shocked by the sight of it, silently wondering just how much more there could be, and praying that it would stop.

The commotion settled down once the second table filled up. Rovaun took a sidelong glance at it and pondered his next move. Personally, I would have been terribly embarrassed to sit down at that table, but this was entirely his call. Finally, he raised his head high and defiant.

"Jumping off of that ledge was irresponsible, foolhardy, dangerous, and entirely unnecessary... but Companion -- it was a blast."

I smiled at my wonderful, forgiving mate. He, too, brightened at me, and cooed, "I shall save all of the chocolate ones for last."

"Mmmmm, saving room for dessert, later?"

"That is my evil plan. Shall we, My Sweet?"

He escorted me back to the table, and I sat down tall and proud with my husband. We spent the next several hours feeding each other enough sugar to choke a horse into a diabetic coma. It was a disgusting display of pure gluttony, and it was wonderful. Several of the other patrons hoarded their desserts early just to be sure that they would have something to eat by the end of their meal. We left plenty for others, mainly because the buffet was so generously stocked, and we requested seconds only for specific items that we particularly liked. We also took it slow, thoroughly analyzing the flavors and textures in order to indelibly imprint them on our brains.

"I saved the best for last," I said, ordering two jumbo banana splits from the ice cream bar.

"I thought YOU were the last thing for dessert," he winked.

"Make that second best for second-to-last, then."

When the ice cream came, Rovaun looked like Malaya ogling her cowry shell.

"Take this one slow and steady, Husband. There is a lot going on here."

Between two halves of an extra large banana nestled scoops of chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry ice cream, and on each scoop was a topping of cherries, pineapple, or fudge. Whipped cream, sliced almonds, and a large cherry crowned the sensual sundae, and my dear husband was in Heaven from start to finish. I could tell it was torture for him to eat it analytically slow, yet he had the discipline to do so to make it ultimately last forever.

When it was gone and the banana boat licked clean, he looked up at me and said, "Fuck the cinnamon rolls."

"I see we have a winner."

"Not quite," he smiled, licking his lips. "It is still second best." Then he leered at me and licked them again, verrry slowly, and I soiled the carpet.

We left a respectable tip then headed back to our room for dessert. About halfway there, Rovaun had to stop and wait for his stomach to settle.

"Whoa. I am stuffed," he said uncomfortably.

"Me too. And I have no regrets."

"I am not so sure. I ate more than you did."

"Do you need some Pepto-Bismol?"

"Not if I have to consume it!"

"Okay, My Love, let's just get you back in bed and I'll rub your belly to calm it down."

"You are too good for me."

We made it back to the room, but poor Rovaun could not get into bed because it put too much pressure on his stomach. Unfortunately, just like equines, Hipponaurs could not vomit. To relieve some of his discomfort, he evacuated his bowels into the cleverly-designed horse toilet, but the true lifesaver in our overpriced suite came in the shape of an Olympic-sized hot tub. With both of us in there, about a third of the water spilled over the top, but drain holes in the floor anticipated that. The buoyancy of the soothing hot water eased the gravitational pull on his digestive system, making him feel a whole lot better. Both of us enjoyed the blissfully relaxing soak.

"This reminds me of a hot spring in Yosemite."

"When was that?"

"Ages ago."

"Welcome back."

I turned on the jets, evoking a surprised whinny when my mate received a brief enema, but soon he was massaging his muscles with the powerful therapeutic flow, and grunting with undeniable pleasure.

"How wonderfully decadent," he smiled. "I could get used to this."

"Mmmm-hmmmm. I'm about to fall asleep. Please keep my head above water if I doze off."

"I was going to make that same request."

We necked and soaked for the next hour, which helped our stomachs process their load, and kept the water out of our lungs. The most difficult part of hot-tubbing was always getting out. The guy who invented a hot tub that drained into a water bed would be the world's next billionaire. We did it the hard way, climbing out and toweling off the best we could, then crawled into our cozy, freshly-made bed.

"Companion," he said, drowsily, "I know I promised you dessert..."

"Let's save dessert for breakfast."

"Oh thank you, My Sweet."

In thirty seconds his snoring lulled me to sleep.

His fat stallion cock stretched deep into my hungering throat, but I wanted to taste so much more of him that I opened my mouth painfully wider, reached out with my tongue and pulled in his pungent balls as well. Moaning with sizzling delight, he nuzzled my mane while I orally pleased him. His mighty equine testicles boiled on my tongue while I suckled and bathed them, stealing their erotic musk, analyzing their flavor and smell, so that for ten thousand years I could relive this moment. Yet it still wasn't enough, so I went for it all. Continuing to hold him captive, I sent my tongue out to explore the terrain, snaking its way up the back and slithering into his sweating crack. He squatted and relaxed his tail to give me easier access, and when my tongue found its mark, he grunted and writhed and snorted in ecstasy as I wetly diddled him there.

"Slow down, Babe! I'm going to explode."

I quickly released him then turned and lifted my tail.

"Make us both explode," I pleaded.

He wasted no time entering my thoroughly wet and warm accommodation. Sliding gently into me, he wanting to make it last, but I knew he was already beyond that point and we didn't have much time, so I gripped him tightly and pulled him in. He gasped and thrust hard into me, encouraging me to do the same. We grunted lustfully as our bodies wetly collided, and when he blasted his powerful essence, my clitoris sang the aria of my own glorious climax.

The spent Anthraun gently kneaded and massaged my lower back with skillful fingers while he remained still and deep inside me. His crown kept his seed gathered and concentrated close to my womb. He held it there, perhaps hoping that it might take root, and a part of me hoped so, too.

"I love you, Celica," he sighed warmly. "I love you, I love you, I love you..."

The second climax woke me up in a puddle of my own doing. It was only five in the morning, and the dream that was still in my mind made me fearful of closing my eyes again. Rovaun, my husband, my mate, and my protector, lay next to me stuperously sleeping away the hours. I felt betrayed by him, abandoned by him. How could he let this happen? What kind of guardian was he to allow this affair to go on in the very same bed he was sleeping in?

Calm down. It was just a dream. But what did that mean? I didn't dream much as a Hipponaur, at least not dreams that were particularly prophetic. I dreamt of Rovaun, mostly, but those dreams never told me anything I didn't already know. The last two I had had as a human came true, but they contained metaphors that required some interpretation. This dream couldn't be any more plain and simple: I was going to be an eager and willing participant in an affair with an Anthraun, but I just didn't know when.

Had I seen him before? I didn't think so. He was a very attractive fifty-fifty mix that I'm sure I would have noticed had he caught my eye. Why did he call me Celica? Perhaps it wasn't my dream. Maybe I somehow intercepted someone else's dream.

But what a great dream!

I remembered him so clearly, that beautifully expressive equine face and hunky human torso. His coloring head-to-hoof was solid tan with a flowing dark brown mane and tail, and his shiny fur lay close to his body, which helped emphasize and define his muscles, both equine and human. But the thing I remembered most was his masculine smell. That wonderfully sexy all-male smell. I had analyzed his scent in the dream, and I could fully recall it now. And I would remember it forever. Thank Heaven.

Perhaps it was a link I had intercepted. Links were capable of communicating that amount of sensual and emotional detail. That must have been it. It was a link intended for someone in the next suite. The walls could be insulated for sound, but no amount of insulation could block a wayward link in the fifth dimension.

My husband lay still, unconcerned for my well-being, perhaps because no concern was truly warranted. We were happily married, and nothing would change that. I found myself calming down to the sound of his steady breathing. Snuggling up to him, I indulged my nostrils' memory of another man-stallion's sexual aroma. It wasn't my fault, so my husband wouldn't mind. I soon fell asleep again, but was perhaps a little disappointed that my harmless voyeuristic adventure did not continue.

We slept in until nine o'clock when the sun made it impossible for me to continue dozing. I could have closed the curtains, but I would have had to get up to do that, so I decided it was time for both of us to do some sight-seeing. My husband, who had rolled over during the night, disagreed.

"I do not feel well, Companion," he spoke to the wall.

"What's the matter, Rovaun?" I sat up to console him.

"I do not know. Perhaps something I ate."

"I'll call a doctor."

"No, please,... just let it work its way through. I should be fine in a few hours."

"Is there anything I can get you?"

"I just need some more rest, Companion. You go see all of the sights today, and give me a full report. Then I can decide which sights are truly worth seeing tomorrow."

He tried to smile, but it looked painfully forced.

"Husband, I don't think I should leave you by yourself."

"Companion, we are only here for a week. I would hate to think that you wasted a day because of my overindulgence. Please go and have some fun. I am not dying. I just need some quiet rest. Perhaps I will use the hot tub."

I kissed him. "Okay. Don't drown. I'll put up the 'Do Not Disturb' sign."

"Thank you, Companion. I love you."

That was definitely not his sexiest voice, but I knew it was just as sincere.

"Forever and always, Husband."

I put on some daywear apparel and left him to his blissfully quiet misery.

In the hot July sun of Las Vegas, I found it difficult to step any farther away from the hotel than the sidewalk. My husband of less than twenty-four hours lay sick in bed above me, and I just could not bear to abandon him, even though he insisted that I do so. But if I went back to the room, then he'd feel bad about that, too, so I compromised and went into the casino. I could remain close by without bugging him, and it also might be fun to gamble with Mourne's money.

I walked up to an unattended slot machine to try my luck. Swiping my necklace past the sensor transferred a hundred dollars of credit into the machine, which then gradually disappeared over the course of five minutes.

"Easy come, easy go."


I froze. Did I really hear that? The voice was the same as in the dream. I slowly turned to see him eyeing me curiously from a machine across the aisle, the Anthraun whose scent I knew so well.

"I... think you have mistaken me for a Japanese import," I said curtly, then promptly left the casino.


"Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God," I muttered all of the way out to the street.

Speeding down the sidewalk, I joined a crowd heading into an adjacent casino. Once inside, I ran into the ladies' room and locked myself in a large stall. I could not tell if I had been followed into the casino, but no one followed me into the bathroom. Those that came in later did their business and left.

Who was this guy? What was happening to me? How could I do this to Rovaun? It made no sense!

"Take it easy," my Human self told my Hipponaur self. "You haven't done anything. You aren't fully Hipponaur so your dreams don't have to dictate your destiny. And even if they do, you don't have to let them do it right now. There was nothing in the dream that said it would happen today. And maybe there was some other explanation for the dream. No matter what, you love your husband forever and always. You made a sacred oath to him that should be a cakewalk to keep."

After about fifteen minutes, I convinced myself it was safe to leave. Like it or not, Rovaun was going to spend the rest of the day with me. Peeking out of the ladies' room, I saw no sign of him, so I hastily headed back to my room. It was possible to avoid the Pegasus' casino entirely by entering a less prominent side entrance to the hotel lobby. Evidently dream lover had anticipated that move, because he was now in the lobby, pretending to be minding his own business reading a book in a lounge chair. He did not notice me as I stood waiting forever for the elevator. Once safely inside, I could breathe again.

The elevator took me to my floor and opened its doors to reveal nothing remarkable in the least. No one stared disapprovingly. No one whispered "Slut!" No one handed me a cloak with a scarlet 'A'.

Outside my suite, I was greeted with the "Do Not Disturb" sign I had placed there. Then I felt so foolish. Nothing was happening, and nothing was going to happen. It was all in my head. If I went inside the room, the only thing I would accomplish would be to piss off my husband, who would then feel obligated to escort me wherever we went. Right now, the only thing he asked for was bed rest, and that was not at all an unreasonable request.

This was stupid. I was a MAN, not a helpless little girl. I could take care of myself, and that's what I did. I headed back down to the lobby and walked right up to him.

"Who are you."

"Celica, it's me, Josh," he said defensively, putting his book aside.

"I am not Celica. Please leave me alone."

"Okay. My mistake. I won't bother you again."

He picked up his book as I turned to leave, but there were still too many questions I needed answers to, and if I didn't get them, they would plague me for eternity.

"What are you doing here."

Aghast at the forwardness of this supposed stranger, he was about to say, "None of your business," but something in his eyes changed at that moment.

"I'm... waiting for someone. Why do you care?"

"I always care when someone is stalking me."

"I'm not stalking you! I'm here killing time until my wife shows up."

"You're MARRIED!?" I shouted, causing him to jump in his seat and look around nervously as if that were a crime. He soon settled down when he remembered that it wasn't, then gave me a stern glare.

"Yes, I'm married, but hopefully not for long. I just have to manage to not piss her off within the next few hours. Then, with luck, she'll sign the papers amicably, against her frickin' lawyer's advice."

"And Celica is your wife?"

"I wish," he chuckled, then caught himself. "Sorry. No, my wife caught me on the rebound. Celica was the best thing that ever happened to me, a long time ago," he reminisced. "I don't think she was from this world."

"What do you mean by that?"

"She was just like you, pure Hipponaur," he said, as if that plainly answered my question, but he could tell that it did not. "Aren't you from off-world?"

I didn't respond.

"I... assumed you were, since there aren't any native Hipponaurs anymore."

"Is that so? Where did they go?"

"They left. I don't know where or why. Maybe they thought they were better than us."

"But don't you have a Human and a Hipponaur for parents?"

He looked at me like I was nuts. "You really are out of this world. My parents are Anthrauns."

"Oh, of course. How stupid of me."

"I just can't get over the resemblance," he said, gazing at me.

I had said nearly the exact same thing to Mourne when I compared him to Varyl. Then I realized who Celica might be. Celica might be me. Or rather, she might have been some parallel version of Zhorelle. Or maybe she WAS Zhorelle. THAT'S IT!! The dream wasn't about the future - it was about the PAST - Zhorelle's past. She was clever and devious, she might have found out about Varyl being a Sentinel and somehow used him to travel here for a fling or two. It was a ridiculous explanation, but at least there WAS one now, and I suddenly felt so much better that I couldn't believe what I said next.

"Can I buy you a cup of coffee?"

"I beg your pardon?" he said, equally incredulous at my sudden change in demeanor.

"Don't get me wrong. I am happily married, but I feel bad about being so rude to you, and you look like you could use someone to talk to for a while."

He looked around apprehensively. "Um... That is very kind of you, but I don't think I should. If my wife sees us together... let's just say it wouldn't be in my best interest. As a matter of fact, I wouldn't be surprised if her lawyer put you up to this."

I laughed and shook my head assuring him he had nothing to fear from me. He chuckled, too, which made him look adorable. Anthrauns had an equine head with human facial muscles. When Hollywood tried to make creatures with humanistic expressions, the results were always nightmarish, whether intended or not. Nature got it right with Anthrauns. When Josh smiled at me, he was as cute as a Disney cartoon, and I just wanted to smother him with kisses. I hoped my sons would be as blessed with the same good looks.

"I tell you what. I'm going to go have a quiet cup of coffee in the hotel cafe. I would prefer to have some pleasant company, especially from a local who can clue me in on what's worthwhile to see in Las Vegas. If you know of anyone who fits the bill, send him over. If not, I wish you the best on your divorce."

I smiled at him then headed for the cafe without looking back. Deliberately choosing a secluded and inconspicuous table, I sat down with a coffee and a newspaper to enjoy the leisurely morning. The headline for today was not much of a surprise: "Megaslots Winner Indicted For Fraud."

"Easy come, easy go."

"Is this seat taken?"

I looked up to see my dream lover looking as attractive as ever. It was okay to think that about him, for he HAD been my lover some time ago. There was nothing improper about any of this.

"I was saving it for my hot three-legged cabana boy..." Why the hell did I say that?

He slid down slowly onto the chair wearing half a smile. "It IS you, isn't it."

"No, Josh," I said, stifling my incessant flirting. "I am not Celica, and I really didn't mean that. I am on my honeymoon, and the only lover I desire for the rest of my life is my dear husband."

Josh raised his eyebrows. "Congratulations!" he said earnestly. "Where is he now?"

"Upstairs in bed with indigestion."

"Oh, that's too bad," he said, then he gave me a pitying look. "Your guys always had the lousiest luck with you. I mean, things would be going great and then BAM! Something lousy had to happen."

"I am sure my husband will pull through."

"But what about me? What kind of lousy timing is that! The very day of my divorce I find my first love again, and it turns out that she just got married."

"That's life, I'm afraid."

"Yeah I know." Then he looked at me with his beautiful smile. "But we had some good times, didn't we."

"It wasn't me."

"Maybe you've forgotten. Would you like me to refresh your memory?"

"No." No meant no. I made that perfectly clear.

"Okay," he said leaning back. "But it's sure good to see you again, Cellie, even if you're not Cellie."

"Was Celica fat?"

"What?" He didn't see that one coming.

"Was she as fat as I am?"

"What are you talking about? You're not fat at all, and you know damn well you should never ask a guy that question!"

"Ask him what?" I grinned, "If his ex-lover is as fat as his curr..."

I caught myself too late, and now he laughed at my backfiring tease. I joined him guiltily. I knew sex was out of the question, but for some reason I kept on suggesting it.

"You aren't fat," he said straight-up. "not even a little, and if your husband is suggesting otherwise, then..."

"No, he hasn't said a thing about it. I'm the only idiot who keeps bringing it up. But thanks for your assessment."

"Well, keep in mind that my assessment is based on your current well-dressed appearance. Who knows what you look like under all of those clothes."

"Nice try, but you already said I don't look fat. So why should I undress for you when the assessment cannot get any better?"

"It might be a little more honest."

"I seriously doubt it."

"Okay," he said standing up. "If I can't have you anymore, then the least I can do is have you vicariously through your husband. The hotel lingerie store has some intimate things for honeymooners that will get hubby's mind off of his tummy and back onto you where it and he belongs."

"Now you're talking."

He escorted me to a little boutique called "Nice and Naughty." The merchandise viewable from the outside by the passing public was typical Victoria's Secret fare, but the deeper one penetrated into this boutique of iniquity, the naughtier it became.

"Are you or your husband into leather?" grinned Josh.

I snorted with amusement at the thought of Rovaun all saddled up for me, bridle, reins, and all, with me virtually riding and whipping his ass while he humped my Hipponaur body. That was probably the "Nicest" section of the leather department. It got much naughtier. There were harnesses for humans as well, some to support the human on top, and some to support him when the horse was on top, allowing the stallion to fuck his human lover while galloping into the sunset. There were equine masks, cock rings, ball stretchers, chastity belts, elephantine butt plugs... It was simultaneously comical and disturbing, and yet I found myself getting aroused at the depravity.

"This is one of my favorites," said Josh holding up a leather anti-jock strap. Rather than supporting the genitals, it wrapped around their base and held them out prominently for all to enjoy. Once in place, the stallion would find it impossible to retract his cock. It even came with a lock and key.

"I can model it for you, if you like."

I shook my head, but only after letting him think I was considering his offer.

"Oh, you've GOT to try out the colognes and perfumes!" he insisted.

He continued to peruse the leather paraphernalia while I turned around to the perfume desk which was stocked with a variety of "Nice" and "Naughty" aromas. One in particular was designed just for me. The bottle, shaped like two adjoined billiard balls, was simply entitled, "Potent." There was no doubt that it contained my favorite smell.

"Would you like to sample the cologne?" asked the attendant.

I nodded. She spritzed the air in front of my nose, and one whiff sent me into a tailspin. I fired a blast out the back while my head swam in the distilled essence of every stallion's balls.

"Oh shit!" freaked Josh.

I turned to see him frozen with shock, the back of him dripping from head to toe.

"I'm really sorry, Josh," I giggled. "That smell always seems to take me by surprise."

He was not laughing, nor was he angry. He was petrified.

"Mare urine... My wife... Oh Christ, it smells like Celica!!... She'll know!..."

I realized the terrible predicament I just put him in and suddenly found it very easy not to laugh anymore. "Josh, I'm so sorry."

Immediately he went into crisis management mode. "Keep cool, Josh," he said to himself. "This isn't as bad as it looks. You've got three hours, you're resourceful, you can do this."

"Can you go home and get cleaned up?"

Without looking, he shook his head vigorously. "I live four hours away. My appointment's in three."

I briefly considered allowing him to bathe in my room, but decided against it. There were other options.

"Let's go to the concierge. Maybe he can help us."

The concierge greeted me with a polite smile, though it was plainly obvious that the aroma of my guest did not escape his nose.

"Is it possible to have clothes laundered and pressed in two hours?"

"Yes, Madam, we do offer an expedited laundering service. There is a substantial surcharge..."

"That's fine, and I would like to reserve an Econoroom for today."

"I am sorry, Madam. The last Econoroom is currently occupied by a very angry couple."

"Okay, do you have any other rooms available?"

"I am afraid we are fully booked, Madam."

Damn! I looked at my wet and frightened friend and knew I had to do something. If I explained to Rovaun what had happened, I'm sure he wouldn't mind letting Josh use the shower.

"Please send someone up to my room right away to retrieve the laundry."

"Yes Madam," he supplicated.

I took Josh up to our suite. Outside the door, the "Do Not Disturb" sign was gone, and the empty room already made up.


There was no response, but the MESSAGE light on the phone blinked impatiently. I pushed the button.

"Companion, I am at the medical clinic. I believe I have an allergy to something I ate last night. It is not serious, but I wish to determine what the allergen is so that we may enjoy the rest of our honeymoon together. I do not know how long this will take. However, I expect to be back by the time you return. I hope you are having fun. I love you."

"He's probably just lactose intolerant."

I turned to find Josh in the room, uninvited and eavesdropping. My concern for my mate made the Anthraun's presence even less welcome.

"What makes you say that?" I asked, cynically.

"It's quite common for off-world herbivores. The first exposure to fatty and creamy foods often disagrees with them until a tolerance is built up. He'll be fine."

That was good to hear, but I was leery of the source.

"How do you know so much about us?"

He laughed and shook his head. "Cellie, it's me, Josh. We know each other very well."

"I am not Celica."

"You can deny it all you want, but I'm wearing my favorite cologne right now. There hasn't been anything like it on this world for years. Not until today."

There was a knock at the door. "Laundry service."

I sighed. "Give him your clothes. There's a robe in the closet you can put on after your shower."

I left him alone and went to enjoy the view from the balcony while he disrobed. Rovaun was still very much on my mind, which made it easier to ignore the fact that my dream lover was naked in my bedroom right now. What Josh had said made sense, but I had seen Rovaun eat hemlock without so much as a burp of acid reflux. I sure hoped it was nothing more serious. And if Zhorelle truly was Celica, then that might explain why I had no indigestion from eating the same things that Rovaun did. She had already developed a tolerance for it long ago.

I heard the door behind me slide open, but did not turn around. Josh did not join me on the balcony, which probably meant that he was not decent enough to do so.

"Why aren't you in the shower?" I admonished, while still watching the traffic below.

"I... don't want to wash you off of me just yet."

Naked or not, I had to make myself clear. I turned to him and looked him straight in the eyes, secretly relieved to see him wearing a robe.

"Josh, you are welcome to clean yourself up and then you are welcome to go."

"Celica, please..."

"I AM NOT CELICA! And even if I were, I am happily married!"

"I don't doubt that you are happily married, but I KNOW I am right about you. I DON'T know why you keep denying it. I'm not trying to break up your marriage, if that's what you're worried about. And if it IS, then I wonder just how happily married you really are."

I snorted, wondering if I should be angry with him for that. Ultimately, I decided to keep cool, for showing anger would have proven him right.

"Without going into specifics," I said, "it IS possible that you knew me a long time ago as Celica. It was not my real name then and it is not my name now. Regardless, that person no longer exists. Her memories and her personality are gone."

"Gone or merely dormant?"

I couldn't answer that question, and there was something about it that suddenly bothered me, but I didn't know why. Bouceph came to mind when I pondered it further, but that topic was strictly off limits.

"Gone," I said emphatically, putting an end to it.

He lowered his ears, then his head followed. "You are an honorable Hipponaur. You always were. That hasn't changed."

I snorted again, now suddenly doubting that Zhorelle and Celica could even be the same species.

"You are still the most stunningly beautiful mare in the world. That hasn't changed."

Wow. I was surprised how much I liked flattery. It certainly made up for his previous misstatement.

"And my feelings for you are as strong now as they were the day you left. That hasn't changed."

I looked at him sympathetically. "I can't help that, Josh. I'm sorry."

"I know," he sighed, then he looked up and forced a smile. "Do you know what Celica really liked? She liked to be scratched behind the ears, just like a kitten."

We both chuckled sadly, then gazed silently for a moment.

"Do you think... that has changed?"

I didn't know. No one had ever done that to me. I knew it was a mistake, but I took a slow deliberate step forward to find out. He raised his hand and caressed me behind the ears, and I melted like butter to his touch.

"That hasn't changed," he whispered, tearfully.

His robe was open at his chest, and I nuzzled him there. Through the soft down on his skin I could feel his heart racing along with mine. He pulled my head lower under the guise of scratching my mane, and I let him do so, because it dropped my mouth to the drawstring of his robe. I gripped it in my lips, then pulled it loose.

He closed his eyes and gasped when he felt his robe fall open. No longer pulling me down, he let the decision of what would happen next be entirely up to me. Both hands caressed and massaged my neck while I eyed his impressive balls and sheath. For being half human, his genitals were entirely equine, and there was nothing in the world I wanted more than to have them. I nuzzled his muscled chest and abs, which might have required a daily workout regimen for a human to maintain, but I suspected they came with the genetic territory of this magnificent Anthraun. My nostrils tasted a subtle hint of sweat from his chest, but it wasn't the desert heat that was making him bead. I could tell from the scent that the moisture I mopped with my nose was excreted by Eros.

As I nuzzled him delicately, my nose continued to descend, causing his breathing to hiccup with occasional short gasps. My own breathing had stopped altogether when I found my nose an inch away from his stallion-sized balls. I wanted to smell them, but my lungs refused to inflate. It was wrong - I knew it, my brain knew, and my conscience knew it, but that did not change the undeniable fact that I still wanted it. They were right there, so close, so very close. What could be the harm? Just one whiff. Just a quick hit. Do it before it's too late! I demanded that my lungs inflate, and God help me, they did.

He was delicious. His scent screamed testosterone, and my olfactory nerves fired a message to my opposite end that said, "Get ready for more." I was still here. He was still here. Lightning struck neither one of us. Thus, Destiny gave her stamp of approval, and so the affair began.

He smelled nothing like my husband, and I inhaled him again, hard, just to make sure. It was the same smell as in the dream, that I was sure of, for I would always remember it, just as I would now always remember the real thing. There was no doubt that this was my dream lover. He trembled and moaned and held onto my mane while I nuzzled him there, and then tasted him there, and then cradled him there. My saliva rolled down his firm but trembling equine legs as I swallowed the flavor from his heavy laden sacs. A pink head poked out of his sheath, but it never saw the light of day. Instead, it said hello to my tongue in the dark, and then rapidly grew to explore my mouth and throat.

The rest played out just like the dream. Though I really wanted to taste his essence, I wanted him so much more in my womb. That way I could hold him and nurture him long after he was gone, and though I was already pregnant, I thought that maybe there was the smallest chance that my other ovary had an egg waiting patiently just for this moment. So I lifted my tail for him, and he joined with me.

"I love you, Celica," he sighed warmly. "I love you, I love you, I love you..."

"Josh, I l... really like you too."

In the privacy of our room we stood connected as one, with Josh holding himself and his seed inside of me.

He chuckled in dismay. "This is truly incredible. I can't believe I'm here with you, and... you let me do this. It feels so... right!"

"I can't believe it either, and yes, I am enjoying it even more than you. There is something about you that I find irresistible. There's no sense in denying it because I know you heard it. I almost said 'I love you.'"

"I heard it," he blushed. "I wouldn't mind hearing it again."

"I'd be happy to repeat it: I almost said 'I love you.'"

He looked down and smiled, knowing he wasn't going to get the real thing from me.

"I'm sure you were just thinking of your husband when you let it slip."

"That could be. Both you and he are very well endowed, and I am a sucker for big dicks, pun intended. But for your size, you are extremely large."

"And for your size, you're still not."

We both chuckled while he continued to massage and scritch my lower back, but then the reality of the affair came into sharp focus.

"Hi Daddy!"

Josh and I froze, as if we had just heard a cat burglar enter the room.

"Celica," he whispered cautiously, "are you pregnant?"

Until this moment, Tattoo had known only Rovaun to make love to me. It was only natural for him to assume that it was his Daddy who was in there with him, now. And now the affair had a witness.

"Sing to me, Daddy!"

"Later Tattoo," I said, breaking the silence. I dropped my head shaking it. What had I done! Rovaun might forgive me for being a slut, but if he ever found out that Tattoo called my illicit lover "Daddy," it would destroy him.

"I should really get going," said Josh.

I sighed, agreeing with him. He started to pull out, but I gripped him and pulled him back in, still not wanting it to end.

"Oh Celica," he lamented, "why did you have to get married so soon?"

I slowly let him go without responding, wondering if I would be wondering the same thing. He lifted my hanging head to his, and kissed me tenderly. I was on the verge of taking it up a couple of notches, but decided to let it end on a tender moment.

"Would you like to join me in the shower? Your husband will smell me on you."

"That sounds very tempting, but I'd better not. You need to get a move on. I'll take one after you."

"Okay," he said, disappointed but understanding.

While he showered, I tried to sort out my feelings, but had a difficult time doing so. What had Rovaun done to me to deserve this? Nothing. It was me. It simply came down to the undeniable truth that I was a slut. Anything that showed the slightest interest in me made me want to fuck it. Why was my self-esteem so low?

He had left the door open for me to join him, but I held my ground just to prove to myself that I could say no and follow through. When he stepped naked out of the shower, it took all my willpower not to become his towel.

"You don't mind if I watch you dry off, do you?"

"Not at all," he smiled, feeling flattered.

For someone having two hooves for feet, he had remarkable balance and agility. He could easily stand on one leg while toweling off the other, then switch without the merest suggestion of losing his balance. After he combed his dark mane and tail, he fluffed them up with the blow dryer, and I found myself drooling all over again.

He walked back up to me and scritched my mane while nuzzling my face.

"My clothes probably won't be ready for another hour. What should we do until then?"

"Josh," I sighed, "the only thing I want to do is make you have to take a dozen more showers."

He smiled. "That won't require much arm twisting."

"Unfortunately, what I want is not what is best for us. I think you should take a clean robe and go wait by the pool. I'll bring you your clothes when they arrive."

He lowered his ears and eyes, disappointed again by my rejection. "Will I see you again?"

"I don't think so, but... don't go very far."

He perked up a bit. "Then how about an 'until we meet again' kiss."

That seemed reasonable, so I gave him one, and it broke my record for the longest lasting kiss, terminated prematurely by the laundry attendant's knock on the door.

"I think that is my cue to go."

"I'm afraid so."

"How much longer will you be in town?"

"Five more days."

"I think I can find a place in town for a few days. I'll leave you a message at the front desk where you can reach me."

"Please be discreet."

"Of course, My Love."

He dressed and gave me one more tender kiss good-bye, then walked out of my life. I showered thoroughly, and then soaked for an hour in the hot tub, again trying to figure out what was the matter with me. Once I was alone, my head cleared of the hypnotic effects of his pheromones, and it seemed easier to compare him to my husband more objectively. They were both attractive in their own way, but there was no particular need Josh filled that Rovaun did not. The only reason I made love to him was because he was here and Rovaun wasn't. I truly believed that... and then I truly believed it, because it confirmed what I already knew. I wasn't an adulterer, I was a slut.

But if that were true, it didn't explain why I chose to keep his seed in me. My chances of becoming pregnant with him were extremely small, but if his child was my destiny, then so be it. And if not, I still found some inexplicable comfort in retaining his essence.

The phone rang. I pushed a button on the wall to answer it.

"There is a package for you at the front desk, Madam."

"Can you send it up, please."

"Yes, Madam."

I toweled off and wrapped myself in a large robe just in time to receive the package at my door - a thick envelope that was addressed "To the bride" with no indication as to whom it was from. Inside the package was a video cassette, a room key, and a note that looked like a form letter:

"Copies of this tape will be distributed freely within two hours. Until then, exclusive rights to all copies and the original may be purchased for one hundred thousand dollars. Casino credit in the form of casino chips is acceptable. Leave payment in the room indicated on the enclosed key."

I was already too numb from Josh leaving me to be properly outraged by this blackmail. I should have been frantic with worry about Rovaun and everyone finding out. Instead I was glad the secrecy was over.

I didn't need to play the tape to know what was on it, but I did so anyway. From above, I watched myself open the robe, suck and then fuck the Anthraun. Unlike surveillance video in convenience stores, the picture quality here was excellent. There was no denying that it was me caught on tape, and there was no denying that I loved every second of the tryst. The most painful thing to watch, though, was not the marriage-condemning sex, but the unending kiss that lasted longer than the tape did.

The camera wasn't hard to find, disguised as a smoke detector over the bed. What I didn't know was whether or not the camera had been there since the time we checked in. It was battery-operated with a transmitter, which meant that it could have been planted quickly. I had been outside on the balcony long enough for Josh to have switched it, but I couldn't believe he was involved. He was far too genuine.

The question now was what to do next. I could pay the ransom and we could go home early, but that provided no guarantee of secrecy. I could call the police and hope they might catch the blackmailers, but they probably WERE the blackmailers. There was really only one thing to do - find Rovaun and confess that he married a slut. I gathered up the tape and blackmail note and headed for the clinic.

[End of _COMPANIONS_ Chapter 19: Honeymoon]

[Next in series: Chapter 20: Confessions]

Companions Chapter 20: Confessions

[Companions Chapter 20] \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* WARNING! The following text contains explicit adult subject matter. It is not intended for anyone under...

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Companions Chapter 18: Another World

[Companions Chapter 18] \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* WARNING! The following text contains explicit adult subject matter. It is not intended for anyone under...

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Companions Chapter 17: Order

[Companions Chapter 17] \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* WARNING! The following text contains explicit adult subject matter. It is not intended for anyone under...

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