Joining the Rodeo

Story by ShadowFTS2 on SoFurry

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#2 of The Archives

I will be challenging myself to write a story daily. In other words there's going to be a catalogue of absurd shiz flowing in for a while as I work to spark the drive I need to complete Supernova. Sorry it's taking so long but I just felt like my ideas for it were inadequate. Though, until I get that finished I'm sure you guys will find a lot of good stuff here.

Disclaimer: This story contains questionable themes such as age difference, homosexual acts, abdominal bulging and the use of smaller human characters as cocksleeves. In other words, to those of you who enjoy some absurdity enjoy. To those of you who are politically correct and do not approve of acts involving characters under the age of 18... LEAVE. No seriously, just go. Don't even pretend you want to be here.

The summer heat was cruel on the Oakwood Farm and it's residence, a small family of farmers that annually would tend to the fields and sell their produce. The heat wasn't gentle on the crops, devastating much of the harvest and drying out what managed to actually grow. It was for this reason that The Farmer and his teenage son were out in the heat gathering whatever they could in hopes that maybe some of it survived.

"Damn it!" The Farmer swore, staring at his nigh empty burlap sack. Sure, he had managed to find some tomatoes that hadn't been ruined but a couple tomatoes was barely going to make enough to live off of. He motioned to his son who was carrying much less than his father, a carrot or two being all that he could salvage.

The boy was decently built. The product of manual labor, no doubt. Sweat clung to his sleeveless shirt while he approached his father. "Something wrong?" He asked, eyeing the bag curiously.

"The rodeo is in town this week. I know it's something you've wanted to be a part of for years and honestly we're all out of options here. I'd hate to force so much responsibility onto your shoulders but without the harvest there's not going to be much money coming into the house." It was true. The boy was fanatical about the rodeo. All his life he had dreamed about participating in the annual event and once he got old enough he even tried to talk his dad into letting him go but every year it was the same thing. Harvest came first and everything else was completely ignored. "If you want to do it here's your chance, Jamie."

Jamie smiled from ear to ear, his eyes alight with excitement. "I won't let you down, dad." He proclaimed enthusiastically before running into the house. He needed to get dressed, find something that wouldn't burn him up on the way to the rodeo. His brown hair was cut short and his dark brown eyes stared back at him in the mirror as he tried on different ensembles. After long he settled on a button up shirt with a tanktop underneath and a pair of jeans. He wore a set of hiking boots along with it all as he smiled wide into the mirror.

Now that he was dressed he was beyond ready to go. He figured it wouldn't be longer than fifteen minutes for him to walk to the rodeo. All the while, the heat beat down on him relentlessly. If he were to tell you, the walk was worth it and once he actually made it to the rodeo he could see large crowds piling into the outdoor festivities. Considering his urgency he sought to forego the incredibly long lines. He spotted an entrance for the talents, reading the statement clearly that no one would be admitted from there but he ignored it blatantly and headed into the area surrounded by wooden fencing atleast a foot taller than him.

The area permeated a very thick musky scent that the boy couldn't seem to place. It was weird. For some reason the scent was intoxicating rather than repulsive. Beyond the wooden gate there were a few tents. He had only really seen tents like this at the traveling circus but they were somewhat smaller than the aptly named big tops of which he had seen before in his youth. Being curious of what was inside, Jamie lowered himself to the floor and lifted up the tent very gently to get a peak.

After only a few seconds his jaw had dropped in absolute shock. Inside the tent was a duo of bull men. They were jacked, muscles all over and they stood at about twice Jamie's size. They were talking about something and at first Jamie was unaware of what until the shock wore off and the words 'cowboy' and 'cocksleeve' settled in to his psyche. One of the bulls took a snort-laden whiff of the air while Jamie watched and then it spoke again.

"I smell one right now." It said in a gruff voice. This one was slightly bigger than the other with a nose ring going through both of his nostrils. The bull's eyes finally caught his and before he could react the bull grabbed his hand and pulled him into the tent from below. "You're not one of the cowboys. What are you doing back here? This area is off limits."

Jamie quickly scurried and sat up on the floor, sliding away from the bull a nice little distance. "Uh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to intrude. It's just--" He said, pausing mid sentence as he stared at both of these collosal bull men.

"Yeah?" The bull spoke impatiently. He stomped closer to the boy, closing the distance between them.

"My family's crops are ruined. My dad works part time as a mechanic but the pay is bad. The crops were literally the only way we could make money. I thought I could join the rodeo and make some cash." The bulls stared at Jamie and then at eachother. It wasn't long before the silence broke and the two erupted into ferocious laughter.

"You want to be a cowboy, eh? Kid, you ain't got it in you." The smaller bull said. "But seeing as you've gone and met us maybe we could assist you."

"The name is Tao and Rosden. We are the main attraction this year. If you couldn't tell, we're both what you call Minotaur." Rosden, the taller bull, proclaimed. "Long story short. We're big guys that run the show now. We're such a big attraction the boss let's us 'play' with the cowboys."

"Big sweaty men make good cocksleeves." Tao interrupted with a devious smile. "But what was missing was a younger kid. Someone tight and puny. They feel better."

Rosden circled behind Jamie and lifted the boy to his feet. The Minotaur massaged his shoulders with his sausage thick fingers. "Not to mention they're so cozy."

Jamie was freaked out by the duos straightforward openness but something else kicked in. "What if I let you guys? Would you help me?"

The bulls stared into eachothers eyes and then Tao responded. "Help you with what? Joining our little rodeo?"

Jamie gave a nod, staring both Minotaur in the eyes. "Yes, sir. It's been my dream for years. I would do anything to be a part of it."

The duo took a moment to contemplate the idea. The kid was young, sure he was in good condition but he was a little on the short side. Unlike the gruff men that spent many years perfecting their craft, Jamie just showed up looking like he hadn't ridden a bull in his life. It was that irony that the pair seemed to consider most. "You don't seem to be a bull rider, kiddo. But hell, let's see how long you can ride us. If you can manage without passing out, we'll make sure you become a bonified cowboy."

"Yeah, just strip for us down to your underwear and you can audition." Tao remarked, a smile crossing his tough looking features.

Jamie began to peel out of his overshirt and then he tossed the tanktop to the floor. The boy was ripped, his chest and abs flat and firm. The bulls ogled their new toy as he continued to peel off his clothing. He tossed his shoes aside and then worked his way out of his jeans but stood there in his socks and boxers. "Ok. I'm all yours."

Tao smiled with delight and stepped forward, his waist was at face level with the boy. The pair of bulls were wearing loincloths which did little to conceal the monstrous bulges beneath but as Tao removed his, the boy was shocked by just how thick and long it was. It was about as thick as a basketball around and was around eighteen inches in length. "Open your mouth wide, kiddo." He instructed and after processing the request for about five seconds reluctantly opened his mouth. Tao aimed his tip at the boy's parted lips, letting it just poke the tongue as a shot of precum suddenly erupted into his mouth.

Jamie immediately responded to it, right now he was completely disgusted by the taste and attempted to spit the spunk out before Tao plunged the tip into his warm mouth. The bull gripped Jamie's shoulders and thrust his erection into the boy's throat, the sheer girth straining his jaw as the bull attempted to force more and more inside.

Jamie struggled to breath, each breath being cut short as another thrust interrupted. Precum shot straight down Jamie's throat and into his stomach, as the bull's cock traveled down Jamie's throat. Jamie felt his chest cavity begin to expand, being invaded by the painfully thick bull cock before Tao's sagging ball's slapped his chin and chest. He was surprised, to say the least, that the Minotaur had managed to go so deep without injuring him somehow, his gag reflex foregone by the incredible girth making it impossible, but that thought soon vanished as Tao began to vigorously thrust down the stretched out throat of the boy, his heavy balls smacking Jamie's chest. Tao's grip on his shoulders became vice tight as the bull ravaged his throat.

Tao's balls seemed to be shrinking very slowly as the bull took his time, methodically pounding Jamie's throat. His jaw was sore, almost threatening dislocation at the painful thrusts. Then suddenly a twitch quaked throughout the heavy member and cum began to spill right into Jamie's stomach. The boy felt the hot cum shooting hard and deep, a loud moan escaping him as suddenly his virgin hole parted from within and cum sprayed into his black boxers.

Tao slowly withdrew from the boy, his cock soggy with spit, cum and some mucus like material from Jamie's bowels. His thick cock still frighteningly large limp. Jamie collapsed to his knees and clutched his distended stomach, it was strangely rounded by his tight abs remaining firm to the touch even then like a basketball full of air. He released white vomit onto the floor unaware that Rosden was towering over him from behind.

The second bull grabbed the boy's ankle and dragged him into the center of the tent. The Minotaur didn't mind the socks as much as he did the boxers. Rosden pulled them off of the boy and smiled at the somewhat gaping hole as cum continued to drip to the floor.

The bull snorted loudly, grabbing the boy around the waist and cupping his bloated stomach giving it a tight squeeze. Bull cum began to spray out of the gaped anal passage as the boy groaned hoarsely throughout. Rosden laughed, looking at the boy as his face contorted uncomfortably.

Rosden aimed his own cock at the boy's hole and there was a feeling of something cool and metallic at the tip. There was a padlock pierced into it, and along the length there was another piercing every other inch. Despite this, Rosden began applying pressure to the virgin orifice. It resisted him at first but the force persisted, slowly stretching the hole wide. Rosden was slightly bigger, his tip thicker around than Tao's. The length measured at 22 inches, a staggering thought as the padlock slipped inside and the feeling of cold metal became terribly unpleasant. Rosden didn't let up, however, driving the tip past the initial barrier. The sound of deep grunts riddled with pain escaped the boy as Rosden sought to make use of the tight hole. He thrust his hips hard into the boy, sinking inch after excruciating inch inside.

"Damn, kid. You're so tight." Rosden proclaimed. Though the cum coated interior leant itself as nicely lubed, the thick cock was no less difficult to take. The Minotaur grabbed the boy's shoulders, his thick fingers tight around the boy's chest and back as the feeling of metal could be felt at the pit of his stomach. Every other inch a piercing would slip past the stretched anus, sending a surge through the boy's nerves while the bull loomed overhead. Coarse fur rubbing against his back he couldn't help but look at his stomach where he could see the lock traveling up his gut.

Rosden groaned lowly as he pounded his hole, deepening himself inside of the boy until he could feel his heartbeat thumping above his tip. His hips met the boy's ass, heavy balls slapping the boy's much smaller orbs as the bull gave the boy's shoulders a gentle rub. "You still conscious down there, bud?" The Minotaur asked, getting a nod in response as Jamie struggled below with the feeling of fullness. The padlock resting just beneath his chest cavity, it could be clearly seen sitting atop a thick bulging shape in his stomach. Rosden lightly rubbed Jamie's nipples leaving them hard and red. "Tao, come give the boy a little taste while I break him in. Gonna need my new sock nice and stretchy."

He lifted the boy vertically, leaving him impaled on his shaft as Tao approached licking his lips. He brought his tongue to the boy's taut abdomen, stretched like a drum around Rosden, and he gave it a slow tentative lick. He trailed his thick appendage up to the padlock where he paid particular attention, coating his skin in a thick layer of sticky saliva.

Rosden gave short thrusts of his hips, retreating just a few inches before thrusting back in. Precum began to pour inside the boy's stretched bowels, leaving it slick and causing sloppy wet sounds to fill the air with each thrust.

Tao's blunt teeth came down on Jamie's nipple as he licked it tentatively. The boy was overcome with a mix of sensations, his own cock hardening while both Minotaur played with his body. Tao transitioned to the boy's feet, giving his damp socks a whiff. He plucked them off and rolled them up, shoving them into Jamie's mouth and giving Rosden a wink.

The Minotaur understood what it meant, smiling deviously as he thrust his hips hard into the boy. Now he was retreating from him much more, pulling out about half way before thrusting in. It felt like magic and the bull reveled in the insane tightness. All the while, Jamie's previous moans had all but become loud screams. The socks having been put there to muffle the sound.

Tao returned to his feet, licking them slowly as to savor it's unique taste. He watched as Jamie finally burst, shooting a decent amount of cum onto the floor. The combined sensations too much for him to handle but yet he clung to consciousness, thinking of it all as if trying to maintain a balance on a wildly kicking bull. If this was anything like that, he was a champ in his own right. This was decidedly longer than 30 seconds, the bulls savoring the time they had. However, it had to end sooner or later and Rosden roared with release, filling Jamie up with a second bowel swelling cum shot. This time the cum sought exit up his throat, Tao removing the socks just as cum began to spray out of his mouth. The salty taste tingling against his senses as Rosden's epic orgasm began to ebb. The Minotaur pulled out slowly and lowered the boy down.

Jamie cupped his belly as he gagged and coughed, compensating for his previous lack thereof. He looked at the bulls as they enter his field of sight and began to speak. "You're pretty good, kid." Rosden declared. A smile on his face.

"You'll help me now, right?" Jamie muttered but the bulls laughed in response staring at the boy as they towered over him.

"We said we'd tell them if you stayed conscious. So far, so good, kid. But we're not nearly finished. Tao and I can go for days without every getting tired. You're doing great but it's definitely not over yet." Tao stated, and it was as if he was actually more virile than before. His cock that had gone limp shortly ago was now raging hard again and so was Rosden's which looked like it hadn't even softened at all. "It's gonna be a long ride. Keep up the good work, cowboy."

The two laughed and descended upon him once again. As they did Jamie almost seemed to welcome it. How could he resist? Unfortunately, though, he was one boy getting tag teamed by a pair of very horny, very huge bulls. He cursed his rotten luck and before long he was being used all over again.

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