Friendly Conversation
#3 of Reader's Choice
Friendly Conversation
"Ah, well, it's more fun to have company. I thought I'd introduce myself first so we could chat," you explain.
"I see," he says and closes the book, setting it teasingly cover side down on the table. "You'll have to forgive me. I'm not very used to strangers coming up to me and striking up conversation."
"Yeah ..." you trail off and rub the back of your head as your eyes glance downward. You see the outline of his bracelet again and perk up. "Um, I noticed you were wearing a bracelet. May I see it?"
"Into jewelry, eh?" he says, his tone indicating an obvious jibe. Malcolm lifts his right arm and pulls his cuff up a bit to show off a rainbow tie-dyed rubber ring around his wrist. You hear him chuckle and it draws your attention back to his face. "It's nothing special."
"I just noticed it kind of looks like a pride bracelet," you explain.
"Does it? Never really thought about that. It was a gift."
"Oh," you say as you look away a little embarrassed. You glance back at him and notice he's smiling at your state. "You're messing with me, aren't you?"
"You are making it a little easy," he says and chuckles. "So, are you going to order something?"
You ask him what he's drinking.