Heading to the Gym

Story by Granyx on SoFurry

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This just came off the top of my head one day while I was just watching a show so here we are! Enjoy yourself^^

Heading to the Gym

July; A month where summer really begins with teens going out to the beach, children going outside to play and have delicious ice cream from the van that passes by in town and adults having some free time to kick back and relax. Yes, this particular month and season meant happiness all around and to enjoy life, enjoy being young, enjoy being free from school!

But for eighteen year old Kyle Matthews, he was not excited as he laid down in bed in his room, paws tucked behind his head as he stared up into the dull, white colored ceiling before him. The wolf was bored out of his mind and he wanted to do something but alas, all of his so called 'friends' decided to make plans without him.

The wolf could never understand why no one wanted to hang out with him. He never got into any trouble, he had excellent grades in school and if anyone were around long enough they would know he's quite a comedian with all the jokes he pulls but again, he was left in silent solitude.

So here, Kyle sat in nothing but a white tank top and some black shorts alone in his room with not a soul to talk to. "Might as well start the day I guess," the wolf grumbled to himself and sat up in a sitting position before shuffling his body to the edge. As his hindpaws made contact with the warm, hardwood floor he made his way out of the bedroom, turned right down the hallway and into the bathroom to his left.

Shutting the door, he looked at himself in the mirror and sighed at his reflection; A dark furred wolf with jade green eyes. He had the usual pointy triangle shaped ears, short muzzle and typical cold yet wet nose but his cheeks were more round and full than the norm. His arms looked doughy along with his legs and thighs.

Kyle's rear end was big enough to put a girl to shame and to finally complete his grotesque appearance was his stomach and man tits that moved every time he made a step. 225Lbs and the weight never moved up or down, to which in itself is a blessing and a curse at the same time. The wolf never liked being this way, mostly because he was a target for bullies and they were mostly women telling him how much of a fatass he is and how much room he would take up.

Sometimes he wouldn't let the words get to him but there were days where he just came home, went upstairs to his room, lock the door and weep in painful agony. It especially didn't help much that he liked men and of course, no one in his school was gay and even if there were some they wouldn't want him, let alone speak.

Of course, his parents worried whenever their son came home looking down and averting their gaze, wanting to be left alone and they've tried numerous times to help him but what could they do? Kids and people were cruel and it's not like moving would better the situation.

Kyle did frequently go to a local gym that wasn't far from his home and he still went to lose the weight he's put on but every time he went there, intimidation was all around with all the muscular guys and fit women there and it was sort of humiliating. None the less though the wolf still kept showing up regardless and it was mostly because of eye candy than anything.

Whenever he came home from an intense workout, he would grab a snack or two but by then he would literally stuff his face until he felt satisfyingly full.

It wasn't good or healthy to do it and the wolf knew deep down but it made him feel a little better. Besides it wasn't like he was going to gain or lose anytime soon so why the hell not?

As he washed his face and brushed his fangs, doing the usual routine for today he stepped out then returned back to his room, opening up the closet. Kyle's eyes scanned through the myriad of clothing he possessed, briefly wondering how he managed to have so many.

With a smile spreading on his muzzle, the wolf found something that didn't look too bad. Reaching inside, he pulled out a black shirt that had the words printed 'Gamer Nerd for Life' and baggy jeans so he wouldn't chafe out there in the sweltering heat.

Slipping them on and finding a pair of flip flops for his feet to have air, Kyle went back to the restroom to see if everything was alright, though he wasn't really going anywhere in particular, just to get out there and try harder at the workout place.

Stepping out, his paws shuffled down the hallway until coming across some steps and headed down into the living room area where his father sat down in a burgundy leather couch reading a newspaper.

Just seeing his dad like that caused the wolf to smile, he looked like someone who belonged in the mid 80's and even though there was a small patch of gray on his muzzle, he certainly looked handsome.

There were often times where Kyle would daydream about his own father mounting him but he knew that would never happen and he loved his wife with every ounce of his being.

"Where are you off to son?" The gruff sounding male spoke, never taking his eyes off the dull gray paper in paw.

Damn it's scary when he does that...

It always amazed Kyle how the man could sense what he was going to do without him even opening up his mouth, though now that he thought about it, maybe his dad got used to this. "Oh I'm just gonna go out for a bit...maybe head to the gym."

Might as well go since everyone is busy

"I see," He responded with slow nods, eyes never leaving the paper "well don't stay out too long alright?"

"I won't!" And with that the young wolf unlocked the door in front of him and stepped outside before closing it and locking it back, ears flicking as he heard the familiar sound of a click.

With a smile, Kyle set himself off towards the local gym which wasn't that far of a walk really since it was only fifteen minutes away and the heat didn't bother him that much.

As he made his way over to his destination there were eyes all on him as people passed by, making him really self-conscious. Instinctively his ears splayed on both sides of his head and he so very wanted to tuck his tail and run away but he had to persevere.

Yeah, you all can snicker and point all you want but when I look better than you you'll feel worthless ya skinny fucks

Marching on through the cobblestone path, he saw the tell tale sign in giant red letters 'Max's Gym' only a few paces away. Coming up to the double doors, Kyle placed a paw on one of the handles and pushed, breathing a sigh of relief as cool air brushed against his fur.

As the door closed shut the wolf took a look around, observing furs of all species on various forms of workout equipment ranging from treadmills to bench presses. It was quite a spacious facility as well, housing roughly about thirty pieces of machines.

The air all around him reeked of sweat and musk but it was nothing he couldn't handle. Plus there wasn't a long line today, only a female otter and a male lynx stood in front of him at the receptionist desk, waiting patiently to get their day started.

As both furs signed themselves in and got their cards they scooted off, leaving Kyle the only one left. Coming upon the desk once his turn came around, the wolf's ears reflexively pinned back against his skull as he stood face to face with a very beefy brown furred bull sporting a black tank top and athletic red shorts.

Muscle rippled everywhere with those biceps looking like massive cannons ready to fire if the guy flexed and the tree trunk thighs he possessed would make anyone want to touch and feel them.

Even though the guy smiled, looking very friendly with open arms it didn't help that he towered a good five or six inches in height compared to Kyle. (He's 5'8)

Maybe this wasn't such a good idea...

Feeling very self-conscious for the second time today, mixed in with fear and humiliation, Kyle whipped back around trying to make a run for it. However, he didn't even get a step as a firm paw clapped down on his left shoulder. "Oh god," he whimpered silently and slowly turned his head back towards the male.

"Hey you alright?" He asked with genuine concern in his voice.

"Yeah I'm fine," The canine responded back then looked down at the paw that held him in place "you...can let go now...please."

Releasing the hold, he gave another smile but this time it was warm and caring. "Sorry about that, I know I look very frightening but really I'm not gonna bite," he chuckled a little before motioning with his head towards the sign up sheet.

Kyle nearly forgot about the piece of paper but after shaking his head a little, he wrote down his name and received the light green card. "Thanks," he said though it came out as a mere mumble but he knew the bull heard as those ears flicked.

He nodded in appreciation. "No problem and hey, don't feel intimidated by the people here alright? Everyone here is friendly."

Somehow I doubt that but whatever.

With a forced but seemingly approved smile back, Kyle sauntered off to the treadmills. There were a good four-five of them that were vacant yet two have been taken by a cougar and lion.

Stepping up to one that faced the front of the gym after taking off his flip flops, he placed a paw on the power button, bringing the machine to life and instantly began to set his speed.

Setting it to a jogging motion that was satisfactory, the young wolf started on his workout, eyeing all of the muscle that came inside, worked out and left.


Hours had passed by in such a speed that Kyle never noticed it getting dark outside though the setting sun was still visible. There were still a few souls left inside but he was the man one left on the treadmills, huffing and puffing from exertion yet he still continued.

Oddly enough, the bull at the receptionist desk still stayed where he was, observing the chubby wolf. Sure he went away to take care of some other task in the gym but each time the male came back and watched with great intent.

Kyle never thought anything better of it as time ticked by but now, as more furs hit the showers and left the building he was starting to slowly become uncomfortable.

Setting the machine to walking mode before turning it off, he stepped down and placed both paws on his knees as he tried to gain his normal breathing pattern back. The wolf was a bit winded from doing all of that running for hours to no end but it was a good burning sensation.

I am never doing it like that again!

Taking a few deep breaths in and exhaling them out slowly, Kyle recovered enough of his energy so as he stood up straight, he grabbed his flip flops and went to the showers that were located at the far upper right corner.

Upon entering, his ears flicked and moved all around to see if anyone lingered about but luckily no one did so with a smile he swiftly stripped himself and placed his belongings on a nearby wooden bench.

Granted, he would have used the lockers but Kyle never put any trust into them in establishments such as these. Casting the thought aside, he proceeded to the shower heads and set the temperature to how he wanted it; warm water showering him in seconds upon twisting the left knob.

A sigh of relief came as he let it all trickle down his body, relishing on how good a hot shower can be no matter where you were. It was a soothing medication for the mind, body and soul; along with relaxing sore muscles (well to him at least).

Grabbing a bar of soap in front of him (thank goodness they provided these!) he started scrubbing every part of his body, eventually coming down to his sheath and balls which hung a little due to warmth.

A lewd thought came to mind as Kyle stared and the more he did, he found himself growing rather aroused a little but there wasn't any time for that. With a sigh he resumed onto cleaning up, remembering how it was getting dark out anyways.

As he closed his eyes and stood still inside the stream to wash away any suds that stubbornly clung onto his fur, the wolf failed to realize another fur had come in.

It was the bull from earlier who had a most delighted grin spread on his muzzle, licking his lips upon the sight of Kyle who was still in the buff soaking wet. Ever since the hefty wolf came inside he wanted nothing more than to tear off those clothes and mount him right there on the spot, not giving a damn who watched.

But of course, there were the occasional risks and dangers involved that threatened him to be fired and hauled off to prison if such a thing ever happened but as of right now? There was not a single soul and he very much doubted anyone would come in and see them.

Now that his 'prey' was within sight and only a few feet away, the beefy male quickly removed his clothing, dick flopping out in the air as it was finally removed from it's confines pointing straight up.

He sauntered over to where the wolf stood, coming closer with each step until finally they were in close proximity to the point where their fur almost brushed against each other. "Hey there," he greeted casually with a smile.

Apparently the desired effect from this little surprise did it's job well, for Kyle stood there frozen like a statue for a few seconds before backing out of the torrent and wiped his face to see who was there. After clearing out some excess water and opening his eyes, he gasped upon seeing the bull from before. "You're that guy from earlier! What are you doing in here?"

The other male chuckled in mere amusement, admiring how cute Kyle was being right now. "Name's Matt and isn't it obvious?" He said with a gruff and manly voice that almost made the wolf weak in the knees. With a not so subtle wink he motioned with his head towards a throbbing yet leaking cock that needed attention.

Two pairs of green eyes swiftly gazed down and Kyle was very thankful for his dark fur because his cheeks were burning crimson upon the sight of the thing in front of him. It was long, very thick and he didn't know if that would even fit inside him. "Uh..." was all he could respond with, nervousness showing as plain as day.

Matt however took notice of this and immediately started to calm the poor pup down before things would turn worse for the both of them. "Hey hey...relax...I'm not gonna hurt you and I'll take it slow I promise." It was strange yet comforting all at the same time to hear something like that come out of the bovine and it seemed like he meant it with how he genuinely smiled.

As his eyes returned to their normal, innocent nature he turned off the water (because it was starting to get cold) and got a really good look at the bull now that he was also naked with him.

The bovine looked to be in his mid 20's considering how youthful he looked, though the voice and muscles he packed on said otherwise. Powerful, beefy pecs that rose and fell with his breathing, huge biceps that could crush anyone if he so wished and the thighs Kyle so desperately wanted to be between looked like massive tree trunks. To complete it all was Matt's hard and still unattended bovine dick standing at attention.

Kyle couldn't help but admire the physique in front of him. Yes he was a bit jealous to have all of that on his own accord but right now that didn't even matter. Without a single word the canine got down to his knees and licked at the base, drawing it agonizingly slow all the way to the tip before shifting his muzzle to an 'O' then dove down, trying to take all of that cock at once.

For Matt, he grunted and moaned in pleasure. He never would have thought this kid would actually go down on him and be exceptionally great at it. The way his tongue swirled around the base and tip when he brought his mouth down then suck hard as if it were a lollipop when he came back up. "Damn..." The bovine huffed as he instinctively bucked into Kyle's maw, "you sure know how to please a guy."

The canine blushed at the compliment but he didn't stop what he was doing just to tell him he had sucked cock before and that was with a really good friend of his. He cupped Matt's big fuzzy orbs in one paw then grabbed that meat stick with the other and the fun really got started.

There was a steady rhythm going now with Kyle rolling and massaging those balls while his muzzle bobbed up and down with a paw following the up and down motions. The wolf worked that tongue as it teased and danced all around his prize, making the beefy male huff, pant and groan.

Matt's bucking however began to increase from all of the attention his dick was getting and he wanted more. Gently the bovine moved Kyle's paws away before placing both meaty hands on top of his head, steadying himself. "You might wanna take a deep breath..."

He didn't need to be told twice and the wolf knew what was coming anyway so after inhaling as much air and musk, his mouth closed back onto the warm meat and prepared himself. Rough but gentle hands idly scratched behind his ears and he couldn't help but let out a pleased rumble from his throat.

Matt simply chuckled, admiring it all before he abruptly started to furiously pump his cock in and out of that tight throat with a heavy sigh. He heard the pup gag a little and held onto the back of his head a little more tightly.

Kyle however was in pure heaven as each time the bovine shoved himself back in all the way, his nose was pushed right up against the pube fur, inhaling all of the delicious musk he could before it pulled away. It took an amazing amount of effort to not stroke himself right now and his own dick achingly throbbed beneath his chubby gut begging for attention.

He didn't care though, his attention was more focused on trying to suck this monster for all it's worth. His paws latched onto those meaty thighs and held on for dear life while that big cock slammed into his maw again and again, increasing in pace and he could hear the bull starting to reach climax as his breathing started to become more ragged and pumping labored but suddenly and unexpectedly the other male stopped and pulled out. Feeling empty and dissatisfied from having to halt on such fun, Kyle couldn't help but whine pathetically.

"Get up and turn around...now..." Matt huffed out with his gruff voice almost sounding like a feral grunt. Sweat mixed with water poured down his muscular body as he stared down at the wolf with pure lust and impatience in his eyes.

It almost would have been funny to see a hefty wolf like Kyle to stand up so fast and get into position with his paws braced upon the white marble walls, his back arched and fat ass cheeks raised up in the air as high as it could go but seeing as how alluring it all was there wasn't a single snicker.

Not wasting any time, Matt aimed his dick right at the wolf's hole and shoved himself deep inside those inner walls, fully going all the way until his hips bumped against ass cheeks with a solid smack.

Although that dick was well enough lubed up, it didn't stop from Kyle groaning in obvious discomfort, though he knew knew why the guy did that. Soon he felt large and powerful hands wrap around his gut, rubbing up and down in a soothing manner. "Bigger than you look," he panted out with a giggle.

"Heh, that's what they all say" The bovine smirked and stood still to let Kyle accommodate to his size, along with being practically impaled. Suddenly (and agonizingly slowly), he pulled back, letting only just the tip be visible before plunging back in with a rumble of dominance. He did it again and again, the pace increasing with each fleshy slap of his balls against the doughy ass.

Kyle moaned in pleasure, never feeling something like this in all his life. Sure, the toys he had at home were plenty enough to satisfy his cravings but this? This went beyond as the bull leaned forward on top of him, hot breath brushing against his ear and fur, making it tickle a little. He loved the way those strong hands were wrapped around him, as if in a loving embrace and enjoyed the feeling of being underneath someone who was perfectly stocky.

For Matt, he loved the way those tight inner walls were squeezing him just right whenever he pulled back and enjoyed how ready it was when he dove back in. He couldn't get enough of watching those fat cheeks wiggle and bounce each time his hips slammed home, let alone to the pup's moaning.

They were lucky no one was around to hear them, for the sounds of flesh slapping against flesh along with the moaning, huffing and grunting were loud enough for anyone to here. A curious passerby could have walked in at any given moment and quickly dash right back out, seeing the carnal display of lust.

It wouldn't phase them though; they would continue on without a care in the world and wouldn't give a damn.

"H-harder..." Kyle squeaked out, one of his paws reaching down to furiously stroke at his own dick that was unattended for far too long. His desire didn't go unheard, for the muscular bovine did exactly that; pound his fat ass harder and faster, feeling that dick hitting his prostate in just the right way. "Oh fuck yeah!" He huffed out with his tongue now lolling out of the side of his mouth, unable to stop himself from growling and panting like a feral because it felt so good.

Matt squeezed on his chest tighter now, his breathing becoming ragged and thrusts starting to really pick up and he knew that climax was coming soon but he didn't want to, not just yet.

The canine beneath him though, couldn't take much more and reached the end of his limit as his dick throbbed, spewing out rope after rope of thick cum splattering against the wall before him, causing his ass to clench in reaction and that was when he felt one final, hard hump and felt himself being flooded with warmth. "Oh shit..." he whispered with a smile, then felt his knees buckle.

Matt noticed and held onto Kyle tighter so he wouldn't collapse. "Whoa I gotcha! Hehe was it that good?" He said with a rock of his hips, sloshing the flood of cum that was kept inside until he pulled out.

"More than that! Fuck, it was amazing!" The canine giggled, tail wagging excitedly behind him, probably tickling the poor bull but he never showed any ounce of bursting into laughter. He looked up at him with a smile and tilted his head, "So...how did you know?"

It took Matt a complete second to figure out what the question was about until he chuckled himself and answered, "When you were eyeing on all of the guys and it was pretty obvious."

"Oh...heh," Kyle blushed under his fur but he didn't feel ashamed about what he was doing. "Umm can we get to the benches please? I'm starting to feel you slip out and I should really get home."

The bovine did as he was told, since the sun was likely down with a tidbit of light out. He had his fill for today and knew that the pup would come back for another round.