Fox and Falco 2

Story by sangheilinerd on SoFurry

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#2 of Star Fox Fics

Okay...I uhm...did it again. another Fox and Falco story. Remember that in my fics the Star Fox crew would be an ultra spec ops unit in the Cornerian Army. As for the NJP incident. I realize that this would likely never happen in the real military. But come on guys, we're talking a Fanfic here. A erotic fan fic. can't take too fine-toothed of a comb to the details.

also just a quick note:

gold bar=second lieutenant, silver bar first lieutenant, gold double bars =captain, silver double bars =major, tripple gold bars=commander, four gold bars=colonel, crossed batons=brigadier general, crossed batons over gold bar= major general, crossed batons over silver bar=lieutenant general, crossed batons over double bronze bars=general, crossed batons over silver double bars=captain general, crossed batons over silver laurel wreath=commander general

The blackness of space painted the viewport of the Great Fox starkly. The endless expanse deafening in its silence. Andross had been quiet as of late. It didn't take a genius to figure out that this was just the quiet before the storm. That they were in the eye of the Hurricane Andross.

As Falco sat tuning the engines of his arwing in the hangar deck of the Great Fox, he thought of the numerous battles and subsequent victories that he and the rest of his squad shared. The numerous planets and space stations he visited on his deployment had each left their mark on him. Some more deeply than others. He thought of Kitty. Their years together ending in such a fiery crash. Then he thought of Fox. He and Fox had gone through a lot together. The Star Fox crew had been together for nigh on eighteen lunar cycles and they'd been fighting Andross each and every one of those eighteen cycles. It was a brutal war and the enemy fought with such outrageous ferocity there were times where Falco wondered if they would ever win this war.

"Hey, Cockface! What's happenin?" Slippy piped up over Falco's shoulder. The frog had an annoying tendency to poke his nose where it didn't belong.

"Hey Cuntface. Oh you know the usual. Trying to beat Fox at his own game." The blue falcon replied with a smug smile on his face.

"Huh? What now a new di-thermic heat valve? A new proton-wave fuel injector?"

"Naah this time no new equipment just fine-tuning the works. If I can't beat him after this tune up, I never will." He set down his wrench and looked at the frog.

"Y'know the sign of a truly good pilot is being the best in the same aircraft. You won't ever beat Fox if you're tuning your arwing instead of tuning and refining your skillset." The frog commented.

"I didn't ask ya, runt."

"No. but you and Fox are lovers! I want you two to stay that way. If you start flying better all of a sudden and he suspects that you've modified your arwing without telling him. He'll wonder what else you may have omitted." Slippy chided, "I'm not going to watch you and Fox's newly formed relationship splinter apart because you're an over competitive dumbass."

Falco let out a sigh. The frog spake truth. To further his beating Fox would possibly mean losing Fox in the process. He closed the access panel to his arwing, packed his tools and went to set his toolkit aside. He turned around after setting it in the tool case. He lay his hand on Slippy's shoulder and replied, "I know I don't say this enough. I know I can be an ass, but thanks for keepin my head on straight, Slippy."

The frog was taken aback. He'd never seen the blue falcon lower his bravado. Never. He always acted the tough guy. Yet, Slippy knew it was an act. The raptor was such a good friend, that Slippy had known for a while that the guy's heart was big. He hid it behind a false bravado and offensive language and behavior because he was afraid of being hurt. After what happened to Kat, he really couldn't blame the guy. Some would say that a part of Falco's reasoning for joining was to avenge his mate. Yet Slippy had seen no vengeful spirit in the bird since joining the team. He'd never known someone who both managed to act completely superior and stand-offish and yet still manage to cool Fox's head when he started to get that look in his eye.

In the last six months before this 'dry spell' as the crew was determined to call it, Slippy had seen Falco stop Fox on a number of occasions from unleashing his anger upon one of the many prisoners they had captured on their way to defeat Andross. Fox, unlike the avian who'd become his lover, did indeed have a personal vendetta against Andross. For good reason. Fox's father James had perished at the hands of Andross' followers. General Pepper had given Fox this team in memory of the fallen James' team of the same name. When Slippy had joined up with the crew, Fox was a good leader. Ambitious, but rational. He used his head when needed. And of course there was always Major General Peppy to reel back Fox when he became overly emotional. Yet, as of recently, Peppy needn't say much. Falco had undergone somewhat of a transformation since beginning to be honest with the Fox. He'd become Fox's anchor.

He'd known Fox since the loss of his father in primary school. The first war with Andross having just begun. Corneria's defense force was larger then. Still it had barely been a match for the Venomian empires' military. That was when the order came to Hire the original Star Fox team. Fox's father wasn't in the military, rather he was a mercenary pilot. He and his team were top-level pilots and had an advanced skillset when it came to subluminal interstellar dogfights. Fox's father's team was the oomph the Cornerian Defense Force needed to go on the offensive. The move happened at the right time, too. The Star Fox deployment was so timed that had they hired James and his team a day later the Venomian's would have descended upon Corneria and the Cornerian civilization would have been at its end. Instead thanks to James' efforts, Corneria and its colonies were saved from the Evils of Andross and his Venomian army.

At the end of the war even though James McCloud had given his life in order to save his people, his team survived. It had eventually been absorbed into the Cornerian Defense Forces and had been mothballed, waiting for the day Fox came of age. Fox did come of Age. The Great Fox came out of retirement and Fox became commander days after gaining his Wings in Pilot School. He was given direct command of the Star Fox crew. And for the first year of the Teams inception, it would be necessary to have a Higher ranking officer to oversee operations. Peppy Hare, then a Brigadier General, volunteered. Thus began Team Star Fox's revival.

Slippy thought of all of this and began pondering the importance of James' death in all of this. If Colonel James hadn't died, would Fox still have joined the Cornerian Defense Forces fleet? Would Fox and Slippy have met? He hoped for the latter to be true. He hoped that no matter what got them there, he and Fox would always be friends.

]] All hands, Battle Stations! Venomian fighter squadron detected off of port bow. Thirty degrees Dorsal. Looks like they intend to strafe the ship. [[

Slippy looked at the PA Speaker in the ship's port flight bay and raised an eyebrow. That was fast. "Rob confirm Venomian origin."

]] Scanning.... Origin unconfirmed. Vessels equipped with radiometric scramblers. I can't get an accurate scan. [[

Slippy thought for a moment. "Falco, keep Fox occupied, would you?"

"Sure thing, Cunt-face."

"Peppy, would you mind joining me?"

"No problem Slippy."


"So what's happening, Slip? Why did you want Fox out of this fight? And why were you giving us orders." Peppy radioed over the commlink

"Wolf's come to play with his favorite chew toy again, Peppy. I've told Falco to occupy Fox as a saving grace, because Fox will not win if my suspicions are correct." Slippy replied

"And you think we fair better than our teams top flyer, why?"

"We don't need to. We just need to give Rob the time to spool the superluminals. We're going to jump."

"What? James would never run away from a fight! Why are we running away?!"

"Tactical retreat, Peppy. We've got some work to do on the Arwings before we can actually--"

"Sorry to interrupt, gentleman, but we'll kindly take your lives now." Wolf interrupted. Before dropping just behind Slippy and launching missiles.

"Wolf, you just can't leave well enough alone, can you?" Slippy radioed, panicked after doing a barrel roll to avoid the missles.

"James killed my father. I want retribution!" The wolf's Venomian accent crackled through Slippy's earpiece, "You're done for!" He strafed Slippy's Arwing with his main cannon. Slippy narrowly dodged the laser bolts before returning fire.

"I'm not the same frog I was when we first met, asshole. I won't go down so easily!" He replied before pulling back hard on the stick and the throttle. Wolf overshot the Arwing so Slippy was now on Wolf's six high. He immediately took advantage of his position and began to unload his cannons into Wolf's Wolfen.

"Shit! Shit! Shit! How, Slippy?" Wolf cried into the comms as the Wolfen smoked from the laser fire. He pulled off and retreated away from the fight.

"Brushed up on the early history of Cornerian Fighter Pilots. A lot of their tactics still work even without atmosphere."

Peppy's laughter echoed through Slippy's headset. "I remember when Fox had to save your ass every mission. What's lit the fire under your tail?"

"Don't want to have to bother Fox with these idiots. Besides, I was rated at the top of my class in dog fighting at the Academy. It's just I guess I get distracted these days thinking about all the things we need to do to the _Fox_and end up losing sight of the enemy."

"Like now!" Andrew's voice screeched through the commlink. Before Slippy had a chance to even respond, Andrew's Wolfen's cannons ripped through Slippy's Arwing.

"Fuck, again! Slippy. You really have an issue with getting distracted. ROB, grab Slippy would ya? I'm gonna take care of these idiots."

]] Understood [[

Peppy fell in behind the Ape's Wolfen and unleashed his cannon. Andrew's scream as one stray bolt pierced his chest was excruciating to listen to. His Wolfen fell still seconds later. "Andrew! You fuckin' asshole! I'll kill you!" Wolf yelled from somehwhere out of sight, "Pigma! Now!"

Peppy looked up just in time to see his porcine assailant launch his attack. Peppy was no slouch though. He rolled out of the way of the first barrage of bolts and rounded on would-be his attacker and pulled the trigger for his cannons and let Pigma have it. Pigma's Wolfen soon went up in smoke.

"You sleepin' there, gramps?" He heard Falco say. And then a quick yip from Leon's slimy voice box. "C'mon, old timer. You can't tell me you didn't see him."

"Show some goddamn respect for your superiors, Lieutenant!"

"I respect those who've earned it. You may have fought with Fox's father, Gramps, but You've yet to show me how you got those batons."

"You know, Fox may like the mouthy ones, but I can't stand you. Falco if it were up to me, you'd be working on clean up in Corneria."

"What? You are a General. Aren't you?"

"It's Pepper. He's the one who has the clout to say and determine such things. The Star Fox team stays together. Even if some of the crew don't mind mouthin' off to superior officers." Peppy sighed as Falco fell into formation at Peppy's five level. "Now if that peanut you call a brain can do more than idle banter, let's let these fuckers have it!"

"Aye, Aye, General, sir!" Falco replied in his ever-present mocking tone.

An annoyed Fox came over the comm link, "Falco, just drop it already. We know you've still got the ability to do this. No one ever said that you didn't. So why are you always such a prick to everyone?"

"'Cause Fox, I am who I am and there ain't nobody I'd rather be." Falco joked before peeling off from Peppy and chasing after a lone Venomian fighter. Apparently the only sign of Andross in the near vicinity. Falco quelled the would-be adversary with barely a shot fired by the Venomian.

Fox rolled his eyes before calling, "Everyone to the _Great Fox..._That includes you, birdbrain."


Fox dragged Falco by the collar and despite the much stronger avian's attempts to dislodge the clenched fist in which Fox had secured the fabric of his jumpsuit, he had to admit that this was somewhat a turn on. The falcon's shaft hardened within the restrictive clothing before too long. Fox was furious, though. Falco had been on the wrong end of Fox's anger too many times to count. He knew that it wouldn't be easily diffused. As much as Falco wanted him in this moment, he was also worried about the possible reprimand. Let alone the possibility of dismissal from the team and the more-than-likely-almost-a-certainty of him losing rank. Again. He should have been at colonel like Fox. Yet because of countless de-rankings and misconduct hearings he'd only managed to attain commander. With that being taken away and major soon after he was left with his two bars and a huge amount of disappointment. Twenty years he'd been at this gig and he wasn't even a major. The thought of losing his second bar truly scared him. He knew fox would do it, too. Instead of the Colonel's quarters Fox was thrown into a chair in the briefing room. "Captain Falco Lombardi, you stand accused of undermining the authority of your superior officers, gross misconduct, and constant and blatant insubordination. If I were any other CO, or were Peppy any other general, you would be in lock up pending Court Martial. Do I make myself clear?"

"Aye, aye, Colonel, sir." Falco replied, lacking all of the snark he'd used earlier. He'd been cowed by Fox's formal manner. The earlier arousal had left him completely. He'd known all too well that this was coming.

Fox nodded his head. "Have you any defense for your actions?"

Noting the tone of warning in Fox's voice, Falco simply shook his head. "In place of Court Martial and in a show of lenience you are only getting based upon your heroism and exemplary piloting skills, I see fit to taking two ranks from you. Understood, Second Lieutenant?"*

"Understood Colonel, sir."

"Good," Fox nodded, facing away from Falco, Fox rendered the final nail in Falco's coffin absolutely flush, "Pending review and debriefing from Brigadier General Pepper, you are hereby grounded and restricted to your quarters. Dismissed, Lieutenant."

Falco stood, saluted Fox, and about face. "I love you, Fox." Falco whispered over his shoulder. He knew the canid's large ears would pick it up.

Fox sighed heavily, "Godsdammit! Falco you know I love you too. You are the largest fucking dolt I've ever known, and yet I still love you." Fox let out a humorless laugh, "I do this exactly because I love you. If I didn't you'd be on the next transport to Cornerian High Command pending Court Martial. That is of course something which will never be discussed with anybody outside this room. Understood?"

Falco nodded his head. Fox sat down heavily in a chair opposite the one he'd been sitting in and then dismissed him with a wave of his hand.

Falco left the room utterly subdued. Second Lieutenant. Second Lieutenant. SECOND LIEUTENANT! That was outright cruel. Yet he had to admit that he'd had it coming for a while and was impressed that Fox hadn't acted on it sooner. He got to his quarters and voiced "Access code, Lieutenant Falco Lombardi, 2 Liaison Freedom Liaison 3-6-3-4-2-2-1-5."

The door slid open. Serial numbers were strange in the Cornerian Defense Force. They added rank as the first two pieces of the puzzle. His serial had been CPFL36342215 yet when Fox rendered his judgement and punishment Rob had immediately updated the system to keep up with the new rank. It just made him feel that much worse about himself. He went and took Katt's picture in his arms and curled up on his bed and began once again to let loose his tears.


Peppy's knock on the door was almost timid. Light enough that he almost didn't hear it. He answered the door and in strode the highest ranking officer aboard the Great Fox. As if knowing what was going to happen, Falco stood at attention and saluted the hare. "At ease." Peppy said to him.

Falco lowered his arm back to behind his back and maintained his sense of decorum even though he'd relaxed much of his posture. "Sir, I assume you're here to attain my bars?"

"Aye, son. Also to give you this." Peppy held out a paper slip. "Let me explain clearly about what I'm about to do. Fox has made it clear that your time aboard this ship tries his patience. And yet at the same time we both know that you cannot leave this ship. Fox needs to be emotionally stable to lead. Which is why I'm giving you an opportunity."

Falco cocked his head. "Sir, Fox.."

"will not know of this. Not until you report for duty tomorrow. I am supposed to be giving you your second-lieutenant bars. What I'm giving you instead is mentioned in the--"

"--Commander? The fuck, Peppy? That's a double promotion."

"Rob, record serial number change for Falco Lombardi in accordance with his new rank as Commander."

]] Acknowledged. [[

"The triples are in there as well. I expect less snark from you now. Understood?"

"Sir, I promise. I'll tone it down a notch." Falco replied. Humbled by the lapine's generosity.

"All I'm askin', Commander."


Falco walked into the communal showers with barely contained glee. He'd been demoted and then promptly received a promotion. A quadruple promotion if thought of from the perspective of his demotion. Though Falco considered it only two ranks. He was still in utter disbelief when he turned the overhead shower on to full blast. As the steaming hot shower sprayed down onto his body, he watched as much of the day's buildup of gunk flowed off his body and into the drain. He let the heat and pin-pricks of pressure soothe away the tension he'd felt during his NJP hearing. He just sat in the stream for a good long while before he heard Fox, "Hey, birdbrain! I thought I confined you to quarters. Peppy come and see you?"

As a response he turned off the water before calling up voice command prompt, "dryer on voice authorization Xray Oria Freedom Liaison 36342215."

Fox looked at the bird, his dryer coming on and blasting his feathers dry according to the settings attached to his registered file. "XO? The fuck? I thought I demoted you. Why did Peppy give you this promotion?"

"Commander Falco has always shown great promise and has shown a proactive awareness of the battlefield. His ability behind the yoke of an arwing has never been questioned and he saved my life. Forgive me if I feel the need to reward him instead of punish him."

"Brigadier General Hare, I have told you time and again that when it comes to me and my crew I really would rather I deal with the disciplinary actions and promotions. Yet at the same time I have to agree with what you've just said. I may have been quick to judge. Yet he did disobey a direct order."

"From whom? Slippy is a Second Lieutenant, remember Fox? Ain't no way in hell I'd try to stop this bird from flying his...well...bird."

Fox's ears went down so quickly as to seem as if they just reappeared flat against his skull. His tail went limp. "Oh. But I told him to stay."

"As his lover, Fox. Do not abuse your position as CO to punish your partner for not doing what it was that you wanted to." Peppy's glare could have melted diamond it was so fierce. "Do I need to remind you, that I am the ranking officer aboard this vessel?"

Both stood at attention and, despite their obvious nudity, saluted the bunny. "Fox, Falco, as much as I appreciate your salutes I would rather not have seen your sheaths. Now at ease, you two. I expect you to properly kiss and make up before the night is through." Peppy smirked at them both. Knowing exactly what was going to happen as soon as he stepped out of the Locker Room. He about faced immediately and gave the two some alone time.

Fox looked at Falco with a definitive lust in his eyes. "So Commander, huh?"

"That a problem Fox?"

"No. not at all..." Fox intoned before pouncing on the peregrine and kissing his beak whilst pinning Falco to the shower wall by pulling his wrists together above Falco's head and putting all his weight on that point. Falco didn't resist. He loved it when Fox showed his dominant side. As fox deepened the kiss, he began to grind his now very hard member into Falco's equally hard member. Breaking the kiss, Fox mumbled, "Mmm...beg for it."

"Mmm...give it to me."

Licking Falco's beak's tip, Fox removed his hand from Falco's wrists and slid them down the bird's body sensually before stopping just below his ass. He swiftly lifted Falco off the floor of the shower and pressed his body in between Falco's legs. "Ready?" He breathed.

Falco imperceptibly nodded his head already panting from the arousal. Fox licked at the crick of Falco's neck before lining his tip up with Falco's hole. Thrusting forward with evident force, Fox entered Falco all the way to the knot of his vulpine phallus. Falco shrieked loudly at the forceful entry but quickly settled into his role as the whining bitch that Fox needed at that moment. "Gods! You're so tight."

With that simple utterance, Falco felt as his vulpine lover pulled back almost to the tip. Then with even greater force the fox bore down once again on Falco's hole. And again, Fox repeated this same motion. Soon he built up to a steady rhythm of heavy, tip-to-knot thrusts that pounded away at Falco's defenses.

Falco moaned out his pleasure to the world as each of Fox's thrusts grew stronger and more erratic. He slid up and down the shower wall's tile with every one of Fox's powerful thrusts. Soon he was moaning loud enough that the entire ship could hear them. It wasn't after too long under this brutal barrage that Falco's hole finally yawned open to except Fox's large knot. When it slid shut around the base of the knot, once again, Fox exploded up into the exhausted avian. Rather than stop at that point, though, Fox continued to hump into Falco as much as his knot would allow. This time leaving Falco's turgid length completely untouched, Fox worked at Falco's prostate until finally with a shout, Falco unloaded shot after shot of thick white cum onto himself and his lover.

When his spire finally quit its eruption Fox adjusted his grip on the newly minted XO of his ship and carried him--still tied--into the locker room to sit down and await his knot's deflation. Fox hummed a song into Falco's earhole as they waited. With the soft humming in his ear and Fox's arms around him Falco managed to relax enough to actually fall asleep.


Fox lay the sleeping falcon on his bunk before returning to his quarters to put away his towel and toiletries. He was happy with how the day actually ended.

He'd have to thank Peppy for yet another session with his new lover. He thought about it and realized that He'd not seen the old fart with anybody. Slippy had Amanda. Fox and Falco now had each other. Their general, however had taken no women to bed since Vivina's death. He was surely old, but not old enough to be considered decrepit. Fox needed to consider helping to find Peppy a new girlfriend.

As he lay down to sleep that night he became increasingly aware that he hadn't really had too much of a 'dating life' at all. What he'd done before the war truly started in earnest was to sit in gay bars on Corneria in his Lieutenant's uni and wait for the first boy who resembled Falco to come up and ask him to dance. That wasn't dating. That was fishing for a quick fuck. He'd pined for the falcon for so long he hadn't given himself the chance to actually date anyone else. Well that'd make it difficult to help his dad's best friend get laid. He'd have to continue to think about it. Maybe even discuss it with Falco. They had to do something for the old hare. He'd certainly done enough for them.

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