Mostly Anything

Story by Mog Moogle on SoFurry

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#6 of Reader's Choice

Mostly Anything

You chuckle softly and say, "Most anything, with the right partner," then you sit back easily and grin in a slightly challenging manner.

"Well, I don't think I'm quite that easy to please," Malcolm replies then shakes his head. "Did you have something specific in mind?"

"Tell me what you like to do for fun?" you counter.

"Oh, sometimes I walk in the park when I need to clear my head. Sometimes I just watch movies at home. Reading is always a good option."

"I must admit, I'm not as up on my reading as I should be."

"Well, you can't beat the clearance bin at the used bookstore," he says. "I read three or four a week."

"That's ... more than most," you say with a bit of surprise. "What about this park? Are you talking about the one off the square?"

"Yeah," he replies. "They have a nice walking path around the pond. I sit there and read sometimes. It's also a short walk from my apartment. Like I said, no car."

"I see," you say and look at his expression. He seems more disarmed and a lot more receptive to your conversation now. You could probably push some more personal boundaries if you wanted to. "I know you said your relationship status was complicated, but what do you like to do, say, on a date?"

"Oh," his eyes scan around the room for a bit before he looks at you, "well, dinner is nice. I'm actually a good cook. The things I can do with instant noodles would blow your mind."

You chuckle at his response then wonder if you should push a little farther.

A Little Glimpse

**A Little Glimpse** After a few moments of silence, Malcolm looks up at you then shakes his head. "Like I said, it's a little complicated," he pauses and looks up at you. "We don't have to discuss it, if you don't want," you say. "No, it's not...

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I'll Have what He's Having

**I'll Have what He's Having** "It's a caramel frappé," Malcolm replies. You give him a smile and a nod as you stand up and walk to the counter. You're approached by a female lemur in a green apron. She happily asks what she can get you and you tell...

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Friendly Conversation

**Friendly Conversation** "Ah, well, it's more fun to have company. I thought I'd introduce myself first so we could chat," you explain. "I see," he says and closes the book, setting it teasingly cover side down on the table. "You'll have to forgive...

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