Fifty Shades of Tan: Dinner and Diapers

Story by LeiLani on SoFurry

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#13 of Fifty Shades of Tan

The challenge when writing about any sexual fetish is to do it in such a way where it' becomes a hot, erotic, arousing turn-on in some fashion to most who read it. The subject of diapers, and diaper-changing especially, had to be dealt with delicately. First off, relax. Nothing messy at all here, well, as far as waste goes anyway. I was really careful. This is Leilani's second encounter with the kind-hearted tiger Gerald, and she's about to be introduced to a whole other side of him. If you're a diaper fan, especially if you're a man, this might just become a favorite. <3

Title art by GoliathWildcat

Quick note: Actually, the most shocking thing to me about this whole story was that "Baywatch" was accepted as a properly spelled word. O.o

I was reluctant to bid Cody goodnight when he finally left my condominium at around six that evening, after many hours of ardent love-making. As I had hoped, the young wolf was eager, anxious, and quite resilient when it came to pleasure, giving and receiving, and we delighted in several hours tending to one another's needs one at a time, through penetration, orally, and otherwise.

"I could cook if you like." I churred gently in his arms as we kissed at the door. My paw dropped down to brush across his shorts, tracing the dull weight of his hardness with delicate digits. Warmth and desire spread through my body. Apart from a flimsy red and white floral sarong that covered about half of my breasts and behind, I was naked. I knew he still wanted me, and I wanted him. As naughty and forbidden as it seemed, I liked being with Cody very much, and I again felt a streak of envy run through me at the thought of him pleasuring a lovely female wolf around his age one day soon.

The teenage wolf chuckled and pressed his paw down on mine, and together we clamped over his hardness and rubbed firmly. "I really want to stay, Lani, you have no idea how much. But Mom's got supper and all..."

I nodded and sighed, continuing to rub at his groin. "I really am not a good cook anyway." I rolled my eyes. "I was going to make cookies for you and it was a disaster."

"Cookies? Geez, Lani. How old do you think I am?" He bumped his nose against mine and we kissed again, more passionately and deeply than before. Then before I could work him to climax into his shorts, he pulled away from me, blew a kiss and touched his chest, then left. I smiled and looked after him. There was an interesting spring to his step now. He held his head proudly, and his tail twitched. Yes, in many ways, I do believe Cody became an adult that day, and I truly hope wherever he is today, he is attached to a very amorous wolf, and perhaps has a young family.

I was about to go back inside my condominium and see if Aidan, my favorite lover back home, would like to video-chat for a bit and show me his luscious member to fantasize over, when Gerald, the tiger I had gone shopping with at Trader Vic's, appeared in the hallway, carrying some bags up towards Rhonda and Roxanne's door.

"Oh hey there, otter-girl," the burly feline grinned. "I was just dropping off a few things for the cats. Did you get to meet Rhonda and Roxanne?"

I had to giggle, and I stroked my tail. "I did. We had a lovely time." In fact, I still desired some intimate contact. A romp in the hot-tub with my female companions sounded like a wonderful way to spend the evening and perhaps get a meal as well.

"Oh good," Gerald used a key and opened their door, which I found odd, until he continued, "They're away for a week or so in Miami with some old friends who popped in. I told them I'd pick up a few necessities while they're gone."

I bit my bottom lip. "Oh."

The tiger saw my disappointment. "Hey, they said if they couldn't say goodbye to you, they were planning on coming to Tahiti as soon as you're available."

I smiled softly. "That would be really nice. Um...I do not have a phone, but I have a laptop. We can Skype or something perhaps and arrange everything."

"Oh, definitely." Gerald walked in and I padded down the corridor to poke my head inside, watching the tiger unpack the bags. "You can come in, otter. They won't mind." Now that Gerald was more comfortable with me, I noticed his usual directionless banter was absent, and he spoke quite confidently and eloquently.

I shook my head and smiled again. "I have boundaries, I suppose." Then I asked, for want of conversation, "So what are you and your mother doing this evening?" I toyed nervously with the sarong tie at my hip, suddenly realizing how scantily dressed I was. Away from the cool air conditioning of my apartment, the heat of the day enveloped the hallway, and I could feel drips of perspiration leaking down my stomach and around my mons.

Gerald put away a few cans of fruit and then turned to look at me. "Mom's away too, at a spa on the mainland. Got the place to myself."

"And your sister?" I asked casually, "And" I could not recall if she had a son or a daughter.

"Oh, right, uh, they're fine. They're...not home either." His nervous gaze moved from my face to my cleavage, then down my legs to my feet. " really are a pretty lady, Leilani," he said at last, and he smiled brightly. "You make me want to go call my ex and see if she's available for dinner. And dessert." He chuckled. "And a scrumptious, home-made breakfast the next morning..."

I giggled again shyly. True, Gerald was about ten, even fifteen years older than I but he was still handsome and well-built, the kind of body I liked to snuggle naked against. I licked my lips and took a few steps in, looking as fetching as I could standing up on tip-toe and folding my paws behind my back. "I am, um...actually available for dinner." Quickly I added, "I just do not know how to prepare most of what you helped me buy. I have been eating nothing but cream-sticks since this morning."

I suddenly thought about being atop of Cody, taking his swollen member deep down my throat and feeling, tasting the warmth of his seed as it gushed into my mouth, forcing me to gulp. I trembled hard, fighting the urge to laugh. That pastry had been nothing compared to how much cream had come out of the 17-year-old virgin.

Gerald came closer to me and stroked my head. "Awww, poor girl. Look, why don't you join me then? I've got fresh salad, some fruit, and shrimp cocktails. We can indulge and watch a movie, what say?"

I grinned and nodded. "Sounds wonderful to me." I looked down at myself and blushed. "I should really change first."

The tiger shook his head and locked the door behind us as he walked out. "Oh, no way, I want you to stay the same sweet otter you are."

I laughed. "I meant my clothes."

"Don't you dare." Gerald growled playfully and squeezed my shoulder. "You're perfect, come on. Go lock up."


After dinner, we curled up together on his sofa and watched a DVD he owned called "Baywatch". I remarked how amazing it was that the blonde-haired vixens on the show could swim as well as they could with bikinis that looked at least three sizes too small for them, and he laughed, agreeing. I suppose it was entertaining to watch the young female lifeguards lead dramatic and exciting lives on the scenic shores of Southern California, falling in and out of love, and all the while protecting those around them, but this particular plot was so disjointed and pedantic I quickly lost favor with the show after about a half-hour.

The tiger put an arm around my shoulders and I leaned against his side, my long hair spilling about his bare chest in waves. My eyes drifted down his stomach and across his Bermuda shorts, and I saw quite a pouch there. I found myself thinking of Aidan back home, and his unusually-large girth I often had to strain to take fully into my body without screaming. I wondered how big Gerald was. Cats of his size were notorious for rather generous endowments, to be sure.

I felt his warm, steady breath against my ear and nuzzled his nose, trying to focus on his Baywatch banality, and not on the size of his sex. "It is unfortunate they do not have sea otters on the show."

Gerald snickered and nosed at my cheek, giving my whiskers a wet lick. "Hell, otter-girl, if you were on that show, no one would ever get out of the water. They'd be faking drowning just so you'd swim out to them and get your arms around them."

I giggled and curled my legs up against his hip. "A lot of mouth-to-mouth resuscitation?"

The tiger grinned at me. "Well, who wouldn't want a kiss from a beautiful angel like you..."

That did it. The blush started in my cheeks and moved through my fur until I looked simply beside myself. Now I could not stop thinking about his sex, or how much I wanted it at that moment. Before I could comment, the tiger leaned forward and we kissed gently on the lips. I parted my mouth to allow his tongue in to play with mine, but Gerald quickly pulled away again, looking nervous.

"I...I haven't...been on a date in years."

I chuckled and placed my paw over his arm. "I imagine it still works the same way. The male and female meet, eat dinner, snuggle, steal kisses and other forms of intimacy while watching-"

"Nono, I mean, I've dated, yeah but...nothing really that I could say gave me a lasting memory I want to keep, if you get my meaning."

I nodded. I had had my share of bad experiences with the opposite sex. Once, while making love deep below the sea, my companion suddenly blacked out from lack of air, and it had taken all of my strength to pull his massive canine form from the bottom and swim to the surface. I was terrified he would be lost to the sea, but myself and other rescuers on shore saw our plight and rushed into the surf to assist. It had taken at least fifteen minutes to resuscitate him and transport him to the nearest medical center for treatment and further observation. I stayed with him at his bedside throughout that night, feeling very guilty. I learned a hard lesson that day. No matter how urgent the need for orgasm may be, the need for air is far greater and much more important.

Watching "Baywatch" suddenly brought the images of that drowning werewolf to my mind and I shivered and reached for the remote control. "Do you have anything else to watch?"

Gerald looked hesitant for a moment, then kissed me again. "We could watch each other for a while."

I giggled again. "I would like that. Provided you give me more to watch..." My paw laid atop the pouch of his groin and I could feel his sex practically pounding with lust. I felt incredibly warm suddenly. Cody had been the usual length of a wolf his age, but Gerald had to have been twice his size and thickness. The thought of impaling myself on his length and gushing in climax sped up my heartbeat and breathing.

The tiger laughed and slowly pushed my paw away, getting up. "Actually, you mind if I...I...really need to change..."

I laughed, trying his same humor earlier. "Why? I think you look very nice as a tiger." I frowned however as he walked away from the living room and out of sight down the hall. I shrugged and helped myself to some of the fruit still left on the table. If he was going to play hard to get, I had no qualms about leaving early and maybe taking a walk along the beach. If my nightly strolls in Tahiti were any indication, I did not think I would be lonely very long.

He was gone about five minutes, and then I heard his voice call out. "Leilani, dear, could you shut your eyes a moment?"

My eyebrows furrowed. "Um, why?"


I folded my arms and sighed. "Fine."

I heard his presence come into the room again on heavy footpaws and slightly labored breaths. ", can open them now..."

I opened my eyes and then immediately wanted to close them again. There was Gerald, standing to his full height, wearing almost absolutely nothing. Thick tangles of dark orange and black-striped fur covered his broad chest, huge shoulders, and well-muscled arms. He stood tall and regal on powerful legs, and huge feet, and behind him a long, roping striped tail twitched to and fro. Completely covering his groin, tucking between his thighs and strapped to his hip, was a large diaper.

I gasped softly and shrank back on the sofa. "Gerald...?"

Everything hit me at once. Either there was no sister with a youngster, or the tiger had a very understanding or unsuspecting sibling.

The tiger blushed heavily. His paw went to his groin and caressed a generous bulge, and part of his thickness poked up through the top of the waistband. And ohhh...he was so big. "I...uh...guess you may have realized I'm wearing a diaper..."

I got over my initial shock but crossed my legs anyway, looking nervous. " that, yes. you need changing?"

Gerald's face registered shock of its own. "Huh?! No, no, no way! I don't get into that kind of thing, God no!" He started laughing and I felt a little better. "I just really like how it feels on me, you know? It's really snug." He approached me slowly, and my eyes were suddenly drawn to the first few inches of what had to easily be a foot or more of girth peeping out. "Here...feel..."

I tilted my head curiously then slowly leaned forward, bringing my paw up and pressing it to the front of his diaper. I could feel his sex in there throbbing, as hard as wood, and when I touched him, his whole body seemed to jerk.

"Oh God, yeah, Leilani, stroke me, please? You don't know how good that feels..."

I complied, rubbing the tiger slowly up and down, and the soft cotton seemed to bulge as more and more of his sex started to escape. I found it very, very arousing, like I was gradually letting go of a wild beast that had been caged far too long. "You are..." I swallowed, "So big, tiger." And he was. In my excitement, I started to rub him faster, using my whole paw and webbing to grab the cotton and push on his groin.

Gerald was now on his toes, eyes closed, head held back, and his breath was coming in spurts and rags. "Oh, please don't stop, little otter. Please, keep going, ohhhh make me cum...I'm gonna cum...I'm gonna..."

The thick, pre-soaked crown of his shaft bobbled and jerked, and I knew he was so close. I sped up my motions, and clamped my other paw around the swollen tip, to catch whatever he wanted to give me. I take incredible delight in making a male cum with my paws or feet, and I am totally fascinated with the male orgasm, the way the organ seems to pulse against my touch and jerk just before a sometimes-tremendous stream of seed spatters forth. It is the most amazing thing to me, and I love giving them that pleasure. Usually it means suitable reciprocation follows.

With a loud cry, Gerald came down off his toes and wobbled on shaky legs as a thick gush of cum suddenly filled my paw. I gasped with the strength of his release and let go of his tip, mashing my cum-filled paw up against his diaper and using both to pump and push at his member, timing each release of seed with squeezes and firm, hard thrusts. The tiger shot spurt after spurt of cum and, completely aroused, I hurried to crouch between his legs and lap at the cum dribbling down his diaper, taking several gulps of him. He came for nearly a minute, until the last of his release leaked slowly from the tip and he lost control of his legs altogether and fell to his knees, leaning against me and panting.

I struggled to keep my balance as his heavy weight nestled against me and he purred loudly, nuzzling and kissing my neck. "Oh God, oh God, L-Lani...that...oh my God, that was so good, that was so incredible, I loved it, I loved it...just as...just as hot as I knew it'd be..."

I smiled, feeling quite proud of myself, but I was still beyond needy. The taste of his cum, feeling it fill my paw in gushes, had me fully aroused. My nipples were thick and swollen with need and I could feel my mons between my thighs on fire. I gently pushed him down until he was on his back and I could not help but giggle mischievously, caressing his soaked diaper. "I think my tiger needs his diaper changed..." I cooed softly down at him, and unstrapped the cotton from around his waist, suddenly eager to see what incredible girth he'd kept from my sight.

Even flaccid and spent, soaked in cum, he had a beast between his legs. In seconds, I was hiking up my sarong and straddling him, working his shaft to full erection until I could position myself and take him deeply inside me. I strained to take nearly three-quarters of his length before I could feel him bumping my cervix, and my walls stretched more than normal, squeezing him tightly as I bounced and rocked atop of him.

After several intense orgasms, I pulled myself weakly off of his sex and collapsed naked in his arms, panting and nearly sobbing after my gushings. We held each other for quite some time on the living room floor until I could see the bright moonlight spilling into the room from his bay window.

"I needed diapers for a while growing up," he said softly in the darkness, nuzzling my cheek. "on account of some bathroom problems I had. It was really tough, because Dad wasn't around to help, since he worked a lot. I was the only child so Mom kept me in diapers even into my teens and...I just always liked how they felt on me. And as I got older, and you know, more matured, and...well, I got a bigger just felt really good. Mom wasn't around as much after I got out of the house and into college, and then marriage, so I...I guess I improvised. One day my wife caught me wearing one and...I don't think she ever fully accepted it."

I smiled and closed my eyes, sighing. "I must admit, it was quite a shock at first really was arousing to watch you cum like that."

You know..." he turned my head to kiss me passionately. "You still change me..."

I chuckled. "Alright. Where do you keep them?"

He grinned with excitement and I could feel his sex against my thigh stiffening anew. "You mean it? will?"

I nodded and tenderly brushed my nose along his whiskers. "Mm-hmm. The thought of wrapping up this..." I placed my paw on his sex and stroked it. "In soft cotton that can barely hold it just sounds..." I licked my lips. "Hot..."

"Oh little otter, I love you..." Gerald laughed and nuzzled me again. "Bedroom closet, first shelf to the right."

I grinned and got to my feet, padding away, keeping my tail high and letting him see my bare butt and swollen mons between my legs the whole way.

I have to say, Dear Diary, it was a wonderful experience. When I returned with the diaper, he laid on his back and lifted his legs up, instructing me how to fasten the straps, and I took exquisite pleasure in stuffing his magnificent sex snug into the cotton. When I was done, I asked him to lie back so I could make him cum again.

But this time, I used my feet on him. While keeping one set of toes grinding at the base of his hardness through the cotton, my other foot kept the peeking flesh up top ground against his stomach, with my webbing surrounding the crown and holding it firmly.

In no time at all, I knew I would have to change him again.

But before that, I was delighted when he pushed me onto my back and entered me. My legs wrapped around his waist and held him tightly as I enjoyed one orgasm after another, my vaginal walls clenching around his huge, heavy shaft.

Afterwards, we fell asleep naked, except for Gerald's diaper, on the living room sofa, with our arms and legs tangled together.

In the morning, true to his word, he prepared a scrumptious breakfast.