New neighbors

Story by davsionnach on SoFurry

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"There's a moving truck down at the Jensen's old place."

Inci was just coming in from work.

"Huh? What was that?"

Dav pulled a couple steaks out of the refrigerator and set them on the counter.

"Someone is moving into the Jensen's old house." At Dav's seemingly absent-minded stare she added, "We have new neighbors."

"I didn't think they were selling it."

"Since they're going to be gone for at least a year they decided to rent it out."

"Ah, OK. Steak all right for dinner?"

"Never mind that right now. You should go down there and say hello. Maybe offer to help."

"I was just about to start dinner."

"I'm not terribly hungry. I had a late lunch. You should go say hello. You could use a friend that doesn't work at the restaurant."

"I have friends that don't work at the restaurant."

"Yeah, they all work at other restaurants. It wouldn't hurt you to have someone besides me to talk to where the conversation doesn't always end up about work."


"Oh, hush. Go on and meet the new neighbors. I'll get changed, make dinner and come down and meet them myself. I'll put together something for dinner I can bring down and share with them. You know they won't be in a spot to be cooking for themselves tonight anyway."

Dav knew it was time to surrender.

"All right. I'll go."

He put the steaks back in the refrigerator, closed it, paused then reopened it and grabbed out a six pack of beer. Inci raised an eyebrow at him.

"I'll feel odd going empty handed," he said. "Besides moving heavy boxes and furniture is better with beer."

"Fine. I'll be down in a little while."

Dav headed out the door and down the street. As he approached the moving truck a dusty-tan dingo bounced out of the back onto the sidewalk. He cocked an eyebrow at Dav while glancing down at the beer in his hand.

"Hi. My name is Dav. I live a couple doors down. We saw the truck and figured I'd come down and see if you could use a hand. Also, thought this," he jiggled the six-pack "might make things a little more pleasant."

"You, mate, must have been sent by heaven above. The two things I needed most, beer and an extra pair of paws. My name's Ris. Just moved into town from a few months in San Diego. Before that spent my life in Torquay, little postage stamp of a town about an hundred kilometres southwest of Melbourne. Not to be too forward, but how about we pop open a couple of those beers while we scout things out a bit."

They wandered through the house getting a mental map of the rooms with Ris adding commentary about where the furniture was going to go.

"By the way, that's a nice kilt, mate. Scottish or Irish?"

"A bit of both."

"Well it shows off your legs real nice. You a runner?"

"Uh, yeah."

"Me, too. We should head out together sometime. Being new around here I could use a little guidance for some good routes."

They got to the kitchen.

"Excellent, the fridge is plugged in. Let's get the rest of that beer in there for later."

Ris eyed the label on the bottle.

"Sionnach's Saison. I'm a bit of a beer-head, but I haven't heard of that brand before. It a local? And didn't I see that name on a restaurant over on 16th Street?"

"15th Street. Yes, it's really local. It's mine. Both the beer and the restaurant."

"You own a restaurant and brew? Mate, I think I just found my new best friend. Always wanted to give brewing a try, but it never quite made it to the top of the list. Please let me come help next batch you make."

"Sure. There are times an extra set of paws on brew day can be great to have."

"You think we should order a pizza or something?"

"Actually my wife was going to put something together and bring it over a little later."

"Oh. Uh, great. I guess we better quit dawdling and get this truck unloaded."

They made quick work of the truck's contents.

"Well, that's it for the truck. How about we grab a couple more of your beers while we wait for your wife to wander down."

"No need to wait much longer, here she is!"

Inci was coming up the sidewalk with several plastic storage containers full of food.

"Your timing is impeccable, my love," Dav grinned at her taking the food from her. "There isn't a single box left for you to help with."

Inci swatted Dav's backside and gave him an irritated look.

"Oh, hush, you. Hi, I'm Inci, Dav's wife," she held out her hand towards Ris. "I figured you might not feel like cooking your first day in so I brought over something for dinner. Nothing too fancy, just a pasta salad with chicken."

"Name's Ris. Thanks for loaning me your husband. Once I got here I realized I had no idea how I was going to get the furniture in, then suddenly up walk an idle set of paws. Dinner was very thoughtful of you. All that's in the fridge right now is a few of your husband's beers and I'm honestly hungry enough to eat a baby."

"So, is your wife around? I'd love to meet her, too."

"Nope. No wife, never has been."

Inci blushed. "Sorry, stupid of me to just assume."

"Ah, no worries. No harm done. We're all just getting to know each other. Let's head inside."

They went into the dining room, unpacked the food onto the dining room table and started eating.

"To be honest my last relationship is kind of how I ended up here. A few months after I moved to San Diego so we could be together things just started falling apart. Then it got to the point we just couldn't stand to be in the same house anymore, so I packed up my things, said goodbye and left. That was about three days ago. Wanted to find a place with a good theater scene a nice long distance away and decided to come here."

"Theater scene, are you an actor?"

"Just a bit, mostly bit roles, you know, crowd scenes or the chorus. I actually get more into the set design and construction. I've already got a job lined up with the Tyrone Theatre downtown."

"That was fast. How did you pull that off?"

Ris seemed a little embarrassed. "Actually my ex has an in with the artistic director and pulled a couple strings to get it for me. Just as anxious to see me leave as I was to get out. On the way here I spent almost every minute I wasn't driving trying to find a place to stay and came across this place to rent. Signed the lease electronically this morning when I was somewhere around Omaha, picked up the keys on my way into town."

Dav looked at is watch.

"Oh, no. It's almost midnight. Sorry, Ris, I really have to get going. I have to get up early for work tomorrow. Still want to get together for a run? Maybe Friday morning about 7:30?"

"Sure, mate. Sounds good, you can give me a tour of the neighborhood."

"All right. I'll swing by and we'll head out."

"Great! See you Friday!"

Dav and Inci shook Ris's hand and headed back down the sidewalk to their house.

"See?" Inci said giving Dav's tail a gentle tug. "That wasn't painful at all, was it? You might actually have a friend that doesn't work in a restaurant!"

Dav reached up and scratched Inci behind the ears.

"I guess not. It might be nice to have a running partner sometimes. And you're right, it's nice to have a conversation with someone that doesn't turn in to a shop-talk-gripe-fest."

"What's that? Did you say I'm right? You know how much I like being right."

Dav returned the tail tug, then paused to give Inci a kiss.

"When are you not right? Let's get home."