Lizard in a Land of Furs (part 1)

Story by KingKobold on SoFurry

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This is my first story on here (longtime reader, first time writer) so please be gentle. I plan this to be a multi-part and possibly ongoing series centered around two characters that will in fact be receiving characterization and will not be simply rutting like animals the moment they get alone. (note: there will still be plenty of rutting)

As such this may be a bit slow to start out. I would appreciate comments on how to improve my narrative but please refrain from simply telling me it sucks because this is neither constructive nor useful and damages my fragile ego something fierce.

Lizard in a Land of Furs (part 1)

The Goddess

It is a well known fact that the majority of people are attracted to anthros of the furrier persuasion. Other species of the avian or reptilian variety have thus fallen behind in numbers over the years. So while foxes and wolves infest the world in ever greater numbers other anthro breeds are beginning to disappear.

Basil is one of these breeds, namely he is Basiliscus plumifrons or The Plumed Basilisk. (His parents thought themselves immeasurably clever for naming him Basil), and thus has been a shy and reserved person since early childhood when he realized that he did not have any hair and decided that he was a mutant.

This notion was quickly expunged and Basil was made aware of his endangered breed status. Basil stands at a respectable 6'3'' with a piddling weight of 140 pounds. His long arms and legs means that his meager weight is stretched over a much larger frame and he can most kindly described as ‘Wiry' and least kindly described as ‘That One Skinny Lizard Guy Who Never Talks'.

Both descriptions fit but one is considerably more insulting. Basil's scales are a deep green everywhere except his snout and underside which shade to a light teal. In addition his fringed plumes protruding from the sides of his head are speckled with off-white spots

Basil's most striking feature is his feet. Firstly they are digitigrades with the bones of his foot greatly extended and his calves ridiculously short. This gives the impression that his ankles are in fact his knees and that they are thus backwards. (Years of furs who have never met a reptilian anthro have led Basil to dread questions about his legs) Secondly his toes are massive and splayed. They have wide pads on the ends which allow him to run on water, presuming he has a running start and the pool is not especially long. While this is a great trick at pool parties the rest of the time he finds them bothersome.

Today Basil is wearing a soft black T-shirt that has become a little too short for him and a pair of old grey shorts which have someone become much too large. To accommodate this he wears a black leather belt with a silver buckle that holds up baggy apparel. On his back is his bag which is currently filled to bursting with school supplies and notebooks in preparation for the moment he has been dreading ever since two weeks earlier when they had arrived in the small New Mexico town of Alameda.

Today is the first day of Basil's senior year which he will be completing at Alameda High, a school with the rather uninspired mascot ‘The Wolves'.

Having bored you thoroughly to death with exposition it is time to move on to why this day is not going to be as dreadful as Basil had previously (and currently) thinks it is going to be. That reason is very simple and takes the form of the single solitary reptilian anthro that Basil has ever met that was not an immediate member of his family. Her name is Anna.

Basil's first sight of Anna came as he entered the double doors on the old-fashioned single-story Alameda High. Sweeping his eyes across the crowd he could not help but notice the preponderance of Wolves, Foxes, Cats and other notoriously promiscuous breeds. What then immediately caught his eye was the Goddess, Agamura Persica, the Persian Spider Gecko.

This would be found impossibly surprising by the rest of his schoolmates as they did not hold her to be particularly attractive. Mostly because they have never given a fair look at her and instead had habitually dismissed her as being a reptile and thus not as likely to be worth chasing, at least not when there is a perfectly good Vixen within arm's reach.

Anna (as noted previously) is a Persian Spider Gecko. As such she is short for an anthro at merely 5' 4'' in height, and very spindly being only 88 pounds. Also working against her due to her general lack of body fat is her mere B-cup sized breasts. Which in a world filled with DD-cup Catgirls around every corner and extremely shallow men had not been deemed attractive.

Long of neck and limb Anna was a base color of light Gold with thick wavy stripes of dusty brown overlaying it. Along the inside curve of her neck, her belly and the insides of her thighs the scales are a light crème color. Her eyes are extremely large and protrude from the sides of her face slightly. They are a vivid green with slitted pupils and are currently gazing down at her English paper in which she is analyzing (very badly) the characterization of one Judge Pyncheon, as written by Nathaniel Hawthorne.

Years of being ignored has led to Anna's complete flaunting of dress code, which none of the teachers had noticed as they were far too busy perving on catgirls. As Basil stops dead in his tracks and looks into the English classroom where Anna is sitting at a desk he finally takes stock of her clothing. She wears a white cotton tee which is much too tight and much too short and bares most of her midriff. She is also wearing a black pleated skirt which barely brushes the tops of her thighs and bunches up in the back whenever she lifts her tail which exposes most of her firm and pert bottom (which Basil will not be finding out about until such time as he meets her while standing). Of course she is not wearing shoes as she too has the saurian digitigrades feet and thus finds the entire concept mystifying. The additional article of clothing that she is not wearing is what has rendered Basil so dumbstruck.

Anna is not wearing any panties. She is wearing a tiny pleated miniskirt which now that she is sitting in the desk has ridden up about her hips and Basil can clearly see that she is not wearing anything even approximating panties. Her slit was on full display to anyone who would care to look (which he would later realize was in fact no one in the entire town but him) and was a delicate pink. A tiny speck of rose amongst crème colored thighs.

Oh my. Thought Basil, Perhaps this move was not such a bad idea after all.

Lizard in a Land of Furs (part 2)

Lizard in a Land of Furs (part 2) **First Period** Basil stands transfixed by the sight in front of him, something he has never encountered in his seventeen years of life, the bare pussy of a female of the reptilian persuasion. This...

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