Axel Wolf's new life.

Story by Axel Wolf on SoFurry

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Axel looked at himself in the full length body mirror and smirked while stroking over his bushy sideburns and moustache as he checked himself out all decked out in his cowboy clothes. The five foot, ten inch tall white human male was dressed to kill, or maybe to rustle up something finer that cattle with his dark brown high crowned, wide brimmed hat, brown open vested jacket covering his white long sleeve denim shirt showing the tightly muscled torso, calf skinned leather belt, deep blue jeans hugging his firm legs and taunt butt, and roper tailored tanned boots covering his feet.

Axel Wolf was a stud in his own right but in this get-up he was a sight enough to make heads turn and drool. Grabbing his old clothes and placing them in a large white plastic bag with the clothing store's logo on it, Axel tipped his hat over the left side of his face giving him a mysterious look about himself. Opening the door to the dressing room and stepping out, Axel swung his bag over his right shoulder and went to pay for his purchase while enjoying the finely made boots hugging his feet making the young man smile in contentment at the rough, smooth feel of the hand sown leather.

The salesman at the front cash register looked at the young man and nodded to him while ringing up the total cost of Axel's purchase. When Axel rummaged inside of the bag with his clothes grabbing his wallet, he happened to glance through his peripheral vision to see the other man licking his lips and eyeing him while trying to seem professional and Axel found himself smirking,

Giving the man his credit card, Axel watched as the teller ran the card through and pulled up a receipt for him to sign. Giving the young man a pen from underneath his counter the salesman rubbed his hand against Axel's hand sensually before pulling back making the cowboy look at him.

The feral grin on the other man's face was plain to see along with the fire in his eyes making Axel wonder if he should chance a minute in the backroom with the salesman before he shook his head and signed for his purchase. When he handed the pen and receipt back to the teller, Axel tipped his cowboy hat to him and placed his wallet into the pockets of his new jeans before stepping from the register area towards the front entrance.

A calloused hand smacked his butt making Axel turn to look and see a knowing smirk on the teller's face before the cowboy smirked back and headed out of the store. After he heard the door close behind him and began walking down the street towards home Axel reached for his back pocket and pulled out a hastily scrawled note with a name and phone number on it.

Looking at the wisp of paper the cowboy laughed and tossed the paper to the wind to let it be carried away; after all he already had someone special in his life. As Axel walked down the street towards home he looked to see that it was getting darker and the once azure sky was turning into a kaleidoscope of colors as the young man watched the sun set below the buildings of the city. Quickening his pace Axel let the wind brush past him as he made his way faster down the street all the while his bag tapped against his vested back.

By the time he was three-fourths of the way to his house he was close to being out of breath as the weight of his boots tugged him down making it harder to run but a smile graced his bearded face as he got closer to his place of residence.

Just as he was beginning to think on what to make for dinner an arm reached out from the darkness clothesling the cowboy making Axel drop his bag and swoon for a second before he staggered and saw two men walking towards him. His vision was blurred but he had enough sense of self to center himself and then swing out hitting one of them men and knocking them onto the concrete before the other one tackled him. Axel's head bounced against the sidewalk knocking his hat from his head as he noted the other man pressing him into the ground before he felt another blow to his head sending him reeling into oblivion.

The man who had clubbed Axel got up off of him and then dragged the unconscious cowboy up by the scruff of his shirt before kicking his friend who had been with him awake and then dragging Axel to a large black van.

When he woke up, Axel found enough mobility in his body to move his head around and see that he was inside of someplace made of glass; at least it looked liked glass. Reaching up to rub his eyes the young man was able to bring everything into focus and then he saw that he was indeed in someplace with glass surrounding him. He also noted that he didn't have any clothes on, his head was smarting, and he was mildly warm and that he was resting in fetal position since his current prison didn't allow him to fully spread his five foot teen inch form much. Shakily getting up the twenty-three year old steadied himself by using the glass as a crutch, taking note of the smooth and yet solid texture of the material, Axel breathed slowly smelling something bitterly, sharp that made his nose itch.

"Good morning." Someone said making Axel look up and around to see where the voice came from. "I'm terribly sorry to have startled you Mr. Wolf but I want to know how you are feeling right now." The voice came again making Axel turn around trying to find the rest of the person speaking to him.

"I'm fine, all things considered. Where are you?" Axel asked as he couldn't see anything from outside of the glass except a distorted world of dreary colors and broken images. Looking upwards Axel could see that the cell he was in was as high as the ceiling and that save the shining light looming down at him there was nothing else in his current vantage point to tell him just how deeply in trouble he was.

"I'm on the outside of the ‘beaker' you are in young man."

"No shit," Axel growled. "Otherwise I'd be wringing your freakin' neck!"

"Such language, well to be more specific I am in a room behind a wall separating myself from where you are right now."

"That's just great. Now let's try, ‘Why in the hell am I in here?'" Axel said baiting the man; he guessed it was a man speaking from the rough timbre of the voice speaking to him.

"Well that's simple, really. You are here as a volunteer to one of mine and my associates many experiments." The voice answered with a chuckle.

"I didn't volunteer for crap you asshole! Let me out of here!" Axel shouted now more pissed off than he already had been.

"That is firstly not a possibility, and secondarily not probable. You see you have been selected as one of a rare few individuals who will be undergoing a series of genetic modifications as part of our research. As such we cannot let you leave here until the testing is complete and your evaluation, diagnosis, and overall health is tested and checked."

"I didn't sign up to be a lab rat you bastard! Let me out of here!" Axel punched the glass as hard he could and cursed when fire ran up his arm when the pain in his knuckles raced up his shoulder to his head and back again.

"I wouldn't suggest doing that against Mr. Wolf. That material is almost indestructible except by high frequency sonic noise. As such, you will not be able to get out of there until after the testing. And on a lighter note I am afraid that you did sign up for our experiments." The person said while ‘tsking' softly.

"W-what are you talking about? I never signed up for this!" Axel replied while blowing on his knuckles and waving his paw around to get some of the numbing tinglyness out of them.

"Yes, you did, I assure you. You did fill out this report I am holding where you checked the little box that say "Will be supportive of future research of the Chimera Foundation, did you not?" The man asked while looking over the form.

"Chimera...Foundation...wait do you mean that mock trail test that I signed up for last year?" Axel asked in disbelief having more than forgotten about the entire project he took experiment in.

"Yes indeed. You entered into the Drug and Analysis survey some eight months ago as a volunteer to test our new muscle enhancing medicine did you not?"

"Yeah, but I didn't signed up for this!" Axel yelled while his trying to understand what this cracked pot was on about.

"You should make sure to be careful of these things in the future young man, not reading the guidelines of such things could land you in a world of trouble someday. It clearly states in the fine print that persons who do check this small box can be asked to be subjects in future research henceforth." The man recited the mantra on the lines below the form Axel had filled out.

"Nobody asked me anything! Some guys came up and kidnapped me and then I wake up in here!"

"While the methods to procuring your assistance were more than...a tad can, by law, be asked to come in for future research opportunities if we feel you would be an acceptable patient."

"Nobody ASKED me, you ass!" Axel was all but yelling and showing his teeth off at the glass.

"By marking that little box we technically did ASK you and since you marked with compliance as to the guidelines we are in legal rights...per say..." The man muttered quietly.

"This ain't fair!"

"Probably not, but it's too late to go back now. And from the data gathered from the form you seem to be one of those people who will much enjoy the next few hours."

"What do you mean?" Axel inquired only to get silence in return.



"Damn it! If I get out of this I'll never sign another piece of paper as long as I live except my life insurance policy, but that probably has a clause in it too." Axel thought moodily.

Axel crossed his shoulders over his bare chest and sighed as he leaned his head back into his prison and let his thoughts wonder.

A sound made the man stretch his hearing and listen out before looking down at his feet when he felt a rumble beneath him was followed by the floor splitting open about half an inch in diameter. Though that was a cause for alarm since Axel had little to nowhere to go in the cramped space if the entire floor opened up beneath him, and he dreaded what could be under him, what made the hair on his neck stand up was when his blue eyes caught the sight of green liquid seeping up and out of the floor.

‘Oh, please tell this is not gonna be like one of those sci-fi movies where this crap eats me alive and then digests me.' Axel thought in panic.

Flashes of himself being melted into a puddle of flesh and juices raced through Axel's mind as the watery like substance began to seep out under his feet and crawl up the soles of his feet. Axel watched in morbid fascination as more and more of the green substance crept its way up his ankles towards his calves, he noted with some alarm that there wasn't much of a burning sensation as the goo like stuff was lukewarm in temperature.

Terror and self-preservation made Axel punch out at the glass again but this time with much more force as desperation fueled his actions. The only effect he got was the loss of sensation in his hands after he let his arms fall limp to his sides and touch the edge of the green gel as it made its way up his back and front. Passing his groin Axel found some comfort in the fact that at least his cock wasn't melting off like he had thought dimly.

The green fluid made it pass Axel's stomach up to his abdomen before getting to his neck and then everything stopped.

‘Well, they aren't gonna drown me, something to be thankful for, I guess.' Axel found that whatever the stuff he was it didn't allow him to float; if anything, it seemed to hold him steadily in a vice like grip.

Struggling to move Axel yelped when his body began to heat up and his temperature rose up like a shot. Instantly the young man was panting and sweating and in the dark recesses of his morbid mind he though, I'm going to be melted after all.

Minutes on end the man found himself succumbing to heat and his eyes rolled up into his head. The only reason he hadn't collapsed entirely was that the green liquid was somehow keeping his knees from buckling and his legs from swaying either backwards or forwards, seconds later more of the liquid ran up his neck into his mouth forcing Axel to swallow some of the tart tasting ooze and then it moved to his face and over his head before submerging Axel entirely.

During the next hour Axel body twitched and wriggled as he stood there in the glass beaker while the green liquid stayed just above his head keeping him from moving anymore than those few twitches. If anyone had explained the scientific portion of the process to the young man they would have gone over the transfiguration of atomic structures and metamorphic like bonding of his cells to the liquid compound he was floating in, but the scientist hadn't so Axel would probably never know. Instead his mind was floating on a cloud of black nothingness being held inside of a red ring of heat and dull pain like awareness.

An hour later consciousness came to him in the form of sensation the forceful heat abating from his body and Axel noted that even after he had drowned he could still feel himself. And here he thought death was supposed to be like falling into a dream like sleep.

Gaining mobility over his body, Axel found that he could actually feel his muscles and control his bodily functions enough to pull his eyes from down up into his head. When he did Axel found that he was much alive as he had been before everything had started, but more than that he found that he could move freely while he was underneath the green liquid. Moving his arms about Axel became aware that his body seemed to weigh less than it did before.

The green liquid covering him began to drain from the beaker through the hole that it had come and Axel felt air pool into his lungs and he greedily try to take ever breathe of air as if it would be his last. When the liquid was nearing the point of his lower torso Axel immediately reached out for his penis and sighed in relief that it was still there...though it felt kinda off...

Looking down the young man saw why; in some strange kinda of manner his foreskin, which had been clipped at birth had returned and was now covering the head of his shaft. That was good, Axel thought since he had always wanted to know what it felt like to have that last little trace of skin over the head of his cock. Though again, something was different, the flesh seemed to be very tight around his crown and Axel had to pry the bit of meat from around his manhood to be able to see all of it fully.

When he did, Axel found the sensation to be good, no better than good, it was excellent. Rubbing his hand up and down the deflated pole Axel found himself humming in contentment as he leaned forward on the glass and began to stroke himself. Whoever had kidnapped was already watching his naked form so why bother being modest about things now, Axel debated in his head. His penis grew to its full length of eight inches in the next couple of strokes and Axel was feeling higher than he had ever been before, almost as high as the stars...that was before the light above him started to flicker making him loose concentration and remove his hand from his erection to cover his eyes while his other hand steadied himself.

When the light show stopped Axel sighed and reached back for his cock before all motion stopped and his eyes widened as he looked at his hand. The impossibility of what he was seeing was drowned out by the circumstances of which brought him to this predicament as Axel looked to his hand and saw the pinkish-tan tint that he had been blessed with from birth on up through puberty began to darken into a blackish coloration.

Watching more closely, Axel saw the light wisps of hair on his hand slid back into his hand as the coloring grew darker. The veins just below his skin seemed to darken as well as Axel flexed his fingers about trying to understand what was happening to him. It was about that time when he noticed the pigmentation of his hand turn completely black and then lighten into a smokey gray color while his skin thickened. Turning said hand over Axel gasped as he watched the pink pad of his palm turn white all the way along the inner area of his arm down to his shoulder.

Axel could only stare in awe as his upper body changed in color as if someone was raining down paint cans of grey and white over his body in slow motion. It seemed to be crawling down his body, these new colors, with every breath he took and Axel found himself wondering just what was happening to him. Pain didn't reach his senses, nor could he feel any abnormality coming from his mind, just an unfamiliar echo of feelings that he couldn't describe.

When Axel turned to look back at his palm he noted that along the whirls of his fingertips dark spots were forming. Brining his hand closer to his face Axel looked to see the pattern disappearing, no more like being absorbed by these new dark points on his hand. Looking down Axel saw that in the middle of his palm a larger spot of black was forming where once the individual lines telling of his fate had been written on into the skin. When everything was finished Axel looked to see his new hand standing out before him and wiggling and flexing on command.

‘It looks like a paw...a dog's paw.'

Turning his new ‘paw' over Axel watched as the grey, no more like silver skin stretched out over his nails causing the tips to turn a dark silvery color and then curve over then ridge of his new paw. It looked so weird, so foreign and yet it felt as if it had always been that way, his new paw. Turning his head to see his other hand, Axel found that it too had shape shifted into a paw as well with identical features.

A shot of endorphins ran through his body making Axel his before groaning as he shut his eyes and moaned out loud. Along his back where the skin had been idly changing from pinkish-tan to grey the young man's back was popping and arching up almost as if it were elongating of its own accord, which it was, but not only that, the end of his Axel's spinal column which once had been rounded at the tip into a hard point now began to press out of his upper buttock area. The skin pulled away from his body with surprising lack of any resistance until a long, grey mound of flesh stretched free growing more and more massive as it fully extended itself outwards.

When Axel could fight away the pleasurable sensations coursing through him, the young man turned his head to look at himself and his mouth opened in awe. He had a tail now, a real freakin' tail! Though it looked so off, that it seemed wrong. Where should have, could have been downy soft fur there was only a large grey mass that resembled a canine tail but it was shiny and lacked any fur at all. Axel reached out with his left paw to feel his new appendage and found that when he stroked over the extra part of himself sparks of euphoria drove themselves up his back.

Axel felt his chest rumble and when he opened his mouth the sounds of content growls broke through making the man, could he be even be called a man anymore, grunt in satisfaction. Axel played with his new tail for a few more seconds, stroking over the length of it and then back to its base where his spine connected with the new piece of himself, enjoying having something as large as it whip around behind him making squeaky like noises before pressure pulled against his skull.

His paws immediately went to his face and felt around as his facial hairs began to smooth over and then disappear completely. If Axel could have seen himself he would have seen that where the brown hairs had been before there was only a mask of white going from his nose outwards along the sides of his mouth and down his chin before dipping further down his neck to meet the rest of the pure white color of his inner torso. What Axel did see, as he crossed his eyes, was his nose pushing out from his face along with a good portion of his mouth. It extended further and further away until it struck out at least a good three and a half inches long from his face.

Still gazing at himself, Axel could only watch as his pert little human nose rounded, flattened and turned black before becoming moist and shiny as the rest of him was becoming. Touching his new nose, Axel felt the smooth texture of the appendage stuck on his muzzle and listened as the same squeaky like noise that came from his tail resounded at this part of himself whenever he rubbed over it with his paw.

Another groan and tug at the top of his head made Axel reach up the sides of his muzzle to his head feeling his short mane of hair growing longer and thicker, drooping down his neck like a wave as it did so. It felt so strange to be like this but as Axel ran his paw through his growing mop he couldn't help the smile that tugged at his lips. He kinda did prefer longer hair and was just never able to successfully grow any, funny how life can be, Axel thought as he ran his paws down the length of his brown mane, it amazingly enough stayed brown unlike the rest of him.

Further up his head Axel slid his paws and found the tentative smile on his lips becoming a full blown grin as he felt two rubbery like cones atop his head widening into what he guessed would be his new ears. Running his fingers down the side of his head, Axel felt how his former ears were no longer in place and all that was left was a smooth trail of elastic like skin in their place. Axel giggled as he went back to touching his ears and then helping them form fully by running one of his fingers along the edges of one and then the other feeling them hollowing out.

When Axel could pull his paws away from his ears he reached down and trailed his paw pads along his neck and chest following the path of the white coloration making itself known throughout his inner structure. Axel felt the bulge of his Adam's apple sticking out, feeling the nonstop growl inside of his throat making the apple bob up and down rapidly before moving down to the line of his collar bone and the along the path of his shoulder blades.

The bones seemed denser to Axel but he didn't stop to analyze it further as the tips of his paws trailed to his pectorals. The new wolf like Axel watched as his once lithe form fill out as muscles he didn't even know he possessed took over and hardened underneath his chest. Where the trail of white danced so too did Axel's muscles as his torso tightened and then his stomach flattened revealing a clear four pack, something Axel had always wanted but never been disciplined enough to acquire.

When his paws got down to his groin the wolf man found that like his facial hairs his pubic hairs had receded and smoothed out to become silk like skin that turned rich with new white coloring. Axel stared at his cock and was transfixed by the still very much erect shaft being covered with his new rubber skin up and even better yet, stretch up and outwards. When Axel reached over with his left paw the wolf rubbed the head of his cock, still somewhat mushroomed, and shuddered when his new pre like fluid shot out onto the glass before him, splattering it until a small puddle began to trickle downwards.

Axel brought his pre slick paw up to his nose and then sniffed at the goopy mess. If he could have Axel would have passed out from the smell of his new sexual fluid, thankfully the new transition of his body kept him from blackening out. Instead, the wolf licked out at the clear muck on his paw tips and then lolled his tongue out at the taste. Like some kind of tart-sweet solution that chemist might use, Axel's pre was delicious and his rubber tail wagged about making more squeak like noises to show off the wolf's glee. Slapping his left paw against the glass and letting the goo on his paw follow a path down the side of the chamber Axel reached his other paw around on instinct and began to feel around his anal area.

In all the excitement of his change Axel had ignored his butt region and began to play with himself at his back door while rubbing his shaft against the front of the glass. Poking a single digit inside the wolf felt his new rubber tailhole open to accept him and then slurp his paw finger inside of the new warm heat of his body. Groaning and whimpering Axel felt his arm extend just as bit so that he could fully delve his finger inside of himself drawing more pleasure from his inner muscles as they nursed on his finger like a cub at a tit.

Axel played with his nether regions for a minute pulling his padded finger out and then pushing it back in making a funny squishing sound from his back door. The rubbery slickness made pain and soreness nonexistent as he forced the digit deeper into his body up to where his second knuckle was pushing for entrance.

When the wolf began in two more of his digits it all felt so right to Axel and when his balls, which had become white along with his groin from the moment he touched the head of his cock and grew into the size of eggs each, drew upwards towards his body Axel felt a rough bark part his throat which the wolf easily let out. The force of that call was enough to shake the glass before it settled down.

Axel clenched his eyes as he watched the rest of his change take place; his thick legs were the next to expand, as they lay beneath some of the green fluid that was still within the glass beaker, in order to compensate for his new weight and then grow white in pigmentation as his new muscles had no trouble taking on his heavier form while the last part of Axel to change was his human feet. Being the final segments of the wolf to fully give into Axel's new bestial nature the wolf's human feet had the easiest change of all.

The large human toes seem to almost bloom as they laid furthest beneath the ooze that had brought about Axel's transfiguration. The dull pinkish color faded quickly into that of the majestic white of the rest of the wolf's body and then flexed out as the nails at the points of the paw like toes curved and blackened. Underneath them, the same as with Axel's paws, the wolf's feet began to dot with black spots on the bottom tips of his toes and along the inner sole of his feet turning the weak human flesh into hard pads. The last part of the change came when the wolf's bones shifted and snapped and settled allowing Axel to walk on the balls of his feet giving his height a few more inches of height.

Now that he was fully transformed into a wolf the old human Axel Wolf was gone replaced by a much stronger, feral looking, and aroused Axel Wolf. No longer was he the same five foot ten inch human male; now he was a six foot three inch tall rubberized wolf male.

Axel panted with his slick rubber tongue as he felt his tailhole open as far as it could around all five of his padded fingers allowing him to stroke over his prostate and rub the bundle of nerves along the cleft of his inner boundary stimulating his climax. His thirteen inch cock had spread farther than his new quasi-white sheath up along the side of the glass spraying bitter sweet pre all along the beaker's inside. The entire front where Axel's groin met his upper torso area was coated in goopy wolf fluids down to where his paw feet were resting below the green gel like liquid.

Axel couldn't stop himself or his emotions from running wild as the pleasure of his changed body racked through him. The wolf growled and clenched his eyes shut along with his muzzle making a dull squeak noise while in the back of him his tail lashed around almost angrily and his entire paw slipped inside of his tailhole to stimulate his orgasm.

It came with a deafening howl as Axel found his balls squeezing close to his body so far that they seem to draw into him and his new rubber like cum shot out against the beaker making the clear pool before him turn a silvery-white color. Axel's howl did something else as well as the pitch was just right to cause the glass to splinter and fine lines appeared all along the edges of the beaker. With his paw spread out and open to its fullest over his prostate the wolf barked out loud causing those fine cracks to deepen and then exploded, the force of his wail enough to make everything around the wolf blow away from him before he began to quiver and fall to his knees after no longer have his glass crutch to rely on.

The green liquid sloshed everywhere as Axel fell down onto his unoccupied paw and knees before the wolf panted and growled while opening his ice blue eyes to watch his cock steadily coat the floor with his cum. Chuckling to himself the Axel slipped his paw from out of his tailhole and then raised it up to his nose to sniff at his new scent before he raised his head up to look at the broken glass wall that separated him from the scientist who had earlier spoke to him; the man now looking on in horror at the wolf before him with only a pen and pad as his shield.

Axel got up onto his pawed feet and then stalked over to the balding human...

"Hello." Axel said while looking at the man before grabbing him by the neck and lifting him up.

"Names Axel Wolf...and you some serious shit!" The wolf growled showing his sharpened, rubbery canines.

End...for now...

The Balloon Fraternity - The Hunt - Ch. 3

Chapter 3-The game begins Matt got adjusted to his new apartment room. He was finally happy that he had his own place now that he can do whatever he wanted, even though it might be not for long. After his stuff was brought into his new place, the...

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The Balloon Fraternity - The Hunt - Ch. 2

Chapter 2-The unknown cause A few days has past and Matt has not heard from Billy. Billy wouldn't return his phone calls and it got awfully quiet over at the Delta Omega house. Matt looked through his window to the other frat house and saw nothing...

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The Balloon Fraternity - The Hunt - Ch. 1

The Balloon Fraternity-The Hunt The sequel to The Balloon Fraternity by DSvid13 aka RedXIX and nuwisha55 from FA. Don't know what nuwisha's name here on YiffStar if he has one. This chapter is a short chapter, giving out what happened after...

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