Lucky Husky 12 - Busted

Story by Experiment626 on SoFurry

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#12 of The Lucky Husky

Luke and Mia's amorous activities came to an abrupt end when one of her fathers knocked on the door. Now he'll have a lot of explaining to do.

At the sound of her dad yelling through the door Mia shot up with a start. Luke quickly told her to go into the other room and before he could react further the door shot open.

"Sorry to burst in but I really need to ask-" Jon started before seeing Luke standing there.

Both men stood silently staring at one another before Luke looked down and saw his own visage. He was not only still naked, but an obvious matted section of his fur left a trail to his still somewhat gooey sheath.

"Oh shit" Jon exclaimed. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-" he started before turned around and closing the door.

Luke quickly grabbed up his pants and shuffled quickly into them and then went to the door and opened it to find Jon still standing on the other side. "Jon, I..." Luke started.

"No, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have just come in. I just can't find Mia and wasn't sure if you saw her. I didn't mean to barge in." Jon said all in one breathe. After that he rambled off a long string of apologies so quickly that they barely registered as coherent words.

"If I see her I'll tell her you were looking for her." Luke replied, looking down.

"Yeah..." Jon trailed off, still sounding embarrassed.

Luke looked up to see that instead of an embarrassed gaze at his own feet, Jon was instead staring intently at Luke's matted fur and the obvious wet spot on the front of his pants. Luke cleared his throat and Jon looked up realizing he was caught, and then apologized yet again and then quickly, and literally, ran back to his house. 'That will NOT be the first roo I fuck' Luke thought to himself and then went back into the house.

Luke saw Mia peering around the corner from the other room.

"Don't worry, he had no idea you were here." Luke assured her. "But you should probably head home soon. Go shower off and then I'll call your dads and tell them I just saw you sneaking back toward the house and told you how worried they were and then sent you home."

"You don't have to call them..." She started.

"But if I do, they won't question why you are coming from my house. I don't think it'll be good for either of us if they find out about what really just happened."

Mia nodded in agreement and then started to head toward the bathroom. After she left the room Luke sighed at the whole situation and then started toward his bedroom. He had taken only a few steps when he heard Mia call his name from the bathroom. He sighed again and started toward it.

"It doesn't matter what you say I'm cal-" he started but was interrupted as the young husky grabbed him and pulled him in for a kiss.

"We're already in trouble because of this and you want to start it up again?" He asked after breaking the kiss.

"I guess we don't have to..." She replied dejectedly. She turned and leaned over the edge of the tub to turn the shower on, wiggling her butt for Luke as she did. Once the water started flowing she slowly and provocatively stepped into the shower.

Luke growled to himself in frustration. "You're a lot of trouble for a virgin..." He stated, removed his pants and following her into the shower.

"I WAS a virgin!" She replied with a wink. "And just because I never had sex doesn't mean I never flirted."

"If you think teasing is flirting, especially with other dogs, then I'm surprised you were still a virgin."

She grinned and then kissed him again, this time making her intentions and lust very obvious as she quickly starting stroking his sheath. It didn't take long for her to coax his member out and as it grew she broke the kiss, flashed another tooth grin, and then slowly kneeled down and took him into her mouth.

He let her go for a moment but then stopped her. She looked up at him questioningly. "If we're gonna do this again, it's gotta be quick." This time it was Luke that grinned and he pulled her up and then quickly turned her around and pushed her shoulders forward, bending her over in front of him.

He wasted no time pushing deep inside her, already slick from her tongue moments ago, and she let out a combination of a cry and a moan as his entire length entered her. After a few hard thrusts, he leaned forward to get a better angle. As he did, she put her left leg up on the edge of the tub. He got a tighter grip on her waist and started to thrust harder and faster into her. The water running down her fur in a myriad of directions as she bounced with each thrust.

When he felt himself getting close, he leaned in even closer. It took every ounce of self-control that he had not to bite down on her neck as he came. He knew leaving marks now, just before sending her home, was a terrible idea, but he wanted nothing more than to bite into her and listen to her cry out in simultaneous pain and ecstasy as he filled her with his seed.

When he finally finished, he pulled back and stared at her for a moment as she remained in position. He watched the water travel down her back and around her tail. It flowed gently between either supple side of her rump and washed away the fluid slowly leaking out of her.

When she did stand up again and turn to face him, he acted quick to quell any further stalling. He kissed her firmly but quickly and then said "now playtime is over. You need to finish getting washed up and then head home." He immediately stepped out of the shower to further make his point.

'This girl is insatiable' he thought to himself. 'I can already see how this could get me in trouble...'

He got dressed and when she got done with her shower she did the same.

As Mia stepped out of the bathroom, fully dressed, Luke grabbed up the phone and dialed her house. It barely started ringing before James answered it quickly. "Mia?!"

"James, it's me, Luke."

"Oh... I'm so worried about Mia. I hoped it was her." The disappointed buck said.

"Don't worry; she's actually headed home right now."

"What? She's over there?! What are you doing with her?!" the deer demanded crossly.

"Relax, James. I saw her sneaking home and stopped her. I told her how worried you guys were and that she shouldn't leave without your knowledge. I'm gonna send her home now." Luke lied.

"Oh, thank God!" James exclaimed. "I'm sorry. This has all just been so crazy."

"It's alright. I just wanted to let you know she was on her way." Luke shot a sideways glance at Mia who was standing nervously next to him. "And go easy on her, she's just a kid and with her going through you-know-what she's probably all kinds of confused right now."

"All right. Well thanks wonder-pup."

"Wonder pup?" Luke questioned.

"Oh, Jon told me about the little show he got earlier. I wish it had been me to barge in on you."

"What can I say, I have a soft spot for roos." Luke teased in reply.

"Wait, are you serious?" James started and Luke quickly disconnected the call.

Luke turned to Mia. "Alright, now head home. They'll go easy on you." She started to lean forward to kiss him and he placed his hands on her shoulders to restrain her. "You have to go now. You heard me talk to him, he thinks you're on the way."

Mia sighed with disappointment and turned to leave. Luke playfully slapped her ass hard, eliciting a quick yip rom her and she turned and shot him a quick grin before heading out the door. He watched out the window for a minute and she crossed back into her yard and opened the back door. 'Everyone in that house wants to fuck me. I may have to move...' Luke thought to himself. 'At least now I can relax for a minute.'

And surprisingly, for once, Luke actually did enjoy that peace and quiet for a little while.