The Dragoness' Gift: Male Finale

Story by Kalan on SoFurry

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This is the wrap up of an odd story that split off into two versions, one where our protagonist comes out as male and one as a female. Enjoy the male version here and the female version will be coming soon!

Previous stories:

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Marshall used his wings in powerful strokes to surge into the sky, trying not to think about the fear that came with seeing the earth so far below him. His chest was tightening, his body trembling as beat after beat as he shoved the air beneath him and kept his eyes on a cloud far up and away. It was just a bare wisp of white against the summer blue, but that was his goal and he surged wildly upwards while sliding his inner lid over his eyes in an attempt to keep the air from stinging it. One beat, two beat, his powerful muscles protested the height as the air grew thinner, it was cold in his nostrils and on his tongue. Three beats, four beats. He kept surging higher, his entire body thrown into the movement as he skimmed along the wispy cloud and felt it tickling right along the tender line of his belly, playfully fluttering over him before he leveled out and swung his head down to stare at the ground beneath him.

Gods of sea and sky.. He swallowed as he saw the distant trees and buildings as small dots against the face of the world. The horizon was curved and distant as he kept pumping his wings to keep himself aloft.

It had been four years since he had failed his first attempt at mating, four years since he had been dragged away from the blue dragoness by his roaring father. In those four years, he had grown and learned. He was no longer light and small, he was heavier and larger, his bulk dwarfing all of his siblings who were finally leaving the nest to find territories of their own. It had been so strange to see them coming up to barely his shoulder as he loomed over them, his size more in line with Baltalia than with the little dragonets. Not that he saw Baltalia often anymore, he couldn't, he was too large and too much of a threat to Valtan's territory for him to be able to do more than slip in with the occasional storm or weather that would keep the drake grounded. He lived on the edges like a young dragon, despite the fact he was sized more like his sire every day.

He worked his way into a circle, keeping his eyes locked on a particularly thick gathering of shrubs, trying to make his focus maintain on it as he did so. He wasn't going to give up, he wasn't going to flee. Baltalia had been blunt with her words about what it meant for him as a drake. If he wanted to have a territory and females of his own he would have to fight for them. He would have to take down a reigning male or find empty space and hope to lure females from another drake. She spoke of it often, telling him that he must learn to use his body as well as his magic, prepare for a brutal fight, she spoke of dragoness' and clutches by the dozens. He always listened to her, resting against his side as he had once rested as a human, nodding and agreeing with her. She didn't understand him, not really, she thought of him as a dragon, a drake, not as a man and dragon combined. He didn't want many dragoness' and clutches, let Valtan and the rest have them, he only desired her.

With a snarl he threw his wings back and gathered his magic with a swift intake of breath, using his forepaws to cup and pull, dragging it closer to his chest as he let himself fall from the sky. He was so high up it was terrifying as the earth rose up rapidly beneath him, surging closer as his talons began to glow blue-black, the energy building with the speed as he snatched it from the air. Magic was all over this world, but air-magic, air-magic had become his preference when it came to offensive and defensive magic. He pulled his wings backwards tighter to his back, feeling the wind whistling around him, only moving them in brief twitches with his tail to keep his aim on the bushes. He put out all other thoughts on his mind except those bushes, making them blossom into the shape of Valtan as he did so.

The former man curled his lips back in a snarl as he felt the heat and spark of power in the ball of energy against his talons, his body rattling at the speeds, his eyes narrowing to slits. He held it, even as he could see that he was starting to come dangerously close to the ground, his entire body stiffening in readiness, the 'bushes' became trees, a large clutch of them growing tightly together while he sucked in a breath and held it. He wasn't counting, he was waiting, his body thrumming before he shoved his forepaws out away from his body and snapped both of his wings open.

He shrieked as the sudden uprush of air threatened to snap his wings back, but the sails held as he launched the ball of magic away from him with a shot, the full speed of his dive behind it as it crashed into the tree line with a roar of fire and rattle of the earth. Marshall couldn't stop to admire his handiwork as he pumped his wings up, stopping himself from dashing to his death against the hard earth, his paws tucked in close as he surged up higher and higher, fighting the pressure of his own dive to barely miss the edge of the tree lines. He was panting, his tongue lolling out of his jaws before he managed to make a landing, his claws stubbing on the ground while he went for the safety of the ground. His sides heaved, his pale white scales rising and falling as he looked over towards the smoking tree line with grim victory.

"That was almost perfectly on target, sir!" The soft voice piped up nervously from the distance, probably screaming, but to him the human voice was mostly a tiny squeak.

I have to wonder how I sounded to Baltalia. He thought to himself and gave a flick of his large wings before looking at the small wizard.

"Almost is not on target." He rumbled in annoyance and approached the small human.

"Look at those books again, there should be a way to center the strike."

"I'm positive there is not, this isn't a book that deals with someone flying!" The strange wizard protested clutching the book against his chest.

He had found Roland in the early winter, the familiar robes of a mage had caught his eye when he'd been hunting, plus the fact the man had been hopelessly lost. It was a feel of the faint pangs of his humanity that had brought him to the man's rescue, little more than that. The wizard was young and filled with ambition, it made him fondly recall his own days as a human as he had kept the human safe through most of the winter in his old quarters that had been long abandoned. It had mostly been for some company and his own mercy, but over time, he realized that the wizard could repay his debt for being saved. Roland's little hands and slight form let him read books, books filled with magic from one end to the other, magic such as Valtan had never seen before.

He could have no hope of besting his sire at force of body, he was too unsure of how to use his own and he certainly had no taste for violence, but he could use magic. So what if drakes were renowned for their fighting magic and prowess, he had the knowledge of human and dragon both, he could use them to mold together a plan of attack, one that would allow him to take down his sire and claim Baltalia for his own. He had long since stopped thinking of the dragoness as his mother, in his mind she was solidifying as everything he wanted out of this life. She would be a companion to him, a mate, a partner together on the wing, but only if he could play the brutish game that this species had devised for their pairs.

"Go and get the book that you bought in town." He commanded Roland and waved one paw. "I am sure there was something there about enchantments on knights in war, that would hold a moving target in place."

"Perhaps." The wizard answered doubtfully and stood up, pushing his hair back. "But then you will show me that trick with the rocks? How you molded them?"

"Of course." He promised airily and peered down with one eye on the human.

He had never remembered being so tiny as this wizard, it was dizzying to interact with him when Roland had no knowledge that he had once been human. It was better that way, better that no one know what the dragoness had gifted him with. He had no intention of continuing his relationship with the wizard, he was already stunned to hear about the rumors that surrounded what had happened to him. The lightest one was that Baltalia had gulped him down whole and the darker ones said that he had fled in the face of some awful nameless crime. They weren't even close to true, but he didn't bother correcting Roland, his mind was filled with more important matters.

She will go into season soon. She has all but told me that. _ He thought, eyes sliding towards the mountains. _If I must fight for her I will, but she may still come around, she might still learn to think less like these dragons.

_ _

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~ ~ * ~ ~

_ _

It was storming, the thunder and crack of lightning gave Baltalia's heart a thrill as she sat on the ledge of her lair and looked out towards the villages of man. That was where Marshall had spent his time by large, keeping close to the people since Valtan had nothing to do with them if he could help it. When the weather was rough and hard the drake didn't patrol, he was getting older and preferred to keep to the ground with some tender female if he could or sleep if he didn't currently have one. That was when he'd come to visit her, Marshall would slip low to the ground and purr so sweetly to her that she curled her toes just thinking about it, settling down on her stomach as the heaviness of the summer storm began to break.

Her lair was empty and quiet, not even a hint of movement as the last of her clutch had left her months ago, seeking out their own territories as Valtan had chased away the males and she had driven out the females. The former would have been killed as contenders if they stayed and the latter would be heavy with their own sire's clutch if they had stayed. She felt the loss of Marshall in a pang that took the breath from her throat when she was alone for too long. She had always had the funny little human around to talk to when she desired it, his questions and pestering habits broke up her day, but now she was in silence until the storms came.

It was near the start of the hammering rains that she spotted him, her keen eyes watching for his pale hide through the tree line as he slipped and kept as close to the ground as he ever did. Despite her joy at seeing him, it warred with annoyance that he did not fly proudly to her lair, he could have easily been a match for Valtan's size given his growth and magic, but still he slunk and did his best to remain unseen as he only took to wing when he had too. Every week that passed, each month, came closer to her re-entering her season again. When she did, Valtan would come and he would sire another clutch upon her, was that what Marshall was going to accept? Her bearing another dragon's clutch while he only came to her in the heart of a storm in the hopes of not being caught. It was infuriating as she watched the silver and white drake break cover with a few easy wing beats, showing off his long muscled body, even her admiration for his form did not ease the anger that bubbled just beneath the surface.

He should have been eager and fiery by now, she knew that he had no relief, he had often tried to convince her that he could easily give her pleasure if she would only allow it. That confused her, why would the drake think she would wish him on her back when she was not in seasons? Drakes were painfully endowed in many ways and certainly would be pleasurable for her when she was out of heat, but he continued to try and coax her into letting him. Sometimes it would simply be a few teasing remarks, but other times he tried to caress her, to tease and nibble at her neck in the oddest manner possible. She didn't understand his behavior, but that was nothing new, there was too much human too him that she hadn't been able to understand from the start. Perhaps that's why he wasn't willing to challenge Valtan.

_He may be happy with this, but I am not. _ She thought as he beat his wings and lifted his head to see her, sweeping low with flourish as the rains rushed along him. He did not come empty jawed to visit her.

To her utter bewilderment, he was carrying a crop of plants in between his jaws, gripping them loosely so that the colorful sprouts along one end bounced up and down while the severed ends hung out of the other. It reminded her of a cow or horse picking up something particularly delicious and pulling too much to eat right away. It was such a comical look seeing him hauling it like hay to her ledge that she didn't say anything as he landed with a beat of wet wing sails and a rasp of claws, his purple eyes brightening to see her. His chest swelled as he stepped forward with the plants and dropped them down right at her forepaws, neatly nosing them so that the colorful ends of the flowers were turned upwards towards her.

"Baltalia..." He crooned, his voice deepening in a familiar intimate manner that distracted her from the flowers briefly. "I hope that you have not been too lonely since I last came."

"I would have little cause to feel lonely if your visits were so infrequent." She responded and lowered her nose to sniff at the plants. "Why do you bring these? Or were you gathering something to try your human magic again?"

The drake looked startled and then embarrassed, something that was easy to see with his pale scaling that easily turned a pinkish hue as she lifted her head once more. There was something endearing about that, Valtan was full of boast and roar, confident and unyielding, but Marshall had a softness to them that appealed to her. He scuffed a paw towards the plants and gave them a light touch.

"They are for you, I brought them to hope to.." He trailed off and seemed to think. "I brought them for you." He finished after a few moments.

"For me?" She raised a brow up and turned her head to one side. "I do not eat plants, but I am sure I appreciate you bringing them to me. You may have them, I am sure they must have a fine flavor for you to bring them."


_ _

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~ ~ * ~ ~

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_ _

Marshall felt half humiliated and half frustrated as Baltalia indicated he should eat the flowers he had so carefully gotten for her. He had found a field of the large ripe blossoms through a long flight and spent most of the morning carefully gathering them. He didn't have hands the way a human did, he had to use his teeth to clamp down around the base of them and carefully shred them without ripping up roots. He had been quite proud of the fact he had managed it without causing too much damage to the flowers and had even made a neat little bouquet of them for her. He had hoped that she would enjoy them, they certainly smelled sweet to his nose and were pretty, but her confusion only made him lose ground in his confidence in wooing her.

"Never matter." He sighed after a moment and settled on his haunches, sliding his gaze over her rich sunset colored body. "I came as soon as the clouds came, I knew that you would be waiting for me."

"Yes, waiting for you.." Baltalia let out a soft noise, the chuff of breath tickling his nose as she extended her muzzle out. "Have you thought about what we talked about?"

"Yes." He answered and shifted forward, letting his muzzle slide forward with a brush right along the curve of the cheek in greeting.

Baltalia wanted him to fight, she was adamant that he should challenge his sire the moment that they saw each other, but the idea of it made his stomach curl. It wouldn't be just a fight, it could be a fight to the death, and it likely would given that Valtan was renowned for his viciousness. He had the hopes that he could use magic to force the male away, that it could bind him somehow or at the very least convince him to give up a portion of his territory.

"You won't do it." The dragoness murmured and drooped slightly. "You do not understand our ways, even now."

"I do." He murmured and slid one large white wing over her form, she was more his size now, he was even a bit heavier along the chest. "But I have never fought anyone tooth to claw, how can you expect me to fight him?"

"You are nearly his size, you have practiced and learned to use your body. Every day that you leave here without challenging him is a day you risk coming back to him on my ledge." She pointed out, her body so warm and sleek against his own. He tilted his head and ran a tongue along her neck, controlling the rising need that lifted in his chest.

"I would not let that happen, I keep watch, the moment I see him near your lair I would come to you." He answered, hurt that she would doubt him. "And it need not come to that. Why can you not simply take me as your mate? Tell him that you have no desire for him, that I am the one he should be with?"

"You see? You say you understand who and what you are, but you ask me such things. He would not care if I said yes or no, most dragoness' screech no their first time and still they are bred." Baltalia stiffened a little bit beneath his wing. "If I said such a thing to him he would take me still and then kill you. If I left, he would herd me back to my lair."

Marshall growled under his breath, his claws flexing down against the ground. The culture was barbaric, he did not pretend to understand it, but he knew that he had to do something to win over the dragoness. Just thinking about her being under another drake brought heat to his chest and stomach, blossoming and lapping in hot fires that made his nostrils flare as his mother and friend leaned in beside him, her tail laying upon his own intimately. He could not simply abandon his need for her, it was more

than just his lusts and desires, it was Baltalia herself. She was no meek and uninteresting creature, she was vibrant and a part of his life, old and new. He would not let her go, not without a fight, he would find a way to keep her. He had to find a way to keep her.

"I will not let him have you." He murmured softly and ran his muzzle along her own, drawing in the warm familiar breath of her on the air. "I promise, he will not have you, but you will have to trust that I must win this as more than just brute force. Please.. just trust me."

"I will try." She murmured in response, her lips so close that he wanted to kiss them. He didn't, he knew better, his one miserable failed attempt at kissing had confused both of them. He simply flicked his tongue out to rasp beneath her chin tenderly, listening the storm overhead. He would win her, he had to win her. But on his own terms.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Two months Later

~ ~ * ~ ~

Marshall first became aware of Valtan on a crisp fall day that was filled with a chill in the air and the scent of fallen leaves. He had been eating when he saw the flash of dark wings in the distant sky, his eyes training in on them while the still warm deer remained beneath his paws. There was no mistaking the sight of the dragon on the wing, he could not pretend for a moment that he thought it was a female. No female was so large, no female boasted lines of horns down the length of his body and certainly no female had ever flown above another female's lair. He had seen the shape and immediately he had felt his blood run hot, coursing through his body so that he did not hesitate to fling away the deer beneath him and launch into the sky.

There was only one reason Valtan was on the wing in this area, Baltalia was going into season.

_ _

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~ ~ * ~ ~

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_ _

"Valtan." The dragoness tilted her head up to see the dark shape looming above her lair as the black drake landed with a heavy thump against the rocks. Baltalia spoke his name flatly as she stood on the jutting rock face of her lair and watched him hook his talons into the stone.

She had woken three days ago with the burn in her body, the ache as her body swelled with fertile promise had robbed her of sleep and rest as she remained secluded to her lair. It had been something she knew was coming, something that she dreaded it, but she could not deny the workings of her body and think that they would remain unanswered for long. Any drake that had a territory flew sweeps over it, he had a lair at the heart and would simply fly out to overlapping areas and taste the scents on the air of those females that no longer had a clutch waiting on them. They might even soar over the area to see if he could find them when they were at their most fertile. Even though she stayed secluded she knew that the dragon would find her, would know, it was an inevitable part of being a dragoness.

"Baltalia, you did not come to greet me when I called." Valtan prummed as he stepped down gracefully from his perch. "Are you so in need that you must have our mating on the ground instead of on the wing?"

"That is an impertinent question." She responded with a hint of a growl, her tail snapping and thudding behind her in an agitated manner.

"Yes, it is." He laughed, his voice thick with lust as the scaled nostrils flared and tasted the air towards her. "But I have always enjoyed when you come into season, of all my females, you are the most accommodating of me."

It was an old compliment between them. From the time the drake had taken down his predecessor he had complimented her for enjoying their mating instead of struggling. There had been a few that had even tried to flee after he had forcibly killed their young male offspring and brought them into season, those few had been doomed to live within his lair to be taught better manners, as he called them. When she had told Marshall of the habits of a drake claiming another males territory he had been absolutely horrified, stunned and disgusted. She had never considered the matter as that terrible, though when the overthrow had happened she hadn't had a clutch for the new male to cull. She had always thought of him as a fine drake, perhaps not as interesting as some, but he did his duty and was sharp of talon.

For the first time she bristled as he stepped onto her ledge with a cocky air, his neck crested and eyes flashing as he ran his eyes along her. His pupils were already dilated with his rut as he rumbled towards her and licked the air, curling his tongue tips upwards with delight as he sampled her scent. It was a scent she had lived with for several days that clung to the inside of the cavern, a scent that was offset with his heady musk as he strode towards her as he always had. Her body reacted, stomach tightening as internal muscles flexed and quivered lightly, her glistening vent growing puffier and wet as she took a step backwards.

"Come along, my dear, it has been too long since I have been on your back." Valtan hissed softly, eyes lidding as she glimpsed the shaft pushing out the underside of his belly. She felt the familiar warmth and anticipation of that sight, something she could hardly ignore with his thick rich scent in her nose.

"VALTAN!!" A roar broke into the lair, vibrating from above in a wild scream that brought her head up and the drake's lips to curling back with an angry hiss. "I


"Marshall.." She whispered and snapped her tail behind her, her eyes fixating on the glimpse of blue sky beyond her cave. The name brought Valtan's head back and his laughter was a rich rumble.

"The human." He purred confidently and turned his head away from her, his body still graceful and aroused. "I had wondered what had happened to the boy."

Valtan did not sound bothered or angry, he sounded as if he was anticipating what he was about to do.

Do not be reckless, Marshall.. Baltalia thought desperately and followed behind him, for now, her heat pushing from her in the cold fear she felt knowing her son was in the air, and Valtan would not let him stay there.

_ _

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~ ~ * ~ ~

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_ _

He had left the forest fighting against the winds, feeling the cool air sliding over his pale colored body as he scorned the paths he had made to his mother's lair and went for the thermals that could catch beneath his wings and send him flinging over the forest. He fled to the distant mountain, his mind and body locked on the destination as he no longer saw the dragon on the wing, but he didn't need to see Valtan to know where he was and what it meant. The time for his practice and dives on the tree lines were gone, now he was left with the realization that he was going to have to fight. He was going to have to actually fight a dragon. The thought crept on him as he screamed his challenge, his wings working to keep him aloft.

I always wanted to be a dragonslayer. _He thought, the urge to laugh hysterically rising as he saw the great black shape stepping out of Baltalia's lair. _He is bigger than I recall.

_ _

"Son of mine, do you think that you are ready?" Valtan called up to him, the rich voice a brassy rumble as the black wings spread. "Do you think you can take my females and territory from me?

He was massive. Marshall had thought that he was large, he had been convinced he was big enough to make this work, but seeing the dragon stepping out into the light made his stomach sink. The black drake wasn't just larger, he was heavier in all ways. The wing arms were thicker and broader, the jaws heavier and more muscled, the body tightly wound with the scars of who knew how many fights he had won to take this territory. He was terrifying, with white teeth bared and a long thick tongue flicked out to taste the air as if trying to scent if his son was afraid. And he was, the moment he saw his opponent he knew fear. He flared his wings open and watched Marshall closely as the white nearly fled, but then he saw movement behind him....

Baltalia. The dragoness, her rich purple and sunset coloration unmistakable as her eyes sought him out with obvious relief. He swallowed his fear for the sake of seeing her there, the assurance that she was still there, not lying somewhere in the cave already seeded from the black drake. He strengthened his wing beats, trying to keep them even as he looked down at the black drake that had sired him. He didn't want the territory or the females, he wanted only the dragoness behind him. For her and her alone he would fight, for love of her he would do all that he could, even kill, so long as she was his when it was over.

"ARE YOU SO FRIGHTENED YOU WILL NOT MEET MY CHALLENGE?!" He roared back, feeling his chest swell as he launched the taunt towards the other drake.

Valtan let out a laugh, almost a laugh of anticipation before the form leaped upwards into the sky, the black wings dropping down to the ground as he flung himself upwards through the air. Marshall didn't spare any time to watch the drake coming after him, he threw himself into the sky with pumping wings, churning them together wildly as he prayed that he would at least be faster than his sire in the air. He had been dreaming of this moment and in the dream he had imagined himself nearly equal in size. How could he have forgotten that the other dragon had lived here for countless years and had defeated dragons with more experience than he had.

Just keep going.. He heard the roar beneath him, he could almost feel the breath on the tip of his tail as he set his sights high up towards the edge of the cloud cover. Magic is your weapon! Just use it!

_ _

The former wizard cast a brief glance behind him and nearly shrieked out as he saw the enraged black dragon following him. It was something from a nightmare chasing him down, the wings pumping and throwing the wind down, gaining ground no matter that the other male was far larger and heavier. He had to throw his heart into it, his wings aching and burning as he tried to pull away, he needed enough ground to turn around and dive, he could strike with a magic ball and take the male down, use the element of surprise to attack and make sure he remained on top. He was going faster, his chest aching with the change in pressure as he surged up and felt claws trying to snatch at his tail, the scrap and snap that made him snarl out. A glance back showed Valtan reaching out, the forepaws swiping to grab at his tail.

Damn and blast! _ Marshall flipped on a wing tip, trying to control himself so he could yank his tail out of view and he drew the magic to his paws, summoning it with a crackle to his talons. _Please let this work!

He roared out and flung the spell towards the other male, expecting to hit him full in the face with the blast of mage born fire, except he was greeted with a stab of electricity hitting the length of his spine. The black form surged up and yanked him downwards, claws tearing right along the curve of his thighs as the beast twisted around him, the shocks striking against the line of his spine making him shriek out in shock. Valtan barely budged from the strike of fire, instead, there was a snarl of laughter as the claws broke through his white scales and made Marshall struggle against him. He clawed with both hind legs, striking at the stomach wildly to try and tear into vulnerable underbelly as they started to drop from the air together.

Jaws snapped at him, the wide open red maw striking towards his throat as they struggled. He had never fought before, he hadn't known what he was expecting, something akin to a mage duel, but the larger drake was trying to tear him open. They spun in the air as Marshall behaved on instinct, striking out blindly, kicking and twisting, pushing up against the chest and shoving as the foreclaws tried to tear at his wings. He felt blood rolling along his shoulders, scales being torn free as he gave as good as he got, but he wasn't strong enough when compared to the strikes he was getting. He yanked to one side, letting the claw rake his side causing him to shriek out, but it gave him the chance to use his tail to slam up into the dark wings, fouling them in their downward stroke.

Valtan released him as the wings missed the beat and he slipped back, the pair shoving away so that Marshall was powering up towards the clouds again. He didn't break stride, fear fueled him as he tried to get height enough to use magic, blood running down along the line of his haunch and side. It hurt and stung, but he wasn't beaten yet and now his sire had to struggle to catch up with the lost altitude. He didn't make the mistake of surging to the highest point he could get to in the sky, he got as far as he could between himself and the other drake before winging around, stifling the fear he saw at the large male coming at him.

He used an old trick, one he had used hundreds of time on prey, but he thought that it wasn't something that dragons would use. He drew the sun behind him, the light soaking into his white scales as he wove the spell to interlace through the underside of his wings and stomach, feeling the tingle and spark of it running over his stomach and chest before he released it all in one single flash of pure light. He closed his eyes tightly as he sparked the flash down at the charging drake, protecting his vision from the bright explosion that made Valtan shriek as the light blinded him in one glorious burst.

Marshall didn't let it stop there, he dropped like a rock the moment he released the flash, his eyes snapping open to see the dragon shaking his head roughly. He didn't think, there was no time to think, he extended his hind paws and claws as he dropped like a rock and struck hard against his sire. The impact shook his very bones, making his jaws snap tight as he landed hard on the dragon's back and tore at the wings viciously. He didn't even know he had this level of violence in him, but he tore and snarled, trying to get at the wings as his own pumped and struggled to remain aloft. It was a futile effort as he couldn't hold himself up as well as the black who suddenly snapped his wings down.

"Whelp!" Valtan twisted his head back and snapped his jaws, the teeth catching against his neck as the dragon spun around in circles with him, twisting and twining around together in midair.

Marshall had no time to speak, he had no chance to say anything at all, he was left struggling just to stay on as they spun towards the ground wildly. His claws sank into the wing sails as his sire twisted about, but not to get back at him. The drake rolled in midair to force Marshall's back towards the ground as the beast's tail snapped to crack him along the curve of his haunch. This time, he was prepared for it, but he had no defense when the lightning hit him. His muscles bunched up and twisted, his head jerked back in a silent scream as this time it hit him hard enough to take his breath away. It hurt, making even his teeth ache as they spun about, the male suddenly breaking away from him with a rough buck that threw him towards the ground.

The ground! It was rapidly coming up on them, they had both been tearing through the air they hadn't looked to see how close they were to the ground. With a shriek he broke from his sire and tried to tear back up into the sky, but Valtan had other ideas. The black dragon snagged him in all four paws with a screech, the jaws spread wide and forcing him back towards the ground, the larger weight over him as dark bloody wings snapped open wide and suddenly surged in powerful strokes to slow their fall. The brutal claws dug into him, digging into his muscles as he twisted and writhed, desperately trying to break his way free.

Valtan refused to let him go, the larger, cannier drake drove him to the earth, only allowing him to land lightly by virtue of the fact that the black scale was stopping his own downward spiral. Marshall's chest and stomach slammed home, his chin cracking the ground hard enough that he tasted blood as the claws sank hard into his flesh when his sire pushed down on top of him, the wings beating rapidly as one of the forepaws shoved right down against the length of his neck. He twisted and writhed, his tail snapping against the ground as he felt the hot breath hitting against the back of his neck, the growl trickling from the black muzzle.

"Almost a worthy... fight.. boy.." Valtan panted roughly as Marshall let out a pained wheeze when he was pinned harder down against the ground, his breathing coming out in a wheeze. "You are too human to be anything more than a brief work out, you know that right?"

"Marshall!" Baltalia's voice trilled out wildly as Marshall threw himself about, trying to throw the drake from him.

"Trying to fight for your mother?" Valtan let out a low noise, it was almost a laugh as the former man remained trapped in place. "Did you think you could start out by conquering me? How bold! They say mankind is filled with hubris, I suppose it is so when they are in dragon skin."

"Only because you are faster than I thought." Marshall wheezed out as the talons closed down around him, one right against his neck.

He felt fear at that hold on him, the prick it hitting against the line of his jugular and veins, threatening to pierce him as he was forced to remain pinned in place. His nostrils flared wildly, sucking down a deep breath as his eyes bulged with an edge of fear only to feel the weight pushing down harder against him and making sure that he couldn't do more than squirm in place. One of the hind paws was right against the line of his haunch, pushing down painfully against it so he could almost feel it being displaced, his breathing coming in short wheezes. He couldn't let the trap distract him, though, he knew that, the fight wasn't over, not if he had any say for the matter. He still had magic on him, he was still able to use it.

Baltalia had shown him draconic magic, it was all quite open and showy, designed to work as a visual impression as well as to take down an opponent. Human mages didn't think that way when it came to taking down their counterparts, they wanted to by sly and decisive, hiding their attacks until the last possible moment. Marshall didn't do more than hiss out as the drake pushed over him, the sheer weight working to make sure that he couldn't get up. He turned his mind inwards, reaching and pushing towards his magic, trying to snare it out and drag it out into view, pulling the energy from deep within himself instead of the larger world. He had to weave it, running it beneath the surface of his skin so that he could feel it growing hotter, thicker to the touch.

Teeth sank in behind the edge of his head, right under his skull, the sudden grip snapped down hard enough to make him snarl out loudly, his lips curling all the way back from his teeth. He smacked his tail down against the ground, attempting to twist his way out from under Valtan, but the larger drake kept him down to the ground. The two forepaws pushed right down at the base of his wings, where the wing arms were the most vulnerable and used that hold to pin him in place. The forward weight made his forelegs splay out as his sire let out a grunt and shifted his weight. He half expected to feel the twist to end his life as he began to build up his spell, the weaving of it making him miss just what the large black dragon was doing to him, or starting to do.

He had to weave it perfectly, he would only get one chance and once chance alone.

The shift of the hips pushed against his own as the drake reached out and suddenly closed jaws against one of his horns. The teeth scraped and clattered against the hard horn, jerking roughly so that his head was lifted higher in the air, letting out a screech of protest at the angle and the sudden push of the haunches against him. The push and shove against him was hard enough to make him lose his breath before he felt something jabbing roughly up just between his hind legs. He scrabbled and twisted, trying to get away as the long glistening shaft pushed out right along the base of his tail. Wet strands smeared over him as he nearly lost hold of his building spell, the shock enough to make him snarl out, the sound turning into a near squeal as his head pulled back at a brutal angle.

"STOP!" He bellowed out, but his sire's snarl ripped from the larger throat as the heavy cock rubbed right along his tail base.

"You need a lesson, boy.." The slurred words were spoken around his horn, the grip of the teeth only growing tighter and keeping his head leaning all the way backwards.

He was losing control of the spell, the feel of the hips pushing against him, the wet smear of precum coating against him was enough to make him try and fight his way free. The dragon let out a throaty rumble as the large glistening shaft dragged backwards and started to slip right down along the base of his tail. He felt the rivulets of it dribbling out, thick heavy strands of precum were clinging to his pale scales while he tried to throw the weight to one side. It was useless, the heavier weight was used to keep him pinned in place, the paws moved to his wings to pin them in place as the next rock of the hips pushed against the curve of his hips. The cock tip jabbed right against the underside of his tail, thick and heavy feeling, disturbingly confusing and familiar all at once. He had felt that cock before, he had feel it stuffing him into his mother.

Keep the spell.. don't let it go... He thought frantically past the humiliation and terror of feeling the cock pushing beneath his tail, and shoving upwards. It doesn't matter, all that matters is the win!

_ _

Marshall's thoughts were frantic and trembling, the spell fraying around the edges before he gathered it in again. He tried to lock down his mind from what was happening as his sire's haunches pushed down and suddenly the cock tip jabbed right up against the silky opening of his pucker. The feel of it was shocking and invasive, his entire body went rigid as his inner walls began to contract down to try and stop the cock tip from digging at him. His sire didn't care, his sire didn't stop, the sudden shove forward drew a screech from the former wizard's muzzle as he felt the cock sinking inside of him, stretching him open, straining him wider and wider by the moment. His entire body stiffened and writhed in place, reacting to the way the powerful drive forward, slipping the ridges through into his passage.

The precum spilled out in a rush, messy and heavy feeling, coating all the way back deeper into his passage, smearing to help the size of it push forward. It was painful, the sparks danced in front of him as he closed his eyes and drew the magic closer to the surface. It was hot and pounding in his ears, offsetting the sting of pain and tearing as the shaft stuffed its way into his vulnerable body. His inner walls started to contract down, squeezing along the girth to try and push it out, but Valtan only snarled out and drove forward. It was growing larger and thicker, stretching and straining him open wider and wider, nearly ripping him apart as the tip splattered out another ropey eruption of precum that plunged deep into his body.

His claws scrabbled the ground, he tried to throw his weight up higher in the air, but the drake only slammed forward and pinned him in place. The weight pushing his chest flat to the earth as another few humiliating inches of cock were forced into his body. His interior muscles flexed and twitched, quivered and squeezed, trying to ease the ache and pain of being violated. It did nothing to save him, his body was throbbing rapid flutters of his heart, his loins aching painfully from the assault. The spell was building to a fever pitch, the magic snapping and lapping beneath his skin, trying to find it's way free as he fed it recklessly. As a wizard he would have risked his death feeding it so heavily form his own energies, but a dragon was not stuck with simply his own internal magics.

The next thrust drew a screech from his throat as his sire drove home, the last few thick inches sank inside of him, forcing his body to stretch around the thickest point of the base. He felt as if he were about to break apart as the sheer size turned his tender pucker into a lewd O wrapped around the too thick girth, prying wider and wider. He could feel the wetness pushing out around the edges, smearing outwards, but his attention had to be on his spell. He started to release it, his body tensing up as the male's haunches dragged backwards inch by inch, the slow pull that tugged the glossy black shaft from his body. He felt the walls being tugged and pulled along, ridges popping free one after another, his interior muscles clamping down before Marshall broke the spell free.

He roared out wildly, his jaws spreading as wide as they could go as the magic broke over both of them, but he was the one to control it. Strands of magic erupted out and clung to the dragon above him, the fiery tendrils reached out and twisted around the muzzle and forelegs, rope after rope of them, spun from his own energy as they glowed white-gold to clamp the drake's wings down before drawing them in tight and sent a pulse flowing through them. He channeled the same sort of electricity Valtan had used on him, but this time he did it in a hundred small connections of the black hide.

The other dragon screamed out and pulled backwards, the dark black cock suddenly yanked free of Marshall's aching tail hole as Valtan stumbled backwards, his body glowing white-gold as the electricity tore through him. Marshall didn't give him any moment of reprieve, he sent another jolt to follow the first and the second, he hammered them through until his body began to ache in pain. It was too much, but it brought the black down to his side, letting him scrabble up to all fours, he felt his aching tail hole struggling to close itself. He was trembling, his wings shaking slightly as the black dragon twisted and curled in place, screeching out with every new strike of the captured lightning.

"Marshall.." Baltalia murmured softly, her sunset purple and red body quite close, her eyes wide. "Strike.. strike now."

"I will not kill him." Marshall shook his head roughly, limping towards his bound sire and squeezed the bonds tighter, wrapping a thick glowing collar of energy around the dark neck. "Yet.." He amended.

"Then you will lose." Valtan's words were squeezed out, his glistening shaft still jutting up in the air, glistening messily. "Release me! I will let you go on your way, boy, stop this game."

"No." Marshall dropped down, doing his best not to wince at his aching anal passage, it still hurt so badly he was sure something was torn, but he had to win. "I am not a boy. I do not want your territory or females, I have no interest in them."

"Rrrrrr..." Valtan's jaws curled open, showing teeth before the male lunged and Marshall tightened the bonds, wrapping them around the wings. Baltalia looked shocked at the comment, but he was took busy keeping his sire trapped.

"I want only Baltalia, and I want only to remain uncontested here." He rumbled and moved one large paw up to shove right against a shoulder and pushed downwards.

He felt the black twisting under him, the reek of musk was mixed with rage as the large drake twisted and flared out a momentary eruption of magic that had him struggling to hold the spell. Valtan's head reared up to glare at him , struggling against the magical bonds that clung to him.

"I give up none of my females! Do you think I would hand you one?!" Valtan's jaws opened wider, showing the dark red inner lining, the tongue rippling backwards.

"No, I don't, so I don't want you to give me Baltalia." Marshall felt the strain of his magic as he tightened the hold of the collar. "I could never hold a territory, you've taught me that, but you can hold this territory against all comers. So.. I want your name, your true name, I want you to give it to me as a means to keep you under control."

Valtan's response wasn't in words, it was a sudden lurch and snarl, nearly a scream of outrage that made Marshall tighten the bonds. They weren't made of anything the dragon could control, if they had been created using one of the elements the drake might have been able to fight free, but it was woven of his own energy. It was a strain, but he was able to tighten the collar around the throat, pinching down as he loomed over the drake and spread his wings victoriously. He was well aware of his mother watching, he nearly posed for her as he raised one heavy hind paw to dig in right along the line of the curved stomach.

"Then you are worthless to me. I am sure a more reasonable drake would be willing to take over your females and hold the territory." He flexed his claws down, sending another powerful shock through the restraints to make Valtan scream out.

He didn't show any remorse or mercy, he couldn't, all of this hinged on using the larger dragon as a scape goat to protect him. He could let Valtan have the rest of the females if he wanted, let him keep them, he only wanted Baltalia, but he had no illusions that he would be able to defend it against older and wiser dragons. No matter how hard he struggled, he lacked the experience that others boasted, their fight had taught him that in no uncertain terms. If the dragon hadn't been so terribly keen on teaching him his 'place' he would have been killed in the first few moments of being downed.

"Is death so preferable to remaining as you are.." Marshall hissed down at his sire, tightening the bonds until they began to dimple in around the long throat, digging in roughly and fighting the sparks of magic that tried to break it free. "Do you have so much pride?"

"WHELP!" Valtan snarled out and then wheezed as he continued to have his air flow cut off, turning his attempts at breathing into harsh wheezing sounds over and over again.

"Choose, and then I will throw open your territory for the first drake that takes my bargain.." Marshall dug his talons along the soft belly and tried to rake downwards along the vulnerable underside.

"...Wo-rthless.. ba-" The words were cut off as Marshall pulled the bonds tight enough that the drake's eyes bulged, struggling to draw in a breath.

He didn't let up, he made the eyes bulge and the tongue roll out as Valtan tried to draw in a breath, carefully drawing it out as he loomed over his almost sire. He forgot the pain along his haunches, he thought only of breaking the black dragon. He needed to break him. He squeezed harder as Valtan began to twist and struggle, kicking out wildly against him, the eyes bulging wide as the jaws worked to try and suck in a breath that wasn't coming. He was so tired, his energy expended to the point that he was nearly shaking, but he still found the strength to squeeze it harder, for just a moment before the dragon jerked and his head lifted up to nod wildly. The movements were stilted and pained, but they got the agreeing point across. Marshall's heart leapt as he relaxed the hold of the glowing bonds.

"Archtorious." Valtan rasped, his eyes flashing wildly as the world vibrated with the sound of his name.

"Then.. Archtorious. You are bound and freed.." Marshall almost barked a laugh as he said the name and felt the power between them hum. "By your name, Archtorious, I bind you. By your free telling, Archtorious, I hold you to do no harm to me or mine. In your name Archtorious, I strip you of lies when facing me."

With each word he released the binds, his entire body relaxing to no longer hold the spell between them, it felt so good to let his energy fizzle and slip away from the black dragon. He put magic and force into his words, drawing them together. A true name, a mark of power that was strung between them, unbreakable and binding, there would be no escaping now. It was the one thing that could be used to tame the drake that rolled over and hissed up at him, the anger and humiliation in the dark eyes flashing wildly as Marshall lifted his head up, his neck curving in a pleased arch before his eyes slipped towards Baltalia.

"You may keep your females, Archtorious, they are yours to do as you please with." He gave a flex of a wing and curled his lips back, his tongue flicking out towards the sunset colored dragoness. "But Baltalia, you will never again visit or speak with, you will never again gaze upon her lair or fly her skies, they are no longer yours. They belong to your master."

"Whelp.." He started to surge upwards, the black drake's teeth flashing with rage as his wings pumped, trying to push himself upwards, but he was stopped by the choking bonds that had been placed upon him with the purr of the name.

"Understand me, Archtorious, you can be replaced, you only live and fly free for as long as you are useful and keep us unmolested." He murmured, almost purring the words at his sire, savoring the look of defeated humiliation in those eyes, the anger that flashed there.

_ _

~ ~ * ~ ~

_ _

Baltalia had never truly cared how a fight was won between males, it mattered little to her when she was in season, it had always been the way of her kind that females accepted their lot in lives beneath the males. In watching the white and silver drake battling the larger one she had found herself caring, she had found herself nearly bellowing out in despair as she had watched her friend and son torn from the air. She had hardly dared hope that he would fight for her, but he had done so with a gusto that had brought a pleasured rumble from her throat. When he had been brought down, she might have fought Valtan for him, she had nearly done so when she had seen the large black dragon pinning the writhing white in place, but the sire had not gone for the kill, but rather to humiliate.

In so many ways, that was the worst option for a young dragon, she did not doubt that Marshall felt nothing but humiliation for what was being done to him, shame and defeat. It had been the end of other young drakes in the past, being treated as little more than females by a more virile male and her heart had broken. It needn't have, as she stood beneath the shadows she watched the bold young dragon swing his head towards her without an ounce of shame in his eyes. There was blood caking along his haunches and side, wounds of his battle, but they only made her draw in a breath and curve her neck slightly in response to his low thrum.

"You intend to make him fight the battles for you?" She murmured softly as she began to approach, her wings fluttering lightly, her heart beating as rapidly as it had the first time she had come into season. "To use him as a guard?"

"You are unhappy?" He tilted his head slightly, that long delightful tongue was flicking out to touch the air, tasting her scent.

It was unorthodox, it was something that a man might do when he was wealthy enough to afford guards, but was she unhappy? It wasn't like what she had been raised to expect, but that was what she had wanted since the moment she had decided to change him. She had hoped for this day, though she couldn't say why, simply the idea of having such a strange and fascinating mate tantalized her. She had bested Valtan in a way that was never to be expected, snatching his true name and freedom from him with a few short phrases, humiliating him to the point that she could see the dark male struggling to break free of the geas that held him so that he could flee. Marshall wasn't letting him go, the white and silver drake made his way over to her with all the confidence she had dreamed of.

"Should I be?" She answered softly and shivered, she could taste his scent as he moved beside her, his head angled down so the length of his tongue touched her neck.

He answered by drawing in her scent, she could actually feel his chest swell as he ran his muzzle along her neck and called a shudder along the length of her spine. She raked her claws against the ground, running them down in a stroke before his jaws opened and his teeth clamped down roughly against her neck. It was a sharp nip, possessive and dominant, she should have bowed her head to him to acknowledge him as winner, instead she writhed her way free with a rumble that started low in her throat. He tensed up and reached out with a forepaw, curling against her own foreleg in an odd movement he did every now and then, trying to twine toes, but this time he used it to yank her against him

She had almost forgotten just how large he had grown, how heavy and muscular he had become in recent years. She felt him shaking with his exhaustion, how much of his energy had he spent subduing the other drake? She twisted away from him lithely and curvetted to one side, toying with him, her tail swinging behind her as she felt her own arousal grow. She should have allowed him to rest, but she had waited too long for this moment, and seeing his pupils flare open wide, his jaws gaping, the rich scent of male on the air told her that she doubted he would object to her playful withdraw, taunting him with a flutter of her wings. It had been too long since she had anticipated a mating, she would not wait any longer.

_ _

_ _

~ ~ * ~ ~

_ _

_ _

Marshall was exhausted. Marshall felt as if he were about to fall asleep standing up. Marshall felt ready to fall on his side. And none of that mattered the moment that long amethyst tail curled playfully and flashed the sight of something damp beneath it. His exhaustion was kicked away in a rush of instinctual need that had him following her with a flare of his own wings.

He could half recall the little blue dragoness he had clumsily courted in his youth, the need that had sent him on top of her was nothing compared to the burning fires in his chest. He knew that Valtan watched as he stood up, his pale white form doing nothing to hide the cock that was pushing out of his vent, parting the thick lips and glistening into view. He had never truly been able to control himself, not since that day, there was no relief for him in his current body, no way to really find an end to the buzzing desire that tickled the back of his thoughts. His mother had been such a part of his fevered dream that he didn't think, only acted as she flirted away from him with a flutter of her wings, his chest swelling before he roared out to her.

Bestial sounding, the man in him was shocked at the behavior before he lunged forward and his jaws clamped against her tail, right near the base. Instinct told him to keep her grounded, if she got into the air he would have to catch her, and in his current exhausted state he doubted he could. But on the ground she was helpless, she was his, she could not evade him so long as he pinned her in place, his teeth clenching harder down so she cried out before his paw struck against her haunch. She smelled familiar and foreign all at once, the sweet scent of arousal was on the air, filled with the fertile warmth of her heat. It was stronger than he recalled of the blue dragoness, it was richer and deeper, making his heart beat wildly as he used a heavy paw to pin her haunches to the ground and yanked higher on her tail.

She hissed and twisted beneath him, her muscles tensing and relaxing, shifting to one side as he snarled out a warning and released her tail only when his forepaw was able to pin her upper body in place as she writhed under him. His talons hooked against her, wanting to keep her in place, feeling the way that she arched and twisted in place, the little shivers and arches delighting him to no end as he dipped his muzzle down. After so long, he had hardly dared imagine that this day would come, that he would be looking beneath the line of her tail at the glistening swollen mound that was nearly winking at him. He had spent too long dreaming of this day to watch her for long, not when his tongue longed to taste the heady and alluring taste of female again.

Marshall groaned out, whatever bit of man might have been hesitant was silenced as he extended his tongue outwards and slipped right along the folds. He lavished them with powerful strokes, rubbing and caressing, pushing along the line and then running upwards with a lewd slick sound. He gathered the taste of her on his tongue, spreading it over the barbed length so that he could feel the inner lining with a gentle roll. He nudged forward with a powerful drive, spreading the muzzle open wide as he pushed his tongue into fertile channel. He had forgotten the feel of it, the taste of it, had it been so long since he had been a man?

He shoved his weight against Baltalia to keep her in place, working his tongue in deep into the clutching passage, feeling how the inner walls clamped down tightly and squeezed. They fluttered and grasped, trying to hold tightly around him as he dragged backwards in a slow pull. The stroke ran its way out again, pulling in a smooth line so that he could feel the quivers that were all too familiar. Those walls had once been wrapped around him, now his tongue felt as if it were being held so tightly it was nearly painful. He lavished in powerful strokes, rolling inwards before the slow drag backwards, pulling along the length so that there was a wet splatter.

The arousal clung to the edges of his scaled maw as he scooped up the flavor with interest, swallowing it down as his mother hissed and arched beneath his attention. His eyes opened ever so slightly, just showing a slit of bright iris so that he could see Valtan watching them. The black drake hadn't been dismissed yet, he couldn't leave until he had been dismissed. His pride had never quite recovered from his failed attempt at mating, there was a sweet satisfaction in making his sire watch as he explored the dragoness. He stroked and pushed his tongue upwards, dragging back from the fluttering channel, feeling the subsequent shudder and push of the haunches against him, her tail held up high and away from her body.

He had dreamed of this for so long, his mind had trapped and ensnared with how she had once felt wrapped around him. It hadn't mattered to his fantasies that he had been in a human body, he had obsessed over her. He had spent fevered days with his shaft jutting out from his passage, the weight of it feeling painfully erect and swollen, just tasting her made his cock flex against his belly, swelling and throbbing along the line of his belly. He hunched his hips, giving a short thrust forward before dragging back again, feeling the stroke of his scales right along his glans as Baltalia cried out oh so sweetly. He felt the vibrations along his tongue as he dragged it backwards, pulling it from her body with a wet sound.

"Mine.." He didn't growl or snarl the word, he breathed it out as if he were in a dream and didn't wish to wake up from.

Valtan's snarl could do nothing to break him away as he lifted his head and flickered his tongue out. It was so inhuman how he was acting, but he didn't care, he was glorying in the feel of his body and the throbbing of his chest. His exhaustion was pushed away as he moved his paw down to catch one of the curved haunches and his mother lunged forward. It was a feint, a brief moment of trying to escape before he blindly lunged upwards towards her, his other paw crashing down right between her shoulders. He wanted to take it slow, to savor every moment, but he had waited too long for this moment. He had spent too much so many days pent up, frustrated and enraged at his own inability to satisfy even a base need that he spread his wings and gave them a beat.

It wasn't a leap to the sky, but a propulsion that sent him pushing up and over his mother and friend, his lips crinkled back in a warning growl as she twisted beneath him, her tail cracking right against his hip. It hurt, briefly, but he didn't care as his shaft began to push out from its home, slipping free with a slow slide that ran along his lower belly. Precum bubbled along the tip, drooled down along the underside in hot syrupy dribbles and soon pushed along her haunch as he drove her to the ground. She twisted her head on her long neck, eyes glittering with silent anticipation as his paws reached around her and grabbed her shoulders, clutching down tightly as her stomach was forced down to the ground, her hind legs open wide.

This, this was what he had wanted, the warmth pressing against her, the throbbing heat that nearly seared him as his cock jutted forward and the tip spilled out a wet splatter right down along the base of her tail. Her glistening folds were right there, fertile and waiting for him, his eyes squeezed shut, forgetting all there was to be a man as he grabbed her neck in his jaws and squeezed down possessively. No man would have mated his mother. No man would have thought only of quenching the need of his shaft in her wet cunny.

Her tail was pinned up against the line of his stomach as his dark cock pushed down beneath her and slipped right against her scaling. It wasn't pleasant feeling to have the hard edges of the scales catch against his cock tip, but it was followed with the long anticipated heat of her estrus swollen cunny. Her body tensed, stomach twisting in a rush of pleasure that made his claws flex down against the ground with a spike of pleasure. The wetness clung to his glans, her body stiffened as he snapped his wings down flat to his back and pushed forward, his claws digging down against the ground as he began to stuff himself forward into those soft puffy folds.

The walls spread open around his tip, yawning wider and wider, stretching to wrap around his cock tip with a delightful tightness that coaxed a hot stream of precum right into her passage. His jaws clutched harder as he stabbed forward, driving himself into her body to feel the way the soft swollen lips wrapped around him and squeezed, the clutching caresses that ran along the length of him made him twist and shudder, eyes fluttering tightly shut as he savored the way that they ran along the length of his passage. He pushed out a gush of hot precum, bubbling it up from the tip and being flung out into her welcoming depths in a hot stream, coating the inner walls and spreading it as he stretched her open around his cock. She cried out, the sound of her sweet voice only driving him on as he gave another rough lunge forward, starting to force her haunches higher in the air.

Her tail snapped against his hip, her hips were struggling and shuddering as he took her in a smooth stroke that drove himself in all the way up to the point that his knot was sinking against the base, his glans rolling right along Baltalia's cervix. The ropey strands of precum were mingled with her juices, clinging messily when he drew himself backwards with a slick slurping noise, the ridges tugging through her quivering walls as they closed down and tried to grip around him. His breathing came out in a hot rush, shifting his grip further down along the nape of her neck before thrusting forward again, feeling the victorious rush of having her wrap along the his length before he bottomed out inside of her.

Marshall's eyes slid open, seeing his sire watching, the anger and frustration plain on the dark features as the older male remained hunched against the ground. It made him let out a rough rumble of laughter and drag backwards again, showing off the inches of his shaft that were tugged free and slipping out of the passage. The wet strands clung against the line of his vent, a mixture of wetness before he drove forward again, a thrust forcing the hips high up in the air, the ragged buck forcing them deep enough that the base was stretching her open wide, digging against her swollen pussy and trying to pry his way deeper into her body. She was twisting and curling, kicking and bucking beneath the weight of him, the sweet sounds of her cries only causing him to move faster inside of her.

His hind legs wrapped wide around her haunches tightly, clinging to her, keeping her pushed down in place as the base pushed its way forward. The cock tip started to drive forward and dig against the tender opening that was near the egg chamber. He felt a dizzy recollection of his own body being stuffed past that barrier, the cock pushing at him, clinging to him, he couldn't think of anything except the way she clutched around him. The muscles were clenching down around him, tightening in ways that had him thickening inside of her as he pushed along her shoulders and felt her legs being pushed up higher against him, meeting him.

He savored the way that his dragoness had her jaws open, her eyes narrowed down to slits as her tongue curled out with short pants, her entire body was shuddering as he shortened the strokes against her. He could hear the lewd wet noises, the squelches and slurps, he didn't contain himself as his wings spread open and mantled over his dragoness. She belonged to him and him alone now, her future, her clutch, they were his. He released her neck with a rough snarl, twisting his head to glare at his sire, seeing the black drake's eyes locked on the sight as his base began to swell. Every push forward become harder to stuff inside of her, the walls became tighter feeling the larger he grew, his ridges growing more defined.

He worked those sharpened ridges through her, his cock tip starting to splay a part of her body wider. He could feel the rubbery passage stretching open wider to wrap around his cock tip, splaying and tightening, the pressure growing as his tail snapped down behind him. He cracked it against the ground behind him as the short thrusts sawed through her body, faster and harder, they grew rapidly, building up to a fever point. He couldn't control himself, there was no control left, there was just that moment of absolute pleasure that burst over him in a rush that crashed through his body. His stomach tightened as the base of him sank into her passage, her walls swallowing around the base of his knot as he seated himself deep into her vulnerable egg chamber.

Marshall's jaws opened, his entire chest swelled as he roared out a sound of triumph, his hips shuddering as the first hot wave of cum pushed up along the line of his cock. There was no stopping it, he felt her milking and squeezing around him, pulling along his length, trying to draw more and more inside of her. The contractions delighted him, causing him to tremble in place as he felt the warmth pouring into her fertile womb, coating the waiting eggs with a gooey spill of sperm rich cream. Rope after rope poured into his dragoness, flooding her, filling her, his body left shaking above her as the knot remained locked in place. The walls were stretched wide and tight, he couldn't pull back or push forward, he filled every inch of his mother and friend as she cried out beneath him.

For a moment, they remained trapped in place, every pulse and rope spilling out thick gooey streamers of seed to glut her womb, already working to overwhelm her waiting clutch. His paws shifted down to her sides, slipping just beneath the edge of her wings as he let his head slide down to run his nose against the line of her neck. He felt the shivering and panting form beneath him, the delightfully warm sensation of the back running along his stomach as he was trapped inside of the velvet softness of her body, feeling the little quivers and twitches hugging around him. He heard a low baritone snarl, a threatening and impotent sound from nearby.

Marshall rumbled laughter and ran his tongue along Baltalia's neck tenderly. Let Valtan keep his territory and females, let him hold against it all comers, all he had ever wanted was Baltalia, and now he had her. With the black drake as sentinel over them, they would never be parted, they were mated in a way that transcended his human and her dragon understanding. And soon... he would be sire to his own clutch.