Catching a Crush and Keeping Them

Story by Shuken Flash on SoFurry

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#1 of Vore Shorts

** Writer's Note**

This is the first of what will hopefully be a series of short vore stories, not that it's exactly short at over 3000 words, lol. Feel free to note me if you see any typos. I don't have a timeline on when the next one will be done but I hope to have it done soon since they're short. For anyone wondering the Jake & Friends stories are still going on, I'm just having some writer's block & hoping quick stories like this help. Also, please note that these short stories are not going to be as high a quality as my longer stories simply because I'm not putting as much effort into them.

*Obligatory warning*

This is an adult work of fiction, if you are not old enough to view this where you are or you don't want to read that go away. Seriously, I don't need anyone complaining about me including something they don't like. This story contains vore, that means people eating other people. It also contains object vore. The ending to this story will contain digestion and disposal/scat. If you don't wish to read that simply stop at the line indicating the first ending. Also, there's plenty of cursing between college students. You've been warned. Oh, and this is a work of fiction, any names that happen to be the same as a real person are just confidence. Seriously, I came up with them at 6 am after staying up all night & drinking ;P

"You gotta be kidding me. Do you seriously expect me to believe something like that?" Asked a wolf.

"I'm serious. I found out by accident the other day and I've been experimenting with it" Came the reply from his friend, a rather excited looking panther.

"Dude, even if I wanted to believe you that's just not possible. There's no way shit like that happens outside of like, movies and shit." Mark retorted, rolling his eyes at his friend. The two had known each other since high school and while James was usually one to be believed the story he was telling Mark right now was absurd, beyond absurd even. I mean, who ever heard of someone being able to eat stuff as large as them. Not only that but there was simply no way that his friend could not only do that but digest metal and such things too. Mark simply had to be pulling some kind of prank on the wolf, though to what ends he had no clue.

"Here, I'll show you." Came the panther's reply, catching Mark completely off guard. If James was offering to show him then, was it possible that his friend was telling the truth? No. Surely this had to be a part of the joke.

"Ok, fine. Show me this crazy ability of yours, eat something crazy." Came the wolf's reply. If James was going to keep this act up then Mark was going to keep strong too. Sooner or later the panther would have to admit he was joking & the wolf was going to keep calling his bluffs until he did.

"Ok, what do you want me to eat? I'll show you that I'm totally serious about this."

"Um," the wolf responded, looking around for something to suggest. "How about this?" He said, reaching over and grabbing the toaster. Mark grinned to himself, knowing there was no way his friend could fit something like that down his throat, even if he was flexible.

"Really? I figured you'd suggest something bigger." The panther responded with a grin, looking rather smug. "Hand it here."

Confusion showed on the wolf's face as he handed his friend the toaster, part of him was starting to wonder if it really was a prank if his friend was going this far. James quickly dismissed that part and watched as his friend took the toaster and held it up to his face. What happened next shocked the wolf and left him completely speechless.

Without any fanfare the jaguar opened his mouth and pushed the toaster against it. To the wolf's bewilderment the cat's mouth began to stretch wider around the toaster as he began to slide it into his mouth. In only a few seconds the toaster was almost completely inside the panther's mouth, the cord hanging down in front of the cat. With a struggled grin and a wink the cat took a strong gulp and a massive bulge traveled down his neck as the toaster disappeared from view, the cord being slurped up like spaghetti before vanishing as well.

"Ahh." James said, turning to face his friend, "Well? What did I tell you? I can totally eat anything and digest it too. It's like the most bizarre super power ever or something." The cat thumped his hand against the oddly shaped bulge in his middle.

For his part Mark just stood there staring, his mind refusing to accept what his eyes had just seen. His friend had just swallowed a toaster whole, like it wasn't even a challenge. There was simply no way that was possible, was there? The wolf was snapped back to the present as his friend continued talking.

"It's the weirdest feeling but it's really good, I mean, I can't even tell you how good it feels. Swallowing something so large and hard, feeling it sloshing around in my stomach, knowing that it's gonna be nothing but goop soon. Its so weird and awesome."

"S-so, like, what all have you eaten man? It didn't look like you even had to try to swallow that toaster."

"Well, first it was a spoon I accidentally swallowed, I figured I'd just try to cough it up later so I wouldn't have to go to the hospital but when I went to get it out it wasn't there. After that I decided to try another spoon and when that digested too I had to start trying more stuff. So far I've eaten some glasses, a couple plates, an old phone, some textbooks from last semester, a few cans of beer, my dumb roommate's mini-fridge, my dumb roommate's desk, a recliner in the common area... And a toaster." James said, looking straight at his friend as he said that last one.

The two stared at each other for a second before both broke out in laughter.

"You-you really ate your roommate's fridge and desk?" Mark laughed, "That's awesome man. He is gonna be so pissed at you for that, haha."

"No, it's totally cool. He got pissed at first but then I just ate him, problem solved, haha." The panther retorted, laughing even harder.

Mark's laughter caught in his throat however. "W-what did you say? You-you, you ate your dork roommate?! Dude, that's like totally murder! Oh my god, the cops are totally gonna find us and now I'm an accomplice. Dude, I don't wanna go to jail. I wouldn't survive in the big house. What are we gonna do?" The wolf asked, suddenly in a panic, his friend's sudden outburst of laughter at his worry certainly not helping things.

"Dude, dude, relax. I was just kidding. Alex is gone visiting his parents for break, he's not gonna be back till next week. I've got plenty of time to replace the stuff or figure out a good excuse for why it's gone. I just wanted to see your face if I said I'd eaten him, haha."

"Oh my god. Jeeze, man, that is so not cool. I thought we were fucked for sure." The wolf replied, punching his friend in the shoulder.

"I'm sorry man, it was just too good to pass up. And you face, haha, your face was priceless."

"Dude, if you pull that shit again your face is gonna be in pieces, haha. I totally thought you'd eaten someone and digested them. I was totally freaking out."

"Nah. Closest I've come to eating someone was the stray cats I ate, and the stray dog. Though the feeling of them struggling inside me, plus knowing that they were nothing but food, man it was amazing."

"You ate stray cats and dogs? Dude, is that even safe?" Mark asked, thinking of all the diseases stray animals could be carrying.

"Can't be any more dangerous that eating toasters and chairs can it?" The panther responded.

"Heh, I guess you got me there. Just promise me you're not gonna start eating people. The last thing I want is the police charging me with murder."

"Hey, you know what they say, can't have a murder without a body, and there certainly wouldn't be a body left after that, haha." James quipped.

"Dude, don't even joke about that, it's not even funny."

"It's totally funny, and besides, it's not like I'm gonna go turn into some serial killer or something, I'm just having fun seeing what I can do."

"Yeah, I guess." The wolf responded, "Never would have guessed this was what you wanted to talk about when you said you had something important to ask me. Wait, you said you had something to ask me, not show me. What's with that?"

"Well, that's because I did have something to ask you. I want you to help me with something and you've still got that wireless camera helmet thing. I want you to record something for me."

"Oh, ok. Here, let me grab it real quick." Mark said, walking into the other room and putting on the helmet in question. "You want me to record you eating something I'm guessing?"

"Yeah." James replied, "I'm really curious how it works and everything so I wanted you to go down in there before the toaster's gone and record a bit of what's happening for me. I'll spit you back out before I digest you so don't worry about that." The panther said, stepping toward his friend.

"You WHAT?!" Mark yelled. "There is no way in hell I'm letting you eat me, I'm not cat food even if you are gonna throw me up. That's just disgusting."

"Dude, you owe me like eight favors and you're already wearing the helmet, now either you're going in or I'm going to make you. Come on, it's not like it's gonna hurt you or anything."

"No, just no. There's no way I'm going in your gut no matter how many favors I owe you. Now stop trying to eat me or I'm leaving." Mark replied, taking another step back from the cat.

"Dude, seriously? After all the times I've done shit for you and gone out of my way to help you with something or hook you up. You owe me man, and when I finally ask for a favor you're just gonna blow me off because it's icky? That's bullshit. Now either you get in there right now or I'm gonna make you get in there and you're probably not gonna like that as much." James responded, suddenly seeming less happy and more predatory.

Hoping to catch his friend off guard the wolf spun on his heels and bolted through the door to the garage, slamming it shut behind him and running to his car. He figured if he gave his friend a chance to cool down he'd realize how crazy a request that was and back off. As he yanked open the door to his car Mark heard the door to the house open, James in hot pursuit of his friend turned prey.

Spotting his friend hopping into his car James knew he had to act fast if he wanted his friend to be the first person in his stomach. He'd had a minor crush on the wolf for years but didn't find himself attracted to a male. He'd been hoping to trick the wolf into his gut willingly so they could finally be closer but he wasn't having any of it. If Mark didn't want to join him willingly in exploring his new abilities then James would turn him into a part of himself the hard way.

Knowing he didn't have much time the panther did the first thing that came to mind, he ran up behind the car and began to work the corner of it into his mouth. He knew that if he could just get the hood and door into his mouth then his friend wouldn't be able to get away. Inch by inch the panther's mouth creped over the car, the cat pushing himself far harder than ever before in an attempt to finish his friend before he could get away.

Mark had heard the door to the house open and had quickly locked the doors on his car. Looking towards his friend he saw the glowing light next to the cats head and realized that he'd forgotten to open the door in his haste. Cursing himself the wolf quickly began searching his center console for the remote he kept there. Not using it very often it had become buried in the mess of the wolf's car. By the time he'd dug it out and looked up Mark dropped the remote in shock. His windshield was almost completely covered by his friends mouth, the panther somehow managing to cram the whole front of the car into his mouth.

As Mark watched, the panther's mouth slowly slide farther and farther up the car until the windshield was completely obscured by the cat's mouth. It was at this point that Mark snapped out of his shock and realized that he needed out get out of his car and in a hurry. Trying the door the wolf was horrified to find that his friend's mouth had covered it enough that he was unable to open it. The wolf was trapped in his own car, slowly sliding down the throat of his best friend. It was at this point that the wolf's mind, far overtaxed by everything that had happened finally gave, the wolf passing out in his driver's seat.

James felt his friend try to open his door to escape but just as the panther had hoped his mouth was far enough up that the wolf was unable to get out. At this point James slowed down a little bit. He'd been rushing so fast that his mouth and throat were actually hurting from being forced to stretch so much so quickly. Now that his friend couldn't get away the panther didn't have to rush his meal so much. He could enjoy the sensation of being so stretched and the knowledge that his friend and crush was inside his mouth and on his way to his stomach, soon to be nothing more than food for his unbelievable gut.

A short time later James grinned as best he could around the car as it's rear bumper slid past his lips, his mouth closing a moment later as he sent the car down his throat with a final, powerful gulp. James smiled to himself having not only managed to eat an entire car, but his best friend and crush as well. The wolf was nothing more than food now and the cat wouldn't have it any other way. Soon, everything the wolf was would be nothing more than a part of him. With that the panther made himself as comfortable as he could with a car in his gut and closed his eyes to take a nap, his body would need time to break down the car and his friend.

End of part 1. Part 2 contains disposal and scat ----

James awoke a few hours later, his powerful gut having completely dissolved the car and its occupant, the wolf nothing more than food for his former friend and part of massive dump for him to let out. James's stomach had shrunk significantly as the solid car was reduced to a significantly less solid state, though it was still larger than it had ever been before. James knew there was no way he'd be able to move while Mark and the car were inside him, thankfully his clothes had ripped off as his body stretched to accommodate the car and he knew exactly how to lighten his load.

Grunting and tensing the panther strained as what remained of the car and his friend began to exit his backside. An odd smell began to fill the garage, an odd mix of metal, oil, gas, and something more organic coming from the brown and grey dump leaving the panther's ass. Continuing to push James felt the shit continuing to exit his ass, forming an ever-growing pile behind him and slowly spreading outwards both away from and around him.

Letting out some gas the panther's stomach began to shrink as the pile of feces grew, every now and then the cat having to push extra hard as something that hadn't quite been completely dissolved made it's way out. Thankfully the engine block had been mostly annihilated by the cat's powerful stomach and what remained passed out with only a few grunts and pushes.

After several minutes James's stomach had more or less returned to normal and he sat up in a car-sized pile of his own waste. The cat a bit displeased about it but knowing that he really hadn't had much choice. Feeling a bit of pressure as he stood up the cat squatted back down again and gave another push, something else hard pushing its way out of his well-used hole.

Looking back James realized it was the skull of his best friend turned lunch, intact despite its journey and mostly bleach white from the acids. Picking it up the cat headed for his friend's shower, hoping to wash the shit from his fur before it stained or the smell stuck too bad.

Nearly an hour, and a few bottles of fur shampoo later James emerged from the bathroom looking good as new. His stomach was back to a normal size and his fur was as clean as ever. He walked to his friend's old room in search of some clothes and toyed with the skull in his hands. He really couldn't keep it, such a thing would only prove his guilt if the police ever found it. At the same time, he didn't want to simply toss it back in the pile or get rid of it. The skull was the only thing left of his best friend and crush, aside from possibly a bit of fat on his waist.

After putting on some clothes and thinking it over James realized that what he'd told Mark earlier was the perfect solution. Dispose of the evidence. All James had to do was eat the skull and his powerful stomach would more than likely take care of it. If by some miracle it made it through then James would have the perfect undetectable storage spot for what remained of his friend after his trip through James's gut.

With a grin at the perfect irony of it James tiled his head back and opened his mouth, placing the skull inside it before giving a strong gulp send it down to his gut once again. Tracing his fingers over the bulge as it traveled down his throat James sincerely hoped that the skull would continue to survive his stomach, then he'd be able to reunite with his friend, at least, whenever he used the bathroom.

Jake Thomas - Out in the Woods

**\*\*Edit 7-31-15** \*\* Writers Note\*\* This is the first story I've posted here so I guess it's also everyone's intro to my style. I hope you all enjoy it. Feel free to note me if you see any typos. This is the first story in a series I...

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