Game Night Trouble

"Come on, let me have a turn!" came the yell from the fox's couch. "You've been hogging the game for like forever." Ophois complained. The jacket glared at the jaguar who was currently engrossed in a game of Galaga on the large screen. "That's just...

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In-Flight Snack

\*Obligatory warning\* This is an adult work of fiction, if you are not old enough to view this where you are or you don't want to read that go away. Seriously, I don't need anyone complaining about me including something they don't like. This story...

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The Cave

**This is a rewrite of an old story I wrote several years ago so it might sound a little different from my usual style. I'm trying to get back into writing more and figured a rewrite would be a good way to ease back into it.** **\*Obligatory...

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Catching a Crush and Keeping Them

\*\* Writer's Note\*\* This is the first of what will hopefully be a series of short vore stories, not that it's exactly short at over 3000 words, lol. Feel free to note me if you see any typos. I don't have a timeline on when the next one will be...

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Jake Thomas - Out in the Woods

**\*\*Edit 7-31-15** \*\* Writers Note\*\* This is the first story I've posted here so I guess it's also everyone's intro to my style. I hope you all enjoy it. Feel free to note me if you see any typos. This is the first story in a series I...

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