Rocky Start

Story by White66 on SoFurry

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#1 of Ari and Summer

The first part of what i hope will be an ongoing series of short stories with my two newest ocs.

Summer bio:

Ari bio:

No real sexy stuff in this one but the series is building up to that. Mostly I'm trying to practice writing short stories fairly quickly, overcoming my urge to waffle when I write. And to be able to get used to writing for commissions quickly.

I still have a few slots open, so drop me a note if you are interested. Hope you guys enjoyed it.

'You got her tuned right this time?'

Ari didn't have to turn or look up to recognise the figure behind her. To see the Fire Squirrel standing across the hanger, one hand resting on the saddle of the bike. The bike that had been causing her so much trouble. Well, not the bike itself. Just the fur she belonged too.

Discipline kept her tongue civil, just. It wasn't like they hadn't had this conversation day in day out. Well, not quite but more times than she would care to count. And the answer was always the same.

'Just like last time. And the time before.' Ari really had to keep from scowling. Why was she singling her out. It wasn't like she didn't do good work, she did damn good work. And there was nothing wrong the bike. Ari had torn it down and rebuilt the engine a dozen times of more, checking everything and checking them again. She could pretty much rebuild that engine with her eyes. But was that good enough? She was almost reaching the point of just asking for a transfer, of giving up this job that she had wanted so much. She had thought she would have to wait for years to get a post on a deck gang. And now she was so frustrated she was almost on the verge of throwing that all away.

'Very good.' The Fire Squirrel didn't even look at her as she slipped her helmet on, adjusting the chin strap calmly before kicking her bike to life. Ari just stood looking flummoxed and frustrated as she roared out of the hanger to dwindle into the distance.

'What is her problem?' Ari swung the door to the tool locker shut with a clang, that simple action going some way to vent the frustration she had been feeling ever since her latest confrontation with the fire Squirrel. But only for a second before the storm of emotions came bubbling up inside her. Speaking modestly, Ari was a damn good mechanic. But it was like nothing she did was ever good enough. Never mind that she graduated top of her class or could tear down and rebuild an engine in record time or repair any vehicle in the field or in a hanger so that it purred like new. But to fix one bike to the satisfaction of an officer who had a stick...

No, that wasn't fair. It wasn't like she really knew her or what was going in her life. Or that they had even exchanged more than a few words, beyond talking about her bike. So why did it always sound like she was saying she did something wrong. Maybe she didn't mean it that way but that was always how she heard it.

It didn't help that she wanted to get to know her. She didn't know many people here. Something she only had herself to blame. She did what she always did when she started somewhere new, just threw herself into her work and kept herself to herself. But the one time she meets someone she actually wants to talk to, she goes and hits this big wall. but that didn't mean she didn't want to do something about it. It was a cruel twist of fate that the one person she wanted to get to know didn't seem to want to get to know her.

That really bugged her. Didn't help that she slipped into her mind every free moment she had. Especially when she was lying in bed, her mind moving to other thoughts, thoughts she knew couldn't go anywhere. That was the worst of it. Having a crush on someone who could in no way return what she felt.

'Can I come in?'

Ari made a conscious effort not to start, her heart leapt into her throat as she heard the voice behind her. It was her. Ari almost snarled the name in her head. Never mind her voice sounded softer, she couldn't help seeing the squirrel standing there with that cold, contemptuous look on her face.

'Don't see why not.' Ari replied coolly, wincing at her harsh tone. But she is having trouble holding her frustration back.

'Have I done something wrong?' The Squirrel's voice now sounded..hurt. 'I mean...I can't seem to get a word out of you. Or to even get you to speak to me.'

Ari spun, her mouth open in shock. She just couldn't take that, it was like the damn breaking, all the frustration and annoyance she had felt came pouring out. 'Wrong? What could be wrong? Did I wrong you? Cause you sure seem to think so. It's like nothing I do is any good. Is it just me you talk to like this? You've...never said anything nice to me, nothing. All you care about is your stupid bike. And you wonder why I don't talk to you?' Ari stopped, realising she was getting close to shouting at her, her voice a little horse.

The Squirrel looked shaken, almost rocked back on her heels, her face a study in shock, almost mirroring the look on Ari's face. Or surprise.''s not like that. I...I didn't mean it like that.'

'How did you mean it? It's hard to see it any other way.' Ari snapped, crossing her arms sharply. This had gone on too long and she needed answers, her frustration still simmering under the surface.

'I never meant to hurt you.' The Squirrel said softly, chewing nervously on her lip. She almost looked genuinely hurt. 'I just..wanted to talk to you.'

'That's why I kept asking you to fix my bike.' She continued as Ari hesitated. 'I was just trying to break the ice, to find some way to talk to you. But that never seemed to work, you just never seemed to want to say anything. And I didn't feel that I could push you.'

'So..that's why you walked away every time?' Ari couldn't take the thought that she had been pushing her away. Unwittingly maybe but she had been doing that. When she had just wanted to get to know her.

'Yeah, but I couldn't take that any more. I didn't want to have another day where I couldn't stop thinking about why you didn't talk to me.'

That rocked Ari back on her heels, her mind struggling to take that in. Her cheeks blazed with embarrassment. 'You...couldn't stop thinking about me?'

'Yeah..I wanted to know more about you than just that cute vixen in the hanger. To know anything about you. I...I guess I was just too scared to ask.'

Me? Cute? That came as a surprise to Ari. But not as much as the idea of her being scared. 'I wouldn't have said that you would be scared of anything.'

'Well, I was. I could just never get up the courage. I tried and just bottled it. I always wanted to come over and talk to you but I guess I couldn't get that right. I've never been very brave. I'm not that confidant with talking with people. Not always. Not when I feel...well..I wanted to get to know you.'

How could things have changed so much? That her..this girl she had almost come to hate could feel the same as her? Questions Ari had no answers for. But she could maybe do something about it. Look, why don't we start over? A fresh start? What do you say?

'I did like that.' The Squirrel managed the first truly genuine smile Ari had seen. But..I don't know where to start.'

'How about we get introduced? It's too long not to know each other's names, don't you think?' Ari extended her paw. 'I'm Ari.'

'Nice to meet you Ari.' The Squirrel took it gently and shook it. 'I'm Summer.'