2020 A.D. Part 6 [unfinished] OLD Version DONT read

Story by Shane1991 on SoFurry

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#16 of Alte Geschichte/Old Story

Fiction© Shane

translate and correction ©


Thumbnail ©


I would be really happy to get feedback, but please keep in mind this is not the end version of this story.

Alot details and changes i want to make later

I want to make a Comic about this Fiction / Story

if you want to support me, you can do it on this siteshttp://www.gofundme.com/5ne6abr3ghttps://www.patreon.com/user?u=318302&u=318302&ty=hEach Supporter get a Lick

Akira looked carefully out of the ventilation shaft.

Through the grid, he could see the entire cell block, where no one seemed to be.

He carefully opened the ventilation grid and sneaked out of the shaft.

He scented Ari and went to his door, but it was locked.

A code that you had to type on a keyboard, seemed to be the only way to the inside of the cell.

Akira didn't know the code, he wanted to start to short-circuit the keypad when the lights went out.

The whole room was dark, an alarm went off.

He looked rapidly around himself, with his gun out and ready. "A trap!" he thought.

But an emergency lighting switched on and the cells opened.

He held his gun ready, if the prisoners were going to attack him, but the assault didn't happen.

He thought not much about it, he only cared for Ari, therefore he quickly went in Ari's cell.

But he couldn't perceive much in the dim light.

"Ari, come out! Ari, come with me!" he screamed.

But Ari didn't move.

Akira kept his gun in front of him.

"Come on, I need you, can you hear?" He shouted again.

But Ari did not move.

Akira lowered the gun and looked at Ari, his eyes looked sluggish and a strong smell of drugs came out of his mouth.

As Ari didn't get up voluntarily, Akira grabbed his arm and pulled.

Ari got up and went with Akira out of his cell.

Akira wondered how he could make it all the way to Ari.

But his train of thought was interrupted quickly by a female voice.

"Akira, come to me!" shouted the familiar voice.

Akira saw a scientist named Carol.

"You can not go back there, they're all there and waiting for you, they know that you are here and want to kill you. But I will not let that happen!"

Akira knew the woman, she belonged to the team that took care of the experiments.

"Why should I trust you?" he asked.

"I'll explain everything to you later, you need to come with me now, otherwise it's too late!"

"I can not trust you!"

"I've brought you here, I will not betray you, Akira. Who do you think has distracted the guards and turned off the power?"

"You did do that? Why?" He asked.

"I'll explain everything, but now we have no time. We have to hurry."

"I'll come with you, if this is a trap, I'll shoot you immediately."

"Agreed, come on now."

Akira followed Carol with Ari in his arms.

Carol took them to an old delivery entrance.

Just before Akira and Ari could leave, Akira was attacked by a soldier.

The soldier had a TALOS suit. Akira fell after the blow hit.

He grabbed his machine gun and shot at the Talos soldiers.

But the bullets bounced off easily, the soldier hit Akira again, so that he remained at the ground.

Then he began to choke Akira.

Akira wanted to grab his sword, but it was still in the ventilation shaft.

The soldier strangled Akira further, he tried to scratch the soldier's face with his claws.

But the suit was not only bulletproof, but also cut resistant.

While Akira tried to remove the hands from his neck, he looked at Carol.She pulled out of her deep pockets a gun. She seemed very nervous and inept.

She shot at the soldier.

He turned to her and snatched her pistol. He shot her with it several times in the stomach.

Carol got hit hard and fell to the floor. Akira took advantage of the brief absence of the soldier and freed himself.

He grabbed the soldier on the head and broke his skull.

Slightly dazed, he ran to Carol, she lay bleeding on the ground.

"You need to go to hospital," said Akira.

"No, they will find me and torture me for helping you. I could not differently, ... that what they did to you and Shane ..."

Akira was startled: "How do you know Shane?"

"Here, this is my key from the apartment, no one knows something of it, on the table is an envelope with a CD, there I'll explain everything."

She gave Akira a key in his hand and caressed his scar.

"We will burn for what we did to you," she said and gave Akira a kiss on his nose.

"You must go, quickly!" she said and picked up the gun.

"Thanks for everything, Carol," Akira said and picked up his gun and disappeared with Ari.

2020 A.D. Part 5 [unfinished]

Akira went ever deeper into the ventilation shaft, the smell of blood grew stronger. Rats were everywhere, it was moist and the stench in the shaft was disgusting. He crawled deeper until he stood before a narrow ventilation, from it the smell of the...

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2020 A.D. Part 4 [unfinished]

Akira knocked open the door and pointed with his gun at the man. The man looked like he would almost get an heart attack, then Akira talked to him. He demanded the contents of the drawer, without protest the man handed them over. With shaking hand...

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2020 A.D. Part 3 [unfinished]

Shane backed away, he tasted blood on Akira's mouth. He was wondering from where the blood came, he wanted to know if it was human blood. Akira said that the human was lying dead in the cellar, Shane wasn't able to remember him. Both of them went...

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