All or Nothing

Story by GhostDrake on SoFurry

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#3 of 2372: The Emergence

Kornan lit up a cigarette nervously near the space dock. He'd quit the habit years ago but the stress of this moment made him crave a pack. It wasn't until he was puffing on the filter of the forth or fifth cigarette that the streetlights flickered, then went out one by one. He pulled the night vision goggles Drake had gave him earlier when he led him here, and slipped them on.

"Move out!" He heard Drake command over the speakers embedded in the goggles.

Several tight groups of soldiers all wearing the Tolsten Special Tatics And Response uniforms marched out of the alleys into the docks, Koran fell in line with the one led by the only silver tailed officer.

One of the custom's officers on duty approached as the units flooded in taking up hidden positions among the cargo boxes. He saw that Drake was directing the group, "What's going on here, soldier?"

"We believe that the TSF Armstrong may have mutinied, and have been tasked with retrieving it. We need you to evacuate all your officers and the civilians here."

He pulled up to what looked like a clipboard. "Wait, lemme check, but I swore I'd would reme-- aww shit!" He reached over and activated the Mobile comm. that was resting in his shirt pocket. "We have an emergency situation all Custom's and Civilians must be evacuated. Do not alert incoming ships."

"Damnit, you should've been prepared." Drake pushed the clipboard towards him angrily. "You could've botched this whole op."

"I'm sorry, it's wasn't on the clipboard computer earlier."

"Beta squad has arrived." A male Lukrin growled over the com, referencing the two Lukrin mechanized infantry that now sat outside.

"Roger that." He shifted his attention back to the Custom's officer. "Get your people out, I won't be responsible if they die because of your incompetence."

"Most of the dock is empty, we will be out in under 4 minutes."

"Then get out of my sight!" Drake pointed to the door behind him.

Drake held his breath until the very last of the Custom Officers left, leaving them only a few minutes until the Armstrong arrived. A friendly female voice came over the comm line, "We've got Landing Verification from them!"

The docking port behind the air sealed door hooked on to the metal hull of the TSF Armstrong, aligning the decompression chamber between the ship and station. An extending walkway reached out to connect them. The door's hissed and slid open between the dock and ship, some of the crew started to pour out, waiting for the custom officers to approach.

The last of them walked out, all loudly talking and ready for their shore leave. "All Teams GO!"

"T.S.A.R, HOLD YOUR HANDS UP." Several individuals shouted as they jumped out behind the boxes and encircled around them. The crew obediently raised their hands, and the balding captain walked out from the crowd, "What is the meaning of this?!"

"You are being charged with mutiny against the Terran Military," Drake motioned to alpha team on his right. "Cuff them all and take them to the holding cells."

The captain protested but Drake ignored him. "The rest of you get on the ship and get the stragglers." The teams moved in with such swift and decisive precision that it made Drake smile a little.

"Alpha Team, Clear."

"Charlie Team, Clear."

"Delta Team, Clear."

"Excellent work, squads take up positions at your designated location and await my--."

The alarms wailed, and the steel anti-vacuum doors rattled as they started to close. "What the hell?" The Lukrin barked, as they both slid their mechs under the closing door.

The female responded quickly, not even acknowledging the angry Lukrin. "They detected the hacking, we have to move quick. I suppressed their sector to sector communication, but not local, so we can expect resistance."

"Everyone load up. We're leaving." The cargo doors mechanically whirled as they dropped down for the Lukrin mech's that rolled up to them. A thin woman walked out from the comm station, her long black hair streaming down her SWAT Armor, and approached Drake.

"Courtney Decrue?" Kornan whispered to himself, unknowingly loud enough for her sensitive ears to hear.

Decrue gave Kornan a suggestive look, before continuing to Drake. "Shall we go to your rightfully deserved bridge, Oh great commander?"

"Ladies first." Drake motioned to the ship as he shouldered his assualt rifle.

Courtney's eyes shifted slightly, and the playful look on her face faded. "We've got to move-- They're bypassing the gate."

Drake, Kornan, and Decrue raced to the center of the ship, until they reached the elevator shaft. The button lit up as it was called down to the first floor. The group held their breath-- *Ding* -- The elevator doors slid open and they piled into it. Drake hit the B button and rapidly pounded on the close door button. Courtney's eyes shifted again, "Damn it, they're through but I've locked the main decompression door-- that'll take some time to override."

Ding. The doors slid open on the second floor, and a large shimmering black scaled and a green scaled Lukrin walked in. "Going up to the bridge without us, eh?" The green said, sensing the tension. No one responded. The doors closed again and they were crawling up the shaft for what seemed like ages.

After an eternity, the doors slid open to a nicely furnished deck, with three leather chairs in the center and several outside along the bridge's round wood paneled wall. Drake plopped down in the center, Courtney took up position next to the Navigation system on the wall, the two lukrin walked over to the weapons system, and Kornan sat confused in the chair on his right.

"Lorek." Drake pointed to the muscular green, "Integrate with the console, the universal port is in the front there. Courtney get us the hell out of here."

There was a loud thunk as the two magnetic arms that held the ship disengage, and the engines rattled as they fired up. "Computer Systems online!" Courtney shouted excitedly.

"Weapons online!" The black Lukrin yelled in response.

"Then let's get the hell out of here." The ship thrusters roared within the ship, and they shot out of the space dock. Having helped Lorek integrate his nervous system into the weapons subsystem, the large blackscale sat next to Drake. "Do you think we're going to make it?" He said as he reclined in the chair, exposing a scar that hid under his jaw.

"Luka, We've come too damn far to fail." Drake seemed to be oblivious to the body signals that Luka was giving out, but Kornan could tell something was up. The way that Luka held himself, so relaxed and vulnerable around Drake, was unnatural compared to the usual uptight and serious Lukrin attitude. He might be wrong but it seemed the blackscale liked him more than he let on.

The ship suddenly lurched as fighter lasers started to eat at the hull, it wasn't long before the turret defenses started to fire on the attackers.

"There's a blockade at the gate, what should I do?"

The large viewer before the three chairs projected a crystal clear imaged of three large fighters guarding the gate. "Full Speed." Drake said quietly knowing that a collision with any of the fighters could blow a hole in the hull, and when they hit light speed...

The weaker front guns started shooting at the fighters, but they didn't break their stance.

"But if we hit them too hard--"


Obediently, she activated the thrusters and prayed. The viewer calculated the distance from the fighters, and impartially displaying them as the numbers turned red and started to dwindle. The ships veered sharply away, and they hit the Light Gate. The viewer, no longer sensing targets, shut off automatically.

"Yes! Drake, you crazy bastard." Courtney jumped from her seat, and Luka gave a crooked smile.

Drake nodded, but his mind was still elsewhere and he waited until she calmed herself. "ETA?"

"About 2 hours."

"Activate the ship comm."

There was an audible chirp, and Courtney mouthed to Drake that he was online. "We have pushed through to the main gate and will reach the first destination in two hours where we will be spending the next few days upgrading this ship. Over and out."

Lorek pulled out the large metal tube that connected small fibers into his spine through a large metal hole in the back of his neck. "I'm going to find my room and sleep, that took a lot of energy to control all those weapons. What number was it, Luka?"

"112. I'm going to the officer's club and get a victory drink." Luka smiled, "Drake, you wanna come?"

"Nah, I'm going to review the ship's information and data logs, and maybe nap in my quarters."

"Alright." Luka shrugged it off. "I'll be there if you need me."

Courtney walked into the elevator, slightly shaking from the encounter and the two hulking males joined her. The doors slid close with a whirl, leaving only Drake and Kornan on the bridge.

"You know he likes you?"

Drake unclipped his swat vest and dropped it on the floor. "Who?"

"Luka, it's obvious."

"No," Drake shook his head, "It's just Luka being Luka. He claims to be the straightest Lukrin in the galaxy."

"And how many one hundred percent straight Lukrin do you know?"

"He refused me when I flirted with him-- He's not interested."

"I KNOW he is. It's just that you're not doing it right with him. If you just force him to lock lips he'll take, it'll get hot quick if you wear that thong from before. I promise you."

"I bet you 500 credits that he's straight and will just get mad."


Kornan never betted which made Drake think he was actually on to something, "Do you really think he would be willing?"

"He knows he's powerful, but he wants to be forced by you to start the relationship. Silvers and halfbreeds don't tend to be a well liked pair, especially if the half breed starts it."

"How'd you know he was a â€"?"

"I just do, now go try it and enjoy him."

"I guess it couldn't hurt." Drake smiled, "Better than going to bed and reviewing reports."

The ships officer's club was highly decorated with wooden panels and leather booths, and there was a large group of Lukrin piled around a table. Drake glanced out from his hiding spot as Luka sat watching the other side of the table, where another Lukrin held a small plastic ball. He bounced it on the table where it jumped into one of the shot glasses on the other side of the table.

"Damn it." Luka stood and grabbed the shot, quaffing it in front of everyone. Drake grinned when he saw that he was just wearing shorts, and his 8 pack was fully exposed.

Drake waited until Luka sat down at the bar to wait for his turn. Gathering his courage, He strolled over to Luka, who was involved in another drink. Serveral of the Lukrin, became quiet with anticipation as Drake approached him from behind. Luka turned to see why they were all quiet, only to have his jaws forced open by Drake's powerful maw. Instinctively, he grabbed Drake's back helping him up to sit on the now growing bulge under on his shorts.

They broke lips and Drake grinned.

Luka shifted his attention to the interested group of males. "Get the fuck out of here, we'll give you a preview later." He barked playfully, and all of the Lukrin shuffled out with wide grins. All of them knew that their grins wouldn't be the only thing that would be getting wide.

As the door slid shut, Luka brought Drake's soft body against his mountainous abs. "I've wanted you for a long time..."

"I know, Luka, but I wasn't sure if you did or not." Their lips embraced each other for a moment, then pulled away. Luka's maw started to bite softly at Drake's neck, dragging his teeth over his silver scales. A sudden flash of the black skin of Aros sent shivers down his spine. "I- I don't know if I'm ready."

The warm maw pulled away. "Why? What's wrong?"

"Nothing," Drake paused a moment before looking away. "It's just... "

His large palm stroked the side of Drake's maw, and Luka smiled. "I can tell you want me to know."

Drake jaw started to quiver, but the smooth strokes of Luka's hand made him relax. "Aros... and I were in love, I thought. Then he killed them all...."

"What? Aros..?."

Drake's eyes started to tear, he squeezed himself closer into the safe arms of Luka. "He killed them in front of me... Then left me to die..."

Drake started to sob over Luka's shoulder.

"Hey..." One hand pushed Drake back, while the other wiped away a tear. "My father was a black bastard who put a bullet in my mother's skull. Wanted me dead, too. Lorek lost his mother because of me and I still feel guilt over that, so we're both in that dark place, but.. if I have you and you have me... I know we won't suffer anymore."

"Luka..." Drake turned his head and pressed his maw up against Luka's in a passionate kiss. Both their lips longed for the heat of the others, and they kissed again. "I love you, Luka." He whispered to Luka between another deep kiss. He stood and pulled down Luka's shorts just enough for his sex to stand out.

"You sure?" Luka whispered as his heart beat quickened. "If you--"

Drake interrupted him with a kiss. "I've never been so sure in my life." He grasped at his thong strap, and pulled it out allowing his hole to brush up against the soft cock that was growing harder every second. "I wanna feel every hot inch of you inside me."

Drake pressed himself hard against the sex, causing Luka to roll his head back in pleasure as he leaned back on the bar. "Likewise," He grunted.

Luka hand reached down and pointed his large reptilian cock right at Drake's tight inviting hole. "Shit," He groaned as his tip touched the hot pink flesh of the hole, tenderly he put his hands on Drake's rear to guide him down. His legs spasmed as the heat around his cock grew warmer and went farther down, his tail wrapped around Drake's. The long pleasurable groan that Drake let loose as he slid, made Luka even more horny.

Drake round muscular rear pressed against Luka's thighs. "Your massive cock enjoying my hole?" He playfully squeezed around 2 inch shaft. "Don't cum too quick."

Luka grabbed Drake's back and bottom then stood up. His long cock was deep enough that he felt the tremors of the heated insides reacting to Drake's feelings. "Don't worry," he whispered as he laid Drake out on his back on one of the booth tables. "I'll explode when I want to."

The huge cock tore into him with rapid slaps sending his hole spasming. His groans became louder and softer with each push and pull of the rod in his butt. Luka put his hands on Drake's chest pinning him down, the loud staccato of hot flesh slapping together sent him into euphoria. He wanted to cum hard, dropping every last bit of white cream in him. Drake's butt started to loosen and the slaps became almost painfully hard.

"FUCK!" Luka shouted as his cock started shudder from the cum rushing up his shaft, and he tried to hold it in. Already, several warm bursts of reptile cum started to lub the hole, and dripped out with each pull back. The pressure built in his cock, and he gasped as it exploded out into Drake's butthole.

"Un-fucking-believable." Drake groaned softly as he felt the cock fall out. "I don't think I'll ever be tight again." Luka slipped his shorts off completely and threw them to the side, he then used his tail to pull Drake's thong off.

"Now," He said as he crawled over Drake, "It's your turn to blow your load." He grinned as he grasped the silver cock, underneath his own cock that was now retreating into his slit. He rubbed it hard, and smiled as Drake groaned. He sat upwards, maneuvering his hole over the hard cockhead.

He plunged himself down on it, groaning as pain filled his hole. Drake's mouth opened to gasp and was caught up by Luka's own maw. Every powerful muscle moved Luka with such speed Drake almost lost it by the forth pump of this cock, another quick burst of lighting thrusts sent Drake groaning uncomprehendingly.

"You call *ugh* that fucking?" Drake baited him playfully, almost ready to cum.

"This is the warm up." Luka jammed the tip of his tail in Drake's wide and wet hole, leaving Drake gasping with each push and pull of his rod. Luka and his tail pumped Drake up to cumming with beast-like speed. Drake felt warm hot streams shoot from his cock, spilling deep into Luka. Even as the last of his cum spilled out of Drake's cock, Luka was still working him, gasping air for his tired body. He collapsed on to Drake, both their sides heaving in exhaustion.

A New Chance

_"Damn you, Aros!"_ Drake threw all of his weight into a furious blow. His fist hitting hard with a resounding smack upon the Firestar punching bag. Three more solid blows followed suit, each one successively harder, until the momentum of the bag...

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"We have to make it to the elevator!" The clatter of the group's feet echoed down the corridor, and for a moment it looked like they were in the clear. No sign of pursuit, and thanks to well placed C4 charges most of the security grid was down for...

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Drake shivered as he felt the night air brush up against his body and vigorously rubbed his midnight black scaled arms trying to heat himself up. He cursed himself for being so foolish to under take a mission in such a remote place, even if it was a...

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