
Story by ShadowFTS2 on SoFurry

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#1 of Reverent Offerings

On the internet, not all things are as they seem. What if they were? What if it turned out that the best way to hide is simply by being yourself? When one online writer meets Lord Kaiser Redflame the truth goes beyond what even he could imagine.

This story is written in my perspective and is dedicated to DrkKaiser.

Human society is a balancing act. One must approach it from the correct angle or face the consequences that follow. That is simply how things work. In a world that promotes "political correctness" over individual freedom it was only natural that some individuals would seek out a forum to promote their own basic instincts and so began the digital age. Online a person is allowed to be themselves without the lingering threat of immediate consequence. They are allowed to promote their perspectives, lend their knowledge and, without fear, truly be who they want to be. That's where I turned to. This is where I thought I belonged...

I knew so many people that had an account on every social network. To me, that kind of effort was simply too much to deal with... Sure, I had the essentials but if you asked me if I had SnapChat or Kik my response would be a prompt "What's that?" It was true, I thought myself more than knowledgeable enough to navigate the internet but I stuck to what interested me and avoided what didn't. Eventually my tastes began to deviate from the norm and I began to find newer more exciting diversions on the net.

I guess now you're wondering what all of this has to do with anything, right? Well, I'll tell you. At some point I met someone, and not just your typical somebody, but someone that truly fascinated me. To call him just someone would be an insult so let me clarify. I met Lord Kaiser Redflame. The details evade me even now but in time my fascination simply grew and grew until the point that he claimed me as his slave. Suddenly this fascination had turned into complete and utter devotion. I wanted to please Lord Redflame. I wanted to devote my efforts to nothing less than being his most dedicated follower. It was an honor to be in his service but no matter how much I worshipped him it simply wasn't enough for me. I was left desiring more and like a starved puppy I always returned to him in a futile attempt to obtain it.

With a right hook I connected with the suspended punching bag, my hands taped up as my knuckles connected with the heavy object. I had been at this for almost thirty minutes and my skin glistened with sweat. Here I was, all by myself off in a corner of the gym venting my frustrations with my fists. I focused my punches and landed them in ways that made the punching bag swing back quickly before I reached out to grab it and stop it's momentum. With a sigh I lowered my hands to my sides and stared at the punching bag, giving it a light tap with my right fist before I turned away and went for my things. I sat down on a bench and grabbed my phone, pressing the power button and swiping away the first screen. I hadn't missed anything, not that I expected to, but still I was disappointed. It had been a few days since I last spoke to Lord Redflame and at this point I was desperate enough to send him another message. I honestly didn't know what to say... I could have written a number of things but for some reason it never felt good enough to me. It was almost painful trying to think of something to say and yet it felt worse actually deciding to send it so instead I shut off my phone and grabbed a towel.

I hope now isn't too late to introduce myself, not that I don't plan on doing it anyway, but my name is Masato Kawahara. I'm about as antisocial as anyone can get. Sure I talked a lot about my experiences with social networking but what I didn't mention was the fact that a majority of my friends stabbed me in the back at one point or another. I've actually gotten used to it at this point... That's why you won't find me on SnapChat or Instagram or whatever else you can come up with but you might find me lingering around the furry community. You see, like most people that appreciate art I have an appreciation for the whole culture. I'm a bit of a passive observer, I don't have a fursona and I don't do art but what I do actually accomplish is writing stories. The kinds that involve a human character getting completely run through by something a bit too big for him to handle. Call it fetishistic lust but the concept of a human and any anthropomorphic character "getting it on" just wasn't complete to me unless you could see the human's stomach being stretched around some godlike pillar of flesh. In my honest admittance I'm even the main protagonist in one of the stories I'm writing to those of you that put two and two together. Which brings me back to Lord Redflame. You see, it was so easy to become a willing slave to him. He was everything I thought about, everything I had DREAMED about and to be his slave was like living an amazing fantasy.

I used the towel to wipe the sweat from my brow and allowed myself to slip into the depths of thought. I couldn't have spaced out longer than a minute before my phone buzzed beside me and the screen lit up. "Are you watching?" Was all it said and the message was from Lord Redflame. My heart was pounding in my chest as I grabbed my phone and brought it into my line of vision. Without thinking twice I tapped away at the screen furiously, trying to reply as quickly as I could.

"Watching what, Master?" I replied, giving him the respect I felt he deserved. After that I just waited but Lord Redflame never responded. I stared blankly at the screen awaiting an answer but yet the weight of disappointment began to settle upon me. With a sigh I stood to my feet and headed for the showers when something caught my attention. Silently before me images flashed upon a television set of a news report detailing some kind of chaos happening only a few blocks away from where I was. Buildings ablaze, vehicles on their sides and police chasing after--- well, honestly I didn't know what they were chasing. Again my phone buzzed in my pocket as I quickly looked down upon it. "Come as you are." I contemplated his meaning but clearly there was no room for debate. With one more glance at the TV, I left the gym and headed out into the town. Over head the sky was grey with clouds and heavy winds thrashed about. In the distance I could here police sirens blaring loudly and I followed the sound with haste. At first things appeared as they always had but the closer I got to the sound, the more things descended into chaos. People ran for their lives, heading in the opposite direction that I was going. Overhead a news chopper lingered, collecting footage of the scene before me. The streets were blocked off by police vehicles and I stared into their vacant interiors while I tried to piece together what was happening. Beyond the barricade was nothing but silence and the chase that was ensuing on the news was completely absent from sight. To my right there was an alleyway that I figured I could take to get closer to whatever was going on but I hesitated. What if this wasn't what Lord Redflame was talking about and I ended up walking into something incredibly dangerous. I had to guess whatever was happening involved some kind of arsonist setting fire to public property in some bid of domestic terrorism but then my phone began to give another collective buzz. "I can smell you, speck. Reveal yourself to me." I turned to the alleyway with most of my hesitance relieved and yet now I was as curious as ever. I walked into the alleyway and cautiously proceeded into the darkly lit area. I was certainly afraid of what was waiting for me but that fear was smothered by my dedication to Lord Redflame. Right now all that really mattered was that I obeyed him and as I turned the corner within the depths of the alley what I found left me in a state of disbelief.

I had expected to find police as they apprehended the arsonist but instead what I found was the godlike visage of someone I had only imagined possible in my dreams. I know what you're thinking. This story must take place in some sub-world where anthros exist within reality but that's not the case. Sure, considering the police cars and all the commotion I guess it didn't make sense to act so recklessly but curiosity got the better of me. When I met Kaiser I had always believed in the existence of a person like myself portraying this incredible creature of which I devoted my utmost loyalty to but I didn't honestly believe that Lord Redflame existed within reality. That being said, what stood before me now was no man.

Standing at an incredible height and towering over me. Police fired their guns in vain, the bullets utterly useless against his crimson red scales. They failed to see just how minuscule they were and it cost them dearly as he simply rose his foot and brought it down onto them one by one. I witnessed him stomp them like bugs, their screams of agony echoing throughout the narrow passage. He was an intimidating sight to behold. His red, scaled body was immaculate in every way, muscles displayed in incredible detail, making even the most sculpted bodybuilder inferior by comparison. Black stripes visible on his body like decal on a car, spanning along the sides of his body. I myself was in great shape for someone that was only 5'6" and 124lbs but in the presence of Kaiser Redflame I was immeasurably insignificant.

His eyes fixed upon me and he scanned my body as I stood, petrified, before him. Wordlessly he pressed his clawed index finger against my chest and dragged it down my torso. The claw was black and sharper than any blade I had ever seen. It didn't make a sound, not even the noise I was used to associating with the tearing of clothing, as my shirt appeared to simply open up at his touch. I stared down at my exposed chest and stomach as Lord Redflame took in a deep whiff of my scent. "You smell a lot better than I had imagined, slave." He complimented. I took his words well, honored my scent pleased him. "I have come across realms for you. Your loyalty to me will be rewarded with the greatest of honors. Before this world you will be my example of the fate that befalls those that worship me." I didn't know what I had done that warranted such an honor but Lord Redflame stared upon me in ways that only a true predator could convey. His tail caught my eye as it swayed rhythmically behind him, my mind captivated by his godlike form. Standing at roughly twelve feet, he was over twice my height. To put things into perspective, my head didn't even come up to crotch level yet here I was, torso bared before the great Kaiser Redflame.

"Follow me, speck." He commanded as he stepped out into the streets. I saw his wings folded up against his back as he walked along. I dared not to keep him waiting so I followed behind him quickly into the open streets. "Inhabitants of earth. I am Kaiser Redflame, ruler of Ardallen, and I have come before you with a preposition. This world is now mine to control as I see fit. I give you all this ultimatum... Submit or die!" His voice was thunderous. The authority it exuded filled me with chills as he looked upon the few people that hadn't run away, here to satisfy their curiosity. He took note of the helicopter, using the camera therein to get his message out. "And to show you what awaits those who choose to worship me, I have selected an example." I knew immediately that he was referring to me so when he pointed at his foot I knew precisely what I was supposed to do. Within seconds I had approached his foot and dropped to my knees, kissing it eagerly as I hoped to appease him. The thrill of being in his presence, of submitting to him with the world as my audience. The rush was incredible and as such I lowered myself more and more as merely a tool of which Kaiser could show off to the world.

As my lips came into contact with his scales, the smell of them was strange in a way that I could not explain. Nonetheless, I continued, unable to resist his command. "Witness him worship my feet. See how he has completely devoted himself to me."

In that instant I didn't care that the world was watching. All I wanted to do was please him to the best of my abilities. He lifted his foot and with the slightest of nudges he knocked me onto my back. His foot came down onto my chest and he applied his weight onto me. It wasn't so bad at first but slowly my lungs were compressed by the incredible weight and drawing breath became a struggle in and of itself. The warmth of his soles against my chest was pleasant enough yet his clawed toes lingered over my face, his heel coming down onto my stomach as he showed his dominance to the world. "I could crush him right now if I desired it. You would all be forced to witness his terror as every bone inside of his feeble body shattered like twigs beneath my feet." He spoke, all that dared watch him staring in awe at the display yet here I was petrified that he might actually crush me. I couldn't help but attempt to struggle, the ability to breathe slowly slipping away but just like that the weight was lifted and it was left in the midst of a coughing fit as my lungs finally filled with air. "But I am a merciful Lord. Those who offer their complete devotion will prosper but be warned that the fools who choose to defy me will suffer in ways unimaginable. This little speck here is mine to do with as I please, tonight I will lay claim to his body for the whole world to see."

I stared up into the amber eyes of my master as he proclaimed his words for all to hear. It was too late to have doubts, Lord Redflame had staked his claim. He turned his sight upon me as I slowly clambered to my feet and stood before him. I worried that at any moment armored vehicles would arrive to foolishly attempt to combat him but none ever did, instead, Lord Redflame sat on the floor and I got a good look at the soles of his massive feet. His whole foot dwarfed my torso moments ago and now I was within arms reach of them. "Worship my feet. Praise your master and receive his blessing." It didn't take being commanded twice to do what I was told. I quickly buried my face into the foot, dragging my tongue against his magnificent soles. My arms reached around the foot and rubbed the scales as I brought my body into it. Soon, just the soles wasn't enough for me. I began to bring my tongue to the toes on his foot. My chest pressed against his foot as I planted kisses against the toes my tongue finding it's way above them where I came toward the black claws. I was careful not to cut myself upon them as I sought the earthy taste that was hidden behind each sharpened claw. I was feverish in my search to give these perfect feet my worship and I transitioned from one to the next repeating the process. Kaiser's foot then bucked suddenly and knock the air from my lungs.

I clutched my chest as I struggled to breathe when something caught my eye. Lord Redflame was erect with his dark red member jutting upward towards the sky. Compared to Lord Redflame the size did not appear out of place, in fact, though it was measurable beside my entire torso, it appeared perfectly balanced in every way. I was in awe of what I was seeing, his cock was unlike any human's with the tip taking on a shape akin to an arrowhead with a noticeable curve. It was strangely quite muscular as well with the underside giving an almost plated appearance with four definitive sections that went all the way to the glans. "Undress, little speck." He commanded and so I did. I started with what was left of my shirt. I tossed it away far too eager to accept my position as Lord Redflame's claim. I then parted with my shoes and socks, curling my toes as they touched the cool pavement of the streets below. Lord Redflame appeared to be glowering at me with a look of impatience. So, I quickly worked myself out of my pants and even discarded the wrappings around my hands. Now, I was completely bare before him, my body utterly exposed to the world.

I brought myself to his parted legs but I found my body snatched into the embrace of my master. His hand was wrapped around my chest as he gently traced my neck with a claw. My legs dangled freely as his amber eyes fixed upon me. He stood to his feet, giving the world a great view of his incredible cock and suddenly I was moved out of his line of sight, my body being guided to the tip of his member. There I sat, my heart racing with anticipation as he lined himself up with my hole. It had only just begun to dawn on me that this wasn't just one of my stories, this was reality. In reality, things hurt. Here I was resting on the tip of a cock far too big for any human to take and the only word I could use to describe this moment was 'irony'. It was ironic that within so much time of writing I had never once lied to myself about the experience being mutually enjoyable. It was always an incredibly painful ordeal for the much smaller human body to handle, even in my stories, and ironically I was about to join them in their collective fate of screaming until they were blue in the face. I didn't attempt to dissuade Lord Redflame, I knew better than anyone that, as unlikely as it seemed in my stories, it was absolutely possible for a human to take something so big. Telling him that 'it wouldn't fit' or that 'it was too big' wouldn't dissuade him from trying. Instead, it would likely just piss him off enough to do it anyway just to prove me wrong. No, this moment was important, I had to take my own advice and play it safe. So with some deep breaths I prepared myself for impalement.

He didn't disappoint with his actions either, he applied pressure onto my hole and attempted to enter me but there was one detail I had unfortunately forgotten. I hadn't ever actually taken anything up my back door and as it dawned on me that the first insertion wasn't a particularly easy one I knew I had to say something. "Master! I've devoted everything to you. I do not fear the pain that is to come so I do not ask for your lenience. Whatever you must do to lay your claim to me, do not hesitate to do it." I declared, shouting loud enough for all to hear. In truth, I didn't care if anyone heard me but him, however, his response was not what I expected.

"I was planning to, my slave." He proclaimed and suddenly I felt his hand tighten around his chest. He grabbed the back of my head and dragged his claws across my torso. The act wasn't immediately painful, in fact, I couldn't tell I had been cut, but warm blood began to drip from my wounds. It was a strange sensation but I definitely felt my muscles give at the deepness of the scars. "You belong to me. You are property for me to use in any way that I desire." These words sent a chill down my spine as his hand suddenly grabbed hold of my leg. He adjusted it until he got a good enough angle of my hole. The point of the act became painfully clear to me. I had pledged my devotion to him and had even accepted that I might be abused in such a sadistic way. Perhaps I was a masochist but now I had only become incredibly regretful. That word 'irony' resurfaced and invaded my thoughts as he brought a sharpened claw to my anal ring. What happened next forced me to expel an agonized scream as his claw sunk into the tensing spinchter and he forever splayed the rim. "This is what it means to serve me as your master. To give yourself over to me in mind and body. To accept me is to amount entirely as an object."

His hands suddenly shifted and grabbed both of my arms, bringing my head against the arch of his chest. My legs were lifted and parted wide enough that all could see what was to come. I couldn't have ignored the white hot agony as Kaiser slipped past my ruined orifice, my body in shock as slowly it swallowed more and more of what Lord Redflame was graciously willing to feed it. Soon I had taken it at about half way with my hole wrapping around the end of the second plated lump. The pain was intense but, held as I was and being stuffed by something so thick and long, I was barely capable of even the occasional twitch let alone an act of defiance. I shouldn't have been so eager to offer myself up to him and now all I could think about was the look of agony the world could see as it crossed my tortured features. Warm blood spilled down my chest and stomach as the cool air around me invaded the now stinging cuts. All Kaiser cared about now was finding new ways to get a little deeper and force me to take a little more. I was astounded by the incredible warmth of the throbbing pillar as it invited itself deeper and deeper into my bowels. First his actions were slow but steadily he was beginning to thrust his hips, hammering away at me while I helplessly cried out.

My toes curled up and my head thrashed back against the chiseled set of abs behind as I began to grit my teeth. His body was like a brick wall and whenever my head made contact I head a heavy thwack but the pain distracted me temporarily from every other excruciating sensation. Then it happened. Something gave way at the base of my stomach. Lord Redflame had forced his tip deep inside of me, parting my insides in a way that felt as if I could be torn in half at any moment. I could see it pressing out behind my abdomen while I tried to understand this incredible sensation of fullness. I had become completely impaled, my body straining around his thick shaft as his grip around my arms tightened. He began to casually lift me up and down, the deliberate act bringing the tip closer and closer to my ribcage. Nothing could prevent the act, my abdominal muscles were all but useless, unable to tighten to expel his incredible length without horrific pain. At this point I had finally fulfilled my position as his plaything and somehow that initial feeling of acceptance was beginning to wane and in it's place arose a feeling of dread. Right now, I was exactly what he said I was. I had become a cocksleeve in form and in function but the sensation was far less enjoyable than I could have ever imagined. Instead, pain was the dominant sensation as he squeezed every ounce of enjoyment he could obtain from me. I lowered my head, toes locked tightly as I watched the shape of his cock invade my stomach again and again.

"Does it hurt? Is this what you were expecting, little speck? Does it compare to all the dreams you've had of this very moment?" He said tauntingly. I could feel in vivid detail how the muscled plates threatened to tear my bowels to shreds. He massaged his length inside me, each deliberate movement bringing him closer and closer to release. I feared his release would come swiftly and swell my guts beyond repair but when the seminal fluids actually came it was like poison, breaking down whatever internal defenses existed within my body. I could feel the first initial twitches of fruitless orgasm before the eruption of seed spilled inside of me. What I found, however, was that my stomach did have limits and what I couldn't take found exit through my throat as cum gushed from within and dribbled down my parted lips. He slowly worked my body up and down his entire shaft, milking himself of whatever cum was left therein. I was beyond the prior threshold of pain and had slipped into a state of silent exhaustion.

I remained impaled upon his shaft even as his orgasm faded, my stomach was left bloated by the cum it had retained. Like a snug little sock, Kaiser kept me for warmth. I had no doubt that he was silently enjoying the rapid flutter of my heart where his tip was rested and yet it could have also been to display me before the world. As the claim of my master the pain that I felt all over my body was somewhat bittersweet. I had fulfilled my desires by becoming a toy in ways that I had never imagined possible and yet the ordeal was beyond even that of my most vivid imaginings.

"I have another use for you. Consider it an honor, little speck. Many of your kind will come in hopes of receiving what you just endured but none of them will ever know the pain that you have experienced this day. You are the only one worthy enough of your meager species to be used for my pleasure. The others will join me in Ardallen where they will stew." Kaiser's shaft softened slowly inside of me but his grip on my arms remained. He turned me around so that I could see his red lips part wide. His porcelain white fangs shown before me as he took me into his mouth. His tongue dragged against my chest as he gathered a taste of my blood and slowly my head began to slip into the back of his throat. I was too weak to deny him, my body failing to respond to the warnings my mind attempted to give it. Soon my arms were pressed to my sides as my feet squirmed about behind me. His maw closed and suddenly all I could feel was his throat muscles clenching up around me and the pain as I felt my ribs shatter. A rank odor invaded my nostrils as the tight confines of his throat settled around me. I met with a fleshy star as my head was pressed through it. The rest of my body slowly followed it as I was completely enclosed within the confines of his stomach.

I could hear the thunderous echoes of Kaiser Redflame's voice. It was faintly discernible but I knew well enough that in his words dwelled the greatest lie I would ever know. As stomach acids began to join me inside of his stomach he spoke the words: "Submit to me or perish." The feeling of acceptance returned as I closed my eyes and accepted my fate. In the end, it was worth it.

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