Seduction Gone Wrong

Story by SBcustoms on SoFurry

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[Insert legal stuff here]

Also, this is only technically cub. It's between a 17 year old and a 15 year old.

Arianna pulled a green t-shirt on over her ample breasts, for-going a bra. The shirt was a little too small, and her nipples were clearly visible through the thin shirt. Looking at herself in the mirror, she gave her nipples a quick squeeze before shimmying into a pair of lacy black panties, slowly sliding them up her slender legs and over her round ass, her panther tail slipping through the little slit in the back of the panties. Finally she pulled on a pair of red short shorts.

She sighed as she looked at herself. If her parents were home they wouldn't have let her even leave her room the way she was dressed. However, it was only her and her brother in the house. Which in some ways was worse.

Her friend, Jasmine, had dared her to try to seduce her older brother while her parents were away for the weekend. Jasmine thought it was hylarious, though Arianna wasn't so sure. She'd recently caught him sneaking glances at her.

Shrugging, Arianna grabbed a DVD off of her bed and jogged downstairs, her tits bouncing with each step. She saw Erik sitting on the couch, watching a horror film, and called out a quick hello.

As he turned to face her, Arianna couldn't help but admit that her 17 year old brother was very good looking. He was well muscled, without going overboard, and had wide shoulders. Even sitting, he was tall, with a long tail and pointed ears.

"Hey squirt, what's up?" Erik called out to her in a deep, gentle voice, his eyes straying to her obvious nipples before they snapped self-contentiously back to her face. Sighing to herself quietly she went and sat next to him, her thighs pressing against his.

"Hey bro, d'you want to watch a movie with me?" She said, looking up at him with big eyes, her chest subtly pushed towards him.

"uh...Yeah, sure."

With a grin to herself, Arianna jumped up and got down on all fours in front of the DVD player, her ass sticking out, tail swishing side to side. Without worrying about her seeing his gaze, Erik guiltily took in the view of his 15 year old sister's ass. He knew it was wrong to be attracted to her, but she was just too good looking not to oggle.

When the DVD slid in, Arianna bounced back up and sat back next to Erik. The DVD started showing a very young looking rabbit giving a large horse a very loud, sloppy blowjob.

With a blush and a gasp Arianna looked over to her brother in horror. It was acting, of course, to get her brother horny, but she'd always been a very good actress. Erik was looking at the screen in surprise and lust. Quickly, he came to his senses and looked horrified.

"My god, I'm sooo sorry Erik! I must have grabbed the wrong DVD!"

Arianna leapt up and went to get the DVD out of the player, her ass once more pushed up into the air. It was the final straw for Erik. He'd seen her trying to seduce him, and figured, if she was trying so hard, why not?

Erik got up quietly and grabbed his sister's ass, grinding the bulge in his pants against her. Arianna gave a little squeak and looked up at her brother, eyes wide in suprise.

"Br-brother, what are you doing?"

"Exactly what you wanted me to do. I'm going to fuck you senseless."

"No Erik, thats not it, It was a dare, a dare! I don't want to have sex with you!"

"It's a little late for that." Quickly, Erik picked up his sister and flipped her around, so that her face was almost pressed against his erection. With one hand, he held her by the scruff of the neck, with the other he unzipped his fly, releasing his eight inch member, which sprang forward and hit Arianna lightly on the cheek.

"Now, you're going to give me a blowjob, and if I even think you're going to bite me, I'll make sure that mom and dad both know that this was all your fault. Imagine what they would think..."

Arianna cringed at the idea. Both of her parents were devout Catholics. With a whimper, she opened her mouth and took his tip, dripping with pre, into her mouth. Hesitantly, she swirled her tongue around his head, the scent of his lust building in her nostrils.

She gave a surprised little gasp as he pushed his hips forward, feeding her more of his shaft. She let her tongue slide under his length, and wrapped her lips around him, suckling gently. When he relaxed his grip on her neck she pulled off his length, a trail of saliva connecting her mouth to the tip of his twitching cock.

Gently she licked along the side of his length, from his sheath down to his tip and back up, repeating this on all sides before locking her lips around his head and bobbing down on it. She could only manage to take four inches in her mouth before the tip of his cock pressed against the back of her throat.

She continued in this manner for maybe 15 minutes before Erik laced his fingers through her hair and pushed her head down onto his cock, his member slipping into her throat. He started to thrust into Arianna's mouth, making her gag on his shaft as it slid down her throat. Erik's eyes scrunched shut and she felt him swell in her mouth before he pushed himself down her throat, and held himself there.

Finally, he released his load down her throat. His hot seed splashed down her throat and into her mouth. Arianna tried desperately to swallow it all, but it was too much. She felt his seed dribbling out of her mouth and onto her neck and breasts.

"Now, wasn't that fun?" Eriks said as he pulled his still hard member out of her mouth, and watching as she took huge gulps of air, making her tits sway.

Erik reached over and pulled Arianna's shirt over her head. She was too exhausted to much more than protest meekly.

"Turn around, I'm not done with you." Without waiting for a responce, he swung her around so that her ass was facing him and ripped her shorts and panties off her body, grinning as her pussy came into view, wet.

"Well it seems you were having fun too." With a grin he pushed the tip of his hard member into her depths, making her moan weakly. Without pausing, he pushed himself to the hilt into her, his balls coming to rest against her.

As he pulled out of her, he gave her ass a smack, watching it jiggle before he rocked his hips forward, until his balls slapped against her. Each time he pulled out of her, he would smack her ass.

A little bit later he paused in his thrusts, stuck his finger deep inside her, pulled it out, and gently started to worm it into her ass while he continued to thrust. When Erik finally had his finger in her ass, he started to work it in and out while he thrust.

Meanwhile, Arianna felt her body betraying her. She didn't just like what was happening, she loved it. She felt an orgasm more powerful than any she'd had before building up in her.

Just as she was about to cum, she felt his seed, thick and hot, get pumped into her. Combined with him fingering her ass, it was simply too much. With a loud cry, she came around her brothers spurting cock, her own juices coating his shaft and balls.

Both of them collapsed, Erik lying on top of Arianna, his cock still deep inside her.

"Guess I wasn't the only one to enjoy myself." With a weary grin, Erik pulled out of her, picked her up, and carried her to the shower.

-Erik Smith