The End; a New Beginning

Story by Dyrik on SoFurry

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#1 of Learning to let go of a Painful Past

A tigress sat in her dining room with a big old fluffy dog, named Peter, who she enjoyed talking with frequently. The two were currently discussing Peter's family and how he missed them sorely. He was living with Rhu because her parents ran an addiction recovery centre and it was a long term program. Peter hadn't seen his two pups for close to four months now. But he was going to be seeing his mate in just a couple days and was very excited to see her.

Peter often said that Rhu reminded him of his eldest daughter, even said that they looked similar. At 5'3", the tigress was short with a strong tail and shiny, healthy fur. She was very attractive with a slim waist, size C cups, and a size 3 waist. Her jeans were black and baggy, hanging low of her waist, showing off her flat stomach when combined with her skin tight black t-shirt. She was attractive, and took his comparison as a compliment. Rhu was talking to the big dog as she waited for her mouse friend to arrive from the kendo lesson she also was supposed to attend but her parents had grounded her and couldn't go. She was supposed to be studying for exams, but with his arrival so close, she couldn't focus.

"Rhu!" A snobby cat in her living room called. "Tyr's here!"

Rhu didn't particularly like Collette, the cat, but she lived with her and there was nothing she could do about it, regardless for her dislike of the cat, her ears perked at the mention of Tyr's name. Jumping to her feet she excitedly hurried into the foyer to see him standing there slightly awkwardly with his bass slung over his shoulder and a cute grin on his face. She looked him up and down and as usual was not disappointed. He wasn't much taller than her, about 5'5" if she were to guess and he was built sturdily, not huge muscles, but they were nicely toned, and had definition showing without him even flexing. His fur was mostly grey, but he had a white patch on his stomach. He was shirtless and wore a pair of fashionable, snug fitting jeans. Tyr winked catching Rhu's gaze and flexed dramatically and made a sound as if he was just stretching because he was tired. He laughed, "kah, that's right, enjoy my manliness." Tyr was egotistical in a good humoured type of way and Rhu loved him for it.

Laughing, she shook her head and using her index and middle finger she poked his head hard snapping it back. Then when the mouse reached for her in retaliation, she bolted for the dining room with Tyr on her heals. She circled the table a few times before Tyr started to try and trick her into running into him, and when that didn't work, he moved some chairs in an attempt to block her way. Though what Tyr didn't realise was that there was a hallway before Rhu would reach the chairs. When Tyr ran towards her thinking she was trapped, with a grin, Rhu raced down the hallway back into the foyer. Her plan backfired upon entering the large foyer as she realised she was unable to go through her parents' room, for fear of waking them. It wasn't long until she found herself trapped in a corner where Tyr snapped her head back but before he could get away she managed to snap his head back again. However, she was still trapped and after a short tussle the two ended in an awkward position; Tyr holding Rhu up and her leaning back as far as she could over his arm. Then he moved in for the strike, as he did he dropped his arm without thinking and she fell to the ground. Instantly Tyr dropped down to his knees apologising. Rhu just laughed and affectionately pushed his head back gently. At this point, Rhu's mother came out angrily.

"I am trying to sleep," she said through clenched teeth, "and it is time for Tyr to go home now, he has been here too long already, get him to get what he needs and I want him out of here soon."

Rhu nodded in obedience to her mother sadly, she loved hanging out with Tyr he was always so much fun to be around. She hated to see him leave.

The two got up and walked downstairs quietly and quickly to Rhu's room and as usual, Tyr did a running leap onto her bed and lay there face down on her mattress as she climbed up next to him with a soft sigh and used his back as a pillow. Quietly laying there for a few minutes the two enjoyed each other's company.

"Rhu!" The yell came from upstairs, and Rhu cringed, her ears drooping at the sound of her mother calling for her.

She walked to where her mother called from; "yes, Mom?"

"Why hasn't Tyr left yet?"

"We're just about to leave now"

"Well then hurry up and get going!" the fat tigress said and stormed back into her room.

"Sorry Tyr," Rhu sighed.

Tyr shook his head in protest, "no problem at all."

After collecting the mouse's things, the two put their shoes on and stepped out into the frigid air, the snow making crunching noises as the two walked down Rhu's driveway. Although the two were friends who saw each other constantly, they were not neighbours, or even close to, even though neighbours still lived a fair walk from each other in the hic town Rhu and Tyr lived in. She only dared to walk him to the side road that connected to the main road about 10minutes away for fear of inciting her parent's wrath.

As they reached the end of Rhu's driveway a thought dawned on her, "I could drive you home if you'd like."

Tyr stopped and scratched the back of his head sheepishly. "That'd be great but I'd really like to walk home."

"Its cold out though."

"Kah! Its not too cold."

Rhu eyed him suspiciously. As a fierce tiger, her stare could wheedle information out of anyone, and with Tyr as nice as he was, it almost child's play. It was cold yet not completely heartless, a stare that said she needed to know, and she needed to know now. Her eyes were a brilliant orange with vertical slits, intimidating to begin with but there was a sense of concern laced within the intensity of her gaze.

Uncomfortable under her stare he let a little slip; "besides, I'd rather take as long as possible to get home, I kind of need to avoid my dad for a few days."

Catching him at a point where he couldn't turn back she pushed him on; "what happened?" She knew Tyr's dad could over-react at times and was worried.

"I kind of made a mistake..." he trailed off and Rhu urged him to continue as they walked. "Well you see, when Scorn picked me up earlier for kendo, he picked me up a little earlier than usual, and I locked the door. I wasn't thinking about my little brother, and I ended up locking him out until Dad got home."

Rhu breathed in sharply through her teeth. "That sucks, he'll be pissed, uh?"

Nodding, he added, "yeah, he called me during my music lesson, said I was irresponsible and hung up" a little hesitantly, unsure of how much to say.

"But you're the most responsible person I know!"

"Not really," he said nervously. Rhu knew that Tyr was thinking of the little things that he would forget to do, and how angry his father would get over it.

"That isn't true, you always try so hard to do the best thing possible," she said trying to reassure him. It was true, he really was more responsible than most of the people she knew.

"Kah, I'll just wander around 'till Dad goes to work, then head home."

"That's not 'till four in the morning! You'll freeze, its only 10!"

"I'll be fine."

Giving him another one of her looks, showing that she wasn't convinced she made an offer. "No, you won't. But you can stay at my house for awhile until you need to go."

The adorable mouse looked at the tigress with excited eyes. "Aww really? Your parents won't be mad?" He asked almost as an afterthought.

"Yeah, and if the parents even see us come in I'll just tell them why you need to stay for a bit, they might be a bit more understanding."

He reached over and put an arm over her shoulder, and as always noticing her flinch away from any moving object, but she allowed him the rest his paw there. "Thanks a lot, Rhu. You know that it is the same for you...I know you're not having an easy time with your parents either right now right? If you ever need it, I have a bed open."

"Thanks for the offer, but I wouldn't impose on you like that." She tried to smile, but he was right, and she had bruises to prove it, though she'd never admit it.

The mouse stopped walking and looked at her with the hint of a tear forming at the corner of his eye. "why wont you let me help you?" He demanded.

She stopped walking as well, but couldn't face him. Tyr had always tried so hard to help anyone he could and she could tell it stung that she didn't accept his offer. She didn't mean to refuse his help like that, but she didn't need it. Her eyes lay unfocussed on the ground. "Because I don't need help, I'm fine," she said looking up finally and attempted another smile.

"Yes you do, you're not fine, you always say you're fine when you're not! Its like someone baking you a cake..." He continued walking, his eyes on the ground. "And you step on it while that person watches, except worse," he continued. In his voice the tigress could hear how hurt he was, and she felt rotten to the core. She knew he was talking about her and it pained her inside. But she refused to admit her weakness, even to herself, let alone those around her. On the outside she was a stone statue, it wasn't her nature to let someone overpower her with the use of emotions even with friends that just wanted to help.

"Then don't do something that someone doesn't need," she said, knowing that she was probably hurting him more. Putting the mouse down wasn't fun for her and it hurt her too, but she couldn't let herself look weak.

"That isn't the point though, and you know it."

She said nothing, but continued walking. Silence embraced the two friends while they walked, and the only sound was that of their feet crunching the snow down on the unplowed road.

Eager for a happier mood Tyr changed the subject smoothly and soon had the two of them laughing again.

Once the two reached the end of Rhu's long driveway she motioned him to be quiet and they walked quietly down the laneway and as silently as possible entered the house and snuck down the stairs to Rhu's room.

Not even bothering to turn the lights on as the two entered her room, Rhu closed the door behind her and stripped off her clothes for bed. She slept in the nude because it was more comfortable for her. As she removed her shirt she dropped it the floor and removed her bra, her breasts bouncing suggestively as they were released. Her nipples were erect in the cool room, but she ignored them. When Removing her pants she bent over to get them over her foot-paws and her ass stuck up in the air for a moment, revealing her clit for any to see, before she stood, leaving her pants there. Her lean body swayed almost seductively as she made her way over to the bed, with her orange fur standing out as she walked, her hips naturally shifting from side to side with the grace only a feline could have.

The two had seen each other naked so many times that Rhu didn't even blink an eye when Tyr followed suit and was soon as naked as she was. Out of the corner of her eye though, she watched him, and noticed her gaze was on his firm ass as he bent over to remove his pants as well. When he turned around her eyes fell onto his limp cock and her eyes widened slightly in surprise, limp he was already about 5". 'It must be huge when its hard,' she thought slightly aroused. She averted her gaze quickly, a blush spreading across her cheeks, and to distract herself Rhu set the alarm for 5:00 to wake them before her parents woke up to see Tyr still in the house.

They crawled into bed and under the covers and lay on their sides cuddling. Tyr behind Rhu, one arm wrapped snugly around her waist, while Rhu used the other arm as a headrest. The two adolescents loved cuddling and did it frequently with each other. She pressed herself closer to his warm body and sighed contently. Cuddling was always so relaxing with her best friend, and she knew Tyr felt the same way. They felt safe in each other's warmth, his arm a barrier to all the pain in the world. And the feel of her body against his, knowing she loved him entirely for everything he was. When in each other's arms, they found comfort as everything faded. The pain from the bruises that littered her body, the angry father that awaited Tyr at his home, and every worry that plagued their young minds... It all slipped away as they lay there wrapped in each other's warm embrace.

As her eyes closed in complete relaxation, she felt something poke her just below her tail. She turned her head to him and giggled almost nervously, yet relieved that she at least wasn't alone in her arousal. The mouse blushed and moved his loins away from her back. She giggled again and shyly rolled over 'till he was on his back and she was propped up on her elbows. A slight blush spread across her cheeks, as she looked down fondly at him...he was so cute looking up at her with an expression of utter bashfulness and apology on his face. A sheepish grin spread across his face and the tigress smiled back and touched a clawed finger to his nose playfully. The two laughed nervously and Rhu saw a blush creep across his cheeks, he couldn't help it...

He craned his head up and kissed her lightly on the lips. When she responded by kissing him back, the mouse brought a paw up to cradle the back of her head, pulling her into him. The kiss became intense with a burning unsatisfied lust, the kiss was almost frantic, each one wanting more of the other.

Rhu's hand started to creep down Tyr's toned chest, feeling his soft fur under her paw and the rock hard muscles underneath. His stomach was flat and firm, she could feel his muscles reacting under her touch, his breathing becoming shallower. Her hand slid down to where he stood erect, and she started to stroke him lightly and his breathing changed to an almost pleading pant. She smiled and breaking off the kiss moved her head down to meet her hand and begins to lick just the tip of his cock with her tongue. She licked around the head, and under the rim, teasing him, making him want more. His breathing grew heavy when she finally took him all in her mouth. She could hear him gasp out loud in pleasure as she began sucking, moving her head up and down, while flicking her tongue around his cock. Tasting his hard cock felt good, especially the pre-cum that dribbled out tasted so sweet in her mouth. When Rhu felt him start to reach his climax she stopped, she looked up at him and grinned mischievously.

"You mean..." He groaned, panting heavily. Giggling, Rhu was caught unaware when she was flipped onto her back and straddled by the mouse. Before she even realised it, he begun to lick and bite her neck playfully. It sent shivers through her body as his teeth left shallow incisions in her neck, her paws grasped at the sheets, and in her mind she knew she wanted so much more.

Both his hands were groping at her breasts, fingering her nipples, his nails leaving small marks in her skin. She bit her lip, and her breathing became shallow as Tyr played with her nipples. Nipples being very sensitive for Rhu and her favourite thing to have played with, she clenched her eyes shut. Her eyebrows furrowed together almost unable to stand being played with any longer Her paws gripped at the mattress, tearing it a bit with her claws. He kissed her lips once gently and moved his mouth, nibbling her chin, and worked his way down to her breasts sucking on a nipple gently, while his paws started at the top of her back and digging his nails in dragged them down her back brining a moan to her lips. The cuts were shallow, barely bringing blood to the surface. The gentle pain felt so good, as if he was taking care of her lovingly. His nails stopped when they reached her tail.

He moved a paw around to the front of her, finding her slit only to have Rhu brush it away with her paw. He looked up at her questioningly. "I am too loud," she answered his questioning eyes shyly, blushing.

At first disappointment came to Tyr's face, but then his eyebrows furrowed slightly in though, his mouth hanging open slightly. In a flash his ears perked forward and a mischievous smile came to his lips as an idea came to him, "you like being tied up right?"

Nodding slowly, she said nothing unsure of where exactly this would be going.

"Then where are those cuffs you wear?"

"Over on the dresser," she said. "Why...?"

"So I can tie you up and gag you," he said with a wicked smile that made Rhu's heart skip a beat in excitement and in lust.

Obediently Rhu rose up off the bed and fetched her cuffs and a chain to tie the two together with, and she also retrieved a bandana to use as a gag. Tyr tied her hands behind her back with the cuffs and chains. Her clit was moist, a little cum dripping down her leg. Rhu had always wanted to try this and she eagerly awaited his instruction. The bandana was tied around her head, and through her mouth, Tyr's arousal growing at the site of the, now completely helpless, tigress before him. He directed her to lay on her front but with her tail up in the air

The mouse came up behind her and entered her slowly with his cock, testing her. Her walls were tight but she was not a virgin. The mouse heard her breathe in sharply when he entered her. He grasped her thighs with his paws tightly, attempting to hold himself back at first. He let out a soft groan, he was so hard, he wanted her so bad it hurt. He slid back slowly at first, to slide back in just as slowly, now teasing her, making her wait, and she struggled fiercely at her bonds.

Starting to thrust a bit faster, the mouse could hear her breathing getting shallower as he increased his speed until he could hear muffled moans fighting through the gag that silenced her. He could feel that she was close. Her eyes were clamped shut and blood was flowing from the palms of her hands and she clenched her fists, her body tensing as she grew slowly closer to her climax. Tyr was going slow enough that her climb to her peak was agonising, almost painful, and just before she reached it he slowed down again until he was barely thrusting. On the verge of tears, Rhu cried into the bandana as she was denied her orgasm, her back arching, the walls of her clit twitching around Tyr's cock as she fought twice as hard against the bonds, trying to force Tyr to that one final thrust...but it was no use.

Seeing her frustration, with some amusement, he began thrusting faster once again, and again she felt the build up in her loins, but this time he was thrusting hard and fast, his cock gliding in and out of her wet slit, she could hear his laboured breathing and quiet moans. This time there was little struggle. Every muscles in both their bodies were tense, It was coming and they eagerly awaited its hold on their bodies. She wanted to cry out as they drew closer to their climax this time in unison.

The mouse's tiny claws tightened around her thighs as he used them for handholds, something to cling to, anything from loosing himself completely. Tiny blood spots began appearing around each of his claws where he gripped her.

A pressure was building in his balls, there was no turning back now. He was almost there...

A soft moan erupted from Tyr's mouth, and a muffled cry from the tigress' as the two climaxed together. The two didn't move at first. Frozen. For a moment? An eternity? Neither knew how long they stayed like that, nor did they care.

In exhaustion, Tyr lay down beside her, the two trying to catch her breath. When Tyr was somewhat recovered he removed her gag and untied her wrists carefully and affectionately, he smiled lovingly at her, petting her head, a soft purr emanated from her as he lovingly caressed her head. She smiled back and she nuzzled into his shoulder as he drew her close. The two fell asleep like that in each other's warm embrace, smiles on their lips. Safe, for the moment, from every care in the world.

Written and copy written by Dyrik and edited by Matt M.