Jake and I 2- Complications

Story by Matt M. on SoFurry

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#2 of Jake and I

Jake and I - Complications.

I just stood there, Jake's tongue dancing with mine, swirling my own cum around as we kissed. I was panting but can you blame me? I'd just had the best orgasm of my life with a man I'd loved from the first moment my eyes glanced his perfect form.

Slowly, our embrace ended as Jake's tongue withdrew and he just held me in his strong arms. I was gasping and probably would have collapsed if not for Jake's sturdy arms supporting me. Our eyes met and time stopped. Suddenly, we were no longer in a change room. We were everywhere yet nowhere as I lost myself in his warm eyes where space and time were meaningless. And so we stood there, gazing to each other's soul while his strength supported the two of us. The moment was so perfect, so ideal, so eternal I couldn't bear to think of moving from his touch, his strength, his love...

The murmur of voices nearby brought me out of my trance. My sensitive ears could hear them as they came ever closer to the change room door. Then I heard a phrase that brought the perfection of the moment to a screeching halt. "Hurry up and get changed and get in the pool guys," one of the gym teachers said, apparently deciding to switch up the pool schedule. A look of sheer panic came across my face. "I can't get caught like this! I'm hated enough here 'cause I don't listen to the mainstream music! If they knew I was gay," my mind raced, automatically going to the worst-case scenario of me getting gay bashed to death then and there, my lover helpless to aid me. Terrified, I looked to Jake for answers and again found myself gazing into his beautiful, powerful, wild and tame eyes and suddenly, I wasn't afraid anymore. I knew Jake would do everything he could to save me, even if it meant sacrificing himself.

Silently, he led me deeper into the change room towards the stalls in the back as I heard the change room door opening. We turned around the corner, each of us still stark naked, Jake still with a gorgeous hard-on, as the others began filing into the change room.

This is crazy! They'll smell us for sure! My mind screamed, and part of me wanted to flee from Jake and cry he tried to rape me. I mean, I'm just an innocent fox, I couldn't possibly take down a panther, especially one as well built as Jake. It was plausible, I just need to add a few tears and I could get outta this situation easy! I stopped myself there, refusing to humour this horseshit ploy any longer. I felt so ashamed that I was so willing to betray my lover, the object of my utmost admiration for the past four years, simply to save my worthless furry ass! I hated myself for even thinking of doing something so cruel to the one I loved, but there would be time to hate myself later. For now, I have to help Jake keep our love a secret.

By the time that conclusion had dawned on me, I was already being moved into one of the stalls with Jake following right behind me. Then, with what seemed an obscenely loud click, the door locked behind him. For a brief moment, I felt safe, truly safe. But when I glanced down, I realized the others would be able to see our paws. Even though most of the jocks at my school couldn't figure out why 2+2=4, I'm sure even they couldn't be so thick headed that they couldn't piece together what was happening. They seemed to have a knack for doing that, only when sex of one form or another was involved. I looked back up and opened my mouth to speak, but Jake put his finger on my lips and just looked at me with his knowing eyes. Gently, he pushed me down so I was sitting on the toilet and face to cock with Jake. And what a cock it was! It looked about 10" long and probably 2". His dick was glistening with an irresistible mix of pre and sweat, making a heavenly musky aroma that attacked my sensitive vulpine nostrils. The red piece of flesh contrasted Jake's ebony so well, that it would have been the first thing you'd look at, even if you were straight. It just seemed so out of place in comparison, and yet perfectly in place at the same time. To a gay teen like me, it was like the Holy Grail of cocks and all I wanted to do was suck it 'til I won my prize. I was hard as a rock as I imagined sucking that big, beautiful piece of meat that stood just a few inches from my mouth. I could smell the lust coming from his cock, and I could almost taste his sweet cum. I licked my lips and moved closer, breathing hard, about to do what I'd always wanted to do to the one I'd always wanted to do it to.

Jake took a step forward and I opened my mouth to embrace his cock, closing my eyes but what happened next wasn't exactly what I'd expected. I felt the weight increase on my legs and felt something hugging my lower back, then I felt his strong arms around the back of my neck gently pulling me towards him and what I'd thought was his dick. I wonder if there's anyways you can imagine my surprise when instead of sucking Jake's dick, my tongue was sucked into his awaiting mouth. I gasped into Jake's hot mouth, shocked as all the air was sucked from my lungs into Jake's hungry mouth. I started sucking back and the two of us shared the air and Jake was quite literally the air I breathe (it's a cliché I know...but if you think about it it's true! ^-^)

Evidently, Jake was now sitting on my lap with my dick running along his ass crack while his own rock-hard, pre-drooling dick was pressed hard between our abs. His legs were wrapped around my waist and now effectively out the jock's lines of sights.

I was in absolute ecstasy as I felt Jake's ass start sliding along my dick and I moaned into his mouth, fighting back the urge to cum a third time in a span of about 20 minutes. My dick was throbbing, aching, and with more activity in 20 minutes than some people get all day can...It felt amazing and it only got better as I felt one of his hands leave my neck and slide down my flank. Gently, his hand caressed my side, going past my abs, teasing my ass, and continuing on to about my knees. Then, he reversed direction and his hand ran up the inside of my thigh. I moaned into Jake as I felt his hand begin playing with my balls, rolling them between his velvety fingers, gently squeezing them in a never-ending, ever changing cycle which made me squirm with delight. I wanted to scream out in lust, but Jake's other hand kept my lips firmly locked with his own, making the sound nothing more than a quiet moan. But the ecstasy I was feeling now as nothing compared to what I felt when his soft, strong hand squeezed my aching cock, making me whimper helplessly into Jake's mouth. I pulled him close to me and began thrusting my hips slowly into his hand and gloriously soft ass crack. I could feel him scritching the underside of my cock and the divine sensations brought a tear to my eye. I was now his slave to do with as he pleased and he knew it.

I felt his body shift slightly on my legs and his hand moved my dick so it was touching something warm, tight, and soft. Here, he stopped everything, even his kiss and almost exactly on queue, I opened y eyes, concern on my face as I remember hearing the rumours of how painful penetration could be, especially unlubed. But as I looked into his loving eyes, I felt assured that nothing could ever hurt him. I nodded in consent and closed my eyes as Jake leaned forward and embraced me in yet another passionate kiss and I kissed him back, our tongues beginning round two of their wrestling match of ecstasy. Slowly, lovingly, Jake slid his hands to the base of my dick and gripped it firmly, guiding the tip to his tail hole. Deliberately, Jake began inserting my dick into his warm, tight, sensual hole.

Immediately, my cock was overwhelmed by all-encompassing warmth that hugged my dick in what felt like a vice-like grip. We whimpered into each other's mouths as we continued our embrace of love given way to lust. More and more of my cock was consumed by his hole. My toes curled and uncurled and I squirmed beneath my lover, trying to break our kiss to cry out in lost but he wouldn't let me. He forcefully kept his lips pressed against my own.

"Oh God! This is amazing!" I thought, as his hole slowly took all of my length with relative ease, squeezing my girth, making me gasp and moan into Jake's wonderful mouth. Finally, my dick was in his hole right to the base and Jake broke our kiss and smiled at me, and I smiled back at him. In perfect synch, we leaned into each other as Jake began pulling off my aching cock. We gasped into each other's mouths as my dick slide out of his hole that seemed almost reluctant to let me go. Once only my tip remained in his hole, Jake began sliding back down my shaft at an agonisingly slow speed. I was going insane, driven beyond my limits by lust. And by the time he'd taken my whole length in, I just gave into my lust.

I broke away from the kiss with a gasp for air and then I leaned over and I literally inhaled Jake's dick into my mouth as I began thrusting in and out of his hole with my hips. Jake let out a surprised yelp at my actions, but quickly bit his arm to silence himself. I no longer cared if someone found us; I no longer cared about anything. I just wanted to show Jake how much I loved him and I decided to do that with pure animal lust.

My thrusting quickened as Jake's tail became used to my intrusion and my thrusts were perfectly timed with my bobbing head so that each time I thrust up, my head went down and vice versa a technique I mastered long ago from sucking on my own cock. My hands gripped his ass hard, my claws digging into his gorgeous hide as I thrust into him. I could hear his muffled cries through his arm and I could feel him beginning to thrust back against my hips and into my maw, his free hand forcing my head into his crotch where all I could smell was his lust. I could taste his salty pre-cum running freely out of the tip of his dick. I could feel it run down the back of my throat which he thrust into. I knew it couldn't be much longer until he climaxed. I quickened my thrusts into his ass, and finally, I heard him utter a low growl of lust as he grabbed my head and violently forced his dick into my mouth as he shot wad after wad of his sweet seed down my throat. I came almost immediately after his first hot loads of cum went down my throat, whimpering slightly around Jake's huge cock in my mouth as my abused dick unloaded in the sexy panther's ass as I milked Jake's cock for every last drop of his precious cum I could.

As we recovered from our orgasms, we became aware that the chatter in the locker room had all stopped. And lovingly, Jake lifted my head off his now limp cock and brought me up to a sitting up position. As I began to regain my senses, I saw he'd pretty much recovered, however, but I was still panting heavily. Gently, his kissed me on the lips as we embraced for a few moments longer before he broke the kiss. Raising his finger to my lips to tell me to be quiet, he stood up and turned around, giving me a perfect view of his ass which I saw had some scratch marks on it from our very powerful yiff. But what I was most distracted by was my cum dripping out of his ass. I was so tempted to lean forward and eat it, but Jake shook his head as if he were reading my thoughts. Slowly, he unlocked the door to the stall and looked outside. If we'd been discovered now was going to be when we found out. The moment was tense, the longest moment of my life until Jake turned to me and smiled.

"They're gone," he said as he helped me to stand my legs still a little weak from my orgasm. He pretty much had to carry me from the stall back to the locker area where he sat me on a bench and disappeared while I sat panting. A moment later, he returned wearing his typical tight jeans and shirt with a paper cup of water that I swallowed instantly.

"Thank you," I said between pants.

"Believe me. The pleasure was all mine," Jake purred, and once again, my dick stirred. He noticed this and sat down beside me, stroking my inner thigh, making my dick grow hard yet again and getting quiet moans from my. "I'd love to hun, but I have to get to class but I'll be happy to take care of it later tonight if you want," he purred into my ear, and all I could do was nod helplessly.

"Mmm. Wonderful. I'll meet you at "The Spot" at seven then," he said, giving my cock a slow stroke that made me whimper and nod obediently. "The Spot" was, as everyone knows, a local gay bar and it had always been one of my dreams to get in. But I'd always been too afraid to try and get in just on the off chance that someone recognised me.

With a grin, Jake let go of my dick and made his way towards the locker room door, his ass swaying seductively with each step. "Oh and cutie," he added, "wear something sexy. I wanna show you off to the others." And with that, he was gone and I was left very alone, very naked, and very horny in the change room. With a sigh to my erection, I realised that I too had to get to class and I put my clothes on and left the locker room happy as a clam as I thought about what to wear.

It never even occurred to Jake or I to check the showers to see if anyone was there...

Copyright © Matt M. 2006

To Be Continued