A night to remember

Story by Lon3Wulf on SoFurry

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It feels like it's been forever between the two friends. A lot has conspired in their lives while they were separated, almost too much. College can break even the best of friends apart through things like stress or career paths. Five years, it's been a long, five years for Chase, an eccentric wolf who became a lawyer and Dylan, a draft horse who sought self enlightenment through psychology. They had recently reconnected through an online dating service by accident and have been emailing one another for weeks on end. However, the pair thought it would be possible to meet up in the city and catch up on good old times, reminisce about their high school days.

Chase had different intentions for this reunion than Dylan did by far. The canine was planning to get the horse drunk by the end of the night and end up yiffing him to sedate his feelings for Dylan that have been bottled up for so long. However, the wolf still had to treat his friend to a night on the town. They went to fancy restraints, art galleries and the like to mock and appreciate them in their entirety. Chase rented out a room for the night, keeping the place a secret from Dylan, ensuring a surprised reaction.

"When am I allowed to see again?" the draft horse questioned with a blindfold blocking his sight.

"Patience is a virtue some would say." The wolf standing next to him replied.

The two furs were in an elevator of one of the most prestigious hotels in all of New Fur City, heading up to the top floor pent house suite. The cheesy music was nowhere to be found in this scene, only the peaceful delicacies that are known as the sounds of nature fluttered in the elevator scene.

"I hear the beach." The equine said.

"Really now, I don't hear anything." cracked the wolf.

"Chase, how long is this ride going to be, my legs are beginning to get tired."

"Dylan, stop your whining. It will all be worth it soon."

A bell rang out and the metal doors slide open, bringing the couple to room 1069, the aforementioned suite. The room featured the latest in fashion from nearly twenty different companies at least. Beautiful paintings and tapestries of brilliant designs and shades hung on the walls, personally donated by local artists. The kitchen had its own bar section, separated by a elegant marble countertop and hanging glasses. It was truly something amazing, a wonder to behold as it looked like a cut-out from all those entertainment magazines and home improvement shows.

"Finally, I can take â€""Dylan praised. He took off his blindfold and stopped midsentence to scan the room before him.

"You better get out of the elevator before the doors close." Chase advised as he walked into the kitchen, pouring two glasses of wine. The draft horse could not believe what he saw before him, slowly walking into the kitchen as his head spun around to take in the fine setting.

"Are we where I think we are or have you taken me out to an alley, killed me and I have gone to heaven?" Dylan jested as he began to chuckle to himself.

"Yes, we are." The wolf smiled. "Here, it's some French fancy wine. It's comes with the room." The canid handed the equine a glass, still with a happy smirk upon his face. The two banged glasses and took a sip of their drinks simultaneously before they spit it out, lolling their tongues like two kids.

"Fuck, man! I'd take the fucking six-packs my dad brought home over this!" Dylan said disgusted.

"I'd thought you'd never say it." Chase grinned, pulling a thirty pack of said booze from under the counter. The two just laughed a bit, opening up some cans and guzzling down the cheap alcohol before releasing a pair of contented sighs.

"Just like when we were in high school..." the wolf said to himself in a sad tone.

"You say something?" the horse asked, grabbing another beer.

"Nothing, just clearing my throat." The canid pretended to cough and cover up the situation. Dylan brushed it off and inhaled the next can effortlessly.

"Already getting a good buzz... what was it you wanted to show me?" slurred the draft horse.

"Follow me." commanded the canid, now wagging his tail and smiling once more. The pair walked through the glass doors and onto the rooftop which over saw the streets below and all the building for miles and miles. The colors of blinking signs and ads were truly a sight to remember, the cars below looked like dots, stopping and speeding. The sound of the bustling city seemed to be low in volume, not reaching at this elevation. "Isn't it wonderful?" Chase cooed.

"Whoa...." Was all the horse could say as he looked down below. "I'm normally afraid of heights but this is actually kinda cool." Dylan giggled as he turned around, to his surprise however, Chase was completely naked just standing there with a grin on his face. Dylan just blushed and turned his face a bit before asking "What on earth are you doing?"

"Getting ready for the Jacuzzi... what do ya think I was going to do, rape you?" the canid giggled with his hands on his hips. "Are you coming in?"

"Yeah... in a second." Dylan mumbled as he striped before the wolf. He planned this, I knew it! I mean, I know he loves me and we've yiffed but, it was just one night. I don't want to hurt our relationship. Why can't I get him out of my head... the equine thought. The draft horse made his way to the tub of bubbling water and crawled in, Chase already in sitting across from him.

"Everything is just perfect..." Chase murred as he slid deeper into the water.

"Chase.... remember the night before we graduated from FHS?" began Dylan. "It was a hot summer night and we drank happily, like we're doing right now... we tossed laughs all night long... this was same night you came out to me. You told me you had a crush on me... and I think you still do."

"Dylan, I..." trembled Chase, feeling his emotions about explode.

"I was flattered really, still am. I just couldn't believe my best friend cared for me that way. It's just that I was truly afraid... I didn't know who I was the time but I didn't want to hurt your feelings... but we still yiffed. It started off slow, with the kissing and the feeling, then our clothes ended up on my bedroom floor and our sweaty bodies stuck together. Then you asked me to-"

"Just stop it... please. Look, I'm sorry I made you do that. I just love, Dylan. I just want you to see that." The wolf interrupted.

"Is that why you are doing all this? I mean, I haven't seen you in five years but there is no need for this extravagant night although I appreciate it. It's just that, I know what you are trying to do, you are trying to recreate that night."

"I guess being a psychologist pays off..." the wolf muttered before sighing and staring into the bubbling water.

"Well, a lawyer seems to bring in more lettuce." retorted Dylan. "Look, Chase... I'm sorry I didn't say ‘yes'. Quite frankly I regret it, to tell ya the truth." The words made Chase look up at Dylan, shocked with his jaw agape. "You're the only guy I've yiffed and I loved every second of it, but I didn't want to risk our friendship. You mean too much to me."

"Oh, Dylan!" whimpered Chase as he rushed over to Dylan, teary-eyed before falling into his arms and bawling like a newborn child. The two exchanged tears and sniffles, holding onto each other as if life depended upon it. "I've been living off of that one moment... it's been draining to find someone else like you in this world, but not a soul in the world could replace you in my heart." The wolf whispered, his lips quivering and his eyes flooding with tears.

"Let's make amends, tonight... let's make tonight a night to remember; the birth of the new us."

"Shut your poetic mouth and kiss me."

With that final notion, the two pillaged the others maw with their tongues. They exchanged saliva, murring as their sheaths began to expand and their member now peeking out. The two stopped kissing and looked down at their pressing cocks, deciding to get out of the Jacuzzi and rush to the bedroom. They laughed as the dripping bodies flew through the house, nearly slipping a couple of times. Chase won the race to the room but was quickly pushed onto the red satin sheeted bed and pinned by Dylan. The kissing began once again, consuming time as the night passed by the star-crossed lovers. Eventually, a small bottle of lubricant was found and applied to the wolf's pucker, something he was used to so it did not take long for him to get prepared. The fingers swimming inside of him however made him moan and call out the horse's name. Now that Chase was ready, Dylan needed some lubrication and some quick pleasure to get him hard. The draft horse shoved his crotch into the canid's face and Chase began to work the length of meat with his tongue. More and more of Dylan's dick same out, reaching its maximum length of eleven inches in no time at all as Chase suckled and jacked the horse's penis. After Dylan was erect enough to penetrate the wolf's rump, he shoved Chase into position and started to slide himself in. Chase winced and bared his teeth, the huge phallus entering his bowels but this is the way he liked it, rough. Dylan tried not to break out into an instant groove of thrusting but his feral instincts got the best of him. The fast humping made Chase begin to cry a bit but he quickly got used to the pain after thinking about much pleasure Dylan must be receiving. The equine began his sexual dirty talk in between his grunts and huffs, his ball bag slapping the canids.

"I'm going to breed you like the bitch you are! You're a tight little bitch, you know that? God, this is better than any cunt I've fucked!" This was only excerpts of what Dylan angered out loud as he fucked the canine below him. Chase just laid there and took it, knowing he was making Dylan happy was enough to keep him hard as his rear end was being taken and intruded. The pair of lovers went through what seemed a million different positions: missionary, doggy style, the drill, the down stroke, sloppy sideways, you name it. Hours had flown by before Dylan reached his breaking point of both energy and orgasm.

"Come on... cum inside of me!" Chase panted as he bent over the bed.

"Almost... THERE!" With one final small into the wolf's colon, the equine's wad came flooding through his dick and into Chase's anus. Being a horse, this wasn't a normal sized portion of cum, it had to be at least a gallon. It didn't matter, the semen seeped out of the canine as fast as it filled him, covering his sack and sheath in the horse's love juice. The two just moaned aloud, crying each other's names in pure bliss. It took a good ten minutes before Dylan's orgasm subsided, and another ten just for the two to catch their breath. The horse looked down at the wolf who was crying into the satin sheets, convulsing slightly with each sniffle. "Oh shit, Chase are you alright!?"

"I thought I could take it but... I think I'll be fine. Just go easy on me next time will ya?" Chase replied, wiping his face and looking at Dylan.

"You should have told me I was hurting you, Chase." the horse said in a somewhat scolding tone.

"I know... I still came..." Chase pointed out, a puddle of spooge smeared on his chest and the sheets below him. "You know I like it rough..."

The couple chuckled lightly but then entered an awkward silence before one of them shattered it.

"Where do we go from here?" the equine asked.

"Where ever you want, Dylan... I don't want to pressure you into something you'll regret."

"I'll never regret loving you." Dylan retorted before pulling Chase into a storybook cuddle and kiss, resting in a mixture of their own sweat and sperm. The two fell asleep in one another's arms, dreaming of the future they now shared. The tense and stress of both their lives seemed to disappear for this one night, a night to remember.