Friday, chapter X The New Farm

Story by Todd Fox on SoFurry

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#6 of Friday

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The New Farm

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Tiffany looked at her mother and father as they looked at her severely. She almost felt that she was in trouble.

Honey," Mr. Athens started softly so she knew it was going to be bad, "I know you have spent your entire life on this farm and I really think, your mom and I both think you should move on, live your own life and not let us hold you back from your life."

Tiffany was abashed, her eyes wide and jaw open, she made a few sounds that only Friday could usually make before she found her voice, "what? Are you kicking me out?"

Her mother looked like she was about to speak but her father was faster, "yea, in not so many words."

"You are a young woman Tiffany," her mother managed to get in, "you stay here helping us and tending the farm and not much else, and I know you want to run the ranch but, we don't think you are ready. You are only twenty three and you hardly go out on a date. And well,. we really can't rely on your brother straightening out and your other brother is well enough." She stopped talking and sighed, which was her fathers cue to start back up.

"We were impressed by your new age dogs and well, we got two of them to herd the sheep so we don't need you anymore."

Mrs. Athens put her hand on her husbands arm and he fell silent, "we got you a little place for yourself and put some money in your account."

Not a penny more so you better be smart with your money." Her father interjected and her mother continued as if the interruption never happened.

"You have an allotment to get started but you will not live easy." She slid over a small envelope and Tiffany opened it to a deed and directions.

"You bought me a farm?"

"It's not much of a farm, it only has sixty eight acres but I think it is a good start for you." her father said leaning back in his chair her mother still gripping his forearm. "We will give you two weeks to get the place livable before we toss you out, I wish you the best of luck."

Tiffany looked at her mother and back to her father who just looked at her as if waiting for her to leave. She was confused and made a few starts to question but closed her mouth realizing that her parents were doing something they felt they needed, they were scared to let her go in case she became like her brother. But she would not go down that path, she saw the pain it brought her family. But now it was time for her to make her own and she was given a place of her own and some money. She nodded and kissed her dads' head as she hugged her mother, "thanks." She said and folded the documents and put them in her pockets and walked briskly out the room and the house where she ran to the guest house she occupied grinning ear to ear, her father gave her her own farm, she was a farmer and against the wishes of her mother to become a doctor or lawyer, she would become what she loved, a farmer. And now she had her own farm. She took the papers from her pocket and giggled as she looked to the deed. She owned her own farm! She stared at the deed unsure what to do next.

* * * * *

Tiffanys' enthusiasm was contagious to the dogs, as they traveled in the truck to the new farm her father bought. Even Friday was having a good time with the window down and head out the window calming her uneasy stomach. But her condition worsened as things became strangely familiar. She began to shrink in her seat as they traveled down the rutted dirt road to a dilapidated house.

Tiffany sighed and stepped out the truck and surveyed her new domicile with distain. It was about three boards away from being a wreck but it was her wreck and she looked at the potential.

Friday hid in the floorboards of the truck. She could not believe it, she was back in her masters house. She wasn't sure what was going on. She never expected to be back here in her wildest dreams was she to be returned here, much less to her old master?

Tiffany looked about the house in distain at more than just the smell. She sighed and tipped over an old plate on the table to look at the dirt ring on the wood and sighed. The refrigerator held more unpleasant surprises and every abandoned room seemed meagerly furnished but with dilapidated furniture. She tapped on a window and saw Friday noticeably wince. This was Friday's house, her former home. Tiffany watched the collie look around the house nervously. She was sure the bitch would piss herself if she were touched on the shoulder about now. And that would be another mess to clean up.

"this place is a mess." Tiffany said to get Fridays' attention. We'll have to get a bunch of stuff to fix this place up, but first we need to air it out." She said opening a window the turning to Friday, Open all the windows you can Friday and we'll go shopping."

Friday nodded and began opening the windows in the house, she only open them in two rooms when she ran into Tiffany. The air in the house was noticeably less stale. Tiffany yelled for Jake as they both left the house. Friday looked at her new home, her old home. She had mixed feelings about living here, but this was where her mate's mistress took them.

Fridays' tail wagged merrily as she saw Jake trot up on all fours and go to two legs about twenty feet out. He smiled to the two females then as he hugged Friday he looked to Tiffany, "there are some dead sheep in the barn and in the fields and the fence line is in terrible shape." He looked to Friday, "it's a miracle she could keep sheep and have the time to steal them too." Friday smiled in her canine way and pressed her shoulder to her mate.

"Okay, you two knock it off, and let's go get the things to fix this rat trap up." Tiffany said a bit jealous of Friday but the dogs obeyed her and got back into the truck and to Lows hardware.

Friday was a bit unsure of being not on a farm for the second time in her life and clung to Jakes' arm. She looked fearfully at the other humans there and the automatic doors and the sheer emincity of the store was intimidating. She felt like the shelved were too high and would surely fall on her. she walked isle to isle with her tail tucked and clinging to Jake, he was comfortable here and showed no fear, so wherever he was, she was safe. Tiffany looked over new appliances and heaters and bought some small things and then the larger items she bought and had put on delivery rather than try to put all the things in her truck.

They all left the store with something in their hands, even with two buckets full of scrub brushes and cleaning fluid Friday was able to hold onto Jakes' arm. With a lot of cleaning supplies and a few odd items and fixtures they drove back to the house and unloaded the truck. They put all the new supplies in the living room and then with the new duct tape Tiffany pulled out the old refrigerator and taped it up so it would not open and with her and the two dogs help hauled the appliance and it's rotting cargo outside Tiffany was satisfied it was not in the house and would not open so they left it there and began to pull out all the old furniture and add it to the pile that started with the refrigerator. Only the kitchen table and the chairs remained in the house after everything was outside. Tiffany sighed and took a drink of mountain dew that she bought and turned on the tap to give the dogs some water and realized that the power was not turned on, it had been turned off for some time. she sighed and looked to the two dogs and the cleaning supplies that would all require water. She went back to her chair and sat down hard. "well looks like this trip will be short, I gotta call the power company to turn on the power before we get anything else done here."

Friday looked eager to leave but Jake and Tiffany were a bit reluctant. To them this was all new, but to Friday, the coming of night made her nervous, the memories of her master, and the potential he may return. To Fridays relief Tiffany herded the dogs into the truck and headed to the Athens ranch.

Friday was never so glad to be inside the house she shared with her mate and his mistress. She curled to the stuffed collie toy and hid in the covers of their bed. She hoped that she would be left here with the new collies, Tiffany didn't like her anyway but she would miss Jake.. she looked up as Jake came in the room and took his paw as he walked by. Her eyes betrayed her fear, Jakes only showed confusion. "are you okay Friday?"

She let go of his paw to talk, ‘I don't want to be there, what if my master shows up?'

Jake sat down on the bed and pulled the nervous collie to him. she looked up to him hopeful that he could give her the answers she wanted and listened, "your master is long gone, he left almost as soon as the trial was over Friday. He was supposed to show up to a meeting and never showed, and this was before you were even adopted by Tiffany and sent here. so don't worry, he is long gone and not ever coming back."

Friday mulled over what Jake told her but she still liked the way he made her feel safe, her head and shoulder in his lap as she faced his belly more looking up to him, his arm around her his other paw petting her soothingly over the ears. She closed her eyes and let him pet her soothingly until all was peaceful darkness.

* * * * *

Friday sighed and trotted up to Bonnie. She was having a hard time with the sheep, she was just so meek to the ram that refused to move. Friday looked to the ram and chuckled softly to herself then looked to Bonnie who was all but about to push the stubborn herbivore.

"I was always terrible at this, I like cows." Bonnie complained, Friday couldn't figure out what side of her face she should look at, she was a very confusing looking collie, Friday thought. But like any pro with a protégé she went to all fours and swatted the ground with her paw and glared at the stubborn ram. She stared her collie stare at the ram and within seconds it was following her commands. Bonnie grumbled under her breath but took the harm to her pride. The collies worked in teams so the new dogs would have the same familiarity as they did.

Jake worked the more mundane things and his misery was apparent as he taught them how to calculate the amount of hay was in the barn by the way the bales and rolls were stacked and lined. He showed them how to clean the barn. Friday helped sort the tack and showed them how to tend the horses. She did it to be helpful but she also wanted Jake to watch her, and to her delight, he did. Even if it was with a bit of envy of her mobility.

Clyde was the star pupil in everything but dealing with the cows. Friday never really did anything with cows but Bonnie made it look easy. Friday looked mutely to Clyde and pet his one perked ear bending it so the two ears matched. He did the opposite and perked both of her ears and waggled them playfully. Bonnie saw them playing and snuck up on Friday. Clyde saw her and continued to keep her distracted as his stealthy accomplice grabbed Fridays' tail startling her and Clyde pounced her making her trip over Bonnie. She fell over and both pups sat on her, bonnie holding her legs as Clyde tickled their mentor. Friday laughed silently and wiggled to be free but with two pups it was a few minutes before she had freed herself and she chased after them over the fields. The two pups barked and yelped playing with silent Friday.

Jake sighed and rubbed his arm. It ached and itched with the scabs and his leg was sore and worse, because he could not scratch through the cast. He saw Friday playing with the pups wistfully. The vet had done his best but it was up to him to heal. He looked dourly at the cast and thumped it before watching the others scurry over the hills.

He felt useless. He may have saved a few sheep but it cost him his own health. He sighed hopelessly, he had made himself useless to the farm. He was slow and required time to care. The mural slowly limped back to the house and slept on until he felt someone ruffling his shoulder. He woke and looked to see a tiny odd looking collie sitting on his shoulder. It took him a second to realize it was the stuffed toy she carried around and looked past it to a smiling collie.

Friday leaned over and kissed him on his muzzle and tilted her head. She was adorable with her tongue lolling off at a cant to her head tilt. Jake could not help but to smile back at her and pet her chestruff.

Friday rolled over on the bed careful of Jake's leg and laid her head on his belly her arm wrapped around her toy as the other helped her keep comfortable.

Jake sighed and rubbed her ears softly, admiring their velvety feel. "thanks Friday." he murmured softly continuing to pet her.

Fridays tail beat on either side of the bed while jakes hand and words made her feel special. She snugged to him more and just watched him though slit eyes which were easily closed to sleep.

Friday woke up and yawned widely and stretched like a feral collie then looked up to Jake.

"Dinner time." he said cheerfully and licked her nosepad.

She smiled and tried to help Jake hurry to the table, but it was no help when her paw was mostly on his rump.

Tiffany gave them a bit of soup, something Friday still insisted was water with chunks on the bottom and lapped at it as such.

Jake had a bit more etiquette in using a spoon, but he was rather pleased she was messy, after dinner it gave him an excuse to lick over her muzzle so much.

"you both look pleased" Tiffany smiled at the dogs who were quite happy looking.

Friday was using her tongue to fish out the morsels at the bottom of the bowl, Jake was wagging his tail happily thinking about licking Friday.

"tomorrow we're going to start working on that wreck called a house. So be ready to work." She said as if convincing herself more then the two dogs.

* * * * *

Friday looked about her former and new home yet again. Her breath misted in the early morning chill, a chill that made poor Jake useless because of the construct of pins in his leg and the brace he wore. Tiffany was idly bantering to the man that came to turn on the power and then the men who delivered the large appliances. Friday went into the house and was thankful it had had the power turned on because it was definitely warmer inside now. Jake sat on a blanket next to what looked like a water heater and waved idly to her.

"I guess we gotta clean this place out now." He joked but Friday was still unsure and was startled when Tiffany slapped a scrubbing pad on her upper arm making her reflexively take it and she looked at Tiffany who just smiled to her. "you get the bathroom." Tiffany said handing the collie a bucket with a bottle of cleaner in it.

Friday sighed and looked at her mate who just smiled and pointed his paws at his blanket wrapped leg. She drooped her tail and slumped as she walked down the short hallway to the bathroom and began cleaning it as best she could, which was to dump the cleaner over the bathroom and begin to go over the surfaces like she was brushing out a horse. After five minuets the fumes from the pine cleaner drove the sensitive nose of the collie out and to her mate.

‘I can't stand that stuff, it's too strong and makes my eyes hurt.' She complained to him and sat beside him wrapping her tail about his already blanket wrapped leg. He rubbed her head and smiled in his canine way, "don't worry, I'm sure Tiffany would love to clean that up, she is going over everything with a fine tooth comb here, I think you could," he stalled in his comment of eating off the floor but remembered who Friday was and after a few seconds of looking for another analogy he just shrugged and leaned back relaxing. So don't really worry about it." He said easily and poked her playfully and she tickled him back mindful of his still healing leg but her reserve was not matched by Jake who grabbed her and tickled the dogs bare belly until she rasped hard in silent laughter. Breaking free she bolted away planning to come up behind the crippled dog and get him from behind but she stopped dead when she heard something she never really heard before. She shooed off Jake's advances to look at a small black box with a circle in it. It moved slightly in the middle but made the strangest sounds in some form of pattern, and she liked it. She poked her head to it till her nose almost touched it then it went silent and she lifted her head to look at it confused and then grabbed Jake as it suddenly blared to life with new audio patterns.

"It's music." Jake explained, "it's a speaker with music playing over it.

Friday was intent on looking at the contraption but then was content to leave it alone after she accidentally unplugged it making it protest with a crackle then a feedback hum before the music began to play again. She listened to the patterns and wagged her tail to the beat, then her rear and then her body. Jake chuckled at the collie's first try at a dance, a thing she never knew existed but she felt the urge to move, but at that moment Tiffany came in with a brush looking worn. She smiled at the bitchs' attempt to dance and stopped the music making Friday instantly halt and look intently at the speaker as if she could mentally command it to play music again, and to her surprise it did but the music had a softer beat but was still tail waggable.

"Let me show you something Friday," Tiffany said putting down her brush and pushing back a loch of hair that had come free. She took Friday's paw in her hand and then held her waist. Friday was unsure and looked at the woman then Jake who was smiling so she knew there was no danger so she relaxed but was still confused about the new action. Tiffany looked at Friday, "follow my lead." She said taking the collie bitchs' paw and putting it on her side. Tiffany began to dance slowly but with the collie hopping to avoid her toes getting stepped on instead of following steps Tiffany stopped and took a new approach. She let the dog go and stepped back. "Here Friday, watch this." She said making slow careful steps one at a time letting Friday watch her then prompting the dog to imitate her movements. At first Friday was unsure but with her collie brain she soon put together the movements and the beat of the music. Tiffany then held the collie as a partner and danced to the beat of the music with a minimum of toe stepping.

Friday was a bit flattered when Jake asked to break in and he was no good at the foot work but that just let Friday show off how lithe and graceful she was. She felt exhilarated in every movement, like she was running herding a large flock of sheep, or stealing them. any way her heart beat and she had a partner again. She came in and found herself outside the dance, held tight in Jake's arms. She smiled to him and he smiled back and nipped her playfully and Friday nipped him back and slipped her tongue over his muzzle in long languid strokes that were nothing short of lustful.

Tiffany looked at Friday, How Jake held her to him, his arm around the small of her back, one paw holding her tail base, the other on her rump as she held his tail base in one paw her other paw up between his shoulder blades as she stepped up a little more to lick his chin submissively and lovingly. Friday looked blissful then caught sight of her watching and made Jake turn his back to Tiffany as Friday watched the woman as she pressed herself to Jake a bit more and then kissed him in a human canine style that only a Genome could manage, her muzzle pressing sideways to his softly at first then she opened her jaws and traced her tongue between Jakes lips and teeth. Tiffany felt her fingernails digging into her palm and her jaw clenched. She was feeling jealous of Friday again she had taken so much of Jake. Tiffany dropped her jaw in terror as she realized finally what plot Friday had for her, Friday was not bringing her into her world, but ripping it from her. The damn collie was taking her best friend away, and it left her lonely, took her father's time and attention and made him yell at her more, no, Friday was making Tiffany into a mirror image, stealing her world as much as she could, to take away as much as she could from her. Tiffany smirked and left the two dogs alone and began scrubbing the guest room floor, where her dogs would sleep, but the taunting way Friday looked at her, and acted to Jake. She huffed and sat in an old swivel chair that was not too disgusting to sit in until new furniture could be gotten. She looked at a blank dirty wall, could a dog even come up with such a complicated plot? Tiffany thought, Why was she doing this back and fourth thing? Was she doing a back and fourth thing, two faced came to mind but that implied that Friday went behind her back, which the bitch didn't. Everything was up front for her to see. The way she acted lustfully toward Jake as if, Tiffany gasped, was this feral dog challenging her for mating rights and flaunting Jake like a rich handsome husband. Tiffany giggled, she was! She turned in her chair as if she could look through the wall to where the two dogs were and see Friday flaunting her superior mate selection.

Tiffany realized she was just a dog, she did not intentionally steal Jake from her, she wanted Jake to love her, and be her mate, and he did, she did not make her father mean and scary, that was the way he was to everyone, especially if you did not work or threatened the farm, and Friday related to that before anything, Friday was not stealing her life, she was just a dog that wanted to have a family, and a home. Satisfied with the outcome of her thoughts she looked at the clean parts of the floor verses the dirty part and began scrubbing again.

As she worked over the grimey floor she noticed something odd. One place in the floorboards was chiseled away as if someone had pried up the boards at some time. Tiffany bit her lip and thought about the bedroom where several places had been pried up before Fred fled. She pulled out the putty knife she was using to scrape away some weird things she never wanted to identify and pried up on the board and it lifted easily. She looked down and saw a shoebox and her heart skipped a beat. She began to fantasize what was in the box, everything from a dead rat and a note to a shoebox full of money and jewels he had forgotten to take with him. She pulled up several more parts of the floor that were easy to lift and pulled the shoebox up and looked at the old dusty box. She savored the moment and her heart beat as she thought about lifting the lid. She readied herself and lifted the lid and looked confused. It was a bunch of Polaroid pictures stacked neatly sideways so more can be packed in the box. She wondered how old they were and picked one up and dropped it in shock. She stared at it on the floor, it was Friday, and she was younger, being mounted by a ram. She saw the pain and fear on the collie's muzzle. Tiffany took the photo and balled it up and grabbed a handful of photos from the full box. All were depictions of Friday being raped or Friday with women. Tiffany trembled and threw the handful of photos down and was about to cover it back up when she saw one picture that caught her eye. It was Friday still as a young pup looking happily up. The photo made her smile and forget the others of rape, bondage, and sodomy that surrounded it. She looked so soft and innocent it made her cry when her tunnel vision faded to another picture of a penis stuffed halfway into her anus taken from above as Fred had taken it while he fucked the collie.

Tiffany snatched the photo from the pile as if the other pictures would defile it and set it aside. She looked at it and wiped her eyes at the image of Friday so small and without her jade shield she now had.

Tiffany looked at the photos she had scattered over the box and sighed. This was all Friday had of her past. She picked up another handful of vile pictures and began tossing them into a pile. She sorted thrugh the photos looking for remnants of Friday that were not sexual.

It took her well over an hour and she had twenty four pictures in a neat stack. She looked at the pictures and then three she had set to the side. She knew both these dogs, it was Friday and Berry. These she knew were not rape. She added them to the stack and sighed as she viewed her keeper photos. One was Friday about a year ago sitting on a fence post watching sheep. You could see her shaved down breasts but her face was serine and the color of the sunset had ebbed into her features. Another was as Friday was a pup, it was a rear shot and her tail was high showing her anus and small undeveloped puppy triangle but it was no worse a photo than most pet owners inadvertently took, but what made her keep it was the silly look Friday had on her face with her eyes crossed and tongue out. She suspected she was wringing her head but it was hilarious. She sifted through the more innocent photos and laughed and began to feel she knew a little more about the collie. She shoveled up the rest of the photos back into the box and slapped the lid back on it. She picked up the box and walked out the door as Friday was dancing for Jake. She looked at Friday and sighed as she held the box a little tighter and headed outside.

There was a metal bucket that was in the burn pit because of a hole in the side, but it was the perfect thing. She shoved the shoebox in the bucket and used the lid as starter. Dirty black smoke rose from the bucket as the Polaroids burned. She felt the pictures she had in her pockets. These were worth keeping. She pulled out the closest one with a young collie balancing with one paw on a fencepost like a ballerina on stage making her smile. Maybe she really was worth all this trouble. She put the photo back in her pocket and looked to the house. Jake really seemed to like her.

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The next day Tiffany walked with the dogs along the fence line. After only a few hundred feet Tiffany looked at Friday, "and you KEPT sheep in here?" she said in a facetious tone that Friday knew nothing of so squeaked her bone toy twice happily. Tiffany smiled and stepped over a loose part that consisted of three cables attached to a hog wire fence. They walked to the barn and already Tiffany knew she would hate what was inside. Tiffanys' trash was Fridays' treasure. Five mummified sheep carcasses littered the dirty musty barn floor. Tiffany covered her nose and began opening all the doors and windows in every stall. Jake still had memories of the horrible rotting lamb puppet and was unsure if something terrible would happen, and it did. Tiffany and Jake both groaned as Friday rolled over the back of one of the dried carcasses as if it was a new mattress, a mattress made of jerky. Tiffany pulled Friday by the collar off the carcass and refused the offer to share a handful of mummified sheep bits Friday had in her paw. Jake was still unsure but commented, "Well at least she feels like she is at home now." He grinned.

Tiffany shook her head. "Well it's too late now, she smells like hell, you two might as well take these to the burn pit.

Jake looked appalled, "what? No way, why both of us? Friday is the one who likes dead things, and their acquired taste."

I need both of you to do it because I want them to make it into the burn pit instead of hidden in some nook or cranny." She looked to Friday who tried to look innocent of such ideas but having never really been innocent of hiding carcasses failed the attempt so Tiffany looked back at Jake, "you two get this mess cleaned up and I guess Friday gets an extra long extra strong bath tonight."

Friday grinned to Jake and picked up the dried husk of a ewe and smiled sweet as a dog can to Jake.

Jake just groaned and looked at his mistress as she left. He shrugged and grabbed a hoof and found the mummified sheep quite light once he got it unstuck from the floor.

Soon he and Friday stood at the edge of the burn pit at the mound of dried sheep.

"What are you doing?" Jake scolded Friday as she went into the pit and began pulling off a rear leg from one of the mummies.

Friday just bit and pulled until she had a leg of dehydrated mutton in her paw. She looked at Jake with large brown puppy eyes and the dog collapsed in his resolve to let her have one simple leg. So he nodded and she gleefully ran to him and stuffed something dry and strange into his mouth and like last time he spat it out but only half way, he began to chew on the dried jerky and rolled his eyes at himself. Damnit IT was delicious too. So making sure Friday was off to bury her treat and his mistress was not watching he stepped into the burn pit and pulled at a front leg and it came off easily with a poof of dust. The empty larvae shells he pulled free from the inside fell to the ground and were strung in the once rotting flesh of the sheep. He almost vomited and dropped the putrid leg and walked out the pit with his eyes watering and the taste of bile that he could not swallow in his throat. Damnit how did Friday make it seem so easy? He blinked his eyes clear and looked about to make sure no one saw what he did and then went back to the barn to pull out the old dry hay and add it to the future bonfire.

It took the collies until it was time to go home to clear the barn but it was really a difference. There were rotted out parts that would need to be repaired but otherwise was clean and looked spacious.

They had little time to pat themselves on the back when they heard the whistle to come, and it was time to go.

Friday tried to get in the cab of the truck but it was unanimously decided that she needed to be in the back of the truck after rolling in dead sheep again. Friday was happy and enjoyed the trip in the back of the truck back to their house but as soon as they arrived and she leapt from the bed of the truck Jake immediately escorted her to the shower. She smiled and licked his nosepad as he washed her thoroughly but felt a bit disappointed when she could not wash him back because of the brace on his leg. Then she felt unsure of herself as he paid her little attention other than to clean the lovely scent of sheep off her. She stood wet, wrapped in a towel and alone to complete drying off. She slunk still wet out of the bathroom and into the living room where she saw Jake curled up on the couch with his leg out awkwardly. She sighed and wondered how human she would have to be to get Jakes' attention. She got a quick idea and dried herself off as best she could and walked over to Jake with a brush and a smile. she was happy he accepted grooming her. She relaxed as the brush's bristled sifted her dense coat out and kneaded her soft skin at the same time.

It took almost ten days before there were sheep in the fields of the renovated farm. But there were still a lot of repairs to be made, too many to be made by Tiffany and two shepherd dogs. But there was a clean house and their things had been moved into the house, where soon after the heating unit went out and they froze for two nights huddled together. But that was the worst of the problems, the stove and the water heater were gas so they always had hot meals and hot showers

Friday chapter IX Bonnie, Clyde and the New Farm

\* \* \* \* \* CHAPTER IX Bonnie, Clyde and The New Farm \* \* \* \* \* Summer gave into falls brisk embrace, the trees were a leafy blaze on every gust of wind. The sheep greedily ate what thin grasses they could find, the twittering of...

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Friday chapters VII & VIII

\* \* \* \* \* CHAPTER VII Healing \* \* \* \* \* Tiffany sat petting Friday's head as it lay in her lap both looked desperately to the door they took Jake into to take care of him. Tiffany broke the monotony by occasionally looking at the...

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Friday chapter VI The Plot calls the Kettle Black

\* \* \* \* \* CHAPTER VI The Plot Calls the Kettle Black \* \* \* \* \* Friday admired Jake as he watched the sheep. She found herself drawn to him more as the days and nights together passed. He was a clumsy lover new to it all but she...

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