Friday chapter XVI Crazy Bitch

Story by Todd Fox on SoFurry

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#11 of Friday

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Crazy Bitch

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Jake looked at his mate who was happily strutting up to him on all fours, her pregnant belly a bit more obvious. Even through her thick coat

He looked at her and felt something was not qute right as he tightened the fence, then he realized the sheep were nowhere to be seen. He turned to the black and white bitch "where are the sheep?"

Friday sat down easily on her haunches to sign, ‘they are eating all of Marks plants.'

Jake gasped, that was something that mark truly cared about. "Why would you do something like that?" he said scolding and she tightened her brow angrily, ‘because he is a nuisance and he only stays because the plants are here.'

Jake shook his head, "no, I think he is here because she wants him here."

Friday shook her head, even if he was a dog she would have chased him from the farm if a master did not shoot him for being useless.

Friday looked at the fence and how close he was to closing the gap. It was still over five hundred feet but it was close compared to what was not done. She smiled proudly of her mate and watched him work.

The work had made him stronger. Sure the work was hard and redundant but his arms seemed tighter when he held her, his chest firmer when he pulled her close. She was in love with this idiot dog but he was the most wonderful dog.

A blood curdling shriek broke her daydream and made Jake look to the house on the other side of the hills. Friday knew it was his mistress and was close behind him when he abandoned the fence and bolted for home.

The collies came up as Mark was chasing Tiffany around her truck with a knife. He didn't; let her get the time to get in and he was fast. Jake ran to help his mistress, Friday ran to make sure her pup had a father.

Jake barked loudly startling Mark to stop running after Tiffany and look at him. She used the distraction to get in the truck and lock the doors. Mark was furious and threw the knife at the windshield, deflecting and twirling off into the grass. The melee weapon was gone but the verbal assault never stemmed as she fumbled the keys in the ignition and brought the truck back to life. Mark beat on the hood and door and kicked the truck as much as he could and then took to throwing rocks at the glass.

Jake and Friday ran to the access road as Tiffany was fleeing,. She stopped and unlocked the doors long enough for the dogs to get in and then she sped away from her home.

Friday was crestfallen,. She had expected mark to leave not them to flee and leave their home. She sighed and thought about her things and the man taking over the house, and this is the second time she had been forced to leave that house.

Both dogs looked to Tiffany when she pulled on the side of the access road and stopped.

"What are you doing?" Jake demanded unthinking of anything but escaping the man that tormented them.

"Maybe I should go back and apologize, I mean, I can pay for the damages, help him get more plants. Sheep are stupid animals, they just somehow got into the barn." she looked to Friday suddenly with hate in her eyes, "you did this didn't you, you put the sheep in there to eat the plants

Jake and Friday were stunned at what the woman said, "he is just using you and will discard you when he's done!" he barked angrier at his mistress than the fact he was quoting Friday in the defense of Friday, "Look what he's done, he hurt you me and Friday and does illegal things in your house and uses your money.

"No, Tiffany protested, "He's a good man, he is passionate and he loves me, he says so. He just needs some help, he'll change, he'll be better. And you two are always plotting and scheming against him"

Friday smiled to Jakes' dismay but it gave him an idea, "Friday calls him your master and says you love him like she loved her master."

Tiffany scowled, "He is nothing like Friday's master, he's nice and loves me, and I should go back to him, I'm sure he'll understand and he's sorry, he is just passionate." She said looking more at the console as if mentally debating if she should go back.

Jake could hardly believe this, they barely escape with their hides in tact and she wants to go back and apologize! "Friday was right, you are not a mistress, you are like us, but with a master like Fridays' and you used to ask me how Friday could miss and love someone like that. I remember those times and now look at you." he growled and then just shook his head as he saw her about to argue.

"Nevermind!" Jake barked in a tone that made even Friday flip her ears back and she kept them pinned submissively even though it was not her the voice was directed to, "You can't keep yourself safe much less us, and Friday is pregnant. I don't want to see him hurt you and you will not make it stop but I will not let him and your unwillingness to fight for us cost me Friday or my pup." He said the last almost in canine barks more than the human language. He jerked the door handle and got out slamming the door hard enough to make the truck shake and then opened the back door and grabbed Friday by her upper arm and pulled her out of the truck, slamming the door hard again yelling "go back to your master!"

Friday was a bit frightened by Jake now, she had never seen him like this, she had antagonized him to anger him many times but this, this was new and brooding, deep anger that she never thought could come from such a soft being as Jake, and it was so out of character, an anger that would let him abandon his mistress, the very person who saved him, raised him, loved him. But she was honored, that his concern for her and their pup made him think of them to anger him so much. She smiled softly to herself as she was pulled away from the truck and into the woods, away from danger, and away from her new home. She was a bit frightened but was more scared of making herself the focus of the anger that brewed deep inside her mate, so was quiet and followed his lead even after he let her go. She followed him, concerned and unsure what to do she did what she had seen humans do on TV, she trotted up beside him and took his paw in hers. She felt her heart jump when Jake suddenly stopped. She feared she incurred the deep brooding wrath that boiled in him, but instead she was met with sad glacier blue eyes and a warm smile. She smiled softly to him and kissed his cheekruff, he squeezed her paw in comforting acceptance and paw in paw they trekked the wood until she caught a familiar scent, the Athens Ranch.

* * * * *

Friday wrapped her arms about Jake as he became calm enough to be called restful, she rubbed her head to his neck and chest as she pressed as much of her soft furred body to his admirably. She had seen the darkest side of Jake she never thought to witness and it frightened her, but she knew what brought that fearful transition from sweet dog to vicious brooding canine was the fear he would loose her, and their pup.

Mrs. Athens was surprised to see her daughters' two loyal dogs without her and away from the farm and sheep they tended.

She called to her husband who reacted more to the concern in her voice than the words and headed out to the two dogs already met by Bonnie and Clyde.

Mrs. Athens rushed to the dogs in obvious fear of the worst, "what happened? Is everything alright?!" she said as she came up to the dogs, Jake answering angrily.

"no, nothing is alright, Tiffany has a shitbag boyfriend that beats her, she won't let me protect her, she fucked everything up with Jimmy, the farm is in trouble and she just pissed me off so bad I'd rather be here than there." He looked at Friday who's usually sly and mischievous looking eyes were instead deep and doe eyed with concern for her irate mate. "I'll be asleep in the barn" Jake grumbled almost unintelligible in the human language.

Friday made a few quick steps and grabbed his tail making him spin around, shocking her to holding her slightly swollen belly. But she had to use her hands to talk, "are you mad at me?" she looked pitiful and concerned.

The dog kept his distant scowl for a second his mind trying to find the connection points between his anger and her, and there was no contacts so it was strange she asked that, then he sighed and shook his head, "no, I'm not mad at you Friday, I'm not mad at you, you are the last person I'm mad at believe it or not."

He looked at her, his cool blue eyes meeting her warm brown eyes before he lowered his head and walked away. Friday looked at Mrs. Athens as Mr. Athens had sometime or another gotten his coat and was getting in his truck.

Friday felt alone again, she wanted someone to tell her her new life was not falling apart, someone to just assure her she was going to be loved and cared for. But Mrs. Athens was running up to the truck as it was starting up and Jake had gone into the barn. She was again alone. She had forgotten how it felt to be alone she had been with others for so long. She ran after Jake, for the first time realizing that for the first time, she needed him, she honestly needed him.

* * * * *

Mr. Athens pulled up to the house he bought for his daughter. The house itself did look ominous with the repairs left half finished, the weeds tall and just an air of unhappiness. He didn't even make it to the door before his daughter came out with a smile that was obviously forced. "Hey Dad." She greeted him and trotted down the stairs to give him a hug, "what brings you to my farm." She said with a now honest smile, "you look worried."

"Well I will worry when I see my daughters dogs wander up alone and frustrated. Jake especially."

"Look dad, I'm fine and Jake is just being jealous of my boyfriends attentions, that's all. and maybe you should keep him, he is getting in my way a lot and he doesn't like Mark"

Mr. Athens was startled at her statement to keep Jake, they had been inseparable sense he was seven years old. "Well did you think that there is maybe a reason for that?"

Tiffany huffed and shook her head, "I think it's the dominant issues, he is so used to being the alpha male he cannot give it up to Mark, that's all, he'll learn but maybe for now he should just sulk. He'll be back."

Tiffany look, is everything here okay?"

Tiffany looked unnaturally confused, "of course everything's okay dad."

Mr. Athens looked to his daughter and then to the house where he suspected Mark was hiding out. But he was not going to press. "Well if you have any troubles you call me or your mom, okay." He looked to his daughter and just shook his head disappointed, he had seen the signs often enough when he was a cop, and he knew no amount of logic would pry a woman away form an abusive relationship. He just never expected his daughter would fall into one. "You know I'm there if you need help, you know."

Tiffany shook her head, "I know, but I got Mark."

Mr. Athens frowned deeply in thought, "well I'll tell you what, why don't you and mark come to Sunday dinner. I know your mother and I would like to see this Mark you have been keeping hidden," he smiled forcibly and was rewarded with his daughters smile and nod, "we'll be there." She giggled.

Mr. Athens nodded and got in his truck gripping the steering wheel till his knuckles turned white. He didn't want to confront Mark here, not now. He was too angry, he knew he would do something to the man and that would just vilify him and make her more attached to Mark. He gritted his teeth hard as he slowly pulled form the drive. He took a longer rout and then took it twice to calm down before he returned to his farm, Jake watching his truck drive up looking for his mistress, hoping she came to her senses and fled. But Mr. Athens was the only occupant of the only vehicle. Jake ran up to the truck as Mr. Athens came out.

"What happened?" Jake barked and looked worried

"I changed my mind, I'd rather have you as a son in law" Mr. Athens told Jake and walked past him to the house.

Jake was baffled but he still worried about his mistress. He knew Tiffany did not want his protection, and he could not protect Friday there either. So he sighed and resolved to stay with the other collies in the barn. He hated Mark.

Friday followed him in the barn and up to the loft that she had taken over when she first came to live on the farm. Now it was the home to Bonnie and Clyde. Friday was a little resentful of the occupation but was glad that what she had made was desired by others. She was beginning to feel at ease again and closed the distance to Jake and grabbed him hugging him fiercely and then she flashed her teeth at him and buried her head in his chest. He held her and pet her head softly, playing with her velvety ears, "no, I would not leave you alone." He whispered and sat on the rim of the hay nest and sighed Friday sitting beside him leaning on his shoulder. He calmed down the more he pet her, so she gave him more to pet and laid so her head was in his lap and he stroked over her soft chest fur. She bit her tongue softly as his fingers stroked over her heat enlarged breasts.

She enjoyed the attention and then curled into a half ball and gripping the paw that tickled her soft belly. She opened her muzzle and laughed silently her tail tucking trying to protect herself as she was tickled. Jake looked down at her when he stopped tickling her. She held onto his paw with both of hers and opened her eyes to him and his mischievous collie smile just before he tickled her again. She retaliated this time tickling his belly and distracting him so his attack was not as good. She managed to get up on all fours and butt him over with her shoulder like she used to do with Berry and pounced him with her forepaws and tickled his sides. He had never seen an attack like that so went down easy and was easy prey. She laid over him like the sphinx and nuzzled his nose pad as he caught his breath. She looked down at him and then the world spun as he grabbed her and pinned her under him. she felt his sac on her lower belly as he straddled her and she felt a stirring inside of her, she wanted him, but he was just now relaxing from getting thrown out, but she tried, she wiggled until she rolled over and lifted her tail, the bad part of the plan was he has straddled her belly and now he sat on her lower back. She was still hoping he would take her. She felt him shift and lay over her, his sheath on her rump near her tail. His weight was on her and his head rested on her shoulder. She tingled with anticipation and then nothing. She looked back at him and saw him with his eyes closed. She wiggled a bit and even teased his sheath tip with her tail but nothing, he was asleep.

She sighed and put her paws under her chin and closed her eyes, and was thankful her dreams were more accommodating.

* * * * *

Friday woke to the split face collie looking at her. it was so unnerving to her, what side did she look at? So she woke Jake who looked up uninterested in anything. He was used to houses and now he slept more and more in barns. He was not pleased to think it would become his new lifestyle and it showed in his voice, "what do you want?"

The shy collie twitched her whiskers and spoke, "I was, umm,. Not sure if you were working here?" she said the last in a question and tucked her tail a bit.

Jake flopped his head on Fridays belly and sighed. "Maybe tomorrow."

The split face looked to talk more but a flash of Fridays' teeth made her retreat.

Friday pet her mates head as it rested on her belly. She wished she could talk to him like everyone else. But she was mute and wishing would not make it any different. But her doing got her and him living in another barn in another farm. Maybe she should just get used to Jake being mad and just let him work it out. She slumped a bit looking at her snoozing mate on her belly. She hated to think about just giving up, being helpless to act. She gripped one of Jakes' ears too hard thinking about him having to fight alone and the eventual outcome.

He grabbed her wrist and looked up to her. She was flush then her inner ear turned rose. She would have signed sorry but he held one of her paws but the words were not necessary, Jake lifted up on all fours and crawled like a human on his knees to cup her chin in his paws and touch his nosepad to hers "I know this is hard, I'm sorry."

Friday did not want that, it was she who thought about getting rid of Mark by using the sheep, it was her doing not his and he was going to take the blame for her failure? She grabbed his cheekruffs and pulled him away so he could see her sign and told him what she thought.

Jake smiled softly and shook his head. "I was saying sorry that we are in this situation," he said looking at the surrounding barn and then her belly, "I wanted better for us all, I don't know why I thought I could protect everyone and set things right by myself. I always have" he said in a sigh and looked down and twitched his muzzle before looking up a bit to look at the pregnant black and white collie.

Friday reached out and pulled his head into her chest and pet him with her fingers not letting him go. She leaned her head on his when she felt him hold her back. She was a bit curious when he let her go and pulled away. He looked at her thinking hard.

"How do you feel about bringing the sheep here, I know you have a way we can take. Friday was too flattered and exited to pick up any unintended implied insult and wagged her tail furiously happy to be back in the game of sheep stealing, even if it was just sheep moving. She could at least pretend.

* * * * *

It felt strange to go out to steal sheep in the daylight. But it was a bit more fun when she watched Jake rip out a section of old dilapidated fenceline and lay it flat. They would need the opening to get all the sheep out. It was not a hard task, there was no one to watch the bleating sheep who were never removed form the holding paddock. She could tell Jake had lost a lot of respect for his mistress for this.

They worked on and together they brought the over two hundred sheep back and pushed them in with the parent Athens flock.

The collies smiled to each other as they looked at the herded mass. Their thin sheep were easy to spot among the fuller Athens sheep. She could feel the comparison of sheep in his body but he was still proud of the work.

Bonnie and Clyde were less impressed to see the new thinner sheep but the two collies helped their younger brethren enjoying their time with the young collies.

Friday was impressed with how much they had advanced and grown more confident and even defensive of their tactics. The two worked well together. She felt her own belly and smiled. It was parental pride she felt watching the younger ones do what she helped teach. She looked at her belly, soon she will be doing it again, but with her own.

* * * * *

Mr. Athens during the time had gotten himself a drink and with his throat no longer parched spoke to his wife, "I think we magically acquired some sheep, the flock looks too big. I'm wondering if the new dogs are following Fridays examples." He looked to Friday and gave a smirk, "did you teach those new dogs to steal sheep?"

Friday shook her head while still leaning it against her mate's chest.

"I brought the sheep from Tiffanys' place back so they wouldn't starve."

Friday nodded and looked back at Mr. Athens as he put his glass down hard on the table looking at Jake "What do you mean you brought the sheep over here, those aren't our sheep anymore!" Mr. Athens scolded Jake, "those sheep are Tiffany's and I ain't feeding or caring for that girls sheep, and I ain't stealing them like some folks." Friday noticed he never stopped looking at Jake but she felt a little guilty. Mr. Athens sat back down and sighed looking at his wife then to the dogs. "Look, I know you two were just looking out for the welfare of the sheep but it's not your job other than to do as we say. I know your hearts were in the right place but Tiffany is a grown woman who has to be able to be trusted with a farm if she intends to inherit this one. She has to prove she can do it on her own and with no help from us."

Friday nodded and sighed imagining the life lesions she would give to their pup, and thought about how hard it must be to watch their daughter fail so badly, and let it happen.

"Even if there is two hundred rotting sheep carcasses smelling up the valley then that is the way it has to be." He kept looking at Jake. "So take the sheep back."

Jake looked to his mate as she signed, ‘we cannot leave the sheep to die, that is just mean and I cannot do that, not now.'

Jake nodded, "that means we'll have to go back and stay with them."

Mr. Athens picking up on only the verbal half of the conversation spoke, "no, you two are welcome to bunk in with Bonnie and Clyde. I know you two are hard workers and are welcome to stay."

Jake shook his head "no, I'm afraid we'll have to go with the sheep."

Friday smiled at her mate and wagged her tail a bit thinking how lucky she was lucky to have this dog.

The next day Friday and Jake herded the sheep back to their new home. The fact that there was never a call about the sheep did not bode well. Jake avoided the house and never even gave it a first look much less a second. The things that Friday told him echoed in his head. Humans used and he remembered when she would cuddle to him even with Friday, but now she hurt him and threw him out and ignored him and even the sheep, she had something she wanted more than him and the farm and he was stuck here with his stupid sense of duty watching over two hundred sheep that only he and Friday cared about.

Friday shocked him out of his thoughts with a soft petting over his shoulder and a cuddle. He smiled to himself and closed his eyes, he realized now, how lucky he was to have this collie as his mate. He reached a paw up and scritched her ear as she laid her head on his shoulder.

"I love you Friday." He muttered softly thinking about her and she nuzzled him quietly in return.