A tell of a young wolf

Story by Meiaku on SoFurry

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This is a tell of a small girl who raised part wolf and fox, she is me. My name is Kaina Karu.

I was kidnapped from my home and beaten stranded out in the woods, when I was just a little pup of 4 years and stranded out in the woods, so I began to wonder around looking for my way back home. I was found by a pack of wolves that took me in and raised me as their own pup. I lived with them till I was about 7 year and then I left hoping to go back home to my real family. I looked for many weeks but with no luck. As I neared a creek to hunt for fish, I was attacked by bear. I managed to escape the bear and find a village nearby. I collapsed outside of the village. I passed out a few mins after I collapsed. I remember waking up beside a warm fire. I could hear voices talking. As I woke up, I saw a man standing beside me.

"Glad to see your away little girl, don't try to talk, you were wounded very badly. I found you outside the village past out. So I brought you inside my house. You've been asleep for several days now" the tall man said.

I could not move or speak, so I laid still. I heard the man call for someone to come in the room. I could see it was a boy he looked to be a few years older than me. He had a soft smile on his face, and glasses blue eyes, he and the older man looked just alike.

"This is my son, he will look after you and make sure you get well soon." the older man said with a softly smile.

I healed over the next few days, with much help from the older Man's son. It took many more months for me to heal completely. Within those months I learned the older Man's name was William but I was told to call him Master, and I learned his Son's name was William Jr. I was told to call him Big Brother. Big Brother soon told that his father planed to make me a slave to repay for saving my life. I knew that I would soon start training, but I did not know exactly when.

Over the next few years Master sent me to school with Big Brother. It's been 9 years since Master saved me; I am now 16 years of age. Master came to me and said

"Pet you will no longer be going to school with you Big Brother, but you will be homed schooled, because tomorrow you start your training to become a proper pet for this family." I smiled softly to show I understood,

But I could tell Master knew I did not want to be a pet or slave. I was told to go to my room and wait to be called for supper. I did as told in fear of being whipped.

This went on for several more years as I was trained. I'm now 19 almost 20 years. My training continues still, but Master says I will be his best pet yet if I continue the way I am.

"Pet come here." Master yelled from his study.

"Yes Master" I replied as I rushed to him.

I knocked on the door to the study

"Enter" yelled Master.

As I entered Master said "come here pet, sit on my lap."

"Yes Master." I replied sitting on his lap softly.

"I'm going to tell you something" Master whispered

"Pet is listing Master" I replied softly.

"Pet I know you are still a virgin, and I want you to be completely mine, do you want that to pet?" Master said.

"Yes Master pet does." I replied

"Good, then I will Take your Virginity, or I might let your Big Brother take it and you become his pet forever. Which would you like pet?" Master spoke

"Pet would like to serve you Master, but Big Brother is much closer to pet's ages Master." I spoke softly.

"Ok then for your Big Brother's 21 birthday, my gift to him will be your virginity. Do you understand me pet? And you will let him take it however he wants to." Master spoke with a stern tone.

"Now get up and go fix supper pet" he added with a hint of unhappiness.

"Yes Master" I said as I bowed and left his study.

Big Brother's 21st birthday was tomorrow, and tomorrow I would be his to do what he pleased with. Master told me to go to my room after supper and wait there till tomorrow. I did as told to. I lay down and decided I should try to rest for tomorrow I have much to do. I feel fast asleep and the time passed right by me.

I was awakened by a loud yell outside my door. I could tell it was Master waking me so I may presented to Big Brother. Master handed me silks that he had gotten to wear in front of Big Brother. The silks had many jewels and were made of the finest silk you could find.

Master these silks are much lavish for pet to wear." I whispered softly as I looked into his eyes.

"It is alright pet they are for you and you alone, I want you to look your best for when you stand in front of your new Master." Master replied with a tone of sweetness.

"Master you are far too kind" I whispered as stood up and dressed in the lavish silks.

"I am only kind to you because you will be my son's first slave, and any good Master keeps his first girl to himself and marries her." Master replied with a smile.

"Master do you really think your son will like me?" I said with a worried look in my eyes.

"I know so my little, he has been eyeing you since we found you you outside the city." Master said with a look of joy as he turned to walk out the door. Looking back he said "stay here little I will come get you when its time for his gifts, you will be his first gift of the night little one."

"Yes Master" I answered in a hushed tone. As he left the room I dressed myself in the lavish silks he had given me.