The Island of Doctor Mortimer 1, 2, and 3

Story by baboonfan on SoFurry

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Kirk Woods opened his eyes and saw a blinding light.

"Uh. What happened?" he thought. He remembered that he had gone out to a bar last night, but he hadn't drank that much. But what happened next? It was so blurry, and the light is soo bright. He felt weak as a newborn kitten. Kirk couldn't move his body. But the light felt nice and warm on his skin, like getting a suntan.

A cool breeze wafted in the room, and Kirk felt his skin break out in gooseflesh. He realized he was completely naked, and laying on a paper sheet, like in a hospital. The coolness broke him out of his stupor.

"Wha? Where am I?" he asked. He tried to sit up, but it was like iron weights were attached to his whole body, and the light stung his eyes painfully. He felt a gloved hand rest on his cheek.

"Relax." a soothing male voice said. "Your in the best of hands. Now I don't want to alarm you, but you've been in an accident. Quite a nasty one.You were hit by a truck carring several drums filled with dangerous chemicals. When the truck hit you, the drums opened and the contents spilled on you" the breeze ended as the unseen door closed with a whoosh.

"I'm in a hospital?" Kirk asked.

"More like a private clinic. The doctor who owns it saw your accident and decided to help." The man said.

"Why am I not in pain?"

"You were given the best pain medicine know to medical science. It's ten times more effective than morphine. Without it, you'd be in hell." the voice explained.

"What's going to happen to me?" Kirk as sleepily. He was feeling so drozy all the sudden.

"Well, your prospects don't look good. If the doctor dosn't operate immedietly, you'll die from the toxins. We'll need your permission to operate."

"Sure, go 'head." Kirk said before he faded into unconsciousness.

* * * * * *

As Kirk awoke again, he felt a dull acheing sensation in his stomache. The man with the soothing voice was there, attaching diods to his chest.

"Oh, your awake."

"Yup. What's happening now?" Kirk asked wearily.

"I'm prepping you for surgery. The doctor will start as soon as your anestetized." The man leaned over Kirk's face, blocking the harsh light. For the first time Kirk could see the face of his kindly keeper. The guy looked about twenty five, with wonderfully thick chocolate brown hair, and the face of an Ambercrombie and Fitch GOD! Kirk was suddenly very self conscious of his slightly flabby body and tiny penis.

"Is there anything I can do for you Mr. Woods?" The hottie asked.

"What's your name?" Kirk asked drowzily.

"Stephen. Stephen Foster."

"The guy who wrote Camptown Races and Beautiful Dreamer?" The hottie smiled as he put a gas mask over Kirk's mouth.

"Just a coincidence. I'm surprised you know about that guy."

"I'm a history teacher at the high school." Kirk explained through the mask.

"Oh really? I love history. Now I'm going to need you to take deep breaths and count to ten" Stephen said excitedly.

"Cute and a history buff. I think I'm in love." Kirk was pleased to see Stephen blush as he began counting silently. He got up to four before he passed out.

* * * * * *

Kirk groggily awoke on the operating table. He was still under the baking heat of a lamp, but it felt very good on his skin. All throughout his body he felt an invigorating energy. He lept off the table and landed five feet away. But now that he was standing upright, he got a good look at himself. WHAT THE HELL?! Kirk was at least six foot two and he was covered in sleek gold scales, and was that a tail?! Under his scales his muscles were huge and bulging and flexing with every movement. He looked down at his hands; actually, they were more like claws now, with sharp talons. WHAT THE HELL?!!!

End of part 1

While Kirk was freaking out over his tail, a door slid open and a man walked in. He was a gray haired, older man dressed in a stylish suit and had a silver topped cane. Although he appeared to be in his fifties, thick muscles bulged under the cloth and his five foot ten frame had an air of confidence and power. His face sported well trimmed friendly muttonchops, which only made him seem more masculine. The man approached Kirk and ran a gentle hand between his big pecs.

"MMM, you turned out nice. Big muscles, smooth scales. I knew you were going to be a reptile, but I didn't know which." he said.

"Wh-who the heck are you?" Kirk asked. He noticed that his voice had taken on a silken quality.

"I'm Doctor James Mortimer. I'm the one who performed the surgery that saved your life."

"You did thissss to me!" Kirk suddenly felt an anger that he never felt before, and everything became red. "I"LL KILL YOU!"

Kirk leaped at the Doctor's throat. The man reacted quickly, struck Kirk down with his cane.

"How dare you! You owe me your life! Without me you'd be in a pine box in the ground by now!" the Dr. Mortimer shouted. The rage inside of Kirk cooled, and he was filled with great shame.

"I'm sssorry, massster." Kirk hissed. He instinctively kneeled and laid his head at the Doctor's feet. Dr. Mortimer gave Kirk a soft look, petted the scales between his eyes, and helped him stand.

"It's okay my pet. This must be scary for you. Come, time for your examination." He took Kirk's hand and led him out of the white room.

This new room looked like the exam room of a doctor's office, with paper covering the table. Kirk sat down on the table. By the table was a full length mirror and saw himself fully for the first time. What was most striking was his eyes! They were slanted and reptilian, and the irises shown like molten gold! The pupils were thin slashes of obsidian. The scleras, (the area around the iris), were pitch black, making the gold stand out even more.

Kirk entire body was covered in golden/custard colored scales. Sexy black spots all down his back, on his arms, and on his throat. A big dappled black line from the tip of his reptilian nose, running between his eyes, and down his back all the way down to his feet.

His hands were big, the fingers blunt. His feet were large as well, but slightly more reptilian. Each large to ended with a black claw.

"Now for your tests." Dr. Mortimer said. He tested Kirk's reflexes, took his measurements, and had him flex his arms.

"Damn." The Doctor said admiringly. "Six foot eight, three hundred and twenty pounds of muscle. Your one of the biggest snakes I've ever made. But you're not just a big snake. I added several extra features."

"Like what Masster?" Kirk was only half listening, still fascinated with the bulge of muscle in his flexing arm.

"Well, like all my patients, you can attain human form and become more animal like or attain complete animal form. And of course they all have big sexual appetites, but each sect of the animal kingdom has different bonuses. The canines have increased scent and hearing capabilities, the bats develop echolocation, the mice have increased sexual stamina...

"Mousssse?" Kirk asked, suddenly very interested. Something very primal inside him stirred, awakened by the thought of mice.

"And the snakes have venom. Several venoms. Now these venoms are in no way deadly. In fact their side effects are quite pleasant. One of them induces muscle growth, one increases semen production, another is an incredible aphrodisiac. There are seven venoms all together. You possess all of them. I'll let you figure out what the rest of them do."

"Massster, I have one quessstion. How did you do thisss? How did you make me into a sssnake? It's nothing I've ever heard of before." Kirk hissed, gazing into the eyes of his beloved creator.

"Ah, my new pet is curious. I like that. Well, to fully explain, I'll need to provide some back info. You do know about the atomic bomb, correct?"

"Yess. It wass developed by the U.SSS. government to combat the Japanesse in World War 2. The government called the production of it, The Manhattan Project, although to maintain sssecrecy, the project was sspread out to ssseveral locationss around the nation. No ssingle location had all the info at one time." Kirk explained.

"Impressive. Stephan told me that you were a history teacher at a high school. What an intelligent new pet I have." Doctor Mortimer praised, as he gently stroked the scales on Kirk's throat. Kirk leaned in to his touch and hissed with pleasure.

"Well of course once the government had finished constructing the bomb, they began testing it. They tested it on uninhabited islands, empty plots of land in the middle of nowhere, on farm animals. But the real question was, what happened to people? They had a pretty good guess based on everything else, but apparently, more data was needed." The Doctor said with his voice full of sarcasm and bitterness.

"Those monsters actually sent thousands of military recruits into a test site and set off a bomb. Anyone close to ground zero was vaporized in a second. They were the lucky ones. Those far enough not to die from the impact died more slowly from horrible burns that spread over their entire bodies. Radiation burns are very different from fire burns. These burns actually burnt them at near atomic level! The ones farthest away were affected by the radiation. These poor souls suffered from radiation poisoning or worse. Those that were plagued by cancer related problems for the rest of their lives. In fact, even today there are a group of these men still trying to sue the federal government for theses health problems. Unfortunately, their prospects look grim."

"I was placed on a team of scientists by the government to try to combat these effects. This group of scientists were looking to find a way to repair the cellular damage done by radiation by replacing it with the dna of animals. We worked tirelessly for months. By the time our project was a year old, the government had cut most of our funding to help the was effort. Finally it was just left to three scientists. Dr. Ulysses Brown, Dr. Julius Madison, and myself. We were close to a break through, but we ran out of lab rats. We could've requested some army recruits, but we didn't want to do the same shameful practice as our government. So we drew straws amongst ourselves. Julius got the short straw, so he would be our guinea pig. He injected himself with formula number 114. The first symptoms were an extreme fever, accompanied by excessive sweating. Ulysses and I thought he was going to die. Then the oddest thing happened. His skin started stretching, and underneath it his muscles rapidly grew. His limbs grew out, and he busted out of his clothing, leaving nothing but tatters. When his muscles were done building, they were the size of a pro body builder who has been at it for decades. Every muscle was enormous and bulging, cut like a flawless diamond, but covered in baby soft skin. He stood up, and he was at least eight feet tall. We asked him if he was alright. He just looked down at us and let loose booming laughter. In his new baritone voice, Julius said he never felt better.

Then something strange happened. Julius began to sweat and get hot again. This time, hair sprouted all over his body. The hair on his head became thicker and longer. A lush crop of hair grew all over his chest and back. Every limb was coated with black luxurious hair, down to his blunt digits. His public hair also grew, becoming a dense forest around his big cock. Then his facial hair kicked in. The hair on his face was so thick and bristly, the only skin showing was around his eyes and nose. His forehead protruded slightly, and his nostrils became more wide. In the end, he looked like a big, muscular, hairy ape man. He instantly became hard, his thick tube of meat becoming hard as steel, and a frightening 14 inches, and at least as thick as a beer can. He desperately started masturbating, hoping to relieve the horrible pressure building in his balls. Finally, he let loose a primate roar and shot a monster wad that drenched us, the lab, and all of the equipment. While he was busy lapping it all up, Ulysses and I set up a series of tests. First we tested his strength. We ran out of weights after he reached three tons. We hypothesized that he could lift up a car if he wanted to. Next was his stamina. We had him start running around a track. We gave up after 500 laps. Finally came the intelligence test. His scores were less than positive. We thought we had gotten the results wrong at first, so we tested him again. But it didn't help. "

"You mean..." Kirk wondered out loud.

"Yes." The doctor said sadly. "The formula wasn't perfect. While Julius had the body of a god, and a sexual appetite that would make the most deviant porn star look like a monk, his intelligence was the price. Every day he lost a little more of his IQ. Luckily he had plenty to spare, being a genius scientist. After about two weeks we came up with a modifying agent to stop the progression of the IQ loss. Luckily it worked, and Julius was saved from being a drooling moron. Unfortunately, he had lost too much intelligence to be of any more use in the lab. This was very sad to lose a colleague, but he understood.

"We chose to fake Julius' death until we could perfect the formula and present it too our superiors. Since Julius had no family, few questions were asked. The government decided to use the money that had been used to pay Julius' salary and add it to our research budget. With it, we bought some more lab animals, a few rats, some guinea pigs, and a monkey.

"Why a monkey?" Kirk asked.

"Ulysses had a strange sense of humor. He said he thought Julius would like some company while we were in the lab. It turns out Ulysses was right. Julius and the monkey became fast friends, and this is how we made another discovery. It turns out, Julius could understand everything the monkey said. It was like he spoke the same language. That's another side effect of the serum."

"Ssso I can talk to sssnakess?" Kirk hissed.

"Yes pet. That has been the case for every other subject." The doctor explained. Kirk could feel his head swimming. His brain felt so full processing all this info at once. Doctor Mortimer, sensing his pet's distress offered to give Kirk a break.

"Perhaps you'd like to meet a few of your fellow patients?" The doctor suggested. Kirk's mind began filling with images of mouse men. He licked his scaly lips with his forked tongue.

"Yesss, master. I would love to." The doctor led him out into the hall, and Kirk followed silently.

End of part 2

(Note to readers: Every time I use spell check, it picks up all the s' in Kirk's hissing. So just imagine him hissing please.)

Dr. Mortimer led Kirk to a pair of large metal doors.

"Okay my pet. Behind these doors is the first part of the island." The Doctor said. "Now, I say Island, but actually it's the size of a small state."

"But master, how do you keep it from showing up on maps?" Kirk hissed.

"If you pay off the right government agencies, anything is possible. Besides, some of my patients have their fingers in a lot a pies." The older man said. With that, he opened the door.

Outside the compound was a beautiful field of lush, long green grass. Tall leafy trees surrounded the glade, and flowers dappled the field with color. But what was truly remarkable was the creatures in the field...

Beautiful, naked men, with animal features. A panther-man laying lazily in the sun. A pair of goats frolicking with each other. A warthog going about his business. Men with wings in flight.

"Kinda takes your breath away, doesn't it?" Doctor Mortimer asked in awe.

A large emerald green python glided across the grass to the doctor. Suprisingly, it raised itself on its tail so that it was on eye level with them.

"Hello master." The snake replied in a velvety voice. "Is this the new guy?"

"Yes Greg. This is Kirk. Please be his tour guide." The python nodded, making it seem like a bow. Doctor Mortimer turned to Kirk. "Follow Greg. He'll teach you everything you need to know. I'll be inside the compound if you need me." Then he walked back inside.

Kirk studied Greg. Unlike himself, Greg seemed like a normal snake.

"The doctor told me I could change to a fully animal form. How do I do it?" Kirk asked.

"It's simple. Just concentrate on what a snake looks like. Long body, strong muscles under the smooth scales."

Kirk squeezed his eyes together, and imagined. He layed on his belly, on the cool grass, the sun warming his back, and he was moving. It was like swimming. His every muscle tightening and relaxing, causing him to glide.

As he envisioned himself, he felt himself stretching, his bones moving, muscles bulging, and his face tapering out.

"Wow. You're even sexier as a snake." Greg hissed. Kirk looked at himself lying on the ground. Golden/custard colored scales, with a pattern of black spots down his back. He felt incredible, powerful! His whole body felt like one intensely strong muscle. He flicked out his tongue. The whole world was full of flavors! He could taste the scents of the air, of the other animals, the grass, and even the sun!

"Some fun huh?" Greg asked smiling.

"How do I use my venom?" Kirk asked. "Doctor Mortimer said that I had several kinds."

"Well, I'm a python, so I don't have any venom. But the other snakes say that they just have to think about the effects of the venom they want to use." Greg explained.

Really? Kirk thought mischievously. He concentrated on images of bodybuilders, and athletes sweaty muscles. Kirk felt his fangs slide out, and quick as a flash he bit into his new friend.

The python responded with a hiss of anger. Then he felt the change begin. Shifting into his half form, Greg felt his arms stretch out, his chest appeared, and his face became more human like, but his lower half remained a tail. He felt his muscles burning under his scales, and he felt heavy. When his chest began filling out with rock hard muscle, he understood the nature of his transformation and struck a cocky pose. His arms swelled up to the point his biceps looked like cantaloupes. His abs rippled, becoming the size of bricks. These changes made Greg feel very horny, and it was starting to show. His serpentine dick slide out of the protective slit, and it rose to the middle of his abs. The cock seemed like it had its own consciousness. It moved and slithered like a snake, and spat out gobs of pre like an angry serpent.

As the transformation finally stopped, Greg looked down with slitted eyes at Kirk. Kirk didn't notice. He was on eye level with Greg's angry dick.

"Are you going to stare, or are you going to take care of it?" Greg hissed angrily.

Kirk nodded, still in full serpent form. He flicked his fork tongue out to catch the pre. Greg made a pleased noise in his throat.

"Retract the fangs!" Greg ordered. Kirk, in a fog of lust, obeyed. Greg grabbed Kirk by the back of the head, reared his hips back, and with a mighty thrust he rammed his dick down Kirk's throat. Kirk didn't seem to mind at all. His own dick had immerged from its hiding place.

Greg pushed Kirk farther down on his meat, until it was completely down Kirk's gullet. Then moved Kirk off his dick, then back again.

He picked up the pace, push, pull, push, pull. Kirk was like a living foreskin for Greg to masturbate. Working them both into a frenzy. Greg was nearing the edge.

With a final squeeze around Kirk's neck, Greg unloaded. Hissing, he shot jet after jet into Kirk. Kirk started thrashing about, trying to escape the flow of jizz, but Greg was insistent. Kirk finally accepted and went limp, weakly trying to widen his long throat.

After what seemed like an hour to Kirk, Greg's balls were finally empty. Tenderly, he pulled Kirk off of his cock. Kirk had swallowed gallons of cum, and now he looked like a big bloated sausage.

"You okay?" Greg asked, concerned now that his lust had passed. Kirk just nodded limply.

"Now I know what a condom feels like." Kirk gurgled. Then he yawned.

"Hmm. The sun feels good." He stretched out to bask in the rays.

Greg nodded. Being cold-blooded, sunbathing was his favorite thing to do, after sex. He happily stretched out his bigger body on a large rock in the meadow, and drowsed.

Dr. Mortimer, watching the goings on with binoculars, thought to himself, "He's going to fit in just fine.

End of part 3