Stupid Cupid: First Reward

I"m back! After a long inspiration drought, I'm back in the saddle, and I'm toying with the idea of a new, more furry series. Tell me what you think! Jerry poofed himself back to Eros' throne room. Eros looked sinfully sexy sitting on the...

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Stupid Cupid- Mission One

Eros snapped his fingers again and the crystals stopped moving. The one in front of Jerry began glowing like the sun. "This is your first mission. Your job is to see these two get together. If you succeed, you're a step closer to getting your...

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Stupid Cupid- Job description

Jerry awoke to the feeling of a big strong tongue on his body. Jerry opened his eyes with an aroused moan. Eros was holding him in his arms and sucking the last of the cum off of Jerry's toes. Jerry gave a big masculine purr as Eros looked into his...

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Stupid Cupid- Dinner with the boss

Jerry stood stupidly in the shower, glaring at Vigo's little wings through the fog of his lust. They were little dove wings, ridiculously tiny compared to the guys body, but they were adorable! Vigo noticed his staring, and grinned. He flexed a...

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Stupid Cupid- The Hatching

Jerry sluggishly opened his eyes. He felt incredibly sore all over, and he was very cramped. His knees were in his face and he couldn't move his head. There was no light anywhere, only blackness. He also felt wet. He was sitting in a big puddle of...

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Stupid Cupid: The Beginning

Jerry was hopelessly lost. In the middle of nowhere. At night. In a terrible storm. With a flat tire. He was supposed to be in the city by now, at his job interview. Now he would never make it. Jerry ran his hand over his thinnning hair in...

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Stupid Cupid- Mission 2

On the subject of the supernatural, Hollywood has always been off the mark. The monsters you see on the silver screen are just terrible stereotypes that have been around for centuries. Anne Rice? Complete baloney. The Blob? Hogwash. Don't get me...

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The Island of Doctor Mortimer 1, 2, and 3

Kirk Woods opened his eyes and saw a blinding light. "Uh. What happened?" he thought. He remembered that he had gone out to a bar last night, but he hadn't drank that much. But what happened next? It was so blurry, and the light is soo bright. He...

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