A New Breed Maybe?

Story by Mech on SoFurry

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_Legal stuff I forgot to add when I submitted this earlier. The characters in here are based on a RP I did with Tierrawintercat. Pokemon and other things are (c) to Nintendo and their creators. Not intended for those under the age of 18. Read at your own risk.

Matt hummed a little song to himself as he strolled through the forest, enjoying the perfect day. At his side waddled an Ivysaur named Zeke, the first Pokemon he had ever gotten. He had raised it himself and had finally decided to go out into the world and see more of it than he could from his house in the little backwoods town he grew up in. That was a couple years ago, and now he had seen a good bit of the area, caught more Pokemon, and had time to think about what he wanted to do with his life. In truth, he was perfectly happy as he was right now, living off the money he earned in battles, contests, and odd jobs he could get in cities.

Putting his arms over his head, the human stretched out with a groan, his back giving a couple small pops. "It sure is a nice day, isn't it, Zeke?" The plant creature next to him nodded and waddled along, his eyes partially closed as he just enjoyed the sun that was filtering through the leaves. Under the cover of the trees, the strong sunlight was reduced to a pleasant warmth that heated up his clothing and caressed his skin. Smiling, he stuffed a hand into his pocket and continued to walk aimlessly through the forest. Matt didn't have any place in particular to be, or that he wanted to be, at the moment so why not just enjoy himself?

As he was walking, a flash of red and blond caught his eye and made the human pause for a second. Moving slowly, he wound his way through the undergrowth and approached a clearing. In the middle of the glade lay what looked like an Arcanine. Kneeling behind a bush, he adjusted his glasses and kept covert watch on the figure's back as it lay in the sun. "Must be a person in a suit." Zeke poked his head out of the brush as well, watching with a curious noise. The figure in the clearing slowly rolled over and that's when Matt realized that it wasn't a suit. It was the biggest Arcanine he had ever seen in his life, but something about it looked off. Leaning over, he tapped his Ivysaur friend with a finger then nodded at the figure, "Go use some Sleep Powder on that, okay buddy?"

Zeke nodded and waddled out into the clearing slowly. The Arcanine stirred as the Ivysaur got closer and sat up, blinking at the blue/green Pokemon with orange eyes. The smaller creature looked up and seemed to grin before the flower on his back began to wiggle. Matt watched as the pollen came out of the flower, making sure to cover his mouth with a handkerchief. The dust filled the air quickly, making the Arcanine stand up on its hind legs and gasp as the powder hit its nose. It managed to take a step away before its legs collapsed, bringing it down to the soft grass with a thud. Waiting a moment for the pollen to settle down, Matt got up and rushed over to the unconscious creature.

Rolling the Arcanine onto its back, he saw that it wasn't a normal breed of Pokemon, instead it had a body almost like a human. Instantly, his mind flashed to some drawings he had seen online of 'anthro' characters that were part of some fandom. Was this creature a step in evolution, a genetic experiment, a possible cross breed of human and Pokemon? Well, all that mattered was that it was obviously female and that it was damn sexy. He could see that she had four breasts, two under that blond ruff of fur on her chest and two a little lower down, and a slit surrounded by a small area of bare flesh. Grabbing a spare Great Ball from his belt, he tapped the button and dropped it onto the slumbering figure. Red light flashed through the clearing before the fire dog vanished into the ball. Matt breathed a sigh of relief as that actually worked on the creature. "Good work, Zeke." Reaching back, he fished out a treat and handed it to the Ivysaur. Zeke grabbed it with a vine and gulped it down, munching happily as Matt put the creature back into its ball. Now he had somewhere he wanted to be, and he wanted to get there quickly.

Perhaps just an hour or two later, the human got off his bicycle and walked it into a clearing that he had been heading for. He had found this place ages ago and, as far as he could tell, no one else used or even seemed to know about it. Setting his backpack down and leaning it against a tree, he began to gather some firewood for camp. He wasn't going to light it just yet, but he didn't want to be interrupted from looking at his newest Pokemon by having to gather wood later. Within just a couple minutes, he was back in the clearing with a pile of wood next to his bike and pack. Taking a slow breath, he pulled out the ball holding the unusual creature and tapped the button to release it.

A light shot from the sphere and struck the ground, spreading out like water before it took shape. When the brightness faded it left behind the Arcanine, still sleeping, on the ground. Zeke's pollen was powerful and she should be out until something woke her up. He might be able to move her some, but he should still be careful so he didn't have angry canine on his hands. Reaching down, he took off his belt and set the pokeball holder aside before wrapping the leather around her muzzle a couple times and securing it. Slipping his arms under her, he lifted the prone female and moved her so that her back was resting against a tree. Reaching past her, he reached into his pack and fished out a coil of rope. As he straddled her body and began to wind the rope around the tree trunk, Matt could feel his erection straining against his pants. Reaching down, he unzipped his pants and fought with his underwear a moment before sighing happily as his member was released into the air. Of course now, when the female breathed she would puff warm, moist air over his cock. Biting his lip, he grabbed one of her arms and lifted it up. Since she had those patches of long, thick fur around her wrists he wasn't too worried about hurting her with the rope. Raising her other hand, he did the same to it before tying the rope up and checking his knot. Good, she wouldn't be able to use her mouth or claws on him.

Standing up, he moved away a couple steps and began to take off his clothing. It might seem odd for him to tie up the anthro Arcanine, but this was actually something he did with all his Pokemon once he captured them. By mounting them and having some fun with them, he established a relationship with him as the dominate one, and it led to very few nights he slept alone in his bed. Taking off his clothing, he folded them and laid them down next to the backpack. Removing his glasses, Matt set them down on top of his discarded clothing. His body was toned and his skin colored a light bronze from staying outside as much as he did. Looking down, he saw that his dick was the hardest it had ever been, almost hurting him as it begged to be shoved into the fire type's warm snatch and pump its load into her. Reaching down, he touched the eight inch member and gave it a little stroke, "Calm down, you'll have your fun soon."

Moving back around to the front of the female, he lowered himself to the ground and lay partially on his side. Matt's hands moved over her calves, feeling the tone of the muscle under the lush fur. Moving his hands higher, he parted her thighs and held them as his head moved into the valley. With his nose so close to her privates, he could smell the female's musk. It made him think of a smoke house, that nice woody, yet smoky flavor that reminded him of smoked meat. Moving even closer, he prodded her flesh with his tongue and gave it a lick. Her flesh had that same smoky taste to it, making him hunger for more.

Shifting her legs some, Matt reached in alongside his head and used his fingers to spread open the peach-colored labia. The female let out a soft moan as his tongue played with her inner lips and her clitoral hood. Looking up, he smiled as her eyes opened slowly, blinking in confusion as she found herself tied up and the human licking her pussy. While he could see that she was bewildered about the circumstances, there was no denying that she was becoming aroused. Her mound was swelling up as blood rushed to it and moisture was greeting his probing tongue. Like her scent, her juices proclaimed that she was a fire type. Her fem-lube made his tongue tingle and his lips grow warm, almost like a mild hot sauce. Moving one of his hands up, he pushed her chest ruff aside and let his hand cup one of the Arcanine's breasts. His fingers quickly found her nipple was hard, like a small pebble, and greeting his fingers.

Pulling his head away, he could tell that she was very turned on right now. Her chest was heaving as she panted for breath, and her eyes glazed over with lust. That was just what he wanted to see. Sitting up, he put her thighs over his and moved forward until his penis touched her vulva. The female's hips wiggled, stroking the underside of his shaft with her wet pussy. Shifting back a little, Matt actually had to angle his hips forward some to line his tip up with her entrance, he was that hard. Pushing forward, he couldn't help but gasp as her incredibly hot slit parted around his invading member and squeezed him. Damn she was tight, probably either hadn't been mated in a while or he was her first. Her body arched against his as her hands balled up into fists, a moan slipping through her lips as the male took her. Oh her juices made his length tingle as well, giving a strange but great feeling sensation to the tight and warmth surrounding his member. It didn't matter if the Pokemon was male or female, if he took their maw, ass, or pussy; each one had a different feel to it. Her insides were smooth and soft against his length, yet with a tightness that seemed to demand he takes it hard.

It didn't take much before their crotches were flush against each other's, his pubic hair rubbing the soft, short hair around her private. Looking into her eyes he spoke slowly, "I am your trainer, I caught you in a pokeball earlier. If I take off the belt will you promise not to bite me?" He knew that most Pokemon, even ones born and raised in the wild seemed to understand English; and this one was no exception. Her head nodded quickly and held still as he took the belt off her muzzle. The female let out a gasp as she gulped in air. Pulling his hips back a little, the human gave a short thrust and smiled as she barked out in pleasure. "I am Matt, you can call me that or Master."

The female moaned at him, her hips rolling; "Rrrr, Masterrr?" Her speech was rough and her R's pulled out into a growling sound, but something about hearing her ask for more made him want to fuck her senseless. Her legs wrapped around his waist, holding her body up as his hands move to press against her spine.

He groaned at how tight and warm her tunnel was as it hugged his length. If he hadn't had sex with several other fire types, he would have probably busted a nut already. The only Pokemon he had been with that had been hotter and tighter had been his Charmeleon. "I'm going to fuck you hard, Ember." He wasn't sure why he called her Ember, but it seemed a fitting name for the female.

She seemed to like it as well, barking out; "Masterrrr, fuck!"

Pushing his bare body against hers, he quickly began to fuck the female, his cock slipping inside of her wet snatch. The female whined and moaned, pushing against him as her breaths came in short pants. The way she moved, the noises she made, and the way she looked at him, it was all begging for him to use her body. Clenching his teeth, Matt gave his best growl as his body pumped against hers quicker. Her head fell back against her arms as her body was pounded into the tree. Leaning his head in, he pushed her chest ruff aside with a hand and ran his tongue over her nipple. Giving it a bite, he smiled as she gasped and arched her back, presenting her mounds to him.

Her muzzle hung open as she panted in sheer bliss as she was fucked. Her hands balled up into fists and she tugged at her binds, using them to push her body against her trainer's thrusts. He could tell by looking at her that having his dick stuffed inside of her vagina, feeling him using her body for his own pleasure was turning her own. As their forms pushed against each other, Matt found himself wondering the extent he could push her body to and still get her to beg for more. Lifting his gaze up, he looked into her eyes and saw the pure lust that the bound female had for him. Right then and there that the female was giving her body to him completely and without question. She would be his loyal bitch.

Pushing harder against her, he felt his gut starting to tighten up as his breathes came in short gulps of air. For a moment his thrusts grew erratic before he shoved in one last time. Throwing his head back, he yelled his pleasure to the sky as his cock pulsed and released his spunk into her. Ember's muzzle lifted up and she let out a howl, hitting her peak moments after he did. Gritting his teeth, he hissed as she clenched around him even tighter, milking his length for every drop of seed it could get from his balls. Her orgasming tunnel felt incredible, growing tighter around his length as it stroked him with its soft muscles. Coming down from his orgasmic high, he felt a shiver travel up his body. Looking at her, he smiled as the Arcanine leaned up and licked his lips happily. Reaching around, he grabbed a handful of her hair and pulled her into a kiss. His tongue came out of his lips to rub hers, tasting her mouth for the first time.

After just a moment, he broke the kiss and reached up to untie her. Ember shifted her weight forward onto his lap as her hands came free, wrapping her arms around his neck. Behind the female, her tail was wagging wildly as she looked at him with that smile only a dog has. Leaning in, the human nuzzled into her fur and just enjoyed the feeling of the thick, soft hair. She smelled of the woods, dirt, and sex. He smiled at her and gave her rear a pinch, "Why get some of that wood and start a fire? I'll see about some food." Her ears perked up and she leapt off his lap with a cry of 'food' before scampering over to the wood. Matt chuckled and reached for his bag, pulling out a collapsible fishing pole and a multi-tool. There was a river just beyond the trees, and it wouldn't be hard to catch a couple fish for dinner. While they cooked, maybe he could begin training Ember some more.

Sitting on the bank of the river with the rod in his hands, he began to think about how lucky he was. Ember seemed perfectly happy, despite the fact that she had woke up, bound, with him getting ready to fuck her. He had never owned an Arcanine or Growlithe, but had always heard about how they attached themselves to their owners and would be loyal forever. Then there was the fact that not only was she anthro, somehow, but she was a sexy female as well. He had been with his share of humans and Pokemon, but so far she had been the second best lay he'd ever had. Although, he still wasn't sure if he just dreamt that encounter with Mew, or if it had been real. Then finally, there was the fact that she seemed to have some intelligence to her since she had picked up a few words already. Truth be told, it would take some time for him to figure out if she could learn the meaning of the words, or if she was just parroting him. Rolling his shoulders in a shrug, he pulled on the pole as something tugged on his line. Reeling in the fish, he thought to himself that he could just figure that out later.


It was a week later when Matt walked into a store, humming happily to himself as he picked up a basket and began to gather some food and drink from the shelves. He had come to a little town a couple days after he found Ember and decided to rent a little cottage just outside of the town proper so he could train her some more. She had made remarkable progress when it came to speaking, but still had trouble with some sounds. She did okay learning from just listening to him. But by getting her some basic picture books (rented from a library) and letting her watch TV; she seemed to be learning a lot faster. It also served to amuse her while he was out doing odd jobs or shopping.

Crouching in an isle, he looked over the noodles that the small store had. Language wasn't the only thing she was picking up quickly. It had only taken her using the bathroom on the floor once, which he rubbed her nose in, for her to learn that the place for that was the bathroom. Picking up a couple packs of dried noodles, he smiled as he stood up and headed for the register. Of course, there were a few other things she had been learning from him over the last week. Each new lesson, trick, or challenge he threw at her seemed to encourage the Arcanine and drive her to do better. All to please her Master Matt, what a good girl.

Putting his basket on the counter, he smiled at the guy behind the counter. "Hey Josh, how's it going today?"

The guy behind the counter looked up from a magazine and smiled, "Hey Matt, going good today. I got that collar for you today. It's in the back room, come on." Putting down the magazine, Josh stood up and lead the way to the back of the store. Like any other shop, the back room held most of the extra merchandise that wasn't on the shelves. Following the shop keeper to the back, Matt followed him through another door and into the basement under the store. This was the main reason he had decided to come to this town and find a little cabin. Josh's store not only stocked most of the things he'd need for food and such, the basement held an array of other necessities. Walking over to a low bondage bench, he ran his hand over it and imagined the things he could do with it.

A moment later, Josh came back with the collar to see Matt staring at the bondage gear. "Nice isn't it? The arms and restraints can be changed to accommodate almost any Pokemon up to the size of a Charizard." He smiled as he heard his friend let out a longing sigh. "Did I mention that some of my friends have adapted the technology in pokeballs to hold things like this?" He grinned as Matt spun around and shot him a surprised look. Reaching down, he picked up a black sphere and tapped a button. The bench was engulfed in a red light before shooting into the sphere. "Compact for traveling size."

Nearly an hour later, Matt walked out of the store with a couple brown bags in his arms and his wallet much lighter. While he did feel a little ashamed at having spent a large chunk of his hard-earned money, he knew that he would get a lot of use out of the things he had bought. Just thinking of what he could do to not only Ember, but the rest of his Pokemon with the gear made his dick stiffen inside of his pants. Smiling, he put the bags onto the racks over his rear tire before mounting his bike. It might be his imagination, but the day seemed a lot brighter as he pedaled towards his cabin and the waiting Ember. As he rode through the streets, he found his thoughts straying to the compacted orbs that held his expensive purchases. He knew exactly how he was going to break in some of the new things.

Pulling up outside of the A-frame cabin, he pulled the bike into a lean-to and picked up the bags before heading to the front door. It wasn't much of a cabin, just a little kitchen, living room, and bathroom on the ground floor. The upstairs was devoted to the bedroom but still only had enough room for the king-sized bed and a few chests. Opening it up, he called out, "I'm back," and kicked the door shut behind him.

Ember bounded down the steps with her tail wagging behind her, hopping from foot to foot; "Master, you're back! I missed you so much, it seemed like you were gone forever!"

He chuckled and put one of the bags down on the counter before pointing, "Sit." The Arcanine female skipped over to the chair he pointed at and sat down, her tail thumping against the arm rest. Taking his time, he put away the food and smiled as he sat the bag with all the toys aside. He fished out at small package that was wrapped up. Walking over towards the waiting female, he saw that she was more than a little excited. Between her legs, the female's pussy was already a little wet, moisture gathering on the soft fur and bare lips around the opening.

He wiggled the package, "I have a present for you, Ember." She started to reach for it, but stopped short when he moved his hand back; "However, you need to do something for me before I let you have it." Her muzzle turned into a wide grin and watched as Matt moved to sit on the little couch. Ember leapt from the chair to the couch and pressed up against him with a low murr. Setting the wrapped present down next to him, he let Ember do as she wanted to bribe him into giving her the present.

She reached down and gripped his belt, tugging on it some before getting it undone and pulling it away. Ember tossed it to the side and moved her attention to his pants, fumbling with the button some. It didn't take too long before she got the top button open and unzipped his pants all the way. His lip curled up into a smile as he looked at her; so that's why his pants had been on the floor, she had been practicing. Her furred hand reached into his pants and pushed his underwear. Quickly the warm paw curled around his cock and fished it out. Moving his arm to rest on the back of the couch, he allowed the female full access to his crotch. Her head ducked down so she could sniff at his tip, seeming mesmerized by his scent.

His eyes drifted closed, enjoying the feeling of her warm breath washing over his crotch with each of her breathes. Her hand slipped down to cup his sac, rubbing it gently as her palm propped up his cock. Drawing closer, she flicked her tongue over his tip a few times, making him gasp. The feeling of that velvet muscle caressing his glans was so good. Lifting her head away, Ember moved around so that she was kneeling between his legs. Looking up at him, she murred, "Master, up a second?" He looked at her and nodded, lifting his rear up some. Grabbing onto his waistband, she pulled his pants down around his ankles. He wiggled his feet, working his shoes and pants off. She helped him undress his lower half, moving the clothing away and tossing it aside before pushing her fuzzy body between his legs.

Gripping his shaft with one hand, Ember almost seemed to purr as she lowered her maw over his cock. Moaning, he reached down and began to scratch the top of her head as the female took him into her maw. Over the last week, he had taught her a few things that he could. There were a few things that most people that did what he did knew, and one thing was that sharp teeth and certain body parts didn't mix. Under his tutelage, and watching porno videos while he was either out, busy or sleeping, she was on her way to becoming a good bitch for her master.

She couldn't really suck on his tip since her lips weren't designed for that, but she did possess a long muzzle and a very good tongue. Bobbing her head up and down, Ember let his erect cock slide between her canines as her tongue pressed him against the roof of her mouth. Closing her eyes, she moaned as one hand rested on his thigh, the other stroking his cock. Her head moved up and down, playing with the tip of his member. Curling her tongue around his length, hugging it like a warm bun holding a hot dog, she used it to create a different sensation on his length. Letting out a soft moan, he closed his eyes and let his fingers run through the female's hair as she tended to him. Unlike when he was fucking her silly, he wasn't trying to last longer just to hear her scream out his name and howl.

Holding his cock into her maw, Ember pushed her nose into his crotch and licked over his member faster. He could feel her teeth just barely rubbing against his cock, providing an erotic contrast to her silken tongue. Then it happened all too soon, his body tensed up and Matt called out as he pushed her head into his crotch. The Arcanine bitch cupped her tongue around his cock and gulped down each spurt of his seed as it was fired into her maw. Her tail was swagging up a storm as she tasted her Master's salty essence splatter on her tongue. As his member pulsed under her tongue, the female uttered a low moan and wiggled, lapping up every drop. This was more than enough of a treat for her, but he had said he had something else for her too, this day was great! Once he finished unloading in her maw, Ember swallowed to get every drop before crawling up his legs and snuggling into his lap with a murr. He put his arms around her waist and smiled at the female happily. "Who is my good bitch?"

Her tail waved behind her as the female barked, "I am, Master!"

Smiling, he picked up the box and handed it to her, "That is why you are getting this, so everyone knows that." Her orange eyes sparkled as the female took the box and shredded the paper, littering the area with shreds of brown wrapping. Grabbing the box, she opened it and tilted her head at the collar before leaning in to sniff it. Matt picked it out of the container and held it up for her to see the gold plated tag. "It says, Master Matt's Loyal Bitch, Ember." Looking at her, he leaned in and gave her nose a lick, "Lift up your hair." She grinned, her tail waving faster as she did as he requested. Putting the collar around her neck, he worked it around through her hair before securing it. She wiggled against his body, and that was when the human noticed something warm and wet against his crotch. Looking down, he saw that her pussy was swollen, the lips pulled back a little and the fur around it covered in moisture. "It looks like someone is horny." He smiled as she barked and nodded, "Go into the bathroom and make sure you don't have to do anything. Then, go upstairs get on the bed on all fours and wait for me." Matt laughed as the anthro female scampered off, her claws scratching against the wood as she charged into the bathroom. Standing up, he took off the rest of his clothing and dropped them onto a vacant chair, only keeping his glasses on right now. A flush and the sound of claws on wood made him look towards the stairs in time to see her run up the stairs and vanish into the bedroom.

Chuckling, he made a little detour to pick up the bag filled with goodies that had had bought at the store before following her. The stairs led right into the bedroom and gave Matt a perfect view of Ember as she knelt on her hands and knees on the large bed. When she saw him, the female dropped her front to the bedding and let out a happy whine as her tail waved above her. The look in her eyes and the way she was posed, showing off that soaked pussy of hers, it all made him want to drop the bag and just pound her until he passed out. But he had to restrain himself this time, because now he was going to restrain her. "Are you ready for some fun?" Her head nodded quickly before her mouth opened and her tongue rolled out in a pant, giving him a grin that only canines are capable of. Crossing the distance, he sat the bag on the floor and reached down to rub her rear, two fingers playing with her slit. "Do you trust me?"

Her eyes closed as the female let out a soft moan, pushing her hips back against his hand; "Yes, Ember trusts her Master very much."

He smiled at her, "Good, now be still for Master and he'll make you feel very good." She smiled at him and waited, panting as she watched her human master pull out several of those little things that he called pokeballs and set them on the mattress. Moving to sit behind her, he picked up one of the balls and opened it. The light flashed and a second later he was holding a bar about three foot long with a metal ring on each end. From another ball he produced a selection of cuffs and straps, all folded neatly. Ember turned her head to look back at him, her nose twitching as she smelled the new metal and leather. She began to turn around and earned herself a little pop on the backside, making her yelp. "You can look and smell, but don't you turn around." She gave a little whimper, but just knelt there and waited.

With a smile, he placed the bar against the back of hers knees, letting it rest there. Taking one of her hands, he pulled it to her side and put wide cuff around her wrist. They were secured with Velcro and had a little carabiner clip on them, which he hooked to one of the rings. Taking her other wrist, he repeated the procedure and smiled. As he thought about what to do next, the human noticed something very interesting. If she was soaked before, the female was dripping now. Reaching up, he traced his finger over the bare area that surrounded her open petals, smiling as Ember let out a moan and wiggled her rear some.

With a smile, he moved his finger down and began to play with her swollen, hard clit. She gasped and pushed her hips back, but couldn't move too much because of the spreader bar. Reaching around, Matt's other hand pushed her chest ruff away and his fingers found one of her nipples, pinching the round of flesh. It was strange to have sex with a female that had four breasts, but he definitely enjoyed it. In the last week, he had plenty of fun with her mammaries. If he had to guess he would say that the top pair were at least C-cups and the lower pair were small B's. His hand shifted to cup one of her lower breasts as he pumped two fingers inside of her pussy. As he fingers her, Ember's hips pushed back into his hand as she moaned. His thumb rubbed over her tailhole and he got an idea. Sitting up, he looked at her rear and found himself staring at a soaked snatch and her tightly closed rosebud.

Just the thought of claiming that unused hole made his already hard cock throb, as if begging him to do it. Resting his hand on her rear, Matt pushed a finger into her slit before pulling it out and tracing upwards to circle her tailhole. A gasp and little stiffening was her only response as he played with her rear, but she quickly relaxed, knowing her master would never hurt her. With a little pressure, his lubricated finger slid into her hole up to his second knuckle. The ring of muscle tightened around his finger as he wiggled it. "Does Ember like being tied up by Master?" A soft moan, a nod, and a little tail wag told him that she was definitely enjoying it. "Good girl, just relax because Master is going to try something else too." Removing his digit from her rear, he reached down into the bag and pulled out a bottle of lube. He had used up the last of his supply a few days ago while teaching her how to give him a handjob.

Popping the lid off, he poured the liquid onto his member, hissing a little at its icy touch. Smearing the lubrication over his shaft, he got it all over one of his hands in the process. Moving up behind Ember, he smeared more of the stuff across her tailhole, making the red pucker glisten in the light. Shifting his body forward, he positioned himself at her anal entrance and hesitated. This was the make or break moment. Easing forward slowly, he watched as his rounded tip spread her open as it moved in deeper. Her sphincter was like a tight pair of lips around his member, and the passage beyond was welcoming. She let out a low whine as his slick member pushed into her ass, but quieted as his hand reached down to scratch her between the ears. "Shh, just relax and it'll be okay."

Holding onto her hips, he slowly guided his member into her virgin ass until his entire length was buried inside of her. Pulling back a little, he thrust forward, his body slapping against hers. It was definitely different from taking her pussy or her maw, but by doing this he felt that it would symbolize that she completely belonged to him. His next thrust almost pulled his member out completely before he slammed it in again. Ember let out a yelp as he pushed in, but when he stopped the Arcanine looked back and panted; "No stop, Master, fuck Ember like the bitch she is." That made him smile as she said that and looked at him with that lust-filled gaze.

Pulling his hand back, he slapped her ass and gave another thrust, drawing another yelp from her. "Ugh, that's it, take it like the Pokebitch you are!" Leaning his body over hers, he began to thrust hard into her body. Ember continued to yelp with each forceful insertion, but he could feel her tail brushing against his belly as she wagged it. Resting his weight on one hand, he reached under her and began to play with her nipples again, tugging on the pebble-hard nubs. Every time he would squeeze one of them, he could feel her ring tighten a little around the invader and a gasp would escape her muzzle. The trainer wasn't sure what it was about it, whether it was her expression, the fact that he was taking her last unused hole, the bondage, or a combination of everything; but he had never been more aroused in his life.

Matt's breathing picked up the pace as his glasses slid down his nose some before falling off and tumbling to Ember's back before sliding to the bed. He barely noticed that they were gone, it really didn't matter at the moment anyway. At this moment in time, the only thing in the universe that existed or mattered was the Arcanine he was buried balls-deep inside of. He could feel her chest heaving as she gasped for air, her muzzle emitting sounds of both pleasure and pain as he pounded her ruthlessly. No matter how much it might have been hurting her, he could feel her hips pushing back into his body, as if demanding he get a little rougher. Maybe later he would see how much punishment he could give her, starting a little at a time, but right now there was only one thing that was important.

He could feel her tailhole clenching around his cock as he drew closer to his climax, panting heavily. His hand closed around one of those lower breasts, kneading the soft flesh in his hand. He could tell it wouldn't be much longer, his cock already jerking as it got ready to unload inside of her. His thrusts got hard, but slower as his body grew tense, trembling as if it were a string on an instrument. Under him Ember let out a pleasure-filled howl as her body tensed up, her ass clenching around his dick rhythmically. Slamming in one last time, Matt did his best imitation of a growl as he unloaded inside of her bowels. He felt her shiver under him, pushing back as she took it like the good girl she was.

After a few seconds, he relaxed with a huff and almost collapsed on top of her. A shiver ran along her body before she let out a content sigh and supported him. He wasn't sure how long he was on top of her, but after what felt like forever, he sat up a little. Pulling out was a herculean feat since every motion made him hiss as it worked his overstimulated member. Once he was out, it just took a firm tug to free one of her hands and Ember sat up, releasing her other one. Turning around, she had a huge grin plastered on her face and offered him his glasses. "Ember do good? Master have fun?" Her tail was going about a hundred miles an hour behind her, just a blur as it waved.

He gave a tired laugh and nodded as he took the glasses; "Ember do very good. Get a washcloth to clean me then let's just snuggle some." She barked and bounced from the bed, racing downstairs. With tired fingers, Matt gathered everything back up before putting it away in the storage balls. The spheres, lube, and his glasses all went to one of the side tables. It was then that he noticed the soaked patch on the covers. By the time his girl returned, he was stretched out on the covers. Jumping onto the bed, she began to gently clean him up with the washcloth, her tail still wagging. "Ember, did you cum?" he asked as he glanced between her legs.

Her nod was vigorous, matching her mood; "Oh yes, Ember cum hard." Seeing the question in his eyes, she gave a whine and thought about it a second before barking, "She make Master feel good, which made her feel good. Ember felt so good that she came." Nodding as if that made perfect sense, she hopped of the bed and raced downstairs to put up the wash cloth. When she returned, the Arcanine wiggled up onto the bed and curled against his side. Murring softly, she nuzzled into his neck and sighed happily. Looking at her, Matt found himself smiling as well. It kind of made sense that if she enjoyed pleasing him, that enough would push her to orgasm. Or maybe he should just call those joygasms. A chuckle broke free of his lips, making Ember look up at him curiously. He just shook his head and turned off the light before laying down and pulling her close. The pair fell asleep, their limbs intertwined and her head tucked under his chin._